Made Over

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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Made Over © 2004, 2005 Nameless * * * This story is a sequek to [A Complete Makeover](%5C). If you have not read that story, read it first. * * * Part 1 - Animal Part 2 - Homecoming Part 3 - Fun on the beach Part 4 - Instructions Part 5 - Birthday * * *

Part 1 - Animal * * * I felt myself return from sleep. Shard-like pieces of dreams fluttered around in my brain, refusing to make sense or even to let me remember what any of them was about. Whenever I tried to focus on any particular one, the memory was snatched from my mental grasp, leaving only the knowledge that I had forgotten something. I felt weak and tired, too tired even to open my eyes. I don't know how long I lay like this, halfway between sleep and wakefulness. At some point the fact that the bed I lay on felt rather harder than usual began to sink in. Suddenly I realized that no blanket covered me. My eyes snapped open. Before I could make any sense of my surroundings a wave of dizziness hit me. I closed my eyes again and lay panting, waiting for my head to stop spinning. After a while the nausea left me and I opened my eyes carefully. It took me a while to make sense of what I saw. " Metal bars! A cage!" Suddenly I realized that I was lying on the hard floor in the middle of a small but sturdy cage. The bars looked strong enough to hold an elephant. I reached out to touch one of the bars. When I saw my hand I stopped breathing for a moment. " A paw!" I screamed, a blood-curling scream of loss and anger. Actually, it sounded more like a lion's roar than a woman's scream. Suddenly the memories came back, the memory of myself, tied up and helpless, of the man who had apparently bought me. Of what he had wanted to turn me into. I stared at my hand, my paw. I don't know how I did it, but suddenly claws sprouted from the short, stumpy fingers. I screamed " No! Please..." The scream died in a coughing gurgle as my throat was squeezed shut. For an endless moment I could not scream, could not breathe, I almost passed out in fear. My paws flew to my neck, trying to remove whatever was strangling me, but they found only a heavy steel collar. As suddenly as it had started, the suffocating pressure passed, leaving me panting and trembling in terror. After a while I calmed down enough to think about my situation. As far as I could tell, the collar had not actually strangled me, it had felt more as if the muscles of my throat had cramped up. I sat up and looked around. I was in a cage made of heavy steel bars. It was not quite two meters long, one meter wide and about a meter high [6 by 3 by 3 foot]. One of the short sides looked as if it could swing up. I tried it, but it was locked. In the opposite corner was a bowl with the inscription 'Kitten'. I cringed at the insult. Then I saw that it was filled with water and suddenly I realized how thirsty I was. I tried to lift it to my mouth, but it was stuck to the floor. Blushing in shame and humiliation I crouched down and began to lap up the water. It felt good (the water, not having to lap it up like an animal). I remembered that the man who had wanted to buy me had called me "Kitten", that this was apparently supposed to be my name now. When my thirst had been slackened, I sat up again. Next to the bowl was a box filled with sand and the inscription 'Kitty litter'. "I'm supposed to use that?" I studied it for a bit and saw that there was a hole in the center and a moment later I found a slot with a small button next to it. I pressed it and a sheet of toilet paper came out. Blushing in humiliation, I crouched above the hole and relieved my full bladder. "At least no one is watching me." I had no sooner thought that when I noticed the security camera in the upper corner of the room. I cringed in embarrassment but managed to finish my business. The room my cage was in did not hold my attention for very long. Apart from the door and the camera it was completely barren. The cage sat in the center, about a meter and a half from the walls. Neon lights set into the ceiling illuminated the room. I turned my attention to my body and found that it looked almost exactly they way my virtual double had. My hands and feet looked more like a cat's than a human's. The fur on my feet petered out halfway between my knees and my crotch, the fur on my upper arms stopped above the elbows. My feet looked completely different, looked as if I was supposed to walk only on my toes, complete with leathery pads. I had a vague recollection of walking upright on them, but no way to test it, the cage was too low for me to stand up. My hips were wider than I remembered them being and my breasts were a little bigger as well. My hair was a coppery blonde with a few differently colored strains. When I touched my face I realized that I now had long and sensitive whiskers. Touching them did not hurt, but I could clearly feel where my paw touched them. I did not have a mirror, but the little water that was left in the bowl allowed me to get a rough impression of my face. A face that looked quite different from the way it had before. I could not see it well enough to be sure, but I got the impression that it looked a lot more like a cat's and less than my... old face than my master had initially planned. I had no idea how long ago I had been captured, no way of knowing. The only clue I had was that the salesman had said that it would take between two and three weeks to change me. Into this. Into this freak I had become. Staring at my hand, no, paw, I tried to figure out my feelings. I was torn, one part of me screamed at me that I was a freak, another soothed me and kept telling me that all was as it should be. "Probably more of their conditioning." Strangely enough, I did not feel bad. No matter how much they had changed my body, it still felt fine. Sure, I felt tired and weak, but not in an unpleasant way. Touching myself felt good, the soft pawpads and the silky fur felt good against my skin. With a start I realized that I had begun to pleasure myself, one of my paws rubbing my breasts, the other one circling my sex. I blushed in embarrassment. I wondered how long I would have to stay here "Hello..." I began but was cut short. Again I felt myself being strangled, I tried to breathe but failed. I don't know how long this lasted, not long enough to make me pass out, but way too long. When it was over, I lay trembling, weeping and panting for a long time. I could smell my stink of my own fear. When I could think again, I realized what must have happened. "They don't want me to speak! They want me to behave like an animal!" I trembled in anger and fear. "They probably want me to walk on all four as well!" I growled in anger. Nothing happened, apparently I was allowed to make animal noises. After a while I curled up and tried to sleep again, there was nothing else to do. I was tired, but as much as I tried, I could not quite fall asleep. After a while one of my paws wandered south. The stubby, furry fingers felt really good inside me. Soon I was purring. That felt very good as well. "Maybe this isn't that bad." I began to think. The heat radiating from my sex felt better and better. "Maybe even being horny all the time won't be that bad once I stop being embarrassed about it." My pleasant diversion was rudely interrupted when the invisible hands suddenly began strangling me once more. I fought to breathe and thrashed around in my panic. I wept, afraid to die. The world almost turned black before I was released and could breathe again. For several minutes I lay curled up, panting and trembling. Weeping and growling in rage "They don't even allow me this!" After a long time I calmed down again and realized that the scent of my arousal continued to tease my nose. My left paw was slick with my musky juices. As soon as I realized this, an almost overpowering urge to clean my paw, to lick it clean came over me. "They have even given me a cat's instincts!" I tried to resist it, but after a while I gave in and started to give my paw a tongue-bath. The scent and taste of my juices turned me on, by the time my paw was clean I was quite aroused. But even after my paw was clean, my scent continued to tease me. When I looked down, I found that the insides of my thighs were damp, as was my public hair. Again the urge to clean myself hit me and a moment later I found out that my back was now a lot more flexible than it used to be. I could bend far enough to tongue-bath my thighs and my sex. "I could even give myself a blow-job!" I hissed in annoyance "If these assholes didn't stop me!" I finished cleaning myself and stretched, still seething with anger. At that moment the door opened and a GELF entered. Suddenly my anger boiled over and I snarled at her, baring my teeth and roared out my anger. She yipped in fright and ran out of the room. As I stared at the empty door, I realized that it had been the vixen who had tended me before I was sold. Suddenly I felt stupid for scaring her, I almost called out to her to tell her that I was sorry, but an icy shiver of fear stopped me. I curled up, my anger gone, replaced by fear, fear of being punished for this. She returned a minute later, together with a big human male. He was clearly a guard. I watched apprehensively as he put on two heavy leather gauntlets and took a stick from his belt. My fur stood on end when the stick buzzed angrily and I realized that it was a stunner or a cattle prod. "They behave as if I really was a dangerous