Axe and Moss: when tragedy strikes

Story by The_Snow_Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Axe and Moss

This is a story that does not have a happy ending, if you don't like that please don't read, also read the tags

It had been five years since my brother and I first experimented in the bathroom, it feels like such a long time has passed since then, my twin brother josh was always the innocent one, even in the bathroom he didn't know that we were having sex, he didn't realize that his brother had just tricked him into fucking him, he always just ran around with that big dopey smile on his face. Back when we were in highschool there were quite a few differences between us, I came out as gay in middle school and boy were our dads proud, they threw me a coming out celebration and everything, my brother Josh on the other hand was still perceived as being straight, I'm the only one who knows about his past playtimes. I had turned into somewhat of a femboy, I'm thin, I'm girly and my tail is always up, Josh however had taken after one of our fathers, George, and become a jock, the only single jock on the team. Ever since our dads went to our school the football team has been more and more accepting of gays, the breed hierarchy has been abolished and the school is just a nicer place in general.

Now I'm not gonna lie, I was a total slut, I just loved getting fucked by big strong furs who know how to use there tool, quite often I would sneak out of the house late at night to meet up with a jock and his friends or just some one on one fucking, if I was really horny I would go to the local park and get fucked by the gang that plagued the place at night, they were an all gay bikey gang and boy did they like their leather, if I was lucky they would take me back to head quarters and get the big boss involved, and I can tell you he was big. On one such night they decided that because I was always willing to be their cum slut that I could choose who I wanted to fuck me and everyone else would shower us in cum, keep in mind that I had over 100 hot, naked gang members to choose from, I had had my eyes on an old stallion that I think was the bosses right hand man, he had by far the biggest dick in the room, best decision I ever made, as I sat there on my hands and knees this stallion was mating my arse like it was his last fuck on earth, he was so brutal and so forceful he had me moaning like a whore in the first five minutes, as I sat there taking that huge rod the first of the gang members stepped up and started jerking off, then one by one the gang members closed in until I was completely surrounded, I saw all manner of furs jerking their meat or jerking someone else's, it was after about ten minutes that the first wave of cum came raining down on me, it splattered all over my arse and tail, then after the first row of guys had cum they took turns getting their dicks cleaned by me and were replaced by another row of horny, masturbating bikers, one row blurred into the next as I lost myself in the ecstasy, I had a hot cock drilling my arse and one hundred more cumming all over me before being put in my mouth, by the end of the night everyone had broken the rules and had fucked me after my stallion lover had finished with my arse, he actually came back for seconds and used his third load to completely cover my face with cum before I sucked him clean, at the end I was exhausted, drenched in cum, my tailhole was gaping wide open and I was satisfied beyond comprehension.

I dragged myself through the door at four in the morning to find josh sitting on the couch, fast asleep, he always tried to catch me coming home but he always fell asleep too early, I tip tied up the stairs, still drenched in cum and I went for a shower, I felt around my arse and to my surprise found a small glass vial up my tailhole, inside was a note. "My dear little cum slut, you were amazing tonight and I came at least five times, if you ever want to come round again just give me a call

, Big Daddy.

P.s sorry about the vial up the arse but there was no where else to put the note, call me." And underneath was written the number of the main head quarters and the big boss's personal cell number, I sent him a text thanking him for the wonderful time and the distended belly and that if him and his boys were ever in the mood for another session to call me and organize something. After I had showered I went to bed and slept for two hours before I had to wake up for school, in that time I had received messages from every member of the gang thanking me for the great fuck and telling me that if I ever want a one on one that they were open to it, of course all of them had pictures of both the guys face and cock so that I would recognize them and hopefully be interested. I was very excited by this, I now had a wish list and over the next few weeks I saw each one of them individually, some just wanted to fuck and those were hard and rough but tragically fast, others I spent over an hour with before we had sex and they were perfect gentlemen, talking to me, getting to know me, and all this while I was rubbing their crotch, they had some excellent self control but I always got what I was there for. This behavior continued on and on until the worst thing possible happened.

It was the spring of my final year at school and I was sitting at the bus stop with my brother when my phone started ringing, it was big daddy so I answered straight away, "hello big daddy, what can I do for you?" "Hey there my favorite little slut, I was wondering if you wanted to come out tonight, all the gang will be there and we have some new recruits, one of them gave us an idea that I think you are gonna love." "Oh really, I would love to, see you at the usual time? The usual place?" "You bet your sweet arse!" "Ok then, see you tonight sexy."

