Pranks Gone Bad 2

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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#2 of Pranks Gone Bad

Deep within a medical waste disposal facility some bored late night staffers had a little plan to liven things up a bit. There usually was not much to do on the graveyard shift and things tend to be a little more lax at this time of the night. Most of the people working here were just happy their manager never managed to find out about the things they did at night. If she ever did then they were all certain they would be out of a job within five minutes. But, she was not here now and the employees of the graveyard shift were in a mischievous mood.

There was a certain kangaroo by the name of Steven that was easily startled. Some of his coworkers knew for a fact that somehow his best friend had managed to drag him out to see some violent slasher flick and he was even jumpier than normal. When Steven had gone off to use the bathroom a mouse named Gavin had dressed up in a nice little costume that was covered in fake blood. Gavin even had a fake butcher knife with him to complete the scene. Three other coworkers had some pretty nice little costumes too. All of them were pretending to be dead and they assumed their positions just before Steven walked around the corner.

Steven walked into the room and Gavin gave him just enough time to take in the scene before popping out of his hiding place. Not only did Steven utter a very high pitched scream as expected, he reared back on his tail and kicked Gavin as hard as he could with his powerful legs. That sent Gavin flying backwards into a stack of boxes. Those boxes then fell over sending their contents spilling all over the floor. One bottle of pills even fell into a loose pocket on Gavin's jacket. Everybody was able to get a good laugh about Steven's scream and Gavin's misfortune, but then they all had to clean up the mess. It was a little annoying but they were all pleased that they were able to get a story out of it.

They had to put in a little over time to clean up the mess and get all of their other duties done. As everyone clocked out they had a good laugh about what had happened and then they all parted ways. They were too tired to do anything else. All of them headed home to get a little rest so they would be able to function throughout the rest of the day. When Gavin got home he threw his lab coat on the floor and heard the bottle of pills fall out of a pocket. Gavin just picked it up, shrugged his shoulders, and left it in the bathroom until he could get around to it in the morning. Then he walked over to his bed with the intent of just undressing, taking a shower, and then going to sleep. The second he touched the bed he forgot about the undressing and showering part of his plans and fell asleep in his work clothes.

Because Gavin slept like a rock he never noticed his roommate, Clint, walk into the house. Clint had been out drinking with friends and was drunk out of his mind. When Clint walked over to Gavin to see if he had anything that could help with the hangover he knew he was going to have when he found that Gavin was out cold. Clint knew that Gavin could sleep through just about anything and he did not fell like putting in the effort that would be required of him to wake Gavin up. So, he just stumbled into the bathroom and started grabbing random bottles.

Clint was at the stage where his judgment was still incredibly poor to put it mildly. He just opened any bottle that he liked the look of and swallowed one or two pills. It did not even cross his mind that he could be making things worse for himself. As it turned out Clint, who was a lion, did not have that much to worry about. Once he swallowed a pill that should have been disposed of it was everybody else that had something to worry about. Clint walked back to his room and collapsed on his bed. Falling to sleep was a pretty easy thing to do since he was half ready to pass out anyways.

Some time later something heavy fell on Gavin's head startling him awake. He jumped out of bed thinking that something was attacking him. It took a few seconds to find what had fallen on him. A section of the ceiling had fallen down and that was when Gavin heard the entire house creaking and groaning. Numerous cracks started to appear in the floor and Gavin ran for the door. The floor splintered in front of Gavin before he could reach the door. By now the house sounded like it was about to collapse and Gavin did not hesitate to jump out of a window. His landing was awkward and he stumbled head first into a tree, knocking himself out.

Gavin passed out just far enough away from his home to keep him alive. There was no one else around to drag him away from the scene of destruction. His only neighbors within a mile of here were on vacation and would not be back for another two days. It was probably a good thing that Gavin and Clint lived in a small town where everybody enjoyed their space and privacy. If they hadn't then things could have been really bad for the surrounding area.

