Robo vix

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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Robo vix By Raven Fox; A female cop gets mutilated and gets rebuilt. Then breaks rules to get even. The plot is like Robo cop with some of my twisted ideas. Story takes place on the same world as I Hate this Place and I love you Kathryn.

2020 Everett Washington early morning.

Jennie a twenty four old human female is at the locker room getting ready for another day on the force. She is an Everett police officer. Jennie has been on the force for less than a year after four years in the Marines. She just did four years and got out. Jennie has gotten tired of all the going places where she wasn't welcomed. So she decided to join the police department. So far she loves her job instead of trying to correct a whole country's problem, she'll just try to help just one city only and that's it. Jennie doesn't mind that three quarters of this precinct is anthropomorphic beings. "Well last century around ninety percent of the population died to one billion and right now we're at one and half billion, plus fifty million anthropomorphic beings." Jennie thought to herself as she looks at her small thin build. While growing up she was mistaken for a boy till her teens, she almost didn't make it thru boot camp in the Marines. She looks at her small breasts, that are small. Jennie has an almost flat chest, she sighs. "I was thinking of getting implants, but Jay talked me out of it." Jay is her current boyfriend; he's a year younger than her. Jennie looks at his picture and shuts her locker, looked at the name tag on the door and walked to the briefing room.

Seattle at the current moment

Jonathan is walked into the meeting room of his company Tech 2000. His company makes hardware for the military and law enforcement. Jonathan an anthro fox looked at the humans and anthropomorphic beings seated at the long conference table. He saw a few military officers seated too. Jonathan grinned at the sight of them. "A possible government contract if I play my cards right as an old twentieth century saying goes." He thought to himself.

Jonathan cleared his throat. "Gentlemen and ladies. What happens to a good police officer or a dependable solider when they get badly wounded?" He looks at his audience.

An Army general said. "We have to discharge them and end up paying them money for disability for the rest of their lives."

"Correct! You loose an investment on that solider. The years of training and experience, if that one is a leader or a trainer. So we at Tech 2000 has perfected cyber implants to replace the damaged body sections, plus the added bonus the patient still looks human or anthro. Next time a dependable police officer or military solider gets badly wounded, send he or she to us and in a few weeks the patient is good as new." Jonathan looks at the personal seated at the table. He watched as they talked among themselves.

A military officer stood up and looked at Jonathan. "All right we'll bite. We decided the next badly wounded person will be sent to you. If it works out, you got a contract from the military."

A person from the police department stood up to, a female wolf. "Same from the police department. We'll send our next badly wounded officer to you."

Jonathan grinned. "All right pleasure doing business with you people." They filed out of the room.

Shane his boss walked up to him. "That went pretty well. How far are from testing this stuff?"

Jonathan turned to Shane. "We are done with all lab testing and prototype construction. All we need now is a badly wounded person to do the tests on."

Shane looked out the window in thought. "Jonathan I think it's a good thing that you want to preserve life and giving people back their lives where do we draw the line. I'll just watch and see what happens, maybe some good will come out of this." The older fox thinks to himself.

Everett at the current moment.

Jennie is at an abandoned hanger at Paine field. The silent alarm went off and she was sent to check on it. She is with her partner Steven, a male gray wolf. He walked around the side; Jennie walked inside and is meet with a hail of gun fire. She's hit in the face with a blast of a shot gun. Jennie felt four more blasts of the shoot gun and five more hits with the hand guns. The members stopped firing when Steven fired at them, other cops showed up and they ran off, the officers where more concerned with Jennie.

She heard a cop said. "I am going to put her out of her misery." Jennie heard a gun being cocked.

Another voice a female with authority said. "Put away your side arm sergeant, that's an order. I am making a phone call to some one to do that deed, no need the have her blood on your hands. You can leave now and I'll forget what just happened." She heard some one walking away. Jennie felt paramedics working on her. Then she heard a helicopter land real close.

The female voice said. "Jonathan here's your test subject. Can you put this one back together?"

Jonathan said. "Yes I can. Was this cop a man or a woman?" Looking at the female wolf.

