A Space Opera Ch.3 - White Wedding

Story by As Ivy Groweth Green on SoFurry

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#3 of A Space Opera

Jesus this was hard to write.

Vladimir groaned, his head pounding again. Thankfully it was mercifully dark. Wait! It wasn't supposed to be dark. For a moment he couldn't remember where he was, panic gripping him. That was until he felt a reassuring weight on the other side of the bed and remembered he had spent the night with Neil. He could still hardly believe it, Neil a close friend, but still someone he hadn't seen in years had been harboring feelings for him. Vlad still had trouble figuring out what he was going to do, he was still going to try and save as many people as he could, the party be damned, and after that he would he would leave, with or without anyone else, after that is was anyone's guess. He wanted desperately to be with Neil - he thought it funny how one little night could take someone's perceptions and stand them on their ear - but he didn't know how to fight or smuggle, he'd be useless in any conflict. Thoughts raging in his head Vlad turned as gently as he could to face the cat without disturbing his sleep. When he finally adjusted himself to face his new found love, he was greeted by a set of beautiful green eyes and a warm kiss.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Vlad apologized with a smile once they broke off the kiss.

"Don't be, I was already awake. I hope you don't mind, but I've sort of called you in from work and ordered your tuxedo for the wedding." Neil murmured as he snuggled up against the bat.

"Nope, I wasn't going to go to work today, I was going to spend it with you. And I don't think Konstantin will care if I bring you along so why don't you come along?" Vlad replied as he hugged Neil closer to him, ignoring the pain in his head.

"I guess so, just to give him my best wishes." The cat purred as he lay against Vlad.

They stayed like that for a while longer, Neils head resting against Vladimir's shoulder, and one arm ruffling the tuft of fur on his chest that thinned down as it descended to his midriff only to thicken at his groin. Vlad had one arm under Neil's body, rubbing his back slowly, making the cat purr contentedly.

They kissed again, deeper and hungrier this time. Neil's hand slid down Vladimir's body, going under the boxers to fondle the bats package. Vladimir in turn, rolled on to his feline lover, straddling him without breaking the kiss. Taking off each other's drawers they found another level of physical contact. Vlad decided to take dominance; taking Neils hand from his quickly growing genitals he gave him one last kiss before he positioned himself between the cat's legs. He lifted Neil's lower body onto his shoulders until his firm rear was exposed using both hands to spread the cheeks, he gave the puckered hole a long wet kiss. With Neil murmuring both his consent and encouragement Vladimir continued to prod and lick his sensitive tail hole, using enough saliva to sufficiently wet it. Then taking his index and middle finger, he spat a glob of spit on them and slowly inserted them into Neil's warm ass. He gave Neil a moment to relax as his anal muscles clenched against the two intruding fingers. Using his own experience pleasuring himself in such a manner as a template Vlad started to gently curl his fingers inside Neil, and judging by the cats' groan of pleasure he enjoyed it. Vladimir started to get more creative, sliding in and out, tracing his fingers against the walls of Neil's rectum.

Neil couldn't help but quiver has Vlad's fingers found his most sensitive depths and began to prod and massage them with merciless care. The bat crawled back up to Neil's side, his index and middle finger still inside stimulating Neils. Vlad kissed him again, a long, deep hungry kissed that for Neil spoke volumes. And even as Neils lungs started to burn he didn't dare break this kiss, to do so would break the moment and Neil needed this. Vlad broke the kiss before he started to panic though, leaving them both heaving for breath. Pulling his fingers from Neils loosened bottom and ignoring the cat's shudder, he clambered atop the cat, straddling his hips and placing their hard members together.

It was the first time Vladimir had ever seen a cat's shaft, and he was glad he had decided to take the dominant position; the small barbs that bedecked the swollen pink feline cock gave him a mental shudder as he imagined them in him. The thought also excited him as well.

