To Dream of Darkness III - CH 53

Story by DoggyStyle57 on SoFurry

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#13 of To Dream of Darkness, Part III

To Dream of Darkness

A story by DoggyStyle57

Chapter 53, Written December 2012


Chapter 53 - A Not-So-Noble Lord

On Thursday Sarina spent the morning working in her shop, but closed it up again as mid-day approached. She changed her appearance to that of a nondescript street urchin, a fox girl perhaps eight years old and dressed in ragged clothes, then teleported herself to the entry stairs of the building where Sir Jeremy's mistress lived.

After looking around to make sure no one else was nearby, Sarina tapped on the fourteen year old whore's door.

Meghan answered the door, smiling and expecting her noble lover. When she saw no one at first at eye level she frowned, then she looked down to see a green eyed waif looking up at her. "Cor! What do ye think yer up to, lass? I got no handouts or work fer beggar girls!"

"I'm not begging, miss," the child replied. Then she said simply, "Narcos!"

Meghan's eyes went blank, and she looked straight ahead as she heard the trigger word for the post-hypnotic suggestion that Sarina had planted the day before.

"You will let me in, and shut the door," Sarina said to her.

"Please come in," Meghan replied woodenly. She closed the door once the child was in the room.

"You are comfortable and secure, here in your flat. Nothing unusual ever happens in your rooms. So nothing you see or hear today will seem unusual to you, or will be any cause for alarm," Sarina said calmly. "Continue listening to my voice and obeying my commands, but otherwise act as if the little fox girl merely returned a handkerchief that she saw you drop, and then left again, and you are once again quite alone in your flat."

Meghan opened the door, closed it again, and said to herself in a dull voice, "How nice that the child returned my hankie."

"Remove all your clothes. Your lover will soon be here, and you want to put on your best clothes for him," Sarina said.

Meghan smiled and quickly disrobed, laying her garments over a chair by her bed.

Sarina opened the door to the girl's wardrobe closet, and said, "You're cold without your clothes. It's warm and cozy and quiet in your closet. You have time for a nap, and it would be so cozy and comfy to curl up in the closet and sleep. Get in the closet and sleep until someone touches your shoulder three times."

Meghan shivered and got into the closet, carefully curling her tail around herself before falling into a deep sleep.

Sarina closed the closet door, shapeshifted to match Meghan's exact appearance, and put on the young whore's clothes. Now her trap was set and baited, and she sat comfortably in the girl's flat, awaiting Sir Jeremy's arrival.


Sarina didn't have to wait very long. Sir Jeremy was quite punctual, and when he knocked on his Mistress' door, Sarina let him in, greeting him just as Meghan was used to doing, with a kiss on the cheek and a giggle, then saying, "Cor! It's good to see ya, lover!"

"It's good to see you too, my dear," Sir Jeremy said, taking off his top hat and jacket, and starting to unfasten his vest buttons. "Your youthful vigor always brings new life to me. Alas, I can stay only one hour today. Must be back to the House of Lords promptly by two. Great things, afoot, my dear! Great things! If this afternoon goes as planned, I may be able to see you every day."

"Cor, you're not thinkin' o' leavin' your laidy wife for me, are ya, lover? Never did I ask ya ta do that, an' never will I!" Sarina asked, knowing that this was a bit of banter that took place often between Meghan and her lover. Meghan was quite happy in her role as a nobleman's mistress, and had no illusions that he would, or should, ever break up his family so he could marry her instead. She knew her place in life. But she did like to tease him with the faint possibility that he might somehow make her more than just a secret Mistress. "O'course, I'd love more time wit' ye, but how ya gonna do that, without the missuz getting' wind o me?"

"Ah, now that is something I dare tell no one, not even you, my dear, before the deed is done," the bulldog said, removing his vest and shirt. The amulet of terror that Sarina had been warned about remained around his neck, as he drew her close into his arms. "But soon, if all goes well, you'll need not worry what my wife thinks of you."

That comment sorely tempted Sarina to probe his mind then and there, but she knew he would be far more vulnerable in the moment of orgasm, when her sex magick would make his memories hers, and open his mind to her. "You're not gonna do her in? Naw, naw, my sweet love could nae do such an evil thing! Love me, my sweet, an' tell me what ya will, when it pleases ya."

