Off Guard: Chapter Two

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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#3 of Off Guard Story Series

Jarik raised his head at the creak of the prison door being opened. He squint his eyes at the sudden harsh light that filled the dark cell, where only a lit torch provided the only light throughout the day. He felt relief wash over him as he recognized the muscular figure of his friend Orren. The gray wolf, dressed in the city guard armor, closed the door behind him.

"Orren? What are you doing here?" Jarik rasped as he struggled to sit up. His paws were shackled above him to the wall so trying to sit up was quite difficult.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner." Orren whispered as he knelt by the black cougar. "I had to think of a good excuse to come see you."

"You should have left the city by now." Jarik whispered back.

"I'm not leaving without you."

Jarik sighed. "If you stay they will find you and put you in prison. Then the chance of us clearing our names will be slim."

Orren wiped off some of the grime that covered Jarik's muzzle. "How long have you been in here?"

"Two days now." Jarik replied.

"Have they fed you?"

"Of course. Some kind of gruel with hard bread."

Orren examined the iron shackles that held Jarik's paws. "I've got to get you out of here somehow."

"You can't, not without the right kind of help." Jarik replied as he gazed at the wolf.

"I might be able to get you out of here though."

"You're just a guard, Orren." Jarik sighed. "I've been convicted for theft, espionage, and now murder. They're not just going to let me go by your word."

"But you're a noble though."

"Yes, but that will only help so much."

Orren was silent as he stared at the floor. Jarik knew that the wolf was processing everything that he just said.

"Jarik...did you really kill him?" He finally spoke.

The memory of Flick dying in his arms flooded back into Jarik's mind, and made him feel sick to his stomach.

", it was an accident." Jarik stuttered as he looked down. "He charged me...and I just reacted in self-defense."

"Well from what the guards saw, it wasn't self-defense." Orren sighed as his ears flicked. "I believe you though."

The two fell silent, knowing how grim the situation that they were in was starting to look.

"Did the guards search Flick's house?"

"Yes. Nothing was found except the documents that we stole. The fox we stole them from vouched for that." Orren replied. "I'm sorry Jarik, but there seems to be nothing that we can do."

An idea suddenly popped into Jarik's mind. It was a longshot, but it was the only chance of escaping that he could see.

"Orren, I need you to write a letter to my brother in Fellglow. Tell him about our situation."

"What is your brother going to do?" Orren asked. "He's the lord of Fellglow, not the lord of Jerhall."

"Yes I understand that, but with this civil war dawning upon us, there might be a chance for us to escape. My brother can send help."

Orren closed his eyes as he thought about what Jarik said. "It's a longshot Jarik, but it might be the only chance we get. I'll send the letter immediately tonight."

"Thank you." Jarik whispered as he gave the wolf a small smile.

"Well...I should really get back to my post." Orren sighed as he stood up.

Jarik's ears drooped as he watched his friend turn to leave. The bright light filled the small prison cell again, and then he was shrouded back into darkness as the door clanged shut. The flickering light from the torch cast haunting shadows across the walls that made Jarik feel even more afraid and alone. He tested the shackles above him and pulled with all his might in hopes that the iron rings would loosen a little. He only succeeded in hurting his wrists and stopped as he realized that there really was no way to break free. He closed his eyes and did his best to fall asleep.

The sound of the door squeaking open again woke Jarik from his dreamless sleep. At first he thought that it was the jailor with the next meal, but then he remembered that he already had his dinner before he fell asleep. His vision cleared as he blinked away the sleepiness and saw a white wolf standing in front of him. The wolf was clad in the city guard armor and almost looked like Orren, except this wolf was a little taller, muscular and toned, and well...absolutely beautiful. Jarik felt his eyes widen as he stared at his visitor's features. Either this was a dream or the effects of starvation and sleep deprivation were starting to sink in. Either way, Jarik was grateful for the white wolf's presence.

"Are you the one called Jarik?" The white wolf asked as he took a step towards him.

"I believe so." Jarik replied back as he shifted his body. "And may I ask who you are?"

The white wolf stood over Jarik, his expression grim. "I'm afraid that I'm the one who is responsible for obtaining certain information from you."

Jarik swallowed. Torture already? Only three days have passed.

"And why would they send a handsome wolf like you to do such a dirty job?" Jarik asked as he gazed into the wolf's bright blue eyes.

The wolf's white ears twitched at the compliment but his expression remained the same. "I'm sorry Jarik, but I'm afraid that I can't give you any special treatment."

