Rei's Story Chapter 3: Failure
#3 of Rei's Story
I'm at last through with writing my third chapter and it has gotten quite long. I really thought about splitting it in two even if I said I wouldn't do, but as this chapter ends so deep in the dark side I couldn't split it anymore as doing it would have meant to make a chpater without any happiness in it.
So please endure the length and sorry to those who loved my writing so far, if this here isn't your stile anymore, but sadly I needed it for the whole story to be as it now is.
Comments and criticism are here more than needed, as I don't quite know how well I've done with this and I want to make the next part perfect to make repention for what I've written here.
As always here you can download it for your ebook-readers as well (complete chapters 1 through 3):
And here is the pdf-version:
This is a story of complete fiction and features characters of anthromorphic being known as furries. It contains description of affections and interactions between male characters as well a brutal display of hurting and injuries and murder in the most brutal way and is not meant for underage readers. If you are offended by this or are not allowed to read such "crap", please stop now clear your browser and go to the next pastor for mental guidance to absolve for your sin of just opening this file.
All other happy reading and comments are welcome.
Chapter 3: Failure
„Captain Loire, I hear you have forced one of our new recruits to partake in the disciplinary measures of your two subordinates," a black jaguar sitting behind a desk filled with papers and folders addressed the person standing at attention before him. "Such things have to be approved by me and I do not see it kindly when I'm left in the dark."
The white tiger standing at attention before his commanding officer never losing his stance started to defend him against that accusation. "Major Grandon, it may be true that I forced Recruit Kirov to partake in the disciplinary measures as he is, as you should well know, the cause for my men being in that mess. So I found it more than appropriate to make him do some penitence for it."
"That is not for you to decide!" the jaguar growled while slamming his paw on his desk with enough force to topple one of the neatly stacked folder towers.
"It may be true," the tiger proceeded, "that that was not for me to decide Sir, but why didn't you stop it after the first session, when his drill instructor brought it to your ears. Why do you now scold me after two weeks of me forcing Recruit Kirov through those disciplinary measures? "
That question took the furious jaguar before Captain Rei Loire truly by surprise, perhaps even more as the tiger didn't even raise his voice to defend him speaking in an even tone as if the whole situation didn't in the least have anything to do with him. Seeing the desired effect in the features of his counterpart Rei held his features completely neutral even if he would have liked nothing more than to display how good it felt to have crushed the countenance of his most detested superior. But that would have lost him his upper hand so he just resumed his explanation.
"Could it perhaps be, that you thought he wouldn't stand a chance to endure it in the hope he would quit just to have an end to the torture? You see as I know Recruit Kirov was scraping in the lower part of his unit before being forced by me to those disciplinary measures and is now the top ranking recruit of all other units as well. So now you see no possibility to get him removed from service."
"What do you implement with that!" Mayor Grandon growled in the face of Rei as he sprang from his chair and leaned over his table ears laid back threatingly and with a stare to melt steel directed at his subordinate.
Not the least bit intimidated by that outburst Rei replied stoically. "You see I find it more than suspicious, that even after 4 weeks since the incident with Recruit Kirov and my two subordinates there hasn't been any repremandations against the other participants. There has also been another harassment attempt against Recruit Kirov during that time only that this time he wiped the floor with his attackers. It's very interesting that he didn't get punished for that, but that I can understand, when the two attackers were sophisticated close combat specialists. The shame for being out bested by a mere rookie shouldn't be made too public."
That drove the energy again from the Mayor and he slumped back into his seat still fuming. Seeing the best moment now to complete his little plan Rei found it more than fitting to now drop his biggest bomb.
"We both know that the lack of measurements against the others is due to the fact, that everyone on base knows that Corporal Devreu and Nereus are a homosexual couple and the accusation thrown at Recruit Kirov from his assailants at that day is prove enough to my reasoning. As you also should have heard by now is the fact that I outed my preferences during the Special Forces lecture and since then get the same looks as my two subordinates."
Before Mayor Grandon could even protest against that statement Rei raised his paw to silence him and went on. "But you know as well as me, why I have these preferences, don't you? As it is our militaries greatest secret, that the genetical enhancement that I went through has in 90% of the cases the side effect to enhance the sex drive of the subject to uncontrollable levels. As to vent it you begin to take whatever you get and thus have no other means as to interact with your other comrades. The only luck the military had so far, was the fact that only a hand full of us 'super soldiers' survived the war on Ferolis and of them I'm the last one in active service. As the need for genetic enhancement subsided due to our lost cause there have been less to no new enhancements and as those new subjects have the possibility to vent the side effects with females the problem has now reached nonexistence. So I would recommend, that I do not hear of any future problems in this battalion of harassment from soldiers due to their sexual preferences so that this little secret will never reach the public."
Seeing that his counterpart was now completely at a loss of words and as he had made his point clear he reverted to a more appropriate tone towards a superior officer while saluting again. "If that would be all Sir, I'd like to take my leave, as my shift has ended approximately half an hour by now and I do have some appointments that I don't want to miss."
As Major Grandon was still too shocked to answer Rei swiftly turned on his balls while making sure not to accidently shove more of the paper piles from the desk with his black and white striped tail and left the office.
After closing the door behind him Rei's composure fell a little and he heaved a sigh that that was now behind him. 'Hope that has the desired effect,' he thought to himself while making his way to his room to change out of his uniform.
An hour later, after rummaging through his closet to find appropriate clothing for the events this evening, Rei met his two comrades again freed from being grounded at base for 4 weeks for the events at the base canteen at the shuttle station for their trip to Station Omega Red to meet his old comrades that worked at the club there as bouncers/security personal.
The strange thing was, that for the first time since he became good friends with the couple they weren't showing any kind of affection towards each other, as they normally do whenever in public. They were not even holding paws and stood a small distance from each other.
"What's up you two?" Rei questioned, as he got nearer. "You both have endured the four week ordeal and this today should be a celebration day."
Benjamin, the yellow lynx, was the one answering that question. "We do not really know if that is really a moment for celebration. We may have endured the punishment, but the problem that got us in it is not yet resolved. Also is today the day that you promised us that Mr. Moroese would to let us in on the jobs you do for him. We were anticipating it the whole time, but now as the time is here, we both are a little scared of what we will learn." Stephen, the grey-brown Australian shepherd, standing beside him just nodded his consent.
"The anti-gay problem at base is also still my biggest concern, but I think today I might have subdued it a little bit. At least Alexey Kirov may have the option of staying in the service if he wants that as the few skills he learned will help him to get out of other tight spots. As for you two and me, I have played my greatest trump with Mayor Grandon which will ensure a downgraded oppression against gay, but as you both know they already suspect me of machinations against the government and just can't arrest me because of not having any proves. As you both are already tightly associated with me that same suspicion shamefully befalls you already as well. And that is the only reason I and my friends are even willing to inform you." Rei explained.
"As standing here won't solve any of those problems I'd advise to board the shuttle to Station Omega Red to have a little bit fun and just forget about the problems we three face at base for once." That got Rei an approving nod from his companions even if that didn't lift their spirits.
After a half hour shuttle transit and a good quarter hour walk they reached the employees back entrance of their destination. As it had been all the time since Stephen and Benjamin had gotten their part time bouncer jobs at Club Omega Red and were able to take the employees entrance to the club before they could even reach for the door knob to get entrance to the club the door was already opened by a yellow fox in a tight fitting tank top and compression shorts which was the working attire for the security personal of the club.
"Evening Jaden." All three greeted him while walking through the opened door. "Evening. Drake is already expecting you in his office." Jaden said to them while closing and locking the door.
During the walk to the office of Drake Moroese, the owner and manager of Club Omega Red, both Benjamin and Stephen realized something that had been bothering them since getting near the club. Stephen no longer able to contain his anticipation turned around to Jaden before asking. "What is going on here? It's too quiet for the hour and we didn't even see anyone getting to the entrance today as normally. Is something wrong?"
