Kiyka's Slut - A Lesson to Learn

Story by TessyFloof on SoFurry

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Well, I'm sure all those who enjoyed The First Part to this story were just dying to see Kiyka Get his.

And so with a little time, alot of mental blocks, It's finally been produced.

This is the final part, And i hope everyone enjoys.

And Please, if you see ANY mistakes, please don't be afraid to point them out.

Tenke groaned softly as his eyes fluttered open, the light stinging his eyes. He went to roll over onto his back before giving a yelp of pain; the origin was the mark on his shoulder blade. Quickly rolling back over onto his belly, he lifted a paw and reached around his neck, touching the mark carefully, hissing as he touched it. The letters were still sensitive, and the fur around them crusted with blood. He whined and stood up, trying to avoid using his left arm as much as possible.

He walked over to the full body mirror, looking at himself, his slim form was ok from the front, though a little bit messy, Nothing was wrong. Turning around, Tenke turned his back to the mirror. When he turned his head to look over his shoulder, he looked directly at the ash colored heart that spread over his shoulder blade. The letters were faded through the fur, But still visible. Kiyka's Slut was scrawled over the heart. The letters were crudely carved into his back, as though it'd been taken off of a public restroom wall. He whined and closed his eyes again, was this all a dream or was it really happening?

The folf sighed and opened his eyes again before looking at his rump, the fur matted from the fox's seed. He slowly lifted his tail; gently spread his furred cheeks to look at the damage. It was going to be fine; sore for a while, but it'd heal in time. He sighed and let his tail droop back down as he walked towards the bathroom. Starting the shower, he waited for the water to warm before adding cold water till he knew it wouldn't hurt his shoulder. Tenke stepped in, Whining as the water hit him, making the boy shiver as it worked through his fur. Looking down, Tenke saw a small bit of blood mixed with the water, the water washing it from his fur.

He whined and pulled away from the stream coming from the shower head. "W-Why...?" He asked, his body shaking as he slowly moved down to sit in the corner of the tub, the water hitting the base of the tub and moved slowly passed his foot paws on its way down the drain.

"Hey, Tenke, Are you here?" A quiet, almost girlish voice sounded from his bedroom. Kerka's ears perked up and pivoted to face the bathroom. He walked in there and smiled as he saw Tenke, though it quickly faded. The young panther walked over to the shower and peeled back the curtain, "Tenke...What's wrong?" he asked as he looked into the male's green eyes.

He looked down, his ears flattening to the side. "N-Nothing, Just tired, didn't exactly..." he was cut of by his own sobbing. The dark colored fur curled up into a tight ball. Kerka quickly turned off the shower and hopped into the tub and put his arms around Tenke. Unaware of the markings on his shoulder, Kerka reached around and placed an arm around the older canine. Tenke let out a yelp and quickly pulled away from the panther, his wolfish ears flattening.

"T-Tenke, I-I'm Sorry." he said softly and reached out to touch the male, seeing the folf flinched back. "Tenke, what's wrong." He spoke in a quiet voice, moving to touch the folf again with a more careful approach.

Tenke whined and relaxed back into the tub again. After a few moments of silence, Tenke turned his back to face the wall his back to the panther.

There was a quiet gasp as Kerka spotted the writing on Tenke's heart mark. Tenke held his arm in one of his paws, his back rounding as he slouched slightly. The black panther flattened his ears and reached out, laying his hand gently on Tenke's back, just right to his mark. "D-Did Kiyka...?" He whispered, before pulling his hand back away from the folf, moving around to face him. "T-Tenke, you have to tell someone." he whispered and looked deep into the folf's green eyes.

The black folf looked down at the younger panther and He shook his head slowly and bit his lip. "No." He whimpered, speaking at something less than a whisper. "I-If..." he shook his head again, sobs welling up in his throat." I can't!" he cried out, his tail curled around him, covering his body. "I can't, I can't..." He continued to repeat the phrase like a mantra.

Kerka sat still and stared at the large tail, his ears flattened to his skull. He sat in the tub a little longer with Tenke, gently petting the wet tail in an attempt to comfort the male.

Tenke peeked around the tail slightly his eyes red with tears. "Please...K-Kerka...Leave." He whispered and curled up tightly. However, the smaller panther didn't move from his spot, and only pet the tail in front of him. He sat there silently until finally Tenke lifted his head. "Please...I want..." he cut himself off and lay his head on his hands, his eyes staring out into space.

Kerka frowned and nodded. "Ok, I'll go." He whispered and gently touched Tenke's uninjured shoulder before getting up and leaving, his long slender tail held still behind him. He turned his head to look at the folf in the corner of the bathtub. He opened his mouth to speak, only to find nothing able to come out of the open muzzle. Turning back around, he placed his hand on the door, hesitantly shutting it and remained facing the white wood door, his rounded ears flat.

