Invasion Part 2

Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Twin World Revolution

Chapter 10: Invasion Part II



After that incident with Lacyus, Sunset and Nephilla just simply freaking out and passing out, we took them to their respective rooms. Once we were sure that they were okay, Skyve and I went back to our room to have some fun.

I thrummed happily as Skyve gently nibbled on my neck, gently inhaling some of the cinimon incense I set out to set the mood.

I murred and lowered my head beside Skyve's ear to speak in a low, husky voice. "Mm, that's.... Oh!" I murred again as I felt Skyve's tounge flick across a sensitive area, "...that feels perfect love." I whispered.

Most of the guys in high school thought I liked to just be rutted fast and hard. However, 90% of the time, I prefered just simple, slow lovemaking with my partner. I was always very submissive and let my lover have his way with me. I also loved romantic foreplay. It was almost like the only time I lived entirely as just a simple girl.

Skyve finished and brought his head up to kiss me. I closed my eyes and our tounges intertwined and rubbed in our mouths. We broke it and I kept my eyes closed and nuzzled Skyve. This was our first time mating since we broke up. Mostly before the split, we just simply mated each other to relieve stress. Even now, I felt completely relaxed

"Missionary?" Skyve murmured.

I giggled. "Whatever you want love."

I gently spread my legs for Skyve and felt my vaginal muscles instinctively relax, waiting for my mate. I felt Skyve's hard member gently nudge a bit at me before he pressed in fully. I gasped quietly and shuddered as I felt my lover take me.

As usual, Skyve wanted to feel like the more dominant one, which was natural for male dragons. "Moan for me Mira." As an incentive, he jabbed his hips forward.

I moaned into Skyve's ear. "Oh god love!"

Skyve laughed quietly and kissed me on my neck again. "That sounded so hot Mira."

I could barely focus as Skyve began thrusting slowly. "Oh...oh... It did?"

I opened my eyes for a moment to see that Skyve was feeling just as loved as I was right now. We kissed affectionately, simply enjoying he love we felt at that time. We broke it and I began to concentrate on the hot friction in my nether regions. I could feel every vein, every little detail of Skyve's cock as he mated me.

Probably the best thing about being a dragoness and being mated is the sheer sensitivity of my vagina. Contrary to humans, our clitoris didn't just emerge at our lips. It ran as a ridge going down the top of my pussy that was a bit less sensitive, but always drove me wild when it was rubbed. Which was exactly what Skyve was doing. Every time he pressed on it, I would cry out and clench down on his member. It always drove me to start begging for more.

Finally I climaxed, my whole body twitching and shuddering. Skyve roared and came in me, filling me to the brim with his cum.

Skyve licked me and smiled. "I take it you liked that."

I giggled and nuzzled Skyve. "Of course."

Skyve smiled. "You look so sexy when you're like that."

I tilted my head to the side and playfully batted my eyelids, giving him the cutest look I could. "Really?"

He laughed. "I know, you're cute too." He leaned forward to whisper in my ear. "I feel sorry for any guy who passed you up. You may be a tomboy, but you're a perfect girl for me."

I blushed and licked him affectionately.

Skyve nuzzled me in return. "I love you too."


(12 years ago, Mira, 10 years old)

"Hmmmph." Jura snorted. "I wanted Skyve." She faked being angry for a couple of seconds before she smiled at me. "Never thought it'd be you he picked, you lucky bitch." She playfully swatted the back of my head. "Hope things go good for you two."

Jura was my best dragoness friend. I was hanging out with my little group of friends outside of school at a popular nearby cafe. There was Myan, a leopard with a knack for photography, Urzu, a male fox who everyone feared because of his relation with me, Rosa, Urzu's vixen mate, and of course Jura, a dark red and blue dragoness who was the star of the soccer team.

Rosa laughed as Urzu gently tickled her ear. "I never though I guy would actually seek you out Mira and then stay with you for 2 years."

I smiled and shook my head. "I still have trouble believing it too."

"You two make a cute couple." Myan said as she held a lens assembly up to the light. "Perfect." She mumbled under breath, snapping it onto her beloved camera and holding it up at me. "Cheese!"

I yanked Jura over and we posed for a picture together. But the click never came.

"My camera!" Myan squealed as it was knocked out of her hands. It clattered to the ground. Myan leapt off her chair but the camera was crushed by a foot I knew too well.

Hamachi, a yellow and green half-dragon stood over Myan, who was nearly in tears over her most prized possesion. Hamachi smiled and ground the remains into the floor.

Hamachi was the leader of the popular girls. Her and I often butted heads, since most of the unpopular girls rallied behind me. She hated anyone who had a lower social standing and made sure they stayed there. I absolutely despised her.She fought dirty, never having a sense of honor, and if I could, I'd boot her out of the school.

