HM-11 The Mob Rules

Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#12 of Mysteries Inc

Follow along with the adventures of the California based Mysteries Incorporated "Teen Force" as they have adventures all over the world... all without the use of a Great Dane.

This is a collaboration effort with my sister.

HM-11 The Mob Rules - 10/13/2009

Written By The Writing Team Of Darrel James Vanwinkle & Joanna Leigh Vanwinkle


Following the aftermath of Reginald Hazard's murder in his mansion, Vincent Cabriano's benefactor hires the team to head to the Atlanta, Georgia area to track down the mobsters in that area who did the crime. But when the Arranger joins the team, along with special guests, Inspector Victoria Mackenzie, the Count, and Victor Lane, it's zoot suits, bounty mounties, fang bangs in an all out adventure that the team won't soon forget!

Coming up next on Hazardous Materials!

The funeral of Reginald Hazard brought out more people than anyone would have thought that the rich man had friends thereof. But probably the most noticeable feature at the funeral was the fact that there were a troop of Unikron Warriors carrying the stylistic and polished coffin as if it contained the treasures of the universe within it. In attendance with Cryston Warhorn and Aurora Firebane, dressed in his Unikron sire's official battle armor was Royal Prince Xanel. Standing beside him dressed in similar gear was Victoria Lane, though her armor made her seem more like a sexual Xena than someone to be feared.

But looks can be deceiving, you know.

After the funeral, Xanel addressed the news press. "We are going after my Earthly father's murderers. Unikron justice will be served. I must make them pay for attacking the diplomatic caretaker to the lost son of the Unikron Pantheon. And if anyone gets in my way... no one throughout the afterlife will want to claim them. Now get out of my face."

And with that, he shoved all of the press away from himself as he, Vicky, and his Unikron Warriors departed the cemetery.

At Mikael's San Francisco digs, Lionel had been watching the televised funeral on TV. "Oh no... Xanel is going to need the team to help him stay calm. He has an army of his people with him."

Elsewhere in San Francisco, Andrew had just emerged from the recording studio after recording yet another song when suddenly, a gag went over his nose and mouth... Chloroform vapors soon caused him to lose consciousness and afterward, he was carried out of the building through the rear door.

And what do you want to bet that someone in England will be hearing about this?

Mark was dressed in a black magician's suit for a change. No one knew that he had any BLACK suits at all. He usually only wore white. This was for a special occasion. He was honoring his friend's deceased father, Mr. Hazard.

He was currently sitting outside of the Tracker household with Adam Dalton and Garm. "You mean Reena is actually STAYING HOME with your dad for a change? And he's not suspicious?"

Adam replied, "With my mutant powers developing and Reena wanting to get prim and proper for your wedding, dad is happy to help Reena just so he can get a picture of her in a proper gown for once without her destroying all evidence of said picture. Besides... Garm thought it might be a good outing for me to be able to run around for a while. He gorged every treat I got for him... and then... he walking around like a drunk man. Stumbling and everything. I thought he was going to hurt himself."

Mark giggled. "Liquor treats, were they?"

Adam blushed. "NO!!! They were simply GOURMET!"

New York

The large ornate office looked over the East Side. An antique mahogany desk dominated one side, behind which sat a smartly dressed gentleman. His receptionist had just shown in his newest client when a side door opened and a tall svelte woman strode in purposely.

"Get out," she told the client, not even sparing him a glance.

He looked shocked as he stammered, "B-but, I just..."

She turned to pierce him with her gaze and ordered firmly, "GET OUT."

The client then zoomed out of the office, his legs kicking over his head.

She then turned back to face the man behind the desk. "Mr. Hazard has been murdered," she began, "and you will go and help the Hazardous Materials team find the party responsible and make sure they are sufficiently punished. This is a priority, Arnold," she finished, and then left the room the same way she had came in.

Across town in an underground bar...

Psi-Khan entered and took a seat at the bar. "Give me something strong, Joe," she muttered, sighing. The trip to Canada had been more exhausting than she had thought it would be. On the plus, side, however, Inspector Mackenzie was in Atlanta, Georgia at a law enforcement convention.

As soon as she had her drink in hand, she looked around the bar at the collective of villains who all seemed to be laughing at some private joke.

"I'd never seen him act like that before," the villain known as Gray Vulture chuckled.

An unknown villain agreed, "I still can't believe that he went into her office without permission."

They all laughed again.

"What are you all talking about?" Psi-Khan demanded.

Gray Vulture turned to her, "Oh, Psi-Khan," he acknowledged, still smiling, "I didn't see you come in. You missed it. We were all watching the Hazard funeral on the tele when..."



The funeral of Reginald Hazard brought out more people than anyone would have thought that the rich man had friends thereof. But probably the most noticeable feature at the funeral was the fact that there were a troop of Unikron Warriors carrying the stylistic and polished coffin as if it contained the treasures of the universe within it. In attendance with Cryston Warhorn and Aurora Firebane, dressed in his Unikron sire's official battle armor was Royal Prince Xanel.

"That's really a shame," Drake said, sipping his drink. "Now who's going to help me keep those wild kids in line?"


Standing beside him dressed in similar gear was Victoria Lane, though her armor made her seem more like a sexual Xena than someone to be feared.

Drake's eyes opened wide as he spewed his drink across the bar. "OH SHIT!" he cried. He then raced into Madam Borva's office.

"What are you doing?" she demanded, looking up from the papers she had been working on.

"What do you need done? Got a mission or something? Anything?" he asked, panicked.

"Sorry, I don't have anything pressing at the moment," Borva responded. "Now if you'll excuse me," she looked down.

"How bout that button?" he continued, unfazed. "Do you need to test it out? Go ahead and press it. I'll stand right here," he offered.

Her gaze shot back up to him. "Have you lost your mind? Get out, I'm busy."

Drake attempted to reach across the desk then, "Here, I'll push it, no need for you to bother."

Madam Borva slapped his hand, hard. "What the hell are you trying to pull? Get out," she ordered again.

"Fine," he replied, pouting as he left her office. "I know! I'll go to Germany and claim to be... Dr. Weasel." he declared, rushing out of the bar.


"Are you serious?" she demanded. "He actually tried to push Madam Borva's button?"

All the patrons in the bar were laughing anew at the retelling of the earlier events. Gray Vulture just shrugged, "We know Captain Sparrow didn't get him because she's in Shagri-La doing some kind of work with the Golden Yak. But he didn't come back here so we have no idea where he's at now."

Psi-Khan shook her head, "What an idiot. Well, I hope Kevin gets some rest before he sees the news then. It's been a rough week for both of us."

Las Vegas

"Ok, M.K., I'll work on getting the team here, but I'm not sure how that's going to go over with Xanel in the mood he's in," Vinnie said, shutting off the television. "I'm a bit shocked at his, and Vicky's, appearance. Even more alarming is the number of Unikron warriors he has with him now, but I'll get them here. One way or another," he finished disappearing.

Tracker Mansion

Trina admired the bridesmaid gowns that were arranged on mannequins along one wall of her room. She hoped that the ladies of Hazardous Materials, except Genie, would appreciate the simplicity of the gowns. Her main concern was Reena, but she was going to go ahead and courier the gown to the Dalton ranch. Care of Reena's mother, of course.

The special material that the gowns were made of was able to conform to any body shape or form except for spiritual, hence why Genie wasn't able to be a bridesmaid. Which was really too bad. Trina wondered what Genie might look like in the scarlet gown.

She finished addressing the label and walked out of the mansion to find Mark, Adam, and Garm waiting for her, and the courier van pulling up. She handed the package to the courier, and watched while the van disappeared down the drive. Then she turned to the guys.

"Are you guys ready?" she asked, just as Hel appeared next to Garm.

He was still smiling, and laughing, when he appeared. He scratched Garm behind one massive ear. "How are you guys?" he chuckled.

Trina smiled and rolled her eyes, "It's not that funny Hel."

Washington, D.C.

Kevin was exhausted, but he had learned a lot from his half-sister. She had actually been very pleased to finally get to meet him face to face. Marilyn had also filled him in on some stuff about their father, including photos. Now he just wanted to rest and process all that he had learned. He plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV to see...


Unikron justice will be served. I must make them pay for attacking the diplomatic caretaker to the lost son of the Unikron Pantheon. And if anyone gets in my way... no one throughout the afterlife will want to claim them. Now get out of my face."

And with that, he shoved all of the press away from himself as he, Vicky, and his Unikron Warriors departed the cemetery.

"Oh, no!" he exclaimed, sitting up straight. "Xanel needs me!" And he vanished.

He appeared beside Xanel, Vicky, Cryston, and Aurora. "Xanel," he began, "I'm so sorry I wasn't here."

Vicky frowned, "You'd better back off, Kevin," she warned.

"No. As satisfying as revenge might be, and I'm sure Unikron justice would be slow and final, I think we need to get the team together. Xanel, please," he pleaded, at the same time he sent a mental call to the team, asking them to gather at the Hollywood sign, "let the team help you, that's what friends are for."

Mark said, "I am ready. Adam was telling me about his mutant powers."

Adam smiled at the others, rubbing on Garm's neck. "Because Reena is fire, I seem to be the other three elements: air, earth, and water. I am not sure I understand how it all works out, but I've been trying to think of a really cool code-name. Anyway, if you guys get a mission, you get me and not Reena. She is trying to learn how to be prim and proper for Trina's upcoming wedding."

Lionel appeared in his new golden warlock clothes at the Hollywood sign. He was distraught not just because of the Mikael thing, but now... the record company that was recording Andrew's records called Mikael's home to report Andrew missing.

Xanel growled, as he glanced down at Kevin. Then some recognition in mentality connected in the line of eye contact and... he weakly said, " sorry..." And for the second time in Kevin's life, he had a large friend, albeit in armor this time, huggy and cuddly all over him. The Clingy Unicorn effect.

Cryston sent to Aurora, >~> And this is why the Companion is required. I was sure Xanel was going to kill all life on this planet. He wasn't even acting or talking like himself earlier. <~<

Vinnie was already at the sign. He looked over L.A. as he waited for the others to arrive. He wondered what Kevin would have to say once they arrived. Apparently, they had forgotten that he had told them they had been hired to investigate the assassination. He would remind them after Kevin had had his say.

"What was in the package?" Garm asked Trina as he sat next to Adam.

"That was Reena's dress. I went ahead and sent it out to the ranch. Care of your mother, of course," she said to Adam. "I figured if it was available for her to view, she'd have some inspiration. The dresses are actually quite lovely. And she couldn't torch it if she wanted to," she winked.

"Hm," Hel cocked his head. "Seems like the team is convening at the Hollywood sign. Let's go," he laughed, transporting them.

Even Vicky seemed to relax as the tension left Xanel. She sighed and rolled her shoulders. Funerals were exhausting under normal circumstances, but this had been even more so.

>~> I'm just glad that he finally is here. I was beginning to be concerned that we would have to kill at least one native just to appease his blood lust. <~< Aurora replied.

"Come on, Buddy," Kevin said, comforting his friend, "the team is going to meet us at the sign."

Lionel quietly told Vinnie about Andrew's gone missing status.

Just then, Hel arrived with Mark, Trina, Adam and Garm.

Mark said, "There is Lionel and Vinnie. Strange... I don't see Mikael."

And then, in a whoosh of Unikron transportation, Cryston, Aurora, the troop of Unikron Warriors, along with Xanel, Vicky, and Kevin arrived nearby. The Unikron Warriors fanned out surveying the surrounding area then reported back to Xanel. "All clear." And then then stood guard around the meeting site.

Even though Kevin had calmed him down, Xanel had looks that could kill. He wanted revenge still, but he had paused to listen to Kevin. But there was no telling how long that pause would last.

Vinnie frowned as he listened to Lionel. "We'll have to deal with that later," he replied, turning to the others.

Kevin looked nervous and unsure of how to begin. So he took a deep breath and began.

"I know you want to kill, and destroy, Xanel, but part of you knows that you can't. Despite what you are and where you came from, Earth is your home. Just like, for all intents and purposes, Mr. Hazard was your father. That's why you're so upset," Kevin explained. "But you also know, on some level, that having the team working on finding out who is responsible will reap more results than if you went off with your soldiers destroying everything in your path. And in the end, it wouldn't be satisfying, and you'd feel guilty for destroying your home and any innocent people that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Vinnie stepped forward then and spoke, "The team has been retained to investigate the incident already," he reminded. "If you will all allow me, I'll take us to our client, and he'll give us all the information he has so that we can more efficiently do our part."

Trina shot a surprised look at Mark, "Someone is going to pay us?" she asked.

Mark whispered back, "Well it isn't a first, Trina. Odin paid us too... we just haven't collected yet. Remember our free divine-powered wishes? But I think the team should start advertising our services with a price tag, so if anyone wants to hire us, they have to pay just like a private investigator would get paid. And the more powerful the client, the more they would have to pay. Wishes are top of the line in payment. You really can't ask for more in that case. We'd still do charity cases, but this idea might put a crimp in the god's plans that Genie warned us about a few months ago. They were thinking about hiring Hazardous Materials, remember?"

Lionel said, "I am your Salem witch powers for this trip. Mikael will not be joining us. He is off recruiting for a new apprentice after..." he sniffled. "...he evicted me from our shared room..."

Adam said, "I am the mutant Dalton for this trip. Reena is learning etiquette and trying on dresses and learning to walk in high heels."

Xanel sighed, not being able to deny his Companion, mainly because Kevin spoke the truth. Though Xanel was also mad at the L.A. police for even suspecting that the chauffeur, Reggie, had anything at all to do with Mr. Hazard's murder.

But stranger things were coming soon, and Xanel would be dealing with them when they came.

Xanel glanced over at Vinnie. "Okay. Let's get the party moving, Vinnie. But my troop stay with me. If you say no, then we'll investigate our way." And that generally implied mentally assaulting every brain on the planet without permission... something Psi-Khan would not stand for.

"I actually think it would be best to keep your troop as near as possible," Vinnie remarked, casting a glance over the heavily armored Unikrons. "Gather round all," he instructed, then transported them all to a very lavish office overlooking the Las Vegas Strip.

Vinnie then turned and faced his companions as he stood in front of the golden desk. "Mark, Trina, Lionel, Adam, Xanel, Vicky, Hel, and Kevin," he addressed, "please allow me to introduce you all to Mikky K," he finished with a sweeping motion as he moved to reveal the being sitting behind the desk.

"Is that Mikael?" Trina whispered to Mark, shocked.

Mark whispered back, "Looks like him except for the clothes."

Mikky K was dressed in a black zoot suit with a black gangster's hat that allowed for his ears to protrude through the brims on each side. When he spoke, it was in that Italian accented Godfather type of voice. Elsewise, he appeared to be a Feli-Sapien like Mikael.

"Whispering in my office is a no-no, children. I have good hearing and can hear every word you say. Only mental speech is private here. I am Mikky K, Catfather of Las Vegas. Vinnie's real employer." He winked with a grin. Then he got serious again. "Those hoodlums who killed Reginald Hazard were in my territory without permission. They were after your Moon Dog friend, Andrew Rooks. And no, they were not with the police. They are Atlanta gangsters. Wait a moment, Unikron!" The last directed at Xanel who looked like he was about to teleport. "They don't know your team is coming, but if you simply teleport down there, you'll never catch them. You'll ruin the surprise. Have patience."

