The Forgotten One

Story by Arthiis on SoFurry

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A Rewrite of the original because I was drunk when I wrote the first time and I didn't enjoy the turn out.

The Adventures of Kyron (Re-Write)

Includes: Male /Male, Bondage, First Time, ball gag, drink, swearwords and other naughty stuff not suitable for kiddies. Please avert your eyes, think of the children!

Kyron awoke from his slumber, curled up in a ball under his thick covers, spooning his spare pillow again, tossing and turning attempting to fall back to sleep to no avail. Fruitlessly and frustrated Kyron attempted to get up, tossed the bedding from his shirtless body, revealing it to the cold atmosphere of his bedroom. A small shiver made Kyron disagree with the thought of leaving the comfort of his bed; nevertheless Kyron swung his legs out and shuffled himself to the edge of the bed.

With a groan and a stretch Kyron rubbed his emerald green eyes to a suitable awakened state, lent back on his arms and flexed his shoulder blades and stretching his folded wings to full length cracking his back and his neck from doing so.

Kyron sighed with relief as he folded his wings closed.

"Ugh" he groaned

"Another bad night's sleep" he mumbled to himself.

Kyron stood from his bed and stretched his arms out to crack his back to no avail yawned and sighed upon exhale. Kyron walked into the bathroom and scratched his pale brown slightly toned chest. Stretching his jaw, Kyron turned on the shower; he removed his boxers and placed his paw upon the shower curtain when a knock came from his front door. Kyron hung his head and sighed with disbelief, turning off the running shower; Kyron grabbed a towel and looked through the peep hole that was in his door to see his neighbour and best friend Tybalt standing at the door, looking a bit nervous. Kyron opened the door to his equine friend.

"Tybalt, what are you doing here at this time?"

"Kyron, you lazy dragon it's past noon, are you going to let me in?"

"Yeah, sure..."

Kyron opened the door and stood behind it trying to hide his half naked body from Tybalt; Tybalt entered the house and walked into the living room. Kyron closed the door and walked into his bedroom, leaving his bedroom door slightly ajar.

"Let me just get some clothes on Tybalt."

"You have to tell me why you are here Tybalt"

"You don't know?"

"I'd know if you told me"

"Jake has invented a new type of beer up at The Lady of Fools; we are the first to give it a taste try."

"That sounds great."

Kyron exited his bedroom fully clothed in a pair of jeans and a short sleeved t-shirt. Tybalt looked at Kyron and licked his maw.

"I can't wait to taste it!"

"Come on then" Kyron suggested as he re-opened the door to let Tybalt out of his house, closing and locking the door behind him. As they walked down the street, Tybalt kept looking over at Kyron and flicking his dark red hair out of his blue eyes, like something was wrong. A growing concern made Kyron curious.

"What, have I got something on my shirt already?"

"It's nothing really, just wondering why you don't use your wings. It sure as hell beats walking everywhere!"

Kyron sighed and averted his eyes.

"We have been through this Tybalt; I don't like how people stare at me in the first place. People don't see dragons very often anymore."

"You shouldn't hide who you are Kyron, you should be proud of who you are."

"Pride only goes so far Tybalt, I am sick and tired of others pointing fingers; 'Mommy what's that?' and 'Dude, your bones are coming out of your wings' Yes I know, It's hereditary"

Kyron shed a tear as his emotions soared.

"Kyron, don't get upset alright? Tell you what; the first round is on me." Tybalt said as he wiped his friends tear from his cheek.

"Heh can the second round be on you as well?" Kyron joked.

They approached The Lady of Fools and 'stumbled' into the pub laughing

"Hey Jake, how are you?"

"Kyron, Tybalt you came! I am so happy. Just wait until you taste this beauty."

Jake walked into the back of the bar and pulled out two unmarked bottles and placed them on top of the bar in front of Kyron and Tybalt.

"Here you go guy's I call it 'The Lady's IPA'"

"IPA sounds nice"

Kyron poured the bottle into an awaiting pint glass smelling the sweet aromas as it's smooth dark brown liquid entered the glass.