My brother simply looked at me and said, "who was that Max? Who are you seeing tonight?" The fact that he thought he deserved an answer just pissed me right off, so I told him, "I'm gonna go to the park and get taken somewhere where I will get fucked by as many guys possible, do you have a problem with that?!" "Well...umm yeah...I guess." "You guess? So you don't really know if you have a problem you just guess that you do?" "Please don't go Max, what if something happens to you? I couldn't bare it if you got hurt." "Oh please, just because we are twins doesn't mean you have to baby me, I'm a big boy and I can take care of myself, besides I need a good fuck and these guys are willing to do just that and a lot of it." "What if I fucked you?" "Come again, I didn't quite catch that?" "What if I fucked you just like in the bathroom that time? Would it stop you from going?" "And what would make you offer that Josh? Pity perhaps, maybe guilt, either way, I don't need your dick, I can get any that I choose! I don't want your pity you idiot and I especially don't want your pity fuck!" "You think this is pity? I'm in fucking love with you Max, ever since that first time, ever since we fucked in the bathroom, I've wanted no one but you, so be mine tonight and blow those other guys off!" I was shell shocked at his words, they couldn't be true, I had gotten over all of my crushes years ago and now he tells me that he is in love with me, I was not going to allow this, I ran away with tears in my eyes, why did he have to be so stupid, just when I was about to have a fun night out, I wanted to show him, show him I didn't need him, so I called up big daddy and told him the party was starting early.

When I got to head quarters I instantly noticed the new guys and my god they were hung, I popped a boner right then and there, suddenly, everyone came circling around me, they ripped off my clothes and pushed me down to my knees, then one by one they all started to take a leak on me, I went down on my hands and knees and took their piss all over my body, it went all over my arse, my tail, my face, I even opened my mouth and drank some at one point, I basked in the shower before it slowly died down, then one by one everyone in the room fucked me, all the new recruits went first and paved the way for the experienced members, I was passed around like a peace pipe and at one point I was picked up and was riding the two biggest cocks in the room at once, it was enough to make me cum all over the chest of one of my lovers before I hungrily licked it off and kissed him with it, the huge group fuck lasted for a whole two days, they ended up taking shifts sleeping just as long as I had someone in my arse at all times, I was too exhausted to move but I just couldn't fall asleep, and every time one of them woke up they would come and piss all over me before they started to fuck me again, on the third morning when everyone was too tired to continue fucking me, I was allowed to collapse on the floor in a pool of cum and piss.

When next I woke up I was in a hospital bed, apparently I had been found on the park bench in a state that looked like I had been gang raped, it was all over the news "missing teenager found with signs of mass forced sex" but that soon changed to "missing teen found out to have gone on a three day group sex bender" I was the laughing stock of the whole school but I was getting more sexual attention too, by the end of the week I had been fucked by every gay guy in school and it seemed like every gay guy in town, they saw the now famous teen slut and asked for a demonstration, I could never say no to a willing participant, it was then that I started to get sick. It turns out that my lack of condom usage was really quite hazardous, I had been diagnosed with every kind of disease imaginable and that included AIDS, I was told that I only had a month left to live and that I should cease any intercourse. Once word got out about my illnesses no one wanted to fuck me, the whole town had already had a go and all I got was used, my brother was the only one who would even speak to me, and he sat at my bedside crying his eyes out every night, I was so scared to die that I cried with him, he was my brother, my twin but above all, he was my first and only love.

When my month was almost up my brother looked to me and said "I never wanted this, I loved you so much and I only ever wanted you to be mine, why couldn't you love me back? Dammit!" I smiled meekly at him "You always were the slower twin, I always loved you, from the day I cleaned you up, to the day I die, I have always and will always love you my brother, and I'm sorry that we couldn't get in just one last play time before I go." His face brightened and it was obvious that he had an idea, "Maybe it's not too late brother, lets have some play time now!" "But what about the disease brother, aren't you scared of catching it?" He looked at me with a fierce determination in his eyes, "I wasn't ever planning on letting you go without me brother, we do things together from now on!" Before I could get another word in his muzzle was locked onto mine and stayed that way until he had finished making love to me, when my mouth was finally released I whispered into his ear "I love you brother" and fell into the sleep that I would never again wake from, when our dads walked into our bedroom to check up on me in the morning they walked in to see josh snuggling up to me with slit wrists and blood all over the bed, neither of us was breathing. That was all my consciousness was able to see before we faded away back into nothingness and there we have stayed forever more, always together.