Xanel growled lowly. He had indeed been about to teleport to Atlanta Georgia. He was still fueled by anger and revenge.

Mikky K continued. "I don't know who this Mikael child is, but you think I look like him except for my clothes. That's possible, since all Feli-Sapiens sometimes appear to be the same as the next one. But we do have differences." He was looking at Lionel as he said that last part.

Lionel stated, "He isn't Mikael, guys. I know Mikael too well. You can't fool the nose if you are a _real_ cat who deals with gourmet catnip."

Mikky K arched an eye with a smile. "And you are...?"

"I am Lionel Flavelle. Former human who sold my soul to Mikael in order to escape Salem witch hunters and he changed me into a Feli-Sapien and took me on as his apprentice, after time traveling the both of us to this time period. I was his apprentice until recently... when he evicted me from our shared room. He is after a new apprentice now. Which means he is likely off in another time period right now."

Mikky K calmly said, "I see. But had you truly been evicted, Mikael would have asked you to go claim a lair of your own. You still dwell in his lair. If you think he has cut you off, then you finally have the freedom that you have been wanting for years. The only thing keeping you at Mikael's home is you; not him."

Lionel hummed quietly. What Mikky K said seemed to be true. Mikael was finished with him because he was off seeking a new apprentice. Lionel knew that he needed his own lair. And soon. Best move out while Mikael was off in another time or he certainly wouldn't get the chance later if Mikael changed his mind.

Mikky K said, "When your team goes to Atlanta, Georgia... there are a few things you need to keep in mind while there, and at least one place I expect you to go, so you have an excuse for being there aside from why you're really there. To punish those hoodlums. They snuck into my region, caused mayhem, and left, all without paying me the dues that is rightfully mine. I am sure Victoria Lane remembers what happens if you don't pay off the local gangs when you intrude on their home turf..." He was now referring to their trip to Japan. Vicky DID pay off the local gang just to have permission to be there at all.

Vinnie smirked when Mikky K revealed that he actually worked for him. Especially when the shocked and surprised look crossed over many of their faces. He was very proud of the fact that he had managed to keep that little secret from the team for so long. However, they had more important issues at hand, and he sobered as he listened and waited for the team to respond to what they were being told.

Trina's eyes grew wide and then narrowed as she glared at Vinnie. "You sneaky little bastard! You've been working for a mobster all this time? So why take up with us?" she demanded.

"Mikky K and I are always looking to expand our contacts throughout the world," he explained calmly. "Do keep in mind, however, that I have always been sincere in everything I have said and done while with this team."

Kevin wrapped his arms around Xanel and held onto him as tightly as he could, hoping to infuse some calm back into him. "Please," he pleaded, "just hold on."

"Any gangster worth their merit knows the proper rules of territories," Vicky said, ignoring the others and focusing on Mikky K. "There are only a few instances when those rules are disregarded. One is if the outside gang is looking to make a takeover attempt of the territory. Another is if they are recruiting. And, of course, if they are exacting retribution for an offense."

Vicky moved over and placed her hands on Mikky K's desk and leaned toward him.

"So this gang in Atlanta can't know I'm there at all until it's too late, or they'll expect me to pay for passage," she pointed out. "And if I pay them a visit, Xanel will go with me and we will wipe them out. So why even bother with a contact, unless there is something else you want us to investigate?"

Mikky K rapped a horse statue on his desk with a loud thump. "You will not kill them. Were they aliens from another planet... then I would say, sure wipe them out. But they are humans. HUMANS, Victoria. As a matter of fact, there is something I want you to investigate in that area. In addition to your going after the mob down there, checking in with the Wellingtons, and rescuing your friend Andrew.... you are to investigate the Rook family AND locate a briefcase with my initials and insignia upon it, within the Mob's mansion, and bring me that briefcase. They stole it from me a few years ago when we were giving Madame Borva a headache in New York. Now, I want that briefcase back. Vincent... I am sure you will make certain that your team will not directly cause the deaths of these hoodlums, yes?"

Mark mentally spoke to Trina, I changed my mind, Trina... this can't be Mikael at all. He back-talked Vicky and Mikael would never do that.

Lionel said, "I guess we have our instructions. We go check in with the Wellingtons briefly, then we get to remind all of Georgia what Hazardous Materials is all about."

Xanel growled, "Yeah!" He was ALL for it!

Trina was trying not to laugh while attempting to appear calm.

"Wait a damn minute," Vicky demanded, "Just what do you mean rescue Andrew??"

Vinnie shook his head. "We'll discuss it all when after we check in with the Wellingtons. I'll keep you informed," he said to Mikky K, and then transported the team to the Wellington estate just outside of Atlanta.

Estate Wellington

Heavy metal rock was heard playing inside the mansion. And it wasn't recorded music either... it was live and treading on dangerous ground.

_"Offer my blood to demons on white horses, Offer my heart as part of main courses; My soul is yours for small little fee... Take my hand, child, and we'll be free!

Set me free, oh yes! Set me free! Oh bazelbathum, my blood is flowing free! Set me free, oh yes! Set me free! Oh bazelbathum, my blood is flowing free!

Dance hard, sez the devil to virgin foals, Your spirits are free as a part of your soul; Your soul is mine, so here's the fee, Take the money, child, and we'll be free!_

Set me free, oh yes! Set me free! Oh bazelbathum, my blood is flowing free! Set me free, oh yes! Set me free! Oh bazelbathum, my blood is flowing free!

Cleave me, set me free! Slice me, and set me free! Open my heart and the blood within bubble and boil...

Set me free, oh yes! Set me free! Oh bazelbathum, my blood is flowing free! Set me free, oh yes! Set me free! Oh bazelbathum, my blood is flowing free! Set me free, oh yes! Set me free! Oh bazelbathum, my blood is... UHN!

*Solo Refrain*

I am free, oh yes! I am free! Oh bazelbathum, my soul claimed, I am free!

*Group Refrain*

Offer my blood to demons on white horses, Offer my heart as part of main courses; My soul is yours for small little fee... Take my hand, child, and we'll be free!

Set me free, oh yes! Set me free! Oh bazelbathum, my blood is flowing free! Set me free, oh yes! Set me free! Oh bazelbathum, my blood is flowing free!

My! Blood! UHN!!! free..." *Final Electric Guitar Riff*

Then came the applause and wolf-whistles of an audience that was not of this world!

Two adults were then heard talking nearby. It seemed like a heated argument.

"Dammit, I don't know why I allow this... rabble from the bowels of Hades to come into the mansion every time Jerry is playing his music with his band!"

"Now dear... we will allow our son to do whatever he wants to do. You let Carla and Cindy do whatever they want..."

"They are mutants! There's a big difference!"

The sound of flames erupting from eye-sockets is heard. "Now you listen to me, dear... unless you want me to resume my practice of human sacrifices during the solstices, then I suggest you shut your mouth and you let Jerry do whatever he wants! I am NOT going to let you use the old 'They are Mutants' shit as an excuse this time, either! I could just as easily boil your soul with my infernal powers and don't you forget it!"

The sound of fear accompanying a loud GULP is heard. Luckily for the man, another voice interrupted the two.

"Sir, the damned Oscarsons are on Line 2. Can't we send Jerry over and gate them to Hell or something?"

Pause. Apparently a very bad gaze was given. Another scared gulp is heard.

"We are NOT sending Jerry anywhere! Or do you want YOUR soul on my sacrificial table next?"

Mark glanced at Trina and said, "Jerry Wellington... I knew he played rock music... but not... that..."

Lionel hummed. "Jerry's mother is into that sort of thing. She sounds like a nice lady."

Nice? Oh boy...

Xanel growled, "Can we get on with this?"

Adam said, "You really need to chill out, Xanel. Being angry will cause you to make mistakes. Don't make me and Garm spank you so hard that your mom can see the red lash marks glowing in the dark clear across space."

"Erina would have loved that song," Trina mentioned.

"Xanel, please," Kevin implored, while Garm just grinned.

Vicky was checking out the area they had appeared in, which appeared to be a garden patio.

It was then that the group was approached by a pair of females that were identical in every way, except the way they were dressed. One was dressed in provocative, supple red leather from head to toe. Her blond hair pulled back into a pony-tail that allowed her long blond hair to fall down her back. Her sharp blue eyes took in the group with a glace while giving away nothing.

The other lady that approached, while identical in looks, was completely different in dress and demeanor. She was dressed in a soft, flowing red silk pantsuit that managed to show off her curves while still allowing her freedom of movement. Her blond hair fell in soft curls and waves over her shoulders, framing her face. The biggest contrast between her and her twin was her eyes. While her sister's were sharp, cold, and calculating, her eyes were warm, soft, and welcoming.

"Welcome to the Wellington estate," she said with a smile, stopping before the group. "I'm Cindy and this is Carla," she said, indicating the woman beside her.

"Pay no mind to the bickering parentals inside," Carla said seriously. "They're always this way when Jerry is home."

Cindy nodded her agreement. "Please come with us," she invited, indicating that the group should follow them back the way they had come.

Lionel commented as they walked, "I hope you two know who we are and why we're here, cause if you didn't know, you really wouldn't want this team in Georgia at all."

Mark grinned. "He has a very valid point. Hazardous Materials tends to make the locals squeamish when they learn we're in town."

Adam was looking around at the all of the nice decor since he did live on a ranch and this was ritzy in comparison.

Xanel and his troop simply followed quietly, though Xanel was definitely in a brooding state of mind. The first time he got the chance to go hurt one of the hoodlums, he would go. End of story.

Cindy looked back over her shoulder briefly. "We know exactly who you are and why you're here," she said.

Carla chuckled.

"As for making the locals squeamish," Cindy shrugged, "you have yet to meet some of the locals," she finished. Amusement colored her tone.

The twins led them to a house separate from the stately main house. While it was smaller, it was no less opulent and it was extremely spacious inside. Cindy and Carla stood to the side as the entourage entered, allowing them to fill the room.

"For all intents and purposes," Cindy explained, "this is your base of operations. If you need anything it will be provided."

"Within reason," Carla added. "You are guests here so if you get ridiculous, you will be sent packing."

Vicky lifted a brow and glanced at the Unikrons.

Seeming to know what she was thinking Carla smiled, "They won't be able to protect you."

"There's a portfolio on the table with all the information you'll need of the area and the events currently taking place," Cindy continued. "There may be people in the area you want to avoid. There's a few conventions taking place."

Then the twins left Hazardous Materials alone.

Adam then said to Vicky, "What Carla means is that she really doesn't know your true background at all and if she did, she would be begging you for mercy since she would be on the verge of dying and no one in the Wellington family could save her."

Mark grinned. "Um, yeah. We learned that little information during the last outing. And it must have scared her dad because we haven't heard a peep out of him since we returned from Greece."

Just then, Jerry stepped out in front of their group. "We receive guests and you hurry them away from my performance? Shame on you, dear sisters. I know Carla would do something like that, but Cindy... I am appalled. Anyway, I am about to head off and find my girlfriend and the other local Mysteries Inc club members. We're working on a case, you know."

Lionel smiled, "We're members too, Jerry. It's just that we're unofficially in Atlanta right now. Keep that under your hat, okay?"

Xanel and his troop continued to follow quietly, though Xanel was now sensing something about Jerry that seemed to emit the energies of 'nicest girlfriend ever', 'most hard up lady friend ever', and 'boyfriend who is more mouse than superman'. He was actually intrigued and didn't look like he was brooding anymore. It was more the clingy look that Kevin was ALL too familiar with.

"We were only sparing them from Mother's wrath," Cindy explained, pausing. Carla didn't stop, however, she continued away from the group.

Vicky grinned at Adam, "I'm sure he'll turn up once things have settled down."

Kevin moved closer to Xanel. "We heard you playing when we arrived," he said. "It was definitely," he paused searching for an appropriate word, "different," he finally finished.

Trina, having been looking around the place appreciatively, suddenly smacked her forehead with her palm. "Why didn't I think of that before?" she exclaimed. "Excuse me guys, I need to make a phone call. Shouldn't take long," she said as she pulled out her phone and stepped outside.

Hel laughed as Trina slipped outside. "I wonder if that will leave a mark?" Then he started laughing harder. "Get it? Mark?"

Meanwhile, outside on her cell, Trina smiled, "So you can make one that she can wear and you don't need her there to fit it? Excellent! You have my info on file, correct? Great! Just ship it to my address when you finish with it. Thanks a lot!"

Vinnie cast a concerned glance at Hel, and then turned to address Jerry, "How are Pamela, Joseph, and Barbra? I hope they haven't been too overwhelmed by the influx. I can't imagine dealing with law enforcement from all over the world."

Trina then skipped back inside and hugged Mark tightly, giving him a deep kiss.

Jerry smiled. "You know that mother only uses that tone with dad and his idiot employees. She treats the rest of us differently. I would say better, but my soul is still intact, so... I will use the word differently." Then he turned to face Vinnie. "Pamela is the love of my life and she keeps our little team from killing each other with her magical powers."

Lionel smiled. "Another magic user. I think I am going to enjoy this outing."

Jerry continued though, "Barbra uses her ninja skills to get into places where most of us can't go. She's been such a loner lately, although I don't know why. She hasn't even spoke to Joey once... Um, he's the unlucky boyfriend."

Mark commented to Hel, "If Trina slapping herself leaves a picture of me on her face, I'm all for that because it would keep other boys away. I hope... unless they are gay."

Jerry giggled then said, "And Joseph was up until a few weeks ago our law management adviser... and then... the accident occurred, and now... well, I am sure you've heard about his alter ego by now. He can transform into both a super powered mouse hero... and... a super powered rat pirate who is really hard to get rid of. The last time the rat was out, he almost killed Barbra for getting too close to him. Naturally, once Joey was back in control, he tried to apologize to Barbra, but since then, she's been keeping her distance from him. So he's depressed by the whole outcome. Apparently, Joey and the Supermouse are straight... but the Rat Pirate dude... isn't. He's been eying me, but Pamela told him one night... she would use magic to destroy him if he tried anything with me."

Xanel hummed. "I think I know what that is like, Jerry. I can see why the rat likes looking at you. I bet you'd be 'fun' in bed. But I like living, and everyone knows what Pamela's father is like, so..."

Jerry giggled again. "If Pamela wasn't waiting on me, I'd love to find out what a Unikron was like. I'm Bi myself, but I prefer Pamela. You are so lucky, Kevin, to be that close to such a stud." He winked at Kevin. He then said to Vinnie, "My friends and I were working on a case before the convention arrived. We've been calling it the Coded Mirror Mystery. Flashes of coded light are see across the rooftops in Atlanta and no one knew what it meant. So Commissioner Williams asked us to look into it since it didn't seem dangerous. Joey would do anything for his dad."

