A Very Deer Christmas Surprise

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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MY first Christmas month story.

Daniel is spending Christmas alone, so he's spending time online for Christmas break.

Don't forget guys that I'm taking requests for Christmas month so don't be afraid to note me.

Adult for explicit content and M/M sexual activities.

This story is intended for people who are 18+ and enjoy M/M with explicit content.

Daniel clicked out of the browser; he had been jumping around some furry websites for a few hours now. He stretched and looked at the time, "Holy shit, is it really three?" He grimaced as he realized that he had spent most of the night away on the internet, "Well... I guess being a furry takes no breaks." He chuckled as he stood up and started off to bed. Before he left the room he heard a email ping, "Hm?" He turned around to glance at his computer screen; he saw that it was one of his friends instant messaging him. Daniel slid into his chair and typed, "What's up Rudolph?" He had known his friend for a while now, they had had met on one of the furry websites that they both had frequented for a while. When he had asked his friend why he had picked the name Rudolph the other man had said that he had always loved Christmas and reindeers.

"Hey man, I was wondering if you've gotten anything for Christmas yet. :3" He read off the chat, he typed in response. "Nope, my family went off to Hawaii and I'm staying at home studying for exams. They said that they would bring some stuff for Christmas but that won't be until early January." His friend took a few seconds to answer, "Well in that case, keep your eye out for a package I sent something your way. :D" Before Daniel could ask any further questions Rudolph signed off. Daniel leaned back and sighed, "Well then... I guess I'll have to wait for that package..." He muttered, he slipped into his bed and quickly fell asleep. After he fell asleep a small trail of white sparkles slid in from underneath his window, the trail of sparkles first slid out the thermostat and turned down the heat. The sparkles then flew up to Daniel and slid down his nose, he shivered slightly as a glow spread across his body.


Daniel blinked as he woke up; he struggled to sit up as he realized that his room was freezing. "Ho... holy s... shit it... it's fucking c... cold!" He struggled over to his thermostat to see that it had apparently been turned off somehow, "Shit I hate the cold..." He muttered as he turned the thermostat to max. As he turned up the thermostat he heard a ping on his computer, "Who could be pinging me at this time?" He muttered as he dragged himself over to his computer, "Of course... Rudolph..."

"Good morning Hooves! How did you sleep? :3" Daniel grimaced as he was reminded of how cold it was in the room, "Well other than waking up finding that my room was an icicle, fine I guess..." He typed in, his friend barely waited to reply. "That's too bad man; I know that you'll be all warm and toasty soon though! ;)" Daniel perked his lips in interest, "Is that a hint at my gift?" Rudolph hesitated for a moment before answering, "Maybe..." Daniel grinned, "So you sent me a blanket? Seems a bit simple for a Christmas present. :P" Rudolph typed up in response, "If I tell you one thing about your present it is not a blanket, I guess I can say that it's related to reindeer." Daniel grinned, the reason Rudolph and him had gotten together so well was due to them both having interests in reindeer. "Well then, that changes everything. I hope it gets here soon! J" He typed back in excitement, "You'll have to wait just a bit longer my friend. ;3" Daniel sighed then agreed and signed off; he stood up and decided to get ready to do some last minute Christmas shopping. "I might as well get him something since he's sending me something..." He grabbed his coat and keys and walked out the door, as he walked out the door he checked the calendar and his eyes widened as he noticed the date. "It's only two days until Christmas Eve? I really have been a shut in for this past week..." He muttered, he slipped out the door to go shopping. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Daniel sighed as he walked back into the house holding a shopping bag, "Man I hate Christmas shopping, it feels more like I'm fighting a war rather than buying a present..." Daniel set the bag on his table and slumped into his computer chair, he bent over and turned the computer on and watched as it booted up. He yawned and leaned back and looked at his pitiful Christmas tree, "One of these years I need to get a better tree..." Daniel heard the familiar ping of an IM, "Three guesses on who that is..." He muttered as he clicked on it to see Rudolph's name.

