All in the Family

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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"Dad... are you sure..." Hiss shifted nervously, his rippling scaled tail fluttered against his legs as he looked at the older red dragon who was leaning back against the wall.

FD laughed low in his throat and flickered his tongue out to lick along his lips, "I saw your computer. I saw what you've been staring at when I've been distracted. You really should clear your computer history a bit more thoroughly."

"Yeah, but that's... that's fantasy..." The other dragon flushed hotly and flicked his wings against his back with a puffing sigh. "I mean this is real.. she'll kill me."

"No she won't. I think I know your mother better then you do," FD replied dryly and gave his tapered muzzle a shake back and forth. "Just trust me, she'll be fine."

"I.. suppose. What should I do?" Hiss looked younger than his seventeen years. There was a slight nervous quiver to his voice.

"Nothing for now, I'll figure out a good plan and we'll run with it. Just trust me." FD rumbled low in his throat, a near purr vibrated from his chest. "Go on, you had better be getting off to work now. Leave the rest to me."

"Sure, Dad.." His son looked a little unsteady, but he managed a smile. The unsteadiness did nothing to hide the flash of raw need that flared behind his jewel bright eyes. Oh yes, Hiss was more than ready to have a bit of fun.

He'd come across Hiss' interests on accident, at least, mostly by accident. His computer had messed up and he'd ended up cursing and flipping open his son's laptop. He honestly wasn't prying. He respected his son and daughters privacy, but Hiss had left a few tabs open with phrases that had made his curious nature get the better of him. And what he'd opened up had been websites devoted to stories, forums and even videos on an intriguing subject. Incest. There had been at least five different pages that were bookmarked in the folders and even more in the history. He'd been a bit amused at the stories of brothers and sisters he'd found, but the amusement had turned into something else as he realized that a good deal of them featured mother and daughter.

Not that the drake could fault his son. Ropes was a lovely woman, filled with curves and the sweep of her hips were enough to make anyone rumble with desire. The smooth tan-grey fur was as soft as velvet beneath the brush of his finger tips. That wasn't saying anything about the warm full swell of her breasts when he cupped them in his palms, and those clever tendrils from her demonic heritage. A low growl formed in his throat at recalling just how sweet her body was beneath his touch. He loved her dearly, but he wasn't without certain odd desires and needs. His married life was settled and enjoyable, with two fine children that were growing up right in front of his eyes. It should have been everything he needed in life, except... there was something that had started to bother him.

Life was TOO settled, too normal. He loved Ropes and would do everything with her, but it had started to become the same sort of fun they always had. There wasn't a lot of challenge anymore, nothing to surprise her with. It was making him feel an edge of frustration that he took out in trying to work more often and getting out of the house. He tried to hold off on taking her in the bedroom to try and build suspense, but it never seemed to be enough to get the spark back. The idea of seeing his son, of seeing Hiss, in the dark with his wife. Of watching the pair of them together. It was the first thing in quite a long time that had sent a hot flush of lust through him for his wife. Perhaps afterwards he would show her exactly what it would be like between a set of matching drakes.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ropes ran a paw behind her ears and tried to keep them from flattening in mute annoyance. Her tendrils twisted lightly around her upper arms and legs to keep them from stretching out without thought. It wasn't something they normally did, but today she was on edge and FD was starting to go from playfully seductive, to annoying. The drake was in a mood she hadn't seen him in far too long. He had been since they'd first woken up. The red-gold dragon had made a fuss over seeing off Helena and Hiss for a weekend trip into the mountains. He'd acted quite paternal and worried as he fussed with bags and made sure that they both knew that the car was to be back by Monday. It had almost been adorable, but then the cuteness had stopped and he'd begun to tease and near molest her.

The demonic cougar lashed her tail against the couch and turned her head to see the drake stretched out on the floor. He was wearing nothing more than a pair of loose boxer shorts so the spread of his chest was visible. She could see the broad scales and smaller scales intermingling together over the edge of his muscles. They ranged from pale white gold where the light from the TV hit to darker burnished gold in the shadows. And that was nothing compared to the brilliant crimson that made her eyes linger near the sweep of his sides. The horns were polished and smoothed down to narrow tips. Everything about him made her well aware of her stomach tensing up and her breath coming out a bit faster. He was posing, deliberately.