animal!" I cowered in the fear. The vixen went back out and returned a moment later carrying a bowl with food and a bottle. When they approached the corner of the cage where the drinking bowl stood, I fled to the other end and curled up, meowing pitifully and trying to look as harmless as possible. The vixen touched her bracelet to the corner of the cage and a small door opened. She pushed the bowl in, clearly afraid of me. The guard stood next to her, ready to stun me if I threatened them. Then she filled the water bowl from the bottle and closed the small door. She stood up and they left. I stared at the closed door for a while, hoping and fearing that someone would come back. The smell of food reminded me how hungry I was, so I padded over to see what it was. It was pieces of meat and potatoes in a gravy. "At least it's not dog-food." When I tried to pick up the bowl I found that it was stuck to the floor. "They probably use magnets for this." I looked at it, trying to decide if I should use my fingers to eat it or eat like an animal. The way the food had been prepared told me that they wanted me to eat without using my fingers. "They want me to behave like an animal. Will they punish me if I try to eat it normally?" A shiver of fear ran down my spine. In the end I went with what I thought of as the 'safe but humiliating' option, I went down on all four and ate directly from the bowl. I was so hungry I even licked it clean. Then I cleaned my face as best as I could, which was surprisingly well, my tongue was a lot longer than before and I could reach most of my... muzzle? I lapped up the rest of the water. Then I used the toilet. After that I got another problem, the feeling that my fingers just weren't clean, no matter that I had wiped them on the toilet paper. The dispenser stopped working after I used one of the papers only to clean my paws and not my backside. The feeling that my paws were unclean drove me mad. After a while I gave in, and as much as it disgusted me, licked my paws clean. " Yuck!" I didn't like the taste at all, but I felt better when I was done. Since there was nothing else to do, I curled up again and tried to nap. After some time, maybe half an hour, but without any clues it was difficult to estimate, the door opened. I hissed in alarm when two male guards entered. Both of them wore heavy gauntlets, one of them had a leash, the other one held the cattle prod at the ready. Their eyes were watchful as if I really was a dangerous animal, not a frightened girl, a freaky looking but frightened girl. One of them touched the lock and a moment later the cage door swung open. When I did not move, the guard with the leash waved a hand and commanded " Come, girl!" I was afraid to move, but even more afraid to disobey his command. I crawled forward slowly. When I got into reach, he reached out and attached the leash to my collar with a well-practiced motion. He commanded "Come." and turned to the door. I tried to stand up but the other guard slapped my head hard enough to floor me. I cried out in pain. The other guard gave me a moment to recover, then he started walking. Afraid of further punishment I scrambled after him on all four. I found that I could walk rather well that way, the way my legs had been changed made it feel almost natural. I didn't have to walk on my knees like a normal human would have. After a moment I began to blush in embarrassment, walking this way raised my buttocks high into the air and showed off my private parts to anyone walking behind me. Suddenly I was glad for the tail, it allowed me at least a minimal cover for my private parts. Without it the second guard, who walked right behind me, would probably have been able to see my stomach. We walked (I crawled) down a stark corridor. There were massive-looking doors on both sides, their spacing and look suggested that the rooms behind them were similar to the cell I had just left. We walked past about ten doors (on each side), then we reached the end of the corridor. The guard stopped in front of another heavy door and pressed a button next to it. I squealed in surprise when the guard behind me tapped my bottom with the prod (thankfully without shocking me). He commanded "Keep your tail up , Kitty!" and tapped my other buttock. It took me only a moment to decide to obey. I was absolutely sure he would not take 'no' as an answer and that he'd shock me if he had to repeat the command. Blushing furiously I raised my tail, exposing my sex and... tailhole to his view. He commented "Much better." I could hear the lusty grin in his voice "Such a pretty pussy. Much too pretty to hide away." He touched the insides of my thighs with the prod, then my sex. I mewled in distress but I was too afraid to move. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably less than a minute, the door in front of us opened. We walked down another corridor. This one looked slightly less like the inside of a prison, but otherwise it was similar to the first one. The doors were spaced a little wider. I had to concentrate to keep my tail up, I wanted to cover myself so badly. Soon we came to another door and again I had to endure the attention of the guard. I was a little shocked to realize that my sex was beginning to heat up, that I could smell my own arousal. I was really glad when we walked on. The next corridor looked as if it contained offices. I cringed in shame when we passed several people, but I did not dare to stop or try to cover myself. I could feel their looks, but at least they did not offer any comments. We stopped in front of an elevator. While we waited the guard behind me continued to amuse himself at my expense. After a few seconds the elevator came and we got in. The guard shook my leash and commanded " Down, girl!" I curled up on the floor. The elevator started moving upwards. We did not go far, three stories if I read the inscriptions correctly (I could not see them well from where I lay). When the elevator stopped and the door opened, bright light stabbed into my eyes. I mewled in distress. But the guard holding my leash waited only for a moment before he commanded " Come!" and tugged at the leash. I had to follow, barely able to see anything. Squinting my eyes and looking around, I saw that we were on the parking deck. I yowled in pain when the prod hit my buttocks, reminding me to keep my tail up. My eyes slowly got acquainted with the bright sun. It was high in the sky, I estimated the time to be either mid-morning or mid-afternoon. We stopped next to a big SUV. The guard with the prod unlocked it and opened the tailgate. He waved the prod " Get in!" I scrambled to obey, afraid of him. Most of the trunk was taken up by an animal carrier into which I had to crawl. It was cramped, barely a meter by 60 centimeter and about as high (3 by 2 by 2 foot). The guard closed and locked it. I jumped when he slammed the tailgate shut. I had to curl up to fit into the small space. A moment later I heard the front doors open, the guards climbed in and a minute later the car started moving. So did my stomach. Riding in the back and not able to look out upset it badly. I managed not to throw up. Barely. I could not see very much, but I could make out that the building must have been somewhere right in the city. The ride took maybe a quarter of an hour. We passed the harbor and drove on along the seashore. The car stopped and the driver killed the engine. They both climbed out and a moment later the tailgate was opened. I looked out at a jetty and a water plane waiting at the end of it. I only got a moment to look, then the animal carrier was unlocked. One of the guards grabbed the leash and gave a light tug. I scrambled out before he got the idea of dragging me along. Still on all four and with my tail waving high in the air I followed him. All too soon we got to the plane. The guard handed the leash to the man in the plane, obviously the pilot and commanded "Get in!" I scrambled to obey and soon found myself in another animal carrier. This one was a little bigger, but not big enough for me to stretch out. I noticed that the bottom was made of plastic and had a high rim. There were a few blankets in it, a water bottle and plastic sack to be used as a barf-bag. The pilot locked the cage. One of the guards climbed into the plane as well. He looked at me and said "If you make a mess you'll have to clean it up yourself." I shuddered when he licked the back of his hand, showing me how I would have to do it. " Yuck!" The pilot closed the hatch and they both got into their seats. I could hear them talk for a minute, then the sound of the engine drowned out their voices. Soon the plane began to move, slowly at first, then it picked up speed. I curled up in the blankets as well as I could, but my position refused to become much less unpleasant. Since I was lying on the floor, the vibrations were almost strong enough to rattle my teeth. When the plane lifted off the water my stomach rebelled. I barely managed to snatch the bag in time to avoid a real disaster. By the time the plane had reached its cruising altitude I had returned the whole meal and my stomach finally settled down. I drank some water to get the taste out of my mouth, then I curled up in the blanket and tried to nap. For a while I skirted the line between wakefulness and sleep, but after a time I gave up trying to nap, the loud noise of the plane and the vibrations were too unpleasant. Flying in the small cage was very unpleasant and boring. The most interesting thing I could see was what little of the sky I