Discovery of a Lifetime

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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January 1

It had been an amazing start to the new year. Somehow, a strange creature had appeared out of nowhere. No one was sure where it came from or how it had managed to show up right at the front door of a research facility. The creature was a real enigma. It was a mixture of creatures that should not have been able to crossbreed. The bottom half of its body resembled that of a snow leopard with the exception of its tail. It was long like that of a snow leopard and it was mostly covered in fur. The only exception was the bottom of the tale which was covered in thick scale like plates that looked like they belonged on a reptile of some sort. The top half of its body did resemble a reptile's. It also had four fingers and toes. Nobody voiced the thought that the top half of its body resembled a white scaled dragon, especially with the bat like wings on its back. The creature also appeared to have the beginnings of a lion like mane around its head. That head was not lion like though. It looked more like a wolf's head, pointy ears and all, with the exception of a fur pattern that looked like it belonged to a snow leopard.

The most surprising thing of all was that the creature had a human like body. Even though the creature was only about the size of a regular old kitten that was easy enough to tell. Researchers were quick to get the thing inside and quarantine it. A few quick observations proved that not only did it contain the attributes of multiple species, but it also contained the attributes of multiple genders. The thing was a hermaphrodite and a young one if its age could be accurately judged by its physical appearance. Those quick little observations were not nearly enough to satisfy the researchers. They had many more tests in store for the creature and I was chosen to be one of its keepers for the duration of the tests.

January 20

Not only was it safe to let the creature out of quarantine, it was actually much more "clean" than any human I had ever heard of. The thing was somehow completely germ free. If the creature was carrying anything contagious then we could not detect it. It was also growing at a fairly steady rate. It had already reached the size of a medium sized dog and it was just as affectionate as one too. Everyone had taken a liking to the thing and we had started referring to it as Bazil, which was the name of the head researcher's old cat before it died.

Bazil had a healthy appetite and we discovered that he could eat just about anything. It really surprised me when shi grabbed the pen I was using to record some of my observations and ate it in a few bites. Bazil definitely had one strong jaw and a vicious set of fangs, but shi seemed friendly enough. Hir greatest joy in life looked like it was finding a good lap to curl up in before going to sleep. My lap happened to be Bazil's favorite lap and that made me feel special. Still, there was something about those piercing green wolf like eyes of hir's. There was a sort of timeless quality to them that made hir seem much older than the rest of hir body let on.

February 17

Bazil didn't seem to know when to stop growing. In fact, hir rate of growth seemed to have increased. Shi was already twice my size, but shi was as friendly as ever. At least shi was to me. Bazil did not like others as much as me. Shi was not aggressive towards others, shi just did not seem to acknowledge their presence unless they came bearing food.

Physically, shi did not seem so young anymore. Hir dark mane had grown to a size that any lion would find respectable. I would also say that the male and female portions of hir body were quite well developed by this point. By the looks of some of the personnel in the facility I would say they were a little jealous of hir well endowed features. A decision had been made to construct a secure area within the facility to contain Bazil. Shi may not be that aggressive now, but shi was already large enough to tear a person apart.

It was hard thinking of a place where we could secure hir. We had already tested hir strength on more than one occasion. Shi was hideously strong. Bazil had an athletic build, but shi did not have the build of a bodybuilder. Despite that, we had yet to determine how much weight shi could lift. We only had but so many weights and heavy equipment available to us in the facility and shi could lift all of it with no effort at all.

Hir appetite had expanded as well. Bazil seems to be able to eat anything we gave hir without any trouble at all. We had been concerned about what we were going to feed hir as shi kept growing, but it seemed that anything would do. I should know. Bazil liked for me to sit in hir lap while shi ate now that shi was larger than I was. I was in a perfect position to tell that shi had a very healthy appetite. It was just surprising to me that shi never seemed to get any fatter. The only weight shi gained came from hir ever growing height.

March 15

It was amazing how much Bazil continued to grow. We had to clear out an entire section of the facility as shi grew past the size any land based animal that had ever existed on Earth. Bazil had maintained hir neutral stance towards others, but shi always greeted me with a nice juicy lick. Some nights I had to stay at the facility since Bazil insisted that I sleep in hir lap like shi used to sleep in mine. Nobody wanted to anger hir, so they gave hir what shi wanted. Besides, shi was far too powerful for anybody to keep hir from getting what shi wanted.

