Cats Can Go On and On and On And On...

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Kyle and Nate explore some quality time together.

"Okay..." Nate rumbled as he tapped the little buttons to put the camera settings right before he checked that it was standing well-balanced over a couple of a crime novels and a pillow he had used to prop it up on top of the chest of drawers, "I think we're ready."

He glanced over at his fellow tiger sitting on the edge of the bed, knees spread so that there was nothing to obscure the view of the ripped male slowly stroking his thick, barbed cock with the gentle grip only a man touching himself could achieve, with just the right amount of pressure to keep it teasing and nothing more. He was perfectly hard, pointed, barbed and leaking, however, and the bedroom was starting to get pretty musky with the two heavily breathing, aroused tigers putting out their scent into the modestly sized room.

"I'm ready," Kyle replied to his mate and flashed a toothy grin at the camera lens directed onto the bed, of course. "Come here. Let's make this good."

Nate fiddled with camera once more to make sure that the flash card was empty and the battery was full, and then, with a smile of his own, hit the record button and turned around, tail swishing behind him in a great circle as he faced the bed again, his own erection bobbing pleasantly over the white-furred, toned belly of the tall feline. He gave his balls a nice, little tug and let his paw trail up to his shaft for a couple of quick strokes before he released his barbed dick and let it bounce off his softly-furred belly once for a good show. Kyle smirked on the bed and licked his lips.

"Come" Kyle purred, his tail flicking in a most inviting gesture that was impossibl to miss.

Nate practically pounced onto the bed, only two steps were needed to reach the bed and land onto it in a manner that sent the bedsprings squeaking for mercy. His arms were quick to fall around Kyle's broad shoulders and his paws rubbed over his back, pulling his lover close into a warm embrace that culminated in the meeting of their lips in a purr-filled kiss. Their tails were wrapped together as much as their bodies, and within moments, Kyle was pushed down onto the bed, on his back, with a warm, very randy and very large tiger plastered all over his front. He took onto the challenge well, though, and had his paws caressing the curve of Nate's ass within moments of his confinement in a blanket of tigerhood and slippery tongue kisses making both striped cats' muzzles into veritable purr factories.

"Oh, baby, you really get turned on being filmed, dontcha?" Kyle teased the tiger as he felt Nate begin to hump their bellies together, which had the effect of some very, very good fur-on-barbs action as well, making it hard to keep back the moans threatening to escape from their throats.

"Ohhh yeah," Nate replied, eyes closed as he simply reveled in the feeling of his mate, warm, perfectly firm body beneath him, being touched by him, and desired by him so greatly, "love watching that hot action....murr..."

Kyle poked a thumb against Nate's curvy rump as he chuckled, but soon received a nip on his neck as a reward and fell quiet again, and let his head tip to the side so that Nate could explore his neck some more as well, with kisses and little scrapes of his tongue that soon had Kyle's cock pulsing as hard as it ever did. No matter the attention on Kyle's neck, Nate had definitely not stopped thrusting their slick pricks together, and now every humping motion sent electrifying pleasure through the two cats' groins, urging them onwards.

"You're a...a star..." Kyle moaned, feeling the teeth again on the spit-soaked fur on his neck, "....ahhh..."

Nate growled hotly as he listened to the big boy being reduced into a mewl with the pleasure of being made love to so intently by his mate, the hot, tough guy showing him the ropes in bed with obvious glee at the fact that he was getting it on with such a hot, sweet guy.

"Ohh yeah," Nate growled against his mate's mauled neck, hips working up into a flurry, the bed shaking again, "winning...ahhh...performance..."

The muscles all over Kyle's body rippled as he thrust his hips madly upwards to meet the downstroke of Nate's eager humping, the bed made a sound, the big male made a sound, and then Nate felt paws gripping hard on his back when the tiger threw his head back and moaned....


Nate rumbled growled deeply, feeling the pinpricks of claws against the small of his back when Kyle's body tensed, and then there was extra heat, musk, and a wet sensation against his belly. The top tiger stopped his actions and looked at Kyle's half-lidded eyes, the tiger's head resting against the bed with a blissful expression on his muzzle, despite his panting breaths and copious purrs. His paws lay relaxed against the small of Nate's back, just above the base of his heavy tail.

"Oh man!" Nate yelped, now feeling again the throbbing of his mate's cock against his belly, "hair trigger!"

Kyle's eyes fluttered open after a moment and he exhaled deeply, still obviously enjoying the afterglow of his impromptu orgasm whose evidence was heavy in the air. A broad grin split his muzzle as he looked up to the male straddling him, and then his pink tongue swept over his lips.

