Becoming Tundra***Chapter 6

Story by RubberFins on SoFurry

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#4 of Becoming Tundra


"The rest of my story must be viewed straight through. There will be no breaks until the end," the husky tells you as he steps forward to put his firm paws on you again.


This room fades again, and you find yourself in a park. Sitting on a bench are Snow and Bandit. They seem to be just enjoying the sunset. They're holding each other's paws. It's Snow's last few hours, and he wanted to spend every moment that he could with his new love. The past five nights, they had been inseparable. Snow had made sure to spend time with all the others he wanted to before leaving, but he was most saddened by the fact that his time seemed to be so short.

The sun began to sink below the horizion, and the two began heading back towards their homes. Before they parted ways, Snow grabbed Bandit by the shoulders.

"Babe, I have something that I need to tell you."

"Yes, hun. Tell me." Bandit smiled warmly at Snow.

"I know this may be hard to take in, but once the sun has disappeared, I will no longer be here. The day that I had saved you did kill me. Because of my noble deeds, I was granted one week to be here to say my goodbyes. Anubis will take me back within the next hour, and I will never see you again." A tear dripped from his eye. "I love you Bandit, and I want you to know that my love for you will extended beyond the boundaries of this world. Every snow flake that you see and every howl you hear, it is me professing my love for you."

Bandit stood there, awestruck. He had no idea what to say. He was being told by the only fur that he ever loved that he was never going to be able to see him again. After another moment, he lurched forward and gave Snow the tightest hug he could muster up. Snow returned the hug as the tears continued to stream.

"I promise you that I will never forget all that you have given me. I love you so much Bandit. I will never let that go," Snow said as he gently broke the hug.

"I love you too Snow. Never will I forget either," he said as he took Snow's paw.

"Mates forever," Snow kissed Bandit's nose.

"Mates forever," Bandit licked him back.

The walked to the edge of the park, still holding paws. Then they slowly broke the grasp and walked apart. Looking back at his love, Snow felt the tears stream as he watched the raccoon become distant. He then started making his way towards home. Snow was planning on telling his mom about what was going to happen.

Unfortunately, he just came in view of his home as the last of the sun sank. Not realizing this, Snow didn't put any more hurry in his walking, and as he made his way towards the front door, his paw went toward his heart as a searing pain surged through his pup body. He fell to the ground and felt the darkness creep over his body. In taking his last breath, Snow could only think of how much he was going to miss the last few days that he enjoyed.

"Wake up Snow. It's time to get to work."

Slowly opening his eyes, Snow found himself in the temple chamber. He was at Anubis's feet. He looked up at the large creature. Slowly getting to his feet, Snow stretched and then looked up at him.

"There are a few things that I want to cover before I assign you a place. This is my temple. It is where all souls arrive after dieing. It is my job to send them forth and give them purpose after death. Now I have to give you a place, but I am not able to decide. Recently, I have been forced to relocate my temple guard and am looking for his replacement. I also need a fur that is willing to take charge of the souls that being punished," he finished and then looked at Snow, waiting for his reply.

"Wha...what will my duties be as your temple guard?" he asked.

"It will be your job to make sure that all new arrivals are watched over until I can return. There are several other perks to this job, but the other would fit you just as well. You have been gifted with a powerful body that will make sure the workers stay in line, but I will leave the decision to you."

Snow took a few moments to think about what he wanted, "I think I would rather be a guard for your temple. I'm not one for brute force."

Anubis smiled a little, "No, that you are not. With taking this job, I want to warn you that there are some initiations that must be preformed first."

Snow's head tilted a little, "Initiations?"

Anubis just grinned and then snapped his fingers. A large stone alter rose from the middle of the room. It made the room shake a little. Snow's eyes widened when the first thought that came to mind was sacrifice.

"Lay down on the alter Snow, with your belly up," Anubis commanded.

His ears lowered, and Snow walked over to the alter. He was starting to think that this was a bad choice. The husky laid his built body on the cold stone. He just now realized that all his clothes were gone. His tail was draped down the edge of the alter, between his legs. He then watched as Anubis slowly walked over. He looked very serious as he stood by Snow's footpaws.

"I am going to make sure that you will do what I say as my guard. Then, I will endow upon you a uniform that I will see as proper for you. Finally, I will give you a more fitting name so that you can go to your post," he said this sternly.

Snow just nodded. He had a feeling as to now what Anubis had planned and he wasn't sure if he was ready. His only yiff was with Bandit, and he was on top. He didn't think that the jackal's cock was going to be nice to his virgin hole.

Anubis put his paws on Snow's thigh and rubbed them gently. The husky responded with a gentle, but shaky murr. He was starting to fear the pain he was going to feel. Anubis continued to work the muscular thighs and then moved up to Snow's abs. The husky murred more, as he started to relax. The powerful hands, coursing through his fur and rubbing his body. After a few more minutes of this, Anubis pulled his hands back and then lifted the husky's thick footpaws onto his shoulders. Snow felt the cool air on his tight pink hole. His body shivered as he forced his tail to not cover himself up. He looked down his body to see the powerful god getting ready to take him. The beautiful muscles hidden under the black fur caused Snow's cock to start to swell in its sheath. The husky's sapphire eyes met with Anubis's as way of saying that he was ready. Anubis then removed his waist garb to reveal a large black cock. It was fully hard and already leaking pre. Nearly nine inches long, Snow's ears dropped in submission as he knew what was coming next.

"I'm going to be gentle because I know that this will be your first time," Anubis said warmly.

Snow nodded, "Okay."

And with that, Anubis pushed his cock head against Snow's hole and started to spread him. Snow's paw instinctively grasped the edges of the alter. His claws tried digging into the stone. Initially, he squeezed his hole as a reaction, but he found that it only hurt more and relaxed it as much as possible. The jackal began to moan as he pushed his meat further into the tight husky. The tears from Snow matted down his cheek fur as the pain did not go away. Only half way in, Anubis paused to give Snow a change to get used to his member, and it worked. Snow started to feel less pain as his mind focused on the throbbing cock that was in him. His whines turned into soft moans. The god then continued to push forward, moaning more as the tight husky was now completely wrapped around his black cock.

"You must....submit to your master," Anubis said between moans.

Being domed was all Snow needed to know this, "I am....your husky."

Anubis smiled as he started to thrust back and forth. His moans combined with Snow's and filled the room. It didn't take long for either of them to reach their climax. Snow was the first. His throbbing cock shot a few hot bursts of cum onto his chest. In doing so, it caused his hole to quickly tighten and release over Anubis's cock. The god let out a loud moan as he released his seed into the dog. The husky moaned more as he felt himself filled with the hot goo. They both panted heavily and didn't more for a few minutes.

Anubis then pulled out of him with a small moan. He conjured up a blue sled dog's harness and matching collar. The tag on the collar was blank. Snow was still lying with his eyes closed as he felt small drops of Anubis's cum leak from his hole.

"Snow, get up," the god said loudly.

He yipped a little and then slowly got off the alter. Seeing the objects in the jackal's hands, he smiled a little, "Yes master."

Anubis then put the collar on Snow. He made sure that in fit snuggly. Then he buckled the harness around the husky. The blue fabric also fit well over his body.

"From now on, your name is Tundra, pet and guard of Anubis," and as he said this, Tundra's name was etched into the tag.