The Bet Part 1: Sunday

Story by CityOwl on SoFurry

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A short part of a longer story about the consequences of a bet made by Mordecai and Rigby.

Characters belong to J. G. Quintel and Cartoon Network.

Expect more updates soon.

The Bet

Part 1: Sunday

"Ugh! There is nothing on!" Rigby shouted from the living room couch.

"Figures. Our day off and nothing to watch."

"Check the TV guide."

Mordecai flipped through it. "Documentary... documentary... wow. Nothing."

Rigby jammed on the remote button, flipping channels in a desperate search. Mordecai quickly snapped his arm out, saying "Wait, dude. I think I saw something. Go back."

Rigby flipped back a few channels until he found what Mordecai was talking about. "Dude. No."

"Why not? Everyone else is out doing their jobs."

"Because it's crappy TV porn!"


"Just look at it! It's so fake, that dude looks that guy who runs the hot dog stand by the fountain, and that girl isn't even hot."

"But you're watching it," Mordecai pointed out slyly.

Rigby had no answer. "Fine. But only to make fun of it, because we both know this is terrible."

So they sat back and watched. "Oh, man! I think I would have more realistic boobs if I wore a bra and stuffed it with napkins."

"I don't think that chick shaved her armpits."

"What? No way... oh, gross!"

"And dude, speaking of unrealistic, there's no way that guy's dick is real."

"Dude, this is from the 90's. Plastic surgery wasn't that good back then."

"That's like nine inches. No way that's real."

"Nine isn't a monster. There are probably plenty of guys with nine inch dicks."

"Pftt, like you would know."

"I mean, I'm not much smaller than that."

Rigby turned and punched Mordecai in the arm. "You are so full of crap. Your dick is slightly above average, at best."

"You don't know. You've never seen it. And let me guess, that pornstar there is small compared to you?"

"No, because it's fake. Without surgery, I would be way bigger than him."

"You're lying," Mordecai accused. "I'm bigger than you."

"No way," Rigby retorted, getting into Mordecai's space. "There's a reason Margaret won't get with you. She either saw it, or she can sense it."

"Rigby, you're not even making sense."

"Shut up!"

Mordecai smirked. "You really think you're bigger than me, don't you?"

"Maybe I do. What're you going to do about it?"

"Maybe we should bet."

"Deal. What are the stakes?"

"Loser has to be the winner's slave for a week."

The began to nod. "Hm hm hm hm hm."

Rigby stood and went to the table.

"Dude, what are you doing?"

"Uhh, winning a bet? What's it look like?"

"Turn around, get hard, and then on three, we draw."

"Whatever." Rigby slipped his hand down and began to stroke, waking up his seven-and-a-half inch meat. He was surprised that it didn't take him long for his full length to slip out and rise. Once he felt good about his throbbing erection, he called over his shoulder to Mordecai. "Are you ready yet?"

"Jeez! I'm ready. Three."



They both turned around and laid their members on the table. Mordecai was bigger than Rigby expected, but Rigby showed a look a worry. They looked almost the same.

"I'm bigger," Mordecai said confidendtly.

"You can't tell. Hold on." Rigby moved around to the other side of the table. As he did, his fears seem to come true, and his breath caught when his side met Mordecai's. Mordecai was indeed bigger, but by no more than a half an inch.

"How big is that thing anyway?"

"Eight inches. In other words, just enough." Rigby felt like he was falling. Mordecai was even thicker, and Rigby's member wasn't curved enough to try and pin it on that. Mordecai was just bigger, and Rigby sank into despair. Mordecai's slave. For a week.

Mordecai flopped on the couch. "Well that settles that."

"But- but- but-"

"Dude, you agreed. You have to do it." Rigby just stood there, stunned. Mordecai didn't even bother to put his manhood away. Instead, it just stood there, big, thick, and shining black, as if to taunt Rigby.

"You knew somehow," Rigby grasped for an answer. "You peeked on me at some point and sized everything up. Admit it!"

"Dude, even if I did, you still agreed to the bet and lost. So now you have to do what I say."

