Holding on

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#5 of DigiDead

Holding on

They heard someone else coming back Dorumon dropped the gun. It was Agumon he said, "The dude is dead."

Veemon looked at Dorumon, "I wonder how that happened."

Agumon said, "He was a walker so I shot him in the head."

They both looked at Agumon. Veemon asked, "What?"

Agumon said, "Yeah and it was so weird the guy wasn't even bit."

Dorumon asked, "How is that even possible."

Veemon said, "This has you written all over it."

The others returned as well as Veemon said, "You knew how to develop infected. You did it before. And now you someone managed to make it so you don't even have to get bit."

Klonoa said, "That sounds nuts. Dorumon has helped us so much."

gatomon said, "He was willing to shot Big."

Shadow asked, "What?"

Gatomon said, "Might as well spill what you told me. That you killed him."

Dorumon said, "I didn't kill him. But I had to make a choice. If I didn't shot him none of us would have made it back and that would have been a loss of four of us. And yeah I cleared the barn because those creatures would have broken out eventually. And yes I took that man out but if I didn't he would have run off to tell his group where we were. And we look at someone like Vee. He had the idea to go on rooftops which led to S's death. He let Piyomon go into the woods and let her die. He was going to let that man go and ruin our hiding spot. I thought we were going to fight for our lives now."

Bearmon said, "You're right dog. It's us versus them now and that all there is too it." Veemon said, "He doesn't even have compassion. I tried my best to save everyone. We can't just let go of what we lost and what we could still have."

Agumon said, "Vee's made the tough choices so far. No one else rushed out to P's safety. He tried he didn't kill people."

Dorumon said, "I saved Drac's life. I didn't let those walkers from the barn escape. Are you really going to be so dumb as to take his side?"

Gabumon said, "Dorumon is right you're dumb. It's your fault that she's dead."

Veemon said, "I tried my best. I did everything in my power."

Dorumon said, "But you couldn't handle that. You can't handle this life."

Shadow said out of nowhere, "I want all of you to leave now."

Dorumon held his gun up to Shadow right in front of everyone.

Veemon yelled, "What are you doing?"

Dorumon growled, "Were not leaving. This is our barn now; all of us, and if you want to deny that than I will personally take care of you, twice if I have too. Someone with proper brains needs to take control over this situation."

Klonoa said, "Alright I'm with you."

Veemon said, "Do you all know what he's doing. This is far worse than trying to do what's best. This is genocide in the making."

Bearmon, said, "Dog you that one who has a screw loose."

Agumon said, "We should be able to make up our own minds. Vee is the one who's been right so far."

Dracmon said, "I'm with Veemon."

Gatomon said, "So am I."

Gabumon said, "I don't trust either of you personally. After all I was in those woods on my own for so long."

Veemon went right back at Dorumon, "Drop the gun."

His human daughters held him tightly.

Dorumon still was at Shadow, "Let us stay."

Bearmon held up his gun to Shadow too. Guilmon held his bow up to Bearmon.

Veemon said, "Look at this. You have us at each other's throats. This can't end well with you killing him. He has a family."

Dorumon said, "All I want is for us to stay. That isn't too much to ask."

Shadow looked down, "Fine."

Dorumon pulled down his gun as well as Bearmon and the situation was a bit cleared. Dorumon said, "Everyone who is with me can hold up in the barn. The rest of you fools can have the house."

Dorumon was joined by, Klonoa, Bearmon and Croc. Veemon and his family, Gatomon, Agumon, Dracmon, Guilmon, and Shadow and his family. Yill went to the barn when she opened the door all their guns came up. She jumped back as they pulled back.

Dorumon asked, "What is it? Came to your mind and join us."

Yill said, "Pushed up against a hay stack, "You don't have to do this."

Dorumon said, "We plan our own runs from now on and that is how it should have been from the get go. There won't be any more deaths on my side I assure you that."

