Objects in mirror are bigger than they appear...

Story by Emberknight on SoFurry

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Heh. I've had this one for a short while, but it's not up here, so I figured, why not? Had a bit of fun with it, honestly. Could use a good mirror like this. Then again, a dragon with this kind of power? That wouldn't be misused or anything... Hope you like it! :)

The sun hung heavy in the sky, the midday heat tearing the shadows away from the forest. Shade was quickly becoming more of a commodity. The native bugs made their sounds in the pure heat of the area, the chorus only interrupted by the sounds of a steady hacking noise. Each crack came with the sound of splintering wood echoing across the forest, the trees themselves almost seeming to mourn the loss of one of their own, the echo hitting with a melancholy tone. The insects seemed to quiet down, almost waiting for the percussive heartbeat that joined the ranks of their choir. But this time, it didn't come.

Right by the lone trail through the forest stood a man, heaving and trying to keep his breath. His muscles were sore; his body glistened with the effort of his work as he leaned his strong form against the tree. He inspected his work, and to his surprise, a large chunk of the trunk was gone and scattered along the ground in small chips. He took a moment as his breath slowed to wipe the sweat from his brow with the shirt he had all but forgotten about once the heat picked up. Then he wiped some of the excess chips off of himself, cursing his luck. He shouldn't have been so eager to get to work. He should've thought about what he was going to do beforehand, instead of picking the first large tree that happened to be close to the road. If he had, he would've realized how old the tree was; he would've known how hard the wood was. But most importantly, he would've known how long it would've taken him. That was what he couldn't risk. Not right now.

It had been years since he had a chance like this, and another opportunity might not come through this part of the forest again. He knew that. And that was what led him to heft the axe to his shoulder again, his muscles burning and aching, swinging the heavy object and striking the tree with such a blow he could feel it through the very core of his body. His muscles tensed in a sort of revolt, but he ignored it, swinging again and again with a new fervor. He slammed into the tree with the axe, the necklace hanging on his bare chest seeming to swing in time with it, slapping against his body with every stroke.

The thought went through his mind about how much easier the task would be if he could just take away the necklace. He could snap this twig with no problem. But with the next swing, he gave the idea a bit more thought, remembering why he chose this method in the first place. No, it simply wouldn't do to not be a human right now. To lose something like that... Something that powerful... They'd be back. And when they returned, they would bring reinforcements. And if they saw him as anything else other than human, they would be coming after him wanting his head, and he simply couldn't have that. Not this time. Besides... The forest was too dense for him to be effective unless he was to clear an entire swath of trees. And that would be suspicious enough for anyone to turn around. They would believe one tree could fall over... Not an entire chunk of forest.

But the thoughts going through his mind distracted him enough to pull through the pain, the tree beginning to truly dip with each strike, the sound of splintering lasting for a longer time each time he struck the tree until finally, the tree's weight became its own demise, falling over and nearly taking out the one that cut it down in the first place. He found himself running quickly, losing his ax in the process. But with that, the deed was done. The tree was lying on its side, and now came the next part... He lightly rubbed at his sore arms, but with the excitement of his recent victory, he proceeded to bring himself close to the massive tree, shaking his head as he found the mass of the tree too much for him to handle. He swore quietly to himself, but looking at it a bit more carefully, the tree was so large it covered most of the road already. With that, he smiled to himself, and began the next part of his plan, looking around quickly for his ax. Upon finding it, he waited quietly, pulling an apple from his bag and biting into it, savoring the flavor.

It was a long day, one of the longest of the year it felt to him. The temperature seemed to simply rise, but he took it in stride. Nothing would detract him from his goal now. He was simply too close. But as the sun burned his skin, he did begin to feel a bit of despair. What if they turned a different way? What if he heard wrong in the first place? A chance like this ruined because of his own carelessness? He wouldn't have it. Then again, if he was careless, he wouldn't have what he was seeking anyway. He cursed himself out a bit more, but he held himself close to the fallen tree, hiding behind another tree that was offering some shade. For that alone he counted his blessings.

