Chapter 2: Jasey Rae

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#2 of Caught Up in the Moment/But not in the Right Way.(INCOMPLETE)

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Also... M/M Here, so... Not your bag? Then exit now. Otherwise Enjoy!


Another day in London whizzed by in cool morning breezes as it ran its fingers through

a mutt's fur on Lilly Street. Walking was a new and forgotten feeling to him as he

missed his "gas foot thingy", talking each chance to hop over a fence of run through

someone's back yard.

He walked slowly with his paws in his pockets, looking this way and that, even

stopping once to notice the pink and orange sky that painted itself into his morning


"8:30..." He read as he looked at a clock place on the corner of Lilly and Adam Street.

"Oh joy... I'm going to be early..."

School didn't start till 9:00 for senior students. Something about the whole "sleep

deprivation" issue. Which was fine, seeing as Wyler didn't even bother to try to be there

on time. School started whenever he crawled out of bed, and he was pretty sure he

remembered a pact he set with himself which allowed him to never be early enough to

sit down before class started.

"That's just great..." He said inside his head. "Now I'm gonna be early enough for every

friggin student to pull and poke fun at my fur."

That's when the building he was heading toward seemingly rose up from the distance

to meet him. How he hated walking in the front door. Partly because the smoke-pit, with

all the "kool kats and pups" who smoked their cigarettes, all fell silent when he climbed

those steps. All eyes on were on him until he fell behind the front door, and there after

he could swear he heard laughter.

Today was no different. Silence then snickering. The story of his life. The front doors

led to the auditorium entrance, with a choice to either take the left or the right hallway

that lead deeper into the second floor. He always took the right, the music hallway.

Musicians socialized here so he didn't have to worry about being stared at as much.

Everyone knows one must be unique to call themselves a musician, so they didn't have a

paw to point at him.

He saw familiar faces all around as he stepped through the halls. Old friends that

faded as he began to open up to them. Bastards.

After his trek through the hall, he came upon a stairwell. "The Stairway to Heaven"

they called it, and this was the place Wyler called home. Huge ledges hung over the

stairs as the glass tower reached towards the sky. Refuge from the storms of students

that crawled through the stairwell was found in these ledges.

"Wyler?" He heard from his perch as he prepared his tired arm muscles to climb.

~(The source? The only one I cared for as a friend of mine. He was a wolf by the name

of Jasey Rae, whom I still remember quite well.

He always had a smile on his muzzle and a gleam in his dark green eyes. His fur was

grey with a tinge of blue, complimented with his white underside, and he was the only

one who saw past me being a mutt with my abstract fur.)~

The wolf held out a paw and threw down a smile as Wyler, suddenly feeling better,

grabbed it and walked his way up the wall.

"Thanks," The pup huffed as he took a load off, setting his back towards the slick wall.

"How are you Jasey?"

The wolf shot towards him, embracing with an unexplainable gasp of joy that set

Wyler's heart aflame. "Geez, Wy, it seems like years since you came in the morning!"

"It HAS been years. Jase..." The canine said, falling into the touch, but wouldn't dare

think of returning to gesture. "Kay," He said after a couple moments passed. "I

appreciate the joy to see me, man, but you know how I don't like to be touched..."

~(I would lie every time in this way... He made my heart burst with every touch... So I


Kay... It's true. Jasey was my best friend, but that doesn't mean I couldn't have a

crush on him. He was irresistible to me, sort of like a forbidden fruit, ya know?

Sure he knew about me, but I wouldn't dare tell him how I felt about him. He was my

only friend worth having in the forsaken city, so I intended to keep it that way...)~

Reluctantly, he slowly let go of Wyler's torso with a sigh.

"Would it kill you to hug me back every once in a while?" He snickered as he moved

away, taking is perfect aura with him.

"No," Wyler lied. In fact, he would probably pierce him with the boner that had grown

from his touch if he had returned the gesture.

"And you call yourself a homo," Jasey giggled as he wrapped his arms around his

midsection. "Meanwhile, I'm the touchy feely guy here."

"Strange how things turn out, eh?" The dog scoffed as he rested his weight on his


That's when the bell rang, singing the two's doom to spend the next couple hours

sitting in desks that barely fit. They looked at each other and smiled, Jasey more then

Wyler. Using some sort of telecommunication, Jasey jumped down and raised his paws

to help Wyler slip his own way to the floor, and upon landing he chuckled and dusted off

his shoulder.

