Furry Inc. Version 1.0
Furry Inc.
Ian, a young man of 19 years, was more than disappointed to see, that his former holiday job at his fathers steal company has been replaced by another young man who tried to earn some extra money for financing his studies as well.
Ian wasn't really angry with the man himself, but he was disappointed that his father, who owned the company, didn't secure him the place as he usually did every holiday.
"You just have to look for another job. There are plenty out there."
He didn't expected a statement like this even from his father. But there was nothing he could do to change the matters. Besides, the workers in the department where Ian usually worked, would see that no one can handle the machines better than Ian. The new worker will probably slow down their working speed.
Two weeks after the beginning of the holidays, Ian was still without a job. Every morning he checked the local newspaper for advertisements, but nothing he found in there seems to be an attractive work to him. His mother asked him why he didn't just helped their neighbour, old Lady Henson, with the housework.
"She offered me that job a long time ago. And she seems to be very disappointed maybe sad that you haven't called her yet."
"I know she needs help mum. Call me naive but I simply need more money for my studies. At least, more than this old witch is willing to pay."
But this last sentence, Ian kept for himself. Long ago Mrs. Henson had invited Ian to her house to do some work and it was horrible.
With that the next week went over. Ian thought that he would never have enough money to keep up with all the costs for one semester. Only three weeks left until the next one would start. Like every morning Ian was checking the newspaper ads. Suddenly the telephone rang. It was Ians father.
"Ian, I think I have found something for you. Dou you have the newspaper?"
"I'm sitting in front of it, still checking the local ads."
"Good. Take a closer look at the advertisement on page thirty eight. I think that should be of interest to you."
Ian went through the pages and found the site.
"Furry Inc. Is that the one?"
"Yeah, that's it. You should give it a try."
"Ok, thanks dad I'll...." But before he could finish the sentence Ian's father was already gone.
Ian took a closer look at the advertisement from the company with that strange name. He had never heard from this one before.
"Furry Inc. Cool name. I wonder what they are doing."
But nevertheless the advertisement described a well paid, interesting activity. No experiences needed. Working in a fine atmosphere with friendly colleagues. Ideal for holiday workers. That's the one thought Ian and checked the contact field. There was a phone number.
"No time to lose. I should take the opportunity as long as its there."
Immediately Ian grabbed the telephone and typed in the number. It took a while until someone on the other side answered. Suddenly there was this deep, heavy but friendly voice who answered. The bass tone went trough Ian's body as electricity.
"This is Furry Incorporated, you are talking to Willion Davis. How can I help you?"
Ian almost forgot to say something but at last he regained his voice.
"Ähhm...hi... my name is Ian. Ian Wilson. I'm calling because of the advertisement in the newspaper."
Somehow he didn't know what to say else. There was a short silence. Then Mr. Davis on the other side continued.
"Hello Mr. Wilson. That's a good thing to hear, we are still looking for a new employee. Sorry but I'm a little bit busy. I'm currently waiting for an important phone call. Do you have time to come and introduce yourself to us?"
"Sure, I have plenty of time. When would it be appropriate for you?" Ian was happy to hear that.
"How about today? After my phone call there should be enough space left for putting you in between. Let's say three o'clock?"
"That's more than ok to me. What do you need from me? CV or my last school report?"
"No, just bring yourself and a good mood. That's all we need here. We chose our people because of their characters not because of their marks."
"That's a good attitude." Right after he said that, Ian wanted to kick himself.
"Well thanks." Answered Mr. Davis. "Okay, than I think I will see you in five hours."
"Yeah, See you then bye."
Ian went to his mother to inform her about the job.
"Didn't you promise to take the job at Mrs. Henson?" She replied.
"Only if I fail in getting another job elsewhere. Besides if the job at Furry Inc. isn't what I'm looking for I still can go to see Mrs. Henson."
But he was eager to take the job, everything else is better than to carry out old womens garbage.
Time went over slowly. Ian hoped, that the staff at Furry Inc. would accept him. He would show himself only from his best side. And also he wondered what kind of person Mr. Davis was. On the phone he sounded really powerful but friendly too. Ian remembered the feeling when he first heard his voice. There was some kind of strength in it that shacked his whole body. Ian took a look on his watch.
"I still have some time left."
Before he would leave the house Ian still checked his account on furaffinity for new submissions and comments on his page.
You have no new messages.
Pitty, no one made a comment on his last story. Maybe he should try to draw something to gain more attention. But that can wait. Now it was time to move on to Furry Inc. Three o'clock was approaching.
"See you later mom!"
"Bye sweatheart! And good luck."
Ian closed the front door of the house and headed towards the bus station.