Yill said, "I know I'm not you're ness but I still consider you my uncle. I don't know why my dad's so upset but I don't care. Both of you are getting to hotheaded for this. You have got to put that all behind you now."

Doru said, "I tried to let the hatchet go but its Vee's ego that keeps dragging me back up. He won't quit those blind behaviors of his. I keep trying to show him why he's wrong."

Yill said, "Does it matter who was wrong at this point. I just want to go back to before when we were all in the house. "

Doru said, "You know that Vee won't even allow that after I made it so that we could even stay in the first place. He has me to thank for that and what does he do; he continues to drag the others into danger including you."

Yill just left after that.

Manic asked, "Where did that dude run off to?"

Manic was another green hedgehog. Brother of the long lost Sonic.

Silver said, "He probably got himself killed."

Manic pulled out his drumsticks, "What a waste of time running into town looking for him."

Burn said, "Then why don't we go back already and just say that he's dead."

Silver said, "The boss would want that confirmed. Plus we haven't even really starting looking."

They came across the highway. The found his bag that was dropped when he was taken away.

Manic said, "That looks like it's his."

Burn said, "Can we go now."

Silver said, "You two really are lazy. His body isn't here it couldn't have died here. And we don't not if he is dead for sure."

Silver led them into the forest and they made their way north until they hit the barn.

Manic said, "This does look promising after all."

Shadow came out with some of the others not even aware that this guys came.

Manic said, "Freeze it up."

They all looked as Manic, Silver and Burn held up their guns.

Shadow asked, "Silver?"

Silver dropped his gun, "Long time no see. I haven't seen you in ages."

Doru came out with his group and they held up their guns rather quickly. Silver went to them and held theirs guns up.

Doru said, "You see this. That man led this intruder's right to us after all. I told you were couldn't let him live."

Silver asked, "So he is dead?"

Dorumon said, "Yeah and you will be too if you don't get out of here."

Silver said, "You wouldn't be wise to kill us too. You'd be dealing with an army of a group at our loss."

Shadow said, "This isn't needed. We can get over this situation calmly."

Manic said, "Or we could kill you and take all this."

Veemon said, "You have a place of your own don't you."

Burn asked, "What's it to you?"

Veemon said, "Then you can go back and we can't just stay out of each other's hair and that will be the end of it."

Silver said, "But you still killed are guy. That's not cool."

Veemon said, "Actually he killed him. If you want to shot him that we'd all be ok with it."

Croc said, "So you would sell out just like that and take out our leader."

Manic said, "Looks like the wires in the group are split."

Silver said, "Never mind that. Just tell us where the body is and we'll be on our way no hassle required."

Veemon said, "Its east deep in the forest over there."

They went on ahead into the forest.

Dorumon said, "So that's how it is. I really admire the gall of that move. Not to mention of how that would have made you a hypocrite. I say we don't let those guys get too far. They know where we are and they will tell the others."

Veemon said, "They said they leave us alone..."

Dorumon said, "We all have voices here I say we vote. Surly everyone has to make their voices heard."

Bearmon said, "Hell yeah we do and I say take'm down."

Klonoa said, "Were not safe as long as they live."

Gabumon said, "Shoot them."

Agumon, Gatomon, and Dracomon, and Guilmon went to Veemon's side.

Yill said, "Kill them..."

Veemon eyes looked at her daughter as her and her boyfriend voted on Dorumon's choice. They came back and started to leave without causing any more trouble. When they came back up to the highway into a nearby city is when the others followed them. They were in a building. The group was outside and Dorumon had his gun. It was Veemon who walked in and grabbed Dorumon's gun and shot all three. Veemon came out the others who were with him before couldn't believe that he did that. Dorumon said, "That wasn't so hard..."