Clint did not notice what was going on. His own growing body was responsible for the destruction of his home. The walls on the back of the house were the first part to succumb to the pressure being applied by Clint's paws. Then his head burst out of the front of the house followed soon after by his arms bursting out the sides of the house. For a little while Clint's body supported that house and made it look as if he were wearing the house as a shirt. As time went on, Clint outgrew the house just as he had done his clothes a long time ago. The only reason Clint's body did not crush his housemate was because of some convenient positioning. Gavin happened to be right in between Clint's pillar like legs and spent the rest of the night in just that position, blissfully unaware of what was going on.

When Clint woke up the next morning he held his head and moaned. His head was pounding too much for him to notice that he could not hear himself moan. The first thing Clint decided that he had to do was find a something to help him with his hangover. There was a little draft and Clint tried to look himself over. That was when he discovered that he could not see a thing and he had to feel around to discover that he was not wearing any clothes. Clint did not remember undressing last night, but that was not too unusual. He did not remember much of anything from the previous night. It was reasonable for Clint to believe that his current state was currently being caused by something he had consumed the previous night. Clint felt another gust of wind against something he should not have felt wind against. When his hands felt what he thought he had felt the wind blowing against, which happened to be his very erect cock, he really began to wonder what he had been eating last night.

"Hey Gavin, are you there?" Clint called out. If someone responded he did not know. He couldn't even hear the sound of his own voice. Fear was starting to combine with Clint's headache and it was making him very irritable. He waited a few seconds for someone to respond to him, but no one did. Since Clint could not see or hear anything around him he wondered if he was really even at home right now. He doubted he was in public since a muscular seven foot tall lion with a thick black mane would not be easy to miss. If he was in town someone like a police officer would have come up to him by now. Clint knows he cannot be inside at the moment since it is a little to warm outside for him to be in his nice air conditioned home. That meant he was either in someone else's home or, even more likely, outside. Clint wondered just how drunk he had to get last night in order to pass out wherever he was now.

Clint started to walk off in search of help just as Gavin was waking up. He had just enough time to notice one of Clint's mammoth paws passing over him before a piece of a tree that had been stuck to the bottom of the massive feline's paw came dislodged. Gavin took yet another blow to the head before he even had time to realize that he was not dreaming. The tree hit him with enough force to knock him out and draw a little blood, but that was pretty much all it did. Overall, Gavin should count himself lucky that he was not stepped on.

There was no way for Clint to tell where he was and he was wandering aimlessly. Clint expected to walk into something eventually but there did not seem to be much of anything around him. The ground beneath his paws did feel a little weird to him, but that did not help to tell him where he was. He did not think he was in the forest though since he would have walked into a tree by now if he was. Then again, he could not be in a city either without somebody doing something about him by now. Clint wondered if he should just sit down and wait for help to come but he just did not like the idea of sitting around nude in the middle of nowhere.

Even though Clint was in a sparsely populated area he did not go unnoticed. A 500 foot tall lion that dominates the landscape is hard to miss. People started calling the authorities to let them know about what they had seen. It was too bad that after a similar incident about a year ago had happened there had been a flood of prank calls related to giant furs about to rampage through a city. After a few weeks and a large sum of money wasted responding to false calls the authorities had just stopped responding to those calls. They only told the callers that they should realize prank calls to the police and other authorities could be considered a crime. Clint started making his way toward a fairly large city without his knowledge and because no one would pay attention to any warnings there was no one around to discourage Clint's approach.

When Clint finally walked to within visual range of the people in the city the police department was flooded with panicked calls. There were so many that the police were finally forced to do some investigating. Needless to say they were surprised and horrified to discover that the calls were not just some elaborate hoax. There city was not prepared to drive off a giant monster and the only military base was about six hours away and that was by flight. The only thing the police could hope to do was start the evacuation of the city before the lion could arrive. And that was impossible since there was no way they were going to evacuate a city of 5 million people in the half hour it would take the enormous feline to reach their city. In fact, it took about half an hour before everyone even acknowledged that there was a danger that required an evacuation. As a result, the only thing trying to evacuate the city did was cause a whole lot of confusion and wound up producing little results.