Hir physical strength and size were not the only things that came as a surprise. Just a few days ago we found out that needles could no longer penetrate hir skin. Even though Bazil felt exactly the same to me, hir body was getting tougher. Nothing we tried could do the least bit of harm to hir. The other people working in the facility were just happy that they had the blood samples they collected from hir already. As it turns out, hir blood was a miracle cure for just about everything. One drop of blood from hir was able to cure any disease known to man. The samples we had became extremely valuable since it did not look like we were going to be getting any more from hir.

After much discussion, we decided to go public with the discovery of Bazil at the beginning of April. We needed funding to get hir a much larger living area if shi continued to grow like shi was doing. Once people found out what hir blood could do people would probably start throwing money at us. We would probably need some more security though. There was no telling what the crazies would do upon finding out about Bazil. Shi was the discovery of our lifetime, maybe any lifetime, and we had to make sure that nothing happened to mess things up.

March 31

We had been setting up for the big announcement tomorrow when things went terribly wrong. I was sitting in Bazil's lap for hir afternoon feeding when they started carting in hir meal. Feeding something the size of a jumbo jet was no easy task in our present facility and it took a good hour to properly feed Bazil. Most of the personnel stuck around to watch hir eat hir meal. Shi really was an awesome sight to behold. Things changed on this day for some reason.

As Bazil neared the end of hir meal shi picked me up in one hand, stood up, and placed me on hir shoulder. I thought shi just wanted to take me on a walk around hir room. When shi bent down to pick up someone else it seemed like shi had finally decided to make another friend. Bazil brought the man up to hir face and hir tongue emerged from hir mouth. What I had assumed was only going to be a little lick turned into something much more sinister. Hir tongue wrapped around the man and pulled him into hir mouth before anyone could do anything. Then shi started to chew. The sound of bones crunching echoed through the large room as Bazil made quick work of the man.

It was not until shi reached for hir next victim that the screaming started. Bazil did not seem to care that shi was making a meal out of those that had been taking care of hir for the past three months. Shi devoured everyone within reach with as much enthusiasm as shi had been eating the rest of hir meal. Bazil did not even bother to chew many of the tiny morsels shi was tossing into hir mouth. And I was stuck on hir shoulder for the entire morbid feast.

Security tried to rush in to do something. They just tried using a sleeping gas on hir first, but it was pretty much useless against hir. Bazil just continued eating until shi was satisfied. When shi was done, shi sat back down, not paying attention to the guard under hir rump as shi did so. Needless to say, he was crushed by hir immense weight as shi placed me in hir lap again. I was paralyzed with fear at that point. For some reason Bazil not only let me live, shi just started petting me lovingly like shi normally did. When shi noticed I was frightened of hir shi flashed me what must have been meant as a reassuring smile. The sight of hir bloody fangs and the remains of people I had been working with for years stuck in between hir teeth made me want to vomit.

The sound of gunfire drew Bazil's attention and mine. Security guards were still rushing in to try and do something about Bazil. They all had small arms on them and they were all firing away. There was a problem for them. Bullets could not penetrate hir hide any easier than needles could. The only thing the bullets did was attract unwanted attention toward them. Bazil placed me on the ground before getting up and walking over to the security guards.

Seeing the approach of the titanic being before them was too much for a few of the guards and they tried to get out of the room. Bazil darted forward and reached the exit before they did. It only took a single paw for hir to block the exit. The guards just kept shooting in hopes of finding a weak spot on hir huge body. All their efforts accomplished nothing. No, they did show me that Bazil's eyes were just as impervious as hir body. Then Bazil raised a feline like foot paw large enough to crush a car in the air and brought it crashing down on the nearest guard.

A bloody pool formed around Bazil's paw. Hir paw was flat against the steel floor. Unless the guard could survive being compressed into something as thin as a piece of paper then he was definitely dead. Then shi turned hir attention to the next guard. He tried to jump out of the way of Bazil's foot paw, but he was not fast enough. There was a sickening crunch as Bazil crushed another guard as if he were nothing more than an annoying little bug. I curled up in a fetal ball as Bazil continued on with hir extermination of the facilities guards. For the next few minutes I listened to hir stomping around and on the occasional guard. Boom. Boom. Crunch. Boom. Crunch. Crunch.

