Ocean Depths part 32.5

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#34 of Ocean Depths

Ocean Depths Chapter 32.5 By Roofles

Lucas was nervous beyond words as the otter pushed him forward into the building. He was gay sure but this just kind of proved it as if chiseling it into stone. Rosemerry and honey sickle met his nose as the door bell jingled over head. Soft mist blew against his face; it was so refreshing he almost gagged. The sound of bamboo fountains could be heard over the very soft sound of music coming from the back room. Some relaxing indie music without lyrics that was already beginning to get on his nerves.

"You said I could pick your birthday present." Carlson pressed seeing the look on his lovers face. "That I was allowed to pick and you would do whatever... if I may use your words. Wacky, crazy, fun in the tub, otterly thing I could possible think of." The otter laughed in good humor making Lucas blush that everyone in the room could hear him. Carlson was never one to care about such things.

"Yes. But when I said that I figured it would be. Funinthetub." Lucas mumbled quietly trying not to meet anyones eyes. He wasn't sure if they were staring at the two because they were interspecies couple, a gay couple or what they just heard. Possibly all three he thought as he looked around the room as he was ushered to the front desk by a strong paw on his back. The otter began talking with the clerk behind it.

Everyone else in the room were in a small nit groups. A few older ladies, two hyena's both of whom were already whispering to each other in hushed but audible voices about them, and a dalmation with his lady friend who was to busy looking at this weeks issue of vogue to notice them. Though Lucas was sure her ears turned in their direction the second Carlson said what he did. Lucas eyes fell onto the magazine clasped in her painted nailed paws and he realized he needed to resubscribe for the monthly issue. He needed to know the ten ways of how to make his man tail curl in pleasure.

Carlson meanwhile had a firm grip on Lucas's shoulder as he talked with the cashier. The peacock had an even more elaborate display of make up on his face that put the colorful feathers to shame.

"A Mr. Carlson. And a Mr. Carlson." The peacock said his voice far too feminine for Lucas's taste. If he didn't know better he would've assumed he was a she. But only male birds seemed to be the colorful ones. And damned if they didn't love flaunting it. Gay, straight, bi, asexual...didn't matter the male birds knew they looked good.

"Its actually Mr. -," Lucas was going to correct but the otter cut in giving him a strong one arm squeeze stuffing the man head into his fuzzy armpit to silence him.

"Yes. Mr. and Mr. Carlson. That's us!" The otter chirped happily as his heavy, floppy rudder of a tail slapped against the ground in approval.

Lucas squirmed in the otter's strong grip before pulling his face away and gasping for air wishing the otter had at least worn something other than the sleeveless wife beater he loved so much. Now he'd be smelly the sweaty otter for the rest of the day. Worst part was if he told Carlson that the otter would just be more inclined to repeat the process in the future. The heavy arm kept itself on his back and forced him against Carlson's large chest as the peacock said his name twice again.

The otter seemed a little too inclined with the two of them being refurred to by the same last name. His last name at that. It only made Lucas more nervous as the two were shephard into the back room by the peacock who had gathered several different things including two large bath robes with a enscrolled His and His on it. White fluffy towels and what appeared to be menu's were stuffed in the peacock's arm as he ushered them to the back room.

Two large seperators cut the next room into three pieces. A walk way with two changing stations on either side. The bird motioned for Carlson to go to the left and Lucas to the right. Unsure of what to do Lucas just obeyed without question. Only answering his own unasked question as he reached the other side.

A wooden bench jutted from the cement floor with lockers that had seemingly been cut into the wall itself. They appeared to be stones stacked together but touching it only cool metal met his fingers. Just a cheap trick and Lucas was felt guilt to admit he likedi t. It reminded him of a really well designed locker room at a gym. A gym he had a pass for but hadn't got to yet.

"Do I just...put my clothes in here." Lucas asked over the bamboo cut room seperator. He was struggling with his suit he had worn.

He didn't even know the two were coming to this spa until they were outside the door and Lucas finally convinced the otter to take his blind fold off. In which case Carlson then put his webbed paws over them. The man spent almost a full hour just picking out clothes to wear. Unsure if he should do something warm and summery for the good weather they were having. Or something respectable for a classy restaurant. Maybe something loose if they were going to hit a club or two. And in the end he took the safe pick of wearing a suit with a swimsuit underneath - almost positive the otter was going to pick something to do with the water.