Clint noticed that the texture of the ground had changed but he still could not tell where he was. There were a lot of small things that seemed to crunch beneath his paws. A few of those things seemed like they were insects to Clint. He began to wonder if he had wandered into some type of weird bug nest. Unbeknownst to Clint, he was causing an unbelievable amount of devastation. Buildings and people were crushed with ease beneath Clint's immeasurable weight. Then there were the buildings that were too tall for even Clint to step over or on. There were a lot of those in a city like this too. Clint just ended up walking through them as if they were made of cardboard and reigned debris down on the helpless bystanders on the ground beneath him.

The city's police tried to form a blockade along Clint's path. They had the most powerful weapons available to the city's police force and when Clint was within firing range they did not hesitate to open fire. Most of the shots glanced harmlessly off of Clint's thick hide, but a few did manage to do at least a little damage. Unfortunately, that damage was only like the stings and bites of insects to Clint. That only confirmed his opinion that he was in some sort of large insect hive. Most of the bites were along his feet so he assumed whatever was bothering him was on the ground. Even though he thought of himself as an invader in their hive Clint did not care much for the way he was being treated by the insects. He tried stomping on the ground in the direction the stinging insects were coming from. The police were only able to stand up the barrage of stomping paws for a few seconds before they either ran away or became little red stains.

When Clint felt the stinging stop he turned to head in a different direction. He did not want to keep walking in the direction those insects had come from in the event there were a lot more of them. As Clint turned he felt his erect cock bash into the side of a hive. The building Clint's member had just devastated now had a gapping hole in it. Occupants had been knocked out of their hiding places and to the street a few hundred feet to the ground. A few were even left perching in a rather precarious position atop Clint's shaft. Those people made the mistake of moving around which ended up frightening Clint. He frantically tried to get those bugs off his cock before they could start biting too. It was a little frustrating trying to get those bugs off his cock for Clint since he was already fully erect and any contact with his member only sent little waves of pleasure coursing through his body. Still, it was better than being the people on Clint's cock. They were either knocked to their deaths, squashed, or squashed then knocked to the ground.

Two people actually managed to tumble down Clint's cock slit. Clint could feel them moving around inside his shaft but he could not get them out. Trying to shake them out did nothing but further arouse him. Then, very much against his will, Clint moaned in pleasure and came all over the city block. Clint was certain the bugs had been shot out of his cock and he was happy they were no longer his problem. He just hoped that no one was around to see this. In fact, there were people around to see him come, thousands in fact. And a couple hundred of them had just been covered in his seed. Clint decided to keep walking but he could not possibly tell that a large group of people had been trapped between him and a sticky pool of his cum. Not knowing what to do many of those people just stood paralyzed in fear as Clint's enormous paw descended on them. There were so many bodies that had been trapped beneath his paw that all of the crushed bodies caused the ground beneath his paw to become extra slick. The end result was that Clint slipped and fell flat on his face. It was like an explosion to people in the streets and a few lesser buildings fell over due to Clint's earth shattering little accident.

With his member fully erect Clint had expected his fall to hurt a little bit more. It felt like his member had actually punched a whole in the ground. Clint could feel little things squirming around the head of his cock. At first he was disgusted, but then he started to notice all those little bugs crawling around his sensitive cock felt pretty good. In his state just about anything would have felt good brushing up against his member. Clint decided to let his cock linger in what he thought was an insect tunnel for a little while longer. It was not like they were biting. What Clint's cock had really punched a whole in was a crowded subway tunnel. The impact of Clint's body striking the ground had caused a couple sections of the tunnel to collapse and the exit was currently being blocked by Clint's body. To make things worse for the people in the tunnel the lights had been knocked and no one could see a thing.

Many people did not know what was going on as they tried to find a way out of the tunnel. The people on the stairs leading to the exit knew that something was blocking their path and they did not care that what was blocking their path felt kind of furry. Other people could not tell what the warm object that had found its way into the subway terminal with them really was. The subway terminal had been crowded with people trying to find a hiding place from the massive lion that had entered their city and people that had just been going about their daily activities. That meant people were being forced against the fleshy object in the middle of the terminal. The terminal began to fill with a musky smell that was familiar to many people, but no one was quite able to place were they had smelled that musky scent before.