It was easy enough to tell when shi stepped on a person. I could not bring myself to look around even when I heard the crunching come to an end. All I heard was the thumping of Bazil's large paws as shi approached me. If anything, I curled up in an even tighter ball. I expected to be crushed at any moment, but all I felt was the smooth side of one of Bazil's claws as shi gently stroked my back. It was as if shi was trying to comfort me. I eventually uncurled and looked into Bazil's deep emerald eyes. There was concern in those eyes. Shi must have thought something was wrong with me and shi was trying to make me feel better. I did not even realize that I was crying until Bazil used the tip of a claw to wipe a tear from the side of my cheek.

I had no idea why shi cared so much about me when shi had eaten and crushed so many others right in front of me. Then I discovered that Bazil had different plans for me. Shi grabbed me around my waist and lifted me in front of hir face. For the first time since I had known hir, Bazil gave me kiss. Then shi lowered me to one of hir scaly breasts and started to rub me gently against hir nipple. Shi started to purr with pleasure while I just thanked God that I was still alive. Once hir nipples were erect shi moved me further down hir body. Hir member was in the snow leopard portion of hir body and it was covered in furry sheath. I had never seen Bazil aroused before, but it was obvious that shi was now.

Bazil pressed me against hir emerging member. Hir grip on me was firm, but not painful. Even though I was not a completely willing partner Bazil was treating me like I was. Shi started pumping me up and down along hir member while shi used hir other hand to toy with hir breasts. I could feel hir warm precum start leaking over my head and down my back. If there was something I could have done I would have, but I was afraid that I would upset Bazil. For some reason shi really seemed to like me and I was not willing to do anything to change that. If that meant I was going to be hir little sex toy for now I was willing to live with that because I really liked living. Bazil's pumping did not stop until I felt hir climax. Hir cum shot clear across the room and mixed in with the blood that coated the floor.

Bazil brought me back up to hir mouth and then shi threw me into hir open maw. I thought I was dead for sure this time. Shi rolled me around on hir tongue for a few minutes before spitting me back out. That was when I realized that all of the cum had been licked right off of me. Shi had just given me a little bath. Bazil even blew on me with hir warm breath to help dry me off. Then shi placed me on the floor once more before walking over to a one of the walls in the room. Bazil reached out and stuck a claw into the wall with ease. I watched as shi shredded the wall as if it were just a wet tissue paper.

Before leaving, Bazil flashed me one more smile before forcing hir way through the rest of the facility. I heard screams of terror as shi hunted down anyone that was left here. It took half an hour for me to work up the courage to leave the room I was in. By that time Bazil had done what shi intended to do. There was blood all over the place. Crushed bodies littered the facility, but there were fewer of them than there should be. It appeared that Bazil had done a little snacking on hir way out. I don't know what happened to hir, but I was the only one left alive in the facility.

May 27

It did not take long for me to be discovered by the authorities after Bazil escaped. Shi had destroyed a small town near to my facility before disappearing completely. Despite hir size shi had left very little evidence that it was a giant monster that had destroyed the town. The authorities picked me up a short time later and actually blamed me with the destruction of the town. They accused me and the rest of the now deceased personnel from my facility with conducting illegal experimentations that resulted in the destruction of that town.

When I tried to blame everything on Bazil they thought that I was making it up so that I could get off with an insanity plea. All of our research on Bazil was still intact, but the government was able to bring out an army of stooges that they liked to call scientists to distort our research. By the time they were done butchering our research they had everyone convinced that we had been some sort of crazy cult that had been developing some sort of biological weapon codenamed Bazil. Half the words they used in court did not even exist, but it sounded like they did. That was all a jury and the judge needed to convict me. I received a life sentence much to the joy of everyone in the courtroom as well as all of the members of the media that had condemned me well before the trial had even started.

June 22

The first month of serving out my sentence was not exactly easy for me. As it turns out, crazy cultists were only about a step above pedophiles in prison. It did not help that most of the inmates had heard about what I had to say during the trial. They were constantly making fun of me for it and I knew it was only a matter of time before they started using more than words with me. That's how it always worked in a place like this when you did not have any friends.

My fortune changed on this day. We were all eating breakfast when I thought I felt something shake the ground slightly. Then I saw the prison guards start to become much more active. I could feel the ground keep shaking and I was fairly certain I knew what was causing the ground to quake periodically every few seconds. The rest of the inmates just started to get a little anxious. I was completely terrified. Bazil had decided to show up again and, if the earthquakes I was feeling were caused by hir, shi had been growing since last I saw hir.

