Babysitter Supreme: Marcus’s Story

Story by Voduxe on SoFurry

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#2 of Babysitter Supreme

The continuation several people have been waiting for. Enjoy!

Marcus could hardly believe the luck he had... especially considering that he was now walking home, completely distracted by his own memories, and pity for Kyle. Being stuck with that psychotic tiger, Evelyn, was the worst punishment you could ask for.

It was another day in his life, smoking weed and hanging out on the roof of the old power plant with his friends. None of them liked school, so they ditched pretty often. What he hadn't expected was his father to come up and bust them, followed by three police officers. There was only one ladder onto the roof, and all of them knew it.

"Take the other three into custody, officers," the large lion grumbled. "I'll take my son home, where I'm sure he'll learn his lesson over the next few days."

The officers weren't about to argue, seeing as Marcus's dad was easily 300 lbs. or more of bulk muscle, which basically spelled doom for the younger, smaller lion. At his barely 180 lb. stature, Marcus was a dead man walking by comparison.

It was a long, silent ride in his dad's truck. His father had never tried to stop him before, even though they had gotten into several screaming matches about his drug use, skipping classes, and the friends he hung out with. What this could mean, well, Marcus referred to his childhood nightmares of being locked in the storm cellar of their old farm house.

Back on the farm, his father parked out front of the barn and looked at his son. "Your mother and I will be taking a week long leave of absence and leaving you here," the man said gruffly. "Try to get along with the babysitter."

Marcus scoffed as he got out of the truck, right after his dad. He ran over to the man and yelled, "A babysitter?! You got me a babysitter!? I can take care of myself, dad!"

"I'll believe that when I see it," the old lion grumbled as he got out. "Luckily for you, it's time for your Halloween vacation from school. A full week, alone, with your babysitter."

As the pair stepped into the house, both of them gasped. "Dear," Marcus's dad said nervously. "please tell me this isn't the babysitter you were telling me about."

"Dale. Marcus. Meet Evelyn White," the lioness said from the sofa before taking a sip of tea. "She comes highly recommended by the Kelly family, and you know how their daughter used to be."

The white tiger looked the two over, took a sip of tea from her cup and set it down on the table in front of her. "So, your mother tells you've been doing drugs, skipping school, the basics," the white tiger who looked to have at least fifty pounds on his father said calmly. "That shouldn't be too hard to fix."

"Oh yeah?" Marcus asked, laughing a bit. "Fuck you. These two can't make me do anything, what makes you think you stand a chance?"

It looked like his mother was about to say something but Evelyn held up a hand as she stood from the sofa, revealing that she was in fact taller than his father, by several inches. In that instant, Marcus knew he had made a terrible mistake. "First, let's say goodbye to your parents," the tiger said, slowly and evenly, while Marcus stared up at her. "They do have a plane to catch, after all."

Marcus watched his mother toss a duffle bag to his father as she walked out the door. "We'll see you in a week, Marcus."

Evelyn waved as Marcus stood frozen in place. This was a little too much to believe. He had to be dreaming. There was no other explanation. After the door closed and reality started sinking in, Marcus reached for the doorknob, only to get yanked back by the scruff of his neck, causing him to grunt in frustration more than pain.

"Now," the tiger said as she dragged him, backwards, across the house. "Your parents were nice enough to allow me to do whatever I want while they're gone. What this means for you is quite simple. You're mine. You will either call me ma'am, or mistress, are we clear?"

"Fuck off, bitch," Marcus retorted hotly. "I'm not your property, and I sure as hell ain't calling you mistress, ever."

"That reminds me," the tiger said angrily. "Your parents told me you have a storm cellar here. I plan on turning that into my personal dungeon for the week. Behave and you'll be allowed to leave it on occasion over the course of my stay."

Just that memory made him shiver as he walked down the sidewalk. Marcus felt another twinge of regret for leaving Kyle alone with that nutjob, but there was no way in hell he was going back. I just hope he survives a little more easily than I did. the lion thought as the memories continued.

The tiger dragged him out the back door and threw him onto the ground. "What the hell!?" he shouted as he stood up, pissed that this tiger thought she could bully him around. "You can't just drag me out of the house!"

"Just did," Evelyn replied coldly.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!?" he demanded as he glared at her.

After that, the tiger backhanded him with a smile on her face. "I'm the one in charge," she said sternly. "Now, either you cooperate or your life over the next week is going to be hell."

Marcus was absolutely stunned. He'd never been backhanded before, much less that callously. "So, what, you're going to boss me around? Turn me into a "decent citizen"? Or are you just gonna flex your muscles at me the whole time?"

Another backhand across the face after that quip, surprising Marcus completely. She wasn't waiting, she wasn't fooling around, and she wasn't going to take his shit. "Good," she said simply. "You've learned lesson one. Now it's time for lesson two. What are you supposed to call me?"

"Go to hell, bitch," Marcus said bluntly, getting more and more pissed off by the second. "I'll call you by name when you earn that respect. Right now, you're just the person who threw me from my own house."