He then paused and glanced directly at Vicky. "I think you should know ahead of time, Vicky... we saw your brother in town last night. A big muscle thug was about to pummel us, and he got yanked backward into the shadows... we heard some... horrible sounds... then your brother stepped out and told us to go home, but we told him we were working on a Mysteries Inc case, and he smiled and said, 'Carry on.' A female voice somewhere down the alleyway told him to join her, and he left."

Xanel grinned evilly. "Now's your big chance, Vicky. You can talk to Victor during our mission."

Just then, a knock sounded at the door.

"I wonder who that is?" Trina asked, "No one is supposed to know we're here yet."

Cindy, who had decided to linger, went to answer the door. She opened it to reveal an average man, nondescript, except for the way he dressed. He was wearing valet clothing reminiscent of the early 19th century. Even though he appeared completely out of place, he was apparently unconcerned with how others viewed his appearance.

"May I help you?" Cindy asked politely, thinking he must surely be lost.

"I've a message for Hazardous Materials," he replied, his cultured voice heavily accented with proper British syntax. Cindy took the message he offered as he added, "No reply is required." He then turned and walked away from the ground to a waiting limo.

"Who the HELL was that?" Vicky demanded.

Cindy merely shrugged and handed the note over to the team.

The parchment was very familiar, they had seen a message like this one before, only it had been to Andrew specificly. Upon seeing the destictive red wax seal, it was obvious who the message was from. Their suspicions were only confirmed when the broke the seal and opened the parchment to read the message.

It has come to my attention that Andrew has been taken, most likely against his will, and I have come to The Colonies to see to his swift recovery. I will meet with you after sunset. No need to arrange a place. I will find you. With regards.

At the bottom of the letter was the mark of The Count. He was here, in Georgia, looking for Andrew.

Mark arched an eye? "First we find out that Victor is in town and now the Count is in town. Does this trip get any worse?"

Lionel replied, "You better hope it doesn't, Mark. Cause if it does, I'm going back to the Gray Unicorn."

Xanel growls, "I live for worse!"

Adam said, "Now now, Xanel. There are always more peaceful ways of handling things. Or would you rather have a glowing derriere that your mom can see across space?"

Jerry grinned. "Sounds to me like you guys miss Reena. I've heard the glowing rear end spiel before."

Vicky was quiet for a moment. "Well, I'm not about to go looking for Victor during the DAY," she said at last, "I DO NOT have a death wish."

"Wait a minute, Vicky," Kevin said, "you're afraid of Victor? I'd be more concerned with whoever it is that can command him and he actually obey. I mean, from everything you've ever told us about him, I wouldn't think anyone would be able to control Victor."

Vicky just shrugged, "I'd say it's the female detective from Chicago that he lives with. Although I wouldn't call it control. He does what she asks because he has chosen her as his mate, or something like that, and he'll do ANYTHING to protect her. In other words, messing with her is a quick way to die a horrible death at Victor's hands, or claws, or whatever."

Trina shuddered at the thought. "And you guys think that I'm bad."

"What do you mean 'or whatever'," Kevin asked.

"It's been a while since I've seen Victor," Vicky explained. "Like I was barely a toddler. I'm not sure what he resembles since there are no pictures of him other than the ones of him as a child."

"She's probably here on a case and using the convention as a cover," Vinnie suggested. "And since Victor protects her, where she goes so does he. The Count could cause some troubles for us, however."

"Whoever grabbed Andrew had to know that it would bring The Count," Hel commented. "Maybe they grabbed Andrew just to get to him."

"Interesting theory, but that isn't our main objective here," Vinnie reminded.

Strange Clock Tower near the Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Jerry had led Cindy, Carla, and the visiting Hazardous Materials team through the Botanical Gardens to the base of a strange clock tower that seemed to radiate magic. "Guys, welcome to the entrance to the local chapter of Mysteries Inc... like you guys, my friends and I have taken a special name. We're... The Protectors. The headquarters is soundproof because our training sessions inside this inter-dimensional spaced clock tower sometimes gets really loud. Oh, and I may have to transform once we're inside if there is a fight going on. Now, let me show you how to get in. This will work for anyone; you just have to know what to do. Just remember... Capital Letter P."

And he touched his fore finger to the smooth wall and drew a line up the wall, followed by a circular loop to make the 'P', and the moment he did this, a magical portal appeared on the wall in front of them. "Follow me." And he lead his sibs and guests inside...

...where they arrived in a pocket dimensional city of its own, where there was a large park where there was indeed a situation going on. Pirate Rat was battling against what looked like a grizzly bear dressed all in white with a gold holy cross on his costume. Yup, it was Criss Cross; King Cross' son. Jerry instinctively transformed into his anthro hippogriff adventurer form... Mountain Spirit, the Atlantean Aerial Mage Knight!


Lionel grinned. "Let's hope she doesn't kill him for that shout."

Mark smiled. "I can't believe this team has their own pocket dimension with it's own city all to themselves. How come our team doesn't have something like this?"

Adam replied, "Probably because we didn't think of this? We probably could have had something like this from the beginning."

Xanel didn't comment because he simply wasn't there. When the other all started to enter the portal, he noted how to get in, then he grabbed his guards and teleported off to South Atlanta where he was about to cause some chaotic Unikron destruction. He held himself in check for too long and as Vicky or Trina was well aware of, you can only bottle up angry energy for so long. He was lucky he lasted as long as he did.

Now it was revenge time. The Revenger was on the loose.

Hel took note of Xanel's exit, but remained quiet. He knew that everyone was trying to reign in Xanel, but Hel knew that there would no better distraction than a rampaging Unikron Prince. And that distraction would allow the team to do what they came here to do. Even if it mean that Xanel "accidentally" killed a few bad guys in the process.

"OVER HERE, LOVER!" came the melodious reply. The tall, willowly red-head, her waist-length, scarlet hair flowing around her, was breathtaking. Her ensemble was comprised of a long, flowing, white battle gown, split up both sides of the skirt to the waist to allow her complete freedom of movement. The bodice was strappy and low cut and held together by dainty-looking golden chains and clasps. A gold belt, with a large glowing ruby set within the buckle, encircled her waist. She wore knee-high, golden, gladiator boots with stiletto heels. She was holding a staff with a large glowing ruby, and focusing on the scuffle between the Bear and the Rat.

"I'd kill him if I were capable," came a quiet comment from off to one side, "and provided that it would leave Joey completely unharmed."

The dainty woman suspended in the air cross-legged beside them was dark, from her long braided hair down to her simple, soft, black boots. Despite her delicate appearance, however, she exuded confidence and danger.

Her dark eyes never left the Rat as she continued, "Chris wanted to try something to help Joey, and now we can't get rid of IT."

Mark quietly cast a spell, then he stepped out toward the battling duo. "HEY PIRATE RAT! I HAVE A CHALLENGE FOR YOU! IF YOU WIN, YOU GET TO STAY OUT FOR A YEAR! BUT IF YOU LOSE, YOU HAVE CHANGE BACK INTO JOEY!!"

The Super Rat Pirate suddenly threw Chris off of himself, and glared at Mark with a toothy grin. "Is that so, human? What is the challenge?"

Mark grinned. "It's easy, actually. If you're as powerful as you claim, then you'll do this before I do. Otherwise, back in you go and you let Joey out."

He chuckled and closed the distance between himself and Mark where the magician could feel the Rat's breath. "Sounds too easy. If I win, I get to wear your clothes, too. AND that hat."

Mark grinned back, showing some courage. "If I win, I get your clothes before you give Joey back to us." He then poked the Rat in the chest with his finger. "Here's the challenge... We strip down to our underwear, and then Adam Dalton is going to wrap us both up in nothing but string. We each count out loud while facing each other to ten and at the stroke of ten, the one who can break the string first wins."

The Rat arched an eye. "String? Well okay... sounds a bit silly, but I at least get to see your undressed body during the challenge. And I'll bet you look a lot better than Ninja undressed." He then mouthed the word... 'skanky'... and he winked with a grin as he started removing his costume for the first time ever. And that's when everyone got to see how surprisingly HANDSOME the Rat was under the scary costume. And that bulge wasn't anything to ignore either.

Mark was also removing his clothes. While he wasn't muscular, he had the charming claimable boy look that Trina obviously loved. What he lacked in front he made up for in the back with his tight rump and well defined arms and legs of the smoothest quality.

Adam then came over and wrapped what seemed to be ordinary string around Mark's body until the spool was empty. Then he looked at the Rat and said, "You have a look that deserves to be sketched. Perhaps one day you might honor me with a pose so I can sketch you properly." And then he pulled out the other spool of string that Mark had gotten from somewhere and he wrapped it entirely around the Rat in the same manner as Mark. Then he quickly stepped away.

Mark said, "String can sometimes be tough to break even for a non-powered human and because this is the case, I won't hold it against you if you can't break free right away. But the first to do it, wins. Start counting."











When the number ten was spoken, rather than fight the string, Mark relaxed all of his muscles.

The Rat, on the other paw... was struggling like mad trying to break free of the string that bound him. But try as he might, the string would not break.

Mark then activated the spell he had been saving. "Give up, Pirate Rat!"

He growled, "I GIVE UP FOR NO ONE!"

The moment he said the words "I GIVE", Mark's spell gave him super strength and he simply snapped the string around himself while the Rat continued to struggle.


The strength spell then wore off and Mark said, "Looks like you lost, Rat. I am free and you are still wrapped up. Change back to Joey; NOW. You gave your word. Cause if you don't, we're going to get Switcher Woman in here and have her switch your bottom until the switch marks are glowing so bright that Santa Claus won't need Rudolph to pull the sleigh this Christmas! NOW CHANGE BACK TO JOEY!"


And with a sudden transformation, the Super Rat was gone and Joey Williams was back, albeit fully clothed.

Humorously, the string went to where ever the Rat went and it was gone, too.

After that, Mark was putting on Super Rat's clothes/costume. "Not a bad fit." He turned to face his team. "I am Magic Rat!" He winked and giggled as he picked up his normal clothes and put them on over the Pirate Rat costume.

Jerry was too speechless to know what happened.

Barbara cautiously approached Joey, "Are you all right?" she asked, obvioulsy keeping her distance.

Pamela, however, was seeing to Chris. "Nothing serious?" she inquired, looking him over closely.

"As cute as that outfit is," Trina addressed Mark, wrinkling her nose, "it stinks of rodent."

"Well, hopefully that will give you guys a bit of a break from him," Vinnie said, clapping Jerry on the back.

Joey replied, "I think so... that stupid rat didn't hurt anyone this time, did he?"

Jerry was finally able to say, "Hazardous Materials saved your butt. You should thank Mark for defeating your Rat with..." he snerks. "...string."

Joey made a face. "STRING?!"

Mark grinned. "I saw the exact same stunt pulled in a Speedy Bikini comic book."

Lionel giggled. "I think I know the issue you're talking about now."

Chris replied to Pamela, "I'll live. My butt hurts where he gave me a wedgie. That rat is going to have to be dealt with or Joey won't have any peace. At least I know now that he is definitely Joey's rebellious side and not just an alien entity. Problem is... Joey is straight and that rat is gay. And you know how sick that makes Joey feel..."

Adam asked, "How did you get normal string to hold him in place like that?"

Mark giggled. "First of all, when I saw that rat, I noticed that he was shedding fur. So... I cast a spell to gather all of his shed fur and then I cast another spell to link the fur particles together end to end to create the spool of string that you would use to wrap around him. I instructed you which color string to wrap me up in. Had you gotten those mixed up, I would have lost. However, even normal string when wound like that around human skin is strong, so... I set up a strength spell that would go off the moment the rat said the words, 'I Give'. After that, I just had to trick him into saying those words during the challenge. When he did, I got super strength for just long enough to break the ordinary string. But since his string was his own invulnerable shed fur, he couldn't break it no matter what he tried."

Joey smiled. "I am ever glad you thought of that, Mark. I owe you one."

"Fortunately, nothing serious," Barbara replied, keeping an obvious distance from Joey.

Trina laughed as she kissed Mark on the cheek, "I knew that subscription would come in handy some day," she joked.

Pamela cast a glance from Barbara to Joey, "That's not the only thing."

"This is a really good set up you have here," Vinnie said, looking around the interdimensional space. "We will definitely have to set up something like this when we get home. But first things first: What can you tell us about the Oscarsons?"

"The Oscarsons?" Cindy clarified. "They think they run things, but rumor has it that there is dissension in the ranks and that some of the underlings might be planning a coup."

Carla nodded, "Joey, what is the story with that rumor? Have you been able to talk to Bobby lately? Or has Rat Boy kept you preoccupied?"

_ In a small hotel room across town... _

Victor paced the confined space of the room. He could smell his sister in town. He could also sense the violence that was permeating the atmosphere around Atlanta since she arrived. He was practically salivating at the idea of sinking his teeth into the fray, but he had other obligations, he glanced at his companion. He wouldn't leave her vulnerable. No, he couldn't leave her vulnerable. It was a compulsion that he couldn't fight no matter how much he tried, even if he wanted to. So it was with his people when they imprinted upon the one meant to be their life mate.

Joey replied, "Bobby and I keep in close contact. He's seen Rat Boy and knows how to bribe the big lug with cheese. Anyway, Bobby informs me that the family has been on edge ever since they acquired some strange briefcase with the initials M.K. in gold letters on the cover of it. The thing is locked and not even gunfire will blow the lock. Which tells me that it's being held closed by magic. Bobby says that the contents of that briefcase is supposed to be work billions."

Lionel hummed. "Mikky K said it was very important to him. Now I want to know what's in it."

Mark asked, "Joey... did Bobby mention anything about a kidnapping victim?"

Joey thought about it then said, "Actually, he said that his father's goons arrived with some boy who was all tied up and gagged. They mentioned having killed some industrialist in California, then Mr. Oscarson took the boy off some safe house owned by the Atlanta Legal Department. Bobby said that the boy was apparently worth 175 billion dollars, but only if he was alive AND presented in court with his divorcing parents on Monday morning. I tried to find out some information on who this boy was, but Bobby wasn't told the name. He's out there snooping around for us right now, but we haven't heard anything back as yet."

Adam said, "Andrew Rook is worth 175 billion dollars? Damned!"

Joey and Jerry both exclaimed at the same time as they both glanced at Adam. "Andrew Rook of the Rook Corporation?"

Jerry said, "His parents have been in a super horrible bitter divorce for over a year. They have been trying to find their runaway son because he's this 'key' to an inheritance that neither parent can get their paws on unless they win custody over him."

"Well, there's one mystery solved," Trina quipped.

Kevin's jaw dropped. "Are you serious? Andrew is worth that much? Wait. Why kill Mr. Hazard then? He's not connected to Andrew except through us." Just then he looked around. "Where is Xanel?"

Mark said, "Wait a minute, Trina. Mikky K said we had to get the briefcase and bring it back to him. Just because we know where it is isn't enough. And we let Andrew down. He came to us to get away from all that money. And now, he's their prisoner. And I aim to do something about it."

Lionel said, "Xanel is gone with his troops? Who saw him last?"

Suddenly, from the shadows stepped a familiar man in a NYC business suit. "Ah, Hazardous Materials. I finally found you. I am sure you know who I am."

Joey growled, "It's the Arranger! What is HE doing here?"