Hours passed as the sun slowly sank from the sky, and with it, so did his hope. He clutched the ax at his side, and found himself walking a bit from his post by the tree so he could get home. But that's when he heard it. Far off at first, but definitely echoing. His heart jumped quickly in his chest. This had to be it. There was no other way something so coincidental could happen. So he did it. He waited for them to get closer and closer. He heard the horses. They were tired... Already pushed to such an extreme. They would probably stop in a neighboring town to be able to finally swap out. They couldn't risk stopping with something like this. He heard them calling out about something ahead, and to his concern, he also heard them send out the guards to search the area. Slowly, he heard them getting closer- two of them in particular were very close. He waited for them to pass, which in the darkness that had settled in around him, he hid well against his tree, especially against their half-hearted efforts. But they were tired. And they were careless. And with a quick strike from the wooden handle of his ax, he finally gave them what they wanted, even if he was a bit worried that he hit the second one a bit too hard. But with that, he moved quickly, coming up around the side of the carriage. As he got closer to the carriage though, he noticed how the horses began to shift impatiently, getting very worried suddenly. It wasn't uncommon. Horses are creatures and they know the fear of a predator being close by. So they were simply reacting to the nearby predator, which was only right with him being so close. Even if the medallion kept him covered, it wouldn't hide his scent, and if the horses could tell, well, he'd simply have to move quicker. From here, though, he didn't have too much of a plan.

There were two more guards staying with the carriage, not to mention the people inside. But as the other two guards regrouped, he began to realize he had a bit of a problem. Especially when they started calling out for their companions. He started to get nervous. Everything was beginning to fall through rather quickly. But as luck would have it, they began to look for the other two, only one staying behind to guard the carriage. He practically ran out there, and though this one at least noticed him, he didn't live long enough to say anything about it. And with that, he was inside the carriage just as fast. This time, it didn't take much more persuasion. The horses began to run in fear, and when they did, they broke their reins on the overturned tree, one of them struggling, but finally getting free. The noble inside was not happy, but seeing the state of affairs, there wasn't much he could honestly do. Even the rapier he intended to use was useless in such a close proximity. Because of that, he lost his rapier and quickly became a negotiation tool, his wife remaining quiet the entire time. He dragged the noble out into the open, where, despite the crash, the other three guards stood. But with a hostage in his arms, they stumbled, not quite knowing what to do, which gave him a leverage as the rapier's blade was quickly coated, two out of the three falling to the ground gripping at themselves. The other one made a lunge, but even with his speed and advantage, only managed to nick the rogue's arm some but the noble a bit more as he went limp, his body quickly falling to the floor. With that distraction gone, the rogue pressed for the advantage, ax in one hand, and rapier in the other. His body kept to the side, though, and as he pressed the advantage, he rarely stopped until the guard found himself against a tree. With that he dropped his sword. To be fair though, the rogue now had a dilemma. He simply couldn't kill an unarmed man. But he could put the man into the carriage, blade effectively locking one exit, an ax holding the other. And with that done, he could effectively claim his prize.

He climbed to the top of the carriage where a few things were wrapped tightly in burlap, confusing him. But as he pulled the stuff away, his heart dropped. This was not what he had heard about. It looked like a family was moving if anything. Certainly, a few of the objects looked antique and beautifully handmade, but if he wanted furniture, he would've bought it himself. He found it pathetic that he could fall to some sort of rumor. He nearly kicked the whole thing, but that's when the mirror at the bottom caught his eye. Certainly there wasn't any way they could confuse this for anything as powerful as the rumors told. But magic does have an affinity towards magic, and as such, he felt some of its power radiating off of it. To think... He killed for this? Hardly worth it. But he thought on it, and it would look nice enough in his den... So without much more of a thought, he picked it up and took off down the road with it, eventually straying off and towards a lake where he cleaned himself off from the day's excuse for a profitable excursion. Stripping himself of the mismatched leather that kept his body safe and the underlying clothing, he cursed himself for being slow. Certainly, it wasn't more than a nick to his arm, but if the blade had been poisoned, which could've been a very real possibility if he wasn't doing all this work for a damnable excuse for... No. There simply wasn't time or place for that. What was done was done, and he would keep the mirror to serve his memory. He waded deeper into the water, the chill from the surrounding water easing his sore muscles, even going as far as chilling him to the very bone. The water rippled around his body, stretching out back to the shore. The effect overall calmed him as he listened, a different choir of insects claiming the night air, a few fireflies lighting up like tiny stars, drawing his attention to the inky black sky above him, drawing a sense of longing out of him.