could see through the windows and the occasional cloud. I was filled with anxiety and thought about the meeting with my new master. They way I had been treated since I had awakened earlier today did not bode well. Would he continue to treat me as if I was just an animal? "A cat in heat?" I cringed at the thought. Then I remembered our first meeting, the way his hands had felt on my body. How much I had enjoyed them... "Enjoying the flight, aren't we?" I squealed in surprise and stared at the guard. Suddenly my face burst into flames as I realized that I had been playing with myself, one paw between my legs, the other massaging my breasts. And the air was heavy with the scent of my arousal. I mewled in embarrassment and looked down at the floor. He laughed "A kitty in heat. How nice." He tapped the cage with the prod, making me look up at him in alarm "Stop this now. And don't clean up. Your master will be pleased to see... and smell what an eager pussycat you are." I cringed in shame, if I could have I would have dug a hole and buried myself. He warned "Don't cheat." and pointed at a small box. I realized that it was a camera. "He watched me all the time!" If possible, I blushed even more. He licked his lips suggestively, laughed and returned to his seat. I hissed in annoyance, the need to clean myself, to tongue-bath was strong, but the fear of punishment was stronger. I curled up as tightly as I could, quietly weeping in shame. Shame at how I had behaved, how much it turned me on to know that the guard was watching me, had watched me pleasure myself. And I sobbed in frustrated desire. As the plane flew on, I had a very unpleasant time. There was nothing to do except lie curled up. The scent of my sex continued to tease me, continued to remind me of how horny I was. I tried to think about something else, anything else, but my thoughts always returned to my master. To the way his hands had caressed me and shown me such incredible pleasure, to how good his manhood and cum had tasted, how perfectly he had fit into my sex. Suddenly the pitch of the engine changed, the plane banked and we began to descend. For a while I forgot about everything except my stomach's wish to get rid of its, by now nonexistent, contents. By the time the plane had stopped moving and the pilot had killed the engine, my stomach had settled down enough for me to think about other things. Like how I would look and smell when my master would first see me. The plane rocked when the pilot and guard left their seats. The pilot opened the hatch. The guard looked at me and tapped the prod "Girl, I want you to be on your best behavior! Keep down and keep your tail high." Then he opened the cage and attached the leash to my collar. He commanded " Come!" and climbed out of the plane. I scrambled after him. A moment later I found myself on a wooden jetty. My heart jumped when I saw the waiting figure at the end "My Master!" I cringed when I realized that I had used the capital letter even in my thoughts. My face and ears burned, I was so ashamed of the spectacle I must be making. The guard growled "Go." I hastened to obey. He fell into step behind me, I could feel his eyes on my swaying buttocks and my exposed sex. On either side of the jetty was a sandy beach, there were lots of palm trees and off to the right I saw a house. But I found it difficult to look at anything but my Master. The walk to him took forever and was over way too soon. When we reached him, I stopped and stretched like a feline, earning a pleased snort from my master. The guard commanded "Down." and I curled up at my Master's feet. The rough wood was pleasantly warm. He handed the leash to my master. "Good day, Mr. Miller. Here's your kitty." "Thank you." The guard produced a folder "If you would please sign here?" My master quickly scanned the paper, took the offered pen and signed it. "Here you are." "Thank you, Mr. Miller. It was a pleasure to do business with you. I hope you have a lot of fun with your kitty." He winked at me and sniffed. "I intend to. Thank you." "Good bye." They shook hands, then the guard walked back towards the plane. I looked up at my master, awaiting his command. But he just grinned down at me, sniffed, licked his lips and laughed. I blushed in shame. He just stood there for several minutes, waiting until the plane had left. I had to wait as well. His male scent excited me and my sex began to pulse slightly. I was anxious, horny and yet I felt good, or at least I was purring. * * *

Part 2 - Homecoming * * * My new master crouched down, unclipped the leash from my collar and scratched my ears. My purring intensified. "You like that, Kitten, don't you?" I dipped my head and meowed approvingly. I wanted to talk, but I was afraid to do so without his permission, I did not want to trigger the collar's punishment. He continued to scratch my ears for at least a minute. I leaned into his touch, happy that he was touching me, it felt so incredibly good and turned me on more and more. I meowed in pleasure and desire. My master laughed and stood up. "Get up, Kitten." I got up on all four and looked at him, wondering if he would allow me to walk normally. But he just grinned and grabbed the end of my tail, holding it like a leash. He pointed at the house and commanded "Go." Small white stones marked a path across the lawn, so I went that way. My master walked right behind me, his gaze caressing my backside and warming my already hot and wet pussy even further. Without even intending to I put an extra sexy sway into my movements. We were almost to the house when he commanded "Stop." I did. The door that led into the house was open and I could make out several figures in the shaded entrance hall. There were at least four persons, but I could not make out any details. I blushed, suddenly embarrassed. I felt hardly any shame any more at behaving like this for my master, but to do so in front of several other persons still embarrassed me a lot. I did not want to risk angering my master, however, so I held still. He took my tail into both hands, gently ruffling the fur. It felt good, it felt right, I shivered in anticipation as his hands slowly moved closer to my body. Whatever these people had done to me, it had been terrifyingly effective. True, I could have protested my treatment, provided I was not afraid of angering my master, but every nerve in my body wanted him to continue. When he scratched a sensitive spot at the base of my tail I growled in pleasure. If he had asked, I would have begged him to fuck me right then and there. When I turned my head to look at him, he licked his lips and blew me a kiss. That little gesture of affection almost melted my heart. He put both hands on my buttocks and kneaded them most pleasantly. My purring must have been audible to the persons who were still watching us from the entrance hall. When my master said "Spread your legs a bit." I did so most willingly. I moaned when one of his hands dipped between my legs. He teased me for several minutes, running a finger along the lips of my dripping wet sex. But as much as I wiggled my ass and pushed back against his hands, his finger refused to enter my desperately willing sex. I could feel my juices drench my public hair. If he had asked me "Do you want me to release you and let you go back home or do you want me to fuck you?", I would have begged for sex. My whole body pulsed with desire. I hissed in disappointment when he removed his hands from my body and commanded "Go in." I did, not obeying him was almost totally unthinkable. I scrambled up the steps, the main floor of the house was raised about half a meter above the ground, and entered the hall. When I reached the center, my master said "Stop." I did so. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light in the hall, I finally got a good look at the people who had been watching me. There were four of them, all female, and if their attire was anything to go by, slaves like me. They all wore a collar and that was all they wore. Two of them were Caucasian women, a blonde and a redhead, one was a Hispanic. The last one was a GELF, a vixen. After a moment I noticed the belt she wore and then the coiled whip at her right hip. My tail flicked nervously as I considered them. On their faces was a mixture of emotions, disdain, a hint of disgust but also quite a bit of jealousy. And desire for the man standing right behind me. I sniffed the air and caught the scent of their arousal and realized that each one of them would have loved to take my place and be fondled by my, our, master. I stayed still for almost a minute before my master finally put a hand on my buttocks and said "Stand up, Kitten." I did. He turned to me and considered me, squeezed one of my breasts and ran his hand down my belly and past my sex, teasing me. "Kitten, you may talk. Until I change my mind, of course." "Thank you, Master." I breathed a sigh of relief when the collar did not strangle me. A wave of happiness and affection for my master almost overwhelmed me. Purring loudly, I snuggled up to him and rubbed my face against his shoulder. He scratched my ear, then he pushed me away gently, keeping his other hand on my backside all the time. "All right, Kitten. Meet your sisters." He pointed at the vixen "Kitten, meet Vixie. She is currently the head slave. She is responsible for the proper operation of this household, all the other slaves answer to her. If she thinks you are skirting your duties she will have to punish you." Vixie looked rather typical for a vixen, she had rusty red fur which