Grabbing both shafts in his paw, Vladimir jacked them both of simultaneously. Vlad grunted and winced as one of the barbs caught on the sensitive skin of his phallus. Ignoring the pain, he increased the pace, pre come oozing from both their erections left to dribble and mix into each other's. As they both started to pant, Vlad pulled himself away, their rods connected through a thin line of trailing pre.

Positioning himself to penetrate Neil he turned to his feline companion "Ready Neil?" Vlad asked, the first words spoken since they had started. "Shut up and fuck me already" Neil growled playfully. Vlad still a little unsure slowly inserted the head of his shaft into his lover's body, following through with inch after inch. At first Neal grunted and his muscles tightened around Vlad's cock, but after the initial shock of penetration, he had quickly relaxed, allowing Vladimir to insert himself to the hilt.

Fully inside Neil, Vladimir shuddered in pleasure. The warm innards were gripping his swollen and hard shaft with more pleasure than he ever thought possible. Neil had evidently enjoyed it as well, his paws clenching the sheets, his face screwed up with bliss. Vlad pulled out nearly all the way, leaving only the tip of his glans in, and just as slowly shoved his rod back in. Once the initial pleasure started to dull, he started to pull in and out to a slow steady rhythm, leaving Neil able to only gasp and moan. Vlad leaned over Neil until they lay face to face and drew him into a passionate kiss as he continued to pump in and out of the cat's rear end. In a carnal paradise Vlad increased the tempo with which he humped into his love, and let out a low grunt of appreciation.

Neil's ass was afire with pleasure, sending wave upon wave of pure bliss up his spine with each gentle thrust Vladimir made into his depths. He and the bat sharing a loving kiss intermitted only by grunts, gasps and groans and moans of pleasure. Vlad had been steadily increasing his speed, leaving Neil to twitch and shudder in the throes of their shared passion. Neils placed his paws on the headboard and hauled himself upwards as far as he could to give Vlad a better angle with which to fuck him. It didn't take long before Vlad was pounding Neil, grunting with the effort as beads of sweat began to form and trickle through his silky fur. Neil himself was busy putting claw marks in his headboard, basking in the welcomed assault on his rear end.

Vlad was starting to lose himself in lust, pounding faster and harder than ever before. He knew he wouldn't last long like this, he was already physically exhausted and he could feel his balls start to swell, preparing to empty themselves. He placed all of his upper body weight onto one hand, and started to masturbate Neil with the other, by the way Neil yowled in pleasure, and it wasn't going to be much longer for either of them.

" Unghhh... God Vlad I'm... going to - Ahhhhhhh!" Neil exclaimed as the paw sliding on his shaft, and the cock pounding his rear forced him over the edge. He held back as long as he could, and blasted his load all over his stomach and chest, as well as Vladimir's, and as Neils innards clenched down on him, Vlad thrust himself as far in as he could, and let loose his seed; crushing Neils mouth to his in a forceful kiss born of animalistic lust until his cock ceased to twitch as it emptied itself into Neils bowels.

They fell asleep like that, Vlad lying atop Neil, both exhausted and sleeping in each other sweat and ejaculate. Vlad's wings enveloping them both.

Konstantin was a little disappointed he didn't see Vlad on his way to work. "He probably came in early to make up for Maslenitsa." He told himself to ease his apprehension. He wasn't overly worried, Vlad's message and done a lot to ease his mind, also he had checked the formal rental wear for confirmation on Vlad's order and he had made it. It just felt like Vladimir had been avoiding him. Oh well, he was getting married tomorrow and nothing would be able to ruin that. Konstantin had to sigh to himself as he crossed the military HQ where Tanya worked.