The female wolf said. "This one was a human female with a thin small build. But now she's legally dead. She's a rookie cop, a perfect test subject. Work out any problems with your stuff, before putting it on military soldiers' and experienced police officers. So you can have what's left of her."

"All right I'll take her off your hands. Thanks for the test subject; I'll call you with any results. Dam who would do this to a human." Said Jonathan.

"Other humans, gang members from California." Said the female wolf looking at Jennie with pity as what's left of her is loaded in the helicopter.

Jonathan followed the stretcher on to the large helicopter. He looked at the human who's missing her face and limbs at the joints were they connect to the body. "Dam what a mess. But I'll put you back together, sorry the only artificial limbs I have are for a vixen. You're going to a cy Borg vixen, hell you're missing your most of your human features any way.

Jennie just laid there and thought to herself. "So they are going to make me into a cy borg. I am not going to mind it one bit. It will take getting use to being a vixen; I am going to kill those bastards. Then I am going after the gang itself."

Two months later, unknown place.

She can see now, Jennie saw a male fox looking at her. The fox held a mirror to the face. Jennie saw a fox vixen looking back at her. "What the heck?" As Jennie saw a small built vixen with dark red head hair to the shoulders, with the dark orange, white and black fur coloring. Sporting a 35 D bust size. "Well, now I got some boobs now, what is Jay going to think about this?" Jennie had brown hair along with her almost flat chest. Jay had a relationship with her even thou of her nerdy looks." She started to cry wondering if Jay will have anything to do with her now, because now she's an anthropomorphic vixen.

Jonathan looked at the vixen. "Calm down Lynn! I've spent almost two months putting you back together. Right now you can lift five tons and you can take up a hit from a fifty cal. Bullet. You can see in the dark a mile away and find people hiding in the dark. Let's get you walking again, don't break my hand with your grip." He holds out his hand.

Lynn gently grabs Jonathan's hand and a few unsteady steps she's walking. "So what's going to happen to me now?"

Jonathan looks at her. "We're sending you back to Everett to see how you are going to perform out in the field. You cover story is, you're a double leg amputee and right arm, you had new legs and an arm grafted onto you."

Lynn grinned to herself. "Perfect I am going to get even with that gang." She looks at her new body that's covered in a black and dark gray body suit.

Jonathan spent the rest of the day showing her how to access computers with a connection cable built into her left forearm. He told her what's left of her organic parts that are still on her.

Lynn has only has part of her torso, plus her brain. She's fifty five percent machine most of her organic body parts are encased in a light weight tough metal. Lynn unzipped her body suit and looked at her body. "Look's so real." She zipped her suit back up.

Everett starting of the morning shift, next day.

Trina a female anthro wolf who runs the precinct is doing paper work. A street cop opened her office door. "You better see this captain." He said pointing at the front of the precinct.

She saw a van unloading a weird looking chair and a few computers. Then she saw a vixen standing at five foot three inches tall wearing a black and dark grey body suit get out of the van. Trina stared at the vixen seeing that she showed no emotion in her gold colored eyes. "The fox species don't have gold colored eyes. Wolves and felines are the only anthros that have gold colored eyes. She walks like a machine. Wait no way it can't be her, there is no way Jennie survived that." She watched as the vixen walked up to her flipping her tail back and forth.

Lynn walked up to Trina. "Hi captain how are things going?"

Trina stared at the vixen with long red hair. She touched a few areas on her. "Jennie is that you?" The vixen nodded. "So I take it they are going to test you at this police precinct?"

Jonathan walked up to them. "Yes we're going to run the tests here. To avoid any problems with ridicule, Lynn here is a police officer from Tacoma who had both her legs and right arm smashed in an accident. The cops here I think will be more helping with an officer with artificial legs and arm than fifty five percent machinery. We already have fake newspaper stories on the web about her car accident, plus here are her Tacoma police records." He hands Trina a folder and CD rom.