"I can't begin to...understand how you feel Tenke, but Please, let me help you. You can't stay with him, not with this happening." The young panther sighed, and sat on the edge, his paws folding in his lap. "I want to help. I can't....let you stay in a rela--!" He was cut short by the feeling of Tenke's wet paws slamming him off the edge of the tub, grunting as he hit the tiled floor, gasping for air.

Tenke looked down at the fallen cub; an angry/broken expression was spread across his face. "I-I don't want to talk about it!" He barked, causing Kerka to jolt. "Go NOW!" he barked again before yanking the curtain closed around the tub, his shadow sliding under the edge of the tub.

The cub sat on the floor, shocked at what'd just happened. After he gathered himself, he picked himself off the ground and looked at the ball's shadow in the tub before walking out of the room.

Kerka hadn't heard anything from Tenke since the incident in the bathroom. But once school came around again, the young panther scouted the halls, barely catching a pair of much larger anthros before they went to class. He cleared his throat as they greeted him with the usual hair ruffling and elbows to the kitten's side. He pushed them of with a slight chuckle. "How's our favorite target?" The large lion laughed deeply as his large paw messed the panther's hair.

"H-Hey... That's not funny." He said and straightened out his hair. Kerka blushed deeply under his fur, not enjoying their teasing him about their favorite gym game: Dodge ball. "I-I just wanted..." He paused and shifted on his foot paws. "I just wanted to ask you something."

The dragon morph shook his head, chuckling slightly, the light almost glinting off of his blue scales. They each stood easily a foot above the kitten, and looked like they often went to a gym. "What do you need Kerka?" He said softly, his voice a little bit lighter than the lion's. "You'll owe us." He added and leaned against the glass trophy case, smirking down at the black feline.

"Don't worry....its something that pays on its own." The male smiled and flicked his long tail. "You have practice tonight?" He asked, his smile broadened when they nodded in unison. "Good, you think you could find a way to keep Kiyka with you late, and I'll meet you guys in the locker room?" He told them, his ears flattened and his blush deepened, starting to show through the dark fur.

The lion looked over at the blue dragon before returning his attention to Kerka. "What've you got planned Kitten?" He said and smirked at him. "Well, whatever it is, Kazu and I will take care of it." He said and ruffled the male's hair once more before turning to go into the classroom. Kerka smiled as he watched the two leave for class. He rand through the hall to his own class before the late bell rang out.

Classes went by quickly for the day. However, waiting for the basketball team to finish their practice seemed to take an eternity. The panther watched from the doorway, his tail flicking as he heard the coach call in the team, signaling the end of the practice.

Kerka smiled and walked into the locker rooms, his tail flicking back and forth as he gathered stuff and waited for Kazu and Lerone to bring Kiyka into the back. After all of the other team members showered and left, he heard the voices of the three enter the room. The panther smiled softly as they entered the shower. He grabbed his camera from his bag before he heard the fox start shouting. Kerka switched it to Video before he stepped around the corner, holding a long piece of cloth in one hand and one of the lion's jockstraps in the other. He quickly handed the rope to the two before stepping to around them to face Kiyka. While they tied the fox's hands behind his back, Kerka lowered himself to Kiyka's level, the camera catching each moment of the situation. "Do you know why we're here Kiyka?" He asked softly.

Kiyka groaned softly and shook his head. "What the Hell are you talking about?!" he shouted and groaned, struggling at the bonds. "What do you want" he growled and narrowed his eyes at the panther.

He smiled softly and shook his head. "I'm here for Tenke." He said before shifting. "You need to learn to respect him." He said before pressing the dirty jockstrap into the fox's muzzle. He leaned back against the wall, smiling and nodding at the dragon and lion. Pulling the fox up, they sandwiched him between the two large bodies. Their members were already hard as they ground up against the fox's body. He let out a low growl as he caught the panther out of the corner of his eyes, looking at him, a camera catching every moment.

"Now then Pup, who do you want first?" Lerone said behind him, whispering softly as he ground his barbed, hardened member on Kiyka's rump, moaning softly in the fox's ear. A second later he nipped the fox's large ear rather roughly, causing Kiyka to let out a muffled yelp. Kazu smiled and ground his impressive, 10 inch shaft over the male's thigh and sheath. "I think that Kazu would like to play." He said and dropped his hands, gripping the male's rump, squeezing the male's rump before spreading the fox's cheeks.