The wolf brought his paws from around his back to reveal a leather whip and a small dagger. Jarik felt his heart beat faster in his chest as the wolf knelt down to his level. The wolf unsheathed the dagger and planted the blade against Jarik's thigh. The cold steel made him shiver.

"So before we get started, I'll give you a chance to confess. Did you murder Flick?"

Jarik eyed the wolf as he chose his words carefully. "I believe that I killed him in self-defense."

The wolf cocked his head at him. "Of course you would say that. But from the looks of the crime scene, the fox caught you breaking into his house and planting compromising documents on his desk, so you killed him while trying to escape."

Jarik bit his lip. "Actually...only a fraction of that is true."

"Well which parts are true cat?"

The broad side of the blade moved farther up his thigh.

"Well...I did break in, but I did not plant the documents on his desk or murder him in cold blood."

The wolf studied him and frowned. "So you're saying that Flick set you up and lied to the guards?"


The wolf was silent as he looked at Jarik thoughtfully.

"I don't believe you." He finally replied.

"I didn't ask you too."

"So it looks like I'll start my job until you tell me what I want to hear."

"You want me to tell you that I did do everything that I'm convicted for?" Jarik replied as he eyed the blade against his thigh.


"Well I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Pity. I really hate to ruin such a handsome body." The wolf sighed as he ran a paw down Jarik's bare chest.

Jarik shivered underneath the wolf's touch and hoped he could not feel his heart hammering in his chest. He felt the wolf's paw clamp around his muzzle and squeeze it shut. He tried to struggle away but the chains held him in place.

"Please try to stay still. I don't want it to hurt more than it should."

Jarik clamped his eyes shut as he waited for the cold steel to begin cutting into his flesh. But that pain never came. Instead the sound of a key turning met Jarik's ears. He suddenly felt the shackles fall from his wrists and hit the floor with a loud clang.

"What-" Jarik began to ask as he felt his feet become free also.

"Not enough time to explain now cat." The wolf whispered as he helped Jarik to his feet.

Jarik's leg muscles screamed in protest from not being able to stretch out for three days but he did his best to ignore the discomfort.

"I don't understand. Who are you?" Jarik asked as he rubbed his wrists.

The white wolf peeked out of the barred window of the cell door before he turned to face Jarik. "My name is Darsden. I was sent here to keep an eye on you ever since you left your homeland."

"You were sent by my brother?" Jarik asked in disbelief.

Darsden nodded. "He wanted to make sure that you didn't end up in any trouble. He knew that your job was dangerous, and he didn't exactly like the thought of you working for Flick."

Jarik felt confused, angry, and relieved all at the same time.

"So what was that act back there all about? You could've just told me who you were without the threats to skin me alive!"

Darsden shrugged, and he caught a glimpse of amusement in the wolf's blue eyes. "I just had to make sure you were really telling the truth."

Jarik muttered under his breath as the wolf took one more look outside the cell.

"Okay, it seems clear. Just stay close to me and keep your head down. Don't talk to anyone."

Jarik followed the wolf's instructions and followed him out of the prison. It was night when they emerged so very few people were out in the streets. Some guards looked their way but didn't even bother to ask about the naked cougar. Jarik assumed that Darsden had a high position with the city guard, considering the fact that the guards didn't even ask questions about what the wolf was doing. Jarik glanced up for a second to see that he was being led to a horse drawn wagon, the kind that prisoners were put onto for transportation.

"No shackles for him?" A bear asked as he eyed Jarik.

"For him? No, I think he's not going to cause any trouble at all." Darsden growled as he gave Jarik a rough push towards the wagon.

"If you don't mind me speaking sir, I don't remember receiving a transport request from the-"

"Are you questioning me and my authority?" Darsden interrupted the bear with a slight growl.

The guard turned his head away. "No sir. My apologies sir."

Darsden snorted as he gave Jarik another rough push. "Up on the wagon. And don't try anything funny."

Jarik kept his head down and obeyed as he climbed up into the wagon and took a seat on the wooden sides. Darsden climbed in the front and soon the two were off through the city streets.

"Do you need to grab anything from your chambers before we leave?" Darsden whispered without turning to look at Jarik.

Jarik looked at his paws as he tried to think of what he would need to grab from his room. His sword of course, along with any money that was left in his lockbox. Also a pendant that was given to him by his father before he died was locked away too.

"Just a few things." Jarik whispered back.

