Flights of Fancy

Story by Tristan_C on SoFurry

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Along the highway, Alex sped home. The rabbit was worn from his hard day of work and eager to get home. His heart was heavy though, knowing that once more he'd be alone. The rabbit had always been alone, he didn't understand why it bothered him. For the past week, he'd had some solace in having a friend to stay with him. For one short week, he had someone to share his bed, cuddle, cook for, but most of all, to talk with. That friend was a collie halfbreed by the name of Tristan Carosol.

Alex had met the collie randomly and they had immediately hit things off, becoming confidants in one another and allowing one another the luxury of a warm body to spend time with. Years had passed since they initially met, and they had spent countless weekends together, Tristan hadn't made even the slightest of advance upon Alex since their first encounter; in turn, Alex-too shy-never made any advances either. He finally reached his apartment building and began up the familiar, worn set of stairs to the third floor.

The warm sun poured through the kitchen windows as Alex entered his apartment. The small, rather lithe rabbit began taking off his jacket and shoes, leaving them by the door. Despite his white A-frame, black patches could easily be seen across the rabbit's torso-diving into his skin tight jeans. Alex, never to be the observant one milled about his kitchen, not noticing the collie that lay across his couch. However, even Alex's patchy mind couldn't have ignored the obnoxious snore rolled from the brown and white muzzle of the collie.

He was indeed far from home, but the young Collie/Wolf mix felt often that he needed to get out and see places, such as now the insides of his eyelids on Alex's couch. Startled, Alex jumped and glanced over to his couch, calming himself at the sight of the large framed, but noticeably nude, collie. He knew in the back of his head that Tristan was to have left earlier that morning.

It had pained the rabbit greatly to not be able to see his old friend off as he left only hours before, knowing the collie would be gone upon his return. He padded to his side, calling out to him: 'Tristan, get up. I'm serious, get the fuck up. Why the hell are you still here and asleep?' The collie didn't respond. Alex balled a fist and punched the collie in the shoulder with all his might, but the frail rabbit barely stirred the goliath that was Tristan (in comparison, of course). The collie instead lay there, tongue lolled from his mouth as if he were panting, with a stupid grin across his muzzle. Frustrated, Alex turned on his heel, walking from the room in a fuss.

Alex slipped to his bathroom, stripping away the sweaty A-Frame and jeans that mussed his fur and made him unbearably hot. Oh, how he loathed wearing clothes, he much more preferred to run about naked. If only he could be free of the cotton garments outside of his own four walls. Unlike Tristan, however, he wasn't comfortable around others naked. For the entirety of Tristan's stay, never once had he removed his clothes in front of or around the collie.

He thought himself silly as he entered the bathroom. Though he was reluctant to be nude infront of Tristan, the collie wasn't. He had pranced his great form about all week, tempting Alex with every inch of his six foot two inch tall body. His back was blanketed in sable-brown fur, and his white belly showed off ever curve of his well defined chest and stomach. Shaking these thoughts from his head, he turned the tap of his shower on and stepped in, lathering his fur up slowly; enjoying the feel of the hot water soaking his silken fur, washing away the dirt and sweat of the day. Alex sighed yet again, a common occurrence for the rabbit; pressing his head and ears to the back-wall of the cubicle, letting the hot water and soap run down his back and away. It seeped down through his fur, across his bushy ball-tail and tight, pink and black splotched tailstar.

The rabbit's head swam with the day's happenings, finally settling upon thoughts of Tristan, lying on his couch, naked and only a few feet away in the next room. Unwittingly, the rabbit's paws slipped to his rump, matting the wet fur-a pawtip finding his pucker and exploiting it. Alex stopped himself abruptly as he began to moan, suddenly aware that he was fantasizing about one of his dearest friends, and afraid he might wake Tristan. Alex turned the taps off, stepping out from the cubicle and wrapping a towel about himself, drying off as quickly as possible.

He entered his den once more, towel draped loosely around his waist to check that his slip hadn't woken the collie. Still, he lay on the couch sound asleep. Alex noticed his position had shifted though. Tristan's large left paw lay at the base of his sheath, only slightly covering a small ball that Alex knew to be the beginnings of the collie's massive knot. His head swam again, thinking of running his tongue over the collie's red throbbing knot, before shaking his head out again and vowing to cease such thoughts. The rabbit resolved with himself that he would retain his composure and forget about Tristan, though he remained looking at the collie's sheath. Even as he looked on the collie's pink, semi-erect colliehood began to slide from within his white sheath. The rabbit's mind quit swimming and completely lost itself, despite his best efforts in thoughts of what Tristan looked like completely erect. His tailstar puckered and clenched at these thoughts as he tred slowly to the couch, dropping himself unawares at Tristan's hips.

Alex watched the collie carefully. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he wanted it more than anything. The rabbit leaned in twitching his pink nose over the collie's glistening reddish member. He savored the smell of the canine musk. Alex cocked his head, looking up at Tristan, watching the collie's eyes and muzzle, ensuring he was still sound asleep before letting his rough red tongue slide out and across the tapered tip, drinking in the collie's juices. To the rabbit's surprise, Tristan never moved, with exception to his colliehood which began to grow slowly, sliding further and further from his sheath. Alex scooted back, watching it in awe as the veined red colliecock slid outwards, with its knot finally emerging and seating itself at the opening of his sheath.

Alex's eyes widened as Tristan's member lay there in front of him. Daintily, he reached out with his right paw grabbing a hold of the colliecock, slowly stroking it. He repositioned himself so that he could watch Tristan and run if he needed to, but he didn't seem to be stirring, or even noticing the rabbit's touch. 'Feckin' lazy bastard. I bet he missed his plane,' Alex sighed out, grabbing his own sheath and pawing himself slowly. He whimpered as his barbed rod slid from its depths, feeling it swell. The rabbit let go of his own member and sheath, doubling his efforts to paw off his sleeping friend.

The rabbit scooted closer to Tristan once more, laying his furred head on the collie's shaggy stomach, lining up his muzzle and face with the member, watching it grow to it's full size. Alex whimpered loudly when he noticed that Tristan's knot was significantly larger than he could get his paw around, and much more than he had bet on. The rabbit was afraid to continue pawing the collie, but, and he had become determined in his efforts. Speeding his strokes, the rabbit jumped, startled, as two successive jets of fiery hot collie pre-cum shot across his face and muzzle. Alex's ears twitched as he felt a stream land against them. He smiled despite his surprise, lapping out across his muzzle to savor the collie's salty-sweet pre.

Alex had grown hot in his endeavors, determined now upon one thing and one thing alone, tasting the glory that was Tristan's member. The rabbit pressed forward, licking the remainder of the collie's pre from the swollen tapered tip, engulfing it with his muzzle. His paws moved away as he began pawing himself furiously, his tender tongue sliding along and around the throbbing shaft hungrily. Alex moaned into the collie's member, savoring the taste as a third shot of pre fired off into his muzzle. With his eyes closed, and full attention paid to swallowing every drop he could of the collie's nectar, he had yet to notice as Tristan began to stir, waking and looking down at the rabbit with a hungry and sinister grin.