The Stroke

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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So here is a short little piece designed just for a casual fap or whatever. I was just listening to a song and got the idea for this stuck in my head so I just had to write it. So be warned it has the usual mistakes that short little rushed pieces have but I hope you enjoy.


Jon entered the club ready to pick anyone up and get hammered. The lion was oddly sexy, being a thirty something power bottom. He liked the feisty little kittens that came out to the club scene on the weekends.

That's why he was wasting his Friday night at the Squire, because everybody who was anybody would tell you the Squire was the place to be to party. The floor was filled with twenty year olds tripping on Ecstasy with a groove to show off. The best part was they only had one rule; no chicks.

Jon liked the Skinny mother fuckers who liked to strut their stuff, youth and a cocky attitude went a long way to amuse him.

The heat inside was an intense one that reeked of the pheromones of animals that just had to one up each other. The whole place was lit up like some kind of ultra-rock electric light show. Laser's and electric orbs lite the smooth glowing floor. Booths of wasted furs lined the raised edge of the club.

Jon went into the crowd searching for the ultimate catch of the night. He was dressed for the rough and ready, in some cut and faded jeans and an off blue wife beater kind of top. Seas of dance and rhythm swept into him, but for the most part he'd seen it all before.

Then he saw the sassy looking little fucker in the outer left part of the floor. The little black cat with a splash of white across his left eye danced there, without rhythm or style. He danced like he didn't care, and with moves that showed his pompous and fuck it all attitude, and it turned Jon on like nothing else.

Jon got the filling of a kill in his body, knowing he was the one for tonight. As he walked over to the little black cat, some random tubes of lube and water sprayed from the celling; cooling off the partyers and slicking them up for what ever came next.

He reached the cat, and started dancing next to him, and needless to say the cat caught on quick. With a little pounce in his steps the cat grabbed ahold of Jon, grabbing his hands shaking him with the dance of the music.

"Looks like you're the biggest break of the night, you sexy lion." The cat yelled out, over the music of the club.

"You're a winner yourself boy, you move quite well." Jon yelled back at him.

"You want to ditch this scene and go to one of the "back rooms"? The cat said, raising his white eyebrow against his otherwise black coat.

"You've got your number down cat, yeah lets ditch these furs, and I'm Jon by the way." Jon said as he started to leave the black cat following behind him.

The Squire was noted for having some back rooms that were technically storage. That was actually true, they did store things; but they kept things like whips and chains, plugs and belts, beds and sheets in their midst.

"I'm Jango by the way." The black cat told him as they went down the hall that housed all the storage rooms.

Well, Jon thought, Jango might think he's a winner tonight but he'd definitely just another sinner with me.

They found an un-occupied room fairly quickly, it being one of the more toned down ones. The bed dominated the center of the room. It was one of those low hanging circular ones with the sheets that you just know are never going to be the same once you're through with them.

Jango put his left paw forward, pushing his muzzle into Jon's, locking them into a heated kiss. They probed each other's mouths thoroughly. Their tongues lapping over each other, Jango's slipped away for a moment to chew on one of Jon's ears.

With a gentle and firm push Jango toppled Jon and himself onto the bed. Their paws wrapped around each other trying to rip their clothes off. Jon felt Jango's barbed member push on his stomach, coating his fur in a little bit of pre cum.

Jon was busy feeling up Jango's package. Going over his black furry balls, and the throbbing shaft that was resting on his stomach. Jango slid a paw across Jon's back, making him shiver in pleasure. He moaned into Jango's mouth, felling Jango's paws fondle his ass.

Jon broke the tongue action, trailing down the cat's neck and stopping momentarily to such on his nipples a bit. He didn't waste time though, going right for the black cat's cock. He kissed the head of the cat's dick, slowly licking the length feeling up all the little ridges on it.

Jango returned the favor, gently sucking on one of Jon's golden balls, rubbing his shaft up and down just a tiny bit, and teasing him. Jon purred, he liked it right there getting stroked. Jon arched his back as he felt Jango suddenly start to lick at his tailhole. Jon let out a light moan, the invasive tongue rimming away at him. With the new stimulation he went after Jango's maleness with reverie.

Jon felt Jango's thigh muscles start to twitch and knew that he was close, so he backed off. He wanted to feel the little black kitty inside him before the night was over. Jango looked up at him as he stopped his tongue's assault, only to be greeted with another kiss from Jon.

The kiss lasted for just a moment before Jon turned around, furry rump exposed to Jango.

"Come on stud, I want to feel it in me." Jon commanded.

Jango didn't disappoint, and almost before Jon got the last word out, Jango was on top of him, lining up his man-hood to spear Jon with. Without wasting time, he quickly started to thrust into Jon, filling him with his more than adequate cock.

Jango leaned forward onto Jon's back, the two fucking with reverent furry. As Jango was leaning forward Jon reached back and grabbed Jango's ear with his teeth. Heat rose from the friction of their fur as Jango thrust in deeper and deeper.

"Hard you little stud!" Jon whispered into Jango's ear as he bit it.

Jango yipped slightly at the small pain in his ear, but hurried his thrust going deeper with each push. The tiny barbs on Jango's cock tore through Jon with a pleasure full shiver. Jon felt Jango start to tense up again and knew that he would last long especially after the blow job he had received earlier.

"Cum in me, I swear you had better give me all you've got lover-boy." Jon commanded him again, biting down hard on Jango's still trapped ear.

That was all it took for Jango as he went over the edge, his orgasm spilling over his mind as he shot his huge load into Jon's receiving ass. Jon followed Jango over the edge of orgasmic bliss as he felt the hot kitties load shoot into him.

They collapsed into a heap on the bed, and Jon turned his head so that he and Jango were face to face. Jango was panting with the effort of their love, clearly tired and relieved from the pleasure. Jon just reached up and licked the bridge of his nose to his ear, biting it again to say.

"Ready for round two kitty?"

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