Veemon yelled, "Every time someone turned I shot them. You keep saying you made the tough choices but you're just a coward. I shot Spyro, Trigger and Piyomon. I stepped up since you wanted those three dead. I stepped up. All you did was volunteer to save Dracmon just so you could kill big. And you wanted to shoot me you had your gun at me. You keep saying that I'm not ready for this world and I keep proving you wrong. Now you brainwashed our group and you're tearing us apart. You call yourself a leader you're a fucking coward and that is all you'll ever be."

Veemon left the group was at awe some of them followed on way after gaining their composure. Dorumon stepped inside to see only two bodies on the floor. Doru sat on the table he pulled at his dark fur damaged in his thoughts poisoned by the way the world shifted in one swift yell. It was getting colder again and by this time pat and mike finally made it to America. They came upon the wall and perched down as they looked at the army of undead on the western side greatly outnumbered the eastern path.

Mike said, "The whole world really has fallen apart."

Pat said, "I pray that everyone's ok. This is insane."

Dorumon finally came out. The body he never found was Manic who had used his speed to get out of the way. He was making his way back to his group. There were several things that caught his eye. His old habit of being a thief had never truly died. Every time for the next few days was occupied by still either taking Veemon's choice or Dorumon's. More often than not it would go back and forth depending on Yill and Kiff making their minds up at the end. Oddly enough this new way of a strangely bounded unified group seemed to be working better than previous days. It was like that hostile emotional feud between Veemon and Dorumon was gone. All that was left was their choices. Both of them were the ones that everyone now looked to for the answers. They were able to travel out further and recover more vehicles that still worked and brought them back. This would now become the most important task they every accomplished. That farm was indeed there home now. The sexual tension seemed to be working out as well. Agumon now had Dracmon in his company. Guilmon went with Gabumon. Croc was with Bearmon. Gatomon and Dorumon both handled themselves. Shadow and most of the others were out on such a great day. Veemon was with one of Shadow's daughters.

Veemon said, "We've been here a few days and oddly enough I never got your name."

The girl said, "I'm Emily, my sister is Lena and my brother is Steve."

Veemon said, "It must be odd having a creature as a father."

Emily said, "I've gotten used to it. All we had was time with no one to mock us. I haven't gotten out too much and you can see why most days."

Veemon said, "You're very lucky you have this place, a place where you're accepted for your family. You could have fallen in love with a creature yourself and no one would care."

Emily gave Vee a look, "Love now that's a subject change if I ever saw one. I don't want to rush anything."

Veemon blushed, "It's the end of the world and you're worried about rushing?"

Veemon paused briefly them leaned in quickly and kissed her tongue and all. She tried to pull him away not want this to happen. She could not overpower his large body mounting over her as his tongue slid in further. He knew Emily wouldn't understand his sudden desperation. Emily cried and continued to push on Veemon's arms. His aggression got the better of him. He understood what she wanted but he couldn't deny his own needs forever. Somehow being human temporarily gave him this urge to be with a human. His right hand rubbed her leg. She tried to kick him off. Veemon's other hand went in his pocket and realized he had cuffs there. He pulled them out and tied Emily to the bed. Her screams didn't carry outside as Vee,on quickly placed his hand over her mouth. He looked around to see this was big's room too. He opened a drawer to pull out a ball that had leather on each side. It was a sex tool and he just used it and covered her mouth with the ball strapping he leather around. He slid her long white dress further up taking a good look. His fingers pressed against her underwear. He pressed his finger pressing deeply finding her spot making her attempt to moan out more. The saliva coming down the side of the ball, Veemon slid them down as she got wet. He pressed his tongue teasing her emotions as she clearly didn't want this still trying to kick away. The feeling that he was causing was still too much for her. She closed her eyes both that wouldn't remove the pain. He lowered his pants and worked on his shaft as he continued to have his way of teasing her. He kept going until he was rock hard. He slid his member across his leg pushing against her wetness. She cried out even more as she could feel him push his way inside her. He adjusted his mount getting above her kicking legs. His legs came down at each side of her waist. Each hand rubbed against hers she he came further into the center with his hands. He ripped the top part of her long gown. His leaned in and let his tongue press and mess with her nipples. He increased his pace from pounding away inside her. Veemon kept going even after his climax. Emily became emotional detached her moans were like gaseous breaths feeling robotized and helpless o her situation. Veemon felt like an animal put had longed for the touch of human heat. He went through and kept on for another two climaxs before getting off her and un-cuffed her. Veemon just left as Emily laid there her tears ran out. Her mind clouded by the overwhelming and reliving of the situation that just happened she sat up slowly and got some new cloths a short sleeveless shirt and blue jeans. She went into the rest room in stared into the mirror with hateful eyes.