"One could say that," Jaden answered Stephen. "But I find it best when Drake explains that personally to you two."
As they reached the door to Drake's office Jaden shortly knocked before entering.
Sitting at his usual desk Drake was reading through some reports lying before him from which he looked up to greet his visitors. Standing right beside him was his mate and the top animator of the club Michael Storm. The white fox as always wearing the black leather jacket and the tight shorts he wore for the show. Sitting on two of the chairs to one side of the room were the remaining two bouncers/security personal of the club. One was a big and muscular black doberman with brown fur around his muzzle and going down his chest. Sitting beside him was a grey-blue wolf that in comparison to the doberman seemed weak even if he was just as muscular. But that was the danger about him, as he was capable of subduing enemies even twice as strong or powerful as him.
Rei and the others greeted Seth and Cody with a nod before taking the remaining four chairs in front of the desk the grey wolf was sitting behind. Rei and Jaden taking the seats to the right, while Benjamin and Stephen had to take those directly in front of Drake.
After seeing, that everyone except for Michael, who kept standing beside his mate, was seated he directly began to speak to the two in front of him. "Stephen, Benjamin. You both know why you are here today. After the incident at base Rei, Jaden, Seth, Cody and myself have discussed if you should really be informed of what exactly they are doing for me and if you two should be allowed to get the chance to join them. As it seems, that your problems couldn't get any worse than they already seem to be, we decided, that you may join if you really want to. But it must be for both of you totally clear, that once you get the complete information there will be no turning back and you can kiss your dreams of any career in the military to 100% good bye. So I now ask you, are you sure you want to join?"
After a short silence Stephen is the first to answer. "Mr. Moroese as Rei here can attest I never wanted to be a soldier and only went along because I wanted to be with Benjamin. I'll go wherever he goes even if it is to the fires of hell."
Turning his head towards Benjamin Drake awaited his answer. "Well Sir. One could say that I'm nearly in the same situation as Stephen, as my father forced me to go to the military. But that changed after that incident at your club with the murderous lion on stage," unseen by most of the gathered Michael became totally apprehensive by the mention of that and his ears and tail tucked against his body as the fear he had felt at that incident came crashing back to him. Drake not wanting to interrupt Benjamin just gripped his mates paw a little bit stronger to console him.
"I don't really know what it was, but as I saw how dangerous the situation was and how heroic Seth and Cody handled it, I wanted to do just the same. To help people in need who couldn't help themselves. I chose to do that through military service, but as it now seems that might get problematic I think as long as I am able to help those that can't help themselves I'm happy with whatever I do."
"That is good to hear from you two," Drake began to address them, "but Benjamin you do know, that one thing you also wanted to achieve will then be completely impossible." "I know that very well that I lose any chance of becoming a genetically enhanced soldier if I no longer am a member of the military, but that would be nearly impossible even if I would stay and Cody isn't genetically enhanced and still can keep up with them easily."
Seeing a nod from the other four gathered Drake saw no reason not to continue. "As you both seem determined I see no reason for not informing you and I must admit, that a little bit more help is what we really need. First of all, as we are one big family you can call me Drake so please stop the formalities and only refer to me as Mr. Moroese when working at the club."
"Now to the revealing of our work. As you both know Jaden, Cody, Seth and Rei were once fighting in the last war on Ferolis, before we were forced to flee to the space stations. You may also know that the reason for that war with the Naturebound was the desperate need for a spirit channeler to fuel our giant defensive shield with power and that the government in all its idiocy kidnapped hundreds of Naturebound to get what they needed, which infuriated the Naturebound to the point that they wanted to eradicate every single one of us. We evaded that fate by fleeing here but since then are unable to ever return to our home planet."
While describing the situation Drake pressed a button hidden under his desk at which three of the monitors seated on the wall behind his desk changed from the normal surveillance of the club and back rooms to the view of some kind of living quarters where 50 to 60 furs of different kind were talking, cooking or eating. What was uncommon about them was the fact, that every one of them was easily distinguishable as belonging to Naturebound tribes.
"Those feeds that you now see come also from my club, but from a part that no one could ever reach without knowing where to look. As you must understand the government still needed a spirit channeler for their project and so held all of those they had abducted still captive. But to ensure that they would get the perfect subject they began to make experiments with their so called test subjects that would more be called torture than anything else. After finding out what our government did to them I started finding the secret facilities where the experiments take place and with the help of the others we so far have rescued nearly all those that are still held captive."
"Sir I do have a question," Stephen interjected in the speech of Drake, "if you rescue them all how will the defensive shield be powered?"
Expecting that question Drake just smiled and went on. "That my friend is the crux to the whole mess. They do already possess the perfect subject for it, but as it isn't within their reach they are still bent on getting their hands on their own one. As you already know Michael is also from Naturebound linage. But the thing we kept from you up to this point is the truth, that I didn't rescue him on Ferolis, as Rei once told you, but he was one of the first I saved from one of those labs where he was tortured. After being freed he fell in love with me and didn't want to return home. Since then he stays with me and he is also the person with the highest synchronization rate ever to be found. He willingly agreed to become the power source for the shield as he would also protect me by doing it. But as I am the one possessing the channeler they need and as they fear I would blackmail them with it they are still trying to get their own one."
Pointing to the four seated to the left and right of Benjamin and Stephen with each one of his paws he went on. "I recruited Rei, Jaden, Cody and Seth at different times during my attempts to free all still enslaved Naturebound to return them to their tribes on Ferolis. That was exceptionally needed, as the government and military started making the security stricter with every one of our successful attempts of freeing captives. Now after nearly five years since the end of the war there is only one laboratory left in which the last should be kept. Normally we would have started an attempt, but our surveillance of the facility five weeks ago showed that for only four Special Forces soldiers it is completely impossible to safely run the mission. Your incident at base, even if perhaps catastrophic for your careers, drove us to contemplate if we should haul you in and we all agreed that the skills you two have acquired are now nearly level with the others. So we decided to risk bringing you in and hope that with your help we can make that last operation on Sunday night into a success."
"But as that is a lot for you to contemplate now and it is your first day of again being free to leave base," Drake said slowly rising from his chair, which Rei and the others did as well, "I found it more than appropriate to let you celebrate tonight here without any disturbances, so I didn't open the club today so you could have all the fun you want."
Drake smirked at the dumbstruck face both Stephen and Benjamin got due to that announcement, as it slowly sank in to both, that they were free to take whichever back room they wanted to use and of course as none of the furs present had to work tonight that meant that this would become one hell of a sex crazed night.
The first to find his speech back was strangely Benjamin. "Wow. That sounds great and opens up nice little opportunities. I always wanted to have some fun in one of the guest rooms, especially that full mirrored one. Can we Dr...." but the rest of his sentence was lost, as a sudden unconsciousness over came him and he fell forward and might have hit the floor hard hadn't strong black paws not stopped his plummet. The same unconsciousness overcame Stephen only that his fall was stopped by grey-blue paws.
As Stephen's mind slowly began to return from the oblivion it had suddenly plummeted in he tried to piece together what had been the last he remembered. Strangely the last thing that he could grasp was of him waking up in the barracks at base this morning and from that point on there was nothing but emptiness. He knew it must be late evening already as he always had a quite good feel for the actual time of the day even for someone who had live nearly all his life on a space station with artificial lighting.
As he tried to open his eyes he realized that try as he might he wasn't able to even open up one of his lids. That realization brought him out of his delusioned state with a start and he noticed that his arms, legs, body and head were restrained against a hard surface and his muzzle was barricaded with some kind of obstacle hindering him from making any kind of sound. During his thrashing against the restraints it came to him that he didn't feel any kind of clothing against his fur which staked up to the panic that was fast building inside of him with every waking minute.
