Tales of the No-one-Worlds Collide

Story by Jaffah on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales of the No-one

Tales of the No-one-Worlds Collide "Have the men ready to move out within fifteen minutes." A harsh yet feminine voice barked out. "I expect after our last bungled effort that heroes will soon be swarming this place like the annoying pests they are." "At once Fraulien Jessica." A somewhat nervous reply came before a wolf in dark military attire scurried out of the room that had served as the main office for the short time of the hideouts occupancy. Back inside the harsh tone belong to a pretty young girl who under the right circumstances could've been a model, an artist or something much less evil, but thanks to the untimely intervention of one whose mind was thoroughly unhinged Jessica and her sister were taken and moulded into something all should rightly fear. She took of her German officers cap and placed it on the desk, sighing as she shook out the mane of long blond hair that grew so richly from her head, her fierce green eyes looking around at the sparsely furnished room. A desk, a couch and a floor safe was all they needed for the time being as this base of operations was little more than temporary. Slipping off her greatcoat the girl stood practically naked apart from leather thigh high boots, fishnet stockings and long black gloves. She smirked as stroked her weapons of choice, a pair of bladed tonfa that she and her sister had been trained well to use. They had also learned to handle small firearms but to the pair it was much better to be up close and personal when dealing out death. Her heeled boots made a dull noise on the floorboards as she walked over to the floor safe, her full breasts bouncing lightly as her fluffy white tail flicked back and forth impatiently. Her pristine white fur made her look too sweet to be a villainess but to Jessica this served as more an edge in any fight, that and cavorting about naked. She did this to distract and put off many of the more naive law guardians and after numerous escapes from their clutches she assumed most had never seen a naked feline femme before. To her it felt so natural to parade around with little to no clothing on, and those she and her sister hired, as mercenaries didn't seem to care too much especially after hearing of their ruthless reputations for swift and permanent dealings of the multitude that angered the twins. Bending at the waist the Fraulien fiddled with the combination lock on the safe, not caring if any saw her perfectly curved rump sticking out. She cared not either for anything inside the safe, as she knew it to be empty, she merely turned the tumbler in a precise way that left a coded message to let her sister know where she was heading. A muffled yelp caught her attention and she frowned, it sounded as though one of her men had found something within their safe confine, too soon for any hero activity she thinks as she moves back to the desk to pick up and perch her cap back on her head. A soft shiver running down her spine as she thought about the day she received it. Her mentor had informed both her and her twin Jazmin their training had been completed and the pair were to don the German uniform and strike fear into the hearts of all as the most ruthless sisters to have lived so it came as no surprise when the girls killed their master and usurped all he owned, the two going on to run things with iron hands and near naked bodies. The sound of something heavy thudding against the wall outside the office brought her back to the possibility of the law having found them and while the thought of fighting and dominating the protectors of this pathetic city appealed to Jessica she wasn't fully prepared for it. "Sergent?" She hissed expecting nothing less than an immediate answer but received none in return. Readying her bladed weapons the blond took a step forward, a cold angry glint in her eyes holding promise of retribution for failure of obedience when the grey wolf who left her presence earlier staggered into the doorway, his eyes half lidded as his machine gun clattered to the floor. "Report now man." Jessica hissed angrily but saw blood trickle from the merc's mouth as it opened answer, the wolf falling forward onto the ground as more blood oozed from deep looking wounds on his back. "You seem to have an intruder." A deep voice came from the darkness and startled the deadly kitten, her stance ready to intercept any attack. "Show yourself coward." The blond growled and was surprised when the owner of the voice complied. He appeared to be a tiger, a large one at that. Standing almost two foot taller than the girl his fur looked a deep red while highlighted by black stripes, his torso was bare and covered by an opened leather trench coat while the dark pants he wore hugged his muscular legs. The male raised a brow as he regarded the Fraulien through thin-rimmed glasses, his dark hair falling over his face as he smirked. "This may not be my world but I may come to enjoy it." His deep voice rumbled as his red eyes travelled over her sexy form. "Do all females dress so sparsely and in such a kinky fashion?" The mocking tone of his voice irritated Jessica and she gripped her sharp weapons tighter, knowing his lack of concern for her armed status would see