He thought upon days gone by, taking each memory in turn, holding it up to his mind's eye and inspecting it. With each memory, whether good or bad, he found himself sinking into the water more and more as the water slowly seemed to warm around him. Faces he once knew, places he once traveled, all of it went through his mind as he found himself getting more tired. Exhaustion sunk in and it became harder for him to stand, let alone keep himself above the water as his thoughts ran through his mind faster, almost making him unable to think. He found himself looking at his dreams, his fears, his life's goals and aspirations. He remembered nearly every thought that he had ever had about his shortcomings, and every success he ever had was there, too. He found himself struggling to get to the shore, his mind was so overburdened with thoughts, but as he did so, arms struggling against the silt, he noticed the hue that the mirror was giving off, and without a second thought quickly cut the link of magic that was binding him to the mirror, almost heaving a sigh of laughter as he collapsed from mental exhaustion.

It took time to recover. That much he knew when he was able to think again. But when he did come around, he found himself bolting upright, quickly running over to his reflection, a bit fearful for what he might see. The magic that was consuming his mind was a powerful one at the very least and its consequences could've been very dire. At the very least, it did make him question taking such a powerful object, especially when he didn't know what it did. But regardless... Everything seemed better now. At least everything felt right. So without giving the mirror a second chance, he found himself grabbing onto the medallion on his chest, another source of power, putting it away and locking it tight in a small box as his current form seemed to fall away completely, leaving a massive dragon in its wake. He smiled as he felt his power surging back to him, shaking off some of the slight pain and tension that always accompanied the removal of his charm. He stretched out his wings a few times, putting himself into the water, his tail quickly swiping over the ground to remove his paw prints, even going far enough to even cover the sinkholes where his claws were. Then he quickly grabbed the mirror by his tail and took off, the first half of the takeoff very difficult coming straight from the water, mixed with getting used to his normal musculature. But as he got used to it, his takeoff stabilized as the earth fell beneath his wings, trees bending against the wind kicked up from his wings. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of the wind across his scales, hearing it whistle as it passed his horns and mane. The night sky surrounding him was more of a comfort than anything, and the mirror simply felt dormant. And with a quick flight home, he was more than eager to finally be able to rest. Putting the mirror deep within his den for further study later, he curled himself up and found his mind and body giving in to the idea of sleep, his body grateful to finally be relaxing.

A cave can make a lot of different noises. Sometimes, it is the simple dripping of water. Sometimes trembling in the earth even leads to pieces of the cave collapsing upon itself. And the dragon knew all of the noises and then some. As his eyes snapped open, he knew this wasn't any of them. He pulled his body up to all fours, the muscles straining a bit in a mix of tired and physical exhaustion. But there was that noise again, and with a growl, claws digging into the floor of his den, the beast tore off deeper into his cave, light illuminating his home as he drove himself forward, the walls seeming to respond to his presence. His heart was pounding as his forelegs dragged his body forward, powering through the pain with a rage he rarely ever felt. So help him... Someone in his den? No one had ever been stupid enough to try it. But there was a first for everything. There it was... The last corner. He almost slammed into the wall trying to navigate it, his element flaring around him as he gave a roar, wings spreading quickly, a blast of fire spouting forward. As smoke and ember cleared, he stood amidst the aftermath, poised to finish the job. But there was no job to finish. The dragon looked on with a curiosity and fear as another being did stand in the most hidden spot in his entire den, but that being... Well, was him.

The dragon blinked as he stared on in a mixture of surprise and confusion, his eyes running over every feature of the other beast. But no matter how he tried to eliminate the possibility, the only striking difference he could notice was that the other one looked amused, a deep set grin on his snout, an expression he recognized immediately.

"What the hell are you doing in my den? And who are you?"

"You were the one to invite me in here, were you not? As far as your second question... Who do you think I am? I'm you."

Now was the dragon's turn to be smug, almost laughing but pulling himself back to the situation at hand just as quickly. His eyes drifted across the other dragon's body as he started circling around him, hoping to find a flaw, but not finding one.

"Excuse me. I don't remember inviting you. Care to tell me how you assumed I did, then?"

"Come now you're smarter than that. I know you are. You never directly invited me. But you did drag that mirror in here quick enough. And considering there's blood on your claws from how badly you must've wanted it, I would believe I was invited."

"You expect me to believe you came..."

