A Bit of Private Time

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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#12 of Nocti's Journal

As requested by my Mistress (and sister), I present to you the final chapter of "Nocti's Journal". Stay tuned for a new series following Nocti, as well as my other stories.

Nocti belongs to myself, TeraDyne Ezeri

Lenne "Vega" Ezeri belongs to Lenne Ezeri

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and GameFreak

Nocti's Journal. Mistress and I are... alone in hir private chambers at Oblivia, a club on one of the alternate Earth worlds. I hesitate saying we're alone because Fay and Aquia have semi-permanently joined with Mistress as hir legs. They act more like symbiotes than extra heads, though, as Mistress toyfied them. They don't really think for themselves, so much as they just obey the natural commands Mistress's brain puts out. They stay hidden behind gas masks anyway, so I don't even notice them most of the time.

Mistress still has me set up to try out the new "Con-Limb" conjoined limb accessories that VegaCorp is making, but that's not for a few weeks still. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of my time off until then. Actually... Mistress said shi had something planned for us. I'm back in my herm Growlithe form, with my usual Prism Dragon scales on my muzzle, of cour...

I quickly closed my journal window and looked up at Mistress Vega as shi walked into the room. During hir time out on the floor, shi had transformed into hir natural "Prism Dragon" form. Hir unmasked face was covered with rather beautiful crystal scales that made the white skin underneath look like a rainbow of colors, and hir long "gazelle"-like horns looked as if they had just been polished. Hir body's tiny crystal scales also looked polished, and hir rather perky breasts were covered with a lacy bra. Then I looked down to see a matching pair of panties along hir groin, and of course her pair of thick white legs that ended in latex gas mask "boots".

I couldn't help but blush as I gazed at hir beautiful body, mesmerized by the colorful display of light shi gave off. "M... M-m-mistress? What's going on?" I asked, stuttering. "You're not normally this... covered up... or prettied up."

"I thought I'd start making good on that offer from a while back." Shi replied with a smile, joining me on the bed. "And while we're alone, it's Lenne or Mom, not Mistress."

Before I could reply, shi grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me back-down against the bed. Hir lips met mine, and before I knew it, shi had me locked in a kiss I couldn't escape from. Nor did I want to. It felt amazing to just relax and enjoy the moment, hir soft lips caressing mine as I closed my eyes... and hir hands removing my collar. I heard it fall to the floor with a metallic clatter, then another as it was joined by hir own collar.

"Mmm... You know, ever since you and Nemi started having a serious relationship, I've been kinda jealous. I don't get a lot of time with Alti these days." Shi told me, rolling us over so my head rested on hir breasts. "We've all been busy, but shi's been working on that whole Pokemon Rescue Academy thing with Ally since the start of the New Dawn. New guard, new teachers... It's all shi's talked about." I felt hir hand start to pet across my head, and I instinctively gave a soft growl of satisfaction. "You've been mostly keeping to yourself since New Dawn started. Why is that?"

"Just wanted to stay out of the way, really." I admitted, relaxing against my mother's warm body. "Ever since you and Altair became my biological parents through... whatever you did, I've been happy with staying behind the scenes. Arceus said if that hadn't happened, I might have become some huge hero or something. I don't want that. Ever."

I opened my eyes again to hir soft smile, followed by another short kiss. "You're a Terra Delta. You're supposed to be a hero. Still, you did dodge a bullet thanks to Marcus and Alphard taking over your duties. Marki's been happy getting back to his combat roots, you and your sisters being alive is making sure things stay mostly peaceful here... We never did get to abuse those masks of yours now that you've got all of them."

"You mean you wanna screw with gods." I replied sarcastically, smiling back at hir. "Or as gods, knowing how much you like using my Copycat powers."

"If I wanted sex with a god, I can usually just ask." Shi said, laughing. "Nah, I was thinking more along the lines of just going on a few runs as Suicune with you and Nemi as Entei and Raikou, or maybe a nice flight as Arti, Zap and Mol..." Shi paused and gave a mischievous laugh. "Or getting into someone's head as a trio of Mew."

I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of teasing some poor sap like that. "That'd be a nice change of pace. Maybe some time when we're alone again, we could have a bit of fun like that with just the two of us."

"Or three, if you wanna bring Nemi along like a proper mate." Shi corrected, hir smile widening. "I don't mind sharing that with you both. He's like a son to me, remember?"

"Yeah." I replied, my voice trailing off. I hugged tight into my mother's body. "Mom? Thank you. I never knew what it was like to have real parents until you and Altair took me in. I may be your pet, but you did that because I love that lifestyle, and you tend to be more of a mother to me than a dom."

Mom wrapped hir arms around me and squeezed softly. "You've always been my daughter first, pet second. Always will be, too." Shi stopped suddenly, then got a huge grin on hir face. "When we get back to Poketara, we're going shopping. I'll have Nemi turn female, and we'll all go out for a girl's night out. Just the three of us. Shopping, a bit of food for once... Maybe visit Poketopia and watch the new Wargames attraction."

"Sounds like fun." I replied. While shi was slightly distracted, I gave hir a rather deep and passionate kiss of my own, though I didn't go as far as to slide my tongue into hir maw like shi usually did with me. Not yet, anyway. "I love you so much, and I always will."

"I love you, my dear, sweet daughter." Shi said, helping me roll over onto the bed next to hir, while keeping my head on hir chest. "Get some sleep, and no more journal tonight. Tomorrow's still part of our little mini-vacation, and I wanna have a bit of fun before we head back."