Veemon walked right into Dorumon who was still in his fixated state.

Veemon asked, "What do you want?"

Dorumon said, "I've had time to think about what you said. I can't stop recalling that what Drac told me. How the military did all this to stop you. It seems to me that you had no trouble shooting them down was because you wanted them down."

Veemon said, "I didn't have a choice. I thought that it was crystal clear."

Dorumon said, "You just deny it but you're right in a way it is crystal clear..."

Veemon said, "I shot my own father. You think I wanted to do that?"

Dorumon said, "The other half of you took him before to kill him. That other part of you went on a rampage and shot those guys when we made a choice. But even then you still slipped up. You let one of them leave."

Bearmon joined in and said, "Than that means were fucked."

Veemon said, "He's probably still in an area filled with walkers. He could have died out there but yeah it's true we can't be sure. We don't have the resources to outlive an army. And it's tough on us every time we go out there. But I assure you that once again that I will step out and fine way like I always do. I'll go out along and get supplies. You wanted me dead than so be it; I'll take the risk while you continue to just be a bitch with a gun."

Veemon got in one of the vehicles and headed out on his own. Veemon went back to the wall where he knew plenty of supplies were just laying around. He looked up on the wall to see pat and another creature.

Veemon held up the gun just in case and asked, "Patamon?"

Patamon turned and said, "Hey Veemon you're alive after all."

He flew down with Mikemon.

Patamon asked, "Is everyone ok?"

Veemon said, "Some of us are for the most part. We lost our share of friends too."

Patamon asked, "Is Gatomon ok?"

Veemon said, "She's as strong as ever. Is that Mikemon?"

Mikemon asked, "You remember who I am?"

Veemon said, "You're sister told me about you."

Mikemon said, "I've been waiting to see you again."

Veemon said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm no available at the moment."

Patamon asked, "This isn't some sort of thing were you're trying to get with Gatomon again is it?"

Veemon said, "No it's not. But I'd rather not talk about it. You should still help me and then come with me. We have a nice place to hold up but we need supplies."

Patamon took out several guns that he carried in his cloths. Patamon asked, "Is this enough?"

Veemon just went around for a few other things and they went back with them to the farm. The car stopped and everyone was looking to the car. The three of them got out.

Dorumon held up his gun, "Who are they?"

Gatomon said, "Sis, is that you?"

Mikemon said, "Yup."

Gatomon said, "Patamon is good you kept her safe otherwise I wouldn't love you anymore."

Dorumon put down the gun as Veemon spread out the spectacular gun arrangement.

Gatomon hugged Patamon and they kissed in their fourth reunion of getting back together. Everyone else seemed surprised that Vemone really pulled that off. Dorumon left to the barn and Yill followed him.

He sat up at the top and Yill joined him.

Yill asked, "Why are you still so upset?"

Dorumon said, "Because I'm tired. Tired of everyone blaming me for my choices, I know the truth of it is now were all going to die someday. All of us and that will be the end of it. All that is going on and the others still can't help but looking to the old days. Even I can' deny pleasure forever. That is our torment and now we are all fading. I thought this world could be ours again just like everyone else. I was fooled right into it. But it's crystal clear that were going to be outnumbered no matter what we do. But I still keep going anyway until the dying breath just like the rest of them. I suppose it's because that's all we know how to do."