Suddenly his blindfold was yanked from his eyes and he had to close them against the sudden blindingly bright light. After blinking a few times to get accustomed to the light he saw Rei, his commanding officer and friend, standing to the right of him leaning over his restrained and naked body with a devious grin on his face. Turning to the left he saw Benjamin in a similar predicament than him restrained to the same object than him, which was a stainless steel table with various hooks and loops attached to it through which they were restrained against with ropes. Hunched over him was Seth with the same grin marking his brown muzzle in that pitch blackness of his face.
At closer inspection he saw that Seth was only wearing a black leather harness crisscrossing over his sculpted muscular body which ended in a metal ring at his groin where his dark red canine cock and lemon sized balls were fitted through and stood at full attention already. Turning his head back to Rei as he wanted to ask what this was all about he realized that he was wearing nothing as well.
Chuckling about the saucer-like eyes that Stephen gave him Rei turned to his left where Jaden and Cody stood not far away. Jaden was also void of any kind of clothing except for a tight fitting studded black leather collar that stood out against his yellow fur like a beacon. Cody was wearing a harness around his upper body just like his mate only that his was made out of linked chains. Just like Seth his bright red canine prick and balls were fitted through a metal cock-ring at the base of the harness standing at full attention. Additionally he wore a tight-fitting black leather collar around his neck making him look even fiercer than normally.
"Their irritation has been long enough by now, Jaden." Rei addressed the fox, a stern expression on his face. "We all want to have fun here, so stop blocking their short time memory with your pheromones so they stop panicking."
A minute later the panicked expressions on both restrained began to be replaced by a glazed one as the memory altering effects wore off faster than normally because of their sky rocketed adrenalin induces metabolism as their memory blanks were filled up.
While Stephen and Benjamin regained from the effect Rei and Seth removed the gags from their muzzles to allow them to speak again. "How do you feel?" asked Rei and Seth their slowly to consciousness returning captives.
"Like being hit by a truck made of pillows. Throbbing head but in a quite fuzzy way," Benjamin answered. "But what is this all about. I thought we would have a fun night and now you first knocked us out cold and then abducted us in a way."
"It was an idea that Jaden and Rei came up with," Drake said just arriving in the dungeon like room with Michael trailing behind. Drake wore tight fitting leather pants that made his quite impressive bulge stand out like a red sign and meshed black muscle shirt accented his muscular form perfectly. Michael wore his usual black leather vest but instead of his tight black leather shorts that he normally had on while performing on stage his groin was only encased in a tight fitting black leather thong that was barely concealing his full sheath and ball sac and gave a full view of his lean runners legs that all foxes genetically inherited especially those from the Naturebound tribes.
As Drake arrived at the table he reached below the side of it and after a short while of rummaging with his paws he retrieved four metal rings from an inside compartment. Two of the rings had the design of a circling vine on it that wound around the loop in a closed spiral while the other two had some metallic stubs on the outside half of the ring.
"They thought it a nice idea to make some kind of initiation rite for your acceptance into our midst, something like a nice little bonding session between comrades in arms. Cody and Seth found that great but suggested the 'bonding' part should be laid out more literally, so we decided to make it a bondage session, where you will be our unworthy slaves for the night." Drake went on.
Bringing the studded rings to his left paw and showing them he went on. "And as slaves aren't allowed to spill their seed while being harassed by their masters without their approval you will be outfitted with these little gadgets I invented some time ago. Those rings are specially designed computerized cock-rings that keep you aroused and in a near climatic state as long as you are forced to wear them but prevents you from spilling any kind of juices at all."
With a swift motion he threw the rings to Rei and Seth, who caught them in the air and brought them over the slightly peeking out pricks from Stephen's and Benjamin's plump sheaths. As they touched the flesh both rings began to glow in an eerie yellow glow and both bound were overcome with a feeling of pure ecstasy and their cocks shot out of their hiding places faster than normal and were fully erect in mere seconds the yellow shining cock-ring were brought down to the base pulling back the sheaths.
Both whimpered in pure frustration as they were already held near the edge of climax but couldn't get over it. The ring around Stephen even prevented him from forming his typical knot.
Breaking through their whimpering Drake presented the other two metal rings he still held in his paw. "As for those two here. Those are as well specially computerized cock-rings just like the ones you are already tortured to insanity with. The only difference is, that those here keep the wearer aroused at all times even after shooting his load and also continually stimulate your prostate to produce a constant flow of pre as long as consciously worn. When asleep the cocks keep fully hard, but the pre production is returned to normal. As we canines do that even without them our production is even accelerated and even prevents us from forming out knots, just like yours do. That is only needed, as they wouldn't be able to be removed ever again."
After throwing one to Rei and the other to Jaden who both put them on their already completely erect cocks Drake reached under the table again and after pressing a switch the metal table started to reform itself.
The upper part where their heads were restrained against slid towards them until it reached the top of their heads and the surface split in the middle over their necks forcing their heads to turn backwards until their muzzles were easily accessible to anyone standing behind them. The lower part of the table split in half between their feet and slowly slid apart until their tail holes were visible and accessible by standing between there spread feet. A sling also shot out of the base and restrained their tails from covering their privates.
Stephen and Benjamin realized only slightly what happened to the table as their senses were completely overpowered by the never ending near climax they had to endure. For Stephen it became even slightly painful, as his normally pre-leaking cock hadn't shed a single drop so far. They were returned to their surroundings as a strong musk penetrated their noses and something banged against their muzzles.
Rei and Jaden stood before them with their pre-dripping cocks. Rei's cock leaking pre like a canine, while Jaden's looked more like a slow running garden hose. Rei had himself positioned before Benjamin while Jaden took the place at Stephen. Both ordered them to open up for a nice treat before shoving it into the waiting holes. Both bound whimpered and gurgled for air as they started to drown in the pre produced by the blue shining cock-rings, before the appropriate angle at which their heads were held made it easy to shove the cocks past the palate an into their gullets where the swallow effect not even started to transport away the pre in their muzzles but also started to milk the slowly thickening juices from their piss slits. Rei and Jaden slowly started to hump away in the tight confines slapping their sacks against the noses of their captives forcing them to mostly inhale male musk.
Just as Benjamin and Stephen were starting to loose themselves in the sensation of being deep throated and tortured by the demonic rings around their members their cocks were assaulted by tentative licks against their tips which forced them to contract their airways in shock sending their two tormentors over the edge and were granted with a flood of warm potent seed into their bowels.
The liking stopped and Drake who had started to tease Stephen with his tongue turned to his mate who had teased Benjamin and moaned. "Next time we should be more careful when teasing them, as I'd planned to lather their pricks completely up before they got their first treatment."
Seth deeply laughed from the foot of the table where he and Cody had positioned themselves between the spread feet, their fully erect nine inch cocks shining after decent lubrication and small drops of pre already leaving their slits.
"Too late for that now. But thankfully we can take our prizes now as well," Seth said and they both forcefully pushed through the tight puckers eliciting a pained scream from the bound around the cocks hilted in their throats before the sexually torturing cock-rings overwhelmed their senses again and they relaxed their tail holes against the massive intruders.
Feeling the muscles against their cocks relaxing Seth and Cody started to go back and forth in the confines driving deeper with every push until they were in to the base their balls slapping against the underside while the metal rings around the base of their cocks and balls had a cooling effect for the bright red entrances whenever it hit.
The fucking of their holes made Benjamin and Stephen whine in ecstasy as their intruders assaulted their prostates, but the denial effect if the rings prevented any kind of venting and the pressure in their testicles rose as the increasing seed was held in them. All the while they were forced to drink down the new flood of pre from the cocks still embedded in their throats as the production started again instantly after the end on Rei's and Jaden's respective climaxes, and they began to face fuck them again.
As the molesting of their slaves was now in full swing Drake and Michael shared a short smile before they also resumed their teasing of the dry twitching rods before them with tentative licks before taking the tips in their muzzles and bobbing up and down on them while swiveling their tongues around it to give them a mind blowing blowjob.
