Darkness-Into the Closet

Story by Inviso on SoFurry

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#2 of Darkness

Disclaimer: Nightshade is (c) 2005 Inviso

Scani is (c) 2005 ShawnWolf

Warning: The following story contain sexual elements of a yiffy nature. Please be advised that this is not the sort of thing children should be reading, and act accordingly.

Two weeks had passed since the incident on the elevator, and Scani still had not met the wonderful girl again. For the two weeks, he had taken his sweet time every day, walking home from work, trying to coax her out of hiding as he traversed the streets, using a new route to avoid as many of the street lights as possible. For two weeks, he had taken the stairs up sixteen floors, simply because the lighting was faulty, and often out. And for two weeks, he had camped out in his closet, sleeping in a rather uncomfortable position, with every light in his home off.

After two weeks of this, Scani was beginning to lose hope. He felt betrayed, like she didn't even care about him. She had taken him from his fear of the dark, and put him into a new realm of fear, the fear of loneliness. He couldn't stand to be alone for so long. He longed for anyone to be with; even his parents, but they were always at work when he was at home, and at home when he was at school or work. His brother had long since gone to college, although that was probably for the best, as all he ever did was try to scare Scani. He didn't even see Tracy anymore, because he took the stairs up to his apartment.

Scani got home one day, forgot his little habit of leaving the light off, and flicked the switch on. He flopped down on the couch and watched TV for a few hours, yawning and stretching. He felt so tired. He got up and headed for his room, turning off the light on the way there. As he stripped down to his boxers, he yawned again, and remembered her soft touch. A bulge grew in his boxers and he couldn't help himself as he reached down and caressed the fabric, tingling at his own touch. He murred happily and stroked the bulge as it grew, straining his underwear. He pulled them off and tossed them aside, and began stroking his member blissfully.

He spit in his paw and rubbed the saliva along his meat, coating it in the slippery lubricant. He began to stroke, remembering the feeling of that warm tongue, flicking in and out, along his shaft. He murred loudly and fell back onto his bed, still rubbing, trying to coax his personal genie out of the bottle. He used his free hand to stroke his balls, all the while gliding his paw along the slick shaft, practically thrusting into his paw, in motions like those of that wonderful, first blow job.

He paused for a second, giving his balls a firm squeeze as his thoughts switched to that of his first sex. He recalled feeling the moisture as that pussy moved up and down his shaft, tightening, simply to bring him to his climax. Scani began to stroke slower, squeezing tighter on his cock as he felt that tingling building up. He moved his fingers slowly, rippling them like the muscles that had milked him dry. A murr escaped Scani's lips as he felt his balls tighten, and he sped up his strokes, letting out a huge moan as he blew his load, making a mess out of his sheets and fur.

Scani lay there, panting in a puddle of his own mess for a few minutes. That night, the elevator, it was the best thing to ever happen to him. Darkness...it...she had changed him. Not only was he no longer afraid, but now, he felt so horny, and so often. That was the most cum he'd ever sprayed, ever, from pawing, and it was all because of her. He missed her so much, just the soft feel of her fur, the warmth of her breath, the moisture of her pussy, he wanted it back...and he wanted more. Just thinking about her caused him to spurt a little more, the fluid trickling down his length.

He got up and pulled a handful of tissues from the box on his nightstand, then proceeded to rub them against the spot on his bed which was now moist and sticky, a combination of feelings he did not want to have to sleep in. He then headed to the bathroom, and took a good, long look at himself in the mirror. Turning the faucet on, Scani washed his paws, and then rubbed his dripping digits over the hardening fur around his crotch. He murred again as toweled himself off and rubbed his still erect cock. He was going to paw again as he left the bathroom, when he noticed his sleeping bag, still spread out in his closet. Almost like a sign, he entered and closed the door behind him.

"Why did you have to tease me like that?" A feminine voice said, faking irritation. Scani almost laughed as he felt two soft paws press against his shoulders, and push him back into the wall. He rubbed his leg between the legs of his "assailant," causing a shudder and trembling to travel through her to him. In response, a warm muzzle clamped around his and passionately kissed him. His paws moved down and gave her firm ass a squeeze, lifting her light, yet supple body off the ground.