Yill said, "Even when that happens, we shouldn't keep holding our grudges. I guess in our last time we should try to recover as much as possible before it ends not help the process along faster."

Veemon started to go back into the city on his own again this time walking. This time it was Croc and Bearmon who joined him.

Veemon asked, "What do you guys want?"

Croc asked, "You off on another close suicide mission?"

Veemon said, "I'm trying to track that other guy."

Dorumon noticed they were gone and rushed to catch up as well.

Dorumon caught up and said, "Than count us in."

Veemon asked, "You done hiding your balls or is this just another scheme to mess with me and kill me."

Dorumon said, "I'm a changed creature I assure you that. Things between our past down even deserve reminisce in this world now."

Veemon said, "You just want to see this guy dead then."

Dorumon said, "Maybe he's learned his lesson. He might even join us if we proceed with the right attitude."

Veemon asked, "Are you on drugs or something?"

The four of them went into an old ran down building. Dorumon spotted a vial and decided to pick it up. The others were spread out looking around the nearby city. There were a few walkers wondering about Veemon started off a way of silence. The other two came in guns blazing. Manic wasn't too far off and heard the sounds. He stopped his looting and went on his way. When they cleared the area Vee said, "You guys are so dumb. The sounds probably caught the creature's attention and now he's gone for sure."

Bearmon asked, "Why are you all for killin' all of a sudden."

Veemon said, "You guys wanted him dead."

They all heard a loud noise pass them by though they didn't see what created the sound. Dorumon came out and asked, "What happened?"

Veemon said, "You're friends scared off the creature most likely. Then something above passed us. I have no idea what it was."

Dorumon said, "We should get back."

They all went back the group was a bit scattered along the house and farm. Dorumon and Veemon came up along the start of the forest. He pulled out the vial he picked up. Vee held up his gun just like that a Dorumon.

The other two just stopped as Dorumon seemed surprised.

Dorumon held the vial out then held out his gun, "What's this all about?"

Veemon asked, "What's with the vial Dorumon?"

Dorumon said, "I found it."

Veemon said, "Found it or pulled it in a hiding place you had from before?"

Dorumon said, "That is nonsense."

Veemon said, "You happening to find a vial from out of nowhere seem like a lot of nonsense. After all you wanted me gone for all we know you could have started this whole thing just to get me. And now you're willing to go to the next step in whatever is in that vial."

Doru asked, "Bear, Croc you guys feel the same?"

Croc said, "It does seem odd even for you. Look we've had your back so far but that right there is pushing too far."

Dorumon had a fixated look again, "Fine. Truth is I have no clue what this is but the thing is that there is still a gun pointed to my face for the third time. You've been on my case Vee and you couldn't let go. One less creature such as you and we can all live for a long time to come."

Vee said, "At this point the same could be said about you. But the truth of the matter is that this goes beyond jealously. You haven't had the gut to shoot me because you know you need me. And that is what drives you crazy. You can't bare that you need me to be here apart of this group her and now. You can't stand that you don't know you're place in the group or if you'll ever find someone like I always tend to do. Even at the edge of the end of time none of us changed and that is what drives you mad. You can't forget what Ree did to you the years ago but you can't kill me because you need me..."

Dorumon said, "Well I don't know that for sure. I was simply curious with you being the cause of all of this that the answer simply laid within you. I still stand by the speculation and I don't have a reason to stop. The fact is that I know that for whatever reason I can only seem to want to kill you when we are alone. You're lucky this time and that is as simple as it needs to be."

Veemon's ears suddenly perked before he could talk off the amount of nonsense both of them turned their heads to see an entire hoard of walkers.

Veemon yelled, "Walkers!"

The others came out hearing him they all pulled out there guns. The hoard they faced was there biggest yet. Veemon, Dorumon, Croc, and Bearmon had to run as they were the closest to the hoard. They were cut off but a lot of undead. Veemon was split with Dorumon and Bearmon and Croc were forced back to the house. The hoard seemed to overrun the field within a few more seconds.