turned creamy white from her throat to just below the crotch with reddish brown headfur. Her paws and lower arms were dark red, almost black as were her feet. The tip of her tail was white. She was about the same size as I but her breasts were a little smaller than mine, about the size mine had been before my transformation. When our master fell silent the vixen stepped up to me. I extended my hand, paw, to her but she ignored it. She knelt in front of me, leaned forward and inhaled the musky scent of my wet sex. I was too shocked to move when she licked my sex, sending an electrical tingle up my spine and down my tail. I inhaled sharply. She sat back on her feet, looked up at me and said "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, Kitten. My name is Vixie." After a moment she stood up and stepped back into the line. I stared at her, shocked at her behavior and my reaction to it. We stood like this for half a minute. "Kitten". I turned to my master. His face was disapproving "it is very impolite not to return a greeting." I stared at him for a moment, then I blushed when I realized what he wanted from me. But I knew that I could not avoid it, not without angering him, so I stepped up to the vixen and kneeled before her. Like she had done, I sniffed her sex, noting her arousal while the animal part of my brain filed away her scent for identification. I licked her and looked up at her "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vixie. I'm Kitten." After a moment I stood up again and moved back to the position next to my master. He squeezed my buttock gently. When I looked at him and he smiled at me, the approval in his eyes made me purr in pleasure. "The next girl is Puta." [For those who don't know, this is Spanish for whore.] She was almost a head shorter than I, but had a very generous figure. Heck, she was really overweight, but still beautiful, most of the extra weight was in the right places. Her hips were wide and curvy and her... let's just say the muscles in her back must have been very well developed to keep her upright. Her hair was black and skin was an exotic looking shade of olive and glistened with a sheen of perspiration. We went through the greeting ritual, smelling and licking each other's sex. For some reason I found her scent and taste especially pleasant, so much that I found myself hoping that my master would tell me to lick her to a climax. "The redhead is Freckles. Or Freckle if you prefer that." She was a little taller than Puta but much slimmer, she probably weighted less than half what the Hispanic girl did. Her figure was boyish with small but shapely breasts and small hips. Her skin was very fair and, well, she had freckles. All over her body, especially on her breasts and face. We greeted each other. "The last girl is Barbie." She looked like a typical model or playmate. Tall and shapely with big tits and generous hips, very long legs and long blonde hair. She was the only girl whose public hair was shaved. We greeted each other. Her looks didn't show it very much, but I got the impression that she was quite a bit older than the others, probably close to thirty while the others seemed to be in their early twenties. I stepped back to my master's side. He put his hand on my backside. He smiled at me, then he looked at the vixen "Vixie!" "Yes, Master?" "The belt." She yipped in surprise, but after a moment she obeyed, took off the belt and pawed it to our master. "Yes, Master." She had obeyed with barely any hesitation, but I could hear the anger in her voice, see the resentment in the lines of her face. Her teeth were partially bared. A voice in my head screamed " Danger!" and I shivered involuntarily. Our master declared "Kitten is the new head slave." and handed me the belt with the whip. I put it on reluctantly. "Kitten, as head slave your main duty is to make sure all the day-to-day things are taken care of properly. It's up to you who does what, but you are responsible that everything is done properly. It's your right and duty to punish the other slaves if they try to shirk their duties. Vixie will inform you about the details." I shivered again, I was no Einstein, but I could clearly see the dangers of the situation, especially considering what he had just said, that I was responsible for the performance of the other slaves. If she conveniently 'forgot' to tell me something important, I would most likely be punished for it. Unless I could defuse Vixie's resentment quickly, there was a real possibility that we would end up making each other's lives very miserable. I had no idea what I had to do. "Vixie, you are next in line, you will take over as head slave when Kitten is... incapacitated." I shivered even worse at the sound of that. I suddenly felt as if I had walked right into the middle of a minefield. "Ok. Now..." My stomach choose that moment to growl loudly, so loudly that my master stopped speaking and stared at me. I cringed in embarrassment and fear. "Hungry?" "Yes, Master." He grinned "I kind of noticed." He sniffed "Since first I saw you." I blushed "I wasn't talking about that hunger. Master." "I know." His grin vanished "Didn't they feed you, Kitten?" "They did, but..." I fell silent. "What?" His eyes narrowed "Talk." "I... I get motion sickness very easily. If I can't see the outside... If I don't get a window seat when I fly... then I always have a very unpleasant time of it." "I think I see." He looked at my fearful face and after a moment his lines softened. Then he suddenly grinned, even wider than before. I shivered in anticipation tinged with fear. He brushed his hand over my dripping... slavering sex. "Hungry there?" "Yes, Master." He brought his hand up to my mouth and brushed over it, filling my nose with the scent of my arousal. Involuntarily my tongue slipped out and licked my own juices from my lips. "And there?" "Yes, Master." He looked at his watch and put his hand on my belly "We had lunch only an hour ago. Since it's your birthday, I'll give you a choice." He rubbed my tummy and grinned at me "I'll feed one of your slavering muzzles and I leave it up to you which one. Just put my hand on the mouth you want me to feed. The other one will have to wait until dinner or later tonight." I closed my eyes in exasperation. "My birthday? I don't think so... not unless they had me sedated for more than six months." I was hungry, so hungry. I knew that I would probably regret whichever choice I made. But as empty as my stomach felt, the signals my sex kept sending were a lot stronger. I had been teased and excited for hours now. Besides, I was quite sure which choice my master would prefer and the thought of not pleasing him terrified me. I put a paw on my master's hand and slowly pushed it down until it covered my pussy, looking him in the eyes while I did it. "Good choice, Kitten." A wave of happiness washed over me at the obvious pleasure in my master's voice. He moved to stand behind me and cupped my right breast with his other hand. He commanded "Vixie, handcuffs." "Yes, Master." She bowed her head, turned around and hurried down the corridor. Even the shiver of fear at my master's command turned me on, I began to purr. He whispered into my ear "Don't talk, but feel free to make as much noise as you want." I meowed affirmatively and snuggled up to him. He responded by kissing my neck and massaging my body. Vixie returned after less than a minute, holding a pair of handcuffs connected by a short chain. She said "Here, Master." handed them to him and stepped back into line. "Thanks, Vixie." It pleased me to find that he thanked her. "Kitten, put your hands behind your neck." I did. He put the handcuffs on and threaded the chain through the ring on my collar, locking my hands in place behind my neck. "Close your eyes." "He'll masturbate me right her in front of all the other slaves?!?" I mewled in embarrassment. But soon, very soon, I forgot about my embarrassment, forgot about everything except my master's hands, expertly pleasuring my willing body. I purred and meowed as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. He did not waste time teasing me, his ministrations took me straight to kitty heaven. The house shook as I came and roared out my pleasure. I almost collapsed, if my master had not held me, I would have fallen, all my muscles felt as if they had been turned to rubber. The whistles and applause from the other slaves felt good, not embarrassing. For a minute I luxuriated in the afterglow, safe in my master's arms. "Sir?" I almost jumped out of my fur in surprise, I had not noticed the male human approach. Then I blushed as I realized that he must have entered while I was flying in my own little heaven, that he must have seen (and heard and smelled) everything. "One moment, Alex." My master quickly wiped his wet hand on my belly and breasts and released me. My knees were still weak, but I managed to remain standing. He unlocked the handcuffs. "Open your eyes, Kitten." Then he pointed at the puddle between my legs "Clean that up." "How? Master?" He slapped my backside hard. It stung badly. All the pleasure drained from me and was replaced by the unpleasant realization that I had displeased my master. "I didn't give you permission to speak. You have a tongue." I dropped on all four and began to lap up my juices. The knowledge that I had displeased my master felt so badly, a black hole of despair filled me. It was not the fear of punishment, that was only a tiny part of it. Whatever they had done to me to make me obey my master was extremely effective, I