"It's a strong one guy's topping nine percent. So be careful yeah?"

Tybalt took the first drink of the beer as a small gesture, lifting it to his maw and took a small sip of the liqueur.

"Wow, Kyron, you have to try this, Jake you fail to disappoint, you fantastic snow leopard."

Kyron took a maw full, a strong bitter taste with hints of blackberries which made the drink taste like Christmas pudding. The drink slid down Kyron's throat nulling his throat as it was drank; slowly warming as it went down.

"Jake this tastes amazing. I can see myself drinking a lot of this stuff."

Jake blushed and scratched the back of his cream white neck

"Thanks guy's, enjoy... I made enough to sink a battleship." He said adjusting his waistcoat, and floated down the bar to serve the bull next to Tybalt.

"So, Tybalt, you are here to make me feel good about myself?"

"I don't really need to do much to do that now do I?"

Kyron drank the pint in a few sharp gulps.

"Wow, this really does hit the spot." Kyron said placing his empty glass upon the bar top.

"You best take it easy Kyron; you know you're not much of a heavy drinker."

"Jake, can we have another round please... Tybalt's buying"

"Oh? Tybalt, are you feeling alright?" Jake replied, sticking his tongue out through his teeth smirking at Tybalt.

"Hey, don't you start. You can easily be made into a pillow." Tybalt teased "You're so fluffy" he gestured fluffing Jake up over the bar.

"Hey, stop calling me fluffy big nose." Jake replied.

Tybalt was in a little shock as Kyron laughed at his reaction, and reached out to high five Jake. With a brief snap, Kyron pulled back his hand and snapped his fingers with a click, then smiled at Tybalt.

"It's not funny Kyron; you have a long snout too."

"You got to admit, that was quick for Jake"

"Hey, I resent that fact" Jake said as he placed two more bottles in front of the pair.

The pair carried on drinking at a fast pace forgetting about the percentage and after the sixth bottle Kyron started to sway upon his raised seat.

"You know Ty... T... Tybalt I... I love you *hic* you sssssexy stallion."

The bar bell rang

"Last orders please"

"Kyron are you drunk?" Tybalt questioned.

"No... No I am fine; I just need to go to the toilet."

Kyron got up from his chair and instantly fell upon the floor hitting his head on a chair and knocking him out.

Kyron awakened dazed and confused, his head pounding like a drum, a thick pulse coming from the front of his head, Kyron could not feel his body as the room span in all directions. Refusing to open his eyes due to this feeling, Kyron tried to move his arm to his head but could not move it.

'Maybe my muscles are shot' he thought to himself.

Laying there for a few moments, Kyron slowly regained feeling in his feet and felt a brisk chill flow between his toes and pads. Flexing his toes and clenching his fist Kyron regained feeling in his hands, arms and legs.

'Ugh finally'

Kyron thought as he attempted to move his arms to no avail, he could feel his legs twitch but they did not move from where he laid. A cold breeze swiftly caressed his body, shocking Kyron enough for him to open his eyes to a darkened room barely being able to see past his chest. Still feeling dazed, Kyron attempted to move his arms flexing really hard to no avail, relaxing at his effort and becoming increasing confused a metallic clink echoed the room as he flexed his muscles. Kyron started to feel a strip around his wrists, ankles and neck.


His muffled shout confirmed his thoughts, Kyron realised that he was bound to a table, spread eagle, as a cold whips of air circulated the room a chill came across his thighs as he then realised that he was bound completely nude.

Kyron tried to move his tail to shield his embarrassment but this was also bound to the table underneath Kyron's body, leaving him completely exposed to the elements. This thought rushed through Kyron's head, which made him start struggling within the bonds, trying to find a little slack to escape. Flexing his muscles and tossing his head from side to side, all doing nothing, Kyron was trapped, and this started to make Kyron feel aroused when suddenly a chuckle broke the sound of Kyron's muffled struggling.

