Lands of the Goddess' (Mass public RP idea, WIP)

Story by VaultDescendant on SoFurry

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A description of races and creatures for an RP idea.

This is the planet Earth, ages after the fall of Humanity. Since the destruction of the Before, anthromorphic beings dominated the planet. There are many species, many countries, and many creatures that did not exist in The Before. This document will cover some of the most important species' and creatures.


Foxes are among the most educated, most advanced races on the main continent, which is ruled mostly by the Mammalian Species'. Foxes are very versatile and an equal opportunity species. They are also very loyal, especially to their mates. When a fox mates, they will love and cherish that person for life, whether they be of the same species or otherwise. This species has formed one of the first and longest-lasting united state on the main continent, a dangerous and highly unstable place, though rich in resources and fertile land. The Vulpine Kingdom is, without a doubt, the most powerful of all existing states on the central continent.


A barbaric species of nomads and hunters. They have no united homeland and the tribes that weren't tamed by the Vulpines still wander the land, competeing with themselves and other species for food. They are a society dominated by strength; the Alpha, whether that be male or female, presides over the pack. Only he/she and his/her mate can breed, others are strictly forbidden, faced with the punishment of being made sterile if they are female and castration if they are male. Wolves, especially tribal wolves, are also known to be close to their feral counterparts, fighting alongside them and worshipping them as their great ancestors.

Sacred Nymphs

Powerful guardians of holy groves dedicated to the Goddess. Unlike their cousins, true Forest Nymphs, Sacred Nymphs are all female. They still resemble winged children and still possess the ability to change genders. Only females are allowed into Groves sacred to the goddess. Any males caught by the Guardian Nymphs without being accompanied by a priestess will be punished by having their gender changed completely and having to go through a four-day-long heat, usually ending up in motherhood for the victim. Aside from this, little is known about Nymph society.

Forest Nymphs

Forest Nymphs dwell in the woodlands, crossing the paths of travelers foolish enough (Or desperate enough) to wander into their groves. Forest Nymphs are easily distinguished by their clothing made of leaves. They appear almost like children and can charm weak-willed furs easily. Travelers be warned; if you are female and you sleep with a male Nymph, you may find yourself with a rather large cock upon waking. And if you be male and sleep with a female Nymph, you may find yourself with breasts upon waking. Nymphs love nothing more than to trick furs into sleeping with them, only to work their strange magics on their bodies, resulting in some odd gender-bending experiences.

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