Sir Jeremy undressed her, and then had her remove his trousers and undershorts. Then they got on the bed, and he entered her quickly, with no foreplay, trusting his young Mistress to already be aroused and ready for him.

Sarina had anticipated such a hasty start, having seen in the real Meghan's mind the way that he usually began their sessions together. She was wet enough and ready enough, and rolled over to sit astride him, gazing deep into his eyes as she rode him to his climax.

As his orgasm neared and Sarina's sex magick began to draw out his memories, his amulet began to glow, and his eyes got wild and frightened. "Wait! What? Someone is... I felt, Ohhh! Unghhh! Ah, never you mind darling. Some fool must have tried to read my mind! But I don't... feel their... uhhhhh." His head lolled to one side and he fell asleep.

Sarina had been unaffected by the amulet's terror attack against her. The waves of paralyzing fear that it emanated washed over her with no more impact than a summer breeze. But she hadn't counted on Sir Jeremy being able to realize that the amulet's defenses had been activated. She had to force his mind into a deep sleep before his agitation increased to a point that it could break the hold of her sex magick. Still impaled on his shaft and rolling through several orgasms of her own, she rifled through his memories.

The first thing she did was to erase Sir Jeremy's memory of the amulet awakening, and replace those few moments with the pleasant memory of his intense orgasm the day before when visiting Meghan. Then Sarina sought any memories connected with the images from the stolen documents, or his impending business with the House of Lords.

His thoughts on the stolen documents were quite clear, and he definitely had read them, and made a copy of the parts pertaining to casting a particular spell. Not only that, but he intended to use the spell, this very afternoon! She had gotten to him only barely in time.

As Asha had suspected, the diagrams in the documents related to a spell for summoning a greater demon. In addition to papers that contained all the pertinent details of how to use the spell to summon a very specific greater demon, there were also transcripts of a spell casting session where the spell had recently been used. In a secret magical workroom below the Gentleman's Garden Society building, six high-ranking mages who were members of the Shepherds of Order had been... negotiating... with a greater demon, who promised to teach them an incredibly powerful form of compulsion spell - one that could make a person act very much against their basic nature. Those negotiations had not, by the end of the transcripts, been concluded. The price the demon demanded for the spell was, so far, one that the Shepherds had been unwilling to pay. The transcripts covering the spell casting ended with the Demon being sent back to Hell, with the promise that they would summon him again for further negotiations after they deliberated among themselves.

But the transcripts didn't end there, nor did Sir Jeremy's vivid memories of the night's events. The transcripts were part of the minutes of a working session of the Shepherds of Order's higher council, and in the last parts of them many very prominent politically and socially connected men were explicitly named as participants, as they debated with each other the merits and problems of agreeing to the demon's terms. Sir Jeremy had been one of the most vocal members in favor of doing what the demon required. He said he wanted to personally use the spell to control several opposing members of the House of Lords whom the Shepherds had thus far been unable to either recruit into their ranks or blackmail into voting as the Shepherds desired. But that wasn't the only way he wanted to use the spell.

When those opposed to paying the demon's price prevailed, Sir Jeremy had broken into the room where the Shepherd's had secured the spell casting notes and the meeting transcripts, and absconded with the documents, in hopes of blackmailing one of the mages who had summoned the demon into secretly completing the negotiations, paying the demon's price, and obtaining the compulsion spell for Jeremy. Sir Jeremy himself knew that he wasn't a powerful enough mage to cast the spell and control the demon, but he was certain that he did have enough power to be able to use the spell that the demon had offered. So he just needed an accomplice who could summon and control the demon. When the Shepherds recovered the original documents, he lost his best blackmail material. But he still had a copy of the spell, and this morning he had made an agreement with one of the mages. If Sir Jeremy would betray the interests of his own political faction and reverse his position on an issue being supported in the House of Lords by that mage and the Tory party, the mage would assist Sir Jeremy in summoning the demon tonight.