realized. I realized that I would do my uttermost to please my master, even thinking about disobeying him filled me with unease. If he had told me that I had to kill myself to get back into his good graces I might well have done it. My master slapped my buttocks once more and said "Always keep your tail up." I hastened to obey, hardly caring about the spectacle I was making. "What did you want, Alex?" "The plane left the range of our sensors, Sir. And Mr. Ustinov's secretary called to confirm that he will meet you in Nassau tomorrow." "Thank you, Alex. Anything else?" "No, Sir." I could hear the lusty grin in his voice as he added "Quite a pussycat you got her, Sir. Any chance I could try her out anytime soon?" "Probably not. I'm not sure yet if I want to share her. But you can ask Vixie if she'd like to keep your bed warm tonight." "Thank you, Sir. I think I'll do that." He turned to the vixen and said "See you tonight." With that he left. I thought about this conversation as I continued to lap up my juices. If I didn't want to be given to my master's servants... he had looked more like a bodyguard, I realized, then I'd have to do my best to please him. I realized it should not be difficult to bring myself to do my very best, given the conditioning I had received. Now I only had to succeed in pleasing him. I lapped up the last of my juices and meowed to catch my master's attention. "Finished?" I meowed affirmatively. "Get up, Kitten. You may talk." I got up "Thank you, Master." After a moment I added "And thank you for the filling 'meal'." He laughed "I want to spend some time on the beach. Get everything ready, Kitten." and slapped my buttocks lightly to send me off. * * *

Part 3 - Fun on the beach * * * I did not know what I was supposed to do, but the other slaves did. They chorused "Yes, Master." and walked down the corridor. I followed them into the kitchen. Vixie turned to me and asked "What your command, Miss 'Head Slave'?" I stared at her, taken aback by the resentment in her voice. I bowed my head and pleaded "I didn't ask to be the new head slave, Vixie. Please help me. Please. Please tell me what we have to do." "Vixie, don't be stupid." Puta chided "We're all in this together." She pointed at a cupboard "The basket and the cooler are in there." I hurried there and retrieved them "Thank you, Puta." "Barbie, Freckle, get the towels and sun screen." "Yes, Puta." The tall blonde and the redhead hurried out of the kitchen. Vixie growled at me, but then she joined our preparations. We fetched water, fruit juices and a bottle of rum from the fridge. "We aren't allowed to drink alcohol, not without permission from Master, at any rate." In a minute we had packed everything and we headed back to the entrance hall. Puta and Vixie carried the drinks and foodstuffs. Vixie had advised in a voice filled with resentment that I, as head slave, was not supposed to carry anything. Unless there was so much to carry that I simply had to help. I decided that I would try to bend that rule as far as I could, but at the moment there clearly was not enough stuff to go around. A few moments later Barbie and Freckle came down the stairs and joined us, Freckle carried a sports bag. We left the house and stopped for a moment while Barbie fetched a deck chair from a small shed built right next to the house. "We go to the north beach." My master pointed "Lead the way, Kitten." He grinned at me "Your bottom looks very pretty when you go on all four." "Thank you, Master." I dropped, obeying his suggestion almost automatically, pleased at his praise. I started out in the direction he had indicated, my hips and tail swaying seductively. My shame at showing off my private parts had been almost completely replaced by my pleasure that my master enjoyed watching them. "My formerly private parts." I thought wryly. I led them back towards the jetty. When we reached the beach, I meowed questioningly. My master got my question and said "After we've had a swim I'd like to watch a bit of beach volleyball." Further up the beach was a volleyball net, so I headed there. When we reached it, master said "Get up, Kitten." I did. "Set up the things." I followed the other slaves. Barbie set up the chair in the shadow of a palm tree, the cooler was put next to it. Freckle handed out beach towels and we spread them on the lawn around our master's chair. When he told me to, I took off the belt and put it next to his chair. He took off his clothes and said "Last one in the water gets five spanks." That turned out to be me, of course, the other girls had been ready for the command while I had not been. I found that I could run pretty fast in my new body, but over the short distance it wasn't enough to offset the other girl's head start. Once I got into the water, I found to my pleasure that while they had given me many of a cat's instincts, a dislike of water was not among them. A few moments later our master joined us as well. He swam towards me and said "Five spanks for you, Kitten." I looked at him and asked "Shouldn't you get spanked, Master? After all you were the last one in the water." He laughed and shook his finger at me "Tsk! Tsk! Not even here for one hour and already getting insolent? Ten spanks it is." I stuck out my tongue at him, then I looked at him with big kitty eyes "I'm sorry, Master." We both laughed. I found that I wasn't afraid of being spanked, actually thinking about his hands on my backside excited me almost as much as I was afraid of the pain. And since it clearly wasn't a punishment, that he was not displeased with me, I actually looked forward to it. Then he got more serious "See those buoys?" I looked and saw a line of buoys a little further out, spaced every few meters. "Yes, Master." "There's a net below them to keep the sharks away from the beach. There aren't very many, but I would not recommend leaving that area." I shivered "Yes, Master." We stayed in the water for maybe 20 minutes, playing 'catch'. I enjoyed it, but I was glad when our master told us to go back to the beach, I could feel myself starting to tire a bit. We toweled each other dry, laughing and teasing one another. Our master sat down on his chair, his lower body wrapped in a fresh towel. "Kitten, time for your punishment." He patted his lap. Obediently I lay down on it, my face and legs hanging down on either side of the chair. He rested his hand on my butt. Looking up, I saw Freckle handing out bottles of sunscreen. I jelped when my master's hand came down on my rump, stinging but not really hurting me. I tensed for the next hit, but he waited a few seconds and managed to take me by surprise once more. I hissed, then I jelped when his hand hit me three times in quick succession. "Ten." I thought. My master squeezed my hot buttocks and said "Kitten, you'd better put some sun block on your rump, your skin looks more than a little sensitive there." I could not help giggling at that. My rump hurt, but not too badly. I found that the spanking had excited me, that my sex felt almost as hot as my buttocks. I meowed in pleasure when my master's hand dipped between my legs and pressed the towel against my sex. He slapped me lightly and commanded "Get up." I scrambled up and blushed when I saw the wet spot on his towel, right where my sex had lain a moment ago. "Kitten?" I looked at Freckle who held out two different bottles of sunscreen "What SPF do you want?" I looked at the bottles, both would be all right, but I would not tan very much if I used the stronger one. I turned to my master and asked "How dark do you want my tan? Master?" He studied me for a moment, smiling, obviously pleased by my question, then he answered "Your skin should be lighter than your fur." "Thank you, Master." I answered and turned back to Freckle "The stronger one." "Ok. Should I do your back?" "Thank you, yes." I kneeled on my towel, facing my master, squeezed some of the lotion on my left paw and began to rub it into my face. Freckle's hands felt good on my neck, gently kneading my muscles, rubbing the lotion into my skin. Then I leaned back and thrust out my tits to give my master a good show as I massaged the lotion into them, over my belly and my thighs. The appreciatively lusty smile on his face filled me with happiness. Puta finished preparing the drink for master and handed it to him, then she asked "Girls, what would you like, lemon, orange or pineapple juice?" I asked for pineapple. Puta and Barbie filled the requested beverages (half juice, half water) into squeeze bottles and handed them out. All too soon my body was covered in the lotion. Freckle stowed away the bottles and lay down on her towel. I drank from my bottle, then I followed her example. But I found that I could not lie still, I was much too curious about my new home to just relax. I realized that I already thought about it as "home". The island we were on was pretty, the sandy beach curved and formed a shallow cove. From what I could see, the island did not rise very far above the level of the sea, a few meters at most. I could not see how big it was, there were too many trees in the other direction. Somehow I felt that it was not very big, but I could not say how I got that feeling. We had been lazing around for about half an hour when our master clapped his hands and declared "I'd like to watch some beach volleyball." We all got up and chorused "Yes, Master." Freckle produced the ball from the sports bag and we ran to where the net was set up. Suddenly they all looked at me "How shall we play, now that there are five of us?" I looked