"Very well. I'll get you past the guards at the gates but you'll be on your own once you enter the palace. I'll wait outside for you."

"Actually, could you do something else?" Jarik asked.


"I need you to go find a gray wolf named Orren. He's part of the city guard and is usually patrolling the market district at this hour."

"Friend of yours?"

"Yes. He was also somewhat involved in the incident."

"Ah. Well I'll be sure to do that."

Jarik watched as the palace's gates neared. Five guards stood in front of the iron gates, along with three more on the inside.

"Stay quiet and let me handle everything." Darsden whispered as he looked at Jarik from the corner of his eye.

Jarik nodded and hunched over, trying to look as miserable as possible. He was actually quite miserable, considering he hadn't eaten anything of substance within the past three days.

"Hold up sir." A bobcat said as he raised his paw and signaled the carriage to stop in front of the gates. "Standard procedure sir. Sorry."

Jarik refused to look up as he heard two of the guards walk around to the back of the carriage with torches.

"May I ask where you are taking this prisoner?" The bobcat asked as he inspected Jarik.

"Lord Maren wishes to speak with him personally." Darsden replied with a slight grin. "I feel sorry for the guy."

"Is this the prisoner who murdered the fox three days ago?" A black wolf asked.

Darsden shook his head. "That was another black cougar. I believe he's still rotting in prison."

The bobcat completed his circle around the carriage and nodded to Darsden. "Everything seems in order sir. Sorry for the wait."

Darsden nodded as he urged the horses to go forward. The gates opened and Jarik let out a sigh of relief, realizing that he had been holding his breath.

"We're not out of the oven yet." Darsden whispered once they were out within earshot of the guards. "Once you're in the palace you're on your own. I'll leave to go get Orren and then come back."

"Won't the guards be suspicious when you leave and come back again?" Jarik asked.

"You're forgetting that I have everything figured out." Darsden replied with a grin. "Guard change will occur at dawn, so by the time I leave and find Orren, new guards will be at the gates."

"Clever." Jarik whispered in genuine admiration.

The carriage came to a stop in front of the palace.

"You best get going. Try not to be spotted or you'll have quite the time trying to explain why you're sneaking around the palace naked." Darsden said with a slight chuckle.

"You couldn't have thought of bringing me some clothes to wear?" Jarik muttered as he hopped out of the wagon.

Darsden shrugged. "Guess my plan isn't exactly the best."

"Well at least you got us this far."

Darsden winked at him as he snapped the reins and started to leave. The sun was just beginning to rise. He had very little time.

He padded quietly into the palace and made use of the shadows to hide when a servant or guard was walking his way. Twice he was almost caught when he didn't bother to look around corners, but fortunately a pillar or a vacant room was nearby for him to conceal himself. By the time he closed the door to his chambers, the first rays of morning light were beginning to swathe the room in a golden glow. He frantically grabbed a pair of cloth pants off his bed and threw on a simple white silk shirt. After tightening his belt, he grabbed his sword and fumbled for the key to his lockbox. His lockbox only held seven gold coins, which he pocketed. He grabbed the pendant that his father gave him and slipped it around his neck and tucked it safely inside his shirt. After making sure that there was nothing else he needed, Jarik quietly closed the door to his room and stepped outside into the hall. The castle was beginning to awake now, and more servants and guards filled every corridor. Fortunately he wasn't the only black cougar walking around, but he still kept his head down whenever a guard passed by. The sun was almost completely up by the time he made his way out of the palace. Just like Darsden had said, the carriage sat in front of the palace entrance, except this time the back was filled with wooden crates covered by a cloth blanket. Jarik felt a surge of happiness as he spotted Orren sitting next to Darsden at the front of the carriage.

"Climb in back and cover yourself." Darsden said as he motioned towards the back of the wagon.

Jarik didn't like the idea of hiding underneath a pile of crates, but he obeyed and covered himself as best as he could. He felt the wagon lurch forward as it started to move. He remained absolutely still and tried not to even breathe as the wagon was pulled past the gates. The ride was rather bumpy on the cobblestone street and several times he bumped his head against the wooden crates that surrounded him. Still, he had made it out of prison and was on his way out of the city. All that left was a three days journey to Fellglow and he would be safe. Jarik made a mental note to himself that he would have to find some way to thank his brother. And Darsden. He smiled to himself at the thought of the white wolf. He was incredibly handsome and heroic, almost like one of the heroes of books that Jarik used to read as a cub. He wondered if the wolf was genuinely interested in him. He did say his body was handsome, but that just could've been part of his act.