There it was. He felt it assaulting his mind so strongly he didn't know why he didn't notice it earlier. There was magic... It hung in the room, making even the air he breathed feel heavy. He ran to the mirror, but looking on the glass, it didn't even so much as give a reflection any more, everything having been drawn out of the mirror. He turned around to the dragon, fear spiking hard enough to make him shudder. The beast had moved in front of the only exit and was watching him with that same smile. Though... Was it twisted just a bit?

"That's right. I did. But you see, I'm more than you. Look at you... Such a pitiful sight for a dragon, aren't you? Tell me... What is it that you want? I could make you better... I could."

The words were so familiar... They seemed to reach into the furthest depths of his mind. He blinked a few times, the words not quite sinking in. Almost like he heard an echo. He looked at the dragon, but the beast's expression seemed unchanging.

"Come now. I'm not stupid. You'll give me what I want... At a price, of course. And then what? Leave me with the repercussions. I'm not that desperate."

"Aren't you? You can't lie to yourself. Let's see... What is it that you want, hmmm? Let's search those memories of yours again. Ah. What brought you to steal this 'little' trinket? Clearly you weren't desperate. Especially not desperate enough to end another."

"I was told this was something more. Not some worthless piece of..."

He didn't even have time to finish as something hit him. His legs gave out beneath him as he fell to the floor. His mind flashed with more thoughts than he could handle, his breathing spiking higher, his pulse quickening. And yet, just as quickly as he fell to the floor, the other dragon swiped at him, rolling him over onto his back with strength unmatched. The dragon looked at the doppelganger, fear in his eyes as he saw the beast take a stance right above him, the forepaws surrounding his head on either side as he looked up at the dragon. His nostrils were flared, fire dripping from his maw.

"I'm worthless? Look upon yourself, if you dare. I see right through you, dragon. Is this what you wanted, dragon? Strength? You don't even know. You think strength is what you want? Anyone can have strength if they want it."

The dragon blinked again as the figure above him started to shift. At first, it didn't seem like much, nothing more than the beast tensing. But it kept going and that's what made the dragon begin to fear. The beast's scales started to tug, each one slowly struggling to contain the muscle underneath. He pulled his focus away from the beast's forelegs only to be staring at his chest which practically seemed to swell with every breath the beast took, his draconic form taking up more and more space. He looked down, that grin having returned, but even that looked a bit different as even his face seemed to change a bit, his snout longer, broader to keep in shape with the rest of his form. Certainly dragons are not small creatures, but this beast easily shot down others with his size, and he was still growing as his voice rang out, once again assaulting the dragon's mind just as much as his ear drums.

"If you could only push yourself more... Work harder instead of playing around wasting your time on these, what were your words? Oh yes... 'Worthless trinkets'. You could look like this, you know. And yet, even this form. It's not what you wanted, is it, you drake? What you wanted was the feelings associated with it. The size... The muscles... Mmmm... Yes... I see it now... You wanted the power that all this equivocates out to, don't you? The raw power... There it is. To feel the Earth quaking beneath you. To know that towns and cities shudder when you will it."

The beast paused, his size soon practically double the other dragon's, that grin finally turning to show what was really at heart, a more feral grin accompanying the beast's laughter as he laughed into the dragon's mind. The dragon surged to the size of the area, and even went further, his muscles pressing into the rocks from the mountain that sealed in his home. And then, much to the dragon's surprise, he heard it... The unmistakable sound of rock buckling, breaking against the might of the beast's form, his muscles surging out, scales tearing as he felt his home... His mountains giving up and collapsing, as the fresh air and sun from outside poured in. The beast tensed once more, the dragon's head stuck between the muscled forearms as the sinuous strands beneath flexed, bulging out the scales to a point that was almost tearing the beast apart at the seams, and yet, they held together, the beast laughing all the deeper, looking down one last time as the dragon felt himself blushing in the other's presence.

"Ah... So you figured it out, then. Yes, dragon... I know everything about you. Must hurt to even think you are anything less than an alpha, doesn't it? Poor dragon didn't like raising his tail for another, did he? Or perhaps you did, not that it much matters. I see you for what you're worth... The strength... The power... None shall ever take you again, will they? That will be your job and no one will ever steal that from you again, hmmm? But being like this comes with its own problems, you should know. The need to breed... To claim others... I don't even think you know what it feels like, do you? Those little urges you get occasionally are nothing in comparison to what an alpha goes through."

