The Summoning 2

Story by Sixclaws on SoFurry

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#2 of The Summoning

The Summoning 2


By Sixclaws

"Catch!" Shouted Roy, tossing me a beer can and of course, the damn thing smacked me right in the face.

"Jesus man!" He said, "Can't you do even that?" He leaned over me and whispered, "You don't have to pretend you're an idiot in front of me." I wasn't pretending, if I could kill with a gaze... Well, I can but who would pay his part of the rent?

Several months have passed, Roy and Aldo (the cop) were as happy as the couple could be. It amazes me how Roy was able to manipulate the precinct and make people believe these two worked together and were together since they had memory.

Aldo came with a bag of ice and pressed it on my forehead where the beer had landed. He was less paunchier and also glowing, these months with Roy did had taken a turn for the best for him, Roy made sure that the Aldo's buddies would not discriminate him by doing what incubi do, he visited them at night when they were asleep and fucked them senseless, leaving them only with the memory of their man cunts stretched by a demon dick and loving every inch of it.

"Fuck it Roy," He said, "Be a little more careful will ya?" Aldo being much more considerate than Roy since he was unaware of my true self or his demon partner.

And then the voices returned; this time it was stronger, much stronger than before, making me dizzy enough to feel the room spinning around me, if it weren't for Aldo I would have hit the floor face on.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I think so, must be a low blood sugar thing." Aldo helping me sit on the couch.

Roy headed towards us, his right hand resting on his partner's shoulder, speaking softly into him, "Aldo, the radio has some blank noise," And then Aldo froze, motionless except for his soft breathing.

"The voices are back don't they?" Roy asked me.

"Yeah, but this time it's as if they were screaming at my ears."

"You know what that means." Yep, that meant that someone was very close to chanting the right words to summon me, something that freaked the hell out of me; those that I know that have been through such event had a drastic change in personality; Roy being one of them.

"How does it feel to be summoned?" I asked him.

Roy took a long puff of his cigar, "It's different from anyone, in my case people wanted to be healthier, stronger, better looking and they were willing to exchange a good chunk of their life force for that matter." He spoke those words with the smoke from the tobacco coming of his mouth, "In my case I can't be summoned anymore because my human side is dead now."

"How are you feeling?"

For a moment Roy's face was ladden with sadness, "Empty inside." Then he lightened up, "But I have never felt so free."

"Roy?" I pointed at Aldo "What are you going to do to him now?"

The sex demon's face softened, "I like this human, if you don't mind I'd like to see if he wants to be with me of his own free will."

"Wait a second" I said, Then I padded towards Aldo, my left hand resting on his ample forehead, Roy looked at me puzzled, "I'm going to show you something really special " I could see Roy's irises dilate; hoo boy, he really loved it when I showed him a new bit of me. It was as if he was trying to decipher what I am hiding inside the thick curtain of darkness.

Minutes pass by and Roy grows impatient, it seemed that he was unable to detect what I was doing and I looked at him and say, "Aldo knew everything from the beginning." And I let go smiling, I knew that too but I don't like to reveal all my tricks. Not that I don't trust Roy but I don't trust his demonic instinct.

Roy was in shock of course, he thought his mind control over Aldo was supreme: Roy is very good but not outstanding and the way he took control over Aldo left a small trace that always nagged the bald cop in the back of his conscious mind. Earlier when I figured that he could be trusted I simply left a backdoor where Aldo could simply remember everything despite Roy's control. That demon is going to be mad at me when he finds out that I gave some control to his plaything but at this point in their relationship I might as well push it further and see it develop or crash as it was meant to be.

And just like that Aldo broke of the trance, he looked at me and then at Roy, "I'm sorry," the chubby cop said to his partner/master, "I wanted to tell you sooner but you seemed so happy when you were controlling me and I..." This is the part that breaks or makes their partnership evolve, "...Have never felt so alive in my life when I'm with you." Aldo then gazed at me, "Please, take away this freedom that you gave me." I sighed, some people just never learn. I laid my hand on his forehead again and his blank stare returned, as I retrieved my hand back, an electric blue string emerged from his forehead, it was the willpower I had imbued into him and then, Aldo's stare was as blank as ever.