Rigby groaned. "This is gonna be like doing a billion solids, isn't it?"




Rigby had to take a moment to process. "You want me to WHAT?"

"You heard me."

"No way! I'm not doing that."

Mordecai just grinned that shit-eating grin. "You lost the bet. You have to."

"But that's totally gay, and neither of us are gay."

"Lips are lips, dude, and you're not in a position to argue."

Rigby was nearly speechless. "You're serious aren't you?"


After a moment, Rigby's legs began to move forward. He found himself drawing closer to Mordecai's erection with a million thoughts surging through his head. Each came too fast after the one before, however, and overall he was numbed.

Before he knew what was happening, as if after a blink, Mordecai's meat was in his hand and his mouth was open, moving towards the tip. He felt his tongue graze the underside of the head, and with an exhale, he closed his eyes and pushed the first few inches past his lips, wrapping them around the hot flesh.

Remembering to breathe through his nose, Rigby began to slide his mouth down the shaft. He had to go slowly to allow his tongue to lube up the shaft, but after he got about five inches down it felt like he couldn't go any further, Mordecai's cock pressing against the back of his throat. He began to bob slowly, eyes still closed, thoughts still blocked.

"Mmmm," Mordecai moaned in the back of his throat. Rigby hardly heard him. His lips and tongue were on autopilot, sucking and weaving around Mordecai's meat. Mordecai placed his hand on the back of Rigby's head, trying to push him down, but Rigby simply couldn't go any further. He tried to make up for it by picking up the pace, sucking loudly as Mordecai's length pressed against the back of his throat eagerly, saliva and precum starting to dribble down Rigby's chin.

"Ohhh, man," Mordecai said, tossing his head back in pleasure. His hips started to buck a little, but Mordecai's cock simply couldn't force its way past Rigby's limit. Rigby almost felt like gagging, but he kept going on as long as he could until his mouth began to get tired, and his lungs started to ache. He stopped for a moment, panting for air, finally opening his eyes.

Mordecai looked down at him, sweating and panting himself. "Seriously? I was so close," Mordecai pled. Rigby could only stare up at him, still speechless and numb. After a moment, Mordecai spread his legs again and Rigby found himself moving forward once more.

Again, he wrapped his lips around Mordecai's stiff erection and began to suck and slide his tongue over each inch. He rammed the shaft down his throat again and again, his head pounding as Mordecai gripped the back of his skull and began to thrust as much as he could without forcing Rigby to gag.

"C'mon dude, just a little more!" Mordecai called out. Tears were forming in Rigby's eyes, but he didn't slow down, slurping over his friend's manhood as quickly as possible. After what seemed like an eternity, Mordecai's other hand grabbed his head and pushed. Rigby took as much cock as he could, and his eyes opened wide when he realized what was happening.

With a loud "ahhh" of satisfied release, a flood of Mordecai's cum filled Rigby's cheeks. With nothing else to do, he began to swallow, gulping down his friend's orgasm as quickly as possible, his mouth feeling coated and sticky with thick, heady semen.

When the cum subsided, Rigby finally took the penis out of his mouth, swallowed the last drop, and flung himself on the couch, exhausted. And then the stunned realization kicked in.

"Mordecai, what did I just do?"

"What do you mean?"

Rigby's eyes were locked forward, staring into nothingness as he grappled with himself in his head. "I just swallowed your cum."


"I can still taste it in my mouth."

"Dude, are you okay?"

"I just sucked your dick until you came in my mouth. And I swallowed."

Mordecai waved his hand in front of Rigby's face. He didn't react. Mordecai decided that whatever he was happening would wear off soon enough, so the two watched TV in silence for a while.

Eventually, Rigby broke the tension by asking, "How long does this bet last?"

"A week. Why?"

"No reason. I'm going to go freak out now."

Then Rigby walked quietly up to his room, and Mordecai did not follow him.

The Bet Part 2: Monday

Part 2: Monday The day before had been too shocking for Rigby to fully grasp what had happened. But Now that some time had passed, questions were coming to him in a flood, and he had answers for none of them. How long had Mordecai been trying to...

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