Trina takes the stuff looks at Jonathan and Lynn. "There's an empty office here to put this stuff at follow me." She leads them in to the building to the empty office. An anthro cougar walked up to her.

"What's going on captain?" He asked.

"That vixen is a temporary transfer from Tacoma. One month ago she lost both her legs and right arm in an accident. Tech 2000 grafted experimental artificial limbs on her. That is why all the computers and chair is for Charlie." Said Trina.

"That poor vixen having that machinery hooked up to her." Replied Charlie.

Trina looked at him. "All that equipment are prototypes it's going to be smaller in a year. Let ask you this, if you lost your right arm at the shoulder and some one offered to put a new one on that looked like your real one. Would you do it?"

Charlie thought for a moment looking at the vixen sitting at the chair. "I think I might do it because I am an active cougar who uses his right arm for my hobbies." He walks off to talk to a group of officers.

The middle of the night the door opens to the mainframe computer room. Lynn hooked herself up to the big computer. It's taken two minutes to find the five guys that mutilated her human body. She copied all the information on her internal computer. Lynn erased her log in and left the room locking the door. She went back to her chair and hooked all cables back to her body. Lynn read all the rap sheets on each one to find a set pattern as her body recharged.

The next day Lynn is putting on a uniform. While she's walking pass the weight room she heard a scream for help. Lynn saw a male wolf on the bench press with the weight bar on his chest struggling. She walked up to him grabbing the bar with her right hand. He looked at her. "That's two hundred and sixty pounds get someone to help you. What the hell?" The weight bar is placed back on the rack. He backed away from her, Trina walked in the weight room.

"Well Steven looks like your new partner just save your life. Steven this is Lynn, she just got transferred from Tacoma." Said Trina.

Steven looked at the short compact built vixen. "Captain, she just picked up two hundred and sixty pounds with one arm. Are you sure she's a real vixen. I said it once before, out of respect of Jennie, I don't want a new partner."

Lynn grinned to herself; she liked Steven when she was a human. "So, he didn't get another partner after those gang members pumped me full of holes. You still have my respect my lupus friend." She listens to Trina and Steven argues, but Trina won the fight. Lynn ended up being Steven's new partner.

Trina laughed and looked at Steven. "She was in an auto accident over a month ago. Lynn lost both her legs and right arm. Tech 2000 grafted artificial limbs on her. There is one side effect; her right arm is really strong." Trina saw a group gathering around looking at Lynn. "All right don't ridicule her. She has three years at the Tacoma police department till her auto accident. Does anybody have any problems with an amputee working here for awhile?" A bunch of heads shook. A few voices were saying that they have no problems with a police officer recovering from bad injuries serving at the precinct.

Later downtown Everett, driving on Colby ave.

Steven is driving the police cruiser. He looked at the vixen with gold colored eyes who is staring ahead. Steven looked at her right arm. "It looks so real, but how can a thin arm pick up that weight earlier? I better not get her pissed at me. She's cute, but I am married. I like how her hair is done in a pony tail, but those gold colored eyes show no emotion. Maybe she's still adjusting to having mechanical legs and arm." He thought to himself.

They are having a lunch when a car ran a red light hitting a car causing it to flip. Lynn ran to the scene. Steven called for the fire department. A small human boy is pinned by the wreckage. She yelled. "Steven gets a couple of people to move this kid while I lift this car!" A couple of guys helped Steven to grab the boy. A huge guy got by Lynn, she crouched and grabbed the car. The car lifted as Steven and the guys gently pulled the boy clear of the car. The fire department showed up. They treated the boy and other victims, people were staring at Lynn wondering how a small vixen can pick up a car. She started rubbing her right arm.

A van from Tech 2000 pulled up, Jonathan got out of the van. He explained to the TV news crew that Lynn has an artificial arm and legs. "She's a real vixen. Lynn was in a very bad auto accident over a month ago. She lost both her legs and right arm. So we at Tech 2000 grafted new legs and a right arm on her. We're hoping the limbs will be on the market in a year. Any questions?" There was a few.