Some of the others started pulling back closer to the house. Veemon and Dorumon ran inside the barn which quickly got hoarded up against. Veemon pulled out a match as they worked to the upper floor. He waited as the walkers combined strength broke the door apart. Gatomon and Patamon got inside a vehicle. Mikemon was on the other side as the walkers swarmed in from another side of the house. Guilmon had her covered but they were forced to run off to the back of the house. Emily was the closest to the house and got in another vehicle with Shadow. Steve was back up against the house no one could manage to be on her guard and she was swarmed and devoured by the walkers. Mikemon and Guilmon kept getting dragged further and had no choice but to run deeper into the fray. Mikemon was way ahead as she ran into the forest. Guilmon was pulled out by Agumon and Dracmon in another vehicle. Veemon burned the barn as the walkers came in. For Shadow this became like a slow motion movie that he couldn't escape from. All he saw was mayhem taking over his farm. Most of the others had left other ways to get out. Shadow stayed as long as he could until he saw Veemon and Dorumon get in the car.

Veemon yelled, "We've got to get out of here."

Shadow said, "But the house..."

Veemon said, "It belongs to the walkers now."

He finally gained enough sense out of that to head out. After a while the creatures started to make their way back to the highway.

Bearmon asked, "What do we do now?"

Veemon said, "We should head back up to Maine."

They started to work their way back but they started to realize that all the areas they had cleared previously were again occupied by walkers.

Veemon asked, "How is this possible?"

Dorumon said, "They must have heard something up here."

They started to make their way to the wall to see the center was destroyed and the walkers were pouring across the other side.

Dorumon asked, "Who could have done this?"

Veemon said, "Most likely the same one that set us up the first two times. It might be that other group that Silver and those other two came from."

Dorumon said, "Whatever the case we need to find a safe place."

Veemon said, "If we keep forging west past the crowd we might get lucky."

Dorumon said, "That would be suicide. There's so many that they'll stop our vehicles."

Veemon said, "At this point we don't have many options."

He was the first to back up then speed up as he led the way plowing over the walkers. It got bumpy and they were slowed down a bit the others covered on behind on making sure to get the walkers on the sides. They managed to get a break on a small side street. They pulled out of the hoard and got out of that area all together. They kept going until the vehicles were out of gas. Thankfully there weren't any infected in sight. They stored up in a large house. Everyone gathered up.

Gatomon asked, "Where is Mikemon?"

Guilmon said, "I tried to cover her but there were too many walkers. I saw her go down. I'm sorry."

Patamon already knew he'd be the one in trouble for this. Shadow didn't see his son either.

Patamon went to Gatomon and said, "I let you down."

Gatomon said, "No, I should have never left such a task to you in the first place. The only one who's making right calls so far is Dorumon."

Veemon said, "Hey..."

Gatomon said, "He understands this world and the way to function in it now. Monodramon also has a key idea to keep to himself. Leaders are the ones who should take all the responsibility. It's your fault so many of us have dead. Step down before there is nothing left."

Veemon said, "Fine, if that's what you want. I can already tell by everyone else's face that voting on that would be a waste of time. Now I'm going to get supplies I don't expect any company."

Emily shifted her eyes at him feeling angered by his actions at the house. Emily didn't want a child in this world and it was like Vemone forced that on her. Veemon started to go off and Dorumon said, "I'll go too. It's better that we stick together."

Veemon didn't bother to argue as he went off with Dorumon. The others moved what supplies they had left into the new large house. Pat was distraught as well feeling bad that he couldn't hold on to Mike.

Mikemon was still alive but had been running through the forest with walkers on her for some time. She was tired out and her speed and energy were down. She kept going she almost ran right into a tree and fell beside it. A walker fell on to her trying to bit her. All she saw after that was a swift blade cut the infected head off. She looked up to see a cloaked figure wielding a katana as the figure cut down the other walkers. After clearing the area the figure tied his pets to another tree. He took his cloak off and his grey fur puffed out only a bit. The creature was male and he pulled Mike up.