"See ya at lunch?"

"By Big Tree?"

"Of course."

"Kay, Skip out five minutes early so we can be first in line at the pizza place across

the street."

"You know it."

Then the two parted ways without looking back. Wyler climbed his way to the third

floor, while Jasey padded his way to the basement.

"On to math..." Wyler sighed as he walked past a couple kids smoking in the hallway.

He then felt an underdog moment coming on, probably brought on by watching Disney

movies almost once a day.

"Ya know," He turned his head to them as he walked, not really thinking. "You could

cause a lot of damage sucking on those sticks."

"Excuse me?" Said a female with outrageous hair that was combed over one eye. She

wore fishnets on her arms and shredded leather that revealed piercings everywhere. "Are

you talkin' to us?" She took another puff before flicking his cigarette at the canine, which

just narrowly missed his cheek and flew over the railing onto the second floor.

"FUCK?!" A deep masculine voice came from below. "GUYS SOMEONE THREW A


"Shit," One of the smokers said, standing and almost falling over. "Let's get out of


They ran, echoing boot-steps off the wall, into the third floor doors and down the hall

before Wyler reached the swinging door himself.

"Hey!" Shouted the voice from below. Wyler turned around to see a couple jocks

sporting their brand new football jackets. The middle of the three looked pissed as he

held out his elbow, revealing a charred hole to him. "You know who did this, mutt?" He


"I saw a couple smoker kids make a break for it that way," Wyler point to the door

innocently, which was still swinging on its oiled hinges.

The jock just growled and he pulled his two minions behind him through the doors.

Wyler could only giggle as he walked through with his paws in his pockets. Oh how

karma works sometimes...

~(I remember falling asleep a lot that day. I don't know why, seeing as I did it so much,

so it should have been like every other day.

Well... it was, except for the end of it. On my way home. That was the only thing that

was different.

The rest of the day filled out as normal. Lunch rolled around, Jasey and I bought each

other pizza and sat by "Big Tree" which is what we called our hang out spot. As you

might be able to guess, it was just a big tree... A big tree that we could lye against and

play gameboy until the bell rang.

Then 4th and 5th period went by as normal, so nothing much to tell there. Let's just

fast forward to the part where it gets good, eh?)

"See ya, Jasey," Wyler said as the two of them walked their separate ways. Jasey

lived by the water-side of London, so he took a bus to and from school. Wyler, on the

other paw, just dragged his feet there and back, doomed to take in the scent of ionic gel

exhaust, which smelled like a mix of lime juice with a hit of toe-jam, all the way home.

"Bye, bud," Jasey giggled, throwing in a small, one-armed hug as they walked down

the sideway in front of their high school building. "By the way, what are you doing


"Noffing..." Wyler said in a British accent. Lord knows why. "Just sittin' at home piecing

together and a new Sidewalk Surfer, I guess."

"What happened to your old one?" Jasey asked. He then lowered his ears and sighed.

"Did you crash again...?"

"More like got caught again," The mutt replied, bragging almost, as they reached the

crosswalk. He pressed the button and waited for the light to turn in their favor.

"Again?!" Jasey shouted, suddenly angry. "Wyler? You know you could go to juvie


"I wonder if I could figure out a better design this time..." Wyler said, almost ignoring

the fact that his best bud was trying to teach him a life lesson.

"Then I'd have to come and break you out..."

"...and I could cut the engine in half and mount it on its side..."

"...and then we might get caught and then we'd both be in JUVIE..."

"...and then place the tank on the other side to balance it..."

"I can't get sent to that place Wyler, I'd be someone's bitch in a second..."

"... but then I'd loose half the power I'd get out of a normal engine..."

"Your NOT LISTENING WYLER!" Jasey took a hold of his friends shoulder and shook,

making them both stop in the middle of the street. "I can't see you go to juvie without

putting myself in their as well!"

"Dude..." Wyler said. "I'm not going to juvie."

"Well..." Jasey sighed. "Why don't you just switch to Ionic Gel or something...?"

"I.G. is for rich, snooty stuck-ups who like to travel at a max speed of 30 mp hour on

the highway..." Wyler scoffed, forcing the two to atleast reach the other side of the

street before they started to argue. There was no logic in getting all riled up if they were

just gonna become road-pizza. "Gas is so much more..." He started once they hit the

curb. "Powerful..."