at them for a moment "Do you keep score?" "Not really." "Then how about this: One of us is the referee and whoever scores a point swaps places with her. Ok?" They all agreed. I took my place as 'referee' and they began to play. Ten seconds later I swapped places with Puta. My volleyball skills were a little rusty, but I found that my new body had excellent reflexes. Almost too fast, again and again I moved too fast and far. I didn't do too well, the others obviously had a lot of practice at this. But I realized that I could well become the best player with a little practice. Soon I got into things a little better and I had a lot of fun. It wasn't difficult to figure out why our master enjoyed this sport. What male wouldn't enjoy watching beautiful nude girls jump around. Barbie and Puta could really have used a bra of some kind, their very generous tits almost threatened to knock them out whenever they jumped or moved too abruptly. The happy smile I saw on my master's face whenever I glanced in his direction pleased me greatly. But all too soon I felt myself tiring. Suddenly my left leg gave out as I tried to stop after a particularly difficult catch and I crashed headfirst into the sand. I lay stunned for a few seconds before I could get up again. Our master called out "Are you ok, Kitten?" "I think so, Master." I panted a few times, before I could go on "But I'm getting really tired." I stopped unsure if I should ask to be allowed to take a rest or if that would displease him. "Come here." "Thank you, Master." I sat down next to him and drank from my bottle. My left leg hurt a bit, but not so much that I thought I had hurt it. I wiped the sweat from my eyes and looked at my master, unsure what to do. "Are you alright?" "Yes, Master. My foot hurts, but I don't think it is broken or anything. Should be fine with a bit of rest." "Good. Ask Puta to give you some salve when we get back to the house." "Thank you, Master." He considered me for a moment and mused "They did tell me that you would tire easily for a few days, I should have remembered that on my own. And that you'd need a lot of food." He grabbed something from the basket that stood next to his chair and handed it to me "Here, have an energy bar." "Thank you, Master." I opened it and ate it quickly. It wasn't really much, but at least I now had something in my stomach. "Kitten, tell me if you get tired, I don't want you to hurt yourself. Ok?" "Yes, Master." I smiled, happy at his concern for me. We sat quietly for a minute and watched the other girls play while I slowly finished off my bottle. I wondered idly if something was wrong with me, that I found watching the other nude girls so arousing. "Fix yourself another drink if you want to." "Thank you, Master. But I have enough for now." We sat silent for another minute, then he patted his lap "Put you head here, Kitten." I did and he began to ruffle my hair and scratch my ears. His pleasant male scent filled my nose and very soon I was purring in contentment. "Kitten?" "Yes, Master." Addressing him as 'Master' felt totally natural to me, not doing it was almost unthinkable. "You know, I think I like your hybrid nature. Both a girl and a cat. You know what? I'll give you a second name." "Why, Master." "So I don't have to make a speech every time I want you to change your behavior. When I call you 'Kitten', you may behave like a girl. Like my lovely slave girl." He paused for a moment, still scratching my ears "When I call you 'Cat', then I want you to behave like a regular cat, that is walk on all four, don't talk that kind of thing. Understood, Cat?" I almost said "Yes, Master.", but stopped myself in time to answer "Meow." "Smart girl. I'm really happy that I bought you, Kitten." His praise filled me with happiness "Thank you, Master." "I do enjoy watching you walk on all four, however, especially when you walk in front of me. You may do so at any time, even when you're officially 'Kitten'. Understood?" "Yes, Master." We fell silent and watched the others play on the beach. It was a comfortable silence, we didn't speak not because we didn't have anything to say, but because there was nothing we had to say. Well, I did have a million questions, but none that needed an answer right now. In any case most of them were for the other slaves, rather than my master. I thought about my situation and how I had come here. Suddenly I had to giggle. "What's so funny, Kitten?" "Do you know how I got here? I mean how I became a slave?" "Not really. Most probably you were too deep in debt." "Yes, Master. But what is so funny is that they told me I had won a holiday on the Bermuda islands, so that they could get me to go there to enslave me. Now it seems that I got my holidays, only quite different from how I originally thought." He laughed "And they'll last a bit longer as well." "Yes, Master." We fell silent again. Watching the nude slaves turned me on, as did the male scent of my master and the bulge in the towel right in front of my face. I found it more and more difficult to concentrate on anything else. For a short while I fought the idea, but soon the desire won out. "Master?" "Yes, Kitten?" "Is there any chance I could have another protein snack?" I asked and nudged the bulge with my nose, then I looked up at his face, my kitty eyes pleading. "Protein snack?" He grinned down at me "Help yourself, Cat." "Meow!" I shifted my position so that I crouched in front of him and raised my tail into the air. My master spread his legs for me and took another sip from his drink. He crossed his hands behind the neck and looked down at me. I licked my lips in anticipation, then I dipped my head under his towel and lifted it off his lap with my muzzle. I inhaled his scent for a moment, admiring his almost fully erect cock. Then I touched the tip of my tongue to his balls and ran it up the length of his manhood slowly. He sighed in pleasure. I repeated the process several times, each time using a little more force to stimulate his hot member with my rough tongue, electing several groans of pleasure from him. I licked the precum from his tip, savoring his taste. He was now fully erect and I took him into my mouth. With my slightly elongated muzzle I could get him almost completely into my mouth. He was a good size but not extremely big. But, from what I remembered, plenty big enough to give my body a lot of pleasure. I was not really in the mood for teasing, so I kept my master's malehood in my mouth and continued to run my rough tongue up and down its length. After a rather short time he groaned in pleasure and a second later my mouth was filled with the tasty protein drink I craved. I sucked him until he was dry, then I licked him clean, I didn't want to waste any drop. Suddenly I realized that I had not heard the noises of the game for a while. When I looked over my shoulder, the others were watching us. I looked up at my master and meowed questioningly. He looked down at me, then at the playing girls and then back at me. "Still not enough?" *Meow!* He laughed and ruffled my headfur. "Want to lap up some milk, don't you." *Meow!* He laughed again, clapped his hands and called "Girls! Playtime is over!" He looked at me, pointed at my towel and commanded "Down!" I crawled there obediently and curled up, awaiting further developments. The other girls came running and when our master waved his hand vaguely sprawled on their towels and drank. They were all sweaty, especially Puta who looked as if she had just come out of the shower. I found their healthy sweaty scents very pleasant, especially since they were tinged with arousal. Master let them catch their breath for a moment, then he called Barbie over and whispered something in her ear. Try as I might, I could not catch it. I wondered if this was the reason he had told me to lie on my towel. Barbie raced off towards the house. Master looked from one girl to the next and then at me "Cat here seems to be hungry for some 'milk'. Do any of you want to help her?" Puta was the first to make the connection "Yes, Master. I'd love to." She winked at me and got up into a kneeling position, facing our master with widely spread legs. After a moment he answered "Fine. Make yourself comfortable." "Thank you, Master." She stood up and put her towel in front of master's chair. Then she knelt, not quite facing him. She spread her legs as far as she could, then she lay on her back. This raised her hips high into the air and spread her lips. I also saw that her position would allow master to watch everything. She wiggled around for a moment until she found a comfortable position. She grinned at me and called softly "Hey! Pussycat! Get the milk." I couldn't help giggling at that. I got up (on all four), padded over to her and crouched down between her legs. My tail waved above my slightly raised rump, giving (so I hoped, at least) my master something more to rest his eyes on. But before I could start lapping he called "Cat, wait!" I froze, my lips only centimeters from Puta's inviting sex. "Close your eyes." Her scent filled my nose, exciting me, and when I blew air into her hot sex, she sighed in pleasure. A very long minute passed before I heard Barbie's footsteps as she walked towards us at a quick walk. She stopped a meter behind and to my right. Master said "I'm sure you'll figure out where it's supposed to go." She chuckled and crouched down next to me a moment later. She pushed me aside gently and placed something between Puta's legs. I hissed in surprise when she kissed my nose. Then she stood up and stepped back. My