According to the advertisement Furry Inc. was only three bus stops away from his home. With that the company lies within the same area than Ian's fathers did. He left the bus at even at the very same station. Another five minutes walk and Ian found himself right in front of the entrance of Furry Inc. Large blue letters of the companies name towered over the entrance. Cleary visible for everyone going by. The front side of the building was made of glass From the outside you could see every floor. But the rooms where hidden behind curtains.
As Ian entered the great hall, nobody seemed to be here. The room was all build in black murmur stone. On the floor in the middle of the entrance hall, there was a golden sign, probably the companies logo. Ian could identify it as eye. Obviously not a human one. He walked straight up to the reception. But there was also no one to talk to On the wall next to the reception was a button with a speaker above. Ian pushed the button. After a couple of moments a female voice answered.
"Hello, my name is Ian Wilson. I have a meeting with Mr. Willion Davis."
The voice didn't answer immediately. Suddenly a elevator door opened next to the speaker which was giving Ian's heart a jump. Then the voice answered again.
"Fifth floor. Last door on the corridor."
"Thank you." Answered Ian.
Ian entered the elevator and pushed the button for the fifth floor.
As he stepped out of the elevator he found himself in a normal corridor with doors on both sides. Voices came from the other doors. Obviously there were many workers up in here. Ian walked directly to the last door on the corridor. A sign on the left side proved Ian that this was the right place.
Mr. Willion Davis. Department Leader.
Ian knocked on the door. No answer. He tried again. Still no sign of Mr. Davis. Ian opened the door and stuck his head inside. The bureau was a nice one. A great black seat was behind the desk that was all black as well. Many papers and files were lying on the desk. The curtains were closed, but some streams of the sun were still making their way into the room. On the front side of the desk, there was a sing with Mr. Davis' name on it. Right next to that Ian saw a note.
Being back in a couple of minutes. Make yourself comfortable. Mr. Davis.
If Mr. Davis wasn't expecting anyone else, this was obviously a message to Ian. He entered the room and closed the door behind him. Ian took a seat in front of the desk. Some cookies were lying on the table in front of him. He took one. The minutes were passing by and there was still no sign of Mr. Davis or someone else. Was he to late? Did he misunderstood Mr. Davis' meeting time? That all went trough his mind as he heard footsteps on the corridor. They were coming into his direction. Then another door outside opened and someone was talking.
"Ian Wilson is already waiting for you Sir."
"Has he been informed yet?"
The second voice belonged to Mr. Davis. Ian remembered the sound of it.
"No, he went directly into your bureau."
"I seriously hope, he is not like the others."
What did that mean? "Not like the others." With that the door of the bureau opened. Ian stod up and turned around to face Mr. Davis. Ian almost fell over his seat.
He expected everything. But not that. Right in front of Ian stood a lion. Well, at least as far as he could see. The creature standing in front of him had the body of a human but his head was a lions one. He was wearing an ordinary business suit with a dark blue colour. In the light his mane looked red. Ian didn't know what exactly happened to him the moment Mr. Davis entered the room.
"Please relax." Mr. Davis said. "Everything is ok son. Don't be afraid."
"But...but...I'm...I'm not afraid. I'm..." As Ian heard himself he wasn't really sure if that was the truth.
Mr. Davis came up to Ian and put a claw on the boys shoulder to give him some support. Just now Ian realised how much he actually quacked inside. Slowly he sank back into his seat.
"Are you sure everything is all right? Shall I call a doctor?"
Now, hearing that voice right in front of him Ian's body felt like its going to melt. Suddenly he stare right into Mr. Davis eyes. They were he bluest Ian had ever seen. For some moments they stayed almost motionless. Then Ian found his voice again.
"I'm all right. Really. It was....it was just such a surprise to see you."
Mr. Davis smiled and finally took his claw off Ian's shoulder.
"I'm just glad you didn't freak out and ran out of the building." Mr. Davis went over to his own seat.
"Why should I do that?" Asked Ian.
"Well, the applicants before you acted like that. Not all, but most of them."
Ian wasn't surprised to hear that. Which normal guy wouldn't run away from a lion. Now, being a little bit calmer than some minutes ago, Ian began to study the lion in front of him. Just now he realised the perfect shape Mr. Davis had. He was very muscular and tall as well. His biceps barely had enough space under that suit. Ian's eyes were still wandering over the body as Mr. Davis took up the talk.
"Well, Mr. Wilson. Now that you're here, tell me a little bit about yourself. What are your interests and what defines you best. Besides, is it okay if I call you Ian? I don't like this formality stuff among co workers."
"Of course Sir. I'm perfectly well with that."
"Good. You can go on."
So Ian told Mr. Davis about his day time activities, the schools he visited and what kind of jobs he did previously during the holidays.
"So, why didn't you chose to work at your father's company?" Mr. Davis asked.
Ian didn't really expected that question.
"You see, Mr. Davis my......" Suddenly Mr. Davis interrupted Ian.