The large human male look at the vixen with gold colored eyes. He looked at her right arm and her legs because she's wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt. "They look so real, I can't see any scaring on her, maybe there up higher. I sure don't want to get punched by her."

He looked at her one more time and walked off.

Lynn and Steven stayed at the scene as the wreckage is cleared up a young male kit touched her right arm. She tolerated the kit until the mom showed up apologizing to her. Trina showed up and looked at the both of them. "Sounds like you had an interesting lunch hour. Lynn how are things going?"

"All right captain, sorry the kid was turning blue in the face. I had to do something." Lynn said to Trina.

Trina looked at Lynn. "I would have done the same thing Lynn. All right now comes the fun part, report back to the precinct and fill out the reports. Steven our routine is different than Tacoma's so show her how we do things in Everett. Don't worry I'll deal with the press." As she walked up to the reporters to talk to them.

Police precinct, half hour later.

At the precinct Steven and Lynn filled out the paper work. Some of the cop's joked calling Lynn Robocop. She laughed at the jokes with humor making mechanical noises and lines from the movie from the 1980's. The other cops were just rolling saying. "You're ok in our book Lynn. Who cares that you legs and right arm are mechanical. You did a good thing saving that boy. What does it look like?" Lynn rolled up the short sleeve to her shoulder so the cops can see her right arm and shoulder. A couple of the cops touch the area feeling metal under the artificial fur, then she unrolled the sleeve.

That night she awoke. He power levels are at ninety percent. Lynn unhooked the cables to her body and quietly left the precinct. She drove to the gang's known hangouts abandoning the borrowed car and started her hunt. Lynn looked around for signs of any of those five members. She heard a woman's scream and followed the sound to one of the five trying to rape a human female. Lynn slipped on a mask and left the shadows to confront him, he was the one with the shot gun. She grabbed a piece of rebar hurled it at him at full strength. The rebar impaled the guy on to a brick wall thru the shoulder. The woman ran off screaming. Lynn stuck another piece of rebar thru the other shoulder and the guy is stuck on the wall.

"Who the fuck are you?" Asked the gang member.

Lynn removed her mask and peeled off her head skin showing her stainless steel skull. "The grim reaper. Remember Paine field two months ago?"

He stared at the at the shining polished skull. "You're that cop we shot up. Shame they got the species wrong on you, the people that put you back together."

Lynn replaced her skin back on her skull along with the mask. She brought out a shot gun and aimed it the gang members crouch and pulled the trigger.

The guy wailed in a high pitch voice. "Dam this fucking hurts. You shot my dick off!"

Lynn sneered at him. "I am repaying you for your kindness you show me at Paine field." She drew back a fist and punch him full strength at the face. His head exploded and Lynn's fist damaged a half dozen bricks on the side of the building. Lynn walked back to the car after cleaning herself off. "One down, four to go." She said to herself.

Next morning, gang member's remains.

The next morning CSI personal are looking at the remains of the gang member. Charlie is one of the members. "Know who that is?"

A Labrador looked up. "Marcie a known gang member in this area. He was a suspect of the murder of our officer Jennie two months ago."

Charlie looked at the head that's missing the top half. He looked down at the bloodied groin area. "What will it take to do this type of damage to a human skull, plus damaging the bricks Clyde?"

Clyde looked up and shrugged. "I don't know Charlie. The rebar is a foot buried in the bricks. That would take an extreme velocity to do. You'll need like hundreds of pounds of force throwing it like a large crossbow. The damage to the skull, you'll need a large piece of metal with the same force. I would love to see the equipment some one used on this body but it will be big Charlie." He saw a police car drive by with a vixen in the passenger seat with gold colored eyes. "Who's the vixen with Steven? I thought he didn't want a new partner."

Charlie looked at the police car driving by. "That's Lynn; she's a transfer from Tacoma. That's the officer who saved that boy's life yesterday. She's quiet and keeps to herself. Lynn has artificial legs, plus her right arm. I don't think she has anything to do with what happen here, don't question her; she has to be hooked up to a charger at night. Plus you'll have the precinct after you, she's popular and they like her."