He had also spent the day near dragging her into the bedroom with his light touch. The teeth nibbled against the back her neck when she was in the kitchen, or he moved his hand to spread along her stomach and brush her shirt up. The thumb pads worked in slow circles so she was unable to think about anything but the touch of his warm body against hers. He had run his tongue down along the curve of her collar bone while she writhed against him. He'd even pushed himself up against the curve of her back and ground himself against her ass cheeks. And every time he left her alone as he stepped back and grinned. He didn't make a move to continue and if she tried he evaded her with laughter. It was driving her made.

One of her tendrils twisted up along her upper arm and she let out a shuddering breath. Ropes was ready to leap from the couch and pin him down against the floor. They hadn't done anything in the main part of the house in years. The kids were always running about and they kept to the bedroom. They had the house to themselves for the first time in years, and all he wanted to do was tease her and evade her. She shifted on the couch and folded her legs under her before letting out a low growl of frustration. She hadn't meant for it to become loud, but FD lifted his head from the floor with a little bit of a grin on his face.

"Not liking the movie?" He drawled out and tilted his head to one side. The drake was too damn smug for words.

"I'd like other things far better." She purred and flicked her ears back, "I'm sure you can imagine what."

"Oh come on now, don't be so grumpy." The dragon laughed softly and rolled over onto all fours with a flick of his tail. "I'm going to go call the kids' cell phones. They haven't checked in yet tonight."

"Good idea." She narrowed her eyes a little bit, "They haven't called in yet have they? They're getting harder as they get older, you know."

FD stretched his full body out as he stood up and his eyes were positively dancing with mischief as he grinned down at her. "They're not the only ones."

Ropes was left sitting on the couch as he passed by her and she didn't even realize what he was saying until he'd disappeared upstairs to presumably grab the phone. The cougar laughed softly to herself and gave her head a shake. Perhaps he was just waiting to hear from them before they lost themselves in each other. The build up had certainly started to make her react so that her pulse was jumping in her throat and she felt a bit of a flush along her features. Maybe she should just take a shower, grab one of her little personal toys and go to town on herself. It wouldn't be the first time and if she used her tendrils she could certainly do things for herself that most females couldn't.

"Hey, Ropes!" FD's voice echoed down to her as she stared at the TV and tried to distract herself. "Are you going to sit down there with the movie, or are you going to come upstairs and slip out of that lovely t-shirt for me."

"That isn't terribly romantic you know!" She called up and her lips twitched with a bit of a smile. He must have gotten a hold of the kids.

"Oh really?" The dragon growled, "Then perhaps you should see what I have waiting for you, my lovely cat."

Ropes stretched a little bit and let out a puff of breath that made her tail lash back and forth. The edge of need that was rolling along her body flared up before she pushed up off the couch. So he'd just been building her up all day with the idea to end it all with a tease. She was breathing a bit faster then normal as her tendrils spilled free of her arms and legs and relaxed over her body. The tension and need to touch was starting to fade away under the knowledge that she could look forward to a night of naked trembling and gasping pleasure between herself and her mate. Perhaps she could even coax him into a long wet bath where she could use her tongue to lick the rivulets of water off his scaled chest.

She was a bit surprised as she padded upstairs and found that the lights had been turned off. Even the hall lights had been flipped off. There was only a bit of a glow coming up from the stairs she walked up. She didn't have a problem seeing in the dark, she was able to scent and look around with little issue. She could see the shapes of the hall table and the doors to the kids' rooms. It was just that they were off at all. That warned her that FD was in a mood. He normally left the lights on so he could enjoy the sight of her body moving above him or pinned beneath him. When it was dark he loved to deprive them of every sense except for touch if he could. They didn't talk, only touched and gasped in pleasure at one another. It was intimate and it set her pulse to jumping.