Sarina could understand Sir Jeremy's eagerness to obtain this spell. She was sorely tempted to obtain it for herself! Normal compulsion spells, such as Sarina had used to subdue Meghan, worked best when the commands seemed reasonable and within the scope of acceptable actions for the subject. She could command a whore like Meghan to undress quite easily, and with a little effort she even could have made the girl walk down the street stark naked. But the same commands given to a prim and proper noblewoman stood a much greater chance of failing, unless driven with sufficient force to cause permanent mental damage. And most compulsion and control spells could not make someone do something they would normally refuse to do. For example, Sarina's spell could not be used to cause Meghan to take her own life, or to murder her lover, Sir Jeremy.

This spell supposedly had no such limits. If the demon was telling the truth, it could be used to compel someone to obey virtually any command, regardless of their own natural inclinations. A politician could be made to betray his party and his country. A religious person could be made to betray their faith and beliefs. An innocent child could be made to act like a wanton whore. Or... a faithful wife and her innocent children could be made to accept that the head of their household was openly mating with his Mistress, while they watched and accepted his behavior as normal. Sir Jeremy had originally intended to get the demon to give him the spell, and then to use it to make his wife and children accept his fourteen year old Mistress, Meghan, as a newly hired house maid, and to make them blind to the fact that he was mating with that 'maid' on a regular basis, even if they caught him in the act of fornicating with the girl, or even if he mated with the child while his wife was in bed beside them!

But even Sarina balked at the price the demon was asking for the spell, and at how this not-so-noble Lord intended to pay that price. The demon wanted five unwilling victims. Not to kill as sacrifices, but for the demon to sexually despoil - and preferably it wanted innocent children. Sir Jeremy had three children. His son was only eight, and his two daughters were ten and twelve. Desperate for the political power that the spell could bring him, he was planning to give the demon his own wife, children, and even his mistress, Meghan, to use for a night as the demon's sexual playthings!

Sarina was sorely tempted to kill Sir Jeremy, or to erase his mind completely and leave him a drooling idiot. But the Shepherds wanted him alive and still able to do their bidding. So she set to work at rewriting his memories. She noted where he had hidden his copy of the spell for summoning that demon, and sent Asha to steal the copied spell, while Sarina erased that memory from his mind. She altered the memory of his discussion and agreement with the mage, making it seem to him that the mage had approached Sir Jeremy about reversing his position on the legislation, and Sir Jeremy had refused. He would miss that two o-clock vote, spending the time with his mistress instead, and later denying that he had ever agreed to anything to change his vote.

The tricky part was rewriting his memories regarding his knowledge of the demon's offer and of stealing the documents. He had witnessed the spell being cast by the Shepherds' mages, and that memory had to be left mostly intact, or he would surely know his memories had been altered as soon as someone else who had been there mentioned it to him. She altered it only enough to ensure that if he tried casting the spell based only what he could recall of what he saw that night, it would fail. Then she replaced his memory of what happened after the meeting, so that instead of deciding to steal the files, he recalled acting as he had on another night where his ambitions had been thwarted, and he had gone to the bar at a gentlemen's club that he belonged to, in order to drown his sorrows. He would not recall taking the documents, reading them in detail, or copying the spell information. He would not recall making the decision that he was willing to sacrifice his mistress and family to his ambition.

Sarina finally got off the sleeping Lord's shaft, and went to the cabinet that the real Meghan was sleeping in. She roused the girl and diddled her enough to get her wet, then positioned her on her lover's shaft, instructing both Meghan and Sir Jeremy to resume mating, and to continue their carnal pleasures at least until three in the afternoon.

But both Sarina and the Shepherds still had a problem. Sir Jeremy would still be at that tipping point, susceptible to the same temptations to gain the spell for himself, and to sacrifice anything - even his own family - to get it. If she could, she needed to warn the Shepherds of that danger, and she also needed to tell them about their mage's private agreement with Sir Jeremy. The mage only knew that Sir Jeremy was intent on getting the spell. He didn't know how he intended to use the spell, or what Sir Jeremy intended to offer the demon as payment. She had no way to locate that mage or to make him forget that Sir Jeremy had been in possession of the demonic summoning spell. The Shepherds would need to deal with him. But they had left her no way to contact them. She teleported back to her shop, resumed her normal appearance as Sarina, and set to work on making a large statue of a badger gardener, so she could collect her pay for this task. But as she worked, she contemplated how she could contact the Shepherds, and what, if anything, she would do with the copy of the spell that she had asked Asha to steal.