"Ian you can stop calling me Mr. Davis or Sir." He smiled. "Its okay if you say Willion."
"Okay William I...."
"No its not William."
"Its not William, Ian. My Name is Willion. With ion at the end."
"Sorry about that Willion. I didn't realised that immediately."
How stupid thought Ian. He should notice that.
"Don't worry, this happens very often but I interrupted you, please go on."
Ian liked the temper of Willion so he thought it was okay to tell him about his father. At first he wanted to lie to him but as far as Ian could see, the department leader wasn't that sort of guy who revealed secrets to others.
"My father replaced the position with another guy without even telling me. Usually he wouldn't do something like that but I think he is very busy with his high position, so he can easily forget small matters like the one I offer."
"What can be more important than family?"
This was the first time that Ian saw a not so friendly look on the lion in front of him. But after several seconds the look faded away and Willion continued.
"Well Ian, it seems that you are the person we are looking for. Are you informed about our work at Furry Incorporated?"
"Not really. Five hours ago I didn't even know that something like this or even you existed."
"That doesn't surprise me at all. Our company is basically what you call a chancery. We are here to secure the welfare of every furry being out there in the world. We help them to establish in the community."
"And this works?" Ian noticed that this was an odd thing to ask.
"Well, we do our best, but most people have simply too much prejudices against furries. But things will get better until they understand."
"Are there more furries here in the company?"
"Everyone who is working here is a furry. You are going to be the first human employee this company ever gets."
"So you are willing to give me the job?"
"Of course. This can only be an advantage for our enterprise when the outer world sees that humans can interact with us."
"I'm glad that I can be of use."
With that Willion stood up and hold out his claw into Ians direction.
"Then welcome on board, Ian."
"Thanks Willion. Thanks for the opportunity."
The giant claw closed itself around Ians hand. His whole body was trembling during the handshake.
"I have to thank you son. I will introduce you to my personal assistant. He will show you your working place"
Willion took the speaker of the phone in front of him.
"Adrian would you please come to my office?"
Ian heard a quick "Yes Sir" coming from the speaker. Willion then smiled again at Ian. Some moments passed until there was a knock on the offices door.
"Come in!" called Willion.
When Ian turned around he saw Adrian entering the room. He was a black wolf, also dressed in a fine suit. Ian immediately noticed the red tie. Adrian seemed to be even a little bit larger than Willion was, but he wasn't so muscular than his boss. With a friendly face he came up to greet Ian.
"Ian this is Adrian, my personal assistant, he will show you around." said Willion.
Adrian hold out his claw to Ian. Ian raised from his seat and wanted to shake the claw. He was a little bit unsure if that huge talons would scratch him, so he hesitated a little bit. Adrian noticed that.
"No need to be shy Ian. I just cut them this morning."
Ian smiled and lost his fear. The handshake felt warm but nice.
"Pleasure to meet you Ian."
"You are really not like the other applicants."
"I have already told him that." Willion put in. "But if you two would excuse me, I still have one important call to handle."
"Sure Sir. Ian you can go with me." Adrian said and already headed back to the door.
"Okay. Goodbye Willion."
"Bye son. I will see you later and check out if everything is fine."
Ian followed Adrian out of the room.
They walked down the corridor. The voices in the other rooms were still present. After some moments Arian took up the talk.
"Well, you seem to be very impressed."
"Yeah, I'm deeply impressed. I have always fantasised about....." suddenly he wasn't sure if he should continue the sentence. But before he could continue Adrian said:
"...about beings like us?"
"Well, yes."
"I like your attitude, Ian. Normally humans dislike us. It is good to see that there are a few that accept us like we are." As he said that Adrian put his claw on Ian's shoulder.
Ian liked the touch of it. Adrian lead the boy to the first office after the elevators. On the sign next to the door were two names. One was Adrian's and another one. Oscar Benjamin.
"Who is that?" Ian asked.
"He is my partner. We work together in the same position, as Mr. Davis assistants."
Adrian opened the door and let Ian enter first. This room wasn't as comfortable as Willion's bureau but still quite nice. There were three desks in parallel. Two were full of files, papers, notes and one laptop on each one. The third was nearly empty. In the corner of the room were many files towered up almost half the height of the room. Next to them were a lot of boxes.
"Hmm, it seems that Oscar is busy elsewhere. But I think he will return soon. I will introduce you then."
Adrian walked to the file towers.
"Actually your first task is quite simple. You have to get trough all these files. They have to be in alphabetical order. For that we have these boxes, each one is marked with a letter. You just look at the name on the file an then you put it into box with the right letter. You got me so far?"
"Yes I think I can handle that." Ian said.
"Good man. And if you find files with a red marking just bring them over to me, so that I can handle them."
"Then let's get started."