In the dimly lit room where Victor was, the female detective came inside and closed the door, saying, "It took some real detective work, but Hazardous Materials are in Atlanta and the Wellingtons are hiding them while they are here. Here's the fun part: Mikky K hired them to come here for him. For PAY. And yes, your sister is with them. She seems to know that she's not human."

"OK, so, partially solved," she amended.

"They disappeared before we entered The Protectors' inter-dimensional space," Hel provided.

Vinnie smiled humorlessly, "Hello, Arnold. What brings you to Atlanta? I don't remember anyone requesting your services."

"Mikky K?" he growled. "Worthless feline. If she knows she's not human, that means she'll be wanting to know exactly what she is. That means, she and I will be crossing paths at some point during this trip. I just hope none of her boyfriend's people get in my way. Unikron meat is pretty tasty. On second thought, maybe I hope they do get in my way."

Arnold looked at Vinnie and said, "You remember my wife, don't you? Well, she was doing several business deals with Mr. Hazard. And when he died, that was a strike at my wife. And you do remember what she does for a living, don't you?"

The lady detective then said, "I found where they are hiding the boy that the Judge hired us to find. You aren't going to believe this, but the building is an ordinary building, except... the goons were hanging garlic cloves at every door and at every window, and even in the chimney and the vents. And they were hanging crosses all over the building. What does that tell you usually?"

Vinnie shuddered visibly. "I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky that she sent you then," he said.

"A vampire is looking for the boy. Do they really think that garlic and crosses are going to stop a vampire? I think they've watched too many of those old horror flicks. If anything it will draw the vampire straight to them. That means you need to get that boy before they do. Right?" Victor confirmed, eager to get out and do something.

Arnold then said, "She sent me to HELP Hazardous Materials and to give you guys whatever you want for... ready for this... the word I really HATE saying..." he paused then said, ""

Mark grinned. "Are you kidding me? We have the Arranger for FREE? For as long as we're in Atlanta? Oh my god! The fantasies we can have fulfilled on this trip!"

Lionel was thinking the same thing, actually. "I have a LIST of things I need, Mr. Ranger, sir."

Joey sighed. "Now I really wish I was a Hazardous Materials member. Then I could deal with the Rat Boy once and for all."

Jerry grinned. "Me too! I want Mr Oscarson and his goons to sing and dance and never be able to lie the whole time Hazardous Material is in Atlanta!"

The lady detective then said, "I know who the vampire is, Victor baby... It's the Count. The boy recently signed a music contract with him. Andrew Rook, the Moon Dog Bard. You've heard his music on the radio. He's good. But the Judge wants the boy in his custody so neither parent has him. As for the Unikron, they are in a killing mood, Victor. Word is they are all over getting ready to storm the Oscarson estate because one of their stupid goons was the one who killed Reginald Hazard."

Hel chuckled at the grimace of disgust that accompanied the word.

"Oh man," Trina said, "Reena is gonna be so bummed that she's missing out on this little perk."

"I just really want Xanel to not do something that he's gonna regret later," Kevin said, distraught.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea," Vinnie said. "Not so much the singing and dancing, but the not being able to lie. What do you think, Arnold, can you do that? It would be a great start to our investigation to be able to tell who is working for the enemy."

"The Count, huh?" Victor considered that for a moment. "Well, I suppose we should go and get the boy before he does then. I'm still not sure I trust the judge either, though. But if the boy is in our hands at least we'll know he's safe. And by our hands I mean your hands because the only person safe in my hands is you," he finished, grinning ferally. "I guess that means we won't be running into the Unikrons, for awhile anyway. I'm sure we will, eventually, before Hazardous Materials leaves Atlanta."

Arnold hummed and pointed his index finger in the correct direction of the Oscarson residence, where...

...At that moment...

SlIcEl!!! RiIiIiIpPpPp!!! TeAaAaRr!!! AaIiEeEe!!! MaIiIiMm!!! SsSsHhRrEeEeDdDdDdDd!!!! FLEE!!! STOMP!!! RiIiIiIpPpPp!!! SsNnAaaAArrRRrLLLlll!!!

And then it got very VERY quiet outside of Mr. Oscarson's door. Until...CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, CLOP.... pause...


The door splinted off of its hinges as Xanel came into the chamber with his sword drawn and he leveled the point at the human. "An eye for an eye! Say your goodbyes, murderer!" And he reared back to make the fatal swing and...

" STOP!" the boy yelled, stepping in front of Mr. Oscarson. "Please," he pleaded, standing between the tip of Xanel's sword and it's target. "Think of what you're doing," he risked taking a step forward.

"Robert, get back! Can't you see he's dangerous?" Mr. Oscarson yelled, struggling to keep the fear from his voice.

"I can't do that," he met Xanel's gaze. "Do you truly intend to murder everyone in your path on your way to oblivion? I beseech you to consider what you're doing. Yes, you can wipe out everyone here in your single-minded quest for vengeance, but what will that accomplish? The man who raised you will still be gone. You will still be left to mourn his loss. And think of all the ones left to mourn the people you murder. Because it will be murder. It's not self-defense, it's not in defense of your people or your home or your loved ones. It is vengeance. Pure revenge drives you now. If you murder my father, I will be left to mourn him as you should be mourning the man who raised you if you felt any familial ties to him at all. I may not like what my father does sometimes, but he is my father. My flesh and blood father, which is something that you cannot even claim of the man that died that brought you to this place. His death was not intended by my father. And, as much as you may feel justified, you cannot destroy an entire organization for the acts of one man."

"When do you want to go and get the boy?" Victor wondered as he sought a comfortable spot to rest himself. He hated traveling, he could never get comfortable anywhere else the way he could at home. Perhaps he was always on guard, he thought, looking at the door suddenly. "We have company," he said as someone knocked on the door.

"Well, that should certainly make things interesting," Trina said.

Kevin's face showed his concern as he said, "Do you think we should go and get Xanel? Since we have to go and get Mikky K's briefcase anyway," he pointed out.

Xanel stopped. Robert was a LOT like Kevin. Kevin... Oh Kevin... what have I done...? Not like this. I don't want to be like them. He then pulled back the sword slowly and said, "Punish the one who did the deed and I will stay my sword. I also want the briefcase with the gold MK letters on it. I was sent to fetch it in addition to my true journey here. I warn you, Robert... if the one who did the deed isn't punished... I will bring Victoria Lane with me the next visit and she won't care who you are."

He looked to Mr. Oscarson. "The briefcase. Now. Or else... I bring the Lanes down on your estate. Tonight..."

Then Xanel grinned in that unsettling way. "...Victor IS in town, you know... And so is the Count..."

Arnold sighed in relief as he looked to the others. "I got Robert in the way just in time. That was too close. Xanel was about to run the man through. Strange... Vicky isn't with him." He looked around. "And she isn't here either. Oh no, has Danger-Prone Daphne gotten loose again?"

Mark face-palmed himself. "Oh no is right! There is no telling what trouble Vicky can cause! But if she didn't go for the briefcase nor the goon, then where DID she get off to? I thought she was afraid of talking to her brother, so I know she wouldn't go there."

The female detective grabbed her gun and approached the door. "Perhaps I should shoot first, then see who it was..." And then she opened the door suddenly with the gun at the ready. "FREEZE!"

"Freeze? Really? That's quite the polar opposite to how I run." Vicky said calmly, barely glancing at the gun. "I need to talk to Victor," she added trying to peer past the woman into the darkened room.

A pair of yellow eyes suddenly glowed in the darkest corner of the room, then Victor stepped out. "What brings you here, little sister?"

"You put Bobby in his path?" Pamela demanded.

"Is that bad?" Hel asked.

"No," Pamela smiled, "in fact, Bobby is quite the expert in defusing volatile situations."

"Well, then," Vinnie interjected, "Let's go pay the Oscarson's a more peaceful visit. No sense beating around the bush now that Xanel has effectively announced our presence to the masses."

Mr. Oscarson retrieved the briefcase from the library. "Here," he said, handing it over, still shaken by his near death experience. "As for he one responsible for Mr. Hazard's death," he began, stepping well away from Xanel, "he's not here. When I found out what he did I fired him. I liked Mr. Hazard, he was a shrewd businessman. I know he's still in town somewhere though. I'm sure he's laying low, apparently, you're not the only one after him."

The woman pulled Vicky inside the room and closed the door. "No one is supposed to know we are here. Or does my lover have B.O.?"

Adam asked Arnold, "Could you produce a video movie containing all of the weird and funny euphemisms and sayings that have been uttered by this team and by others about this team, where the things said actually happen in the video? Like from my sister's derriere glowing where people on other planets and into other times can see it, to the sinking of the British Isles, and other funny stuff."

Arnold laughed. "Do NOT distribute this without the team's permission, okay?" He handed the video to Adam.

Adam was all "YAY!"

Lionel asked, "Does that mean we get a movie night soon?"

Mark giggled. "Are we going to charge admission?"

Joey sighed. "Arranger... I have to deal with Super Rat? I know I'm not one of the Hazardous Materials team, but I need help here. That rat is driving us all crazy."

Arnold looked at Joey for a long moment. Then he said, "There is a way to deal with him, but that would be a lot worse than what you're dealing with now."

Joey begged, "Tell me. Please."

Arnold replied, "If I split you into two Joey's, one will have Super Mouse, the other will have Super Rat. But the consequences will be that the Super Rat - Joey will not be a nice guy to have around. And worse, Mark has bested him in a public contest with... string. He thinks of Mark as a special rival because of that. And he will be seeking Mark out later because of that. Talk this over with your team before you agree to a split life."

Xanel then said to Mr. Oscarson, "Now for my true journey... Where is Andrew Rook, the Moon Dog Bard? We know your people who killed my Earth father kidnapped the boy. If you tell me now, you won't have to deal with my whole team when they arrive. And Vinnie and Hel both are with them."

"If Mysteries Incorporated hadn't had their little run-in with him, no one would have known. As it is, there are things I need to discuss with him. Family things," Vicky said matter-of-factly.

Victor regarded her intently for a moment. "It'll have to wait until after things get settled here," he finally said. "We have a narrow timeline to accomplish what we've came here to do."

"But," Vicky began.

"You've waited this long, another day or so won't kill you. But if you interfere with her work," he indicated his lady friend, "I will," he finished, leaving no room for any argument.

"The Rook boy? He's in a safe house on Barton Woods Rd over in Druid Hills," Oscarson told him. "I'll call ahead and let them know you're coming."

"I'll go with him," Bobby offered.

The female detective said, "Wait a minute, Victor... if Victoria wants to earn her information from you, then it is only fitting that she 'help' us on our case. How about it, Vicky? Work as a real detective instead of a junior sleuth in exchange for the information you want?"

Xanel hummed as he looked at Robert again and managed a kind smile toward the boy. "I accept your offer, Robert." He picked the boy up and placed him on his shoulders, then glanced back at Mr. Oscarson. "Did someone cast a never lie spell on you or something? Or are you just afraid of me if you did lie to me?" He then left with Robert, gathering his troops as he went until the little unit was completely out of the estate.

Once outside, he said to Robert, "You remind me of Kevin Seasons. How come you aren't with Mysteries Inc?"

Victor merely shrugged. It really made no difference to him one way or the other. He was curious, however, to see what his sister's reaction would be.

Vicky frowned. "I don't see why not. I have a feeling we're probably working on the same case anyway."

Bobby laughed. "You can call me Bobby, all my friends do. As to why I'm not with Mysteries Inc., I'm normal. Completely, totally, one hundred percent non-powered. My best friend's father is the police commissioner and my father is a mobster," he continued, "and that provides me plenty of drama without getting involved in anything else. Also, solving mysteries, it's just not my thing."

The lady detective said, "We're looking for Andrew Rook. A judge hired us to bring him to a neutral location so the parents didn't have access to him."

Xanel smiled at Bobby as they teleported to some really uber private location with no exits. "Do tell, Bobby... have you ever done it... with a unicorn?" He licked on the boy's face.

Arnold suddenly said, "Kevin? What cycle is Xanel supposedly in right now?"

" WHOA!" Bobby exclaimed. "Are you coming on to me? Really? You just tried to kill my father! I really think you need to take a step back," he said sternly, pushing away from Xanel.

Kevin considered that for a moment before answering. "I'm sorry, I just don't know. I was a little busy over the past few weeks with family stuff and haven't been around him much lately," he finished, clearly distraught at the thought of having let his best friend down.

"Andrew? Really? What do you know? We ARE partially working on the same case. Well, if you're going to get him I suggest you do it before nightfall. The Count is in town and plans on going after him as soon as he can," Vicky explained. "And I'm sure that once he does that, NO ONE will be snatching Andrew again."

Victor frowned. He didn't usually get out and about during the day himself, but he wasn't about to let her do it on her own considering the local riff raff.

A soft whimper escaped from the lips of the beautiful woman kneeling beside the chair. Her arm was extended upwards to the cold lips of the being feeding from her. The pleasure and ecstasy coursing through her far outweighed and overshadowed the slight pain. She was a dutiful servant, traveling with her lord when he went abroad, which wasn't often. That gave her plenty of time to rebuild her strength and supply. She was getting older though, and soon he would no longer feed from her. Then it would be up to her to find a replacement to travel with him. Until then, however, she reveled in the joy of being his traveling companion.

He, however, had his mind elsewhere. In fact, his mind had reached out to Andrew, seeking him out across the city. If it wasn't for the cursed sun he would have already went and fetched the boy from his captors. As it was, he was forced to wait. It was times like this when he wished for the constant darkness of Moravia.

He raised his head from the supple arm and licked his bloodied lips. "Delicious as always," he whispered, releasing her.

She blushed, and slowly moved away from him, giving him the space he had demanded without speaking a word.

Xanel snapped his fingers and the Unikron troops quickly had Bobby held by each limb as Xanel pressed his muzzle close to Bobby's lips and whispered, "I find you most attractive, Kevin..." And he planted a deep kiss on Bobby's mouth, as the warriors held Bobby in place.

The Arranger remarked, "You're his companion, Kevin. That means you need to be there for him when he relapses. His mother did provide a cure, except... it's only a sure deal on Planet Unikron. Here on Earth, he has to be kept in check for a whole year or he will find himself sliding backwards into questionable situations that Vicky wouldn't like hearing about. And if Xanel latches on to a new boy during one of his relapses, he won't be able to see that the boy isn't you, Kevin. And that could mean that whoever Xanel has caught could be in deep trouble if things progress past a kiss."

Joseph arched an eye. "An alien homosexual curse on a warrior species? Hey Cindy! Didn't you tell us once that the male foxes on Fox Queen's home world get like that once a year and have to be pounced by female foxes to cure them?"

Adam giggled. "Are you serious? That sounds funny! Where's the home movies of that? I'd really like to see it happen from start to finish!"

Lionel said, "Eww. Some alien species curses are NOT fun to watch, Adam. And in some planet's cases, humans CAN catch the illness or curse. I wouldn't want to witness that."

Mark laughed. "It's no worse than Mikael being in heat, is it?"

Lionel blushed. "That isn't to be witnessed either."

