Friday Night, No Parents In Sight

Story by Arkin on SoFurry

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Ok, just to give you some background before reading; None of this story is based on things from my own life. I haven't done the gay sex thing (yet ;D ). If I ever write a story using my own experiences, I'll let you know, but this is just my first M/M story, it contains gay blah blah blah blah blah, so if you're underage, I know you are, you're probably, like, 15 years old and deleting the history right now, lol. Ok, I'm done blabbing. Enjoy the yiff!

"Ok, Drake; I'll be right over!" Owen said, then put down the phone.

Friday afternoon, and once again, he was going over to Drake's. Owen happily collected his things as he thought about what they were going to do. The raccoon loved going over his friend's house after a long, boring week of school. School life was so repetitive, and seeing the fox was just the perfect way to end the cycle of boredom. He had known Drake for about two, maybe three years. The raccoon and he had met in school, and became friends quickly. Owen paused, thinking about what had driven him to want to be friends with the fox. Was it something they had shared a laugh over? An interest they both had? Or was it how attractive the fox looked?

Owen sighed and sat in front of his mirror, judging his appearance. Owen wasn't like other male furs his age. While the other furboys talked about the hottest vixen on tv last night, or what boobs really looked like, Owen never thought of these things. Girls, for some reason, just weren't that interesting to the raccoon. He didn't know why, it was just the way he felt. When a friend asked him which girl he'd rather have, Owen didn't know what to say. And when he thought of what he preferred more than a girl, he thought, of, well, Drake. There was just something about the fox, a feeling he had about him that had grown with each year they'd been friends. Owen had heard of homosexuality just entering the third year of their friendship, and although he didn't believe such a thing were true at first, he began to wonder what it would be like, being gay. He had heard all the jokes and seen all the tv shows on the subject. Owen was an open-minded raccoon, and he didn't think gay was so bad. Sure, other furs thought it was weird, but were they even giving it a chance? It was one day, on the internet, Owen discovered there were others that actually weren't just giving it a chance, they were fully and happily gay.

After a long day of hanging out with Drake and feeling those weird feelings and thoughts he had only recently been having, Owen wanted to know for sure. "Am I gay?" Owen asked himself.

Owen used the only resource he had: the internet. He typed in the keywords he thought would work and selected a link. It led him to a gay website. After clicking another link from the site, Owen's screen brought up a gallery of several male furs having sex. It aroused the young coon like never before. Owen couldn't help himself; he spent over an hour that day watching the sexual acts of the extremely attractive furs on his screen. Blowjobs, anal, and just watching them cuddle was giving him an intense erection. It was after Owen furiously pawed off he sighed and admitted it to himself, "I... I'm gay..."

That had been about three and a half months ago. Since then, Owen knew which way he swung, and his life at school had gotten a lot harder because of it. He couldn't help keeping his eyes off of the males, especially Drake. He was just so damn hot! Beautiful green eyes and full, orange fur that was always so soft. The way his tail swung back and forth across his round ass when he moved could make Owen blush so strongly, and the raccoon got way more out of talking to him in the locker room than Drake ever knew. Owen had serious doubts that he'd ever find out if his friend was gay. The fox often talked to him about the hot young vixens that he was practically obsessed with. 'But that doesn't mean he's for real, right?' Owen often thought. 'I fake straight all the time.'

The young raccoon now gazed at himself in the mirror after a long, steamy shower. He was a very cute raccoon, with cool blue eyes and quite a bit of muscle. Not exactly a lot, he was no athlete, but an attractive amount, for sure. His fur was the classic grey and black, his long, soft grey tail having large black rings. There was a rumor about coons; the more rings, the longer their maleness was. Owen was about 7 inches, and quite proud. He was way farther into pubescence than the guys his age, making him bigger than them. 'But, then again, so's Drake' Owen thought with a horny grin, imagining just how big his friend might be.

Owen had pawed off to the thought of Drake more than once and couldn't imagine how he would react if he ever found out. Most of his fantasies involved being alone with the hot young fox at his house, parents not planning to be home for a long time. It was one of the main reasons he often went to Drake's; he wanted to get him right where he wanted him and test just how straight he was.

Tonight was the perfect night. Owen smiled as he gel-spiked his long hair fur outward, thinking of what Drake had told him, "My parents said you can sleep over. They're going to a party for Dad's company and will be back around 12:30."

Owen looked at himself in the mirror one last time. The young coon looked very hot. But was it hot enough for Drake? "Owen! Time to go!" his mother yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" he yelled back.

The raccoon grabbed his overnight gear and ran downstairs, tail swishing with excitement. A whole night to spend with the cutest fox on earth: yes!

Drake was hot enough to melt ice, standing in the doorway as he greeted Owen. The raccoon passed close to him, feeling his sheath fill a bit. "Alright, man!" he said, giving him a high-paw. "My folks are gone, and you're sleeping over. Things don't get better than this."