While not the picture perfect example of innocence, she had refused to go any farther than oral pleasure until their wedding night, yes the white dress would be beautiful on her, and it wouldn't even really be breaking tradition. He stepped onto the grav-well and descended to work. Mercifully Petrakova wasn't there, but then again he wouldn't be surprised if she were hounding the other workers. He plopped himself into his chair and ran the daily routines, day dreaming about his big day. Many of his friends had all told him of their apprehension to marry, but Konstantin couldn't relate. He may have some butterflies in his gut, but not about Tanya, he wanted everything to go perfectly. Tanya didn't have a family so they were lucky that the General was attached to her enough to give her away, and Vlad was the only person who agreed to be his best man. What if something else went wrong? No! It wouldn't, he was sure of that.

"Konstantin quite daydreaming and get to work!" Konstantin held back a sigh, Petrakova! "And do you know what's wrong with Karakov? He called in sick."

"Apologies supervisor Petrakova, and no I don't. It must be serious for him to call in ill though."

Petrakova merely hmmm'd to herself, marked something on her damn clipboard and walked away.

Bloody bitch, no one wonder Vlad called in sick. Konstantin knew he was fine, but figured his friend deserved a break.

Neil awoke slowly, almost grudgingly. He didn't want to leave the warm embrace of sleep, he was too damn tired. But as he did awake, he became aware of four things. One, the warm embrace was not that of sleep, but of the wings of his love -he just hoped Vlad loved him back-. Two, his ass hurt. Three, it was getting well into the afternoon. And four, he had also woken Vladimir.

"Good afternoon sunshine." He laughed as he stroked the bats brown hair, Vlad smiled at him and for a brief second Neil's world lit up.

"Guess we should get up huh" Vlad asked rhetorically

"Yeah, but I think we need a shower first." Neil replied after looking at the mess they had left over each other.

Vladimir groaned as he pushed himself up, each muscle complaining. "You want one first?"

Neil grinned slyly at him "After seeing you all covered in cum, I think I'll need a cold shower, why don't you go."

Vlad playfully swatted the cat's ears in retaliation, and headed for the bathroom.

Neil settled back down into the bed as the sound of the shower's water running started. Usually water would be rationed, but seeing as how they were in a port, they were free to splurge. As the warmth slowly faded from the opposite side of the bed, Neil thought about what Vlad might do. Neil desperately hoped he planned on staying, but Vladimir had never been one to rush into something he didn't fully understand. Or maybe he was after all time changed people all too thoroughly Neil realized.

He didn't even know the bat that well, only seeing him a few days a year and not at all for the last three. Why should he expect Vlad to believe him, or even to care about him? He just drops in one day, the very day Vlad's near lifelong crush turns out to be straight and gets Vladimir drunk and in bed. He didn't want the bat to settle for him, he wanted to be chosen, and at the same time he wanted to be with Vlad so badly it hardly seemed to matter why as long as it lasted. Neil sighed and rolled over in the bed so he faced the wall trying to hide his tears. Despite himself he felt ashamed; here he was a smuggler, a Captain no less, crying over a man twice in as many days. It was pathetic.

Vladimir stepped out of the shower and padded into Neil's cabin still dripping water and giving off steam in the cool room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Neil still lay in bed, asleep he assumed. That was until the feline spoke to him so quietly his keen hearing could hardly register it.

"Do you want to be here Vlad?"

"Neil, I-I'm not sure what you mean."

"Do you want to be here?" Neil asked again more deliberately. Vladimir knew something was wrong, and he had a good guess what. The problem was he didn't have a real answer for Neil. He figured he could try to explain it as best he could so Vlad climbed into bed next to Neil, not caring if he got the sheets wet. (They were dirty anyway) moving close to the cat, he pressed his body close against him and draped an arm over his prone form.

"Neil, I don't know anything about this resistance stuff, I'm no freedom fighter, or spy or saboteur. I don't know why the Wrath of Gaia are doing what they are, or even if they are doing it, I'm taking your word on it. I do know however, that I'll stay with you as long as you want me."

"But what do you want Vlad?" Neil turned and asked looking into Vladimir's eyes.