him dead in a heartbeat. "There are a dozen well armed men in this building each will do what ever I tall them to-" She growled only to have him laugh at her words. "Fourteen actually including this fellow." The tiger replied poking the dead soldier with his foot. "And just because you have a weapon doesn't mean you will get the chance to use it." It was all she needed, at moment he began speaking she lunged forward, her tonfa spinning in her skilled hands and thrusting out seeking the males flesh only to miss her target but his sudden swift movement. "Why did you do something stupid like that?" She heard him whisper in her ear, his hard body bumping against hers. Her eyes widened in surprise as a steel grip ensnared one of her wrists, the tiger's strength squeezing until the pain forced her to drop her tonfa but this didn't stop her reversing the momentum of her free hand to bring the other back to try and stab the male behind her. "I advise you not to do that again." He growled deeply, his hot breath washing over her ears as he grunted in annoyance and snatched the weapon and tossed it away. Stripped of her obvious weapons Jessica growled angrily and kicked out at her captor, stomping his feet and squirming wildly in an attempt to free herself, the tiger chuckling and sending her flying across the room to land on the couch with a surprised yelp, the girls hair splayed out as she scrambles to gain purchase. "What are you?" She sneered and quickly looked around for something she could use. "Some kind of hero." "Do not mistake me for something so misguided." He growled and stepped closer, the trench coat slipping from his shoulders easily and Jessica couldn't see any sign she had hurt him. "I am simply someone who is about to teach you a lesson in manners." "What are you talking about?" The Fraulein snarled then realised she was naked and he was advancing on her with an evil gleam in his eyes. "No!" The kitten curled and lashed out at the tiger with both feet, hoping to gain some room to move but her blow met with strong resistance as allowed her a moment in futility, taking hold of her leg and lifting the girl to throw onto the desk, the wind being knocked out of Jessica's delicate looking frame. "B-bastard.' She groaned as pain throbbed in her stomach, a strong hand coming down to grip her tail and heft it up as the tiger held her down easily. "Yes, I am a bastard while you are an underdressed German whore who needs to learn her place." He sneered and brought his free hand down on her rump, making a loud slapping sound and causing Jessica to scream out. "You are lucky I find you pleasing to look at, although I have so much on my mind I want to do to you but first things first." He slapped the girl's ass once again, her cries echoing of the walls as he hit her again and again, the kittens rear starting to turn red at the harsh treatment he administered. "P-please." Jessica whimpered and sobbed while pawing at the desktop, her pleas ignored as the strong male continued to hit her sore rear in punishment for her actions. "You must learn your lessons girl." The tiger snarled not giving her any respite as more harsh stinging hits came, the femme panting as her squirms lessened. The kitten hissed and arched as she felt something else happening to her, while the pain of her red rear felt hot another sort of heat had began to flare, her loins throbbed each time she felt the tigers hands connect and soon her sex tingled and ached as her folds moistened. "Well, well." the male smirked as he smelled the sweet female scent of arousal. "Could it be my sweet German slut is getting off on this?" The question hit Jessica hard and her cheeks flushed as red as her rump, while she and her sister had been picky when it came to lovers and therefore not had many, and when they did they made sure they were in complete control. Now however this stranger had her bent over the desk and was spanking her hard, it wasn't something she had encountered at all. "N-no." She shook her head in denial even though her body began to yearn for more; her answer was rewarded with another hefty slap. "I think you're lying girl, I think you need someone to control you, someone who will tell you what to do, someone to fuck you good and hard until you scream and cum over and over." The Fraulein looked shocked at what the male said, her body wriggling in an effort to escape but after her punishment she felt her strength drained from her, the heat from her sore ass now spreading to her pussy as the tiger knead her red flesh. "I think you need to call me master little one and I need to fuck you like the slut you dress like." There was a hint of amusement in his voice that made it sound less of the threat it was. "No." Jess squealed again and looked over her shoulder to see the male releasing his pants, letting them fall to the ground. His sheath look big and thanks to the girls debased treatment so far he was as horny as Jessica felt only she tried to deny the ache inside, being raped on her desk wasn't the sort of thing she expected. The girl gripped the edge of the desk and tried to pull away but found the tigers grip too tight as he shifted and moved behind her, his hand keeping her tail hiked up as he spread her legs open with his own and moved between them to run his thick cock along her sodden