"Alright," the tiger said, grabbing Marcus by the collar of his shirt. "Follow me. We'll go to hell together, where I can make you eat your words."

It only took a second for the lion to realize he was being dragged to the storm cellar. The instant that realization set in, he started fighting to get away, even stretching and finally tearing his shirt. As the front of his shirt tore away, the tiger caught the fur on his chest making him grunt in pain and stop his struggling all at once. As the pain died down, he noticed that he wasn't being dragged, now; just held where he was, and there was no way in hell he was about to try pulling away again.

Then she pulled, and he followed, hissing in pain but not about to resist. As the tiger walked him into the storm cellar, she used her free hand to pull the string for the lights. Just grin and bare it, Marcus thought, terrified. What's the worst she can do?

It wasn't until he was in the storm cellar that he saw the coffin in the back corner. "Of course, I'm going to need you to wait a moment, brat," Evelyn said harshly as she grabbed a length of rope and let go of Marcus. When he tried to run, that same rope caught him by his throat and dragged him to the ground. "I was going to tie this around your wrists and ankles, but your throat and ankles will work."

Marcus gagged for a moment, before he started coughing, stunned and even more terrified than he was before. He felt the knot on the back of his neck as the tiger tightened it down before moving to his ankles. By the time his mind cleared, that psychotic tiger had tied his ankles together and linked them to his neck so that he would be just barely able to stand.

Then he laid there and watched as she opened the coffin to show the excessive number of different sex toys, all strapped down inside the coffin, each having its one place. She took a pair of shackles, large leather bands, and a horse cock shaped dildo from the coffin, laying them out on the meticulously clean floor.

After she closed the coffin, she began working on hanging the shackles from the ceiling, quickly fitting them from a pulley his dad had used when the lawnmower motor broke down with a longer length of rope than the one she'd used to tie him up with. Marcus found himself shaking as he wondered what she was going to do to him. Wondered, but didn't try to imagine. Fear kept him out of that part of his mind, and that was probably for the best.

Once she was done hanging the shackles, she moved the horse cock dildo to stand beneath it. Finally, she grabbed the leather straps, used her foot to roll Marcus onto his back, And pressed her knee into his stomach to hold him down. "Don't try to fight me," she warned. "You won't win."

Considering that he could hardly breathe with her knee where it was, fighting wasn't going to be much of an issue. On the other hand, as she pulled his left leg up and moved in with leather straps Marcus tried to pull away, only to wind up with a solid bruise from where her grip tightened and a stabbing pain from her knee digging in harder. The pain caused him to gasp with what breath he had. In the next few moments, while he huffed for air, Evelyn finished placing the straps on his legs and cinching them tight. His knees were being held tight. With a fairly good idea of what she had in mind, the lion didn't want to say a word. Then she tore the top of his pants away.

"Hey!" he shouted, angrier than ever, now. "You're paying for the new ones, not me! What the hell are you thinking, you stupid bitch!"

She looked like she was thinking, hard. "You know, you don't look half bad," she said calmly. "Maybe when you learn who's in charge, I'll get to see the rest of those muscles."

Then she untied the rope from his ankles, tying it to his wrists and dragging him over to the rope and pulley. He was done fighting. After that knee in the gut, he couldn't bring up the courage to fight anymore, but there was no way in hell he was going to show her even an ounce of respect, yet.

"Oh shit," Evelyn said, dropping Marcus where he was and walking over to the coffin again. "I completely forgot. You're going to scream like a little bitch if I don't do this." From inside the coffin, she grabbed a ball gag that was large enough to fit in Marcus's mouth. He knew it, she knew, and he hated the idea.

"No way!" he yelled, hating the idea of being tied up and gagged. "I'm not letting you- umph!"

Evelyn was so glad to finally hear the sound of silence that followed the ball gag going into the lion's mouth. Pulling the lion over to the toy, she grinned, lifting him to his feet and tying the rope from the pulley to one on his wrists and lifted him almost to the ceiling, before lowering him down onto the dildo, dry.

Marcus could feel the flared head of the sex toy pressing against his ass as the pressure just kept increasing as his bodyweight was slowly lowered onto it. "Loosen up, brat," that psychotic tiger said with a malicious grin. "It'll only hurt more if you clench."

Hearing that only cause Marcus to clench harder. Then it happened. His weight caused the dildo to press right through his asshole. It felt like having a rubber ball with nails sticking from shoved up his ass. His scream reverberated around the room, through the ball gag, much to Evelyn's delight. She steadily set him down, all the way to the bottom over the next few moments, making the lion scream with every inch that went in.

He didn't even notice when his feet touched the ground. The throbbing pain in his ass was clouding his mind. He did notice when the rope tightened around his wrists slightly, and when he looked over at his babysitter, the fourteen year old lion saw her tying the rope to a hook on the wall. When she was done with that, she walked over and crouched in front of him to remove the gag.

"Now be a good boy and stay quiet while I make a phone call," the white tiger said playfully.