"You can put them on the bench if you'd like. We'll have them ready for you when you leave." The peacock said. "Wait. Sir. That's not - its not, sir!" The peacock voice grew louder and far more manly and Lucas could swear a few feather's flew into the air.

Shoving the bird aside a rather large, stalky and fully nude otter walked into his side of the room. "Hey. I think I've slept with you before." Carlson grunted jockishly with a stern face that soon cracked into a smile as Lucas looked at him. "Just leave the stuff with mine." Carlson said not even wearing the bathrobe on his arm.

Thick dark brown fur with a creamy center. That was Carlson for sure. Fur and all. His caramel treat as Lucas had put it once. Milky way had always been Lucas's favorite candy bar. The tension and unease that had been building from finding out his birthday treat was to lounge and be pampered by a bunch of strangers was all but gone as he looked at the otter. No matter what the otter did these days Lucas could never fully take him seriously. But it was that easy going, fun nature of the larger male that made him enjoy being with him so much.

Carlson had started going to the gym, after Lucas pestered him endlessly about the flab he had been accumulating over the months. Carlson arms and legs were beginning to show all the work he was putting into it. Muscles were clearly defined on his upper arms and his thighs were toned enough to eat off of, as Carlson pointed out to Lucas only the other night. However the beer belly the otter had wasn't even losing a pound of it.

"Eggo?" Lucas said offhandedly teasing the otter as he always did every so often just to make sure he didn't get too cocky. Cocky, arrogant guys were such a turn off for him. And Carlson was getting to be a bit cocky these days having "everything I could ever ask for in life" as he put it. Yet Lucas didn't want to degrade him so much he got a complex. It was a mix between sugar and salt. Give a little and take a little.

Carlson round ears fell back and his wirey whiskers drooped as his whole face and shoulders fell as he slumped over. He rubbed his belly. "Sure. Lose my love handles. Fifteen pounds. Gain a bunch of muscle." He whined and pouted but the tone told Lucas he wasn't even phased by the comment. Something only someone very close and around the otter every day could have possibly noticed.

"Put your robe on. Your freaking the host out." Lucas laughed. He smiled the rest of the time as the otter helped him, very pawsy, undress the rest of the way. Few words were said. Several gropes exchanged and a rather long kiss before the host, clearing his throat for the fourth time, was able to get them into the next room.

The main room they had come from before was but a waiting area. From there several doors split off with the same thing or Lucas figured it was. A changing room followed by the mud bath. Each room was small and compact made for only a couple of people. Lucas was glad for that.

Lucas wasn't about to get into a bath filled with mud that only god knows who else had used it however and he was rather adimate about it. "Don't worry, Mr. Carlson." The name made him wince slightly and for some reason a pang of guilt hit him in the chest as the peacock addressed him. "These are fresh. Poured this morning just for your arrival. By...Mr. Carlson's request." The bird nodded at the otter rather annoyed with him at this point.

The otter grinned as Lucas looked at him. He didn't even need to say thank you for the otter to understand. Those round beady ears jumped up and those blue eyes lit up like Chinese new year.

"Come on Luke." Carlson said not even hesitating as he crawled into the larger of the two baths. The mud moved liked a thick chocolate milk shake as it moved to accomidate the otter. It rose like a tidal wave before spilling over the edge as Carlson just flopped down into it. He rocked back and forth with a deep, somewhat loud chirr floating like a log in a muddy river. His eyes closed as his muzzle rocked back and forth with the current he had made perfectly content.

Lucas smiled at the otter before turning towards his own unqiue bathing experience. He looked over at the host as if waiting for some varification that this was indeed the tub he was supposed to use. The peacock however had left the room and now that Lucas thought about it, the bird did seem rather skittish around all the mud. God forbid his talons or feathers got just a little muddy.

Taking his robe off, Lucas turned back towards Carlson who was just soaking it up. At least the otter seemed to enjoy the bath. Lucas couldn't grasp why someone would pay to do something as absurd as this. It was supposed to be relaxing and even cleansing for the body. Or spirit. Or mind. Lucas wasn't sure he wasn't able to finish reading the ad as he was forced into the building. The same indie music played above and this whole treatment felt a little too "new age" for him.

