A Little Crush, part 8

Story by furcurious on SoFurry

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#8 of A Little Crush

Lex makes a decision, much to his own surprise.

A week passed before I saw any of the Barracudas again; it was by choice. Alistair and I did exchange a few texts. There were no confessions of love, just hellos and how-are-yous and hope-you-are-wells. I never responded to Victor's text; I didn't know what to say to him. I was still sort of upset, even if he was hot and trying his best to make amends. My sexless night with Alistair hadn't completely melted all of that away. But maybe a cold shoulder and a few days apart would help me think of what to say when we reunited-- I was their #1 fan, after all. As for Ian and the rest, no more surprises from them in the meantime. I had left Alistair's family estate the next day, comforted and feeling better about myself, but also with a nagging suspicion that the Barracudas were a bunch of posturing drama queens.

Of course I saw Eliza in the meantime, and told her everything that had happened. I expected the lecturing and the teasing and the counseling that came with it. She hugged me and told me everything would work out, that she loved me, that I would find a nice guy someday, and that I'm going through all of this now so I appreciate him later... she did surprise me with one thing, though.

"I'm going with you to the next game."

"... Really? Why the change of heart?"

"I'd like to meet this Alistair fellow now that he's got a personality. He seems like a really good guy, Lex. Maybe a bit confused. Maybe I can help with that."

"Oh, here we go," I sighed. "'Eliza Tries to Fix the World and Everyone in It', take 42...."

She scowled. "I gave up on trying to fix your messes a long time ago, doggie. But this is an interesting situation you've gotten yourself into: The dog who doesn't know his own heart and the otter who locks his heart away. Meeting him will allow me to better assess who's wasting more of who's time. Besides," she added in a deviant tone, "I've got some words for Victor, and I'm curious to see if Ian is as good a match for me as you say."

"I knew it!" I began gyrating and grinding against her as she playfully slapped me away. "Eliza's down for that croc cock!"

"Grow up, Lex!"

I backed off and allowed my voice to carry some concern. "Oh, all right. I'll leave it to you two to see where things go. Just... don't be too rough on Victor, okay?"

"What? Why? He raped you!"

"No. No he didn't. It was completely consensual, and the most fun I've had in a long time."

I realized how hurtful saying that could be to her--but I was obviously talking about the sex; Eliza and I never messed around like that. Still, if her ego was bruised, she didn't show it.

"Well, okay, so he didn't rape you, but had you known his intentions--"

"I still would have let him fuck me."

"... Seriously?"

"Yes. Look, I know he screwed up. He knows it, too. And he really wants to make things right between us. Yeah, Alistair's a great guy, but I still don't know if he's friend-zoned me. We were both hung up on him; hooking up opened our eyes to other possibilities. I can't wait for Al forever. Victor's already decided not to. So maybe I want to keep my options open."

She snorted in that perturbed manner equines do. "Idiot. He used you. He played you like a cum-filled harp, tugging your strings any damn way he wanted. You really think someone like that is boyfriend material?"

"So Victor's not perfect. At least he's interested, which is more than I've had in months. And like I said, he wants to make it up to me. He might not even want a relationship. That's fine. We can still be fuck buddies." I imagined receiving regular deposits of tiger seed, but moved on before I could get an awkward boner.

She snorted again. "If you really think that would make you happy, Lex. It's your life. And your funeral."

So it was that when the next game rolled around, Eliza sat next to me, cheering, commenting, and asking more questions than a child wondering where babies come from. She was particularly interested in hearing about Ian, and she made sure to smile whenever he glanced our way.

As the game continued, I realized the dynamics of the team had changed. Everyone was playing at the same level, but their behaviors were a little different: Alistair was still the star, but not quite as charismatic; Victor was withdrawn and isolated himself; Harold seemed like he was trying even harder than usual to win everyone over; and Stephen... wait. Stephen was gone. Somewhere between Eliza's questions and the other boys' muscles I'd completely missed his absence. Not that I missed him, of course. Had he really quit? For his part, Ian was just as calm and controlled as usual. Even the strange events of our get-together at Alistair's were not enough to phase him, so I wasn't too surprised.