The frenzy of both Benjamin and Stephen went on like this for minutes, as they were forces to drink down a steady amount of pre while being face fucked by Rei and Jaden, their holes being abused by the jackhammering motions of Seth and Cody whose knots started to form and were now additionally hammered against them and Michael and Drake sucking on their cocks as if trying to suck fluids out of their dry cock-tips all the while massaging their bloating ball sacs.
After a while Rei addressed his co-molesters all the while panting, "I'm pretty close to give them another treat. We should complete this initiation now so they get their gratification for being such good fucking material."
"Fine by me, as I really don't know how long I can hold out." Jaden piped in between his own panting.
Raising his muzzle from the glistering cock Drake swiped some excess saliva from his muzzle before he spoke. "Just hold on a little longer, so Michael and I can be ready as well." Hearing it Michael removed himself from his barbed rod as well and they helped each other on the metal table to stand directly above their prey.
"This is a honor for you Stephen," Drake addressed the Australian Shepherd lying below his feet while starting to lube up his tail hole from a cup presented by Michael who did the same. "Normally no one is allowed to take me under the tail except for Michael."
"You lost the bet against Cody of Rei recruiting them fair and square," Seth interjected his tongue lolling out of the side of his muzzle as he was nearing his climax as well, "so stop bickering and pay your dept."
Begrudgingly Drake started to lower towards Stephen's straining cock and after arranging it a little penetrated himself with it. A moan left his agape muzzle as the cock opened him up and his insides rubbed against the hot intruder. Michael was also lowered on his riding it up and down and shuddered in pure bliss with every move as the barbs of the feline cock scraped against his passage.
While riding on his cock Michael leaned over to Drake and shared a passionate kiss. Keeping up that display of love Drake reached down the front of Michael's chest and started giving the fully erect member he found light strokes with his lubed paw eliciting moans into his muzzle from Michael, who likewise started to give the needy organ of Drake some attention while fucking themselves on the poles embedded in them.
The tight feeling along their cocks was a new torture for the abused as their cocks now desperately tried for the second time to shoot their seed into those bowels but unable to do so.
Another feeling was also slowly creeping into their hazed minds as the now fully formed grapefruit-sized knots of Cody and Seth were continuously rammed against their holes opening up the entrances a little more with every hit. Every stretching hit made their embedded cocks twitch in their confines forcing moans from those riding them and trying to suck in more air through their airways which constricted their gullets and thus milking the cocks that resided there.
Having opened up the passages wide enough to not do any serious injuries and as their climax was now unavoidable Seth and Cody slowly drew their cocks out until only their tips were still inside and with a powerful synchronized shove pushed back in. The muscles around the tail holes first tried to resist the intruders wanting to gain entrance before the force was too much and the knots were swallowed with to audible pops. The sudden constriction of the knots now being in the tight confines drained the last reserves of restrain from their minds and as their movement was now starkly restricted Seth and Cody runted away like lightning before the dams broke and they painted the insides with their potent seed trying to mark them as their property.
The additional pressure of being filled from behind against their prostates forces both Benjamin and Stephen to experience their third completely dry-orgasm with their cocks twitching in the tail holes of Michael and Drake trying to spill fluids that weren't there and their asses clenching down on the knots forcing more seed to flood their bowels. The stimulation of the dry-twitching cocks against their prostates sent Drake and Michael over the edge shooting their loads over their paws and onto the chests of Stephen and Benjamin where it made a pool in the crevices of their abs and pecks.
The overwhelming feeling from their asses and cocks forced Benjamin and Stephen to spastic throat contractions which granted them their second treatment from Jaden and Rei as their deep-throated cocks were milked and the cum directly went into their stomachs were the constant pre-filling and the first load awaited.
Returning from the blissful aftermath of orgasm Drake removed himself from the still painfully erect cock he had ridden and helped Michael do the same. They were both leaving the bondage table as Rei and Jaden removed their already erect and again pre-dripping cocks from the muzzles of Benjamin and Stephen, who coughed for air the moment their airways had full functionality again.
Making his way to the head of the table Drake kneeled down to look them into the eyes before he spoke with a gentle and caring voice. "You did great. Once Seth and Cody are able to remove themselves from you we will remove you from this table and we can have some additional fun if you are up to it."
Taking two additional lungfuls of air Benjamin answered. "We would love to. But could you please remove those cock-rings from our groins as my balls are burning like hell from all the spunk entrapped in them."
Benjamin was interrupted from further speaking as his sac was wriggled making him yelp in surprise and a little pain. Seth, who was the one playing with his balls stopped it instantly before he addressed Benjamin his ears laid back in shame for having caused pain to his friend. "Sorry, but if I were you I'd leave them on a little longer , at least as long as you are still bound to the table and we are hilted inside of you."
"Why should we?" asked Stephen an irritated tone in his voice.
"Because those rings have an additional side effect," Michael answered, "as the orgasm prevention effect resides about four minutes after the removal of them which means you could have that mind-blowing orgasm that has been built during your abuse with the one you care the most about. I for once would endure it just to get that."
"But first let me make it a little bit more comfortable for you," Drake said and the headrests returned to a horizontal position so their heads weren't forced to bent back. Michael, Jaden and Rei were meanwhile starting to loosen the fastenings that held them on the table.
Being freed from their predicament Benjamin and Stephen still had to wait for the knots to deflate enough, but they could now at least hold the hands of each other during the wait. They also left the rings around their cocks as their friends had suggested even if their need was unbearable to say the least.
Ten minutes later Seth and Cody drew back testily and as their knots seemed to have deflated enough they drew back with force to free themselves. It was still quite painful for Benjamin and Stephen as their entrances were opened wide but they bit back their yelps and endured the sharp spike of pain until with an audible pop the knots came free, the pain again pushed away by the tormenting of the rings still around the base of their cocks. They swiftly went for the others muzzle and shared a lovingly kiss on the table and some groping their bodies before climbing down.
The others meanwhile had started to engage for more fun further away from the table. Rei and Jaden were lying on a leather futon in a sixty-nine position sucking on each other's cocks drinking down the constant stream of pre that they were forced to produce. Michael was lying on his back on the floor his feet resting on the shoulders of Drake who forcibly shoved his growing knot in and out of the orifice making him yipp with every breach.
Cody and Seth had started to make out were they were standing with Seth kneeling before Cody and franticly sucking on his cock like it were a lollypop. With the table now vacant after Benjamin and Stephen had left it Cody grabbed Seth by the shoulders and pushed him away until his cock came free from the muzzle. Without needing a word Seth got up and climbed on the table to kneel on all fours raising his tail high to present his pucker. Cody strode over and tentatively stated to lather the muscles in his saliva before he pushed with the tip of his tongue and got easy entrance. From the intrusion Seth started to squirm in anticipation.
Benjamin and Stephen had made it over into one corner of the room never stopping their assault on the others muzzle where they lied themselves on the floor and resumed their kissing and fondling.
Stopping their tongue fight Benjamin looked deep into the grey-green eyes of Stephen as he said, "I want to feel you deep inside of me. Would you make me your bitch tonight?"
Stephen caressed his cheek with his paw before he spoke. "Are you sure? You had already one knot inside of you and with our mighty blue balls the pain will be unbearable once I seed you."
"I'll endure any discomfort as long as it is with you," Benjamin replied giving Stephen a peck to the side of his muzzle before he sat up on all fours and raised his tail to show his still bright red hole from the previous intrusion.
Needing no further ado Stephen positioned himself behind Benjamin and just remembered the cock-ring still around his member before shoving in. He gripped the yellow glowing ring and removed it with one fast pull. The moment it left the tip of his cock the glowing stopped and Stephen was overwhelmed with a feeling of pure bliss like his body was trying to tear apart in the middle just to spill his seed. His knot formed in a mere second and became even bigger than normal. Seeing it he fought the temptation to just ram it in with all force and risk hurting his love. Aligning himself he started to caress the back of Benjamin and brought one hand around his back. He slowly forced his entrance into the hole well lubricated by the semen of Seth and made two slow strokes before he pulled out until only the tip was still inside.
