Until Death Brings Us Together

Story by Lilith Fray on SoFurry

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#1 of stories

This was my first attempt at writing a short story! I wrote it back in February of this year. Almost a year since i wrote it.

Here I am lying on a stretcher being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance with the sirens blaring. A woman bends over me saying "you're going to be ok. Just hang in there" but I can't even hear her. I can't hear anything. I can't even feel the excruciating pain I was in. What I do feel is that I'm distant from life but not even close to death. Time seems to slow down to almost a complete stop for the second time today as I begin to look back on the events that brought me to this moment. The events, which have brought between the world of life and the realm of death.

Until Death Brings Us Together

"Kira!" Hannah screamed as she ran to hug me in the hall way. "Guess what?" Hannah is my best friend that I met in grade 9. She was new to the school and I helped her out with some work and helped her find her way around the school. She quickly became popular but never forgot about me as so many people leave their old friends when they become popular. Tons of boys ask her out. And who's to blame them. She's 5'6", has an hourglass figure, long black silky hair, and beautiful grey eyes that show both innocence and intelligence. It is easy to get lost in those beautiful eyes of hers. My name is Kira. Im the small nerdy emo kid in grade eleven you would never expect something like this to happen to. I have dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights but right now its dyed black. I'm 5'6" and a half and pretty skiny. I'm not realy strong but that's ok to me. I never had a girlfriend before... or a boyfriend. Im bisexual and often made fun of because of that. I tried asking a girl out once but I have confidence issues so it didn't realy come out when I tried to ask. I do love one person though. But she is my best friend. I plan to tell her today. She is coming to my house to watch some movies tonight and im planning on telling her my feelings for her. "You're pregnant!" I said jokingly. "No! But I heard you are" she replied with a mischievous smile and a wink. I giggled warmly "What did you wanted to tell me?" "Blake asked me out!" I remember thinking shit there goes my chance of asking her! "What did you tell him?" "I said yes of course! Were going on a date tonight!" Blake is our schools resident jock. He is the quarterback for my school's football team. He is about 6'1", big muscles, and stupid. You almost never see him single. God I hate him. I grabbed my stuff from my locker and closed it ready to leave for home. "Kira is something wrong?" she asked. "Nothing is wrong. Have fun on your date tonight Hannah." She looked puzzled for a moment wondering why I added the emphasis to tonight then quickly she said "Shit I'm sorry Kira. I completely forgot we were going to watch movies tonight at your house when he asked me. I'm so sorry." "It's ok Hannah. Have fun. We can watch movies tomorrow." She hugged me and ran off happily most likely think of her date tonight with Blake. "Bye" I said to her running off to which she never replied. I sighed as I began walking home alone.


The next day at school I was waiting for Hannah at my locker when I noticed her walking to me. I could tell something was wrong. When she was a few steps away from me her left cheek seemed swollen. "Hi Hannah. How was your night?" She hesitated for a moment and replied "it was good" I raised my hand to feel her left cheek and she flinched when I touched it. I was right it was swollen. Something happened last night. "What did he do to you?" "It's was nothing" she looked down at her feet. "It's my fault." Just then Blake came walking down the hallway to us. "Hey babe, you wanna come over to my house tonight?" Just as he finished asking I punched his nose, shocking every one. As he reached to hold his face I punched with all my strength into his gut driving the wind out of him. "Don't you dare touch her again!" Just then he punched in the gut knocking me down, kicked my right arm, and then spat in my face. "What are you going to do about it faggot" just then the teachers came and separated us. I looked back as I was being led to the principal's office. I saw Hannah crying. I told the principle that I started the fight because I was upset. I was suspended for a week.


My parents grounded me not allowing me to leave the house. Hannah never came over to see if I was ok or how I was. She never responded to my texts. Accept four days after I was suspended Kira: hey Hannah. Are you mad at me? Kira: Hannah im sorry... Kira: Hannah please dont ignore me Kira: Hannah do you not like me anymore? Hannah: just please stop texting me kira. Kira: ok...