The lady detective then said, "Before we get started, Vicky... I have to ask... when was the last time you ate? Your species develops a rather..." she paused. "...strange feeding condition..." She said it in such a way as to imply that human flesh was the normal cuisine for the alien species. Eww.

In the safe house, Andrew suddenly said from his chair where he was tied up. "I have to use the bathroom. For real this time. And we're not talking about piss, either."

One of the guards glanced at Andrew and said, "Well, okay. But if you attempt to escape, we open fire. We don't care what you're worth; we haven't shot anyone in a long while." And he started untying the boy. When he finished, he stood the boy up on his feet. "We're watching and the doors and windows leading outside are locked in every room."

Andrew replied, "I swear... I'll only be seated on the toilet seat... tooting my bottom off. The last meal left me feeling... gassy."

As the thug was leading Andrew off toward the bathroom, Andrew tried to grab his flute off of a counter top without anyone seeing that he had done that. Luckily, no one noticed. And then, he was pushed into the bathroom and the door was closed behind him.

Within the bathroom, Andrew locked the door and then noticed that the windows were meshed over with not only wire by bars, too. "This is worse than jail. Well, I hope Aegir and the others are listening, because it's time to start tooting." He stepped into the bath tub to the side so he wouldn't be in the direct line of fire if gun shots erupted and he slowly took a breath as he played... the Olven Ballad of Release from his Moon Dog Flute.

And after that, things from the center of the household out to a block or two got very strange, very fast.

It was like someone had dropped Arvandor and the Elven Asgard directly on that part of Atlanta.

And Andrew heard crazy fighting occurring outside in the house itself, along with an Asgardian Viking Horn going off, as well as Frey's Hunting Horn!

Bobby held perfectly still. He had a feeling that if he struggled in any way he'd be ripped in half by the guards that were holding him. He also took great care not to respond to Xanel's advances. In a precarious position, he did the only thing he could, he reached out mentally to his friends.

Vicky shrugged, "I don't know. Yesterday, maybe? I've been a bit busy with Xanel."

Victor came alert and peered hard at Vicky. "She's ok. She went the other way," he said vaguely. "Still, a meal is in order before anything is done."

Kevin closed his eyes and focused. His mind, already attuned to Xanel, found him easily. Xanel, I'm coming to you, he sent, then vanished, switching places with Bobby.

Joey blinked his eyes when he saw Bobby appear amidst them, albeit that their friend looked relieved to be WITH them. "Are you okay, Bobby? You look a mite pale! What happened to you?"

Jerry checked Bobby out up close. "Looks like someone was holding him in place, judging from the hand impressions on his arms."

Lionel said, "Since Bobby appeared at the same time Kevin disappeared, I would have to 'hazard' a guess that the holders was Xanel's people. The Unikrons."

Adam nodded his head. "And Bobby does look somewhat like Kevin."

Mark commented, "All I can say is that Bobby is damned lucky Kevin is always alert when someone encounters Xanel and needs to get away from him. But in all seriousness... it sound like Xanel was having a species relapse and neither Kevin nor Vicky were available. So he chose someone who looked like Kevin."

The lady detective nodded his head. "I think you should teach her the proper way your species attains sustenance, love. She may be appalled by this, but she IS your species and if she doesn't properly dine, then she will grow very weak and attribute it to lack of sleep or over-exertion." She looked to Vicky. "Yes, I've witnessed those signs in your brother as well. The only cure was... a fresh meal. I hope you understand what I am telling you, Vicky. You are not human and never will be. Same as Victor. On Earth, we call the similar species... ghouls.*"

*Ghouls are undead creatures who crave and devour human flesh and bodily fluids to sustain their supernatural abilities to withstand extraordinary abuse and damage.

Xanel seemed to flicker in his eyes when Bobby was instantly replaced with Kevin. And then he immediately softened up and was on his knees on the floor holding on to Kevin's waist. "...kev... i am so sorry... feel so hot inside... mind spinning... i almost... did..." He is implying Bobby. "...him... and that's not... me... like me..."

One Unikron Guardian quietly said in the mental native speak, _ ~~~He had a relapse, Companion Kevin. And you weren't available as you promised the Goddess you would be. He needs either intercourse with the Companion or a return trip home to be treated again. And I am sure you recall the previous trip to our home world.~~~ _

The one thing Kevin isn't all that hot about allowing...

During the course of Andrew's flute playing, he suddenly and correctly, though by accident, played the five notes he was asked to play by the Moon Dogs so long ago in Arvandor, and in a wacky flash, reality warped at the Safe House causing all manner of fantastic creatures, divine personages, and epic monsters to all appear right there... which led to the horrendous massacre of bad mortals who got surprised by the occurrence.

But moments after Andrew had played those 5 special notes, he was no longer there in Georgia......he found himself in the wooded meadow in Arvandor in the middle of the Moon Dog pack, one of which was the one who had given him the magical flute in the first place. The moment he saw the Moon Dogs all around him, he stopped playing the flute.

"It's... it's... you guys... the ones... who gave me this flute."

The one Moon Dog nodded his muzzle and moved over to sit in Andrew's lap. "That's right, mortal. And we promised that you would see us again when you played the 5 special notes in the correct sequence and in a way that would in no way could ever be ignored. And in that moment, you gated yourself back to our pack. Today is the day you have earned your place among our people. You, Andrew, are now a Moon Dog... like the rest of us."

"But I-" and that was all he got to say as the Moon Dog cut him off with a sudden kiss on the mouth as the entire pack closed in around the two of them and bayed in beautiful voices at the moon over Arvandor.

"I think I was almost molested," Bobby said quietly, obviously still shaken by the encounter. "Is he always like that? He seemed so normal, if homicidal, then suddenly..." he trailed off, and shuddered.

"No, he's not like that all the time," Vinnie explained. "It's merely a condition of his species. Normally Vicky can keep him in check, but he needs Kevin to combat the condition and since they were separated for an extended period of time, he must have had a serious relapse."

Bobby looked at the others then. "Oh, you guys must be here for this," he said holding up the case he still had a hold of.

Vinnie smiled, "Yes, as a matter of fact. I'll take that." He took the case from Bobby and stashed it in a hidden, magical space.

"WHAT?" Vicky demanded.

"Relax, we're not ghouls. There are just similarities. We are not undead for one. Our species is, or was, highly intelligent. The species was wiped out almost entirely because of our special dietary needs. For all intents and purposes we're cannibals. We need to hunt and devour another sentient species in order to survive. The first hatched male is the most heavily afflicted because of the need to protect the nest from enemies."

"Wait a damn minute," Vicky interrupted. "HATCHED? NEST? What the H-E-L-L are you talking about? And how do you know any of this?"

Victor shrugged, "Because I was hatched on our home world before Drake brought us to Earth. A truly stupid move, but he had no choice in the matter. I fed on homeless vagrants for most of my childhood and teenage years. I couldn't help it. I CAN'T help it," he corrected.

"Then why aren't Michael and Tim like you? Or even like me?" Vicky asked.

Victor shrugged again, "I have no idea. Unless it has something to do with hatching on Earth. I just hope it isn't some dormant condition that'll come up later. As for you, as the first hatched,"

"Can you not use that term?" Vicky interrupted.

"Born," he amended, then continued, "female has powers like you. But that doesn't mean you don't still require the same nourishment. Our species also mates for life," he added. "Just so you know. Once you've taken a mate you'll never be able to take another one, even if your mate dies."

Vicky rubbed her forehead, "This is all too much," she whispered.

"But it's what you wanted to know, isn't it? That's why you're looking for Drake? You won't find him if he doesn't want to be found. He's terrified of our species. That's why he has always stayed away from the house where we all lived. And you're coming of age."

"What does that mean?" she asked, afraid of what the answer might be.

"The need to find a mate will soon begin. It will be an overwhelming desire that will drive you to hunt frequently until you find a suitable mate."

"I've found a suitable mate. Xanel," she explained. "I love him."

Victor regarded her silently for a moment. "The Unikron? That species has its own quirks. They make better meals than mates."

Kevin responded to the Unikron Guardian, ~~~I would have been if you hadn't all disappeared without a word to anyone. I realize he was in the midst of blood lust, but still. As for going back to the home world, that just isn't an option.~~~

"It's ok, Xanel, I'm here now, and we'll take care of everything," he said, stroking Xanel's horn and mane softly. Then looked around the space they were in. It would have to do. "Remove his armor," he said to the Guardians.

Hel was staring off into the distance with a smile upon his face. "I don't think we have to worry about rescuing Andrew anymore," he said. "I heard the distinctive sound of a Viking battle horn a few moments ago."

The lady detective said, "I'll let you and Victor head below ground to see about your meal. There is another angle to my case that I need to check on. Fortunately, it only involves a phone call so I won't even be leaving the motel room. You two run along and try to have a good bonding time." And she headed into the next room and closed the door.

The Arranger commented, "You don't suppose the Warriors Three dropped in on Atlanta, do you? That could get quite messy. And how do you think they got here?"

Joey was making sure Bobby was truly okay. "Sorry to hear that Xanel is acting like my bad rat side. How do you guys put up with it?"

Jerry said, "I am sure Xanel isn't being as bad as Pirate Rat can be. Mark got real lucky in winning that challenge against him. He will be pissed the next time he is out and about. And there will be a next time, since Mark took Pirate Rat's costume."

Lionel remarked, "Yes, that definitely sounded like Frey's Hunting Horn. I wonder what he is going to think of being dropped into Midgard without warning?"

Adam smiled. "I don't know, but I'd really love to sketch that scene." He giggled.

The Unikron guards removed the armors and clothes from both Xanel and Kevin, and held on to them in a respectful manner. The one guard remarked uber-private and mentally to Kevin, _ ~~Do you really want to do this, Kevin? Perhaps we really should take Xanel back to the home world.~~ _

Xanel smiled weakly up at Kevin. "...Thanks, Kevin... for helping me... I know you aren't too thrilled about this, but relapses are not fun and I feel hot still..."


Hazard Estate

Mikael Hawthorne was having tea with Reggie who was still working in the mansion. "Tell me what Mr. Hazard was working on just before his attitude seemed to change for the worse."

Reggie, the loyal chauffeur and butler for the mansion, replied, "As you know, Vicky had just cleaned up all the files and embezzlement plots in the corporation and he had just fired several workers that Vicky had personally tied links to who were involved in the embezzling process themselves. And then, Reginald was gone overnight and when he returned, he was rather snubbish, especially to me, which he had never done before. And when Xanel and the others returned from space, he seemed upset that they had even bothered to come home. He told me to invent a way to get all of them out of the mansion. I flatly refused to do it saying, 'Despite his looks, Alexander is your son. He and his friends come here all the time.' And he almost fired me, until I reminded him that a majority of the estate was willed to me and if he fired me, I'd get Victoria Lane back in fast.' And he paled when I said her full name like that. But that tipped me off that something was wrong because before the space trip, Vicki and Mr. Hazard were getting along better than ever."

Mikael hummed. "Thank you for telling me this, Reggie. That confirms part of what I've been suspecting. Now, tell me what your opinion of Alex was when he returned from space."

Reggie sipped on his tea, then replied, "It was the strangest encounter. When I was helping him get unpacked in his chambers, even with the other Unikron guards, and the two lovers, nearby... he turned to me and said, 'manservant, please help me with these clothes.' And Alexander has never called me 'manservant' before in all of my life. He has always referred to me by name. So I decided to investigate my suspicions on my own. One evening during a dinner in which Mr. Hazard would not attend, I said to Alex, 'We sure had a lot of fun in England a few months ago when we supposedly sank Ireland.' and he replied, 'Yes, that was quite funny and not even the local powers could make the kingdom rise again.' And that's when I knew something that I was perhaps not meant to figure out. As you clearly know, I was never with your team in England and... the rumor was that England was sunk; not Ireland. Whoever was at the dinner table with me was not Alex."

Mikael hummed again. "That's what I was afraid of. And Vicki will blow a fuse if she finds out that someone has Alex. We need to find out where he really is. And I need to secretly send Vinnie a quick message before the team permits themselves any embarrassment with whoever Xanel is."


sending mental conversation to Vincent Cabriano

send successful-->>

The Hollywood Sign

Genie Hall was talking to Teen Death. "Where haven't we looked for Grim at?"

"That's a good question. We hit Mikael's place and that new apprentice of Mikael's was there. He was nice looking."

"Yeah, but I didn't expect to find the new apprentice butt naked like that. Where else haven't we looked?"

"He mentioned that he likes to hide out in the Gray Unicorn sometimes, since they serve martinis."

Genie grinned. "Oh is that so! That little stinker! Hiding in the gay and lesbian teen club! Let's go look there!"

Dalton Ranch

Reena stood there in that red dress that Trina had sent out to them, with a book balanced on her head. "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain," she said in a most lady-like fashion, acting prim and proper as if she had been born that way.

Mr. Dalton was sitting in a chair across the room. "Why is it that she never acts like this when you are around, Catherine? When you're away, she's a firebrand."

Mrs. Dalton, whose name was obviously Catherine, replied, "Now you leave my little Carena alone. She is only rebelling because a man hasn't tied her down yet. And when that happens, the firebrand will be dunked in cold water with a round belly."

Reena almost made the balance of the book fall. "Say what? Mom?! If you're going to have an attitude like that, then I'll choose a guy from Planet Foresta. They have really HOT bodies! And some of those sailors can bloat me any time!" She winked with a grin. "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. Now quit distracting me.... wait a minute? Is my name really Carena? What the heck is wrong with you? Were you and Mr. Tracker attending the same Baby Naming class that night? Now I can relate to Trina and her real name. Ewwww!"


"We won't be far," Victor said, nuzzling her neck before heading for the door.

"Is she serious?" Vicky asked, ignoring the gesture.

"Of course. And she's correct, even if you don't partake, I need to eat since I skipped last night."

"Oh," Vicky was all she said, following him down into the basement of the motel and into the dark underground of Atlanta.

Barbara created a small opening so Adam could see the carnage on the other side. "Sketch away," she offered.

"I'm fine, Joey, really. Just a little shaken, but I'm not stirred," Bobby reassured his friend.

Pamela, who was also looking over Bobby, made the off-hand comment, "Simply barbaric to force yourself upon someone for any reason."

"It's not like he has a..." Vinnie trailed off, a strange look coming across his face as he seemed to be listening to another conversation.

~~It is, after all...~~ Kevin began in response to the guard, then stopped when he heard Xanel's words. "Wait," he ordered the guards. Then he took a long hard look at Xanel. ~~He's not Alex, is he?~~ Kevin demanded of the guard. ~~We're going to take him back to the home world, the sooner the better, and without telling Vicky~~

Adam smiled as he pulled out his sketchbook and began to speedily catch the wild scene in on paper. "Thanks Barbara. Joey is lucky to have you."

Joey said, "You've been through some weirder situations, Bobby. You're definitely one of us."

Lionel whispered to Vinnie, "What has your undivided attention?"

Xanel arched an eye. "Okay...I can wait for a little bit, Kev."

