Cat Burgled

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Danials lover is caught in the city when the hurricane hits...

Cat Burgled

Danial awoke from a deep sleep to the sensation's of the bed moving and then big hot paws wandering over his naked body. He glanced at the glowing digital clock groggily, it read 2:45 am. So Toby had finally made it home from his trip, the silky feline purred softly as he enjoyed the gentle stroking. A paw pushed gently on his shoulder, rolling him over onto his belly in the warm bed. Outside a hard rain was drumming on the roof and windows, keeping the already sleep feline in a half dose. As he felt his warm undies slowly dragged down his thighs, lifting one leg out as the reached his ankles. Toby had been missing him a lot clearly, and this kinda teasing molestation was a favorite game. Those big hot paws moved up to cup the Lions Tawny golden ass cheeks, spreading them wide apart. Danial's tail rolling up lazily out of the way, as a wide muzzle pushes between those firm cheeks. Hot panting breath washing over that soft pink pucker, as the big Lion's breath deepens.

Hot, wet and slick the broad tongue tip flickers in, caressing the edges of that taut pucker. Stroking teasingly around and around it, slowly moving in. Until that tongue tip is teasing the opening, hot saliva slathered everywhere. As Danial lifts his rump up into that teasing organ, drawing a soft snicker in the darkness. Slowly that tongue tip moves upwards, around the root of his tail and up his spine. As the weight on the bed slowly shifts, he can feel warm thighs spreading his legs. That wet tongue and hot panting breath on the back of his neck now, as something else wet and hot wedges between his ass cheeks.

"Ammmmm." The sexy Lion moans into the pillows, as that stiff organ press's more solidly against his saliva slickened anus. The thick male hood slowly forcing him open wider and wider as it pushes inside him. "Ohooo gods I've been needing..." The sleepy Lion moaned as his head was pressed more firmly into the bedding. The hard male body atop him, moved more swiftly now that the Lion's orifice's defensive clench had eased. That big male organ sliding smoothly ball's deep into him, before reversing drawing back only to slam back again.

The old bed frame creaked softly as the two big bodies atop it moved together, thrust and counter thrust. The hot dance of passion, the taboo love of two males enjoying each other. Slow moans and panted breaths sleek bodies withering one atop the other. Gentle kiss's giving way to lustful nip's, and then harder bites of domination. All the while that smooth organ sliding between those velvety lip's, faster and faster as passions rise.

"Ummm yes... Ummmm please..." Danial moans his body rubbing it's own leaking hard on against the soft sheets. Even as the grunts and growls of his lover became more intense, as both their pleasure grew to a crescendo. Bodies tensing, muscle quivering, jaws clenching, one tight hole grasping with all it's might, one thick cock throbbing and tensing bigger. "MURRR." Danial moaned as his hot seed spill out over the warm cotton sheets beneath them. While about him the sleek hard body slammed deep once, twice, and then sagged to lay limp and panting on his back. Warm and exhausted the Lion drifted back off to sleep, listen to the rain and heavy breathing of his lover.


Danial snapped awake to the sound of his cell phone chiming, reaching over to the night stand he fumbled for it for a second. Picking it up quickly he glanced at the clock 7:07 am, pushing the button with his thumb. The big Lion mumbled groggily into the, as he glance over but the bed was empty. "Ummm wha..." He grunted into the receiver, as he vaguely remembered Toby sliding off the bed in the night.

"Hey wake up sleepy head..." Toby's cheerful voice called out from the cell phone.

"Errr huh." Danial grunted wondering where on earth his boyfriend had ran off to.

"All the flights were canceled because of the storm, so I took the bus." Toby explained sounding happy that he'd just managed to get out of there. "Anyway I need you to come down town and pick me up at the bus depot."

"Bus depot... but weren't you... didn't you get home last night?" Danial choked, as he looked around the room more carefully noticing the missing laptop and out turned drawers.

"No silly you just dreamed it." Toby chuckled as he heard his love gasp in shock.

"I've been... Burgled!"



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