The bumpy ride suddenly turned smooth and Jarik knew that they had exited the city and were now on dirt road. He stayed bunkered down for ten more minutes before he finally felt safe to throw the crates off of him and poke his head out of the cloth.

"Welcome back." Orren said with a smile as he turned around to face Jarik.

"Likewise." Jarik replied as he sat down on one of the crates. "I see you've met Darsden."

"I didn't trust him at first." Orren replied with a twitch of his ears.

"So what made you go with him then?"

"It was when I told him that you were running around the palace naked." Darsden chuckled.

"Well that, and when he told me that he knew your brother."

Jarik smiled as he wrapped his tail around his legs. Fatigue suddenly washed over him and he realized how hungry and tired he actually was.

"Is there any food?" Jarik asked eagerly.

"Here. Take whatever you'd like." Darsden said as he handed him his satchel.

Jarik fervently opened it to reveal chunks of bread, some fruit and vegetables, and pastries. He ravenously tore into some bread and apples and swallowed it down without fully chewing.

"Slow down cat. That rich food might make your stomach upset." Orren warned as he glanced back at him.

Jarik nodded in reply as his muzzle was currently filled to the brim with food. He slowed down and savored the flavors of the food that he had missed for three days. The city of Jerhall continued to become smaller as they journeyed north of the city. By the time the evening sun cast the land in a deep red glow, the city was a small speck on the horizon.

"There's an inn just up ahead. We can stay there for the night." Darsden said as he yawned.

"Is it safe?" Orren asked.

"Perfectly safe. I know the fox who owns it."

Jarik felt his eyes growing heavy and he did his best to try and not doze off. He felt exhausted and sore from sleeping on a cold stone floor for the past three days. A bath and a warm bed was all he desired for right now. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait too long for those things, as by nightfall they reached the inn. Darsden left his mounts and the wagon at the stable as Orren and Jarik walked into the inn. The inn was empty, except for the fox who sat at the front desk who had his muzzle buried in a book. Jarik walked up to the desk with Orren behind him.

"Excuse me sir? We would like a room for the night."

"Sorry. We're full." The fox replied without even glancing up from his book.

"Now that's a complete lie Ashton." Darsden said as he closed the inn door behind him. "You have maybe three rooms available judging by the stable outside."

The fox's ears twitched as he set the book down and grinned. "Two rooms actually."

"My mistake." Darsden replied with a smile.

The fox turned his attention to Jarik and Orren. "And who are your two followers here?"

"The cougar is Jarik, brother of Lord Narak of Fellglow."

Ashton's eyes lit up in surprise. "A cougar noble? Well it is certainly an honor to meet you, especially one of such handsome stature."

Jarik coughed as he felt heat rise to his face.

"And the wolf in city guard armor?"

"My name is Orren. I worked with Jarik." Orren replied as he crossed his arms.

Ashton leaned on the desk and studied the two with his bright hazel eyes. "Well I'm guessing you two are in some trouble if Darsden is traveling with you."

"We are in some trouble." Jarik sighed.

"Yes, murder and espionage are quite the crimes, even if you're a noble." Ashton replied with a twitch of his ears.

"Has word already spread so fast?" Jarik asked meekly.

Ashton chuckled. "The entire land of Nelicath knows, I'm afraid."

Jarik cursed under his breath and Orren stood looking grim.

"Well I suppose you can at least give us some rooms for the night?" Darsden asked as he adjusted his armor.

"Well you're in luck. I have two rooms left but I'm afraid one is meant for a couple, which means two of you will be sharing a bed tonight."

Jarik's heart leaped at the thought of sharing a bed with Darsden, and it took all his might to not let his tail thump against the floor. Orren snorted as he glanced at Jarik.

"I'd prefer to sleep alone."

"Not a problem. I'm sure Jarik wouldn't mind sharing a bed with me for the night." Darsden said as he turned to face Jarik. "Would you?"

"I suppose I can manage." Jarik said without trying to sound excited.

"Well good. I'll go unlock the rooms then." Ashton replied with a wink.

The room was furnished with just a bed and a table, but the bed was certainly large enough for two.

"The washroom is available for use. I just put hot water in." Ashton commented as he leaned against the doorframe. "Seems like Jarik could really use one."

"I do need one." Jarik chuckled as he sniffed himself.