The game drew to a close with the Barracudas the victors. The poor fellas from New Birmingham got their asses handed to them, unable to manage a single point, compared to the Barracudas' 5. After the teams headed their separate ways, Alistair waved and began walking over, dripping wet in his swim briefs, pulling off his cap as he walked. Always a lovely view to take in... I stood up and walked out from the bleachers to meet him, pulling Eliza with me.

"Congratulations! You guys were untouchable out there!" I cheered as I went to hug him. He went in for it, too, but then settled for a handshake.

"Thanks! Don't want to ruin your clothes. Who is this lovely filly next to you?"

"My best friend, Eliza Mortens." Alistair's looks and charm made her smile. "She finally decided to see what I love so much about this game. I think she enjoyed it."

"Is that so? A pleasure to meet you, Eliza."

"Thank you. Lex has told me a lot about you."

He smiled and shrugged. "Well, I can't honestly say I'm surprised, but I'm flattered nonetheless."

"'Flattered', you say? You've got to know by now he worships the ground you walk on."

"Eliza!" I snapped. Alistair just shrugged mirthfully.

"Oh, don't act like it isn't completely obvious--"

"You mean the way you were flirting with Ian from the bleachers, batting your eyes and playing with your hair?"

"I was not! But I won't deny he's attractive...."

"You think so, miss? Shall I introduce you?"

She blushed and smiled. "Well... if you have the will to do it, don't let me stop you."

"Consider it done, then. I don't know if it'll be today, but I'll see what I can do."

"Hey, Alistair... is something up? Stephen's gone, and everyone was acting differently in the pool."

"Oh! You don't know. Of course you don't yet. We had some interesting developments in the locker room, and I don't think the Barracudas are going to be the same."

"Really? Is everything okay?" Eliza worried.

"Yes, of course. There might be a ruffle or two but they'll get smoothed out in short order. For starters, though: Stephen's quit."

I grinned, and I didn't try to hide it. "Good riddance. Even his own teammates thought he was difficult."

"Perhaps you're right. There have been other changes, and I'll happily tell you all about them, but I need to change myself. It would take me forever to drip dry out here."

"Perhaps Lex can be your towel boy."

He just looked at Eliza and smiled. "I'm afraid it's team members only in the locker room. Care to meet me outside in, say, half an hour?"

"Sure thing," I replied. "We'll be by the main doors. Good game, by the way!"

"Thanks!" He departed from us, and I became aware someone was watching our conversation. My ears perked as I swiveled around--So it was Victor. Normally people look away as soon as eye contact is made, but he just stared back at me. I waved in greeting; he scowled and looked away.

"Hey, Eliza? You mind meeting me out front? I need to talk to somebody."

"And who would that be?" She followed my line of sight. "You said Victor was a tiger, right?" Before I could respond, she was marching towards him with her tail swishing angrily behind her.

"Eliza! Eliza, please!" I could barely keep up with her. "Don't say anything stupid!"

"Stupid? I'll tell you what's stupid, Lex--" she espoused emphatically as we closed on Victor. "Letting some piece of jock trash who used you and humiliated you think he's worth a damn thing."

"Nice to meet you too," was all Victor said.

I laughed uncomfortably. "So, Victor... What's up?"

"Nothing." He looked at me like he was in pain.

"Good. Keep it that way. I don't want you hurting Lex again."

"Yeah, whatever. I apologized already. I don't what else you want from me."

"I want you to leave him alone. You're no good for him."

"Eliza. Please. Go wait for me outside. Victor and I can handle this ourselves."

She snorted. "Don't do anything stupid, Lex. Maybe he rocked your world, but think of what it cost you. I'll be outside."

Time crawled along on heavy molasses stumps as Victor and I looked at each other in silence, waiting for Eliza to get out of earshot. He, of course, was all wet from the game, too, still slick and in his swim trunks. His athletic build was on display for me again. Memory swept in and carried lust in its arms, pushing aside all thoughts of anger.

"So... that's how it's going to be?"

I was snapped back to the there and then. "What? I don't know what you mean...."

"What your horsey friend was saying a second ago: That I'm messed up and you can do way better and you hate everything we ever did." He ran one paw through the fur on his head, squeegeeing out some water that he flicked away to the side. My eyes immediately fell upon his abdominals as he did so. The more I looked at him, the finer he got. And I had thought he was cute to begin with.