"I missed you," he laughed, "You just have that effect on me. What happened to you though...these past two weeks?"

"I'm sorry Scani..." she answered him, a melancholy tone in her voice, "but the Gods...my bosses, as you would call them...they don't want me getting involved with a mortal. There's no telling what the consequences would be. But...after seeing that...performance...I just can't stay away from you any longer."

Scani laughed at this and pushed back, pinning her against the wall and began sucking on her neck. She cooed and ran her fingers down his back, her claws gently scratching along his spine, sending chills throughout his body. Scani licked upwards and found her ear, catching it in his muzzle and gently nibbling on it, feeling the vibration as her free ear flicked in that strange way ears do when feeling sensations to their head. He felt her tail swish against his leg and loved the soft feeling of her fur. It was almost too good to be true.

"Hey," he asked tentatively, "if you're darkness itself...then, can you change the form I'm feeling right now?"

"Well," she answered hesitantly, "I could...but I use this form because I know it pleases you. I could become a male if you wanted."

"No!" Scani cried in response, "Definitely no! I meant like...a different species or something."

"Oh," she said, giggling, "I knew what you meant, but your reaction was priceless. Anyway, a furr probably wouldn't feel any different...but I bet I know something that would."

Almost instantly, the tail rubbing against Scani's leg had gone from soft, to rigid and rough. He could feel scales in his mouth, as he continued nibbling on her ear, and felt his ass being squeezed by a pair of rough hands with rather sharp and large claws. That was when he felt a hot burst of air breeze past his neck. He felt the tips of his fur singe as the burst passed. She had just breathed fire, dark fire, right by him. There was something unbelievable sexy about that.

"This is another of my many forms," she said softly, as her form transitioned back to the gentle furr in Scani's grip, "but I don't like it very much. I don't like most of my other forms. But I like this one. This is my true form. And this is the form you most desire. Perhaps...perhaps that is why I am drawn to you, like a moth to a flame."

Scani pressed his nude body against her perfect form. She felt so warm, so soft, and so perfect. He slides his tongue into her ear and she shuddered, gripping his ass tightly in an attempt to calm herself. His erect manhood slowly rubbed against her inner thigh, pre-cum running out and flowing down her leg. Scani returned to her muzzle and passionately kissed her once more. He slowly withdrew his mouth and ran his tongue over her chin, down her neck and chest. He moved slowly between her breasts, taking a short pause to lick at the erect nipples, poking from her fur. He then continued on, moving downward, circling his tongue around the inside of her navel, before moving lower, finally reaching his destination.

He nipped at her clit, and she emitted a loud moan, her arms stretching back and clawing at the walls of the closet. Scani tilted his head and pushed his cold nose into her pussy, shocking the femme and causing her to moan again. He spread her labia wide and inhaled the scent deeply. It smelled wonderful, like a mug of hot chocolate, steaming and filled with marshmallows. Without thinking of it for another minute, Scani dove in, running his tongue along her soft flesh. As he did this, he reached around and spread her ass wide, using his claws to tickle her tender anus. All of this caused her to twitch wildly, and moan uncontrollably.

Scani continued licking, occasionally biting her tender clit in the pauses between licks. She was writhing in pleasure at all this attention, and calling out his name, unable to say anything else. He had driven his digits into her tight ass, first one, then two, and then a third, and was moving each one around, caressing her tender, inner areas. He forced his muzzle into her and she screamed, hitting her climax, and squirting her delicious, feminine juices all over his face. He lapped them up as best he could, and pulled his fingers from her ass. She fell to her knees before him, panting in pleasure.

"For a virgin," she panted excitedly, "you are very good at that."

"I've watched a lot of porn," he joked, standing up and rubbing her head, "I guess I just picked it up."

Without responding, she moved towards him, his meat throbbing before her face. She wanted nothing more than to suck him off right then and there, but she decided to try something different. Scani felt her hot breath against his head and panted, wanting to blow into her mouth, but he felt she had other plans. She positioned her breasts on both sides of his cock, and squeezed them together. He held back a moan as she did this, and reached down; scratching behind her ears to keep himself distracted, and keep from cumming too early. She continued squeezing his cock between her breasts, moving back and forth, humping him with her tits. As the head poked out from between her breasts, she would give him a quick lick, enough to turn him on, but not enough to make him go over the edge.