"So, Mira." She shoved Myan away and took her seat. "I heard some rumors that Skyve Ruas is in love with you."

"Yeah so?" I hissed back, every muscle in my body tensing up. "What's wrong with that?"

Hamachi leaned forward with a murderous look in her eyes. "You spread rumors like that and Skyve might make the mistake of mating you."

I pushed her head back with a low growl. "I don't lie."

Jura hissed. "I saw him kiss her with my own two eyes. If you want, I can even recall the entire conversation."

Hamachi leaned back. "Don't need to. If he's your mate Mira, then I bet he's just as much a shitbag as you are."

I finally snapped there. I snarled and launched myself across the table at Hamachi, but she was already gone. Getting up, I could see that a circle of other students had formed. However, no one was saying 'Fight' over and over again. Everyone knew that if they did, Hamachi would 'black list' them.

Hamachi ran at me snarling, claws fully extended. I dodged and caught her arm, sweeping her legs out in one smooth movement. I then used her momentum against her and smashed her neck into the edge of the table. I drew her back and smashed her head in again, leaving a gash on her muzzle. Hamachi made a gurgling noise as I threw her back. She quickly recovered and launched herself at me, knocking me down. Immediately she began kicking me and stomping on me. Pops and cracks resounded through my body.

Suddenly, there was shouting in the crowd and Skyve burst through. Hamachi stopped kicking me and I clutched my side and just started crying. I had never been in more pain in my life.

Skyve rushed over and knelt by me. "Mira! Are you okay!?!?"

All I could do it whimper "It hurts, it hurts."

Hamachi sneered. "Can you believe it Skyve? Mira here said you agreed to be her mate."

"I am!" Skyve snarled.

Hamachi's face went slack. "You... You are Mira's mate?"

"Why the fuck do you think I'm so worried?" Skyve turned to me and spoke in a much gentler tone. "Mira, you gotta uncurl so I can see your chest love."

Hamachi snorted. "Hmmph! You were never worth the effort anyways Skyve!"

Skyve simply ignored her. "Someone bring me a first-aid kit!"

And so the scene played out. Skyve patched me up as best he could and now he was carrying me home on his back. Jura and Myan followed us. They held onto my wings to make sure they didn't move too much. Out in the front, my four year old little brother, Lacyus, and his friend, Sunset were running around, laughing and wrestling in the grass. As soon as they saw me, they ran up, a look of worry covering their faces.

"Mira, what happened?" Lacyus blurted.

I gathered up my breath, then winced as my ribs screamed in protest. Skyve answered for me.

"She got into a fight over me." Skyve said, looking over at me. Then something happened that I never expected. A voice sounded faintly in my head.

*You feeling okay Mira?*

I nearly gasped, but my ribs screamed again. I tried to grasp those words and reach out for their source.

*Skyve? Is that you?*

*Yeah. It is.* He smiled at Lacyus. "Don't worry. She's fine. I'm just gonna take her up to her room."

Sunset stopped Skyve. "Are you sure?"

Despite my screaming ribs, I was able to hiss out a couple of words. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

With that, Sunset reluctantly let Skyve pass. We got to my house and Skyve opened the door with his foot. Jura and Myan left after they were sure I was okay. Mom and Dad were still working, so we were the only ones inside. Skyve took me up to my room and set me down on my bed. He left to get me some more blankets. When he came back, he began to lay down blankets on top of me.

*How long have you known we have had a link?* I asked Skyve telepathically.

He looked at me and smiled. *For a while now.*

I smiled back affectionately. *How long is 'a while'?*

*About a month.*

*A month? Why didn't you tell me?*

Skyve gave a sheepish smile. *I seem to have a talent for pushing relationships too far too fast. I seem to form links about ten times faster than anyone else and tell them, but some girls just want me for the fact I'm a wyvern.*

My right arm wasn't hurt, so I waved Skyve down and kissed him on the tip of his muzzle. *We've been in love for at least one and a half years now. I was starting to worry if it would ever happen.*

Skyve smiled. *That's a relief.* He got up and gave me a final kiss. *I got homework to do. If you need anything just call.* He tapped his head. *I love you Mira.*

*I love you too Skyve.*



When I finally came to, the whole world felt like it was spinning at a million miles an hour. Opening my eyes and sitting up didn't help either. I rubbed the ridges of my muzzle and shuddered. I'd been a human so long that, even though it was part of my body, touching or having something touch my wings, tail, muzzle or anything else that wasn't there for a human felt wierd.