"Yeeeeah," the tiger smirked, "damn nice..."

Nate snorted and licked Kyle's nosepad, leaving the cat into a snorting craze while he curled his back, slipped down along the tiger's body and then positioned himself so that he was facing Kyle's cum-soaked groin. The pink, hard cock throbbed against furs matted with a few streaks of somewhat watery cum, and even his fuzzy sheath seemed quite messy indeed. Nate licked his lips in approval before he dived down to have a good taste by running his tongue over the tiger's warm, salty length. Kyle moaned helplessly and his tail trashed against the bed in abandon. Nate kept on grinning. He lapped up the tiger's fresh juices and didn't forget to reach out with his paws to tease the hard nipples poking out of Kyle's toned chest. Soon he could feel the tiger's purrs under his palms as easily as he heard them, with his nose and maw full of musk.

"AAaaahhh Nate..."

The tiger in question purred deeply, letting the vibration reach the very core of Kyle's being as he slipped his lips over the tip of the striped male's cock and took him into his muzzle. His tongue made a lazy circle around the twitching shaft as more inches sunk in, saliva mixed with pre and the remains of Kyle's earlier orgasm, and soon the tiger couldn't help but buck his hips again, to try and drive more of his length into the invitingly warm cavity. The paw that ran across his chest and belly and then down over a thigh to play with his balls and his little pucker beneath only added to the game and made the reclining tiger purr and rumble even louder, in quick intervals, while Nate's muzzle bobbed up and down on his supersensitive length.


Nate grinned around the dick in his muzzle as he felt Kyle tense again, his balls drew up, and even the thumb pressing gently against Kyle's tailhole registered a definite action going on, which prompted him to suckle noisily on the tiger's pulsing cock. Kyle grunted and his purr became tremendous when his body trembled and another orgasm wrecked his body and rewarded Nate with a few hot pulses of seed over his tongue. The first shot came so hard that it hit the back of his throat and almost made him choke, but the experienced tiger kept himself in check and kept sucking all through Nate's second orgasm, and even beyond.

He only stopped when Kyle's sounds of bliss started to sound more agitated than they should be, and let the warm length slip between his lips until it slapped against the panting tiger's belly and remained there, twice spent, but still fully hard. Nate grinned and rubbed his muzzle against the messy length again, teasing it, and marking himself with the tiger's hot scent, too, all over his face. He could feel it almost tingling on him, and his cock throbbed, still untouched for most part, as he crawled over the heavily breathing tiger and mounted him again, kissed him again, sharing the flavor of Kyle's seed, and held him close.

"Ohhh I almost feel raw now," Kyle rumbled against his lover's muzzle as the trade of kisses continued.

Nate chuckled and pressed their groins together for the express purpose of highlighting his mate's extra sensitive state, and purred himself, too, at the nice sensation.

"It's all your fault," he rumbled.

Kyle chuckled and smacked his tail against the tiger's flank.

"You did it!" he rumbled, paws rubbing over the tiger's sides, "ohh damn you smell good...."

"I smell like your spunk!" Nate chuckled in reply, rubbing their chins together roughly.

"No wonder it was so good," Kyle grinned.

Nate licked the tiger's lips roughly and rumbled menacingly for the best effect.

"How about I give you a good taste too baby huh?" he smiled, grinding his hot erection against the tiger's belly.

"Thought you'd never ask!" Kyle winked.

Nate kissed the fellow tiger briefly before he reared up a little.

"Just stay right put."

Kyle was already licking his lips by the time Nate straddled the striped male's head with his knees from either side and then used his own fingers to manipulate the tip of his cock. He squeezed out a drop of pre-cum onto Kyle's awaiting tongue and watched how the tiger savored the taste, complete with a hot purr and a blissful expression.


"There's gonna be plenty more of this soon," Nate purred roughly as he dipped his cocktip between Kyle's eagerly puckered lips a few times, rocking up the bed before he finally plunged into the warm muzzle. Kyle purred as his favorite-flavored popsicle slipped into his maw, and looked up at the grinning tiger happily as he began to suckle on his treat. Nate, purring now at the sensation of lips and tongue working over his meat, rubbed Kyle's ears and head furs and let his tail tap the tiger's belly with delight.

"Hmmmyeah..." Nate slurred at the feeling of his balls pressing against the tiger's fuzzy chin, "such a nice taste, yeah?"