The tremors in the ground grew more violent. Little dust clouds fell from the ceiling with every quake. The lights that hung from the ceiling were swaying and causing an odd light show in the cafeteria. That was unsettling enough, but when the tables and chairs started jumping with each tremor I could see that everyone was starting to get scared. These people were dangerous enough when they were calm. I did not want to be around them when they were in the state they were in. The tension in the air was almost palpable and I thought I was about to be in the middle of a riot. Then the tremors stopped.

I thought I heard some yelling from outside the prison. Some of the guards on the walkways above the cafeteria received a message and a confused look crossed their faces. Then a large claw burst through the side of a wall. The walkways were in its path and they did not fair well against getting hit by that claw. They were turned into twisted wrecks and the guards that were on the walkway were either knocked to the cafeteria floor or destroyed by that claw just as easily as the walkway. There was a lot of screaming and people were hiding under tables, but I just stared at the ceiling which was now impaled by an impossibly large claw that I recognized very well.

In one quick motion the ceiling was turn off the prison. That was fairly impressive since there was another floor to the prison that had been torn away with the ceiling. It was even more remarkable to me that the walls were standing. But, the most impressive, and frightening, thing of all was the large wolf like face staring down at me. I was paralyzed as I looked straight into Bazil's large green eyes. Shi just cocked hir head quizzically as if pondering my situation. Then shi dug a claw into the ground right in front of me. There had been a table with prisoners hiding under it where hir claw now resided. Now there were just a few shattered bodies.

Bazil moved hir claw away from me and shattered walls as well as anyone that happened to be in hir way as shi did so. When hir claw had dug a path through the entire prison I realized shi had just created a path of escape for me. I looked at Bazil with dawning understanding and shi just winked at me. Bazil's eyes followed me as I made my way out of the prison. I wondered why nobody was following me until I looked back to see Bazil's hand scooping up the last remnants of those left in the cafeteria. Shi was having a casual snack while I escaped from the prison.

When I finally made it outside I found myself in between two pillar like legs. It was one thing to recognize in my head that Bazil had grown, but now that I was seeing hir size up close I was left speechless. Even though shi was on hir knees at the moment I could tell that shi was at least as tall as a skyscraper. Sunlight glinted off of scales larger than I was and then shi stood up. I had not thought shi could get any more intimidating than shi actually was, but now that shi was towering over me at hir full height I just wanted to find a place to curl up and hide.

Bazil turned around and started walking toward the city the prison was located outside of. Shi just looked at me and gestured to me with one finger. It was one of those follow me gestures. I had never seen hir display that type of intelligence but I followed hir as best I could. It seemed like a good idea to follow the instructions of something so much larger than I was. A single step had me running to keep up with hir. I was not looking forward to having to keep up with hir all the way to the city as I ran by a wall and guard tower that had been knocked over by Bazil. Shi pointed toward the parking lot and I could see what shi wanted me to do. There was a single human body that looked like it had been crushed by a finger. In the remains of that human were a set of keys. Bazil waited for me to pick the keys out of the remains and try them on the car nearest to me. They worked and I had a ride out of there, but it was clear Bazil still wanted me to follow hir. I drove to the city on a road that Bazil was careful not to destroy with those large paws of hers. I never even noticed hir repeatedly bringing hir large tail down on top of the prison, crushing everyone inside.

It was a short drive to the city. No one was on the road with Bazil walking right over it and I was able to drive as fast as the car would go. Even then, I was sure that Bazil was not walking as fast as shi could just to make sure that I kept up with hir. Shi proved me right once we reached the city limits. Bazil sped into the city and its fleeing residents. Shi did not seem to care that hir large paws turned people into paste and caused lesser buildings to crumble beneath hir as shi walked. It appeared that shi just wanted me in the city while shi went on hir rampage. I thought about turning the car around and getting out of here. Then I thought about how Bazil knew how to find me. I did not doubt that shi came to the prison just for me. Now shi wanted me in the city and I was certain shi would know if I left. I did not think it would be a good idea to have something hundreds of feet tall tracking me down to find out why I disobeyed it.

Most of the streets I was traveling along were empty. It was easy to tell where Bazil had been though. There were indentations shaped like paws all over the place. Many of them were filled with bloody human remains. It took a while for me to run across Bazil again. I was surprised how easy it had been to lose hir due to hir size. The city was just so much larger than even shi was. I doubt the people that were currently the center of Bazil's attention cared much about that. It took a little while for me to notice that it was the same time that we used to feed Bazil back at the facility. That was probably why shi was doing so now.