Clyde chuckled to himself. "This case is going to be buried. I hate gang members, plus I wouldn't question a fellow officer. I heard what she did to; the population of Everett will be in an uproar if I questioned her."

Two hours later Evergreen way and 128th street.

"Any units near Camellia apartments please respond. We have a suicide threat at unit G118." Lynn's eyes widen at the mention of the apartment number from the radio.

She turned to Steven who's driving. "Let's go to that call, I had training in these types of calls. I'll keep the person at bay till the Negotiator shows up." Steven nodded as he replied to the call. Lynn knew who lived at the apartment, her boyfriend Jay.

Apartment G118 five minutes later.

Jay sat at a chair holding the hand gun. He sighed looking at the picture of Jennie. "I miss her, fucking gang bangers for killing her. She was just doing her job; they didn't have to mutilate her." He pulls back the hammer of the gun and sticks it in his mouth. His finger goes around the trigger to pull it.

"Come on Jay don't do this, I still care for you, and I hope you still like me." Said a female voice behind him.

Lynn just arrived in time. Jay was about to blow his brains out. The vixen shook her head at the sight of Jay. It looked like he hasn't eaten in a long time; he's thin and has a two weeks growth of a beard on him. "Man, my death hit him real hard; Jennie must have meant a lot to him. Well, I better talk him out of this, I hope he doesn't mind having a vixen as a girlfriend, one that's part machine."

"Who are you? You talk like my girlfriend who was murdered two months ago. I can't live without her, because she meant a lot to me. I cared for her, even thou she was a plain Jane with an almost flat chest. She wanted to get breast implants, but I talked her out of it. I like her the way she was, she didn't need to have her body changed. Sorry for telling you this, but I am going to join her." Jay brings up the gun again to his mouth.

A black furred hand stops it. "Come on Jay, I wasn't going to make them huge. I was going for a 36D cup. I am flattered that you like me the way I was, I hope you show the same feelings for my new appearance." She feels him shivered as she takes the gun out of his hand.

Jay turns his head seeing an anthropomorphic fox vixen looking at him. "Jennie, is that you?" The vixen nodded, looking at him with gold colored eyes. Jay put his hands on his head to have the vixen lead him outside. "Please keep an eye on my place, till I get released." Lynn nodded as Jay is lead to an ambulance.

Trina watched the event as it endured. She smiled at the sight of Lynn taking the guy outside. "Good, he's alive and uninjured. It ended peacefully, the way I prefer it to happen." Trina looked at the sight of the news vans pulling away, she laughs. "Oh, what's the matter, no body, blood and carnage? Sometimes I can't stand free press." The female wolf thought to herself as Lynn walked up to her. "Good job Lynn, that's the way these things should end."

Lynn sighed and smiled. "Yeah these things are tricky; he just needed someone to talk to. He recently had a tragedy in his life; I gave him a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on." She watched as the ambulance drives away. "I'll be seeing you later Jay, but I am going to a club tonight to see some old acquaintances."

Middle of the night, Déjà vu club.

The gang members laughed as they snorted meth or smoked it. The Déjà vu club is a topless public club where guys watch topless dancers dance on stage. The regulars stopped going to the club due to the gang taking it over. Now the place is the hang out of drug users and the scum of Everett.

The crowd went wild as an anthropomorphic vixen walked on stage wearing a school girl uniform. She danced to the rock music doing tricks on the pole on the stage. The vixen did a slow removal of her clothing and teased the crowd.

"Who's that new girl?" Said a gang member to the bar keeper as his drink is being poured.

The sable colored collie looked at the vixen on stage and shrugged. "A guest performer, she's only here for one night. Enjoy her while you can, I heard that she's going to L.A. tomorrow."

The gang member looked at the vixen and sneered. "I think I will, such a shame that something that nice is only going to be here for one night only." He cupped his hands at his mouth. "Take it off bitch, quit teasing us." The gang member laughed at her glare. "Ah, your kind are weak, vixens punches are weaker than a newborn humans."