The mud was warm much to Lucas's suprise. It wasn't as thick as he thought but it defiantly felt different. Like a film wrapping around your body. Lucas hadn't even finished getting one leg into the would be mud bath before movement behind him caught attention. Glad to stop what he was doing Lucas turned around to see a rather pitiful sight.

Carlson was looking at him with large blue otter pup eyes. His furry chin was dripping with mud and having pulled halfway out of the tub his fur was matted to his body making him look almost sickly. Like a stray dog caught out in the rain. Or a rather large rat Lucas thought. Carlson bottom lip quivered as he looked at him with watery eyes.

"Oh for fuck sake." Lucas grumbled pulling his leg free and walked over to the otter's bath. Carlson clapped his webbed paws together several times and barked like a trained seal. Rocking back in the bath, more mud spilling from the sides, the otter opened his legs up for him.

Lucas ignored the man and crawled in on all fours, straddling his thighs, and slowly rested against him. Carlson pulled himself back and up more onto the back of the tub before wrapping muddy arms around him and holding him tightly. Both his hind paws were kicked up out of the tub and his tail drooped lazily over the side. The tub seemed to have shrunk three sizes.

"See. Isn't this nice?" Carlson muttered sweetly nosing his hair.

"Sure." Lucas grunted shifting his weight uncomfortable as mud got into places he didn't knew exsisted. "Only because your here." He mumbled against the otter's chest as he lazed out on top of him. This whole thing seemed something that the otter would enjoy, not him. Lucas would prefer a nice dinner, a fatty desert (as it was his birthday) and a nice long rub down with a good bj afterwards.

Carlson's ears stood up and he looked down at Lucas. His eyes were closed and he was now just listening to the otter's quickening heart beat and slow labored breaths. Carlson just traced a dull claw along his back as he held him securely in his arms not saying or doing anything else. He could be at the tub at home or some random neighbors that was gone for the weekened. As long as he was with Lucas he was happy; happy as a clam. And Lucas was his pearl. And that was one thing he knew would never change. "Love you," he whispered softly as he nosed his hair further. Lucas just grunted rather uncomfortable with the position he was in. A rather horny otter now grinding up against him.

The mud bath was soon followed by a rather uncomfortable and slightly painful power shower from a hose no less. Lucas was sure that he would never truly feel clean again. Carlson, like usual, was in top spirits and nothing could seem to get him down from that high even after lifting his tail for the fire hose spraying the two clean. Then again Carlson was asking them where he could get one afterwards. Lucas was slightly disappointed a dalmation in a fire man's uniform hadn't hosed them down...

"Don't you dare put that on your christmas list." Lucas warned and the otter whined as they moved into the next.

The next room was almost eerie just how white it was. The floor was perfectly clean even though the mud room was just before. Two massage tables had been set up with an iguana, cockatoo and lioness waiting. Like the room itself they wore all white and again Lucas was worried about it. There was a small fountain built into the corner with plant life around it. The music continued to play above and a heavy scent filled the room. Some kind of perfume or unnatural smell.

Lucas noticed that the otter was having a little hard timing breathing. He kept coughing as if he had a fur ball caught in his throat. Lucas wasn't sure how the other three were dealing with it. Even his own nose was twitching at the strong smell.

"Which one of us do you prefer?" The lioness asked taking a step forward. Lucas jumped at the voice. Apparently said lioness was a male or sounded like one. He was about to suggest just skipping this room and going on to the next.

"Well I was just..." Lucas said turning to face the three. Each of whom could easily have been a model in a magazine. And each were as tall as the otter next to him.

"Do you like claws. Talons. Or paws." She asked showing her hands allowing Lucas to put two and two together.

He was so used to just having hands he never really thought about the different of a...hand could be with different species.

"If you so desire we have a human and hooves as well." She continued gesturing to the side door. Lucas didn't like how she said human rather than...anything else. It was slightly offensive or rather maybe they found it offensive. He wasn't sure and he was now trying to think out of everyone possible what he would really prefer.

"I guess...webbed paws?" He said aloud thinking of the otter next to him. He heard a loud thump of approval from beside him. Lucas was hoping Carlson could just do it.

"We have an otter for that." She gestured towards the side door. "And you sir?" She asked facing the otter and Lucas was sure her tone was far friendlier with him than it was before. For Lucas's sanity sake he just liked to think of the lion as a her.

"Human." Carlson stated with a frown. Lucas wasn't sure if it was due to the smell or what but he seemed to be far more agitated now.