With Bazil's size and hir appetite, it took a lot to feed hir. The meager little pieces of meat that were humans were not much of a meal on their own. That meant that Bazil made sure they disappeared down hir throat by the handful. Hir hands were comparable to the size of a city block and they had plenty of space in them for the thousands of people that filled the city streets. Bazil noticed me staring at hir once just as shi had finished stuffing a handful of people into hir mouth. Shi flashed me a toothy smile and I was able to see a few dozen people squirming in between hir teeth. Then hir lips closed once more and shi swallowed. I shivered at the sight of the lump that descended hir throat.

Bazil did not stop feeding until every human in the street had either found a good place to hide or found themselves in hir belly. Then Bazil just walked off elsewhere. It did not take long for me to find out where shi decided to walk off to. There appeared to be a building where most of the people had decided to remain inside of it. They may have been trying to hide, but it became apparent that Bazil had noticed them. Two paws planted themselves on the opposite side of the building that I was on. I wondered what Bazil planed to do with it until I saw a thick cock head force its way through the building. Pieces of debris and bodies came raining down all around me. I knew that was not the side of the building that I wanted to be on since I had already seen what a climaxing Bazil could do at a much smaller size.

I drove around to where Bazil was and I saw hir doing a spectacular job of humping the building. There were little streaks of red running along hir cock now and I had to wonder how many people had been ground to death when shi thrust herself into the building. Some people were streaming out of the ground floor of the building, but a little adjustment of the position of hir paws would periodically crush those people into concrete that made up the street. The building was falling apart around Bazil as shi finally climaxed. Not only did the building start to crumble, but I heard another building take quite a pounding from the torrent of cum Bazil was shooting into it. Then I saw a large chunk of the building falling on top of me before Bazil's tail moved over me, shielding me from any harm.

When Bazil's tail moved I could see hir smiling down at me. Shi reached for my car and picked it up between two fingers that could have crushed it like a grape. A claw tore the door off the car and then shi shook me out into the palm of hir hand. Bazil then greeted me with a kiss that threatened to suck me into hir mouth and by rubbing hir cheek against me. The thick strands of fur on hir head threatened to sweep me right off hir leathery hand. Satisfied that shi had greeted me properly, Bazil started to walk off elsewhere into the city. The cries of panic seemed distant and much easier to ignore from where I was. I wondered if that had something to do with how shi could kill people so easily. One look at hir impossibly large predatory body told me shi did not need an excuse for hir behavior though.

I did have a good view of the city as Bazil took hir destructive stroll through it. Shi would occasional run hir fingers through an especially tall building. Those buildings might as well have been made of paper to hir. People were swept out of their hiding places in those buildings by hir fingers and they had one very long fall to the ground. The rents in those buildings were occasionally lit up by sparks of electricity that made it seem more like the buildings were bleeding little lightning bolts. Those were the fortunate buildings though. On occasion Bazil would just push a building over with one hand. A huge dust cloud would billow all the way up to hir knees when shi did so and I could not imagine what it was like for the people on the ground. What I was seeing were not random acts of cruel giant. The people on the ground would not be able to see what I saw. Bazil was creating barrier that trapped a good deal of the cities inhabitants inside of it.

Then the military finally stepped in. It did not do any good. Bullets, bombs, and whatever else the military could throw at Bazil bounced harmlessly off of hir invulnerable hide. Bazil closed hir hand around me to protect me from harm as an after thought. I would occasionally hear impacts against hir body through the tons of flesh that separated me from the outside world. Those impacts grew few and far between. I started to get the impression that Bazil was able to handle the military just as easily as shi had the security guards back at the facility. When hir hand opened up again I assumed Bazil had won the battle, if you can call something where one side can't possibly hurt the other a battle.

I could see Bazil had managed to trap what I thought was a majority of the cities population in hir building pen. The first thing Bazil did with all of them was to feed on them once again. I had seen Bazil eat hir own weight in food on many an occasion. It would take a lot of people to fill hir up now that shi was the size of a skyscraper. I would say that it took tens of thousands of people to fill hir up to hir satisfaction. Large lumps of humanity descended hir throat one after the other. The sight made me nauseous and my mind refused to accept what my eyes were seeing. I did not realize I had completely zoned out until Bazil dropped something next to me. It looked like shi had broken into a bakery and given me its contents. Since shi had interrupted my morning meal I was a little hungry right now. I chose to eat just so I would have something to do besides watch hir eat. Fortunately, shi finished hir meal before I did.