As she left, Evelyn turned off the lights, leaving Marcus in his own personal nightmare. If he wasn't so tired from screaming already, he might actually care. It must have been two hours before the lights came back on, blinding the lion as he watched the tiger come back downstairs. "You know I love your surprises, Ev, but seriously, why are we at a farm, sixty miles from the nearest township?" A strange-looking dragon asked. Most of his body was black, but starting in the middle of his body was a rainbow of dark colors that started out red, turn to blue, and then green as it moved out. That same rainbow trailed down the inside of his legs. It only took a second for Marcus to realize the guy was naked.

Marcus watched the dragon's expression for a moment, catching the orange eyes of the dragon, before noticing the silver patch of hair on his head and the red-tipped tail. "Well?" Evelyn asked, reaching to the dragon's crotch where a blue cock was coming out. "How's this for a surprise? I need your help taming this one."

"Screw you!" Marcus shouted, still stubborn as ever, and a little insulted. "My legs are cramping up pretty bad here. When the hell can I get up?"

"Evelyn, remind me never to piss you off," the dragon said plainly.

"After that little fiasco with my clingy ex, you'd have to try pretty damn hard Valacc," the tiger replied running a finger up the base of the dragon's cock playfully, making him shiver.

Marcus thought he was going to puke, but that wasn't saying much, seeing as he had a giant horse cock dildo pressing against his stomach. "Anyway, isn't it about time for dinner?" the dragon named Valacc asked.

"And what do you want to do first?" Evelyn asked, smiling as she looked at Marcus.

"A better question is what are you talking about?" Marcus asked nervously. It hadn't taken long for him to learn to be afraid, that's for sure, but he hadn't quite learned how to predict her.

Evelyn had decided an hour ago that she was going to need help breaking the lion, so she called up a friend who she knew would enjoy the challenge. Howard had been a decent boyfriend, except for the drug use, namely cocaine. That was why she dumped him, and that was why he was so clingy. Valacc had helped her by letting her give him a blowjob before Howard came barging in. It was planned and intentional, and now they were going to do something similar to the lion.

"So?" Evelyn asked the dragon. "Do you want to go first?"

Valacc looked at the lion and grinned. "Go first?" Marcus asked, worried. "Go first for what?"

"I hope you're playing dumb, and that you're not actually this stupid," Evelyn said coldly.

"I think I'd like to take you up on your offer," Valacc said kindly to the tiger.

Marcus had a very foreboding feeling. It was similar to the sense you get when you know you're about to crash in a car. The dragon walked up to the lion and said, "Don't bite. I will bite back, and I can bite harder than you."

In that exact moment, Marcus opened his mouth to ask what the dragon was talking about, only to be silenced by the dick being rammed to the back of his throat. As the dragon began to thrust, Marcus gagged briefly, feeling something he had never thought he would. After a few moments, he had an idea. If he could at least pretend to enjoy himself, that insane tiger might just leave him alone.

Choking down his pride, the fourteen year old closed his and began sucking on the cock, using his tongue to try and end his suffering as quickly as possible. It only took another minute or so before the dragon grabbed the back of his head and began to cum directly down Marcus' throat. Shot after shot pouring down into his stomach until he felt bloated. When the dragon pulled out, he was spent. Marcus sighed, glad that his torment was over.

"Don't relax just yet, slut," Evelyn's voice boomed through the room, scaring the hell out of Marcus. "It's my turn, now, and I hope you're still hungry!"

Marcus couldn't look away from the tiger as she stood in front of him, Valacc taking a few steps back with a sigh. "No way!" he gasped out before she rammed her sizable hard-on into his throat. Unlike the dragon, she pushed for herself, the barbs on her dick scratching the inside of his mouth. Her hands gripped the back of his head and she started thrusting deeper, and the he realized that there was a pair of balls slapping his chin. Finally the tiger seized up, just before a flood of cum started flushing down his throat, further bloating his stomach.

A second jet, a third, and after that, the fifth cum shot wouldn't stay down. The tiger pulled out when she felt Marcus's throat spasm, letting her last two strings of cum land on his face before he puked all over the floor in front of him. "Awe," Evelyn said teasingly, looking down at the lion. "Looks like our cum slut couldn't take any more. Well, we'll have that fixed by the end of this week, won't we Valacc?"

The dragon laughed a bit and said, "Whatever you say, Ev. Whatever you say."

Marcus only could only think one thing. I'm done. Fighting is out, running isn't an option, and saying "No" only makes it worse. I'm hers and she knows it.

Evelyn knelt down and grabbed his head to pull his gaze up to hers. "And with that, the healing can begin, brat," the tiger whispered into his face. "Nice to see you finally came to your senses."

Marcus stopped in front of a little restaurant on his walk home called Rib Busters, feeling at his growling stomach. The memories of that first day in Evelyn's "care" would haunt him forever, let alone how the rest of that week played out. At least he could drown out the memories for a while with a plate of BBQ ribs, smothered with onions, chili peppers, and... Oh yeah, that could drown out even the worst memories.