It did not take long before the people in the terminal brought on the proper stimulus to make Clint's member start dripping cum. People noticed the small amount of liquid beginning to pool up around the fleshy object in their midst. That was enough to make people realize where they had smelled that musky scent before. It was too late to do anything about it though. Within seconds a wave of cum began to fill the subway terminal. Everyone standing in the terminal was trapped inside of the rapidly flooding terminal and there was nothing they could do about it. Even Clint was surprised by just how much semen he could produce. Whatever was in his system must be the cause of that. When Clint stood back up he could tell that his cum had filled up the whole his shaft had been in. That was just too bad for those bugs.

Clint continued on his search for help. No matter how far he seemed to walk he managed to stay inside of the insect nest. He had never heard of an insect nest so large before, but insects tended to do surprising things. Clint just wished they would get out of his way. He was stepping on so many of them that he knew his paws must be covered with bug guts by now. Then he walked straight into something large and solid. It was the single largest nest or hive Clint had run into yet. Clint was amazed that the hive seemed to be taller than he was. It was not holding up too well to be walked into though. The thing was falling apart and debris was falling onto Clint. He tried to pull out of the building but it wanted to come with him.

The skyscraper that Clint had impaled began to come apart. Only the section that was stuck on Clint's cock managed not to crumble to dust. It was stuck on firmly and Clint tried to force it off. The people stuck inside of that section of the building were not enjoying the little ride they were getting. Little sections of the building were falling away along with a few of the building occupants. Most of the structure still remained though. The pumping motion Clint was using to get the building off was serving to arouse him once more. Clint was starting to get annoyed by his quick reload time. If somebody did find him while something caused him to climax every few seconds he really hoped they did not take a picture of him.

Soon, the occupants of the building also had a reason to curse Clint's reload time. His climax could be felt through what was left of the building. Cum and the buildings occupants came spewing out of every opening in the building as it began to crumble. Clint was happy to have it off his cock and that he could move on. He really hoped no one was around recording this while getting a good laugh about his situation. Clint would have been sorely disappointed to find out that there was a small fleet of news helicopters hovering around him and broadcasting his activities to the entire world.

Then Clint slipped on another group of bugs. This time he was able to catch himself before he fell on his face again. Unfortunately, he fell through something small and brittle as went down on his knees. Clint knew he should get up immediately, but his feline curiosity wanted him to figure out what he had fallen through. His cock was resting on something thin and there was something that seemed odd about it to Clint. If he did not know any better he would say his cock felt like it was resting on a tiny elevated train track, or monorail, or something like that. Clint could not hear the approaching passenger train, but he sure felt it wedge tightly around his member.

The train was derailed and many of the cars could not stay attached to one another and fell to the ground. That was not such a bad thing for them. The fall was short enough to be survivable for many of the people. Things were different for the people in the car still stuck to Clint's shaft. People were sent tumbling down Clint's cock slit again and he could not get the train off fast enough. The people stuck against his cock further stimulated him and his seed came flowing out once again. Camera crews were able to get a rather interesting shot of the car filling up with a viscous fluid before all the windows on it finally burst and anything not nailed down, including passengers, could finally flow out. It was easy enough for Clint to get the train off of him with the lubricant he had just added to it.

After that, Clint finally managed to make his way out of the city. The helicopters circling him tried to follow him but they had been following him for so long that they were running low on fuel. That was a good thing for Clint. He walked a few dozen miles away from the city and passed out before any helicopters could reach him again. Clint started to shrink rapidly once he passed out and woke up at his normal size. Of course, he had no idea where he was when he woke up and he had to wonder why he was resting on a bunch of trees that had been knocked over by something. His erection was gone though and he could see and hear again. That was a relief. It took him a few minutes to find some help in the form of a driver along a road that was willing to pick up a nude hitchhiker. Clint thanked the man and asked why so many new choppers were circling the area. The driver mentioned some crazy story about a giant lion attacking the city and Clint wondered if the man had been willing to pick him up because he had some sort of mental instability.

It was not until Clint got back to his destroyed home that he was able to find out what happened. When the driver had left, Gavin was able to confirm what had happened. Both of them decided to keep things quiet. It was not like anyone would believe them. Besides, they had other things to worry about. They still had a working radio and they found out Gavin was not the only employee that had accidentally brought something home that they should not have. A giant lynx was headed their way and they needed to leave.