Just because shi was finished eating did not mean the people were safe. Bazil must have really liked the way humans felt as they crunched beneath hir paws because shi never seemed to get tired of it as shi crushed those still left alive. I could see the remains of those being crushed start to bubble up in between hir toes staining the white fur there scarlet. After a while I grew emotionally detached from the scene. It seemed like Bazil must have been stomping on people for hours. There were only a few thousand people left from the millions that must have been trapped within the pen. Bazil herded them into a tight group before sitting down and stretching out hir legs with those people trapped in between them. Any surviving buildings that were in the way of hir enormous legs were instantly demolished.

Bazil placed me on hir belly just above hir fur line. I imagined that I could hear the cries of the people inside hir stomach screaming in pain as many of them were digested alive. Those trapped between hir legs were not in a very good position either right now. Shi had freed hir hand up for a good reason. Both hands were used to gather up squirming masses of humanity. One hand cupped around a breast and the other around hir sac. Bazil was much rougher on them than shi had been on me just a few months back. I could hear bones crunching from both directions and screams were silenced in mass as Bazil pleasured hirself.

The hard scales on Bazil's breast were much tougher on the people than the soft fur on hir sheath. All that was left of those people were a red stain. Bazil reached out for another handful of people while hir other hand kept working on hir sac. I could feel it as Bazil started to purr with pleasure. When Bazil had hir handful, shi did not bring them back to hir breast. This time shi stuffed them up a large hole at the base of hir tail. Shi kept doing so until I assumed there was no more space up there. By the number of handfuls shi managed to stuff within hir, I would have to say shi that shi had a lot of room within hir. The next few handfuls were dropped down hir cock slit. When shi did that hir purring intensified and I was unable to stay no my feet as hir body rumbled.

There were only enough people left on the ground for two more handfuls. That was the perfect amount too. The people being used to pleasure Bazil's sac had been turned into pulp by that time and the job was not done yet. Shi used those last few people to pleasure hir seed filled balls as well as the entire length of hir impressive member. I just watched, transfixed by the sight. People squirmed between hir fingers, but were quickly dragged under and crushed against hir cock. Just as I heard the last scream silenced, Bazil climaxed. Those that had been in hir shaft were destroyed by the powerful stream of cum. The normally milky white stream of cum had a slight reddish tint to it that became less red with every burst of cum.

After that was done, Bazil reclined against a still standing skyscraper. It groaned against hir weight but it managed to remain standing. Bazil stretched hir limbs and yawned. Then she moved me from hir scaly belly to the furry part of hir belly before placing hir hand on top of me. I guessed that it was time for us to go to sleep. Even though I did not feel like sleeping, especially with a gore soaked hand right above me, I found that sleep was taking me. All the adrenaline of the day was draining out of my system as I was held in place by hir hand. Bazil's fur was also much more comfortable than I thought it would be. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, alone and sleeping in a bed in an abandoned building. Bazil was nowhere to be seen. None of the rescue teams that entered the city recognized me when they found me. I tried to keep it that way too since I was technically an escaped criminal. As far as anybody knew, I was just one of a handful of survivors from Bazil's attack. People were more concerned about the death toll than looking out for one escaped criminal. When close to three million people end up dead in a single day there is not enough concern for much else.

August 17

I don't know how shi managed to do it, but Bazil had managed to disappear once again. How something the size of a skyscraper disappears without anyone noticing was beyond me. Bazil was already the most spectacular creature I had ever encountered and shi still continued to amaze me. I wished that I could show the world some of the things I had found out about hir to see if that could help with another attack.

Unfortunately, I was on the run from the law at the moment. Someone in the media had noticed my description of Bazil was completely accurate when compared with the footage of Bazil that had been shot in the city. Then that same person in the media also noticed that I was one of the survivors of hir attack since all of the survivors were caught on camera. Nobody thought it was a coincidence that I had survived both attacks by Bazil. Now everybody thought I was responsible for the attacks. I did not want to see what anybody would do to a person they thought was directly responsible for the deaths of three million people. And a lot of those people had families that wanted to make sure I received something much worse than a life or death sentence. I had been forced to live a good distance from any major population center. The area I was in was so isolated I was forced to make my own power generator. It was a miracle that I had been able to get a TV to keep up to date with world events.