"Very well. Please get on the table and they'll be in shortly." The other two bowed and left the room without another word.

Lucas walked over to the table putting a hand on the cushioned table.

"We don't have to do this. I mean we can move onto...whatevers next." He said as he faced the otter. His nose wasn't as sensitive as the otters and Lucas didn't want him to suffer on his account.

"I can't believe some other web paw is going to touch my man!" Carlson growled stomping his paw on the ground. "Just let me at him, let me at him!" He snarled heading towards the door.

Lucas snatched the otters tail up causing him to freeze in place. "Don't you dare, Owen!" Lucas said dragging him back by his tail.

The otter let out a yelp falling to all fours. He tried to crawl away on all fours but fell flat on his chin as Lucas tugged him back again once more. Lucas didn't want to admit that the otter hadn't even tried to get away nor admit that it was rather clear he was enjoying being manhandled.

"Heel. Boy, heel!" Lucas grunted dragging him away from the door.

The naked otter, concealed barely by the robe too small for him, just lay on the ground with his tail held high by Lucas. Lucas stopped. Lifted the tail a bit higher enjoying the view. And the door opened up with a female human and a male gray otter joining them.

"We can come back later," the otter laughed pointing over his shoulder. The female looked like she just might bolt right there and then as he eyes widened and face blushed.

"Ignore him," Lucas smiled as he let the otter tail go. It hit the floor heavily. And Carlson watched as Lucas walked over to shake the otter's paw.

"So you like the webbing do ya?" The other otter laughed looking down at Carlson as he spoke. Carlson hackles raised slightly at being looked down on...even if he was still on the floor and thus literally below him.

Lucas had already diverted off with the otter and was undressed other than the towel he picked up at the doorway. He was on his chest, on the table, chatting away with the otter who had already oiled his paws and was busy rubbing his back. Apparently the two had grown up in a similar part of town and were going on about random things Carlson could've even imagine or find common ground in.

"And the statue near Stalhollow?" Lucas said his face in the hole at the end of the table. The webbed paws were smaller than he was used to but they were far more skilled proving that even if its small its how you use it that matters.

"I know! Right! The headless horse man? What were they thinking!" The otter laughed, cracked his fingers before going back to work down his back. "Mind if I just remove this here then?" The gray otter asked and just went ahead with undoing the towel. It lay underneath him covering his groin but otherwise Lucas found himself exposed to the others working on his lower back.

Lucas was uncomfortable but used to being man handled and exposed by now. Living with the frisky otter and having a best friend that usually only ever wore a leather short thong hybrid. So Lucas didn't pay it any mind. It was kind of hard to tell the difference between being hit on and just overly friendly guys. He was in a steady, committed relationship with the otter only a few feet away. So he didn't pay it much mind even when his ass was grabbed, squeezed and massaged. He just kept telling himself "he's a proffessional, he's a proffesional!" Even as the otter fingers strayed between his legs.

Carlson meanwhile was chewing his lower lip trying not to look over at the two. His claws kept digging into the cushion underneath him and he couldn't sit still as he twisted back and forth. Looking. Then looking away unable to look any longer before quickly snapping back to look. And as the paw dipped lower Carlson could stand no more.

"Enough!" He shouted jumping up on the table his towel falling off his waist. The female just rolled her eyes giving up trying to massage the squirming otter. "Take your damn web paws off my man!" Carlson glared dropping off the table like a rock.

The, smaller, gray otter raised his paws up. "At ease. I'm just massaging." He said although his rather guilty expression was clear to both the other otter and Lucas who was getting familiar his own otter's guilty looks. Carlson had a habit of sneaking snacks during the night, dinner before it was ready and on more than one occassion bought star bucks coffee. Lucas just needed to look at him and Carlson would show all the tell tale signs of being guilty of something or other.

"I'll finish up." Carlson said with no pretense of a question. Shooing the otter away he growled as the two headed back into the side room.

"Once your done just go into the other room." The gray otter motioned before waving at Carlson. Lucas watched as the door closed before turning over to look at Carlson who was oiling his paws.

"Just need a little more lube." He chirred softly taking the bottle and squirting it on Lucas's chest. Lucas jumped as he was sprayed on; although it was already warming up the oil still felt very strange. "Oh, sorry!" Carlson ears fell back and he covered his muzzle with a paw. "I was just SO excited. This has never happened to me before. I just like you so much." Carlson laughed though Lucas just stared at him with a frown.