"Hey man, I just wanted to see how you are doing." Daniel as he read off his friend's IM, "Nothing much, just finished getting some stuff from the store." He waited for a reply and grinned as he read it, "I hope nothing too naughty, you don't want to be on the naughty list. ;)" Daniel laughed as he typed up a response, "Nope, just some porn magazines. J" Daniel pulled up some of his furry websites while waiting for his friend's response, "You have an interesting sense of humor my friend. :3" Daniel laughed, "That's hooves for yah, better sense of humor than your ordinary Reindeer. icon_biggrin.gif" After a few minutes he received another message from his friend, "Oh have you checked my page? I just uploaded a new picture." Daniel gasped in excitement; he knew that his friend made the most realistic anthro reindeer pictures. "I'll check it right now!" He clicked through the pages and found his friend's picture, "I can't see any new pictures." He typed in, he got a response quickly. "Oh sorry I forgot to mention, these pictures are a bit more mature you need to turn your account to view adult pictures." Daniel hesitated for a moment; he knew that his friend was gay so he wasn't sure if he should check it. "Is it really bad? :/" He typed in hesitantly; Rudolph took a few minutes to answer him. "You're going to have to check if you want to find out. ;3" Daniel sighed as he hesitantly changed his options from normal to mature viewing options. Daniel went back to his Rudolph's page and hesitantly hovered his mouse over his friend's newest submission; he took a deep breath and clicked on the submission. He nervously waited for the page to load, after a moment the picture loaded up and Daniel almost immediately closed the picture. He furiously typed to Rudolph, "T... that's not right man!" It took Rudolph a second to reply, "I doubt you ever looked for more than a second to see it." Daniel's face turned a deep red, "For good reason man, you know I'm not into things like that." Rudolph responded back quickly, "You'll never know unless you try it. :3" Daniel's eyebrows furrowed, "I thought that you were the one telling me to stay off of the naughty list and then you send me something like this?" Rudolph's next message came in fast, "Oh I already know I'm already on Santa's naughty list, I'm fine with that. ;)" Daniel sighed and leaned back in his seat, "Hey man I'll talk to you tomorrow, all of that shopping has left me dead. X.X" Rudolph answered back quickly, "Alright, good night sweetie. ;)"

Daniel instead of acting with his usual disgusted sigh he felt a blush come into his cheeks, "Yeah, good night." He signed off and slapped his cheeks to get rid of the blush; he started to pull off his clothes to get ready for bed. As he pulled off his shirt he didn't notice the thin layer of hair on his back. He quickly slipped into his bed and fell asleep almost immediately, as he slept the small trail of sparkles once again slipped into his room. It once again turned the thermostat down as low as it could go, then it did a twirl around his Christmas tree. As it did so many of the Christmas ornaments changed, they went from his normal ones to more colorful ornaments with rainbows and reindeer painted across them. Just like the night before the sparkles went up his nose, as he slept his dreams slightly changed. They changed from his usual dreams to an odd dream with anthro reindeer women surrounding him. He gave a small smile as the thin layer of hair on his back started to spread.


As Daniel woke up he gave a small shiver, "It's a bit cold in here..." He muttered as he walked over to the thermostat, he glanced at it to see that the thermostat was at the same temperature that it had been yesterday morning. "That's weird... it doesn't feel as cold as it was yesterday..." He turned it back up to the temperature that he normally had it at; he walked to his computer and turned it on. As it turned on he knew what was waiting for him, "Good morning! ^^" Rudolph was his usual chipper self, today it seemed like the feeling was contagious because Daniel replied back with the same cheer. "Hello there! ^_^" Daniel was a bit put off because he usually never used such cheery emoticons, "Oh you're in a good mood, what got you there stud? ;)" Once again instead of being disgusted he blushed once more. "I don't know, I guess I just had a really good night of sleep." Rudolph went offline for a second before coming back, "Well I'm glad to hear that, I have to go I have to get ready to work tomorrow. ;)"

Daniel's eyebrows perked up in confusion, "Tomorrow? It's Christmas Eve tomorrow, where could you possibly be working?" Rudolph's answer was once more delayed, "I guess you could say I work with a delivery service, we work right up until Christmas day." Daniel perked his lips, "Well that sucks man, have fun with that." Rudolph signed off, "Well since I have a whole day to myself might as well jump around on my furry sites."

Daniel signed onto the furry site from the other day and he remembered that he had never turned off the mature filter, for some reason he didn't feel compelled to turn it off though. He blushed as he saw some of the pictures that were hosted, the stranger thing was that he found that we was looking at more mature picture of men than women. Daniel heard a knock on his door and he jumped into the air, he shut down his computer and ran to the door. As he was about to open the door he looked down and blushed as he realized that his pants were bulging. Daniel took a second to let the bulge to die down before opening the door; it took him a second to realize that the person was below his normal line of sight. He looked down to see a short man in a delivery service outfit, "Hello there, I brought your package." The man handed up a wrapped package, "Oh thanks... do you need my signature?" The little man shook his head, "I know that you're Daniel. Have an amazing Christmas." Before Daniel could question the little man his door suddenly shut in his face without anyone touching. When he opened the door back up the little man was gone, he shrugged his shoulders and stepped back into his house. As he set the package on the table he realized that it was the present from Rudolph, he was about to open it up when he noticed a note tucked under the ribbon. "I know it's tempting but don't open this until Christmas eve. ;)" He read off the note, he perked his lips in irritation "Taking all of the fun out of it aren't you Rudy?" Daniel blinked; he had never called his friend Rudy before.