She asked, "Who are you?"

He said, "I'm Kotemon. Come."

He guided her and his pets back to a warehouse. He went into a fridge and got some bottled water and tossed it over.

Mikemon asked, "How have you survived so long?"

Kotemon said, "Blended in... Rest."

Veemon kept walking then he suddenly asked, "Why haven't you shot me yet?"

Dorumon asked, "Huh?"

Veemon said, "You planned on shooting me back at the other house when we were alone. We're alone now so why don't you shot me?"

Dorumon said, "After the truth spilled on how I handle situations they would know I did it. Plus I'm finding myself think about you when I handle myself."

Veemon said, "You're flattery is almost sickening."

Dorumon asked, "Why are we heading out this far? We're not heading out for supplies after all are we?"

Veemon said, "I don't want another invasion of walkers to happen again. I want to secure the western area silently so we don't draw more infected here. We need a place to rest for a while otherwise it will be hopeless to continue."

Dorumon asked, "Did you sleep with that girl?"

Veemon asked, "What?"

Dorumon said, "The one I saw you eyeing several times at the barn. The older one... did you?"

Veemon said, "I did have my way with her even though she didn't want to..."

Dorumon said, "Rape during the zombie apocalypse almost sounds impossible at this point. I'd think everyone would want to get one last good time before clocking out."

Veemon said, "I think I know why. She didn't want to have a child in this mess."

Dorumon said, "Denying a spring a new life in this time is just wrong. We need to rebuild our world somehow. They are the ones that would make a future possible."

Veemon asked, "Why did you follow me?'

Dorumon said, "Something tells me that girl would kill me if you hadn't returned. Gat's right about a leader that creature needs to take full reasonability."

Then Veemon and Dorumon heard screams coming out from the distance.

Veemon said, "We got runners."

Dorumon pulled out his gun as did Veemon. They ran as the runners came up from each side of them. They shot back as they ran further down the street they were on. They ran into a gas station. Vee saw a motorcycle there. Veemon said, "Cover me."

Veemon picked up the motorcycle up as Dorumon covered him. He got on and started it up and it worked. Veemon picked Dorumon up on as they drove further along seeing a lot more runners covering this area. Dorumon and Veemon managed to get them. Two deformed dogs came out from the gutter and started to chase them. Dorumon looked back to see the dogs keeping up. He shot own in the head but then its head split it two and still came after them.

Dorumon yelled, "I thought all the B.O.W.s here were gone already."

Veemon looked in the mirror to see the split headed dog. Veemon took them on a highway run. Two larger creatures slid out from the buildings and leaped to catch up to them. Veemon yelled, "What the fuck are those."

Dorumon kept focus one the split head dog and got that one. The other one and the two other creatures kept in following them. Veemon went under a tunnel the bigger creature followed going on the ceilings.

Dorumon yelled, "I'm running out of bullets here."

He managed to get the other dog as they came out of the other side of the tunnel. One of the creatures lashed out is tongue making it extend it slapped the gun right out of Doru's hands. Doru yelled, "They took my gun."

Veemon pushed up, "Here take over." Veemon slid up as Dorumon pushed in front and Veemon went behind and pulled out his gun. Doru got off the highway and right before they did Veemon managed to shoot down one of the creatures. Dorumon slid off the road coming down into the roof of a lower building. The creature followed them and they crashed through a church window. The two of them were hurled off the motorcycle. The creature leaped through. Veemon aimed carefully for the gas chamber for the motorcycle and shot and caused a huge explosion causing them their bodies to come down hard. The other creature was taken care off. Veemon body and Dorumon's hit the floor many times before stopping. Veemon pushed himself off of the first set of pews. He heard more groans from outside. He carried Dorumon up and out as he guided them out of the church. Thankfully it was just walkers at this point. Vee kept going further west wasting the last of his ammo on covering their escape.