Grabbing the cock-ring still sitting at the base of Benjamin's barbed cock he nibbled at the scruff of his neck one last time before he shoved forward with all his power while removing the ring. As his enlarged knot hit the barrier it tore right through it making Benjamin cry out as searing pain shot from his ass until a half second later the cock-ring left his tip and the euphoric release overwhelmed his system and the pain was no more. Luckily Stephen had timed it too late as the now franticly spasming muscles in Benjamin's ass would have prevented an entry completely causing much more pain for the both of them.
Loosing the strength in his arms and feet Benjamin collapsed forward uncontrollably but Stephen forced him sideways landing them on their sides. Now lying securely on their side Stephen couldn't contain himself any longer he started his furious assault on the insides with frantic moves of his hips even trying to pry free to get more momentum but being prevent from the continuously spasming muscles of Benjamin's pucker.
Having lost all ability to form coherent thoughts due to his accumulated need to spill his seed he fucked the hole like mad not even thinking about the possibility of hurting his mate until the effect of the rings dissipated in one instant and his contained seed burst through the barrier and flooded the insides of Benjamin in erratic shots . The filling went on for only half a minute before Benjamin also was granted the nullification of the ring effect and shot his load out of his cock-tip like a fire hose without control painting everything in white where it pointed. Both went on for a good two minutes more Stephen's seed forcing a big gut in Benjamin's stomach, but that was lost to both as the sudden release had sent them into a world of complete oblivion the moment they came.
As Stephen woke the next morning he was first a little bit disoriented as to his whereabouts, but as his senses caught up with him he recognized, that he was snuggled up against the back and still hilted deep into Benjamin's tail hole since they both had fallen asleep while they were still knotted together. As his knot still hadn't gone completely back he suspected, that during the night the tight confines of Benjamin's rectum had milked him a few times more. Only the filling must have been too much as some seed had made it past the barrier of his knot sticking their fur together.
Looking around himself he saw that the others were also slowly returning to the waking world. Rei and Jaden were lying on the bondage table where the initiation of the newcomers had started both still wearing those specially designed cock-rings which stimulated your balls and prostate to produce larger amounts of both pre and cum and prevented your prick from ever going slack as long as you wore them. The still rock hard, pre-dripping and near climatic appearance was more than testament to that.
Seth and Cody were both snuggled up against each other in one corner of the room, Seth nibbling at the left ear of Cody while sleeping. Both had shed their leather harnesses which lay not far away from their current position. Cody was still wearing that tight fitting leather collar which gave him a much fiercer appearance.
Michael and Drake also hadn't returned to their quarters and were lying on the leather futon. With Michael's head resting snuggly in the cleft between Drake's pecks contently as saliva was slowly dripped out of his open muzzle. Drake embraced him with his left arm and his feet were spread so one could clearly see the light grey sheath and balls between his thighs. Michael's lower half was snuggled near his leg his sheath rested upon it and the tip of his cock slightly poking out.
Stephen slowly moved his hips backwards to free his knot from the confines without waking his beloved lynx in the process, but the popping sound and stretching of the tail hole to get it free made the lynx wake up with a moan. Stephen then leaned over him and gave him a peck to the muzzle while saying, "Morning love. Hope the predicaments in which you slept didn't bring you any discomfort."
Rubbing backwards with his body against his mate Benjamin replied still a little sleepily. "Not at all. It was quite comforting, only your sleep runting before filling me again woke me up. But that was a great feeling to be marked as your property again."
"If you two are ready I'd advise to help clean up here a little," a voice from behind them announced. Untangling themselves from each other, they slowly rose and turned to the voice behind them. Standing there with a broom and bucket was Drake trying his best to appear scolding, but failed miserably. To the left of Drake a hidden locker in the wall was standing open and Jaden, Cody, Seth and Rei were standing there and retrieving cleaning utensils.
"Michael is preparing some breakfast so the faster you clean up here the sooner you get something to eat." Drake went on.
Taking the handed cleaning gear they worked on cleaning up the mess they had produced the night before and within no time the room was cleaned.
Returning the cleaning utensils to the hidden compartment in the wall they all left and went to the employee's spa to clean up themselves and put on their clothes.
As they reached the second floor of the club, where the living quarters of Drake, Michael, Seth, Cody and Jaden were located, the table in the dining room was already fitted with the needed table wear. Different breakfast spreads were adorned in the center and as they entered Michael left the kitchen with a steaming coffeepot in one hand and a basket of strange looking bread in the other, which he set in the middle of the table before going over to Drake and giving him a full kiss on the muzzle.
Ending the lovely display everyone sat down on the chairs around the table. Stephen and Benjamin were about to help themselves, but were stopped by being hit on the paw from Jaden and Cody sitting next to them. Looking kind of puzzled, why they were not allowed to eat, Drake explained it to them. "Before we are allowed to eat from the richly served table we give thanks to the spirits that granted us with it. It is a Naturebound tradition which seems a little bit strange for us. But you see Michael doesn't approve of the industrial produced articles and so he is making most of the things himself. He even grinds the wheat for making the bread. The work he invests into it is enormous, but the results speak for them self as you will never taste anything better."
The thanksgiving to the spirits was made by everyone around the table holding the hand of his adjacent sitting partner and Michael speaking a short gratification prayer to thank for the gifts presented to them. Finished everyone helped himself to one slice of the homemade bread and the spreads that were placed on the table. Stephen and Benjamin were quite skeptical about the edibility of the bread and spreads present, as their look and smell seemed not very appealing, but after only taking a small taste bite from their breakfast they felt their taste buds explode with a lividness they had never before realized one could feel. Turning his head to Drake and Michael sitting next to him Cody spoke to them while all others smiled and started their own meal. "You got two more admirers to your work." Michael beamed with pride that his meager talent for cooking was so much appreciated again and Drake gave him a peck to the cheek and just answered. "And I love him even more for it."
The breakfast took nearly an hour as the actions from last night had left them all quite hungry and the delicious food made every one eat a lot more than they would normally do. Fed to the brim all helped clean up the table and to wash the dishes before heading back down to Drake's office.
Arriving there all took the places they had the day before except for Michael who, after sharing another passionate kiss with Drake, left to make some errands while the others were discussing the mission they would be doing Sunday night.
Seated again all eyes fell expectedly to Benjamin and Stephen and Drake addressed them. "Before we go on I now must ask you if, after what I told you yesterday, you are truly willing to help us defy our very government and help us rescue our imprisoned enemies."
Without any pause after Drake had ended his sentence Benjamin spoke up a strange determination radiating from his features. "Of course we will help you. Stephen and I both might have only had a very short time to discuss what you have told us, but we are both more than willing to help. As I said before I only started to work harder in the military to help the weak and even if Stephen might seem a little airheaded his drive and the thing I fell in love for was that he inherits that same noble streak." Turning his head slowly he gave Stephen a peck to the side of his muzzle for emphasis. "But we are both unsure if we could be of any help in this mission, as we are both lacking the experience and abilities Rei and the others have."
"Still so humble with your abilities Benjamin," Rei piped in a smirk on his face. "You may be still green behind those ears you and Stephen sport, but rest assured that if Jaden, Seth and Cody wouldn't be as sure as I am that you are more than capable of keeping up with us you wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have taken on that stressful job of training you in the first place." The praise they both got from their superior who always was sparse on being encouraging made Benjamin and Stephen beam with pride. Stephen's tail also began to wag excitedly like a little pup which brought a snicker from Cody and Seth upon seeing it.
"Your capability was never the issue here," Drake again addressed the two," but if it would be a mistake to ask you for help. But I for once feel more than happy to have you on board now. But let's begin with the information you both do still lack in comparison to the others."
Pushing a button on his desk a keyboard rose from a hidden compartment at which Drake pressed some keys to replace the security feed on the monitors with the single facets of a desktop monitor. Clicking on some folders and typing in a password different pictures of a nondescript building in a wooded area from different angles and also an over head view of the building was shown.