sex. "Who is your master, slave?" He smirked and teased her more with his length, Jessica taking a deep breath and spitting at him. "Go to hell." She said with what little defiance she had left, unfortunately it didn't sound like too much of a threat to the big male. "When my sister hears of this-." She squealed and bucked as the tiger shoved his hard length into her tight cunt, his girth spreading her quickly and painfully. "Your sister isn't here slut, and if she were she too would suffer the same thing." He grunted as he hilted his steel hard erection in the girls tight passage, the kitten shuddering as her loins flared up again as she felt his meat press deep. Withdrawing slowly the male could feel the girl's muscles squeezing him, her body being more honest than her mind. She was the tightest pussy he had experienced in a long time which meant she didn't have sex too often, something the tiger would change he thought. "Oh god." Jessica whispered as she felt the tigers hot flesh drive back in, he was fucking her slowly not to let her get use to it but to tease her body, to let her know she was his. "Who is you master?" He snarled at her and thrust in hard again, the girl groaning and arching her back, the big feline taking advantage and gripping her full breasts. "P-please." She begged once more only to have her pink nipples tweaked hard, her lusts for this brutish stranger rising the more harshly he treated her. Jessica's cries went unheeded as the male fucked her, his cock delving into her heated depths to stoke her hidden desires and drain her resistance, her tail flicking back and forth as the sounds of wet sex filled the room. "What would your sister think if she saw you being used like a slut?" The tiger smiled and leaned closer to Jessica's ear, his cock throbbing as he took and claimed the kitten. "Do you think she would like this too?" The blonde's eyes went wide as she tried not to think of her sister in this position, a pang of jealousy flitting across her mind as her body now accepted the tigers mating, her belly quivering as her climax built rapidly. "I-I." Her resolve broke as a wave of lust consumed her, her green eyes looking to her rough lover. "Oh god please fuck me, fuck me pussy. Please cum in me." A smile crossed the tigers face as he pounded the girl from behind, her trembling body was close to orgasm and he too could feel the stirrings in his balls. "Then tell me slave, am I you master?" He asked once more, driving mercilessly in and out of her dripping snatch. "Are you my wanton slut?" "Yes." Jessica squealed as she came, hot nectar washing over the male's shaft and spilling onto the floor, her body jerking and bucking wildly. This was enough to push the red feline over and he roared his dominance over her, pushing in deep and unloading his seed into her womb, Jessica's body quivering as she felt her lovers heat explode and pool inside her, the two moaning and grinding together as their juices mixed and dripped from the kittens ravaged sex. "Good pet." Jessica's new master purred, rolling his hips a little to makes sure her tight snatch milked his balls of his cum, the girl gasping as the male marked and claimed her through the act of mating. "I feel we will need a quiet place where we can continue your training." The red tiger said, taking hold of Jessica's long hair and pulling her upright. "Do you know of a place girl?" Her eyes half open the kitten took a deep breath. "Yes, Master." Easing out of her used pussy the feline scooped her up into his arms; the once proud and deadly Fraulein now snuggled against his chest, purring like a kitten. "Then let us be on our way" Turning the tiger carried his new prize out of the office, the shadows flickering and following once they had gathered his clothing. * * * A gloved hand reached out to tap a series of numbers into a keypad that was hidden behind a false panel, the light on the security lock turning red to green as the front door to an isolated house unlocked. In the dim moonlight a figure looked around to see if anyone had followed it before moving to enter, the door closing and locking itself. Fraulein Jazmin muttered darkly to herself as she found the interior of the house silent and dark, her violet eyes darting around quickly for sign of either trouble or her missing sister. It had been two days since last hearing from her sibling and seeing there was no word of her capture on the news then Jazmin assumed Jessica would lay low in one of their safe houses. The sisters were similar in so many ways, one could almost call them twins as they had similar features and markings only Jazmin had brown fur and black hair while Jessica's fur was white and she had blond hair. Their eyes were also different in the latter's were green. Pausing for a moment Jazmin checked the lights and saw they were not working, the girl frowning as she moved carefully down the darkened hall. She let her greatcoat fall from her shoulders and like her sister, was naked bar for her gloves and thigh high boots. She too was armed with a pair of bladed tonfa that reflected what little light that managed to filter into the house. "Jessica? Sister?" She called out with a hint of concern. It wasn't like her sibling to disappear with little to no explanation and if it weren't for the coded hint on the floor safe