"Well go ahead and take one." Darsden said as he started stripping out of his armor. "Ashton and I need to catch up anyways."

Jarik nodded as he set his belongings down on the floor, and then quickly padded off to the washroom. He closed and locked the door behind him and immediately stripped out of his clothing. He sighed as he stretched, relieving his cramped muscles. He walked over to the bath and slowly settled into the steaming water. He moaned as he felt three days' worth of dirt and grime leave his fur. He started scrubbing himself all over, making sure that all the dirt trapped in his fur was washed away. It felt so good to finally be clean again. He moved his paws down to his sheath and gave that area a good scrub too. He moaned in pleasure at his own touch and felt his member begin to slide out of his sheath. He was almost tempted to pleasure himself there but the thought of sleeping in the same bed as Darsden and the chance of something happening between them kept him from pawing off. Instead he focused on lathering his entire body in soap and made sure that every part of his body was clean. By the time he stepped out of the bath, the water had turned a gritty gray. He pulled the wooden plug at the bottom of the tub and watched as the dirty water swirled down the hole. He shook most of the water off of him and then dried his fur as best as he could with a towel that was provided to him. Still a little damp, Jarik decided against wearing a shirt and only slipped on his cloth pants.

When he returned to the room, Ashton was gone and Darsden was sitting on the edge of the bed. The white wolf had shed off all of his armor and only wore a pair of white pants. He was shirtless and Jarik gazed at the wolf's broad and muscular chest that was covered in fluffy white fur.

"You look much better with all of that dirt gone." Darsden smiled as Jarik closed the door behind him.

"Thanks. I really needed that bath." Jarik replied as he sat down next to the wolf.

Darsden yawned, showing off a set of perfect white teeth and pink tongue. "I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."

"As am I." Jarik replied as he swung his legs over onto the bed.

Darsden took the other side of the bed, and to Jarik's delight, the wolf stripped out of his pants first, leaving the wolf completely naked.

"I hope you don't mind if I sleep like this." Darsden said as he covered himself with the blankets.

"Not at all. I prefer it actually." Jarik replied as he felt the wolf's body brush up against his.

The only light that filled the room came from a single candle that sat on the table near the bed. For a few minutes Jarik just stared at the flickering light and listened to the wolf's steady breathing. The past day's events played through his mind as he stared at the flickering flame. He replayed the scene of Flick dying in his arms and he knew that the nightmares would return again this night. He clenched his eyes shut but the fox's lifeless stare had burned into his mind. There was no escaping it.


When he opened his eyes again, the candle had gone out. He did not remember falling asleep but he must have. He felt Darsden next to him as the wolf shifted his body.

"Is everything okay?" The wolf asked.

"What? I...yes." Jarik replied without looking at the wolf.

"You were whimpering in your sleep. Bad dream?" Darsden asked.

Jarik felt like he was a cub again, where his father would walk into his chambers late at night and ask him if he was okay after having a nightmare.

"I'm fine." Jarik replied, but his voice cracked.

He heard Darsden slip out of bed, heard the familiar sound of flint against steel, then watched as the room was cast in an orange glow from the candle. The white wolf sat down on the bed again and placed his paw on Jarik's.

"You don't sound like you're fine." Darsden whispered as he gazed at the cougar's eyes. "Would you like to talk about it?"

Jarik sighed as he sat up. Maybe he did need to talk about it, so he told Darsden about his friend's death, about how it was an accident and he had no intention to end the fox's life.

"I'm sorry." Darsden whispered as he wrapped his arms around Jarik once he had finished.

Jarik accepted the affection and savored the feel of the wolf's body pressed up against his.

"You know, I never had the chance to really thank you for rescuing me." Jarik whispered once the hug was finished.

"You should thank your brother for sending me to look after you." Darsden said as he set his paw on Jarik's thigh.

"Still though..." Jarik whispered as he placed his paw on the wolf's chest.

He began caressing the white fur, enjoying the feel of the wolf's muscles tense up at his touch. He felt Darsden's paw start to move farther up his thigh.

"You know, back when I first met you at the prison, I really did think that you were handsome." Darsden said as he wrapped his arm around Jarik's waist and pulled him in closer.

"Me handsome?" Jarik chuckled as he gazed into the wolf's perfect blue eyes. "You are absolutely beautiful."

He stared into the clear eyes that were blue, even in the dim light. They came closer, slowly, until Darsden's nose was touching his own. Then, gently, their muzzles parted and met in a soft kiss.