"Uhmhmh!" Kyle agreed, shaking his head a little up and down, which felt fantastic for Nate, too, and made him purr and buck his hips a little, for another "UMPH!" from the muzzle-stuffed male. His chin was soon glazed with spit, pistoned out by the stroke of Nate's cock in and out of his carefully suckling muzzle, and Nate was definitely not holding anything back as he drove himself into the warm orifice.


The tiger barely got the warning before the hot seed poured out of Nate's still plunging dick and onto Kyle's eagerly lapping tail, streaked with sperm as it flowed from the dangling fruit of Nate's loins and into the thirsty, gargling throat of his lover taking every drop. Nate hunched above him, balls deep inside the warm muzzle that had offered him such a sweet pleasure now, and only with great reluctance did he pull out, smearing his hot length against the tiger's flushed cheeks.

"Wow..." Kyle sucked in a deep breath once he was free to inhale through his muzzle once more, though it didn't take long for Nate to jump his bones again and initiated a long, deep tongue kiss that somewhat compensated for the lack of a cock to suck on in his muzzle.

"Like that, hun?" Nate purred as he bathed the tiger's chops with his tongue.

"Ohh yeah, baby," Kyle replied with a grin, "I want mooooore..."

Nate snuffled at the tiger's hot slurr, and ground their bellies together once more, poking the fellow tiger with his spit-slickened, hot erection once again.

"Uh huh?" the tiger rumbled.

"Yeah!" Kyle breathed.

Nate chuckled and nipped on Kyle's ear before he shuffled backwards on the bed.

"Kneel," he rumbled as he flopped onto his own haunches, watching the tiger with a hungry eye.

"Don't have to tell me twice," Kyle winked as he assumed the position, knees spread wide, tail flicking about attractively while he posed and pushed his ass back a little to make its curve seem even more prominent for the hungry eyes of the tiger behind him. As he turned to look over his shoulder at Nate, he noticed that a bottle had already appeared onto his paw, taken from the bedside table, of course, and the cap was opened with a convenient claw, with an accompanying loud click of the plastic. Kyle's ears flicked and he grinned widely.

"Can't wait to get in me, baby?" Kyle wriggled his rump and kept grinning a the tiger over his shoulder.

Nate growled upon the visual and verbal teasing, but couldn't help but stare at the gently swaying ass, imagining the pleasures hidden between those ample ass cheeks spread out a little by the posture. He couldn't quite glimpse the pink tailhole amidst all the fuzzy furs, but he had a damn good idea where it was. His once-discharged weapon jutted out proudly and throbbed even harder when gentle, slick fingers closed around it, to spread the sticky stuff around. Nate threw the still open bottle down to the bed where it landed by Kyle's thigh.

"Finger yourself," Nate rumbled hotly, carefully stroking himself, "I wanna see you play with your hole, dude...make yourself ready for me."

Kyle's eyes widened briefly, but the smile that soon followed was as broad as ever.

"Heheheh," he chuckled openly and picked up the tube from which he squirted some goopy lube onto his fingers and rubbed them together quickly to warm the stuff up, "someone's really horned up tonight..."

Nate stretched out his legs and pulled a couple of pillows behind his back to make himself extra comfortable leaning on the headboard of the bed, chest rising up with heavy, sensual breaths while he stared at the inviting rump and the beautiful body that belonged to him as much as to his lover. His cock throbbed strongly in his gentle dripping grip.

"With a cute little ass like that on display, hell yeah!"

Kyle smirked as he flicked his tail up to the side and spread his knees a little to give himself better balance and more room to work with as well, when he drew his glistening fingers through his ass crack and let them press into the very base of his gently uplifted tail, eliciting a moan.

"Tell me how what it feels like," the voyeuristic tiger purred to his mate, obviously enjoying the self-pleasure, "tell me what you're feeling."

Kyle snuffled but flicked a cheeky ear nonetheless as he rubbed himself slowly, spreading the lube well.

"Well I'm touching my little hole now, you's all hairy around it but it's very smoooooooth...oh yes...aahh...I can feel it throbbing, too," he rumbled, head thrown back, tailtip flicking rapidly, "like it wants something in there..."

"Y-yeah?" Nate gasped, barely daring to touch himself for the fear of losing it right there, into his paw, rather than deep in the jutting ass in front of his very eyes, being teased by those expert fingers.

"Oh yeah," Kyle moaned in reply, fingertips tickling against his pucker, "it's so warm and slick's really tight, too..."