"FD?" She purred softly as she slipped to the bedroom door and found the room bathed in a sheen of silver moonlight.

She didn't have to look around, the moment she hit the door her eyes found her mate reclining on the bed so that the moon caught the edges of his muscled shoulders and large body. His eyes were focused on hers and the sweep of his horns were lost in the darkness while he propped himself up on his elbows. She licked her lips and tilted her head down before sliding her hands up to her shirt and started to peel it away. His body was already starting to respond to her as she slipped the material free from her breasts and let out a purr towards him. She kept her eyes on him while her tendrils slipped the shirt away from her shoulders and over her head in one smooth movement.

That was one benefit of having them. She could use them to undress herself as her fingers roamed. The outline of his body gave her a clear view of the fact that he was starting to slip out of his sheath. The tip jutted up from his body as he remained with his elbows under him to peer at her closely. It wasn't that he never looked at her that way, it was that he never gave her such intense scrutiny. Her fingers cupped beneath her breasts and gave a gentle squeeze. Her thumb brushed over her tightening nipples while she sucked in a breath and let it out in a trembling rush. Her eyes fluttered closed and she curled her fingers down into the softness while her tendrils moved down to tug lightly against the edge of her pants.

FD made a little sound as she pulled the pants down so that the pale sweep of her hips were visible and she let out a soft laugh. Her eyes came open to see inches of dark cock jutting up into the air and caught the light. The tip drooled out a spill of precum that glistened silver and thick gooey strands fell down towards the sweep of his belly. His hands didn't move up, they remained flat on the bed as her clothing fell down around her ankles so that her loins were bared. She licked her lips and moved her finger tips downwards along the soft fur of her belly. The fingers curled a little bit and dipped down nearly between her thighs before slipping up again to smooth the thick coat. Her padded nostrils twitched as the warm familiar musk filled the air. Her stomach tensed up and she gave herself a shake out.

She didn't break the unspoken rule not to talk when the lights were out. She didn't want to disturb the silence and the way he was panting as he stared at her. It was obvious he had built himself up until he was just as eager as she was. It had been a day for teasing them both and she purred softly as she dropped down onto the edge of the bed. She went to all fours and crawled towards him as his cock pulsed a bit harder against the curve of the belly. She lashed her tail tip back and forth behind her while the tendrils slipped down to brush against his sides. She caressed and teased him, the need starting to grow by the moment. She dropped her head and fluttered her tongue along his cock tip so that she scooped up some of his precum before crawling up over his body. Her furred legs straddled his hips while she let out a low rumbling laugh. Oh he was so eager and hard for her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Hiss couldn't think of anything except the warm familiar scent of his mother and the fact that he was so hard that it was almost painful. He let out a soft noise as her soft body slipped over him and dropped back flat on the bed. The pillows kept him partially upright while his hands slipped down to caress along the edge of her hips. He knew what his mother felt like, well at least for the most part, but this time his fingers were gliding along her body. He felt the softness of her as she wriggled down against him and her warm belly pinned his cock down against his scaled belly. His barbs caught against her fur while he rolled his hips upwards and felt another dribble of precum escape him. Oh god, he just wanted to jerk her down onto his cock, but he tried to behave.

His father had told him the rules when he'd been called and clambered through the bedroom window. With the lights off he had to not talk and let her take the lead. That would distract her since she'd be so worked up from her day of being tease she probably wouldn't think about what was happening. So far so good, but god he wanted her so badly. He ran his fingers over the curve of the soft ass cheeks and squeezed before rolling upwards. He pushed through the thick soft fur while his breath came in short soft pants. A pair of her tendrils coiled themselves around his legs as she rose up and the softness of his mother's mound pressed along the base of his cock. That forced a whimper out of him and he stopped caring that his father was sitting just a few feet away. He stopped caring that he was being watched.