"Yes," Jasey agreed before branching off down the sidewalk that led to his bus stop.

"But it's also illegal... Just think about what you're doing, okay?" He gave a sincere


"You're illegal..." Wyler shot back before returning the same smile and waving. "You're

soooo illegal that I'll see you tomorrow at lunch."

"No more mornings...?" He heard his best friend's voice call from behind him, which

made him smile again.

"Heck no!"


That afternoon, the clouds had begun to strangle the sun, which dimmed the path that

lead Wyler home. He avoided shortcuts and just walked down London's main street,

Adelaide, which was high in the aggravating limey I.G. scent.

The mutt walked with a sort of beat as he crossed each sidewalk block, making sure to

step on each crock as he went.

Suddenly, he bumped shoulders with a ragged fur wearing a cloak on the street who

collapsed on the ground beside him.

"GAH!" It screamed, presumably a she. "Me arm!? Me hip!?"

"Damnit..." Wyler growled at himself as he bent down to help the frail figure up. "My


"Watch where yer goin'!" The woman said, clinging to the hood that hugged her head.

She swatted at every attempt Wyler gave to help her and began to wail into the street,

trying her best to stand again. "GAH! Me leg?! Me neck?!"

"Calm down, you old hag..." Wyler sighed as he realized how futile it was to help up

this woman. He stepped away and cocked his head and tried not to laugh as he watched

the fur twist and turn till she was on her hind legs again.

"You could have helped me?!" She screamed, throwing a poor attempt at a punch.

Wyler ducked and stepped to the side.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going," He said, starting to turn. "Now if you

can walk then be on your way." He waited for a harsh reply to float by as he walked, but

was only graced by the feeling of something touching his back.

He turned fast and noticed a piece of glossy paper suctioned onto him by the wind.

Raising an eyebrow, he ripped it off of his shirt and looked at the other side.

"A map?" The mutt said, confused. It was a map with red marker scribblings on it. A

closer look revealed that the winding red lines started from a circle that covered his

hometown, London. Upon following the red lines, which was cut clear across the ocean,

pretty much to the other side of the planet, they led to another circle. This enveloped a

place called Abertanst, which had a small note beside the circle.

That's when the pitter-patter of rain starting rolling over the gloss as the grey clouds

above started to cry. He shoved the piece of paper in his backpack and returned to his

journey home.

"I wonder..." Wyler thought as he passed the many food shops that lined the busy,

busy street. Focusing on his stomach, he decided that he could eat something, but the

question was what?

"Paulie's Pizza... Burglars Burgers... Chizonzi China Food..." He read out loud as he

passed each one. Realizing he hadn't had pizza in a while, he took out the ten dollar bill

that folded in his pocket and headed towards "Paulie's Pizza".

Opening the door, the fluorescents greeted him with their low buzz as the sound of

arcade machines plinked and rang, menacingly lighting up to attract their next chump to


"Oy," A rat he and Jasey nicknamed as the "Pizza God" called out to him from the front

counter. He waved slightly, which sent his fatty body into a jiggle spasm, which shook

his white, grease-stained shirt around him. " 'ey m'tt, l'ng t'me n'see."

"Hey Paulie..." Wyler sighed as he slumped in, remembering all too well the lack of

vowels in the Pizza God's speech. The smell of melted cheese made his stomach drain

and gargle. "Could I get..."

"Lemme guess," He said with a toothless grin. "Chick'n slice. Quadruple cheesy."

"For an old fart, you have a good memory," Wyler let loose a grin as he picked a booth

to sit at. The place was empty so he picked a window seat.

"Don't th'nk ya c'n get c'mf'rtable, kid," He groaned as he slid off his stool with a

jiggle. "I ain't br'ngin' it to ya..."

"When have you ever...?" Wyler said under his breath as he took of his bag and set it

beside him on the booth seat. He sat, unzipped it, and took the now wrinkled map out

and looked over it again.

"What does this say..." He squinted at the note beside the circled that swallowed

Abertanst. Much like you would squint to keep the sun out of your eyes, it didn't work,

which left him sort of frustrated. All he could make out was the blurry image of two

bison mate.

Wyler kept his focus on the frustrating piece of paper long enough to pop a vein out in

his forehead.

"'Ey!" Shouted the Pizza God from the counter, almost making Wyler jump out the

glass window. "H'w m'ny tim's I g'tta calls ya, kid?! Yer slice's re'dy."