ears swiveled to follow her and a moment later she sat down on her towel. "Open you eyes, Cat." I did and hissed in surprise. Barbie had put a drinking bowl right under Puta's crotch. A proper bowl for a pet's drink, complete with the inscription "Kitten". For a moment annoyance and shame filled me, but then the humor of the situation got the upper paw and I started giggling. My master commanded "Lap away!" I did. First I licked Puta's thighs, pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the salty taste of her sweat. Using long slow strokes of my rough tongue, I licked the area around her sex dry. I enjoyed it, as did Puta. She sounded as if she enjoyed it, at any rate. As did I, when I finally touched the tip of my tongue to the bottom end of her slit, I was purring in pleasure. I licked upwards slowly, enjoying the first real taste of her juices immensely. I went on licking with long slow strokes, pushing my tongue further into her folds with each stroke. Her moans rose in pitch and volume with each stroke. Each time there was more 'milk' for me to lap up. Puta came the third time my tongue brushed over her pulsing clit. She thrust her hips towards me, surprising me and almost burying my face in her sex. She howled like a banshee, her volume and pitch so high it hurt my ears. Copious amounts of cum gushed forth, drenching my face and completely overwhelming my ability to lap them up. Her hips spasmed a few times more, then she was suddenly silent. The only noises were the blood rushing in my ears, my and her labored breathing and, very far away, the sound of a wave crashing over a rock. I continued to lap idly at her... lap for a few more minutes until she was clean. I raised my head and waited for her to recover or for a command by my master. Then I looked down and saw the puddle of 'milk' in my drinking bowl. Puta struggled into a sitting position. She looked at me for a moment, dreamy contentment on her face, then she pulled my head to her generous bosom and scratched my ears. I couldn't stop myself from licking the sweat from her cleavage. She nuzzled my head and whispered "Thank you, Kitten." She scratched my ear for a bit more, then she pushed me away gently and stood up, picking up the bowl and her towel in the process. I turned to my master and meowed questioningly. He leaned forward and patted my head approvingly. The grin on his face told me that he had enjoyed the show. Freckle spread her towel in front of our master's chair, took the bowl from Puta and placed it in the middle of her towel. She kneeled, then laid back, her sex thrust into the air, directly above the bowl. I looked at my master and meowed questioningly. "Have some more milk, Cat." I meowed in pleasure, crouched in front of Freckle's invitingly presented cunt and began lapping up first her sweat and then her pussy juices. The sweat on her thighs was mixed with the sweet product of her arousal, tasty testimony that she had enjoyed watching Puta and me very much. I realized that I was almost as wet as she was. I started lapping her lips with long strokes of my tongue. She tasted quite different from Puta, but almost as pleasant. Or more? I couldn't decide. She started panting, and soon giggles were added to the mix. She came all too soon. Her body trembled as a long row of quick tremors shook her, accompanied by a symphony of giggles interspersed with labored gasps. Her cum drenched my face and dribbled into the bowl while I lapped up as much as I could. After a while she calmed down and the stream of cum dried up, allowing me to clean her. She got up, pulled me to her and hugged and kissed me. After a while she released me and stood up. Vixie took Freckle's place. Her body smelled and tasted quite different from the humans'. I could taste that she also sweated (in addition to panting), but not as much as the others. Her sex also tasted quite different. It did not take long for me to convince her to provide my cream. I could not help but think of her cum as cream, the amount she provided was less than the others had, but still considerable and it was quite a bit thicker. She yipped and barked as she came, every bit as loud as her 'sisters'. Vixie gave me a pat on the head, but no further thanks. She was still clearly angry with me, but I thought that her anger had been blunted a little by the pleasure I had just given her. Barbie came last, providing a generous amount of milk, accompanied by shrieks that would have been way over budget for a cheap horror thriller. She thanked me with a lingering passionate kiss and by giving my teeth a full dental examination. She licked my nose, pushed me away and stood up. "Barbie." Master said, looking at the bowl filled with the juices of the four females I had just pleasured. She got the hint, picked it up and held it out for him. He dipped a finger into it and stirred it, mixing the contents. He brought the finger to his face, sniffed it and then licked off the juices. He sighed in contentment and smiled at me. The happiness on his face pleased me immeasurably. He said "It's good, try it." A quarter of embarrassment and three quarters of pleasure. That was how I felt when I watched as each of them dipped a finger into the sticky contents of the bowl and tasted them with obvious pleasure. When they had all tried it, master said "I think our Cat is still hungry." Barbie grinned at me and set the bowl down in front of me. I lapped up the contents, purring in pleasure, both at the pleasantly exciting taste and smell and the fact that the others, my master and my 'sisters', got a kick out of watching me. I licked up everything, cleaning the bowl with my tongue until it shone. When I was done, I curled up at my master's feet and rested my face on his feet, waiting for his next command. * * *

Part 4 - Instructions * * * Our master looked us over and said "All right, since we are now all together here, it is time for a few instructions. Most of you already know them by heart, but I guess repeating them won't hurt." He paused and added "Forgetting them will hurt." I shivered at the implied threat. "Find a comfortable place." When I tried to get up, he tapped my head, indicating I should stay on the ground. I heard the others settle around us, Freckle, the only one I could see from my current position, kneeled on her towel, her knees spread wide, hands resting on her thighs, palm up, torso straight and breasts thrust out a little. Or as much as her small breasts could be thrust out. Her head was straight, but her eyes looked at the ground between her legs. "Kitten, Head!" I jumped, then looked at my master. Anxiety filled me because I wanted to please my master, but I did not know what the command meant. He took pity on me after a few moments. He spread his legs and explained "Kneel between my legs in the slave position, like the others." I looked around and saw that they had all assumed the same position as Freckle. I imitated them as well as I could. I tried to look down, but my master's manhood right in front of my face was too interesting to let me look anywhere else. He went on "For those who have tails, keep it straight up." He considered me for a moment "On second thought, Kitten, stand on all four." I did, my face only a few centimeters from my master's manhood, my rump raised high. My tail waved excitedly. "Take the tip of my cock into your mouth, touching it only with your lips." I did and he scratched my ears "Good. Keep that position." His taste filled my mouth and his scent my nose. I began to purr in pleasure. "If I ask you a question, you answer 'yes' by tapping the tip with your tongue once. Got it?" I tried it. "Good." "If you need to answer 'no' for any reason, shake your head very lightly." From the sound of his voice I got the impression that he didn't expect me to use this very often. I tried it, just to be on the safe side. "Ok, I see you got that." "If you have a question or want to say something, touch your tongue to my tip lightly for about five seconds. If I ignore this, then you can assume that I don't want you to talk right then, otherwise I will give you permission to speak." When he fell silent, I tried it. After a few seconds I removed my tongue, a bit later my master went on "I will be very upset if you stop touching me for even a moment. Touch your nose to my penis while you talk. Oh, and when you ask for permission to speak, you had better have a good reason... Ok, now what did you want, Kitten?" I froze for a moment, I had not intended to say anything, I had just wanted to try out the signal. Trying to win time, I let his penis slide out of my mouth, making sure to keep my muzzle in contact and lowered my head until my nose touched the tip. My master's pleasant scent filled me. I still couldn't think of anything to say. Suddenly I blurted out "I love you, Master." With a little shock I realized that this was not a lie, that this was really how I felt. I added "You smell so good." "I'm glad to hear that, Kitten." He scratched my ears and I took him into my mouth once more. I realized that I really felt good, kneeling on all four, with my master's manhood in my mouth. All I could see was his public hair and a bit of his belly, but that was all I needed to see. "Ok, now back to the house rules. You have all felt the punishment your collar can deal out, I assume?" I shivered, remembering my terror as I had been strangled. "It has a variety of punishments, all different and none of them pleasant. If you try to flee, it will activate. At first it will only hurt you, but it will eventually kill