Adrian walked over to his desk and left Ian alone with his work. The boy started sorting in the files after their names. On every file was also a picture of the person who owned the file. The owners were all furries and Ian was surprised how many different species there were. And so, his job at the Furry Incorporated began.
After almost two hours Ian had already finished plenty of the files but there were still many left. Adrian left the room from time to time to do some work in other parts of the building. Meanwhile Ian just continued with his work. It was no problem for him to be alone even if he knew that he was the only human being in the building.
Suddenly Ian felt the need to go to the toilets. Unfortunately Adrian didn't tell him where to find them. He had to find it out for himself.
Ian went out into the corridor. He immediately saw the sign that displayed the way to the toilets. But it was an odd thing not to have the ordinary toilet logos of a man and a women on them. Instead there were two furry characters displayed. As Ian entered the front room before the toilets he noticed that he had no idea which logo was the sign for males. For some moments he just stood there. But then one door to the toilets opened and a panda, also dressed in a white shirt with a blue tie and blue trousers, came out. He immediately saw Ian standing there. His unfriendly look on the face immediately faded away and left a broad smile.
"You must be Ian, right." The panda had a very deep and mature voice.
Ian noticed a small Scottish accent in his voice. He had to be older than Willion.
"Nice to meet you, lad. Adrian already told me about you. He said you are not like other humans."
"Seems to be a special gift here."
"But of course lad. And let me say, that I'm proud to see that the younger people of your race seem to be more mature than the adults. That's one important thing to know and can be a benefit for our kind."
"Yeah, I still don't understand, why someone should dislike you. In my opinion furries are beautiful beings that need the same rights as humans. And I also don't see why humans shouldn't interact with them."
While Ian spoke the panda slowly walked up to him and checked him out from head to toe. Ian then looked directly into the red eyes of the panda. Then the panda put his paw on Ian's shoulder. For a moment they stayed motionless without saying anything. At first Ian found the look on the pandas face funny, than he noticed some kind of lust within. Ian didn't know what to do. He stood there, right in front of the public toilets with a panda that seemed to be sexual aroused because of him. The panda had started to rub his shoulder. Ians gaze wandered down the pandas body. It's muscles were flexing under the shirt and the bulge in his trousers was clearly visible. It took Ian some time to regain his full consciousness. Then he went some steps back and pulled free from the touch. The smile on the pandas face disappeared and left a questioning look.
"I'm...I'm really sorry lad. I don't know what came over me. Forgive me my obtrusiveness."
"Ähm...it's okay... really. Don't blame yourself. After all, nothing happened."
But Ian noticed that he lied to himself. He knew that he was about to get a full erection right in front of that huge panda. With a sudden move Ian went past the panda and disappeared into the men's toilet. The panda looked after him for some more moments and then went on to the bureaus.
Ian washed his face with cold water to cool him down. All the time he asked himself what actually happened some minutes ago. Of course he was aware that he had an erection. He had already imagined a sexual interaction with a furry before but that was with pictures on furaffinity. But this was the reality. And this reality seemed to be so much different than his imagination. Then he wondered if the panda was the only one who was attracted to him. Maybe the others in the company just knew better how to hide feelings. He thought that he would talk with Willion about that later. Of course without giving the panda much trouble.
After so many thoughts he had almost forgotten, why he came here.
He went into the toilet. As Ian was sitting there he heard that someone entered the room. According to the sound there was more than one person coming. Ian wondered what furries they were. He decided to remain calm. He didn't want another strange encounter especially not on the toilet. The furries walked past his cabin and entered the cabin next to his. Did they really got both into the same cabin? Ian was puzzled at first but then he heard the sound of zips, heavy breathing and the removing of clothes. Suddenly a pair of trousers was thrown over the upper edge of the his cabin and hung now half inside, several other clothes followed. Ian realised, that the two furries next to him were about to do it witch each other. Ian thought that it was not a good idea to stay here. But maybe they would hear him if he tried to sneak away. The breathing became heavier and Ian noticed that it would be better to be very quiet instead. Then one of the furries talked to the other. He had a deep, growling voice. He had to be bigger than his fellow.
"This is what you want, eh... my foxy. Come and get it."
The other one answered.
"Oh man look at the size of that monster. How many inches do you have inside there?"
"Why don't you just find out."
Ian became red after that statement and his body temperature raised. The space inside his trousers became smaller as well. He couldn't avoid it.
Next to him, the fox, he had to be one after the dominant furry called him foxy, pulled down the shorts of his partner. Then the short was thrown inside Ian's cabin, probably by mistake. Ian picked it up and took a closer look. This damn thing was gigantic. Whatever that dominant furry was, he had to be very huge.
"Oh my god. With that you can tear every ass apart. I can barely put my paw around it."
"Go ahead. Suck my fat dick you slut or shall I shove it myself into your sweet mouth?"
"Whatever you say."
