One Man’s Trash, Another Man’s Treasure

Story by Sskahryl on SoFurry

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'Why?!' sobbed Coren. His once slick, shiny coat now mattered and tear soaked.

'He's not worth it!' Tyson said, trying to comfort his best friend and housemate. 'Forget him!'

Coren and Tyson had been best friends since prep. Tyson, Coren and Coren's now ex boyfriend were renting a place in Oxley in the outer suburbs of Brisbane. Coren, a 19 year old fox, was studying Information Technology at the Queensland University of Technology while Tyson, a 19 year old wolf, was studying economics. Their two bedroom house used to have a vibrant atmosphere but now it felt like a funeral.

Coren sat at his desk in the lounge room come study, trying to work on his IT Professional studies assignment.

'Fucking ITB002.', he muttered.

Coren felt Tyson's paws on his shoulder and looked up.

'You're not going to put that in your assignment are you?' The wolf asked. 'What has you being a bad mate got to do with your computer skills? Besides, I don't think they would appreciate you lying on your assignment.'

Tyson smiled down at the fox. Coren looked back at his almost blank page and muttered under his breath.

'That's it,' Tyson stated, 'we're going out!'

'Not interested.' The fox replied.

'I'm sorry, did I start that sentence with "If it pleases your highness."' The wolf said back playfully. 'You have no choice in the matter.'

The fox reluctantly got up and changed into his usual baggy shirt and trousers. Tyson walked back from his room wearing his usual black shirt, black pants, black leather wrist cuffs and a collar.

'You're such a pet. You know that, don't you?' Coren said, rolling his eyes. Tyson just smiled and wagged his tail.

They arrived at a gay sex club in Fortitude Valley. Coren just looked at Tyson.

'I know, I know.' Tyson said. 'I thought it might make you feel better though.'

As they walked in the strong smell of alcohol and tobacco filled their noses. Tyson steered Coren over to a couch near the back of the club.

'I don't know why you brought me here.' Coren said.

'As I said, I hope it will cheer you up.' Tyson replied before being dragged off by a muscular lion for some fun.

Coren sat there most of the night hoping he would die there and then before he hear a commotion coming from about 10 meters away.

'Fucking slut!' Someone shouted. 'Can't even take it all! You're useless!'

'I'm sorry sir!' said a submissive voice in the middle of a circle of men.

'You fucking will be!' said the first voice which Coren now saw was a lizard standing imperiously over a dragon who was chained to the floor. The lizard raised his claw, ready to strike the dragon but Coren caught it.

'Fuck off!' Coren growled. The lizard backed off

'Lucky your boyfriend saved you. Fucking slave!' the lizard snarled before walking off.

The fox kneeled in front of the dragon, rubbing his paw over the dragons cum stained muzzle.

'You ok?' the fox asked.

The dragon just whimpered, shaking in fear.

'I am not here to hurt you.' the fox said. The dragon put his muzzle to the fox's pants and started licking. The fox raised the dragons head so he could look into those dull, lifeless eyes. Coren removed the chain from the anchor point on the floor and lead him into a private parlour.

'How old are you?' The fox asked the dragon

'S...seventeen...'" he replied. 'Sir!' he added quickly, looking away from the fox. Coren was in shock.

"The poor dragon..." he thought.

'The guys called you a...'he said nervously.

'Slave.' the dragon finished. 'I am a no good worthless slave.' The dragon moped. Coren's heart sank. He felt so sorry for the dragon. His lifeless eyes, his dull red scales, his bony and malnourished frame. Coren kissed the dragon's head as the dragon sobbed into his fur.

'W...why is sir being so kind to a slave?' the dragon finally asked.

'Because you are a living creature and I don't care about your status.' The fox replied.

'Whatever!' A large bear said to Coren, throwing the fox a lead. 'Not that he is much use.'

'I'll be the judge of that!' Coren snapped, taking the lead from the bear.

Coren walked over to the dragon, Narue, and clipped the lead on his collar.

'You're coming home with me,' Coren informed the dragon, 'I just bought you from the club.'

'Yes, Master.' the dragon said, looking at the floor.

Coren hated to see such a young dragon such as Narue like this. He needed to do something.

'Who is this? Isn't he a slave from the club?' Asked Tyson, looking down at the dragon.

'This is Narue, and he is mine now.' Coren replied.

Tyson looked surprised but said nothing.

Narue charged into the lounge room and jumped up on Coren, licking him enthusiastically. Narue's once lifeless eyes now had the fire they were lacking, his red scales shone brightly and his frame was now muscular and healthy.

'Morning, master!' Narue said happily

'Morning, pet.' Coren said half heartedly

'What's wrong, master?' said the dragon. Coren just sighed and reached around the dragon's neck, unbuckling the collar and removing it.

'Its time I let my pet go. I can't expect you to stay here your whole life.' Coren said.

'You're eighteen now. You should find yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend and have a life that doesn't involve being a slave.'

Narue just took the collar back from Coren and placed it back around his neck

'You can't get rid of me that easily.' he said. 'I love you Coren and want to be your pet.'

Coren's cold and lifeless heart beat with new vigour.

'You really want to be with me?' He asked the dragon. Narue nodded.

'Do you want to be with me?' He asked the fox. Coren replied by kissing the dragon deeply and pulling him onto the couch. Narue cuddled up to Coren who stroked his pet's muzzle.

'I love you, master.' Narue said, looking up at his master.

Coren kissed Narue's head and replied, 'I love you too, pet.'