"Sorry Paulie," Wyler said as he got up, leaving the map lying on the table. He

grabbed the greasy paper plate, paid for it, and returned to see the frail figure of the fur

that ran into him, hunched over the paper, eyeing it as she prodded it with her fingers.

"Where did you get my map?!" She screamed in a whisper, sitting down in his spot on

the booth.

"Kay..." Wyler rolled his eyes and sat on the other side, setting the pizza off to the

side. "I forgot I wasn't aloud to sit in my own seat." He looked down and saw the fur

tapping her fingers. "... and I just found it blowing in the wind."

"Lies!" She said, pointing and accusing finger toward him. Her ragged leather gloved

hung off her paw like rolls of black skin and looked like it would fly off if she flung her

paw the wrong way. "You stole it from me when you ran into me!" Her hood's shadow

didn't reveal her face, but her voice seemed a lot different then the raspy old one she

previously wore. "Who do you work for?!"

"Oh please," Wyler laughed, pulling some of the cheese off his quadruple cheese

pizza. "You make me sound like a spy or something."

"So you admit it!" She raised her arm in triumph, which almost sent her hood flying.

Luckily she caught it with her other paw before it did.

"Who are you again?" Wyler sighed, nibbling his cheese some more. Then swiftly

taking his paw, he slipped the glossy page from under the forearms of the girl, who

reached hopelessly for it. This sent her hood flying, revealing the face of a raccoon not

much older then he was. With a smug smile and wrinkled his nose and said "I knew you

were just a kid."

"Shut up pissface and give me back my map!" She screamed, pulling back on the cloak

over her head.

"Hey now, easy there," Wyler giggled. "Pissface isn't a very nice name... And there's no

reason for you to put your hood back on. You've been caught. That's all there is to it."

She sat back and crossed her arms with a "hmph", sticking out her lip like a child who

had their new transformers action figure taken from them. Well, in this case, a new

Barbie doll or something. I never got into women's toys.

"Now," Wyler said, taking his first, mouthwatering bite of his pizza. He chewed for a

bit before he spoke again, spraying saliva all over his company. "What's Abertanst?"

"The city of no rules," The rogue said like everyone should have known that, then

grimaced again. "Everything you do there is freedom. None of this forced education crap.

You can even use gas freely there..."

Wyler then narrowed his eyes and perked his ears at the word "gas". He looked at the

girl and swallowed. "What's your name?"

She looked at him for a second before she sighed and said. "Angela. Yours?"

"Ummm..." Wyler stuttered. He debated on using a fake name. "Wyler...Heh..." So much

for that plan.

"That's a pretty gay name..." Angela said before she got up. Her way of movement had

faded now. Now instead rigid old hag movements, she walked with a woman-like grace

that made Wyler cock his head. "So can I PLEASE have my map?" Her tone had changed

too, from angry teenager to seductive... teenager as she bent over to show him down her

cloak, under which she was wearing a very revealing tank-top.

Wyler just laughed at his lack of interest. "Those are very nice and all," He chuckled as

he debated chewing on his crust. "But I haven't been interested in things like those for a

couple years now."

"Fuck..." She sighed. "Just my luck that I get stuck with a mutt who doesn't fall victim

to my body..."

"You say it like that's a bad thing," He winked and rolled up the little map, shaking in

front of her face. "If I was, I wouldn't have this bad boy for much longer, would I?" He

stuck out his tongue for good measure.

"Ugh!" She sighed and slumped back into her side of the booth. "Dude, I can't get

another one of those... Or atleast it would take me a coupe months to get another


"Dudette..." Wyler replied with a raised eyebrow. "Why not? Just Google Map it or


"You douche," She said, rubbing her temples. "Those words on there? See them? There

for getting IN to the freaking city. Sure you can Google Map it, but all your gonna do it

come to a giant gate, find that your fucked, then head back the way you came."

"What do these words have to do with anything?" Wyler squinted again, still only

seeing the graven image of bison fucking.

"They're written in Millennia, pissface," Angela rolled her big brown eyes and crossed

her arms again.

~(Millennia being the language only written. It was founded around the time of the new

millennium (hence the name) and originated from (yep, you guessed it) Abertanst.)~

Moments passed with her sitting there while Wyler looked at the map until she batted

her eyelashes his way. "So..." She smiled, rolling her fingers up the mutt's forearm. "You

sure you aren't like... On the fence of something? Cause I could probably bring you back

the other way."