The show ended, the next girl got on stage. A minute later the power went out; there was some angry muttering in the crowd. Someone got on stage saying that the power will be back on in a minute. The gang member sat down on his chair looking at the darkness. Someone sat down next to him, a female voice said. "I don't like people calling me a bitch, plus I don't like being called weak. A vixen's punch is stronger than a human newborn."

"What are you going to do about it bitch; I got three of my friends with me. We run this club and part of this town. What's a stripper from out of town going to do with the four of us? Nothing, if you try something with me, my three friends will mess up your pretty vixen body and then you can't perform at L.A." He laughs rolling his head back.

The voice spoke again with a twinge of anger. "I got a message from a officer Jennie, you might of forgot who I am talking about, due to you brain being destroyed by illegal drugs. I'll refresh your memory, the officer who you and your buddies shot up two months ago at Paine field."

The gang member turn to the voice seeing a golden glow of two eyes, he felt a hand grab his shirt. A voice said. "I am going to show how hard a vixen can punch." He felt an extreme pain in his chest as the vixen's right fist went into his chest cavity. The other three tried running in the dark, but unfortunately humans can't see in the dark, but Lynn can. She caught each one and ended their lives.

Five minutes later the power came back on, a club bouncer had to unbend the lever at the main switch. A gal screamed seeing four bodies on the floor. One body had a hole in his chest the other three had their heads turned 180 degrees.

One hour later at the Everett hospital.

Jay laid on his assigned bed thinking. "I can't believe Jennie is still alive, but it's going to take getting use to her being a vixen." The door opened, he saw a vixen walk in his room. The same one that stopped his suicide earlier today. "So Jennie, what name do you go by now?"

The vixen sat at the foot of the bed looking at him with her gold colored eyes. "Call me Lynn Jay. I got a story to tell; after it's over I hope you still want to be close to me." The vixen tells him what happen to her.

Jay looked at the vixen with pity, he didn't think of the metal inside of her. The human thought of the gal he loved regardless of how she looked. Jay wiped a tear from his eye, cleared his throat. "I missed you, I am glad that you're ok. I want to restart our relationship, but this is going to getting use to lover."

"I know Jay, now I got to wear a regular size bra now. Just for your information, I didn't get hit down there, it's still intact. Want to have fun like we did before, you told me once you wanted to do it on a hospital bed." Lynn said with a smile, she saw Jay nodded and his erection.

The vixen removed her clothing, while watching Jay removed his shorts. She kissed Jay's penis and grinned. "Hello slayer, I missed you." Lynn heard Jay laugh at the name she gave his penis.

Jay looked at his girlfriend's new body. She has the coloring of an orange colored vixen. The black gloves and socks, the white pattern starting below her checks going down the front of her body to her inner thighs. He looked at the 35D size breasts with inch and three quarter areolas with the thick tuff of white fur going over them. "Oh man, this is going to take getting use to." As Lynn as she crawled onto him; he looked at the firm breasts.

Lynn saw Jay staring at her breasts and giggled. "Oh Jay, looks like you like my new boobs. Here's the reason I wanted to get implants, I always wanted this done to me." She places Jay's penis between her breasts and then started rubbing his penis. Jay shivers at the feeling of the fur, plus the breast tissue on his penis.

A few minutes later, Lynn crawled up to Jay giving him a kiss. He looked into her gold colored eyes; they had an effect on him. Jay felt a hand grab his penis all he saw is her eyes as he felt warmness and wetness enveloped his penis. He returned the kiss feeling the vixen's body as she had sex with him. Jay felt hard muscles on her back, knowing about a type of flexible alloy made by the anthro race that landed on Earth years ago. He didn't care; Jay is glad that the woman he cared for and loved is still with him. "I don't care that she's an anthro vixen, I am just glad that she's still here." Jay hears a moan as Lynn orgasm. He caress her breasts and massages her backside, plus petting her bushy fox tail. They held each other as Jay ejaculates inside Lynn. "Oh, I missed you." Jay said to her as she strokes his check like she use to.