Every story he'd ever read about a son seducing his mother or vice versa was running through his mind. Ropes lifted up until his tapered tip rubbed right against her slick outer folds and he rocked his hips up without thinking about it. His cock tip pushed up against the folds and started to spread them open before she even dropped down. She pressed down against him helpfully and his cock tip spread his mother's folds open wider and wider. He let out a strangled cry and his body went tense as the inches started to sink into the tight clutching heat. The rippling walls closed down almost painfully tight as the next drool of thick precum oozed out and smeared through the passage. His mother's upper tendrils coiled behind his neck and shoulders as she leaned down to nip against his shoulder with a moan.

Oh god, she was so tight. It was so much better then he thought. He squeezed against her ass cheeks and pulled her down as he plunged upwards in a short firm movement. Her hips bucked down against him and bumped right against the upper curve of his legs. He rubbed her hips back and forth against him while the growl rose up in his throat. The walls squeezed tightly again and relaxed before she started to rise upwards. The moment of truth came as his barbs flared open wide and scraped along her vulnerable inner passage. They tugged and pulled along the inner passage while she clenched down helping to drive them into her. His father didn't have barbs, he wasn't part cat, they were both banking that his mother wouldn't realize what was going on when she felt them if she were distracted enough.

He held his breath as she rose up and he felt the glistening wetness of her arousal coating his cock from tip to base. Hiss flicked his eyes to the corner where his father was watching, and looked away with a hot flush. The moonlight didn't hide that his father was enjoying himself quite vigorously, or at least his hand. Ropes didn't stop what she was doing, she didn't make any indication that she realized something might be different with her 'husband', instead she dropped down in a short buck that made Hiss moan out and jerk upwards. He drove himself up hard enough that his cock plunged right up against her cervix before she lifted up again. The raking of his barbs only seemed to drive her own as the quivering walls clamped down tightly around him.

Her own arousal coated him, he could smell it on the air, feel it around his cock, even feel it slipping along his belly scales. His knot pushed inside of her, still small and unswollen, and popped out with wet noises as he leaned upwards and ran his tongue against her breasts. He wanted this, he wanted her. He'd fantasized so many times that he'd be in this position that the experience was overwhelming. He plunged his tongue through her fur and curled it right along the stiffness of her nipple. She made a soft noise in her throat, encouraging him, and he wrapped his lips up and around the stiff nub. His tongue teased around it as he plunged upwards in a firm buck that rocked her against his loins.

He couldn't take it, he wanted her. He wanted to feel himself hammering inside of her and in this position he didn't have any control. His teeth grazed against her nipple lightly and pinched it before he gave his hips a roll. The tendrils that coiled around him tightened and he heard his mother let out a startled noise, but he didn't care enough to think it might give him away. He twisted around on the bed until she was pressed beneath him and he plunged inwards as he settled between her legs. They wrapped around him and he let out a growling cry against her breast before driving down into her. He forced the folds apart around him time and again as he started to thrust in fast feverish movements. His barbs raked and pulled through her eager body while his breath came in short hot pants.

His mother's body was so soft and welcoming beneath him. Her hips cupped up against his as his tail coiled itself around her ankle. She didn't try to wiggle away or ask any questions about the sudden change of position and he couldn't' have answered them even if she had. He was too far gone for that. He curled his lips back and nibbled delicately against her hardened nipple as he felt his precum being forced out around his thickening knot. He plunged it inwards and pulled it out as she grew tighter around it or, rather, he grew large enough to stretch her wider and wider. His fingers gripped against her hips as he arched his back and drove forward and pulled back almost all the way out. Thick goopy dribbles of her arousal and his precum coated around him until he was slippery slick.

The legs tightened around him as he plunged forward again and his knot squeezed into her body. His mother let out a sharp cry and her walls suddenly closed down so tightly that he nearly whimpered. He yanked his hips backwards, but he couldn't pull free from her, his knot tugged against her outer folds and didn't slip out. He plunged forward in short shallow movements as he pushed her through her orgasm. He rode it out so that each rippling squeeze of her body around him pushed him towards his peak as his heart hammered against his chest. His cock started to swell and thicken, while the barbs spread open wide. He plunged himself in right to the point that his cock tip was nestled against the vulnerable opening of his mother's womb before crying out.