Slowly footsteps approached Kyron

"Mmph!" Kyron shouted as he began to violently tug at his restraints, feeling a hand upon his chest made Kyron flinch and made him stop struggling for a bit, Kyron by this point was now semi erect.

The hand trailed down Kyron's stomach, to one side as another hand began to stroke the other. Bracing Kyron's sides they fondled with Kyron's draconic figure. Rubbing his chest the hands slowly trailed down to Kyron's erection and slickened around the thick shaft, and then disappeared. Kyron let out a whimper, which surprised him, surly he wasn't enjoying this? Wriggling in his bonds he tried to reach his erection with his paw getting frustrated that he could not move. Slowly Kyron felt a hot breath upon his shaft, followed by a slickened wet feeling trailing up his shaft to the tip making Kyron shudder, his thoughts now clouded with the thought that someone else was actually touching him made more aroused as his cock started to throw and tingle to full length.

A warm sensation covered his erection, as something pressed against the base slowly rising and falling every time it raised he felt his cock exposed to the cold outside. Whoever it was, he wasn't missing a detail what felt like a tongue wrapping around his cock head, roughly a hand grasped Kyron's balls and gave them a quick fondle before both the mouth and paw removed themselves.

Kyron whimpered again, even though this was the first time someone else had touched him in this way, he was really starting to enjoy it.

"You're going to enjoy this Kyron; I'll make sure of it."

'Was that Tybalt's voice' Kyron thought, his mind was now a distant blur of excitement and panic as the thought of his friend touching him raced through his mind. A distant sound of a squelch threw Kyron's thoughts off charts.

"Mmph?" he questioned through his gag.

A sharp cold feeling was rubbed upon Kyron's asshole, and slowly pressure pressed against his hole.

"Mmph!" Kyron flinched and clinched his fists. Whatever it was being forced into him he tried to keep it out.

"Kyron, don't fight this, relax. You are more wonderful than you think."

'Tybalt' He thought to himself as he relaxed and let the feeling of a large, warm thick object pressed hard against him, slowly he accepted this new feeling. Slowly getting deeper and deeper within Kyron, the feeling started to enhance his experience, making him release some pre upon his stomach. Kyron moaned under his gag, and gasped as the object slowly hit the end and pulled out of him, sending a wave of pleasure through Kyron's body.

"That should do."

With a brief moment, another warm object entered his body, slightly larger than the previous slowly penetrating Kyron and a subtle grunt and gasp filled the room. A hand pressed against Kyron's chest forcing it down as Kyron arched his back to relieve the pressure, slowly the thrusts became ever faster, the figure grunting at every thrust, Kyron moaning in sequence within his gag, pressure grew within the inside of Kyron.

'Is it getting bigger?' he thought to himself groaning in pleasure as his cock finally blew cum over his toned pale chest.

"That was too soon Kyron"

The figure stated as it carried on thrusting faster and faster his balls slapping against Kyron's bound tale, Kyron struggling to get out of the bonds as the size started to hurt his body as the pulse of his cock rippled through his body pressing against him like a piston. The trusts finally came to a sudden energetic thrust that made the assailant moan in climax as the cock flared within Kyron's bowls sending another wave of painful pleasure through Kyron's body making him cum again.

"God that was good"

Kyron sighed as his cock slowly pulsed away with the heartbeat of the throbbing cock inside him. A hand stroked his cock and a hand reached at the back of Kyron's neck and released a catch from behind removing the ball gag from Kyron's mouth. Kyron licked his maw with his black split tongue and stretched his jaw.

"Kyron, I am sorry."

The cock slowly deflated within Kyron

"Tybalt, is that you?"

"Yes, Kyron it is."

Kyron shuddered as Tybalt pulled out of Kyron spilling cum upon the floor.


Tybalt, stroked Kyron on the cheek.

"I wanted to show you how I felt about you."

Tybalt unshackled Kyron's wrists and neck. Kyron sat up and rubbed his wrists. Instantly hugging Tybalt.

"Next time just ask." Kyron stated.

"It's more fun this way."

To be continued.