"Yeah, no kidding," Owen said.

"So, let's head up to my room. I found these wicked funny video clips, this guy, he reviews video games, and he..."

Drake and Owen spent about an hour rolling on the floor in front of the computer, laughing hysterically. Owen loved laughing with Drake. The combination of the light feeling, being so close to the fox and actually sometimes rolling into him aroused him a lot. Drake never questioned why Owen sat so close to him. Soon, though, it was time for video games. The two spent what must have been two hours blowing things up with friends from school online, sharing smiles and victory rants. Around 9:30 the pizza arrived, and they watched some tv while eating and drinking on the couch. Owen could smell the wonderful scents of the fox's last shower. When Drake wasn't looking, the young coon inched his way closer, until their shoulders were practically touching. It was a magical feeling for Owen.

Drake got up and stretched during commercial. "Egh, I've gotta use the bathroom."

The fox walked out of the room, Owen's eyes on his round butt the whole time. The raccoon sighed and laid his head back on the couch. He was in an aroused state of bliss, laying in the spot where Drake had just been sitting. It smelled of young boy fox, and Owen felt his physical arousal beginning. The raccoon turned as not to put pressure on his cock and spotted Drake's PSP near his head. Curious, Owen picked it up and cycled over to pictures. He clicked the icon and scanned the screen. The first ten images were ordinary, just funny images from the internet or pictures of Drake with friends and family. He found a file though at the bottom called 4MIDNIGHT. Owen lifted a furry eyebrow. He wondered if he should open it, take a look. Drake wouldn't be happy if he found it. But, he was in the bathroom... Owen opened the file. His jaw dropped open in shock.

Dozens of gay porn pictures spilled out onto the screen. Wolves, foxes, huskies, and cheetahs were displayed in extremely X-rated scenes. Blowjobs, anal, solo - there was all sorts of porn. What Owen noticed mostly though were the enormous amount of raccoon pictures. There was a whole series of raccoon and fox sex scenes that made Owen think of his own fantasies. His maleness didn't need any pressure on it now - it was fully erect.

He blinked. Was this really happening? Owen looked down again at the small screen. The evidence was like a huge red stain. Drake was gay. And he liked raccoons. A lot. Owen clicked out of the PSP and replaced it on the coffee table. His mind was racing like the runners on the track team. Drake was gay! He was into coons! Owen could make a move on him! His fantasy was becoming reality! But how, and when, could he begin the moment? Was Drake planning to get Owen on his back too?

Drake came out of the bathroom to see his friend lazily watching tv. The fox plopped down on the couch next to him. Owen was silent for about a minute. "You know who's a really hot girl?"

Owen saw he had caught Drake off guard. "Ummmm, who?" Drake asked.

"Danielle," Owen said.

Drake smiled, "Oh, God, yeah, definitely."

They sat on the couch watching tv in silence for a while, talking about girls while watching some sort of drama. The scene had a teenaged wolf watching a mouse girl he secretly loved walk down the hallway of their high school. The wolf was struggling to tell her how he felt. Owen and Drake weren't paying that much attention.

"Don't you think that's stupid?" Drake piped up unexpectedly.

Owen turned to him. "Huh?"

"You know? How the wolf can't even tell that mouse how he feels?" Drake asked shakily.

It wasn't like Drake to talk about things like this. "If you love someone, you know, you should just... tell them. Right?"

Owen blinked. "Well, yeah, I guess so... yeah, definitely."

The coon could feel a warmth rising in him. Was this going to be the moment? Was Drake going to say the words he wanted so badly to hear?

"Cool," was all Drake said, then turned back to the tv.

Owen felt the warmth drop a bit. He continued watching the show.

About ten minutes later into the program, the scene was one to shock many. The wolf and the mouse were alone together in the hallway. And it was the classic kiss-moment. The wolf spoke his true feelings to the mouse, the mouse girl said something sweet, and they did kiss. Owen began to feel awkward sitting so closely to Drake. He turned his head and was about to move to the opposite end of the couch, but saw Drake's paw on the pillow next to him. On the sly, the fox had moved his arm around Owen, and had actually gotten much closer to him. Their thighs were practically rubbing. Owen turned his head to meet the fox's gaze. He was staring right back at him. "Oh, sorry Owen, forgot who you were, heh..." Drake said, embarrassed.

Owen place his paw on Drake's arm before he moved it. "No, it's fine. I... I like it."

Drake gazed at his friend, and they both wondered, Was this the moment? "Owen, I'd like to tell you something. I, um, just don't know how to say it. It's, it's not weird or anything, but, I, um..."

"I'd like to tell you something too, Drake," Owen said.

Owen began shifting position so their heads got closer. "What, uh, what do you want to tell me?" Drake asked nervously.

"If you love someone," Owen said. "You should just tell them."