Dorumon said, "At this rate will never get back to the others."

Veemon looked down, "I wasn't attending on coming back."

Dorumon asked, "What?"

Veemon said, "I was planning on going on my own. That's why I was wondering why you followed me."

Dorumon said, "You need to come back to the group alive."

Veemon looked back down, "They don't trust me anymore. They don't need me to be in the way."

Dorumon pushed back making Veemon stop and Dorumon said, "I know what I've put you through. This is coming from me saying that you need to go back because we do need you. Things have never been harder and I put you on that path. But you got to man up past that and show that you can be part of that group."

Veemon said, "Every time I man up it's to kill someone we knew. I'm done with that nonsense."

Dorumon said, "Emily would need you. Even though she hates what you did she'll still need you."

Veemon said, "She has her father and sister. Gatomon will have Patamon back at some point. Agumon has Dracmon. Guilmon has Gabumon. Bearmon has Croc. And Yill has Kiff..."

Dorumon said, "Yill needs her father too."

Veemon said, "She considers you her uncle. She has you to take care of."

Dorumon said, "Truth is that still leave me singled out."

Veemon said, "I'm sure something will come up."

Dorumon asked, "What about you."

Veemon said, "You're joking right."

Dorumon said, "I'm being serious. By my standing we never actually did it..."

Veemon said, "Yeah we did that time we were in that prison together. When I felt bad for how alone you were."

Dorumon said, "That was Reemon."

Veemon said, "Were the same thing. That creature came from me. I felt that experience. It was real for me too."

Dorumon said, "It wasn't real for me at all. And that creature might have looked like you at the time but I knew it wasn't."

Veemon said, "You really are a blind fool. Gat was right as you were once. It was better off having me gone. You might stand alone now but that won't last. Go back to the others."

Dorumon voice raised just a bit, "No way."

Veemon pulled up his gun and yelled, "Get the fuck out of here. I still got one bullet left and I'm not afraid to spend it on you. You wanted to die before than someone in the group is going to discover that you never came back and Yill will be upset. I called you brother once before don't make me shoot my own brother."

Dorumon said, "Fine. I'll go. And I'll tell the rest of them what you're really up to."

Veemon said, "They won't believe you. I'm clear."

Dorumon said, "Yeah and what do I tell Yill. That her own father is dead."

Veemon said, "I'm not her father anymore. You need to be her father because you can actually take care of her."

Dorumon started to walk back, "Fine."

Veemon kept pushing even further west going on even when his legs started hurting. His legs started to hurt so much he feel to his knees. Veemon started shivering. Some since of rage carried off leading Veemon to go insane and yell out. After a few minutes he pulled up the gun and held it to his own head. He started crying hysterically. He took a few large almost out of control breaths. His finger wrapped into the trigger ready to pull. He thought back to all the other kills he had to deal with. He growled and closed his eye. He just pulled the trigger but all there was the sound of a click. He opened his eyes and pressed against the trigger many more times not even aware that he his gun had no ammo left. He let out another scream, "Ahhhhhhhhh! Come on kill me. I don't deserve to live."

Dorumon stopped as he saw some walkers sort of linger around. He had no chance of getting back. He sighed as he looked back the other way. Veemon just remained kneeling with his head down in the pavement. Then he felt a cold spec hit his head. He shook his head then looked up to see more white specs falling from the sky. It was starting to snow.

Safe Haven

Safe Haven It had been two days and the farm where the group and came around came to be a place of rather simple desires. There was a lot on that had happened and for the first time it felt so serial. The farm became a home. Though the continued...

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Still Alive

Still Alive [5 years ago] Vince was in on parole. He had a DVD on a popular video. He was unable to watch the best part. A few months before that people had hand for that creation were having difficulty finishing it. Gabumon was at it with...

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Burn Victim

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