His words slowly became lost on the dragon as his range of motion came back to him. He struggled as his muscles and movement began to work. But finally, he managed to crane his head backwards just in time to feel something wet and hot splattering his snout, suddenly overcome but the strong scent of the other beast's musk. And with that, he immediately squirmed to get away, but even as the thought went through his mind, he felt the ground beneath him quake as the massive dragon above him quickly repositioned himself over the other dragon, grinning a bit as he pressed a paw down against the dragon, the weight almost unbearable as he chuckled, this time the timbre losing all pretense of anything but evil. He reared back ever so slightly, and the dragon looked on in shock as another load of pre was emptied over his body, the musk almost... Intoxicating. The beast above him was the epitome of a dragon meant for breeding, two massive shafts bulging and competing for attention, glistening in a musky sort of lubricant, drooling wherever they happened to point at the time. And each one swollen at the base with a knot so thick, he couldn't imagine another creature that could take something of that girth. But perhaps what was most impressive was what happened to hide behind those shafts. His balls were so heavy; they practically spilled out over the dragon's tail and the ground. The scales were taut, and they practically seemed to visibly pulse and swell from the production of the beast's essence. The dragon found himself blinking suddenly, his attention suddenly torn as another spray of hot pre hit him square on the snout, this one causing a needy grunt to come from his snout, this stream of pre coming from his own shafts. He squirmed as the beast pulled back a bit, his snout slowly leaning down from its height, sniffing over the dragon's crotch before rubbing his snout roughly against the dragon's shafts, the pressure making them pulse and shoot a few more ropes of that pre all over his body, the beast looking on in earnest interest.

"That's right... Look at you. You couldn't ever be an alpha... Not like this. Look how your body begs for me... Deep down, is this what you want? Even more than all the power, losing it yourself to something so much bigger. Go ahead. Spray your essence all over yourself, dragon. Real alphas save their seed to breed... Real alphas empty themselves in another being. But you'll see that firsthand won't you?"

Deep down in his mind, he begged to yell out, to tell the other dragon to stop. Even if it was what he wanted, the other dragon was too big. A female couldn't take him, let alone a male like him. But all that came out of his snout was another needy whimper as the dragon slammed his hot pulsing shafts against his body, the slick flesh quickly running the length of the dragon's body, coating him in the dragon's slick scent. But even as the massive dragon did it, the golden scaled dragon beneath found himself grinding back against those hot spires, not even noticing as his own body began to swell. The beast pulled back, looking over his work, seeing how covered the dragon was and smiled as the dragon started hitting an increased level of arousal. His body temperature picked up and the beast felt his body as it begged for more, his hindpaws going as far as to try to wrap around one of those gigantic monoliths, suddenly being rewarded as the cock slit opened wide, pouring more of the beast's hot sticky pre right over his snout. The dragon opened his snout wide for it even, taking in the taste... The scent, and found himself whining more, his body tensing up a few more times, not even noticing how aroused he was truly getting, his own body starting to mimic the larger beast's as the size slowly started to even out.

The beast growled a bit louder, looking over the dragon and actually found himself enjoying it. He let loose a deep growl as he ground his shafts one last time against the shifting dragon. And as he pulled away, he decided it was more than time, especially seeing the way the dragon squirmed... So eager to please. His body needed this. Both their bodies did. And with that thought, he lined himself up against the dragon, grinding the tip against the dragon's tail over and over again, almost finding himself becoming frustrated when suddenly, he felt the give in the scales he was looking for, the dragon's body clenching terribly at the intrusion. He looked at the dragon as panic seemed to come across his features, but with one paw suddenly pressing down on the dragon's chest, he rammed himself into the tight beast, the dragon roaring out so loud, it echoed, the vibrations coursing through the mountain itself and causing rockslides down the slopes. But it didn't even stop there, the beast not wasting any time for the dragon to adjust as he quickly pulled out and shoved himself in over and over again. The beast roared out himself this time as he felt the dragon's body moving with his pace, every time he pulled out causing the dragon's whole backside to lift off the ground. But that wasn't even near enough to appease the beast. Even as he slowly teased himself, his other shaft was drooling over the dragon, forcing his body bigger, larger... More massive as muscles seemed to swell out, taking on the beast's form as golden scales pressed against each other from both dragons, their muscles pressing in against each other and grinding and pressing for space as the trio of cocks were lost between the behemoth's mighty forms, eliciting growls as pre began to pool around the two breeding beasts. But as he felt those muscles welling up and rising beneath him, he decided to finish it as the dragon began to try and pull the beast in closer.