I have no need to explain Roy anything but since he paid one third of the rent... "You two have the hots for each other and you were in denial." Okay, that was direct and abrasive but it's better that way, I'm not a pompous being.

So I checked my watch and I was getting late for work and I ignored Roy's furious stare and headed for the fridge to get my nightly bottle of liquid yogurt when this horrible pain struck me. The plastic bottle fell on the floor its contents spreading on the wooden boards. A complex circular pattern of light appeared engraved on the floor around me. Poetic justice or just plain karma? I have no idea, buy Roy gave me a wry smile and waived goodbye.

I felt like I was being torn to pieces from the inside out, it was a pain that ran all over my spine and spread through the nerves all over my body. Flesh, bone, organs; all of them were being torn to pieces and reshaped for my true self. I couldn't hear, see, feel, smell or taste; everything was nothing but a searing light and then all of a sudden it was over.

The first sense that returned was touch, I was standing barefoot and the land was ill, heavy clothing covered my body; the second sense that returned was smell, the scent of hay, horses, cattle, humans and fear filled the air; the third sense was hearing, their breathings were short, the sounds of their hearts beating so hard; the fourth sense returning to me was sight, a barn and within it there were three humans, one old enough to be their father but only one the two cubs were his, before them was a board, papers filled with scribbles and several multicoloured dies with numbers laid spread along with small plastic figurines depicting wizards and demons; and the last sense came to me with a hunger that couldn't be filled with food. I was a spirit of the land; an olive hood and cape covered my robe which my bear paws rolled back. My shape was that of a bearman with fur the colour of the land, I've never felt so ancient in my life like today.

I had been summoned by an old man and two cubs playing a role-playing game, I could smile at this unfortunate accident but I wasn't the same person anymore.

They were afraid, they wanted to run; but in the end it wasn't their choice. "Why did you summoned me?" My voice boomed through the barn and their hearts skipped a beat. Finally the old man stood with trembling legs. He was worn, years of hard work had aged him too fast, he was tired of fighting a losing battle on this ill ridden land but still he never gave up.

"My Lord..." His voice was quiet and shaky, his eyes darting everywhere as his mind raced for the right words. As expected he asked, "The land has been poisoned and our livelihoods are endangered."

"And who is responsible for this?" I asked him, pretending to not know. His heart skipped another beat, trying hard to find the right words but before he could bore me with the details I waived my right paw. "I had read enough in your mind." And he let out a quiet squeal, feeling aware of who he was dealing with.

"But..." I paused, "What would you want for me to do?" And depending on his answer he and the two cubs would die or their wish would be granted... For a price.

He was visibly shaking; already my aura had permeated his body and fully understood the mess he had gotten himself into. "My Lord... Will you purify the poison and bring this land back to its prior glory?" Hmmm... Finally a human not obsessed with revenge.

"Come closer." It wasn't a request, it was an order and he humbly stepped forward until he was at an arm's reach. "I will grant you your wish." His eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope. "But there's a price to pay and I demand sacrifices." His heart sank; this was a very modest farm and every animal counted so much, even the meager subsidies they got were barely enough; tears ran down his face with the realization that he might save his homeland but he would never recover and yet he nodded. I smiled; he passed the second test.

My right hand rested in his shirt, drawing him closer to me, his face inches from my muzzle, "I am not a God of death, I don't want blood; I want flesh," where my fur touched his skin there were electric sparks and I could smell his arousal, his member tenting in his overalls, the word flesh sank into him as he realized what I wanted. "Tell me your name..." I whispered to him as my gaze pierced his baby blue eyes.

His mouth was dry, his breathing was ragged but he managed to say, "I am Amos."

I smiled, as much as one can with a muzzle and said, "Amos, you are the first sacrifice." And my rubbery black lips pressed against his hidden in his white beard.

To be continued.