Lynn looked at Jay with a smile. "Jay, I did some talking to a few friends. You still have your job, I saved the owners son a couple days ago. You'll see a shrink once a week, plus have someone stay at your place and this mornings incident will be wiped from your record."

Jay looked at Lynn in awe. "I am glad you helped me out Lynn, but who will stay with me?"

Lynn looked at Jay and smiled. "I am, if you won't mind a few computers and a new chair added to you apartment. I am getting sick of that police precinct, plus all my belongings have been sold by my landlord and the place I use to rent is now rented out again."

Jay gave her a hug with tears running down his face. "I would love to have you live with me Lynn. I was going to ask you before, but I never worked up the nerve to ask you. I want to be with you again."

Lynn gave Jay a kiss and stood up. "I got to recharge myself Jay, I'll talk to the judge in the morning to have you put in my custody, stay out of trouble love." She walks out with a flip of her tail.

Jay lay back on the bed and smiled. "So I am getting a slap on the wrist, don't mind it at all. I am so glad she's still alive, just got to get use to that vixen body, I love the tit fucking." He closes his eyes thinking that in future, nights in the apartment he'll have a vixen in the bed with him.

Three weeks later

Jonathan is very happy. The cyber project is doing well. He read all of Lynn's stories in the papers. So far the military had a few members repaired. So far Lynn is the only police officer who had the treatment. "Oh well, maybe sometime later I'll do another police officer." Jonathan read another article, he chuckled; Everett gang is now extinct. The Everett Crip's, who used the name from an LA gang, is now no more. The last five members were killed last night when their car gotten stalled on a set of train tracks and the car were hit by a train. Officers on scene said it looked like they couldn't get their doors open. "Oh Lynn looks like you finally gotten even. My favorite is the first one, the one you punched in the face. I say right now you'll just do your time in the force. Well, what are you going to do after the time in the police? That body of your's has a two hundred and fifty year life expectancy." He looks out his office window and smiles. "What a beautiful sunrise. That just made my day; I am now in a good mood." He chuckles.

Steven and Lynn are driving down Rucker Avenue. "Just another day on the force right Lynn?"

She smiles looking at parts that are for opening car doors from the inside in her hand. "Yes Steven just another day at Everett Washington." She throws the parts in a garbage can as the police car passes it. "Two points for me. If another gang tries settling down in this town. I'll make life miserable for them. This is my town, not a bunch of hoodlums who shoot's you dead for wearing the wrong colors. This town belongs to the citizens of Everett, and I am going to make sure that it stays that way." Lynn looks out the window and looks around at the citizens she vows to protect.

She's glad that she's living with Jay, the vixen was getting tired the emptiness of the precinct at night. Lynn smiled thinking of the nights now at Jay's apartment. She has hired a crafty lawyer to get Jay a slap on the wrist, plus have Jay plead that he suffering from depression over the death of his girlfriend Jennie. Lynn had Jay promise her not to mention that Lynn use to be Jennie. "Oh, I love my new life." Lynn thought to herself looking out of the window.

Seattle the same moment.

Jonathan grinned looking at a computer read out when Trina walked in and looked at him.

"Jonathan, one has me puzzled about those mystery deaths of those gang members. Did you erase Jennie's memories?" Asked Trina.

Jonathan looked at Trina. "Trina it's impossible to erase a human's memories, even a anthro's. You'll end up killing the brain. Yes I think Lynn had something to do with the first one only. But Trina, if some one badly injured you would you want to get even?"

Trina looked at Jonathan. "Yes I would, but I won't destroy a skull with one punch."

Jonathan looked at Trina. "All right I'll swing on by on Monday and do a check on her. Will that make you feel better or should I take her to another city?"

Trina said. "Whoa if I transferred her to another city, I'll be in loads of trouble with precinct personal, everybody likes her. But I'll feel better if you do a check on her on Monday."

"I'll be by at 4:00 p.m. on Monday." Said Jonathan.

"Thanks Jonathan, I'll make sure she's at the precinct at that time. See you on Monday." Said Trina as she walks outside the office to return to her precinct.