Rykuu and I lived together in Rykuu's apartment, which took some getting used to for me. After all, how many 16 year old human couples do you know of that sleep together on a regular basis? Anyways, it was completely dark in our bedroom, though a little light filtered through a crack in the door. On our nightstand was a picture of us from the Ky'ram dance that Skyve proposed to Mira on. I was wearing my green dress, while Rykuu was in a tux with a matching green tie and vest.

I felt something brush at the back of my mind and I grasped it firmly, knowing instantly it was Rykuu. Soon afterwards, there was a click and the door opened slowly.

The tip of Rykuu's muzzle poked in. "Nephilla?"

"I'm up." I sat up, wearing only my light pink lace bra and panties, having not gotten used to being naked in the presence of another like Sunset and Lacyus were.

Rykuu walked over and sat on the edge of our bed, wrapping an arm around me. "Are you okay? You just collapsed back there."

I kissed him on the cheek. "I'm fine, but it was nice of you to worry."

"You sure?"

I nodded. "Don't worry, I'm fine now."

Rykuu motioned for me to lie down again on my stomach. As soon as I was down, Rykuu began to massage my back, working through each muscle. My eyes closed and I thrummed quietly. Then Rykuu got to my flight muscles, probably the muscles with the most knots in them. He gently pushed them out, causing my wings to droop to my sides. Finally, he finished.

"All done." He murmured.

I rolled onto my back, reached up and pulled Rykuu down into a kiss.

Rykuu smiled. "Suprise quiz. Kura Ky'ramu Su. "

Since I had my memory wiped by my mom, I had to relearn Aryian word by word. Unfortunately I had no clue as to what Rykuu said. After a couple of silent moments, he spoke again.

"It means 'I love you.'"

I smiled and kissed Rykuu. "Ku Ky'ramu Sa-uol." I winced when I saw that Rykuu was holding back laughter. I sighed and braced myself. "What did I just say?"

"I love toilet water." He took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down. "Okay. Ky'ram means love. You use that form as a noun, like to say 'The love of water.' Ir Ky'ram em puol If you add a U to the end, it becomes Ky'ramu meaning to love. That for saying stuff like 'I love water'. Ku Ky'ramu puol."

"Ummm okay....." I mumbled nervously. "I don't really understand but-"

I was interupted by one of those old air raid sirens. Rykuu got up.

"That's the citywide alert." He looked around for a second before he left the room. "Get dressed Nephilla." He listened for a second more before he cursed sliently. "And get your bow."

I couldn't help but feel scared as I quickly threw on a T-Shirt and pants and grabbed a jacket. As I went into the living room Rykuu had the TV on. The news announcer was a tigress, not much older than me. It was what she was wearing that scared me. A kevlar vest covered her clothing and he had a helmet on. She spoke calmly as she could.

"...Again, this is a city wide alert. All Xenomorphs are to proceed to their block's shelters. All military and Bounty Hunter personelle are to report to their defensive stations. The city gates will be closed in five minutes. All Xenomorphs on the other side after such time will have to report to defensive outposts to be evacuated inside the city...."



"Paladin Unit 1, Bloody Rose, systems green." There was a clunk-thump as Mira's Paladin armor released from the maintenence rack. We soon followed suit.

"Paladin Unit 2, Smash, systems green."

"Paladin Unit 3, Ripper, systems green."

"Paladin Unit 4, Sunsweep, systems green."

And finaly me. "Phalax Spec Alpha, Liquid, Kojima supressor vented, systems green."

There was a clunk as the locks retracted and the Phalanx pitched forward as I took my first step. A pop resounded as the umbelical cable ejected from the back socket.

Mira's voice crackled across the radio. "Okay, I know everyone's a bit nervous, but we need to keep it together. We are going to be the guild's spear head. "

I swallowed nervously. "Right." Another crackle sounded.

"Lacyus? Sunset? Mira?"

Mira looked around the staging hangar. "Mom? Where are you?"

"That's not important honey. Just do you best and stay safe, okay? And Lacyus and Sunset?"

I swallowed my nervousness, knowing that Sunset was doing the same. "Yeah mom?"

"Don't worry. The Order's in good hands. Your sister will join you on the battlefield."

"What do you-"

"For the glory of the Akival blood. Tirusa." (The Ayrian equivalent of Amen)

The link snapped shut. Soon another opened.

"Hostiles spotted in sector 4 block d! Visual confirms a battalion of human soldiers lead by a single dragon!"


Author's Notes:

Well actually, it's more of 'Sunset's notes' but that doesn't matter. Lacyus and I are back together, but kinda on thin ice. I said some stuff to hurt him and I regret it as well. It may be a while until we work stuff out, but until then, I'll help Lacyus post his stories.