Jarik leaned into the kiss, his ears coming forward as his eyes closed in pleasure. Darsden's tongue was warm and slick against his, and he pulled it into his muzzle as if his life depended on it. The wolf's scent at this distance filled his nostrils and he felt his arousal start to grow. The kiss was full of passion, hunger, and longing, nothing that Jarik had ever felt before. He felt the wolf's breath caress his muzzle, and the soft touch of his fur against his own. He didn't want it to end, but Darsden gently pulled his muzzle back. Jarik sighed and opened his eyes.

"Wow." He breathed as he smiled.

Darsden licked his lips as he returned Jarik's smile. He rested a paw on the cougar's chest and caressed the muscles underneath his black fur.

"So now what?" Jarik asked as he lowered his muzzle.

"Well, I have an idea..." Darsden grinned as he tugged at Jarik's pants.

Jarik grinned in amusement as he watched the wolf undo the string that held his pants. Once it was loosened, he slipped the pants down to his ankles, exposing his black sheath. The wolf brushed his paw against it and Jarik sighed at the touch. Darsden lowered his muzzle to the warm length of fur and drew his tongue up it. Jarik watched as his sheath swelled and his pink member began to slip out. Darsden continued with another lick, and Jarik couldn't help but gasp as he felt the wolf's tongue travel up his entire length. He gave Jarik's sac a curl of his tongue before sliding up his member again. Jarik started to breathe harder as his entire length slipped out of his sheath. Darsden continued with another lick that sent shivers down Jarik's spine. He noticed that the wolf's white sheath was hard and full too.

After a few more licks, Darsden finally slid his muzzle around Jarik's member. He moaned as his length entered the warmness and shivered as he felt the tongue swirl around his shaft. He set his paw on the wolf's head and guided it. Darsden slid his muzzle back and forth, and Jarik's hips met him and pulled back with him. Jarik's movements quickened and became more erratic as he felt the pleasure start to build up inside him. He was moaning now, and he felt himself tensing up as his climax became close.

With a breathless squeak, Jarik pushed his hips upwards into Darsden's muzzle. His entire length slipped into the wolf's muzzle as his whole length trembled, spurting musky warmth on Darsden's tongue. He felt Darsden swallow around his spasming member as his climax continued.

It finally ended and Jarik sat back and watched his dripping member slide out of the wolf's muzzle. Darsden smiled and licked his lips as he slid his paws across Jarik's broad chest.

"Did you enjoy that?" Darsden asked as he nuzzled him.

"I enjoyed it a lot." Jarik smiled as he sat up and placed his paw on the wolf's thigh. "Now let me repay the favor."

"You really don't have to." Darsden said with a grin, but the protest was weak.

Jarik smiled as he leaned down in front of the wolf and cupped the white furry sac. He leaned forward so that his muzzle was almost touching the wolf's pink length and deeply inhaled the muskiness. He slipped his tongue out and began licking the tip of Darsden's member, causing the wolf to sigh in pleasure. He moved to the base of the shaft and began sliding his tongue up the entire wolf's length. Darsden began to squirm and breathe heavier. Jarik smiled as the wolf shivered and continued gliding his tongue up from the wolf's sac to the very tip of his member. After a few more licks, he took the wolf into his muzzle. He let Darsden's member rest on his tongue, enjoying the warmth on his tongue. He then began to slide his muzzle against the wolf's length, allowing him to thrust along just as he had let him. Darsden tasted sweet and he loved how he could make the wolf shiver and whine by swirling his tongue around the engorged member. Within a few minutes, Darsden's thrusts became more intense as he neared his climax. He braced himself just before Darsden let out a muffled whine, his knot pushed past Jarik's lips. He felt the warmness spurt across his tongue and the back of his throat. Jarik swallowed, savoring the musky taste of the lovely white wolf who had just emptied himself into him.

As his climax ended, the wolf sat back onto the bed. Jarik smiled as he crawled up into bed again and wrapped his arms around the wolf. Darsden sighed as he felt Jarik's arm rest against his chest.

"I really enjoyed that a lot." Darsden whispered as he placed his paw onto Jarik's.

"Mmm." Was all Jarik could manage to say as he felt his eyes grow heavy with sleep. He pulled the white wolf closer against his body.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning." Darsden whispered.

Jarik smiled as he gave the wolf's paw a light squeeze. Sleep soon overtook him, and this time the nightmares did not disturb his slumber.