Daniel sighed and shoved his present under his tiny Christmas tree, for a second he glanced at the tree and thought that it looked different but after looking at the rainbow colored ornaments he just pushed the thought out of his head. As he looked at the present a small glow shimmered over his body, he blinked and suddenly he glanced around to see that his room was rather un-festive. "Maybe I should decorate..." He ran over to a local store and bought a whole bunch of Christmas ornaments; once he got home he spent two hours decorating his house.

After Daniel finished up he was completely exhausted, "I'd better turn in for today." As he started to get changed out of his clothes he realized that he was sweating bullets, he walked over to the thermostat and changed the temperature from his normal temperature to the lowest it could go. As he glanced around the room he smiled at all of the Christmas lights lining his room, as he pulled off his shirt the hair on his back had expanded all around his body and had become a thick coat of reindeer's fur. The sparkles once again slipped into his room but this time they had increased to a flood of sparkles, the sparkles slipped underneath Daniel's eyelids and into his nose. Once again he had a dream with anthro Reindeers but as more of the sparkles slipped into him the women turned into strong reindeer men, he found his dream self pushing up against the men and grinding. The fur expanded wildly across his body as he slept.


The next morning Daniel woke up with an oddly satisfied smile on his face, he stood up and walked across the room with a newly found roll in his gait. He turned on his computer and waited for an IM but noticed that Rudolph wasn't on, "Ah... I wanted to talk to you Rudolph..." He sighed in displeasure; he then realized that it was Christmas Eve. "It's a bit early to open my present... let's look at my furry websites!" He squealed in excitement, usually he would never squeal so it was obvious something had changed in Daniel. As he jumped onto his most commonly visited website and instead of shying away from all of the mature art he felt compelled to visit it, as he looked through all of it he didn't notice the fur continuing up his neck and changing him. As he looked at more and more of the mature art he found himself getting excited as he looked at men, "Oooh hello there." He muttered as he grinned at all of the men he was looking at.

As night drew closer he realized that he had never taken a good look at Rudolph's mature art, he grinned in excitement as he jumped over to Rudolph's page. He picked Rudolph's newest image and shivered in ecstasy as he looked upon an extremely realistic naked reindeer, as he stroked his growing erection he grew a tiny tail just above his butt. His face quickly grew out into a snout and he grew a pair of antlers, as he finished up he made a reindeer like grunt in pleasure as he shot off. He heard a chiming sound from his clock and jumped in excitement, "I can open my present!" He pranced over to his Christmas tree and grabbed the present, his hands had stayed human in appearance but were now covered in a thick brown fun. His feet were now cloven hooves like those of a reindeer, he quickly ripped off the wrapping paper. Daniel opened the cardboard box and gasped in happiness, lying in the box was a collar with bells on it. "Oh! It's absolutely perfect!" He grunted in excitement as he put it on, a moment later he heard a knock on the door. Daniel walked over to the door and opened the door to reveal a masculine reindeer man standing in front of him, "Hello there, "Hooves" I presume?" The reindeer had a cocky smile on, Daniel shivered in excitement. "Are you Rudolph?" The reindeer man nodded with a grin on his face, "So those weren't just paintings, they were real pictures?" The reindeer nodded, "If you're Rudolph then why aren't you with the sleigh?" Rudolph smiled, "I am with the sleigh, it's waiting outside for the both of us." Rudolph took a step into the room and closed the door behind him, "But before we leave I must christen our newest reindeer." Daniel nearly burst in excitement, "You're going to christen me?"

Rudolph motioned for Daniel to turn over; he turned around and looked back at the bigger reindeer. "Good, now I don't think Daniel is a good name for a reindeer let's use your other name Hooves." Hooves smiled back at Rudolph, "Now, to christen you I need for you to bend over." Hooves was happy to oblige and got onto his hands.

Hooves suddenly felt Rudolph's hands pressing against his butt and pushed his butt-cheeks apart and felt Rudolph breathe against his ear, "Merry Christmas Hooves." He gasped as he felt the Reindeer's pole push into his backside, "Oh god yes!" He shouted as he felt the reindeer pushing in harder and harder. They both started to pant harder and as Rudolph started to cum Hooves felt all memories of his human past float away and the collar around his neck tighten up.

Rudolph panted as he pulled out and Hooves slowly stood up and looked around, "Oh Rudolph, shall we get going? We have presents to deliver." As the pair walked out Hooves stroked Rudolph's ass, "And after we're all done then I'll deliver a package of my own." Rudolph grunted in excitement, but before they left Rudolph noticed a bag left on the table and grabbed it. Inside was an ornament Rudolph he smiled at hooves, "Oh you're so sweet."

The two walked out of the house and as they stepped out a white sparkle floated past them and cleaned out the room of any sign that they had been there, but there was a splotch of white liquid in the carpet that would never be able to be cleaned out of the carpet.