The fox at licked the head of the cock. The slurping sound reached Ian's ear. Slowly he inserted one hand into his trouser and touched his now fully erect cock. Then he took the huge boxer and guided it to his nose. Ian took a deep breath in. The short had a very musky-manly-beastie smell, but Ian liked it. He listened to the foxes slurping sounds as he was still licking the cockhead.
"Suck it, suck that cock down your throat." Hissed the dominant guy.
Now the fox opened his mouth as wide as he could. He took the giant cockhead inside his mouth. The organ stretched the foxes mouth to its limits. He tried to move his mouth down the shaft but he was already filled up. The dominant guy moaned in pleasure. In his cabin Ian was working his cock with one hand and the other was holding the short. The smell of it almost drove him crazy. The fox was groaning while having his mouth stuffed with dick. He had already tears in his eyes but didn't thought about letting the prick pop out of his mouth. This went on for some more minutes. The lust was raising in both cabins and Ian had to hold himself back not to moan, too. Suddenly the dominant guy hissed.
"Oh fuck, I can't hold it any longer. I'm about to cum!!!"
The fox tried to increase the sucking speed to give his partner more pleasure. Than without a warning he dominant guy roared out his lust. The sound reminded Ian of a cow or something like that, but it was a very deep tone. The next thing he heard was the splashing sound of cum hitting the walls of the cabin and the floor. Some also reached the floor in Ian's cabin. He kneeled down to take a closer look. With his finger he took up some of the cum and smelled it. It was very thick in its substance and smelled very strong. The furries next to him are about to change their positions.
"Are you ready to take my dick?" asked the dominant guy.
"Yeah let us do it." said the fox.
Ian was now fully infected by the lust of these studs He looked up and noticed a small hole in the wall of his cabin. Immediately he got to his knees and peeked trough the hole. Now he could see them both, the fox and the dominant furry. Now he identified the second one as a bull, which explained the cow sound as he came before. The bull had dark brown fur and his cock was indeed a monster. It had to be about 20 inches and was very thick. Poor fox thought Ian.
"My dick is still ready. It begs for your ass, foxy. Now come here."
"With pleasure."
Ian saw that the bull sat himself onto the toilet and greased up his rod again. Now the fox came into sight and positioned himself over that throbbing monster. The bull lubricated his finger with his cum and inserted it into the foxes asshole. The fox groaned with full pleasure. As the bull put a second finger inside the fox felt forward and rested with his head on the bulls chest. After it was stretched enough the foxes asshole was invaded by the bull's dick. At first it went in and out slowly. It was clearly visible to Ian and he started jerking his own cock again. With long powerful thrusts the bull started fucking the fox and both groaned in pleasure.
"That's it. Ride that dick. Squeeze the cum out with your ass. Oh man yeahhh!!!"
"Oh fuuuuck, it's so big. Slow it down!!!"
But the bull seemed to have lost all his brain functions and trusted in and out furiously. Then he grabbed the foxes legs and guided him up and down his cock. Man, that was a hot thing to see, thought Ian. He was also about to cum in his pants.
"Fuuuck man, that so great. Please cum inside my ass. I want to feel your sperm inside me!!!" screamed the fox.
The bull only increased the fucking speed and shoved his dick almost all the way inside the fox. Ian couldn't hold it any longer, he had to open his trousers. He squeezed his cock one last time and cummed with full force. The bull joined him. Mighty jets of cum filled the insides of the foxes ass. Most of it squirted out of the hole and landed everywhere. With a heavy breath Ian sat down onto the toilet. The bull slowly pulled out his cum oozing cock and let the fox lean against his chest. Ian thought the best would be to wait until the two studs would left.
But then the Bull took up the talk with the fox while they put their clothes back on.
"Have you heard of that human employee over at Willion's department?"
"Yeah I did. Some colleagues told me about him. Why?"
Ian felt a little bit uncomfortable as these two furries talked about him and had no clue, that he war right next to them. Then the bull continued.
"He seems to be one good looking guy. Would like to see him, what about you."
The fox just shook the head.
"That's does nothing to me. I don't like these young fellows, especially not humans."
"I think I will go and check this kid out at Willion's department."
"Why are you so eager to introduce you to this human?"
"Adrian told me that this kid has a great body and one fine ass. He sounded like he was really in love with that boy. I think he wants to try him out. Sounds like fun to me."
"Do whatever your brain between your legs asks of you, I will go back to work."
The two of them continued to dress.
Ian was still sitting inside his cabin and was unable to breath. How could he get himself in such trouble. All what these friendly furries wanted was a human pet that they could fuck. He should have been suspicious earlier, when he met this panda in front of the toilets. He needs to get out of here. Suddenly he felt something at his feet. He looked down and saw the bulls hand reaching out for his shorts. Ian looked for them and found out that he was sitting on them. With one quick motion he grabbed it and threw it onto the floor. But the bull noticed the sudden appearance of his short.