Owen leaned in before Drake could react and kissed the fox deeply, gently laying him on the couch. Owen got on top of him, lips still locked with the fox's. Drake's arms both were now holding the raccoon closely to him, and he began to kiss back, getting over his surprise. Before long, the two were fully into it, showing their passion in their movements. They soon rolled right off the couch, reversing positions. Drake kneeled above Owen, looking down at him. "I... I had no idea you were like this too."

Owen giggled. "How could you not know? I flirt with you all the time!"

Drake smiled and noticed the strong bulge from Owen's jeans. "Want to, um.. take this into the bedroom?" he asked, blushing.

Owen nodded readily, smiling.

The fox and the coon ran holding paws into Drake's bedroom, closing the door. Drake dimmed the lights while Owen removed his shirt and got onto the bed. The fox had always fantasized about this, and couldn't believe it was happening. He gazed at the raccoon fur on his bed, lustily looking back at him, running his paw down his chest. Drake's bulge was nearly opening his zipper. The fox climbed onto his bed, kicking the shoes off his footpaws, tail swishing side to side. Owen wanted this as much as he did. He could see the lust in his eyes and the tent he was pitching.

Drake and Owen continued their kissing, the fox losing his shirt along the way. Owen felt all the way along his best friend, his orange fur so soft with muscle underneath. Their tails were swishing so hard they intertwined at times, increasing the arousal even more. At last, it was time to lose the pants. Drake searched for Owen's zipper and undid it for him. The raccoon's jeans were gone in a matter of seconds, leaving a thin pair of boxers that were stretched far by his maleness. Drake removed his jeans quickly, incredibly excited. All those nights looking at those raccoon/fox sex pictures was going to pay off. He was going to have sex with Owen! The thought made him take off his last bits of clothes before the coon, exposing his member fully. Owen looked at it, a strong hunger in his eyes as he scrambled out of his boxors. The door was locked, the lights were dimmed, and they were going to be alone for 2 hours. The levees of rationality groaned and splintered under the enormity of passion from the two furs.

Drake didn't need to say anything as he crawled on the bed next to Owen. He lay down, facing the coon's throbbing 7 inches. The fox took it in immediately, and heard a gasp of excitement from Owen. "Oh, God, Drake," was all Owen said as the fox's lips dragged up and down his cock.

The raccoon returned the favor for Drake, making a classic 69. Their pleasure increased their determination, both furs working each other's cocks strongly. Drake loved the taste more than anything, and not even the best pictures he had seen could compare to this. Owen was living in the same fantasy he had each time he pawed off. So strong was their lust and love, nothing could come between the two furs.

Owen moaned around Drake's cock as his tongue licked the underside of the coon's maleness. He would cum soon and cum hard; exactly what Drake wanted. He increased his speed, and felt Owen doing the same. Drake could barely even feel the object in his mouth anymore, he was moving so fast around his lover's cock. Suddenly, Owen gasped, tensed up.

Drake stopped and waited for the blast, still being worked on by the coon. Then, -yes!- Owen came incredibly strong, jets of seed erupting in Drake's mouth and down his throat. Drake started swallowing immediately, the taste overwhelmingly delicious. There was so much cum though, warm and thick, Drake couldn't take it all. He opened up and pulled back in time to receive a two-shot facial by Owen. The fox licked his face, only spreading the seed more and making a warm, white mess. Then Drake tensed, smiled, and felt his release. Owen swallowed it all down and pulled off, ropes hanging off his furry chin.

The two just laid there for awhile, experiencing afterglow. Neither could believe what they had just gone through. It was beyond description. The moment of rest and afterglow seemed to stretch on for an incredibly long time, until Owen moved to face his lover. The cum had mostly dried now, sticking his chin fur together. Drake gazed into his eyes. "That... that was... wow," Owen said, then began to laugh. "Wow! That was incredible! I mean, we, we just had sex..."

Drake laid there, blinked, and licked the cummy spots on Owen's face. "Yeah, tell me about it."

Owen held onto the fox, looking into his eyes. "So, when did you know you wanted to do this with me?"

"I'm actually bisexual," Drake admitted. "Remember the time we were playing football in my backyard, and you just sort of laid on me for awhile? That's when I knew."

Owen smiled, then frowned. "Wait, so you meant what you said about all those females?"

"Yeah," Drake said. "But you are waaay hotter than they'll ever be."

Owen smiled again and kissed him, fantasizing silently about the rest of the night. He found he didn't need to. Drake suddenly said, "You know what we need right now? A shower."

Owen began to get excited again. "Hehe, I just got the joke about not dropping the soap."

Drake smiled coyly. "Aww, I don't have any bar soap."

Owen put a paw on the fox's ass and squeezed gently. "You think that's going to stop me?"

The fox and the raccoon then rose from the bed and walked to the bathroom, arm in arm, tails lifting high.