His entire body went stiff as the first hot gout of his cum erupted from his tip and plunged into her unprotected body. He pinned her down and pressed against her while she clutched him and her walls seemed to call up each heavy thick strand that was flung out of the tip and into her. His knot pulsed steadily while his breath came in short ragged noises. He squeezed his eyes shut and rolled his hips forward before pulling back a little. He rubbed himself through her while she made little noises in her throat that just kept him on the heights of his pleasure. He was making her make those noises, he was making her squirm and wriggle beneath him while her hips were pressed up snug against him. Oh gods, it was better then anything he had ever imagined. He snapped his jaws shut with a soft whimper and just savored it. The stories couldn't compare to this.

~ ~ * ~ ~

In the dark corner of the room FD panted softly as he watched his son's tail twitching slightly in time with his orgasm. Ropes was a dark shape beneath the scaled form, but he could see the glistening filled mound. It looked so swollen with the knot tied inside of her and he licked his lips a little bit. His son was grinding a little bit, not fully still yet and the drake could sympathize. His hand wrapped around the base of his cock and he sucked in a breath as another hot dribble of cum leaned out of his tip and he was able to pump his hand up to smear it along his girth. Gods, it had been so hot watching them together. He hadn't expected to feel himself nearly going mad with the desire to claim her mouth while his son took her body. He'd kept himself back, but it had taken some effort.

His son hadn't been as practiced as his sire, but he had been adept and eager. His wife had seemed shocked when he hadn't done his normal habit of getting her to ride him to orgasm. She seemed to enjoy everything that had been given to her. He'd worked her up to a fever pitch for a reason and she wasn't even thinking when she'd come up here. She'd been all need and desire. He'd seen it in her eyes and had held his breath when she'd first pulled her hips up. Not even the barbs had stirred her out of that place. Now, gods, now she was panting and shaking under her own son, well and truly tied with him. FD sucked in a breath and let it go in a shiver. Should he tell her? Should he just remain quiet and see if she picked it up.

His fingers teased around his cock tip and finally stilled as he leaned back in the chair. His own belly and chest were silvered with his seed and he grinned a little ruefully at his own overeager production. He felt like a young drake again with his first female. The thought stopped him and he licked his lips with a flutter of his tongue. First female. He looked over the curve of Hiss' rump cheeks and his mind slipped towards his daughter. If his son had such deviant desires, did his sibling share the same interests? Did she look at her father and think about him nude and plunging into her? Or did she imagine Hiss? A soft purr escaped his lips before he could stop it.

In the silvered moonlight, Ropes' eyes flashed green as they flicked towards them and suddenly snapped open wide. There was no mistaking a cat when she noticed something and FD flicked his tail a little bit back and forth before tilting his head towards her. His smile broadened and his tongue lolled out before he ran his finger right around the tip of his cock and gathered up a thick dollop of cum. He didn't take her eyes away from her widened expression as he lifted it up and coiled his tongue tip around the digit and licked it clean. He made the movement sensual and slow, proof that he had enjoyed the show that had been put on in front of him. He tried to make his body relax despite the sudden speed of his heart. She must know that it was her son still spilling seed into her body.

Ropes' wide eyes remained on him as he cleaned his finger, her expression didn't alter from shock and surprise. He could only wait and try not to speak. He didn't want to ruin the moment for his son, after all. After what seemed like forever his lovely feline mate rolled her hips upwards against her son and let out a soft whimpering moan. Hiss pushed down against her and rolled upwards so that their bodies rocked the bed slightly. Her eyes flickered away from him and even in the moonlit darkness, he could of sworn her lips were twitched up in a grin. A surge of white hot lust rushed through him despite having just came. He wanted her, gods he loved her, he wanted her. He would take her himself after this, take her and savor her.

"Dad? Mom? The trip got canceled because of weather up there.." Helena's, his daughter's, voice was a sweet sirens song to the aroused drake. "And Hiss ditched me."