"This is our target. As you see it seems like an ordinary building that could house machines for lumberjacking, food processing or any other production. But after digging a little in the files concerning that building it is revealed that the building belongs to a ghost firm provided by the government. Our surveillance of the place showed fast, that it is the facilities where the Naturebound are being held. The best possible timeframe for breaking in is during the shift change at 11pm. Jaden will be our watch and sniper as his genetic engineered pheromones makes him nearly invisible to the enemy and with it he can also shadow the progress of the others." A curt nod was all the acknowledgement the yellow fox gave to that order.
"Rei, Cody and Seth will infiltrate the building, disable the security cameras and rescue the imprisoned from their holding cells, while taking out any personal in a non lethal way." All three nodded their consent with it.
"You two I want to separate between these two assignments. Benjamin you will be doing the surveillance with Jaden to get a bigger field covered and as you have great scores in your sniper training you are also more than capable keeping our escape corridor open. Stephen you will assist Rei and the others in freeing the Naturebound from their cells. As you are a marvelous close combat fighter you should have no trouble in subduing any resistance we may face." Benjamin and Stephen were a little reluctant to nod their consent to that, but did it nonetheless as their closest friends and veteran soldiers had laid their faith in them.
Jaden suddenly interrupted Drake as he had concerns with the plan. "Drake, why have you assigned Benjamin to me instead of keeping him to infiltrate the building? I know that we desperately need a second lookout for that mission, but you very well know, that when I use my genetically enhanced pheromones to distract the guards that that will also affect Benjamin in his work and he will become totally useless."
All gathered suddenly realized that Jaden was right about that, as none of them had ever been capable of keeping their focus on what they were doing when Jaden released his pheromones during training. The devious smirk that Drake suddenly had on his muzzle was a little unsettling to them.
"I know very well that he will be useless when he gets in contact with your pheromones," Drake began to explain, "but you seem to forget that I once was the top scientist of the government. Since I got to know you I have tried to invent a method to prevent you from deluding your comrades from their tasks. It was hard, as your pheromones are not only affective through inhaling but also can be absorbed through the skin even if one is wearing clothes. About a month ago I finished my first prototype of a special material that is preventing your pheromones sifting through it and as we agreed to let Benjamin and Stephen participate Michael has tailored a combat suit for Benjamin out of it, which he can wear during the mission. To be totally sure of its functionality you two should test it today to see how good it works."
Due to that statement Jaden beamed with happiness as he always felt so alone when on his surveillance trips due to his cursed genetic enhancement that prevented him from ever being with a partner.
Seeing as his little project was making Jaden so happy Drake decided to reveal the other project he had been working on for the last months. "As it is a sad truth, that Rei's genetic enhanced ability is extremely dangerous to his comrades so that he must always control himself to not accidently harm them I thought about making some kind of special communication earpiece that will be able to filter his disastrous roar to just being terrifying but not disable all higher brain functions so that only the deepest instinct of flight remains. But as the roar also functions on the sub sound waves that directly affect the opponent's body I have so far only succeeded that far that one is frozen to the spot for a few minutes. That is still dangerous but not so bad as if one would run around like a headless chicken. Eight such earpieces I will have ready until tomorrow evening before we leave. But I must still advise you Rei that even with those do not use your ability as I would not dare to bring them to a test."
"That is really great Drake. But even if you would be able to prevent my comrades from being affected I wouldn't dare to use it, as no living being should be harmed in such a way even not an enemy." Rei said with sadness in his eyes that his friends all too well knew, as he detested his ability since he first got it and only used it when strictly ordered by a superior.
"Then without further ado I suggest you start your regular training session, as you should be in top notch to be prepared for tomorrow," Drake concluded the meeting. "I may have closed the club yesterday and will also do it tomorrow, but today you must all be ready for security duty here." All nodded their consent before filling out of Drake's office to leave for the gym.
The rest of the day all spent by training sessions in the gym or going through the single stages of the mission and working out the details and exact time table for Sunday night. Stephen and Benjamin were at first a little intimidated by the prospect of helping their friends in this crucial task and didn't quite know if their still big inexperience in such scenarios would hinder them too much as that they could help, but as the day went on both became more and more confident and by the end of the day they both were physically drained to the point of falling asleep while still standing but realized how well they already corresponded with their veteran comrades that they knew what they should do without as much as saying a word.
The security duties that all six had that night at the club went mainly smooth as the patrons were few and those that did make trouble were easily handled by the expanded personal. But still the enormous training and all the discussions had left them with nearly none relaxation time and they all dropped to their beds after the club closed at 3am the next morning..
The next day all set out to inspect their personal stuff they would carry for the infiltration and rescue mission that night one last time to make sure everything was ready when needed. Rei, Jaden and the others oversaw Benjamin's and Stephen's preparations and gave tips here and there to mistakes that would make it for both harder to get certain things when needed for which they were more than thankful.
At 7pm all gathered for their evening meal before leaving to head to their destination. Conversation was scarce and Stephen and Benjamin had problems eating anything as their inwards had begun to form a tight knot. Michael was even more nervous as he had to attend too, so the freed Naturebound wouldn't panic too much after being literally dragged out of their confines, shoved into a creepy transport and carted away to an unknown destiny. Seth, Cody, Rei, Jaden and Drake were also apprehensive as the time grew short but because of their greater experience were able to eat normally and pressed the three on to eat as much as they could.
After leaving the club through the back door they boarded the truck parked there and made their way to the connection tube to the other stations. It took them two and a half hours for the travel from Station Omega Red to Station Theta Yellow. Another half an hour later they reached the clearing in the woodlands near the facility. Jaden and Benjamin grabbed their sniper rifle cases and began their wide arced trek through the underbrush to their polar opposite staging points near the perimeter of the guarded area. Drake and Michael started camouflaging their escape truck and erecting their small operations base while Rei, Cody, Seth and Stephen made their way to their infiltration point.
Ten minutes after reaching the fence around the installation where their entry point was their ear sets conveyed the voice of Jaden. "I'm set and ready to go." Was the curt announcement that he had reached his sniping point. A minute later Benjamin announced his readiness as well. "All set here too. But something seems off from my point. There seems to be less security personal to be roaming around than we had anticipated."
Drake 's voice was next to be heard. "That's strange as during all our surveillance the number of the stationed security personal was mostly always the same. The less strict security is only helping us as we will encounter less resistance but be more alert as this could also mean a trap."
"Understood." all acknowledged shortly.
Cody took the bolt cutter from his backpack and readied himself to cut a hole into the fence for their entry when Jaden gave him the signal. The minutes ticked by and the tension in the infiltration group grew until the silence was suddenly broken by one word from Jaden. "Go!"
With practiced ease and his arms clutching the bolt cutter flying around the fence Cody had made a sizable whole into it within a minute. Task completed he threw the cutter away and drew his combat knife and paralysis gun from his belt and stepped through the hole shortly followed by the rest all armed in the same way.
They slowly made their way to the entrance that they chose for to be the nearest to the holding cells with Cody setting point while Seth and Stephen checked to the right and left and Rei securing the rear. As the whole area was scarcely lighted and as it was near midnight the dark camouflaged their approach remarkably. They first came into light as they reached the door and Seth began picking the locking mechanism.
While Seth fidgeted with opening the door Cody and the other kept watch. After about half a minute of fidgeting with it Seth began to curse under his breath "Damn thing, why don't you just open."
"Hurry up a little you slow poke we are not here for a coffee party." Jaden piped in over their headsets. Stressed Seth growled back into his mic. "Shut up or come down here and do it yourself if you think you can do it better!"
"Shut up you two" Cody, Rei and Drake said in near synch. Twenty seconds later Seth breathed a sigh of relief as the mechanism unlocked with a click and the door opened at last.
"We're now going in. Keep our backs secure." Rei said over his mic and got a confirmation from both Jaden and Benjamin.
Before them was a dimly light corridor with no doors to the left or right. The only other opening was a double door at the end. Slowly and cautiously they crept forward while checking their surroundings for security measures and any trace of hidden compartments that could serve for ambushes.