The Unikron guard mentally and privately replied, _ ~~we weren't allowed via divine power to say who it was. And that should tell you who this isn't. I actually like you, Kevin, and when this is over with, I'd like to stay and serve you. Unless you are more powerful than your mother and Aurora, how are you going to K.O. him so we can get him back to the home world? His power level is up there.~~ _


Planet Foresta; Davey Jones Island

"Arrh, Ah really didn't expect to find a 'uman teenager on the Cornu 'ome world, but when yas saw what we were, yas surprised me by asking me to get yas off planet. Just who are yas that Ah, Captain Darkpoint, 'ave taken such a 'uge risk like this over?"

Captain Darkpoint was a jet black reindeer pirate who ferried goods to rebels on multiple worlds, usually for a price. He had been in the act of robbing a Unikron Warehouse when he picked the lock on the chamber this young man was tied up within, all the while thinking that a chamber with that many locks had to be a treasure vault.

"I am Alexander Hazard from Planet Earth, Captain. And I am really happy you came along when you did. Those creeps were going to change me into one of them and make it so I could ever be human again. I know they injected me with something, but I don't know what the effects of the stuff was. I am still me, I think." He looked himself over thoroughly.

Well, to Vicki... Alex _IS_ a treasure.

"Ah'm not going that way this week, Alexander my friend, but if yas want passage there, yas will 'ave to work for it 'ere on Davey Jones Island 'ere on Foresta. And don't worry; we won't molest yas like those disgusting Cornu would. They make me sick."

Unknown Location in Northern California

"We brought you a tape of a funeral, jerk. You oughta enjoy watching them bury you. Even that clueless son of yours was at the funeral, flaunting his true form. If we cut off his horn, do you think we could get eternal youth?"

Watching the video of the Hazard funeral, the man who was tied to a chair in the old cabin smirked. "That is not my son. I raised my boy for 16 years and I know my son's special form on sight and that isn't it. You have to know what to look for when you see him in his special form and whoever replaced him for this didn't have the patience to study my son's form to get it right. And it sticks out like a sore thumb. That unicorn is a fake. My son is sure to know that I am not dead. And he will come to find me. Mark my words."

The captors gulped when they heard these words and they left immediately, leaving Mr. Reginald Hazard tied up in the old cabin in the deep forests....

Alex, please be listening... I know you were practicing with this ability before you got sick. I'm not dead. You have to find me.


Barbara simply smiled and resumed her hyper-vigilant position, watching Joey and the others examine Bobby.

Bobby smiled, "Yeah, I'm pretty resilient. But something about Xanel was just," he shuddered, "not right. He was saying one thing, but the look in his eyes betrayed him."

"What do you mean?" Trina asked.

"It was like he knew exactly what he was doing and was getting a perverse sense of satisfaction out of it," he explained. Then he waved his friends off. "I'm fine guys. Time to move on."

"Guys, we have another mission," Vinnie said quietly.

Kevin smiled, a smile that would have made his mother tremble, and put his hands on both sides of Xanel's face. "I'm so sorry that you have to go through this," he said, his voice dripping with false sincerity. Then his eyes flashed and he reached out and shut off Xanel's mind with a force that shook the air around them. He released him as he slumped, unconscious, to the ground.

Then he turned to the guardians, took his clothing, and began redressing. "We're going to take whoever this is back to the home world. Then we're going to find Alex," he explained in a voice that brooked no argument. "And you'd better pray we can find him fast and return before Vicky realizes what's going on, otherwise...." he purposely let his sentence trail off, leaving the guardians to use their imagination as to what she may do.


Victor led Vicky through the dark tunnels beneath Atlanta until they reached a point where quiet voices could be heard. Victor stopped and listened, and raised his nose to catch the scent of their prey.

"Do you smell that?" he asked her in a voice that didn't carry beyond the two of them.

Vicky smelled the air, but all she could smell was the damp, earthy smell of the tunnel. She shook her head, and looked at Victor. He was watching her, his eyes glowing in the darkness. His face impassive as he waited for her to sense what he had.

"Try again," he instructed, "separate the smells. The tunnel, me, you, until you can pick out that certain scent above all the others."

Vicky took a deep breath and inhaled the scents again. She could smell the dirt on the floor of the tunnel, the old mortar that held the wall together, Victor's scent was a strange combination of scents that she couldn't even begin to name. Taking another whiff, she frowned. Was that her? Did she really smell like that? No wonder Victor had been keeping a distance from her, she smelled...wrong.

She glanced at Victor, but he was still waiting and watching her patiently.

Then she took yet another breath, catching the scent of something she'd never smelled before. It was an almost tangible scent, that pulsed as it wafted through the air. Her mouth instantly watered, and she licked her now dry lips. Her stomach clinched in anticipation, her palms began tingling.

"What is that?" she asked, suddenly breathless.

"That's how we hunt our prey. That essence. Contrary to what you may have heard about me, I'm actually a very selective hunter. I may kill someone and not eat them because they lack the essence I need to survive. You've gone all this time without it, now it's time for you to replenish yourself."

Vicky felt different, but she followed Victor into the den of criminals that had been hiding out in the underground. The next few moments were over swiftly. Muffled screams of terror and pain followed by silence filled her ears. Vicky couldn't seem to recall much of it as they made their way back to the room.


The Arranger looked to Vinnie. "About time some real action got started."

Lionel asked, "So what's the new mission?"

Adam hummed. "Xanel, Kevin, and Vicky aren't back yet, and with Erina, Genie, Ivan, Mikael, and Reena not with the team, Hazardous Materials are really short-handed."

Mark said, "This is the first time I can recall that so many of our team members were away from the team during a mission. That only leaves myself, Hel, Trina, and Vinnie as the core members. And the rest of you who are filling in for the others. And the Arranger."

Joey hummed as he looked at Barbra, Jerry, and Pamela. "We've been dealing with that perverse Rat Pirate for the last few weeks and if Bobby says that Xanel was perversely getting satisfaction out of this, then we know that it can't be Alex especially with his background and his education. His father wouldn't let him be like that. Not to mention what Vicky would do to him for being perverse to a boy. If Bobby says that it isn't Alex, then I believe him. We know how perverse the rat can get and if Alex was acting like that, then it's not Alex."

Jerry stated, "Then we owe it to our West Coast counterparts to help them with their mission since most of their team is absent for one reason or another. And Christopher and Bobby can come along, too."

Christopher said, "I just got off the cellphone with Amanda in Connecticut. She told me that our team were thwarting one of Storm Witch's evil plots and they had just called The Witch to let her know that another evil female was using the 'Witch' name without consulting her. And we know what happened the last time someone chose to use the word 'Witch' while Wendy Gliddle was around..."

The Unikron guard who had sided with Kevin said aloud in English, "Now that he is unconscious, the language block isn't active anymore. And yes, kinsmen... I've been fronting Kevin with all the information I was able to because I like him. I would rather serve him and his friends that this divine boob who can't keep it sheathed. Now you are all going to cooperate or else we flat tell Vicky the truth here and now and we see how long you last then. Help Kevin or incur Vicky's wrath?"

The others immediately chose to help Kevin after that. No one wants to chance the Wrath of Vicky.

The lady detective had cleaning supplies and towels laid our for the siblings when they entered although she was obviously not in the front room to see the state they were in. From the other door, they heard, "Glad you two are back. The safe house where Andrew Rooks was being kept was attacked by Vikings, Norse gods, and elven hunting hounds. And currently Andrew is missing again. Would you happen to know anything about that, Vicky?"

Planet Foresta; Davey Jones Island

Alex had found a rather open job in the Midnight Sea Dog Tavern where the owner actually had an old piano that simply needed a fine tuning which Alex was glad to provide. Then he got his job playing the old instrument as he showed off a skill that his father wouldn't let him perform at home: He could read any sheet music and play boogie woogie like nobodies business.

And that suited the canine owner just fine as Alex wow'ed the crowd with his talent to the point of being able to continue playing even throughout a bar room brawl.

"Vicky would love a brawl like this," remarked Alex as he continued playing the piano.

"That's really too bad," Vinnie said, frowning, "but our mission isn't Alex. It's Alex's father. The man that died was an imposter. That means we have to find the real Mr. Hazard."

"Divine?" Kevin questioned as he pulled out his phone. "That would explain a lot." Then the call he had placed was answered. "Hey, Brad, how's it goin? I need some back up and the rest of HM is busy. How do you feel about taking a trip into space?"

"Sounds like he might have played his flute and summoned some Arvandor back up. His keepers must not be too bright if they left his flute where he could get his hands on it. I wouldn't worry too much about it, he's probably back with the Moon Dog pack," Vicky explained.

Mark said, "If he was an impostor, then Alex would have detected that when he saw him... unless Joey and the others are right... that Xanel isn't Alex. So where do we go to look for Mr. Hazard?"

Arcadia in Washington D.C. had a little of everything, honestly. It wasn't just a video gaming arcade; it also had a roller rink and a bowling alley, as well as a matinee theater.

Zak glanced over at Brad as he lined up his bowling ball. "I wonder who Brad is talking to?"

Chester grinned. "Probably his father." He switched to the really bad Aussie accent. "Yas know 'ow bad villainous joeys are, mate."

Harvey laughed at the comment.

Marsha then said, "It's not Mr. Collins. Brad isn't screaming into the phone."

Lori remarked, "Brad has other friends with his cellphone number, you know. Some of them are cute."

Angela smiled. "As cute as Harley? somehow I would have to say no."

The lady detective then said, "The Unikrons attacked the Oscarson's estate earlier and for some reason didn't kill anyone. But a report said that the leader left with a teen aged boy in his company. What do you know about that, Vicky?"

Trina let out a low whistle. "Vicky will be furious if that's right. That would mean she's been with an imposter all this time and didn't know it. I wouldn't want to be around for that explosion."

Christy, who was sitting at the scoring machine, laughed. "Oh yeah. Conversations with his dad can be heard in Heliopolis."

Cynthia choked on her soda and coughed as Kelly patted her back.

"Very nice, Chester," Kelly said, her tone, if not her face, showing her amusement. Kelly rarely smiled.

"Well, I can't pull off the accent," Harley informed them humbly.

"Neither can Chester," Marc laughed.

"Shore thing, Mate," Brad's heavily accented baritone floated to them, despite the cacophony of bowling balls striking pins. "I'll get my mates together and brief them on the situation, and we'll be with you in a jiff." He disconnected the phone then turned to join the others. "My mate Kevin is needing some help. Anyone feel like taking an extraterrestrial field trip?"

"WHAT?!?!" Vicky shouted, her eyes flashing. "Alex wouldn't do that!"

Victor, who was calmly cleaning himself up, merely arched a brow and commented, "I thought it was Xanel."

Vicky glared at Victor. Then suddenly it hit her. "Oh my God! I've been played. I'll kill him," she growled heading for the door.

Victor let her go. He wasn't getting involved any more than he already had. He preferred to stay with his mate, out of the public eye. It was too tempting to go on a feeding frenzy if he was surrounded by too many delectable morsels.

"Does this mean we can go home to Chicago?" he asked.

Alex grinned as he saw a chair from a pirate canine smash over the head of a pirate stag. "Boy, they are really causing a ruckus! Glad no one is coming near the piano!" He continued to play his music.

Mark said, "If Vicky is with her brother, then he gets to see the initial explosion. All we'll see is the aftermath."

Joseph walked up to the others. "My team and I would like to help you guys this once. I know you're heading out of town, but with my connections to law enforcement and my official legal badge that my dad helped me get, I can help you guys through the local law in whatever area you head to."

Jerry grinned. "I better come along. If you're getting the Super Mouse, then you might need the Mountain Crusader a la Hell Hunter too. Although if the ladies want to sit this one out... which I doubt... then they can."

Lionel smiled. "It's nice to have people willing to get Hazardous with us."

Adam giggled. "I hope they know what they are in for."

The lady detective grinned. "Yes, and we'll be using the teleporter to make the trip back. Something tells me we want to be back in Chicago when Vicky really explodes. Let's pack up and go."

Ivan the teenage security genius giggled as he sat through a home schooling lesson. "I wonder what my friends in HM are up to currently?"

Mikael hummed as he looked over a map of California with Reggie the chauffeur. "We need to find out where they are holding Mr. Hazard at, now that we know the fake is the one who died."

Reggie stroked his chin. "Reginald has some properties in Northern California. Hunting properties, if you will..."

Mikael smiled. "That might be the best place to start. I'll send word to Vinnie immediately." And he does...

Reena wasn't practicing with her etiquette now. She was getting fitted into the red dress. "I can't believe Trina sent me my favorite color as a dress. Maybe I should dress up as Carmen Sandiego and steal Mark right in front of Trina at the wedding..." She laughed.

The Gray Unicorn

Genie and Teen Death appeared suddenly in the middle of the club and several teenagers screamed when they did.

"Oh zip it!" exclaimed Genie. "We're looking for Grim! This is official Hazardous Material business! Now where is he?"

They all quickly pointed to a table in the corner.

"Grim!" started Teen Death. "You are in so much trouble for abandoning me in Greece! And I have already reported your interference among mortals!"

Grim still had a martini in his bony hand. "First of all... I never misled anyone, apprentice. I implied that Mr. Hazard was the target, however, even I knew that the person pretending to be Mr. Hazard was the true target of dying. Since he was pretending to be Mr. Hazard, records show that all implications toward him were to be said in the manner of Mr. Hazard and not the man's real name, which was Sean Peterson. He worked for Madame Borva, but quickly ran afoul of the Oscarsons in a detrimental manner."

Genie said, "Half the team are in Atlanta, Grim. Do you know what all is really going on?"

He grinned as he commented, "No. Do I look like the Scribe? I wouldn't want to know everything that was going on. So you reported me, did you? If they punish me, then you will be forced to do my job all by yourself and then you will learn the hard way how difficult this job is. And why I do things the way I do them. As for Genie, she is a big girl and she took good care of you."

Genie growled, "I told you he was like a door bell."


Teen Death then grinned. "And you don't have one either!"

A secret hangar in upper New York state...

Commissioner Charles Wallace Reivax was meeting with Kevin and the guest stars from Maximum Force, as Andrew Rook suddenly appeared via Moon Dog magic. He did still look human, luckily. And he had, yet again, new elven clothes.

"Hi Kevin. I'm going with you this time and don't you dare say no. I just got finished talking to the Count to make certain he knew I was okay and I for one don't want to hang out with the rest of the team. Hey! Hi Harley!"

Yep, everyone knows Harley!

Reivax giggled as he turned off his Screener to reveal himself as his Galactic Patrol Officer, the alien reindeer named Arclight. "The sooner we get Xanel off planet, the faster we can avoid Vicky tracking him down. She does NOT need to visit other worlds. The bard can come along as well as the Unikron warriors, and your D.C. friends. Is there anything more I need to know?"

Reivax had injected the unconscious Xanel with a strong GP-Issue sedative to keep him from waking up.

"Well, I'll need to swing by and get Rufus. I can't leave him alone in the apartment for that long. I'll drop him off at Dad's on the way," Pamela said.

"I go where Joey goes," Barbara agreed. "Even if I have to deal with the sociopath rat sometimes."

Trina laughed. "Of course they do. They get into just as much stuff as we do. I think."