"You payed him didn't you?" Lucas asked motioning towards the door.

"Well, yeah." Carlson said frowning a bit. "I paid for this whole thing for us. Kind of sort of paying his salary."

"Carlson." Lucas said his tone heavy; the last name used in such a manner made the whisker's stand out a bit more. And that guilty expression crossed his face.

"No." The otter said holding the note out long his expression giving away his poker face instantly. Carlson was always horrible at poker when the two played. Apparently he was some kind of card god when Lucas wasn't at the same table. "I didn't need to pay him." Carlson grunted heavily not looking at him as his paws began to rub his chest. His fingers traces around his nipple making Lucas recoil as the nail dragged across. Lucas had to admit oiled "lubed" fur paws defiantly were interesting for a massage.

"He's a friend of my brothers." Carlson grunted again bringing his other paw down to rub his shoulders. Carlson ducked down to give him a kiss before Lucas could make a smarmy remark about how he and his brother were finally to start to get along. The fact he said brother was a huge leap forward as it was Lucas had to admit. So he let matters be.

"So you used your brother in order to get another man to man handle me...so you could man handle me?" Lucas asked kind of confused about why a middle man was even needed. Why anyone was needed. The otter had all the permission he needed to man handle him. And Lucas doubted he could stop the frisky otter even if he wanted too.

"Basically." Carlson said rubbing his paws down to his belly. "You know this stuff is organic right?" He added dipping his muzzle down and slurping his tongue across his belly making Lucas giggil. Lucas quickly covered his mouth afterwards blushing at the girlish display. Carlson just grinned as he continued.

Strong furred fingers rubbed his sides and back up. Down one arm slowly kneading every inch like a fine piece of bread dough. The other arm got the same treatment and the warm feel of those strong paws was beginning to lull Lucas into a comfortable stupor. He closed his eyes resting back fully as the otter continued to work.

"See." Carlson murred lowly eating up his lovers oiled body with his eyes. "So much better with me doing this." Lucas just groaned a reply as the paws dipped down to rub his thighs.

Lifting a leg up Carlson grabbed, gripped, groped and squeezed the thigh muscle in his greedy, gluttony hungry fingers. Working his way down Carlson turned getting at the bottom of the table and dropping down to his knees. Taking a foot he rubbed it against his muzzle with a low chirr that made Lucas roll his eyes.

Lucas oblidged the otter's fancy however. Bringing his other foot to rub the otter's cheek blindly as he kept his eyes closed. Lucas did like the feel of that fur running between his toes, the earger muzzle nuzzeling it affectionately. It almost made Lucas jealous how much the otter took such care and poise when satisfying his kink. Lucas continued to pet his lover's face with his foot getting a warm tongue licking his big toe a second after.

The paws came up as Carlson pulled back a bit giddy. Using his thumbs to really dig in and rub the sole of the foot upwards to the toes, slickening each one with his oil coverd paws and spending a great deal of time with each foot. Afterwards the otter reluctantly moved up his other leg.

A paw ran up one leg as the other ran up the other. Carlson snaked his way between his legs and before Lucas could protest or even sit up to see what he was doing a warm, humid, damp muzzel wrapped around him.

"Ok," Lucas confessed an hour later. "That wasn't so bad." He had to admit feeling five years younger with an otter arm in his; the two headed towards the car, Lucas feeling five years younger. "We'll have to do this again," and with a grope from behind Carlson agreed in his own unspoken way.

Doggie Do's and Doggie Dont's. Chapter Two.

Doggie Do's and Doggie Dont's Chapter Two By Roofles Axon had the top half of a suit on. The bottom half of baggy swim trunks he had used when he went to beach last summer. A long stocking ran up one of his fuzzy legs making it itch horribly....

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Doggie Do's and Doggie Dont's. Chapter One.

Doggie Do's and Doggie Donts Chapter one By Roofles "Did you put your underwear in my laundry?" Tom inquired holding up a pair of briefs that were clearly too large for his own personal use. The man looked the dog in front of him in the eye even...

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Family Matters (2)

Family Matters (2) By Roofles Seven years ago... "What do you mean you want to be a baker!" The beaver shouted throwing up his paws and cursing in his native tongue as he stormed around the room fuming, steam practically coming from his ears....

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