When I returned to school no one talked to me. They all stayed away from me afraid I was going to do something to them. Apparently rumors spread as to why I punched Blake. None of them were that I was defending her. When I tried to talk to people they made up some kind of excuse as to why they can't talk at the moment. Everyone started whispering as I passed by. Thinking I can't see them watching me from the corners of their eyes. They watched to see if I would try to attack someone again, and watched to make sure it wasn't them.

This continued for two months until today. I felt so alone. I noticed small bruises on Hannah every now and then. Every time I tried to talk to her she ignored me. Well ignored me until today. An hour after school I heard a knock at my door. My parents were out of town for a few days so I had the house to myself. I figured it couldn't be any one for me considering the last few months but the knocking continued for a few minutes. I opened the door to find Hannah in tears. She rushed forward and hugged me. I allowed her to hold me for a few moments then I closed the door. We sat down on the couch as she confessed how he treated her. Confessed that she missed me and confessed that she didn't talk to me to protect me from Blake. As she finished there was a loud bang as the front door was smashed opened and Blake walked through. "I'm going to fucking kill you" he yelled as he glared at me. He ran and picked me up then threw me at the wall. "Hannah call the pol-" I was cut off by Blake kicking me in the gut but Hannah understood and ran to the kitchen where the phone is. I got up on my feet and swung my fist at him but he avoided it and punched me in the gut driving the wind out of me then pushed me towards the couch. I tried to keep my balance as I was shoved but I fell down in front of it. He walked over and smiled as he kicked me in the ribs causing me to roll onto my stomach. Blake was laughing he knew I was beat. He was taking his time. He picked me up by the belt and tossed me as hard as he could at the wall. I went through the wall into my parent's bedroom creating a huge gap in the wall. He took his time walking to me. Savoring the beating he was giving me. I tried to crawl away. I saw my dad's pistol taped to the bottom of his night stand. I could hear sirens in the distance. I reached for the gun and pulled it off. Time seemed to slow down as I turned and pointed it at Blake. Time was slowing down more and more the closer it got to its target. Time seemed to pause as I was pointing it at Blakes heart. I looked him in the eyes showing nothing but the intent to kill. BANG! BANG! BANG! I shot him three times in the chest before collapsing to the ground. What was only a few seconds seemed like hours as time caught up with me and I collapsed to the ground in excruciating pain. The next thing I remember was Hannah came running to me. She started holding my head to her chest and was crying. She begged me not to die and hold on. A minute later the police came running in than the paramedics. They put me on a stretcher and took me to the ambulance Hannah cam running to see me before I was taken away by the ambulance I looked at her as a tear ran down my cheek. The last thing she said to me was "I'm sorry". I nodded to her so she knew I heard her then the paramedics lifted me onto the ambulance.

Time catches back up with me as I remembered the conclusion of the events that brought me to this point. I feel the realm of death closer to me. I couldn't help but smile at the irony of my name. Kira. The Japanese word for killer. I close my eyes for what I believe to be the last time. Never to awake again. I embrace what I believe to be my end as I tell the paramedic who is trying to tell me I'm going to be all right.

"I have lived my life and I will embrace my death"

With that I closed my eyes.

I wake up and look around and see that I'm in the hospital. Hannah is sitting in a chair next to me "Hannah?" "Kira! You're awake! Thank god! The doctors told me you were in a coma and with what happened to you that you probly wouldn't wake up. I was so worried." She started crying. It pained me so much to see her cry. "Hannah come here" she walked over. When she did I used all my strength to prop myself up and kiss her. She tensed up a bit for a few seconds but then wrapped her arms around me and kissed back. We kissed for about a minute when I broke the contact of our lips and looked her in the eyes as I said.

"I love you Hannah" "I love you to Kira"

The End