Jazmin probably wouldn't have come to the house right away. The whole situation at the temporary base worried her, a dozen dead men had been left lying around and her sister's weapons and greatcoat left where they fell told Jazmin something was seriously amiss. Stopping to check another light switch her ears flicked at the sound of something in the dark shifting and moving, her eyes straining as she searched for the source only to be left wondering. It wasn't until she turned down the hall Jazmin spied a dim light coming from the study, and as the girl crept closer she heard soft muffled sounds. So gripping her weapons tightly she peered inside the room and spied a big red male tiger, sitting at the desk with his back to her, his tail draped on the desktop and flicking occasionally, the sounds coming from him. "Come in little one." He spoke knowing the dark furred kitten was there. Steeling her courage Jazmin entered, her eyes darting about in an effort to find her missing sibling. "Who are you and where is Fraulein Jessica?" She growled, not one to mess words with this creature. "I am No-one." He replied casually waving a hand as if to dismiss the question. "And as for your sister." He turned the chair enough for the kitten to see that the soft muffled sounds were indeed her sister Jessica suckling eagerly on the tigers length, her green eyes full of lust as she took the males cock in her mouth. "Pet, don't be neglectful, we have company." Jessica gave a low whine and pulled away from tending her masters needs, her eyes focussing on her dark furred twin. "J-Jazmin." She whispered and even in the soft light Jazmin could see she was blushing like a schoolgirl. "What the hell have you done to her?" The brunette snarled and stepped forward, ready to lash out angrily at the stranger for the outrage of seeing Jessica on her knees and licking at the mess already on her muzzle. "I have given her a better use for her anger and energy." The No-one smirked and rubbed Jessica's ears, the girl purring and leaning into his touch. "Son of a bitch." Jazmin screeched and gritted her teeth. "I will gut you and splay your innards for the crows." The red tiger sighed and pulled the white kitten onto his lap as her sister stalked forward only to pause at her sister's position. "Amusing I must say but then we have been waiting for you to come along and entertain us." The tiger remarked while sliding his fingers through his pet's hair, the girl gasping as her head is drawn back exposing her throat. "If you hurt her I'll-" The angry girl hissed only to be shocked by a deep angry growl. "She has done naught but please me so I have no reason to harm her." The tiger snarled drawing Jessica close enough to kiss her soft skin. "You how ever need to learn some manners." "Come near me and I will slice you into pieces." Jazmin said, gripping her tonfa tightly and slipping into a combat stance but the No-one simply sat at the desk. Behind the defiant femme the shadows shifted and moved, Jessica saw two figures emerge and take the similar shape of her master, the two moving silently towards her sister. At first she thought of saying something but knew this would upset the one who tamed her and yet her mind was in conflict at wanting to help her sibling. Jazmin on the other hand was formulating a plan in which she would slay this arrogant male and perhaps rescue her sister from his depraved clutches, although if she couldn't be reformed into the evil villainess Jazmin grew up with then who knows. The silent stalemate broken as the two shadow tigers appear either side of the brown kitten and grab hold of her arms. "What the fuck?" She screamed and squirmed violently in order to escape but the two dark males not only hold her firmly but also pluck the girl's weapons from her hands and toss them away. "Your sister found out that I am not one to be trifled with, and now I think it is your turn kitten." The red tiger smirked and sat back with his pet as the two shadowy males closed in on Jasmines captive form. The Fraulein couldn't believe what she was seeing, the two holding her seemed to be nothing more than shadow copies of the No-one but this was near impossible. "What kind of monster are you?" She hissed as very real hands cupped her heaving breasts and groped them roughly. "You are about to find out child." He replied as his copies pushed and tugged Jazmin while feeling her ample bosoms, the girl snarling as they took advantage of her snared form. "Get off me." She yelped as one pinched and tugged her rosy nipples while the other slid lower and between her legs, its fingers squirming in before she had a chance to fully close them. "S-stop." Her violet eyes looked to her sister as she sat perched on the red tigers lap, her body arching as the real male's fingers worked over the white kittens sex. "We could but I think you will make a fine evenings entertainment." The No-one said making light of the girl's predicament. "F-fuck you." Jazmin spat back with all the venom she could muster, the two shadow tigers now working in unison on prying open her legs in order to gain access to her treasure. Jessica sat transfixed as her masters shadows molested her sister, the femme not having seen the them before but knowing deep down she too wanted to be subjected to them, her lips parting in a sigh as