Scani was about to collapse; his knees had gone weak from the feelings he was experiencing in his crotch. He felt like he was going to explode if he didn't get off within the next minute. He needed it. She could sense this, and she worked harder, tightening her grip and now sucking on the head as she pushed the shaft through her cleavage. It was too much for Scani, and he roared louder than any lion as he came, spurting his sticky seed all over the femme's face as she knelt before him, gulping up anything she could from the cock she loved.

They collapsed and embraced each other lovingly, kissing and licking at each others' faces, tasting their own sexual fluids. Scani reached down and began fingering the femme, but she slapped his hand away.

"No," she said sternly, "no more of that. I want you. I want your cock. I want to feel you inside me. I need it."

Not one to disobey a demi-Goddess, Scani nodded and lifted her up off the ground. She got down on all fours and spread her sex open for him, using her tail to guide him in. Scani wasted no time. He placed a paw on both sides of her firm ass, planted his feet, and pushed his meat into her pussy from behind. Upon entrance, she moaned and murred in an adorable combination of noises. Scani started slowly, at first pulling out and pushing back in only a few times each minute. She began panting, and he used that as his cue.

Scani picked up the pace, and pushed into her cunt hard and fast. His balls slapped against her ass as her thrust powerfully into her, bringing them both closer and closer to orgasm with each push. He began spanking her in time with his thrusts, causing her to 'ooh' each time. She felt her orgasm coming, and she tightened her walls around his member, sending them both over the edge at the same time. Scani pumped his seed into her dripping pussy as she sprayed her juices out from whatever cracks weren't filled. Exhausted, she fell forward, her breasts acting as a cushion as she was pushed to the ground. Scani followed suit, falling on top of her, yet never removing his cock from her. They remained like this for a good ten minutes.

Scani finally pulled up and crawled back against the wall, taking her paw and pulling her over with him. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed her cheek before nuzzling his head into her neck. She sighed happily and closed her eyes, going into a blissful state of peace.

"Can I ask you something?" he whispered into her ear, "If it's not too much trouble."

"Anything Scani," she said, her voice sounding dreamy and quite pleased.

"What..." he began, "what do you look like? I'm not shallow or anything, it's just...we've done this twice now, and I've never even seen you."

"Well," she said uneasily, "I'm not sure I know exactly how to describe myself to you."

"Then..." he asked again, "is there any way at all I can see you in this darkness?"

"I'm..." she answered, "not sure. I suppose...if you went slowly...with the dimmer switch on the light in here. But you have to go REALLY slowly...otherwise I'll disappear...and I may never see you again."

The pair stood up, the femme unwilling to release Scani from her embrace. He moved his hand along the wall and found the switch. He slowly turned the dial, lightening the room, but it was still too dark to see anything at all.

"Keep going," she said nervously, "I'll tell you when it's too much."

Scani nodded and slowly moved the dimmer up more and more, the darkness somewhat disappearing from the closet. He could just barely make out her outline.

"I can almost see you," he said enthusiastically as he went to move the dial a little more.

"No!" she cried out, "That's too much!"

But it was too late; he hit the switch and for a brief moment saw the outline of a young vixen. He could make out her ears, her tail, swaying behind, her paws and her body, slim and attractive. Suddenly, a blinding light filled Scani's eyes, and he felt nothing but pain from the brightness. He screamed in agony, and heard her screams as well. He tried to close his eyes, but even beneath the eyelids, the light was unbearable.

And then, the pain subsided, and the room returned to normal, as though nothing had happened. Scani opened his eyes and saw the darkness, but he heard nothing. He began to cry, knowing that whatever he had done, it had cost him the girl he loved, and he'd never see her again.

A paw reached out next to him and hit the switch, turning the light on. Scani stopped sobbing and saw, standing before him, a gorgeous black vixen, standing there, completely naked, with a concerned look on her face.

"Scani?" she asked, "are you okay?"

"Yes," he said nodding and smiling, "you're beautiful."

"Thank you..." she said, wiping away a tear, "but Scani...now...I'm mortal."