Kazu smirked softly and nodded he gripped the fox's legs and lifted them, taking the last bit of control the fox might've had. The blue dragon leaned forward and growled softly. "Now try and relax Kiyka, It'll be over before you know it." He said and pressed his thick length against the male's pucker before thrusting forward, burying half of his length into Kiyka's rump, the fox screamed into the jockstrap. Kazu growled and bit into the male's neck, not doing any damage, but threatening enough to the bound fox.

Kiyka stilled in the arms of his attackers, breathing heavily through his nose. He groaned as Kazu started his motions out of the canine, and then the quick and sudden thrust into him, forcing more of the dragon's shaft into his rear, making him groan in pain. The dragon continued his motions; the fox's groaning grew shorter and quieter as Kiyka became accustom to the dragon's throbbing member.

Soon Lerone pressed his barbed member against the canine's tailhole, feeling the dragon slow to a stop "I think this dog can take more." The lion said and chuckled, pressing teasingly, looking passed the struggling fox and at Kazu, the blue dragon nodded slowly and pulled his hips back, the tip of his member remain in the fox.

Kiyka groaned and tried to wiggle his way out of the males' grip as the lion behind him shifted, pressing his own member against Kiyka's tailhole. Kazu growled and tightened his jaws around his neck, making the fox stop struggling. For a moment they teased his tailhole, merely pressing the heads of their members against his pucker.

Soon though, the two looked at one another, catching eyes before their hips moved in unison, both members slowly worked into the tight fox. He groaned and pleaded through the jockstrap, feeling both of the members start to spread his tailhole. He started to yell, muffled into his gag as they stretching wider than anything Kiyka ever took before.

As they felt half of their members pressed into Kiyka, they slammed forward, the screaming grew louder. They didn't wait for the fox to grow accustomed to the pair of cocks buried in his backside. Immediately, they pulled out and thrust back in, tears that he'd been holding back finally broke free and rolled down his damp fur.

For several minutes, they kept the pace up, slamming roughly into the tight fox, grunting with each thrust. Kiyka lay in the males' arms, his neck still held by Kazu's jaws. Each thrust bringing a new jolt of pain shooting up his spine. "Ready there Kaz?" Lerone moaned and licked at the fox's ear with his rough tongue. With a soft grunt, Kazu gave the lion his agreement. They thrust deep, their rhythm starting to become erratic and rough, Each fur took his own motions now, but at the last moment they both pulled out nearly entirely out of Kiyka before slamming forward, each roaring out as he pumped their seed into the fox.

As their respective climaxes tapered off, they pulled out, the combination of the lion's milky whine cum and the dragon's blue seed dripped onto the ground and down his legs. Kazu released his neck and smiled, thumbs rubbing the fox's shoulders before stepping away. Starting the shower again, he nodded slightly to Lerone. The lion set him down in the shower stream, Kiyka just lay there as he was pelted by the warm water.

Kerka smiled and stepped forward, turning the camera off, he lay down next to the older fox, his shirt getting wet from the shower over head. "It'll be ok now right, Kiyka?" the panther said quietly. "You can't erase the damage you've put in place. But you better not hurt my friend." He said with a soft growl of anger. "If you ever hurt Tenke, It'll be much worse for you." He said and unsheathed one of his claws, gently rolling Kiyka onto his back. "And here's a reminder." He said, and with the sharp claw, carved an X into the fox's chest, bringing a muffled howl into the jockstrap.

"I'll let you to get up in your own time." Kerka said softly, the other two already washed up and gone out of the locker room. The panther untied Kiyka's hands then pulled the jockstrap from the fox's mouth.

As the door shut for a final time, Kiyka groaned softly and used the wall to stand. His legs shook as he stood under the stream, gasping sharply as the water hit the X mark on his chest. He gently touched his chest around the wound, his ears plastered back against his skull. He gave a short sigh before turning his back and let the water pound the dragon's and lion's seed out of his fur. When he was finished, he gathered his clothes, pulling them on without drying his fur. He looked back down at the showers, a shudder traveled through his body. He sighed softly and lowered his head. Kiyka picked up his bag and walked out of the school, his motions slow and careful.

Tenke stood at the window, his ears back against his head. The curtains were drawn back, and the large bay window open fully. A breeze blew into the large window, making the folf's thick fur dance. He closed his eyes as he heard the door open and close, the thump of a book bag drop to the floor. The creaking of the floorboards under foot with each step, until finally he heard them stop just behind him. He didn't turn around, let alone open his eyes, already knowing who it was standing behind him. Kiyka lowered his head for a moment, seeing the folf standing perfectly still. "Tenke..." He paused, his voice low. There was a moment of silence between them before Kiyka finished. "I'm sorry." Tenke's torso turned and faced the fox, their eyes meeting never deterring from one another's.