"Nope," Wyler said, moving his arm as he kept his focus on the map. "Trust me, I'm


"So how am I going to get my freaking map back then?" She almost shouted, waking

the Pizza God from his eternal slumber.

"Your not," Wyler smiled and looked her way. "Cause I'm coming with you."


That night, there came a tapping on the back bedroom window of 24 Donchester Lane.

The sound of the ocean churned calmly in the background as the window slid silently

open. The head of a groggy wolf peered out and squinted like he was reading Millennia.


"Jasey!" Came Wyler's whisper. "Get out here! I have to tell you stuff!"

"Nuh..." Jasey yawned. "Can't you just tell me tomorrow...?"

"Nope," Wyler grabbed the wolf's arms with his paws, wrenching him from his

windowsill with a jerk. "Dude..." He then noticed his friend was clad in boxers, which

made him blush into the night air.

"What?" Jasey almost giggled, trying to cover himself with his thin forearms. "You

don't think I sleep in clothes do you?"

"I..." Wyler was breathless with the wolf's body, bathed in the moonlight. The ocean

just adding the romantic effect, and if there wasn't business at paw, he would have

totally made a move for it.

"You...?" Jasey raised an eyebrow.

"Come with me to Abertanst!" Wyler blurted before his mind reverted back to plan A,

which was to jump his best friend.

"The fuck is Abertanst?" Jasey said, shooting him a look that screamed utmost


"It's the city without rules..." Wyler nudged him like it would jog his memory or

something. "Ya know? The place where gas is legal 'n stuff?"

"This is all about gas?" Jasey sighed. "Dude, just because I made a big about going to


"You know you want out of here, too..." Wyler sighed. "We're both almost eighteen,

and told each other nothing more then how much we wanted out of here."

"Yeah," Jasey agreed. "But we don't even know if this place is real..."

"I do!" Wyler almost screamed, before having his muzzle buttoned by Jasey.

"Parents..." The wolf said, looking up at the above window. "You know how they sleep?

Yeah, up there."

"Sorry," Wyler muffled behind Jasey's paw. "But I'm going with this girl who has a


"Since when do you hang out with girls?"

"Since her map flung at me."

"She flung her map at you?"

"No? It was stuck on my back."


"Nevermind...." Wyler said, holding his paws in the air. "It's all legit. Just come with

us, dude..."

"What about school?" Jasey sighed, looking like he was considering it.

"We're coming back for another year anyways... Victory lap. We can leave, check this

place out, and if it's awesome we'll school there?" Wyler was jumping up and down with

excitement at the thought of it.

"I dunno, dude," Jasey headed back for his window. "I need to think about it, ya


Wyler stood for a second before he replied. He eye twitched when he let out an

"Okay..." He wondered if the puppy dog eyes would work in this situation, but that's

almost not fair.

"You okay?" The wolf asked before he hoped onto his sill.

"I'm fine." Wyler lied again. "I mean, I can't just expect you to pick up your life for me

and come, ya know? It's kool."

"You still going?"

"Have too."

"Why?" Jasey asked, now just a head that hung from the hole in the wall.

"I told you, man," Wyler said as he started stepping away. "I have nothing here

anymore. My pops a drunkard and my mom's his servant. I want out."

"Okay," Jasey said before backing up. "If I decide to go..." Wyler's ears perked at these

words. "Where can I meet you?"

"We don't ship out till noon..." Wyler called from a couple feet away. "Meet us at the

docks at 11:30..."

He heard the sound of the wolf's window shut just as morning's first light peered over

the horizon, speckling the chop of the water with an orange tinge that clashed with the

black. Wyler could only sit at the edge, watching the waves flow back and forth until

light struck him till he squinted.

He then flicked a penny he found into the water and hoped with all his heart he

wouldn't go alone. That his best friend, Jasey Rae would be there beside him, there for

every second of it.


(8)I've never told a lie, and that makes me a liar,

I've never made a bet, but we gamble with desire,

I've never lit a match, with intent to start a fire,

But recently the flames are getting out of control.(8)

"Jasey Rae."

-All Time Low.


Aaaand that's part 2. I finally figure out a direction (i think...) Probably because of the book I'm reading now. Sort of like an adventure where the main character strengthens friendships he has and finds out alot about himself. ya know? Anyways hope you enjoyed it =).