September 28

It looks like Bazil was turning hir attacks into something shi planned to do every three months. Bazil had just been spotted a few dozen miles outside of London. How shi managed to get there without anybody noticing had many people scrambling to find out how shi had done so. Either one of hir paws was around three times the size of the city. Military forces had less than three minutes to try and respond to Bazil's appearance. They did manage to scramble a few jets that were not able to do anything against Bazil. Camera's rolled on in London as the underside of Bazil's paw blocked out the sun and lowered onto the city without Bazil ever bothering to look down.

Bazil continued walking on, ignoring whatever any military could attack hir with. At hir size, there was not much anyone could use against hir that they could even hope would cause hir any harm. Shi just moved south through England and crushed anything in hir path. The geography of the country was changed with every step Bazil took. By the time shi made it to the English Channel it looked like the country had been hit by a meteor shower that created paw shaped craters.

Bazil quickly made hir way into northern France around the city of Calais. Well, at least were Calais used to be. A single step brought an end to that city just as easily as it did London. Then Bazil kept walking south and eventually turned Paris into nothing more than a dead ruin. Tours and Bordeaux followed soon after as Bazil made hir way into Spain. Evacuations had been ordered of all cities that appeared to be in hir path by that time. That did not help much. With paws of hir size, it was hard to get out of Bazil's way. A lot of cameramen were able to get some pretty good money shots of the undersides of Bazil's paws before they wound up adding to the growing field of debris that littered them.

I would bet that people all over the world were glued to their television sets as some of the most famous cities in the world were wiped off the face of the Earth. The day had just begun and Bazil had caused so many deaths that they were already comparing hir rampage to World War II. Bazil took a stroll through northern Spain before entering Portugal and circling back around into southern Spain and France once again. Italy was graced with a visit soon after France and it received the same treatment as all the other countries did. Just about every major city in the country was at least partially destroyed by Bazil's brief visit and shi still continued on to Switzerland, clearing a path through the Alps as shi did so. Bazil seemed to make sure hir course insured that Zurich and Geneva were both caught under paw. Then it was on to Germany.

It was there that Bazil finally changed hir behavior a bit. Once shi reached Berlin she finally looked down and finally seemed to acknowledge that there was a city there. That was of no benefit to the city. Bazil got down on hir hands and knees over the still mostly full city. Then, to the horror and disgust of a world wide audience, Bazil's member emerged over the city. As shi gave herself a hand job hir member stiffened. It did not take long for hir to climax. A wave of thick cum shot out of the tip of hir shaft. Hir roar of pleasure could be heard for miles around. Even a tidal wave would have been hard pressed to do what Bazil's seed did to Berlin. The entire city was washed away before the might of hir cum. If there were any survivors left in that milky soup I would be surprised.

Then Bazil moved on. Shi would occasionally tear the odd city right out of the Earth and start munching on it as if it were some type of giant cookie. Berlin was not the only city to receive the cum treatment either. Athens, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Moscow, and Oslo all received similar treatments that day. Things would not end there. Europe was just the only continent shi planed on visiting this day.

October 13

Human civilization was in ruins. Bazil had paid a visit to each continent, except for Antarctica, after Europe. Every major city on Earth had been destroyed. Hundreds of millions were dead and most governments had completely collapsed. I had to admit it was an impressive feat. Not even two world wars had brought the same level of destruction Bazil had just wrought on humanity. And she had done it in a mere six days. No one was worried about me at all anymore. Everyone was too busy trying to survive.

Bazil had disappeared once again. It seemed impossible, but shi had managed to do it. Now everyone lived in fear of hir next appearance. I was personally expecting hir to make another appearance in December. For some reason shi was still keeping me alive. On hir North American visit shi had passed within a few miles of me. Shi looked straight at me and blew me a kiss. Besides that, the only thing she left me with was a paw shaped crater within walking distance of my house. That was actually a pretty good gift too. Most people viewed those paw prints as places of evil and no one came within miles of them. That could also have been because they were afraid of finding the twisted remains of someone they knew within those places of death. It helped me avoid any run ins with people that might know me and still resent me.

Still, I lived in fear of what Bazil would do next. Each attack led to a bigger attack. There was only but so much more shi could do to this world. I felt that the next attack would be hir last.