Nate gritty his teeth together.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeahh....hmmm...." Kyle purred, feeling his fingertip pressing against his hole, the muscled ring quivering under the pressure, "can barely get a finger in...uhm....yeah..."

The thick fingertip pushed through the sensitive ring and spread him open gently, bringing forth yet another series of purrs from the showing-off tiger playing with his pucker, teasing his own flesh in preparation of all the fun that was to come soon once he'd allow Nate some exclusive visiting rights.

" tight..."

"Oh, fuck..."

Kyle swept his tail about and caught the seated tiger's legs with that personal striped whip of his, one paw still pressed between hi taut ass cheeks. Nate let out a rough grunt.

"Ohhh fuck..."

"I wonder if anything else is gonna fit there..." Kyle murred, up to the second knuckle now and leaking from his own barbed tip at the stimulation coming from within, "it's squeezing down on me...damn...."

Nate grunted.

"Shit, I'm gonna cum if you keep that up!"

Kyle winked and dipped his head so that his chin rested against his shoulder cutely.

"Uhhh, hot..." the tiger purred. "Who's the one with hair trigger now?"

Nate bounced his cock off his belly with a squeeze on his own pelvic muscles, and grunted.

"Get that ass over here," he slurred.

"Ohh I'm not sure it's ready yet," Kyle chuckled, wriggling his paw so that Nate could definitely see that slick finger going in and out of the hole hidden between the tiger's cheeks.

Nate snapped his tail at the tiger's rump and bared his teeth.

"Need that ass..."

Kyle slapped his right ass cheek and wriggled his rump some more.

"Want it?" he grinned.

"Come on," Nate panted.

"You're cute when you're horny," Kyle grinned as he finally pulled out of himself with a pop and began the slow shuffle backwards.

Nate was ready, boy was he ever ready, to grab the tiger's hip as soon as he was within reach, to guide the kneeling tiger towards the spiny spire of his cock held up and ready in position.

"Uhhh, nice..." Kyle moaned when he felt the barbed tip slip between his lubed cheeks and rub up towards his hole, which soon received a kiss from the tiger's strongly leaking tip.

"Time to get it deep, hun," Nate snarled against the tiger's neck as he felt the quivering fleshy gate part, gravity pressing Kyle down on him slowly but inevitably.


The hot length pierced Kyle's asshole and stretched him out nicely, going deep, deep until their balls touched in the end of the ride, and Nate was fully settled in. The purring tiger wrapped his arms around Kyle's chest and belly and held on tight as he began the rhythm of rocking their bodies together in a hot, needful rhythm. His cock slid easily through the clenching ring, teasing it with his barbs on every single motion, back and forth, raking those fleshy spines against the tender fleshy walls of his lover's back passage. Kyle's own cock bounced up and down, slapping Nate's arm on occasion, but mostly it simply flapped in the air, untouched, and teased, while Kyle rode the tiger's hard tool with firm bucks of his hips. Their rough noises, the slap of their bodies and the heat intensified until Nate gripped onto Kyle extra tight and flooded his bowels with a good, squirty load of tiger cum deep inside his hole. The teasing barbs got Kyle close too, thrusting against his prostate with each stroke, but he wasn't quite there...yet.

"Oh, baby," Kyle moaned, feeling the heat seep into him, "that's so good..."

Nate, panting, chin covered in saliva, pressed his muzzle against the tiger's back and purred deeply, inhaling his scent. His hips were soon bucking again as he began to drive towards his next orgasm, hot, heavy thrusts bouncing the beefy tiger on his lap and making Kyle's eyes roll in his head.

"Ohhh shweet Jeeeessuuuuuuuus...."

Kyle's cock throbbed and exploded, shooting cum over the towel conveniently spread onto the bed while his battered prostate finally gave up and initiated an anal orgasm that caused his entire back passage to squeeze and undulate around Nate's madly thrusting cock, suckling on it, teasing its barbs with delicate heat.


Nate spent himself again with a few well-placed hot spurts that added to the musky cum deposited into Kyle's hot ass. Some of it was already leaking over their balls and making them rub slickly together.

"Boooyeah," Nate grinned as he curled his paw around Kyle's throbbing dick and scooped up some of the cum from it for both of them to lick from his fingers, which they did, eagerly, sharing a sloppy kiss between their purring muzzles.

It didn't take more than a minute before Nate was thrusting again.


Thank you for reading my story" Hope you liked the read, and hope you'll leave lots of comments, votes a faves, so that I'll know how I did. *chuckle* Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!