the No-one slowly pumped her drooling snatch, Jazmin whining as the two mock tigers dragged her down to the carpeted floor. The No-one sighed at the defiant girls words and watched as the shadows leaned in to lick and suckle, their efforts seeing them secure and bind Jazmin's arms behind her back before working over the girls breasts, her whimpers and groans reaching the ears of those who watched her ravishment. "You will pay-" Jazmin tried to say but found one of the creatures kissing her roughly, its hands sending tingles of pleasure through the writhing brunette as it tended to her nipples, the other spreading open her legs and fully exposing her wet folds. "Another who enjoys being forced it seems." The No-one remarked at seeing the moisture glistening on Jazmin's nether lips, the captive feeling her cheeks burn in shame as her body started to heat up and betray her mind. "It is a good thing then." Jessica remained silent through this, still watching as her sister is molested and teased, the black tiger between Jazmin's legs moving close to thrust its length into the girls open sex while the other continued making out with her, suckling on her tongue while playing with her hard nubs. "Do you like that pet?" The red tiger asked, shifting and leaning his white slave over the desk to allow her a closer look, his hands cupping the blonds wet mound and rubbing as Jessica nodded and moaned. "Then you will love this." Lust filled green eyes remained locked on the brunettes "lessons" the two tigers with her grunting as one fucked her helpless body while the other now fed his cock into Jazmin's mouth, the girls face scrunched up in disgust as she is used. While this happened a third shadow moved towards the three on the floor, then another and another. Jessica's eyes going wide with wonder as her sister became surrounded by shadow tigers, all sporting thick hard erections and all now reaching to fondle the brown kittens body. Upon feeling more hands on her Jazmin's eyes snapped open and saw the group around her, her heart pounding madly as they all groped and squeezed her flesh while two of their number growled and dumped their seed into her belly and mouth, the girl gagging at first before forced to swallow the salty tasting fluid as more heated liquid flooded her womb. "Oh my." The blond gasped, her master now moving to mount her on the desk as two more shadow tiger took over, flipping Jazmin over onto her knees before mounting her on from both ends, the shuddering girls whimpers replaced by moans as her hips rocked slowly and her head is forced to bob up and down, a third male shadow easing under her to rasp along her tummy to her throbbing clit where he lashed her mercilessly. "Something tells me you wish to experience this pet." The No-one chuckled as he humped Jessica's pussy. "Don't worry I promise you will but first your sister needs to be taught." The white femme groaned hotly and milked her master's length, looking over her shoulder at him with a mixed look of love and lust, deep in her mind thoughts of pleasing him by showing how much of a slut she was, formed. A muffled scream drew their attention back to Jazmin's plight, the girl bucking through a forced orgasm as another load of hot cum is squirted inside her belly, her clit red and aching as a sticky mix begins to ooze and drip from her stretched snatch, another tiger eagerly mounting her from behind as the kittens gang-bang continued. In her mind the angry villainess that is Fraulein Jazmin drowned in a sea of pleasure, creamy spunk disappearing down her throat as she is fed by the shadow tigers, the number of climaxes pumped into her womb lost by the number of times she is brought to the brink of climaxing and thrust over, her fur soon matted with sweat and cum as the girl feels a cock in each of her holes. Jessica squealed in hot lust as she watched all of her master's shadowy creations take their turn at fucking her sister in every position conceivable, the brunette yowling through one climax after another, eventually the group crowding around Jazmin and jerking off over her as the first two double fucked the girl, her eyes rolling as she felt their hot sperm not only spill inside her but splash over her face and chest. The smell of lusty sex lingered while the shadow tigers begin to fade one by one, their job done as Jazmin, looking worn by the thorough fucking, is picked up and carried to the desk where Jessica was receiving another load of her master's cum. The final two shadows returning from where they came. "Most entertaining slut." The red tiger said as he looked over Jazmin's messy used body, the girl groaning softly as she strives to find the strength to look at him. "So tell me who is your master?" He reaches to snare Jazmin's neck and haul her into a sitting position. "Y-you are Sir." She whispered, her body sore after what had happened but feeling deep down that she would gladly do it again. Jessica smiled and moved to kiss her siblings messy lips and face, her tongue licking and lapping across Jazmin's cum smeared fur. "This may not be my world." The No-one smirked as he watched the two girls kiss and caress, feelings of lust rising once more. "But I think I can stay for a bit." * * *

Fraulein's Jessica and Jazmin (c) Jessica Elwood; The No-one (c) Jaffah; story (c) Jaffah 2008