"Who is there?" asked the bull.
Ian had no chance. He had to run. As fast as he could he opened the door of his cabin and ran out of the toilet. Behind him he heard the door of the other cabin getting opened. The bull emerged half naked from the cabin and saw Ian running out of the room.
"Wait, boy. Come back. Everything is all right!!!" called the bull.
But Ian didn't even think about turning back. All he had to do was to get his jacket and briefcase and then to leave the building at once.
As Ian reached the main corridor, where Adrian's and Willion's offices were he made sure that no one was seeing him. But he was lucky, no furry was on the corridor. Ian went to Adrian's office and put his ear on the door to hear if Adrian
was inside. As he heard no voices he got inside.
Neither Adrian nor Oscar were in the office, so Ian could easily get his things. He went to the wardrobe where his jacket was. He opened the door and saw it. As he wanted to take it out he heard footsteps on the corridor. And they were fast approaching. It had to be the bull. Quickly Ian got under one of the desks. Barely two seconds later the door of the office was opened. Ian remained quite. From his hiding place he saw the feet of the furry that just entered the room, but it weren't the bulls feet. They belonged to Adrian.
Adrian went to the wardrobe and opened it. From the door came a voice.
"Is he here?" Ian recognized the panda's voice.
"No Oscar. But he must still be inside the building. His Jacket and his briefcase are still there."
"We better tell Willion about this." responded Oscar.
With that, the two left the room. Ian got out of his hiding place and fetched his jacket that Adrian had thrown on the desk. Immediately he got out of the office.
As he wanted to push the button that called the elevator up here, he noticed that it was already in motion. Obviously there was someone coming. He couldn't risk being captured in the elevator by another furry who was more than willing to rape him. There had to be another way out. He looked for some kind of emergency exit. The sign next to the elevator showed one in the other direction. So he had to get past Willion's office.
"I have to try it." Ian said to himself.
Ian ran into the other direction. He felt like he was running for dear life. The corridor seemed to be eternally. Then he came to Willion's office and reduced the speed to not let them notice him. He almost passed the door. But then he heard Willion's thundering voice inside. He pressed his ear against the door to hear him.
Adrian and Oscar were standing in front of their boss' desk.
"What do you mean by that, Adrian? Who has scared Ian?" asked Willion with sharp.
Oscar made a step forward.
"It was all my fault, Sir. When I came out of the toilet I met Ian. I still don't know what came over me at this point. He is such a beautiful boy. All I could think was to have my way with him. I'm really, really sorry. Sir."
Ian thought that he almost heard a sad tone in Oscars voice.
"Stop saying something like this, Oscar." Said Adrian. "It was something else. When Ian went to the toilet, two of our men wanted to do a little quickie on the toilet and Ian stumbled into them. That's at least the version one of the men told me."
Willion raised from his seat and crossed his arms before his chest. Then he walked a little bit around.
"Then, bring him to me. I will talk to him in private. He must have a whole wrong picture of us and our company."
"Unfortunately Sir, we couldn't find him yet. He wasn't in our office and nobody has seen him."
Willion moaned in despair.
"Oh shit. We should have been more carefully with his employment. I feel like a fool."
"Without him, our chance to get connected to the world is still so far away." added Adrian
Ian was completely shocked. How could he have so much prejudices against a kind that he barely knew. He also felt like a fool. But he also didn't know what to do now. Then he remembered Willions friendliness and how much he great lion appreciated his attitude towards the furries. Finally he made a decision.
Willion was now standing at the window and looked down on the crowded city. After some moments Adrian addressed his boss.
"What shall we do now, Sir?"
Willion thought a little bit, then he turned around.
"We better make a new advertisement in the newspaper. It seems that we have to try to find someone else who is willing to work with us."
"And what about Ian?" Oscar asked.
"Oscar is right, Sir. We have to pay him this single day or at least to write him an apologize."
"This won't be necessary, guys." said a voice
The tree furries turned around. Ian had entered the room without their knowledge. Ian looked up at them. He felt a little bit ashamed to address them now within this situation. Then he walked past Adrian and Oscar and went to face Willion. The big lion walked past his desk and knelt down before Ian to be at eye level with him. He put both his claws on Ian's shoulder.
"Ian, I am so sorry. So very sorry. You must be very angry with us and you have all reasons for that. And we will not be angry or even stop you if you want to leave us....." Ian raised his hand to interrupt Willion.
"Willion, it's okay. I'm not angry with you, guys. I'm really not. You see, I was introduced to your kind four hours ago and had know idea how to act. But it's the very nature of humans that they are afraid of the things which they don't understand. You all told me that I'm different. And I want to proof that."
