Coffee... for One

Rain beat down hard on the plate glass windows of The Dragon Fly, Faeros City's 'newest and hippest' coffee shop. It was, however, neither new nor hip; rather it was originally Cambrydge, and the new owner had just added more chrome and gaudy...

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The Reckoning

Tristan looked down at the rabbit with long, lusty eyes and a hungry grin. He could only see the back of Alex's head, but he could feel the warm muzzle riding along his thick shaft. The collie bit his tongue, keeping as still as he could so as...

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Flights of Fancy

Along the highway, Alex sped home. The rabbit was worn from his hard day of work and eager to get home. His heart was heavy though, knowing that once more he'd be alone. The rabbit had always been alone, he didn't understand why it bothered...

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