Vinnie was, again, looking far away. "We're going to meet up with Mikael and Reggie. They have a pretty good idea of where to begin the search for Mr. Hazard."

Hel smiled at Pamela and said, "You could just bring him along. Dogs are always welcome on HM adventures. Even normal ones."

"Way ahead of you," Victor said, throwing his few things in his bag.

"Focus, Ivan," Janice Carrington said softly. "I know you already know all of this stuff, but this is the only way we can legally keep you out of public school."

A soft chuckle came from the corner where Jacob Carrington, the found of Carrington Security Systems, sat in a large recliner. "As long as he aces the tests we don't have to really worry about the lessons, sis. And I'm sure your buddies are in it up to their eyebrows, Ivan. As always."

Vicky steamed, literally, as she stalked down the street. She'd been duped. She was livid and wanted to destroy something, but didn't want to waste her rage on some insignificant target. She wanted vengeance. Vengeance against the one who was cocky enough to lead her on. Oh yes, she wanted Xanel. His head in her hands. And she'd have it to. One way or another.

"Hi, Andrew! Glad to see you got out of that little scrap you were in," Harley responded.

Yes, Harley always knows whats going on with his friends.

"That's fine, Andrew," Kevin responded then turned to Arclight. "We need to go now. I sense Vicky on the warpath and she already knows Xanel's scent. I don't think she can track him through the veils we traveled through to get here, but I don't want to chance it. Lets go."

Hollywood, Studio Lot 4c

Erina had, once again, done well during the shoot. It was her co-star that kept 'accidentally' flubbing his lines so that they had to redo the shot. The scene called for the man of the story to trip and fall between the heroine's legs and then he had one single line to say. This would be the fourteenth take.

Erina took her place on the settee, and waited as action was called.

The man entered, she could see the lecherous look he was giving her as he made his way across the room. At the appropriate place he tripped, as the script called for, and landed right between her legs. His face almost up in her crotch. She gritted her teeth and waited.

"I'm sorry I forgot the line," he said, the director called cut.

As he started to move away from her, she felt him actually lick her leg.

That was it. The final Straw. Erina shot off the settee and knocked the man to the ground. "HOW DARE YOU!" she bellowed in an other-worldly growl that rattled the fake walls. Her costumed burned off her flesh as the flames of the Abyss rose around her. "YOU INSOLENT LITTLE WORM! MAY YOUR DICK SHRIVEL UP, NEVER TO GROW HARD AGAIN! YOU WILL NEVER KNOW PLEASURE OR BE ABLE TO PLEASURE ANOTHER!"

Then she turned to the director and said, in her normal voice. "I quit!" and walked off the set.

Joseph held Barbra as he smiled at Bobby. "You coming along with us, or are you getting the Criss Cross ride home?"

Jerry hugged Pamela. "We don't get to see Rufus on road trips that often, hon. Bring him along for the ride. Maybe he can meet Garm."

Lionel said, "I wonder how the rest of the team are making out?"

Adam giggled. "Now you know they aren't making out!"

Mark said, "What's the word, Vinnie? Are we ready for a cross country teleport? Or are we picking up Rufus first?"

Ivan replied, "Yes, but unless someone spouts off my catch-phrase, then they will have trouble solving the mystery. It's like Captain Chaos. Dun Da DUH! This place needs a Carrington Security System!"

Mikael and his new apprentice who was currently a clothed feli-sapien, along with Reggie the chauffeur, were about to leave the Hazard Mansion to drive up toward the hunting properties that Mr. Hazard owned.

Reggie asked, "Who is the boy, Mikael?"

Mikael smiled. "This is my new apprentice, Francis Standish. He's agreed to learn magic under my teaching. Lionel was a great apprentice, but it was time for him to grow and advance himself in the world. He was my greatest student."

"Do you think so?" Pamela asked. "Well, ok then. I'll get him," she said, and, instantly, Rufus, a very handsome Bloodhound, stood beside her.

Rufus, a red and tawny Bloodhound, is a very powerful, massive hound dog. His back is very strong for the dog's size. His head is long and narrow in proportion to his length, and long in proportion to his body. His muzzle is long with a black nose. His deeply sunk eyes are diamond in shape because of the lower lids being dragged down and turned outward by the heavy upper lips. Color varied from a deep hazel to yellow. The thin, soft, drooping ears are set very low and extremely long. Rufus has a lot of extra, wrinkled skin hanging excessively loose, even more so around his head and neck where it hangs in deep folds. The dewlap is very pronounced. His muscular, front legs are straight. His tail is carried high with a slight curve above the top line of the back. The folds of the skin aided Rufus in holding in scent particles while tracking. His coat is wrinkled, short and fairly hard in texture, with softer hair on the ears and skull.

"Well, it looks like we're ready to go cross-country" Vinnie said, admiring Rufus. "Is everyone ready now?"

Janice and Jacob both laughed. "Well," Janice said, "I'm sure if they were in dire straits they would have called you by now."

Mark handled the direct teleport from Atlanta to the Hollywood sign where the Hazardous Materials Research Cruiser was parked. "Hey, I see Erina's car parked in the parking lot, Hel. I wonder what went wrong at the set?"

Lionel commented, "I thought Erina was going to be filming all day. Something major must have happened on set."

Adam then smiled when he saw Garm inside the Research Cruiser and ran over and gave him a BIG hug! "I missed you!"

Joseph admired the scenery around the Hollywood sign. "Nice weather out here, Barbra."

Jerry grinned. "I think it would be neat if I summoned my underworld buddies in this land. Maybe on Halloween." He winked.

"ADAM!" Garm shouted, excited to his his little human friend. He practically knocked him down in his excitement, his long tail wagging wildly, stirring up a breeze.

Rufus stood next to Pamela as she wrapped her arm around Jerry's. "I think your buddies would fit in any time of the year," she laughed.

Erina stepped out of the cruiser when she heard all the commotion. She smiled at the guys, "Hey! Everything settled in Atlanta?"

Barbra nodded. "Yes, very nice. Too bad they have earthquakes, mudslides, and raging fires. But I guess every place has something."

"We need to get going if we're going to meet up with Mikael and Reggie," Vinnie pointed out.

Hel scratched Garm behind the ear and pulled him off Adam, "Easy, Garm. You don't want to break him."

Mark said, "Mob East has been settled and Andrew is off with Kevin and Vicky, I've heard... but now we have a new mystery to work on involving Mob West. It seems that Mr. Hazard is still alive and his impostor is the one who died and was buried. What happened with your movie?"

Adam rubbed and tickled on Garm's tummy. "Oh I don't mind, Hel. Garm is just happy to see me."

Lionel said, "I can't believe Mikael is actually NOT with his new apprentice. I wonder what happened?"

Joey and Jerry waved at Erina. "And you get part of the Protectors to help you this time, too," stated Joey.

"My co-star was a jerk that kept trying to cop a feel. I think I'll stick with stunt work," Erina replied, then hugged Jerry. "My dad loves your music," she winked.

"Good thing I'm not the jealous type," Pamela laughed.

Garm's huge tongue wagged out the side of his mouth as he relished the tummy tickle. "I've missed Adam," he said, giving him a big, slobbery lick on the face.

Vinnie was focused on Mikael's location. "Let me know when you're all ready," he said.

Just then, Trina's cellphone rang. It was Reena in Utah. "Trina? Just giving you the heads up... I just learned that my given name is one of those names like your real name. Our parents must have attended the same baby naming class before we were born. Anyway, I'm giving you the first chance to either laugh or show sympathy for me. The name is... Carena. CA-rena. Go ahead and respond."

Jerry smiled at Erina and said, "Maybe you would like to sit in with our band some time. Your dad would really love that. On the other claw, my father HATES it when I perform my music. My mom, luckily, is very supportive. She is well versed in blood sacrifices."

Adam hugged Garm again. "I am glad Garm is coming with us this time. I'll bet his sniffer can snuff out where the bad guys are holding Mr. Hazard. I mean, we have to rescue him so Alex has a good homecoming."

Mark suddenly had one of those fleeting thoughts that was better left unsaid in mixed company. Especially since Hel was one of those present. He suddenly wondered if Loki had recovered from the My Little Pony massacre that Hel had inflicted on him?

Lionel on the other paw was wondering what happened between Mikael and Mikael's newest apprentice since they weren't together at the moment. Mikael was with Reggie and Reggie belonged to Alex. End of discussion.

Joey then said, "I think we better hook up with Mikael and Reggie before the sun sets, guys. I hate being like a were-mouse/were-rat monster type. I don't know how we're going to handle Super Pirate the next time he's out. He is going to remember that Mark took his costume."

Mark commented, "At least I had time to sanitize and freshen it already. It doesn't stink of rodent now. It's Downy soft and smells as fresh as a spring day."

Mikael and Reggie were waiting at the Witch Van and Hazard Limo at the now well-remembered roadway where 'Hazardous Road Rage' occurred some years before. (A recap of this event will appear in the Wedding Memories episode.)

Trina was silent for a moment as the news Reena just told her sunk in. "You poor thing. And they wonder why we act the way we do. It's all their fault. I'll let you tell the others. I know how terrible something like that is. On a better note, what did you think of your dress?"

She smiled at Jerry, "That's a very generous offer, Jerry. Unfortunately, I am not musically inclined in any way," she shrugged, "but my Dad would love it."

"Awe, thanks, Adam. Most humans smell the same, some are just less clean than others," Garm wrinkled his nose. "But you always smell good," he said, giving Adam another big wet lick.

Reena replied before the teleport, "The dress is simply awesome and really fits me well. At your wedding, you'll get to see me acting properly. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."

"All right, everyone," Vinnie said, "Lets go," and he transported them to Mikael and Reggie's location.

The Witch Van and the Hazard Limo were waiting there when Vinny and the others appeared. And soon, with everyone in various vehicles, the drive up the highway and out of the L.A. Metro commenced.

Adam entertained Garm in the back of the Witch Van.

Everyone else had live conference radio contact between the vehicles for discussing the mission to come.

Reggie said, "I am so glad Kevin went after Alex. All of this impostor nonsense was starting to get monotonous."

Mark replied, "I am just glad everyone was so alert this time. We are going to punish whoever kidnapped Mr. Hazard."

With a chuckle, Arnold Ranger suddenly said over their radio, "My wife totally agrees with that statement, my friends. I am following your group. Don't ask where."

Mikael said, "How have you been holding up, Lionel?"

Lionel replied from the other vehicle, "I am in the process of setting up my own place."

Mikael sighed. "You don't have to move out of the house on the hill."

Lionel was quiet a moment. "Will I ever get the ability to appear human if I come back? And don't lie to me, Mikael."

Mikael said, "The spell isn't an easy one to learn. If you don't believe me, go ask Annimage or Wendy."

Lionel then said in a huff, "Why don't I just ask the Arranger if he will give me what I want?"

Adam slowly rubbed on Garm's tummy. "This team is always so dysfunctional. That's why I am so glad I get to spend a lot of my time with you, Garm."

Genie and Teen Death appeared inside the Witch Van. Genie said, "Finally got Grim to admit that he knew that Mr. Hazard was an impostor. He KNEW it when the fake died."

Mark grinned. "Ivan is taking GED courses through home schooling with his new guardians."

Teen Death commented, "We saw your sister Cynthia at the Gray Unicorn, Mark. She was preparing something for yours and Trina's wedding."

"Wait until you see what else I have planned, Reena," Trina responded. "Ok, I gotta go, we're on the move. You know it's serious when we have the A. Ranger backing us up without having to pay him," she said with a smirk.

Garm's large thumping tail shook the entire van as he snuggled up next to Adam. "Do I get to eat someone?" he asked, only half joking.

Hel laughed, "Would you want to? There's no telling where they've been."

Garm then got a very disgusted look on his face. "Oh. That's right. I'd rather have some more of the treats that Adam gave me last time," he winked.

"If we could trust him, he wouldn't be so bad," Barbra said quietly, placing her hand on Joseph's arm reassuringly. "But since he's usually worse than anyone else we go up against, it's just inconvenient."

Pamela frowned at Lionel. "Transformation spells are terribly difficult," she confirmed. "The best way to learn one is to learn from someone who transforms on a regular basis. Otherwise, you may end up turning into something you don't want to be. But even that is ultimately safer than asking the A. Ranger for something."

Erina nodded. "You may end up turned into something you really don't want to be."

Vinnie remained silent. He found it interesting that the team often forgot just how powerful he was in terms of magic. Of course, his magic was extraterrestrial in nature. He wasn't sure if he could help Lionel or not. Or even if he should.

The Arranger then stated over the radio, "How many of you would love to tell my wife, the Attorney, that you do NOT want my help? I can't hear you?"

Needless to say, no one bothered to give an answer.

Northern California, a hunting road leading off of the highway

Reggie stepped out of the limousine and waited for everyone to gather. Then he pointed into the forest. "Reginald has a hunting lodge or cabin if you will... in that direction. It is normally only reachable via helicopter or by hiking there. And since you have a bloodhound and an Asgardian Mastiff with you, you shouldn't have any problems finding the place. I'll stay here and contact the police. If you guys get into trouble, just scream. It's a hunting region."

Mark grinned. "As Reena would say, we are good at screaming."

Mikael said, "These baddies are going to be armed, guys. They will be playing hard ball, so... the mitts are off."

Adam grinned. "A good brawl and Ivan is going to miss it."

Lionel said, "I'll stick with Genie and Teen Death. Some bad guys might get scared to death and Teen Death will get first dibs on them if they die."

Genie pulled out a familiar toy bunny and pulled the string. Bad Mouthed Bunny exclaimed, "Eat *bleep* and die!" Genie laughed and laughed, then she put the toy away. "Okay, I'm all ready for action."

Joey rolled his eyes.

Jerry grinned. "I have the whole collection at home. Those are the funniest toys ever."

Trina was in her femme fatale jaguar form, the first time since she'd returned from the extraterrestrial finishing school. She was ripped and sculpted in ways she'd never been before and her claws looked sharper than ever. "I'm ready," she growled.

Garm stretched and shook his massive body. Then he raised his nose to the air and inhaled deeply. "I smell a gathering of human males," he said, sniffing again, "in that direction," he indicated by looking off into the woods.

"How bad do you think they'll crap their pants if the see a giant hound coming at them?" Pamela laughed.

Barbra frowned, "That's gross, but, more than likely, an accurate assumption."

Vinnie pulled on his gloves. "I only need one alive to deliver to Mikky K," he said.

Hel irked at Vinnie's seriousness, "Ok then. I guess we're ready to head into the deep, dark woods. I hope Hansel and Gretel aren't lost in there somewhere."

Adam giggled. "Maybe we'll see Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Garm, I mean Wolf." He winked.

The Protectors among them who could fly took to the air, preferring the aerial approach over the deep dark woods.

Mark moved forward stealthily. Of course he was thinking, At least Andrew can't get into trouble here since he's off with Kevin.

Reginald Hazard quietly spoke in a low spooky manner, "...and all through the stillness of the eerily quiet woods came forth the lumbering masses of the unknown while the agents of the Mob waited nearby, guarding the door of their prisoner... totally unsuspecting the horror of the woods, a visage as grim as death and as ashen white as Hela's lovely complexion... slowly baring down on the-"

Outside the door, one of the hoods suddenly said, "WILL YOU SHUT UP? Damned... it's hard to concentrate with him talking like that."