With that Ian leaned forward and closed his arms around the huge lions neck. This action surprised Willion at first but then, the department leader also took the boy into his arms. The warm embrace was something that both, human and furry enjoyed very much. When they finally released each other Oscar came up to Ian.
"We have already met lad but I haven't introduced myself correctly. My name is Oscar Bejamin."
"Nice to meet you, Oscar." Ian said.
"And I still want to say sorry for what had happened down at the toilets. You know, a furry isn't really like an animal. Animals mate because of their nature. A furry can hold itself back if necessary. But as we met I felt that there was a deep, spiritual link with you and maybe this had an effect on me. But hey, I can hold
myself back very well."
Ian just smiled at him. Then he turned to Adrian. The big wolf took his hand held it in his paw.
"I'm also sorry, for the things that you heard about me. Let me tell you that from the first moment I met you, I couldn't stop starring at you. You are such a beautiful boy Ian and I just wanted you to know that. It is really not necessary to have a sexual relationship. Let us just be friends, okay?" The wolf let go of Ian's hand.
Ian was totally overwhelmed by the feelings that these huge creatures had for him. It almost made him cry.
Willion turned Ian around and knelt down again.
"I have to confess, that I felt the same as Adrian when I found you here in my bureau. Ian, you mean very much to the three of us. I hope that you will stay with us to help us getting connected to the outer world. And we also promise that no one will harm you during your job here."
"You guys are great. But I have also something to confess. I have often imagined how it would be to have sexual relationships with furries." Ian said.
"What do you have in mind?" Willion had a smile on his face.
With that Ian grabbed the lions head and kissed him fully on the lips. Willion didn't hesitate and pulled the boy nearer to him and then lifted him up. Ian then pushed his tongue inside the lions mouth and met his cat like tongue and wrestled with it. After some moments they broke the kiss and Willion asked:
"Are you sure about this, Ian? If not, you just need to tell us."
But Ian just grabbed the head again and forced his tongue back inside the lions mouth. Meanwhile Adrian closed the door to Willions bureau. Ian now removed Willion's tie and opened the buttons of his white shirt. His hands were wandering over the muscular chest. The fur felt really warm and Ian could smell Willion's musky scent.
"You smell great big guy." Ian said.
"And you are an even greater kisser."
"Would you mind if we join you Ian?" asked Oscar almost hopefully. His bulge was
Now the three furries placed themselves around Willion's desk and Ian, who was on top of it, could watch them how they slowly removed all their clothes. Ian began to undress as well. After some minutes everyone in the room had only his shorts on.
"Well Ian, since we are three, you have to decide which one you do like to unpack at first." Willion said.
"You look all very delicious to me, I don't know where to start."
But then he decides himself for Willion. He really wanted to see the lions cock up close. Ian placed his hand on the lions bulge and felt the balls which were bigger than tennis balls. Then he put his fingertips inside the shorts and slowly pulled them down. There it was. The cockhead was already out of the sheath and the balls were simply beautiful. Ian got closer on all fours and began to lick over Willions balls. The lion threw his head back and enjoyed the feeling of getting licked. Adrian and Oscar couldn't wait any longer, they got rid of their shorts by themselves. Now, as he was licking over the furry balls Ian noticed, that Oscar had started licking over his chest and around his nipples. The pandas tongue felt great on his body. Adrian took off Ians shorts and was now staring at the boys uncut cock.
"Wow, Ian. You have some nice package for someone your size." Adrian said.
"Thanks Adrian."
"This boy is full of surprises." Added Oscar.
Willions cock now emerged from it's sheath. And it was a real monster. In its erect form it had to be 18 inches long and was so fat that Ian couldn't close both his hands around it.
"I have always dreamed of something like this, Willion. Thanks." Ian said.
"You don't have to thank me son. Just enjoy yourself."
Then Ian turned around and tried to suck on the monster in front of him. Adrian focused himself on Ian's ass which the boy now offered to the black wolf that felt in love with him. At first Adrian sniffed at the boys hole and inhaled the smell of the human.
"Your ass smells great, Ian. Would you mind if I lick it?"
But Ian was too busy with sucking the lion cock.
"I didn't hear him say no." said Oscar and continued to jerk his cock while he licked all over the boys body.
Adrian smiled and rolled out his tongue and started licking the boys hole. As the tongue entered his hole Ian let the cock plop out of his mouth and moaned in pure pleasure but then immediately started sucking again. Willion's cockhead was the only thing that could go inside the boy but Ian was more than willing to top the foxes achievement in the toilet. He opened his mouth as wide as he could and forced his mouth a little bit more down on the shaft. This surprised Willion so much that he let out a deep, sharp growl. Then he looked down and saw how the boy was working on his meat.
"Oh god, Ian. You have got a great mouth. Suck that dick, boy. Take it. YES!"