Reaching the doors Cody cautiously peeked through one of the windows set into the door to check the room beyond. Turning back to his companions he said, "There is a security station on the other side at which it seems all the feeds are displayed. As far as I could see there is only one person manning it. Taking him down should make it possible to free the prisoners with less trouble, but we must be careful that he can't sound any alarm."
Reholstering his gun he put his paw to the door and spoke, "I'll open the door, you Stephen sneak up to the watch and subdue him swiftly. Rei, you and Seth will check all doors and barricade those we won't be needing." A nod was all the confirmation he needed before he cautiously pushed the door open to not make any sound.
Open just a crack Stephen was already through the door and had gone half the way to the security station before Rei and Seth had also passed it to be on their way to two of the adjourning doors that led to other hallways.
Cody had just gone through too and was about to close and barricade that door when Stephen suddenly exclaimed. "Holly shit!"
Completely surprised by the sudden noise the three dropped to the floor and turned around ready for any attack that might come. The voices of Drake, Seth and Jaden, who had heard the shout through their head pieces were frantically asking what had happened.
Standing behind the security desk with a look of utter horror was Stephen who held his left paw before his muzzle. The tips of his right paw were smeared in a red liquid that slowly ran down the backside.
Getting behind the desk the others recognized what had frightened him so much. The head of the panda securing the security station was now lying on the desk and around his head a pool of the same color as the liquid on Stephen's paw was slowly growing bigger. It was clear that the substance was blood.
Shaking Stephen to get him out of his shock while Seth and Cody checked the collapsed guard Rei feverishly asked, "Stephen what have you done."
Regaining a little bit he shakily answered. "I.. I don't know. I was standing behind him ready to knock him out, when his head tipped from the paw he was holding it up while checking the monitors and it hit the desk. Before I could even try to hit him unconscious so he wouldn't raise his head a patch of blood was slowly beginning to form. As I lifted his head to check what was going on blood suddenly ran out of his ear in greater amounts."
"He's right," Seth began while checking the panda's condition, "the main portion of the blood is coming from his left ear, but since he hit the desk at least two times he now also has a nose bleed. Something might have punctured an artery in his ear and destroyed his ear-drum, but so far he is still breathing and he doesn't seem to be in mortal danger."
Drake voice cut into the explanation of Seth through the ear pieces. "But who could have harmed him. This is a tightly secured laboratory which nearly no one is knowing about. For us to penetrate it without being spotted we had to slave stream the outer monitoring cameras and additionally needed to use Jaden's pheromones to deluge the minds of the perimeter guards and as far as I can see no other has hacked into security."
"But think about it," Jaden cut in," that tonight there are less personal securing the perimeter than whenever we checked it out. It is today a lot more possible to infiltrate the building than ever. But what is more than strange is the lack of any kind of alertness from the guards. Benjamin and myself are on our station for half an hour now and in that time someone should have realized that the guard watching the monitors is not responding any more. We also saw no one entering the facility during that time."
"The attack can't have been more than fifteen minutes before we found him, as his blood is only just clotting", Cody fed into the conversation, "and as all seemed normal when I checked the room from the door the attacker must have been in the building and was known to the victim, as I see no trace of a fight on him or the surroundings."
"But what should we do now ?" Benjamin's voice asked the others, agitation and uneasiness clearly recognizable in his voice. Inspecting the still shocked form of Stephen it was clear that he may have regained himself a little but panic was slowly taking over. Rei understood that very well as that was the first real mission for both and things that weren't planned always drove the still green eared to panic. Still the scenario he now faced was even making him start to get uneasy. It seemed like a third party had moved into the picture and was not restraining itself from doing harm to those that were in its way. The others showed no sign of nervousness but he knew them so well that it was as clear as day to him that they got as uneasy as he.
"Now the question is what we should do from this point on." Drake said. "I think we all agree that our precise plan is now completely in the dumpster. The decision we now have to make is to either call it a failure and retreat to make a new move for it or if we should try it nonetheless with the possibility of grave mortal danger to every one of us because of an unknown foe."
"I more than willingly would say retreat, but I have this feeling, that when we do something horrible might happen here." Jaden answered Drake through the link. "I don't know about the others, but this is a more than noble cause I enlisted for all those years ago and I'm more than willing to put my life on the wager for some kind of repention for what I've done."
"Me too", "Exactly" and "Yeah" were the swift answers of Rei, Seth and Cody.
"What about you two?" Drake asked the remaining members of his small team.
Reaching over with his paw to Stephen Rei lightly squeezed his shoulder so he would be looking to him before speaking. "We all know that you are frightened to the bone now. It is more than normal with a situation like this. If you feel unable to go on with the job just say it and we leave. No one of us would look down on you if you or Benjamin do."
Stephen swallowed once before he tried to form words since his outburst. "I... I... I w... would more than anything flee from here and never come back as this here is downright frightening. But I know just as you, that if we should abandon the mission now something horrible might be happening and the knowledge that I could have done something and didn't just because I chickened out would lay on my consciousness forever. I too will go on."
Shortly after Stephen had finished Benjamin was heard over the connection. "I'm in too. I and Jaden have the safest job of you all and without us you might get into a tight spot when trying to leave. I also would never abandon my mate even if my own life would be at stake."
The mood of Stephen lighted up a little and he regained his confidence as his one true love announced how much he loved him as he set his mind on the fact that he would never ever let harm come to him in any way.
"As we are all keeping to the mission," Drake spoke again, "and as it is clear that all the planning is for naught, I'd suggest we change our tactic. We ditch the whole stealth tactic as a new enemy is in the game and proceed to a more active approach. Seth, Cody, Rei and Stephen I want you to each take one of the holding cell blocks and free the kept there instead of doing it one after the other. On your way eliminate whatever resistance you encounter to ensure a safe escape route for the Naturebound. Fight first ask questions later so to speak, all healable injuries are ok even if you must resort to mentally injure them I have no problem with that from this point on."
All knew that that last comment was solely meant for Rei and that of Drake even giving him that option spoke volumes how much Drake was already uneasy. But Rei made himself swear even if he was allowed to use it at his free will without restrictions what so ever he would not do it.
"In exactly half an hour I will tear down the fence with our truck at your exact insertion point. See to it, that all rescued are stationed in the corridor before the entrance so we can swiftly ship them out." Drake concluded his new strategy.
"Understood", all announced one after the other. Turning to his companions in the security station Cody assigned the respective locations to them. "Stephen you take the labs. There should be the fewest Naturebound held at this moment because you don't have experience with handling them you will need more time to convince them to follow you. Seth you will go to the east wing and retrieve all held captive there while I take the west wing. Rei you take the center building. Any door we find on our way will be welded shut to ensure a clear path to the meeting point. We keep our communication open so if anyone faces trouble he can't handle it is easier to inform the others."
An affirmative nod later they separated and everyone took the path to his designated target.
Rei slowly made his way from the security station down the corridor to the holding cells in the central building. His path was only dimly light by over head lighting which created small spaces where he couldn't even make out the contours of the wall anymore. Perfect places for hiding if one would like to spring a trap, but luckily none had happened so far.
While he was on permanently locking one of the side doors to this corridor the voice of Stephen was transmitted over their communication in a whisper. "Guys, I just found three others from the security here. They are unconscious like the one before but they have severe injuries across their whole bodies and a few broken bones and ribs."
"Careful there, whoever did this went your way. Proceed with extreme caution." Was the short answer from Cody.
Half a minute later Seth was the next to announce frightening news. "It must be more than one as I just found severely injured laboratory personal on my route. One of them even has a broken lower spine by the looks of his crumpled form."
The silence that followed was proof that the uneasiness of the small group was getting bigger by the minute, as even the rest who were outside didn't have anything to say.
After five minutes since Rei began his way through the central building corridor Stephen made contact again. "Reached the door to the laboratories. All clear so far. Going in now."