"Neil.... I want to be with you. I don't want you to feel like I'm falling back to you because of Konstantin. I truly want to be with you, no matter what." Vlad murmured into Neil's ear and he pulled him into a gentle hug and light kiss. And even though he didn't know it, he had directly addressed Neil's greatest fear. "Now go have a shower and get dressed, I'm taking you out tonight."

While Neil was in the shower Vladimir took some time to figure out what he was going to do.

He thought it somewhat strange, for all of the feline's jovial demeanor and joking he was a very emotionally fragile person. Not that Vlad himself was one to talk, he couldn't keep going on like this; it was too draining. He still planned on trying to warn everyone, but he doubted they would believe him. He decided then that when he left aboard the "Little Dreamer" he would stay with Neil. No matter the resistance, no matter the party, and no matter the Wrath of Gaia.

Floating along down a less traveled pathway in the services area of the station, Vlad couldn't help but mentally chuckle at the way Neil used his tail as a makeshift rudder. They were heading for a small restaurant, a little hole in the wall really. The cellar served as cool pub where patrons could escape from the all pervading light on the station. Brewed damn fine ale as well. Vlad landed lightly on his feet as he crossed the threshold, catching Neil as he stumbled on the transfer to gravity.

"You space farers are hopeless with zero G aren't you." Vlad smiled, poking fun at the black cat.

Neil gave him a mischievous wink in reply and got up with surprising agility, well maybe not so surprising given his build and felinity. Vladimir led him down to the cellar and sat in a small booth in a corner, Neils sat down opposite him. The bar tender, a large matronly bear brought them a set of menus.

"Ummm..... Vlad." Neils asked, sounding a little unsure.

"Yeah Neil?"

"I can't read the menu." Despite himself Neil looked embarrassed.

A few snickers came from the bar, but they quickly shut up when Vlad shot them an icy glare. Vladimir went through all the dishes for Neil before the cat settled for the sautéed fish pirozkhi, Vlad opted for the Studen; they ordered the ale to drink. The evening was going splendidly, Vlad had taken Neils mind off of earlier, and he also was enjoying his companions' presence. That was until the great bitch showed up.

"Karakov you son of a bitch! What are you doing here?" Petrakova stormed up and demanded of him.

"Actually Ms. Petrakova, I was enjoying a fine meal with my friend here." Vlad said, not bothering to hide the venom from his voice. "I'd be enjoying quite a bit more had you not disturbed us."

"What did you say to me you little faggot?" Petrakova snarled. Neil bristled at the insult, looking like he was about to strike her. Some insults had survived the test of time, still something within him snapped. It wasn't like he planned on staying anyway so why not burn a few bridges.

"I SAID WHY DON'T YOU GO FUCK OFF YOU BITCH!" Vlad yelled at her. He felt the stares of everyone in the room hot on the back of his neck. Petrakova looked too flustered to do anything. Vladimir, more then a little embarrased now that he had said it, pushed her aside and headed up the steps to leave; Neil drank down the last of his ale and hurried after him. Vlad laid a bill on the counter to cover the costs and stormed out.

"Vlad, what was all that about?" Neil called, as he floated after him.

Vlad turned to face the cat, anger and shame clearly etched on his face. "I'm sorry about that Neil. I was just so sick of it, I've had to put up with her insults and jeers for years. She was the one that had me beat. And oh for fucks sake's I ruined the entire evening I'm really sorry Neil."

Neil floated up beside him and grabbed him by the hand. "You did no such thing; at least I got to finish my ale." Neil half joked. Vladimir smiled. No one was ever able to cheer him up like this.

"However had I known what she did to you, I would have done far worse than yell at her." Neil said with a dark look in his eyes. It was quickly replaced by a look of shock as Vlad kissed him upon the cheek out in the plain open. He gave Vlad an incredulous look.

Vladimir just smiled at him

"Right now I couldn't care less who sees it's not like I'm staying much longer, and besides if we get into any trouble I have my brave smuggler captain to look after me." Neil couldn't help but purr at the thought that Vlad had called him his.