Now Willion began with a slow fucking motion and tried to face fuck Ian. Adrian still worked on the boys ass and tried to shove as much of his tongue inside as he could. He slowly cleaned and lubricated the boys inner side. Adrian's 14 inch dick was dangling between his legs and couldn't wait to penetrate the boys hole. After some more tongue action inside Ian's hole Adrian took out his tongue and walked over to a wardrobe standing in the bureau. Meanwhile Oscar took Adrian's place at Ian's ass. Adrian returned with a bottle of lube. He already greased up his dick with a little bit from it. Oscar was fucking his tongue in and out of the boys hole and the pure pleasure was written in his eyes.
"I have something better to put up inside there, Oscar." said Adrian.
Oscar moved out of the way to give the wolf access to the boy's hole. It first Adrian inserted one lubricated finger into Ian's hole then a second and a third one. At first it was a little painful for Ian but then it became real pleasure. Ian began to move his ass on the wolfs fingers. Oscar also lubricated his twelve incher to be able to put it inside Ian after Adrian did so. Oscars cock was shorter than Adrian's but a lot thicker. Willion watched as his two assistants prepared the boy to fuck him. As he compared the size of their dicks with the total size of Ian's body he became a little afraid. He took his cock out of the boy's mouth who was already able to gulp down five inches.
"Ian, are you fine with that? They would like to fuck you."
"I want you to fuck me, too." Ian said almost hopefully, looking directly into the lions eyes.
"Maybe another time, son. At first I would like to see, if you can handle them. Ok?"
Ian just nodded and then returned to suck Willion's dick. Adrian now pulled the boy a little bit closer to him. For that Willion had to place one leg onto the desk to give Ian better access to his cock. Slowly Adrian tried to insert the tip of his cock. Oscar was standing next to him jerking his own meat. The cockhead stretched Ian's ring wider than he thought. He tried to relax his ass muscles but the dick seemed to be too big. The pain took over and Ian's moaning became almost a scream. Adrian tried to push a little harder.
"I think we better stop." Willion said.
But Ian shock his head and pushed himself back to meet Adrian's stiff rod. Then suddenly the head popped in with a slurping sound.
"Oh man. Fuck, yeaaahhhh!" yelled Adrian. "This feels so great. His ass is so tight."
But the pain let Ian forget all the pleasure, his whole body was trembling. Willion was holding him in position so that the wolf cock wouldn't tear him apart. But Ian still tried to move the cock within his ass. Adrian was at the highest point of his lust and slowly worked the three inches of his cock in and out. In the meantime Oscar came over at Willions side. Oscar's cock was too fat to shove it up Ian's ass. But Ian also wanted to feel the panda inside of him. While he was sucking the panda's prick Willion got over Ian's body and took his erect cock inside his mouth and sucked him deep. Now Ian was connected to all three of them and it felt just great. Adrian was fucking his asshole, Oscar shoved his dick inside his mouth and the beloved Willion sucked him. He felt the orgasm raising. Adrian couldn't hold it back any longer. Willion stood up and placed his dick back again in Ian's mouth who greedily took it.
"Oh shit Ian, I'm cumming!!!" hissed Oscar and squeezed his load over Ian's chest.
Ian now jerked his own cock and placed his semen on top of Willion's desk.
"I'm cumming, too Ian! Can't hold it, here it cums!!!! Roared Willion. Every furry at Furry Incorporated must have heard this roar.
Willion and Adrian pumped Ian full of wolf and lion cum. Gallons of cum came out of the boys holes afterwards. This was simply the best feeling Ian had in his entire life.
It was already very late, when Ian came home. His father and mother had already gone to bed. There was still some pizza left from the supper. Ian took it with him. Later on he was sitting at his computer chatting. He was in his usual chatrooms and had a little talk with one of his buddies.
Alex: so, have u seen his new art on furaffinity?
Ian: not yet, is it good?
Alex: just if you like older furries doing young boys.
Ian: i can tell you something about that.
Alex: really? what is it?
Ian: no time pal. still want to start my new story.
Alex: you got a new idea?
Ian: yeah.
Alex: will u tell me?
Ian: I will post it then.
Alex: ok cu
Ian: cu
Suddenly his cell-phone rang. Ian took it and answered.
"Hello Ian, its me Willion."
"How are you. What's up?"
"I'm fine thanks. I just wanted to thank you again. It is great that you have decided to stay with us."
"Hey no problem. You guys really mean something to me."
"That's great, son. Would you mind to come over to my house tomorrow evening after work for dinner?"
"Sure that would be great."
"Perfect, so I see you tomorrow?"
"Of course."
"Great. Good night Ian."
"Good night, big guy."
After that Ian started his new story. He already had the perfect title for it. He typed it in.
Furry Inc.
End of part one. More stories of the Furry Inc. will soon follow. Tell me what you thought of it!