Rei felt uneasy by that announcement and realized that he really had gotten quite attached to the sometimes problematic Australian shepherd.
His realization was cut short when Stephen again was heard over the com. "O God. That's disgusting. I think I'm about to puke."
"We know the prisoners are in a bad hygienic and health state. They have never been treated good so far," was the consoling answer of Seth.
"It's not just that." Stephen replied, "They are all bleeding from numerous cuts on their bodies and are in great pain. They are completely conscious and thrashing around on the floor in their own blood. To keep them from screaming they have all been gagged to hinder them from making any kind of sound."
Rei didn't register the answer and instructions of Drake any more or even the information that Seth and Cody had just found the prisoners at their destination in a similar situation as he rushed to his destination after hearing a scream from the door at the end of the corridor.
Caution completely throwing in the wind he barged the door in without even checking what lay behind it.
The scene that lay before his eyes was shocking to say the least. Scientists, security guards and lab personal lay unconsciously around on the floor or were slumped over their workstations or against the nearest wall. Blood was pooling around them in slow streams and the position which the bodies and the extremities of some lay made sure that broken bones and spines were additional under the injuries.
The room looked like a bomb that only affected the furs present had gone off in the middle as all inventory seemed unaffected. Scenes he had seen during the last war were child's play against it and he needed all his restraint not to puke right in front of him.
A shattering of glass averted his attention from the scene and he carefully made his way through the strewn bodies to a half hinged door labeled 'high security ward'.
Behind the door Rei found the holding cells of this part of the facility. They were small square cubicles with a diameter of approx. 12 feet with a metal framed sleeping cot and a steel toilet. The entrance to the cells was a metal framed glass door in the completely open bulletproof glass wall that faced the central corridor along the opposing cells.
The doors to the cells holding the prisoners were broken in and just like Stephen had described the scene at his location the Naturebound hold in them were gagged, bleeding from multiple cuts and thrashing and whimpering in their own pools of blood.
But Rei didn't pay them any mind at that moment, as he made his way as noiseless as possible to the last broken in cell along the corridor from where he could make out the noise of someone speaking in a whisper. Reaching the connecting wall between the cell where the noise came from and the one before he readied his combat knife and took one last calming breath before he charged through the shattered remains of the entrance.
The room he stood in was bigger than the others, approx. 20 feet in diameter. The room had the same cot and toilet as the others but additionally it also housed some kind of adjustable operation table with a wide array of body contactors that led into a compartment under the table. A surgical light was hanging over the table, but the light like the table seemed to have been damaged a short while ago.
Standing at the back of the chamber furthest from the entrance was a lion with a toned and muscular frame. The strange thing was his completely black pelt with not one trace of lighter color on him and his piercing red eyes that would have been more fitting for a demon from some nightmare than a living being. His whole appearance made clear that he wasn't one of the prisoners from here. The miserable being that was nearly choked by his left paw while held near his muzzle with his extremely sharp canines looked more like it. He was a white tiger just like Rei, only that his frail looking body made him look more like a ragdoll than one of the fiercest predators.
Startled by the sudden entrance of Rei into the chamber the lion brought his dangling victim before his chest as a living shield before measuring up the newcomer.
Seeing who it was he acquired a devious smirk on his face and even made a chuckle that sounded like a thunderstorm before addressing him. "Well if it isn't one of those little pests, that think they can change destiny with their unnoticeable attempts. You really were faster than we anticipated. Tell me how did like our handiwork?"
The aura he felt from that lion made Rei's fur stand on end like it only had done once before during the fled from Ferolis. He fought to suppress the uneasiness while starting to question the person before him. "You are responsible for all this? Who the fuck are you and what is this all about?"
After another chuckle, that sounded just as unholy as the last, the red eyed lion answered with quite some amusement in his deep grave voice. "You may call me Fenrir and I'm a member of the only true followers of the divine path. As to what this is all about. Your simple minds can't grasp it in all its clarity. To make it simple, we are just cleaning away some small obstacles that were in our way." While speaking the grip around the throat of the tiger he still held in his paw was getting tighter to the point that his airways were nearly cut off.
"Your piteous attempts to stop the Day of Judgment cannot be tolerated any longer. I'm one of those who are given the holy mission to destroy the elements of your heretic attempt to protect you from the final judgment."
The arrogance of the enemy standing before him was enthralling Rei so much, that he didn't register his comrades encountering similar threats at their destination. He also was slowly feeling a blind red rage bubbling up in himself, but the situation of the frail tiger still held at display before the diabolic black lion hindered him from trying to tear through that monster.
Seeing the slow laying back of Rei's ears and the unsheathing of his claws didn't seem to bother the lion in any way. His features only showed a little bit more of amusement.
"This miserable thing here was the best you could produce for your feeble attempt to protect your hides" Fenrir said, the demonic glint never leaving those piercing red eyes, while pointing with one of his unsheathed claws to the dangling tiger before him. "I feel more than generous tonight towards you pawns of a foreboded society. So I give you your precious experiment back."
The lion slowly brought his arm back to his side while keeping the firm grip around the tiger's throat before swiftly bringing it back in front of him while releasing the grip which brought the frail and nearly suffocated tiger in a flying arc toward Rei.
Shocked by the action Rei threw his combat knife from his grip to be able to catch the flying tiger as the lion suddenly sprang towards his freed victim with inhumane speed. As he reached him in mid-air he tore through the throat with one of his razor-sharp claws and powerfully kicked him in the side so that he changed direction and crashed into the side wall with so much force, that the breaking of bones could clearly been heard.
Standing in the middle of the room after his lethal attack against his released prisoner Fenrir just laughed about the dumbstruck face Rei made while saying something about he just having disposed of a worthless creature.
But Rei didn't register either the laughing or the insults against the crumpled form that now lay bleeding to death under the impression in the wall. Seeing the life giving fluid gushing out of the open throat of the white tiger, that he was just a second ago trying to catch, was fueling an instinct within him which forced all logic thinking out of his mind.
The still laughing lion abruptly stopped his insults as Rei turned his head from the crumpled form and directed a furious piercing stare that only had murderous instincts in it, at him. With blinding speed and still the blood dripping claws Fenrir charged towards his newest target in an effort to kill Rei before he could even move.
In his blinding rage directed only against the dangerous red eyes drawing nearer in unnatural speed Rei instinctively used his genetically enhanced roar with a might never used before by him.
The power of the mind-disturbing sound wave shook the debris on the floor and even made the walls start to shake a little like they were being affected by an earthquake. The occupants of the adjourned holding cells stopped their pained thrashing in the moment they were hit by it and because of their weakened states were saved from the full extent that it would do to their brains as they all fell into save unconsciousness.
The advancing lion on the other hand was directly in the line of Rei's open muzzles and was swept from his feet by its power and he crashed full force against the wall behind him. His eyes showed the typical reaction of every fur unfortunate enough to encounter Rei's enhancement. Slowly loosing focus they trembled uncontrollably in utter fear in their sockets and his whole body and fur lost its dark color as his brain synapses lost the ability to process any kind of information and only the base instincts of fright and flight remained.
Pissing and shitting himself in utter uncontrollable fear Fenrir was just trying to get up, as Rei unsheathed his powerful and sharp claws on both paws and lunged towards the scrambling lion. Using all his power he drove his left claws in the throat of the lion while his right one broke through the ribcage and with a frightening growl tore the larynx and one of the lungs from the body. Strangely during his assault on the throat he didn't even graze one of the arteries there.
Standing before the now gurgling for air and thus painfully slow suffocating black lion Rei dropped the innards held in his paws to the ground and made his way over to the crumpled and lifeless form of the tiger he had come to free. After literally having made sure that the murderer could never again lay his foul breath on the world his eyes were glazed out without any sign of coherent thought visible there.
As his comrades arrived at his location in the holding cells of the high security ward ten minutes later he was still sitting on the floor in a pool of drying blood and absentmindly stroking the head of the dead white tiger.