~The morning later ~

Konstantin fiddled with his cufflinks nervously. It was an hour to the ceremony and not more than half the people had shown up yet, including his best man.

"Where do you think he is?" He asked Tanya for the fifth time.

"Relax! He'll be here soon. And would you get out of here, you're not supposed to see me before the ceremony, its bad luck." Tanya growled as she practically shoved Konstantin out of her palisade. He stumbled; half expecting to float of into the arboretum, instead his paws met solid ground. He found it hard to forget years of conditioning for one day, still he really ought to thank the General for pulling some strings and getting some artificial Grav for the wedding. He started to pace back and forth as more guests arrived. He spotted Vlad before he got really worried, but couldn't suppress a scowl as he saw who he was with. Konstantin had hoped never to see the smuggler again, they were nothing but trouble and he didn't like how Vlad risked everything he had over a few books.

Vlad waved to Konstantin as soon as he came into view, walking side by side with Neil, both dressed in formal wear. Neil in a simple suit and Vladimir in his rented Tux. Neil smiled; to him the bat looked the epitome of suave and debonair, and more handsome than should be allowed. Vladimir caught him staring and gave him a wink.

"Good to see you Kostya, and congratulations." Vlad beamed to his friend. "You remember Neils Corr, he's captain of the ship that delivered the new military equipment."

"Of course I do, how could I forget." Konstantin forced through a false smile. "A pleasure." He lied.

If Neil noticed any hostility the wolf exhibited he chose not to show it.

"Likewise" he offered with all the civility and grace of a courtier "Of course I'm only here to offer my congratulations and let you know I hope the best for you. After all any friend of Vlad's is a friend of mine."

Konstantin was going to make a snide remark when the cat's comm went off. Neil grabbed it, held it up to his ear.

"This is the captain." Whoever was on the other line spoke rapidly, not that the wolf could hear them clear enough to figure out what they were saying. "Right, I'll be right there." Neil said as he cut the channel, and turned to Vlad and Konstantin. "Sorry to say that's my cue to leave, sorry to miss the ceremony, I'll see you later Vlad." And started to sprint to the docks.

Vladimir watched him go, worry etched on his features. "I hope it's nothing bad." He said. Konstantin just shrugged his shoulders.

"Vlad, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked as he pulled the bat to a less crowded part of the clearing. "What are you doing with that cat? He's a known smuggler! Do you know what kind of trouble you're getting into?"

"Yes Konstantin I do. Besides, after your wedding I'm leaving the station with him. And I think you should to." By the look Konstantin gave him Vlad knew he thought he was crazy. So he tried to explain it as best he could.

Neil ran onto the bridge of the Little Dreamer, panting from having to run such a distance.

"Alright I'm here, now what's so important?" He asked Braun, the first mate.

"Take a look for yourself sir." The bear replied as he patched the radar to the main screen, it lit up with incoming signals, all heading for the station in a spear head formation.

"Awwww fuck! Get ready to disengage, and then get ready to get the hell out of here." Neil called as he scrambled to get to his room and use the computer to try and contact Vlad.

"Do you Tatyana Iluovich take Konstantin Burlov, in sickness and in health, to be you lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Came the traditional reply.

Konstantin hadn't believed him, and had made a blatant point of ignoring any looks Vlad shot at him throughout the procession. He probably thinks I'm trying to ruin this for him Vladimir thought bitterly to himself.

"And do you Konstantin Burlov take Tatyana Iluovich, in sickness and in health, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Konstantin said without a trace of hesitation.

"Then you may now kiss the bride" The reverend continued.

The two turned towards each other, looked into each other's eyes and kissed deeply, and as they did three things happened in rapid succession.

One, the stations alarms went off, all lighting in the station turning to a bright red. This was followed by an explosion, and a severe loss of pressure as the stations are was sucked into the void. And thirdly, in the vacuum something struck Vlad hard in the back of his head, knocking him out.