Another guard remarked, "Yeah... he made you pass wind. I told you not to eat those burritos earlier. Man, that one reeks."

A third one said, "Why do I always get stuck with Tweedledum and Tweedledee?"

Garm bounded off into the woods, baying a deep chilling howl that echoed through the woods. Mere humans would find their skin covered with goosebumps and the hair on the back of their neck standing on end. His howl was meant to make even the strongest warriors tremble in their boots. Simple thugs might find themselves wetting their pants, or worse.

"Wow, I'm glad I'm not on the receiving end of that," Pamela said, shivering.

Barbra, who had taken to the trees and blended into the dark, was heard saying, "I see lights to the northwest."

Vinnie had summoned "sentinels" to illuminate their way through the woods. They appeared as willow-the-wisps, floating though the trees. They stayed in line with him as he walked through the woods.

Hel went skipping along the path, acting like he was dropping bread crumbs along the way.

"...and as the baying howl from the ungodly Baskerville hounds echoed throughout the dark and spooky woods..."

One hood who had indeed wet himself growled, "Will you shut up in there? What in the Hell made that horrible sound?"

The smarter mob member said, "Open fire on anything that moves. I wet myself, too."

The third one thought that it was time to exercise the better part of valor. He who wets themselves and runs away... lives to wet themselves another day. "I'll take care of Mr. Hazard." And he got up and walked inside the cabin and closed the front door.

Once inside, he picked up the industrialist, hefted him over one shoulder, and departed out the back door, leaving the two guards to accept their fate... alone.

"Where are you taking me?" Reginald asked with a grin.

The third mob guard quietly replied, "There's a little cafe back along the trail and up on that lone highway on the backside. I was thinking you might need something to eat and a little coffee. Just PLEASE stop telling that spooky story." And he continued on his way through the back way out of the woods.

Supermouse activated his team communicator where only Pamela, Barbra, and Jerry could hear him as he said, "I spotted a hood quickly carrying someone over their shoulder going out the back way. I am going to keep them in sight. I think one of them either got smart and is trying to get Reginald out to civilization or... they had someone else out here other than Mr. Hazard." And he flew on through the dark sky, keeping them in sight.

Back at the cabin, Mark stepped out into the open with the ghost toasty duo and of course, the hoods opened fire on them. And even though Mark's magician outfit got shredded from the gunfire... he didn't suffer a single injury, thanks to Super Pirate's costume which he was wearing under his clothes.

"Wow! I forgot I was wearing that!" exclaimed Mark. "It saved my life just then!"

Genie and Teen Death then made themselves glow with the aura of doom, as Genie said, "Trying to kill Mark is a No-No! Sic 'em, Trina!"

And what happened next... well...

Mikael shouted, "If she kills them all, Vinnie won't get his man!"

Adam exclaimed, "Way to go, Garm! You gotta LOVE 'im! He's my hero!"

Lionel began casting lightning spells toward the guards, since his old mentor wasn't doing anything.

And strangely... The Arranger hadn't been heard from since the team arrived at the woods. I wonder where he got himself off to?

Trina pounced from the woods, claws extended, an unearthly, primal scream filling the air as she landed on one of the thugs, sinking her claws deep into his throat. Her fury peaked, she tore out his throat and turned to pounce on the other thug, her fangs glistening in the pale moonlight and her claws dripping blood.

Garm halted and turned his head away from the cabin. "Two humans making their way through the woods that way," he indicated.

"I guess I'll have to apprehend that one to take to Mikky K," Vinnie muttered.

"What do you know," Pamela grinned, "one of them isn't as stupid as the others."

"I'm tracking him," Barbra said, her voice hushed.

Hel, who had stopped skipping when the gunfire had begun, leaned up against a tree and waited for the carnage to end. "That was really stupid to shoot at Mark when Trina is nearby. Oh well, looks like my sister might be getting some new additions."

Just as the hood entered the cafe with Mr. Hazard, he suddenly saw two people standing at the counter... The Arranger AND Vincent Cabriano.


"Hand over Mr. Hazard or Garm gets a new chew toy... namely you," demanded The Arranger.

It was a no contest draw. He handed over Mr. Hazard.

The Arranger said, "He's all yours, Vinnie." He then untied Reginald Hazard. "My wife was worried about you, Reginald. She told me to help Hazardous Materials in order to find you. She didn't believe that the fake you was you for a second."

Mr. Hazard coughed and sat down as he took a drink of some coffee. "And what of my son and Vicky and the others...?"

The Arranger replied, "Kevin Seasons and Victoria Lane went off planet to rescue your son from a stupid Unikron villain who thought he could impersonate Alexander on Earth. But he underestimated your chauffeur, Reggie. He was tipped off immediately when he was in the same room with both fakes. He knew something was up and he contacted Hazardous Materials, ASAP."

Mr. Hazard nodded his head. "First they save my business and now they save my family. I owe them a massive favor now. And I know how to make things right. I'll help the Trackers first by assisting with that wedding that I have been looking forward to. As for Alexander... I just want him to attend the best college possible. I'll make it up to him by letting him choose any college of his choice outside of California and permit him to attend it at his own pace. He is old enough to be in college yet he stays so close to me and Reggie."

Adam suddenly said, "Where did Vinnie go? He just disappeared from where he was standing!" He looked at Garm. "Did you eat him?" He winked with a giggle.

At the Cabin, Teen Death pulled out a tablet and checked off two names from the list then she said, "Okay Hel. They're dead. I've done my job so now you get to do your thing." And as she finished speaking, she suddenly glowed and she was dressed in the garb of a Rank 1 Death. Of course, she immediately ripped it off and incinerated it in a blast of fire of brimstone. "I prefer my own dress code, thank you very much. But at least I graduated from Rookie status finally. I'm an official death now."

Genie smiled. "Congratulations, I knew you could do it!"

Mark chose not to look at the mangled bloody bodies. "My parents and Cynthia aren't going to believe this one. Another suit ruined. But at least this time it was the black one and not one of my good white suits."

Mikael said, "Suits can be replaced, Mark. You're just lucky you were wearing Super Pirate's super costume under your clothes. That saved your life more than anything."

Mark nodded his head. "You're right. So in effect, as much as he will hate the idea... he saved my life."

Mikael giggled.

Lionel was helping Trina get cleaned up now that the stupid fools were no longer a threat. "Did you get your fill, Ms. Tracker?"

"I'll leave you to handle Mr. Hazard," Vinnie said, laying his hand on the thug's shoulder. "There is someone who want to have some words with this one."

Then Vinnie was gone, with the thug, leaving The Arranger and Mr. Hazard alone.

Garm grinned. "I didn't eat him. He's not even human!"

Hel moved forward, motioning for Garm, who quickened moved to Hel's side. He gathered the souls of the fallen men, causing them to hover over the bodies. Garm then quickly snatched them both and disappeared from the group, taking the souls with him.

"Sorry, Adam. Garm has to work now. Cowards go to Niflheim, to my sister's keeping. And it's past time for Garm to return to his post," Hel explained. "Don't worry though, now that his pups are big enough, he'll get more breaks later."

Trina was no longer in a fury but she blushed, embarrassed that she'd lost control. "That wasn't what I meant to do."

Adam exclaimed, "That's okay, Hel! I know you promised that he could attend the wedding later, so I'll see him then!"

Lionel finished cleaning up Trina. "We won't mention this evening to your father. Now let's wrap up things here and get home."

At that moment, The Arranger and Mr. Hazard arrived back at the cabin with Supermouse and his friends. "Thanks for the lift, Supermouse," said Arnold. "We have Mr. Hazard. Vincent snagged the hood and disappeared with him. I see the obvious happened here. Shall we return to L.A. now?"

Mr. Hazard added, "When we get home, I would like to thank all of you more properly." Then he grinned in a funny manner. "I don't think those three liked my spooky tale from the dark side. I personally thought I narrated that quite well."

Not long after in L.A. at the Hazard mansion, Mr. Hazard soon rejoined the others having just finished a hot shower and wearing clean clothing once again. "Thank you all for waiting. I met two romantic Unikrons in the corridor as I was completing my redress. They took one look at me and seemed to smile gently before going on into a room they had claimed. I got the mental sensation that they knew I was the real Mr. Hazard."

Reggie commented, "That was Aurora and Cryston. They are lovers whose families were at each others throats. They came to Earth as emissaries to help locate their missing lost prince. Of course, they have no intention of returning to their home world and are content to protecting the Hazard estate and family. I am just glad you are back, sir."

Mikael glanced over from where he sat near what looked like a French young man whose form shimmered via a spell. "I am glad we found you, Mr. Hazard. Perhaps now things can get back to normal." He turned back to the French young man. "Now remember, Lionel Flavelle, this spell you have now learned only temporarily allows you assume your old human form. When you sleep or become unconscious, you will revert to your Feli-Sapien identity. And don't even attempt to cast a permanency spell on this spell because it will cause you massive problems and could even cause your species to mutate and then you'd be even more miserable."

Lionel nodded his head. "At least this is a start, Mikael. If you had taught me this when I lived with you, we wouldn't have gone through all of this angst and suffering recently."

Mikael said, "So does this mean you will move back to Warlock Hill?"

Lionel shook his head. "I can't. Mikky K whom owes our team payment for our mission in Atlanta suggested that because you have released me as your apprentice and have taken another, that I should experience living on my own for a while. I will remain at the Gray Unicorn for now as their resident Salem Warlock stage performer. Mark has performed there and the teenagers there know how to keep their muzzles shut."

Mark now wore one of his all-white suits once again, although he still wore the Super Pirate suit just under that, since it did save his life. "I am glad my parents didn't blow a fuse when I handed in that black suit. They just kinda smiled knowingly at each other. And when I told them what I suspected about the Magic Mansion, they indicated that they would be moving out themselves very soon. Believe me when I say that a world shattering personality transformation in Cynthia is clearly noted and heeded. I think my parents were impressed."

Teen Death and Genie then appeared. Teen Death was wearing a 'Costume Shop original' costume that depicted her profession. And it was surprisingly HOT. Genie also wore new duds, courtesy of the Costume Shop.

Perhaps more disturbing, Grim appeared just behind the two holding a martini. And he was smiling. "...and therefore, as you suspect my lady friends... all came to pass exactly as I said it would. I was simply doing my job."

Genie remarked, "Okay, so you were right. But that doesn't make me respect you like I once did. Ding-dong."

Teen Death went over to Mark and smiled at him. "You looked awesome in black, Mark Merlin. Now you look like a white liner or a soul guardian. White doesn't quite agree with me, but you do it justice, I suppose."

Mark grinned. "Super Pirate's tights are just under this. And it for the most part is black."

"Oh, my father," Trina frowned, "he'll not be pleased. So much for all my lessons in refinement."

Hel grinned, "He'll not miss that for anything."

"I happen to adore Mark in white," Trina smiled from her position curled up in an overstuffed wing-back chair. "I wonder how long you'll get to hang on to the Pirate costume? It did come in handy this time. Oh, Genie, did you happen to pick up a package at the costume shop whilst you were there with Teen Death? It's your bridesmaid dress," she said with a wink.

"One of these days, you're going to get yourself in a jam with your double-speak and subterfuge," Hel said to Grim. "Especially since Teen Death there is no longer a novice."

Erina, who had come to the mansion at some point during their adventure helped Reggie lay out the spread for the conquering heroes. "Sorry I missed all the fun. I am so gonna be in the thick of things next time," she vowed.

Mr. Hazard smiled as he admired those present. "Now we just need for Alex to come home and all will be perfect. I suppose he is in good hands with Kevin, whom Alex tells me he regards as a blood brother. But I am glad they are not related."


Reggie answered the phone. "Hazard residence." Pause. "Yes, I will let them know." Pause. "Yes, she is standing right close by. Do you want to talk to her?" Longer pause. "Very well, sir. I will let her know. Good day." And he hung up the phone.

Mark asked, "Who was that, Reggie?"

He replied, "Mr. Tracker needs Trina to come home right now. He said he needs her help with the guest list."

Mark said, "I better contact my cousins in Japan then." He grinned as he went to do that.

Genie remarked, "Too bad Adam went back home. I like having him around. And Garm is always so well behaved when Adam is here, too."

Mikael smiled. "I should go check on my new apprentice. He was supposed to be doing his laundry." POOF!

Lionel flashed a smile over at Erina and gave her a kiss. "From a young French man turned Feli-Sapien to a beautiful lady of respect."

Trina rolled her eyes, "I was kinda hoping that he and Mom would handle the guest list and seating chart, but I guess there's no such luck with that. Oh well, guess I'd better head out," and Trina exited the Hazard mansion.

"I wonder how everyone will react to me in a tux?" Hel pondered out loud, grinning.

Erina smiled at Lionel. "You're one of the few that I allow to get away with that, you know. I can't wait for the wedding, especially if it means seeing Hel in a tux."

Midnight at the Gray Unicorn

Mark was in his bed sleeping peacefully although still wearing the black pirate super costume since he forgot to remove it before getting in bed. He was having a nice little dream when suddenly, he became aware of someone directly on top of him in bed with him and from the shape, it wasn't Trina.

Upon opening his eyes, he saw that he was pinned down by Super Pirate, Super Mouse's other identity.

"I heard that my super suit saved your life, Mark Merlin," he said holding the magician in place. "And because it did, you now owe me for the usage of my costume. I'm a reasonable super rat, so I'll make the payment easy for you..."

Mark whispered, "What do you want, Super Pirate?"

He grinned as he gave Mark a kiss on the mouth! When he let up, he said, "Use your magic to make it so both Joey and I can attend your wedding to Trina and I will let you use the costume as much as you like. As you can see, I have another now."

Mark replied, "I don't get it with that payment... what do you get out of this once the wedding is over with?"

Super Pirate grinned showing his sharp teeth. "The only time I get out is when Joey is asleep or unconscious. I want you to make it so I can have a separate life from Joey and Supermouse. You do that for me and I'll be a friend for life. You'll see. I can be useful. Besides, you Hazardous Materials guys are a member short what with Ivan being a teenager again."

Mark said, "So what will your secret identity be named if you are separate from Joey?"

He petted on Mark with a gloved paw as he replied, "How does Valiance Sawyer sound to you? You see? I have been thinking about it. I even prepared a description of what my secret identity should look like so I am not just a twin to Joey. You help me get my own life and you get my services whenever you ask for them. And you get to use the super suit as long as you like. It did save your life after all."

Mark hummed as he thought about it. Although he was tired, he did need his sleep. "Deal, but I need to get some sleep. I've been up all day, unlike you, and I have wedding plans in the morning. I have to get fitted for the suit that Trina picked out for me. But you have a deal." And then he closed his eyes again, allowing Super Pirate to do whatever he liked.

**End of HM-11 The Mob Rules

Read along with Alex and Kevin as they learn about Alex's background in HM-12 Hazardous Worlds

And then stay tuned for the ceremony of the century in HM-13 Wedding Memories**