December 31

It was not hard to miss Bazil on the final day of the year. Shi was visible to more than half the planet. Actually, shi was considerably larger than the planet. Hir large body filled the night sky. Bazil was blocking out my view of the moon as shi filled the heavens. The sun reflected off hir scales in a much more brilliant fashion than it ever did the moons surface. It created a sort of eerie lighting effect that blanketed half the planet. How shi could survive in space was beyond me, but I had seen hir shrug off attacks from nuclear weapons just a few months ago. This did not seem any more spectacular than that.

I could see this was meant as Bazil's final attack on the Earth. Hir erect cock hovered in front of the Earth. Even hir cock slit was so large that the entire planet could have fit inside of it, easily. The entire planet was one climax away from meeting its end. I had no idea whether or not shi planned to spare me this time, but it did not look like it. There was no way of really warning the people on the other side of the planet about what was going to happen. All major communications networks were no longer working after Bazil's last rampage.

It would be easy to imagine that people would be panicking by now. I had kind of been expecting this apocalyptic ending for a while now and had come to accept it. While Bazil started whacking off with a hand far larger than the Earth, I just sat back in a chair and watched. The musky scent of hir arousal somehow traveled across space and blanketed the planet. A drop of pre about four times the size of the planet leaked out of hir cock and floated right past the Earth. It was a fascinating sight, but I was really more surprised that something as large as that and something as large as Bazil were not devastating the Earth by their size alone. From this close to Bazil hir gravitational pull should have been strong enough to cause the Earth to crash into hir. I put that out of my mind. It was not like I had the time to properly research it anymore.

Bazil finally climaxed. The shot of hot white cum came careening toward the Earth. Life on Earth was seconds away from coming to an end. It was hard to compare the destructive power of the stream of cum coming toward us with anything I knew about. I guess an exploding star would be somewhat comparable, but I had never seen a star explode before. It is hard to really accept that there might be anything stronger than what I was seeing bearing down on me. In a single year Bazil had brought humanity to its knees and now shi planned to finish it off, along with all other life on Earth.

I noticed it had started to rain. The rain was oddly colored though. Upon closer inspection I noticed that the rain was really just a bit of seed that had preceded the main wave of cum heading toward the planet. Then the main wave came crashing down on the planet with crushing force. The sound of the creamy substance hitting the planet dwarfed any manmade explosion and it came rushing at me with incredible speed. It had to of been inches away from me when my vision blacked out and I assumed I had died.

That turned out not to be true. I was alive and well. It also appeared that I was hovering over a cum covered Earth. I was actually sitting on top of an immeasurably long claw and being stared at by an eye so large I felt I could get lost in its gaze. For some reason Bazil had spared me once more and shi was keeping me alive in what must have been the vacuum of space. A large silver sphere attached to an even larger ring was hovering close to me and it had a slight opening in it. Bazil placed me in that opening and I found that the sphere was transparent from the inside. There were a wide variety of other creatures in the sphere with me, but there was only one of each kind. The sphere quickly moved toward Bazil's breast and was attached to a single nipple. I found it hard to believe I was inside of a giant nipple ring.

Bazil hovered in front of the Earth for a while. I could see the cum disappearing and I could also see that nothing was left on the planet except for a barren landscape. Bazil moved closer to the planet as if to give me a better view of things. That was when I saw something remarkable. There were a few cum pools left and in those pools I could see new life forms emerging onto the Earth's surface. Bazil's seed really did act like seeds of life when it wasn't pulverizing planets. In a few million years the Earth might just be a world teeming with life once more.


For some reason I found myself able to communicate with all the other inhabitants of Bazil's nipple ring. They were nice enough people and they had all found themselves claimed by Bazil in the same way that I was. It came as a surprise to me that I was not the only one from Earth. There were about three other races that came from Earth as well, even if they had different names for it. It was humbling to have to accept that the primordial soup that life emerged from was really Bazil's seed. No one knew why Bazil decided to keep us, but we all knew we belonged to hir.

Apparently she had a habit of destroying worlds after a year's time. At least that is what the others told me. They also told me that Bazil would occasionally take us out of the ring just to cuddle with us and make sure we were fed off hir milk. That was how she kept everyone alive. Hir milk would keep us all young and healthy for all time and we would get to witness hir little acts of destruction repeated countless times. Each time Bazil would add a new member to our little collective. It was not so bad really. After seeing a few worlds destroyed it is hard to care so much about it anymore. I eventually became good friends with the rest of Bazil's possessions and Bazil hirself was friendly enough, to us at least.