"N-no, that's not how it is, Vic. I mean, I was pretty pissed off, but... you apologized. And Alistair--"

He groaned angrily. "Alistair, Alistair, Alistair: That's all you can think of, isn't it? Even now, as you're looking right at me, all you see is him. Just like the night we had on his couch."

"Victor, please," I mourned as I reached out for him. Was he braver than Alistair? Would he let me touch him in front of the bystanders still milling about the gym? I placed my hand delicately on his arm, letting it slowly slip down towards his paw. Surely he could guess what I was after. He looked around, confusion crossing his face.

He took my hand and gripped it strongly, not enough to hurt, but enough to pull me closer. We were nose-to-nose again.

"Alistair asked me to forgive you. But that's not why I'm doing it, Victor. Your sincerity and earnestness is what made that possible." I smiled, trying to keep my painful thoughts at bay.

I heard some murmurs in the background. People were looking at us, commenting on how intimately we were standing. I didn't care, even if it got back to Alistair. Victor didn't seem to care, either. My clothes were absorbing the water from his skin, wet patches blooming up and down my front.

I'd guessed that was it, then. By choosing to be seen with Victor like that, maybe my heart had found its compass, and regained some sense of direction.

The sullen storm that swallowed him had finally broke; his eyes sparked to life as he looked into mine.

"Lex..." It was good to hear Victor's voice again without the troubled timbre. I wondered if I could someday thrill to him saying my name the way I did when Alistair said it. "Are you sure I'm what you want?"

"Stupid cat, look at me," I teased. It wasn't what I'd planned, or maybe even what I'd wanted, but there we were, and it couldn't be undone. "I should ask you the same. You're the one who used me. But if that night got you over Alistair, then it was worth it. Just don't ever do that shit again. Because I don't think there's anything I could do to stop Eliza from killing you."

He laughed. "Yeah, that'll be the day--when I'm scared of some prissy herbivore."

I shushed him, even as he heard the laughter in my voice. "Eliza's not prissy. Well, not really. I'm worse."

"Oh, please...."

The loiterers in the gym got louder. I heard someone cheer--was that Ian? I kept my eyes locked on Victor's face. Someone behind me said something derogatory just loud enough for Victor to hear. He looked at them over my shoulder and growled. They shut up.

"Look at me," I asked. He did as instructed. "Let's make a deal right now: No more being hung up on Alistair. For either of us. We can still be friends with him, but that's as far as it goes. And no sexy friendship with him, either. Just platonic friends. That's it. It's about time we both got on with our lives, right?"

"... Right."

"I know you're still on a team with him. I know you'll still see him in the locker room. But I'm putting my trust in you that you want to be as free from all the bullshit he's caused--however unintentional it might be--as I do. You keep up your end of the bargain, Victor, and I'll be completely yours, any way you want me."

He took me into his arms and squeezed me close. I rested my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes, trying to breathe in his scent underneath all that chlorine.

"I want you... like this," he sighed as he held me. "Just like this."

"Good. The tiger's a romantic underneath it all," I quipped. "But you're still gonna fuck my brains out like before, right?"

I felt his chuckle through his rib cage. "Lex, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you before we even leave this gym. In the locker room. Or the showers. Maybe even in the pool."

And that's pretty much how things went from there. The gym eventually cleared out, leaving the two of us to breed and seed all over the place until the janitors came through to lock the place up. We were animals in the locker room, and cleaned up in the showers. Then we got dirty in the showers, and cleaned up again. When we finally left, it was out the back doors; I followed him to his place, and we made love on his bed until our bodies were completely spent.

I don't know how long Eliza and Alistair waited for us. I didn't care until it was too late. All I know is that they were there "a good long while", by Eliza's reckoning. Why no one came in after us is beyond me. Maybe they all instinctively knew not to get involved any more than they already had. Or maybe they were all just tired of looking after me. Probably more that second one, judging by how pissed everyone was afterward. Alistair and Eliza got along fine without me, and eventually Ian walked by and joined them. Apparently he was the guy who cheered for us. The three of them chatted for a while, got sick of waiting, and left individually. Eliza made sure to tell me she got Ian's phone number. Ian had "stuff to take care of", whatever that meant. And Alistair... well, she says he went home sulking, disappointed that I'd ditched him, but trying not to make a scene out of it.

That was so Alistair: You could chop his leg off, and cauterize the wound with a blowtorch; but he'd only complain of mild discomfort.