The beast let his tail slowly slide around, helping to angle his other shaft, and this time when he bucked his hips in, he did it with a new found force, his roar bellowing out to the world as the walls seemed to come down from around the two beasts, the mountain not able to contain their weight as their pre practically seemed to melt the rock itself beneath them. The dragon roared as well as pain seemed to hit him, his jaw suddenly clenching as the pressure almost seemed unbearable. The force made his whole body feel as if it were going to collapse, and even when the dragon thought the beast would give him a moment to rest and adjust, he pulled himself out, already setting a quick rhythm. His thrusts became more forceful as he started to moan louder, his balls seeming to swell even more. His scales truly struggled now to hold his balls together, and his body felt a new need arise that never did before as the beast's own spell was becoming too powerful even for him. He was too potent, and if he didn't blow soon, his body wouldn't be able to handle it anymore. The beast began to truly thrust, the dragon suddenly fearing for himself as both paws came to rest on his chest, crushing him into the ground as the beast rammed himself in with a vigor that was nearly unmatchable. The dragon soon blew himself, constricting against the beast's shaft, holding them steady and not letting them in any deeper, even as the beast tried to thrust and tried to hilt himself. He felt his scales begin to tug, though, and with that, he found a new need overwhelming him as he dug his claws into the dragon's thick chest scales, managing to even pierce them slightly as the behemoth's haunches slammed into the golden dragon, his cocks suddenly swelling incredibly as they tried emptying their heavy burdens, but to little avail as the dragon continued through his climax. The pressure was too much and his cocks were too thick. But the beast, desperate to relieve himself, clenched and flexed his massive spires, his cum slit finally opening up and blowing his immense load. The dragon suddenly felt the heat from the beast's load from deep within him, his paws reaching to his belly from the pressure suddenly welling up within him, but it was nothing as the beast's second volley shoot even harder, his body rearing back as his balls, rising up, though still so filled with seed as to keep the beast's leg spread wide, his knots finally driving in as he rams himself in on the way down, hilting himself with a possessive roar, three more pulses filling the dragon up as they felt the ground beneath them giving way much like a sandcastle on a beach, their size making the mountain's negligible by now as another blast of the beast's seed fills the dragon up even more, his belly swelling and visibly distending with each shot as it makes the dragon groan. Somehow, he finds the words, begging the beast to pull out, but his words are cut short, the beast, with a heated snarl, presses his whole body in close, his jaw wrapping around the dragon's neck, cutting off the words, his jaw like a vice as the beast continues to hump into the dragon for minutes, finally ending himself with a very final thrust, giving a satisfied snarl as he pulls his body away from the dragon, then falling against him, the illusion finally breaking and becoming part of the dragon himself as he finds himself opening his eyes. He looked around himself, blinking, and as he went to roll over, the ground shook beneath him, a large crack shooting out from his body and towards the horizon as he smirks in self-satisfaction, before his mind took a hold of him. He felt the way his balls dragged along the ground, his shaft leaking and coating the forest beneath his massive body. He felt his cocks pulsing harder as something seemed to hit him from within, his claws digging deep into the earth as he felt his tail hiking up more and more as his body was doing something he wasn't used to. Pleasure coursed through his body as he clenched, his cocks suddenly feeling full. The beast even chanced a look between his legs, but there, pressing in against his forepaws were his twin shafts, ready to burst. The dragon's muscles bulged one last time as suddenly the beast moaned loudly a few times finally cumming like he had never before. The streams shot out over a mile, the next load going further as the beast's hips bucked, his body doing what it had to do to help him out. Already, heat was rising up from the rivers of white dragon seed covering the forest, flooding it as the dragon's sac pulled in snug to his body, the beast collapsing in his own flood of spunk, practically sending ripples of it as he collapsed, his breathing ragged and torn, his cocks still spouting off load after load beneath him. He found himself blacking out as the climax continued to rack his body, his shafts rutting against the very earth to finish himself off, but as the beast finally settled down aside from empty contractions, covered all over his chest and belly with his own thick musky essence, he heard a voice from deep within his mind, echoing through as he looked to the distance.

"The job of an alpha is a tough one. Best hurry. Two hours at most before those orbs make more than you can handle."