you if you don't come back quickly." I shivered again, the pleasant feelings for my master blown away by a sudden feeling of terror. He went on "A good swimmer could reach the next island, if she wasn't caught by a shark. And if the collar didn't activate. Do you think you could stay afloat when it does?" Since he seemed to be waiting for an answer, I shook my head. "Ok. Any questions?" I shook my head "Good. I doubt that you would enjoy any misunderstandings on this matter. Next, this should be obvious, but I'll repeat it just in case. You address me as 'Master' and you to obey me without question. Unless you are told differently, you will address everybody else as 'Sir' or 'Madam', except for other slaves, of course. You will obey commands by my security staff as if I gave them. They have permission to punish you as the situation warrants. Up to and including killing you." I shivered in fear. "But up to now we have not had any such serious problems and I sincerely hope that it will stay that way. Kitten?" I touched the tip of my master's cock with my tongue, catching a drip of his precum. I had to force myself to move my tongue away, I enjoyed the taste so much. He scratched my ears, acknowledging my answer. "I said it before, but I'll repeat it to make sure that you understand this. You are the new head slave, Kitten. You are responsible for keeping this household running smoothly. Vixie will help you at first and show you how I like everything. I want you to assist Kitten to the best of your abilities, is that clear, Vixie?" "Yes, Master." I wasn't quite sure, but her voice sounded slightly sullen, had a tiny rebellious edge to it. "Please don't make troubles for me! For all of us!" If our master heard her reluctance, he ignored it "She will also replace you as head slave if you are... indisposed for some reason. When you act as head slave, you don't ask the other slaves to do something, you tell them what to do. Understood?" When I had acknowledged this he went on "There is one computer in the house to which you have access. It has an Internet access, but you had better think twice before you try to use it in any way that I don't approve of. You may look, read the news, but you don't send any messages, post on a forum or give out any information. We log everything you do and if we find any hint that you have sent a message or used this privilege in any way that I don't approve of, you will be punished. I will be very displeased, I might easily be so unhappy with you that I'll let you play with the sharks." He put a finger on my throat and drew it across. "Or something. Understood?" For a moment I could not breathe, I was paralyzed with terror. The other slaves chorused "Yes, Master." and after several moments I got myself under control and I indicated my answer by touching my tongue to my master's cock. "All right. There is a list of approved sites, these aren't the only ones you are allowed to use, but if you keep to the list you should be pretty safe. The most important site is the shop where we get our groceries and other supplies. It is your responsibility to make sure our larder is well stocked. We, that is I or one or more of my staff, usually fly to Nassau twice a week and we'll pick up what you have ordered. Understood?" My stomach started to feel really bad, both from lack of food and from what I had just heard "I have no idea what I have to do but all the responsibility. Please help me." I couldn't help but admire the way my master worked, I might be his favorite girl, but if I didn't get along with all the others, then I would have a very unpleasant time of it. More so because it wasn't really his punishment that I feared, but simply the fear of disappointing him was almost overwhelming. But since I did not see any alternative, I touched his cock. The taste of his precum made me feel a little better right away. "If there are any problems that you can't handle, inform me, Alex or one of the others of my staff. Don't be afraid to. And if you make a mistake that you can't undo on your own, say break a dish or something I expect you to do the same. I will probably punish you, but not severely. If I find out about it later, then I will be very angry. I also expect you to be completely honest with me, there is no reason for you to lie to me. You can expect the same courtesy from me, if I am pleased with you I will tell you so and sometimes I will even reward you if I am especially pleased. If I am not pleased... you can be sure that I will find a way to express my displeasure." "And most likely in a very painful way." I couldn't help think. But somehow this made me feel a little better. "Unless I tell you differently, you get three meals a day, you will usually share the food with me or my staff. Your main duties are to attend to me and to my staff and guests, keep my house and garden in good order and stay healthy. Apart from the times when I require your attendance, I will leave it up to you to organize your day. You will have enough free time to exercise, practice your useful skills and spend some private time." He paused for a moment before he went on "When you don't have any duties to attend, you may spend your time anywhere on the island. But always tell someone where you intend to go, the head slave, one of my staff, or me. If I am in the house, you always ask me for permission. If I am not here, but guests are, then you ask for permission from my staff. If you hear or see any plane or ship approach, then you return to the house right away. Someone will tell you what to do, if it is me or expected guests, you are expected to welcome them, otherwise you are to stay inside the house until we have decided what to do." "Look here, Kitten." I released my master's cock and lifted my head, keeping my chin in contact, though. He held the belt I had worn before and pointed at a button next to the buckle "With this button you can activate a buzzer in all the slaves' collars." He pressed it and I felt an electrical buzz at the back of my neck. It wasn't particularly unpleasant, but it would be almost impossible not to notice it. "If you press it repeatedly, the signal will increase in strength." He demonstrated it, this time it was quite a bit more intense, just this side of unpleasant. "Your signal always affects the collars of all slaves, including your own. I and my staff have controllers that can also target an individual collar. Whenever you get the signal you return to the house to await instructions or go to where I am." "As I said, if I am away or busy and there are no guests in the house, you can do whatever you want with your time. After you finish your chores, of course. Kitten, as head slave it is your duty to make sure all chores are taken care off before you allow the others to take time off." He put the belt down and touched my nose. I lowered my head and took his cock into my mouth again. Apart from a certain fear that I would make mistakes as head slave, especially initially, I couldn't help but think the whole deal sounded rather good. Well, better than some things I had imagined. As long as I didn't mind that I was his sex toy. And the conditioning I had received made me want to be that. "At least I think that's the conditioning, I doubt my old self would have wanted this..." The threat of severe punishment was there in the background, but as the initial shock wore off, the realization that I could almost certainly avoid most of it made less and less scary. The more I thought about it, the more I looked forward to pleasing my master. I wondered if the conditioning the slavers had given me was more a blessing or a curse. I was purring again, pleased by my master's male scent and taste and the way he kept petting me, ruffling my hair and scratching my ears. I decided to look at the responsibilities of my position as a challenge and a chance to please my master. The tip of my tail swished in pleasure and excitement. "When I am not around you may touch yourself or each other as much as you like, but you may not come without permission." "Clever," I thought "so we'll be ready and willing whenever you're with us, Master." "One reward that I like to give out is the permission to give yourself a climax. Or to have one of the others help you with it or to give it to one of the others, whichever you prefer. When I give one of you this reward, the others are under orders to assist in whichever way the rewarded slave decides." "Even more clever." I realized that if I was now his favorite slave, and I intended to do everything to stay that. If I managed that, then because I pleased him and then I was likely to be rewarded this way quite often. And I could pass it on to reward the others for helping me fulfill my duties as head slave. A shiver of anticipation ran through me, both at the thought of pleasing my master and at getting to lick the others again. "When I have guests, I expect you to entertain them to the best of you ability. If you don't have any other sleeping arrangements, you may spend the night with one of my staff. If he agrees, of course. You are not required to do so, however, they can't force you to." "Yeah, right." I thought "Like any of us would refuse such an offer. From someone who could kill or punish us at any moment. And after several hours teasing..." "Kitten has given me an interesting idea. This applies to Kitten and Vixie only. I'm giving you both a second name. Your other names will be 'Cat' and 'Fox'. If I use those names, then I expect you to behave like a normal animal. Walk on all four, don't talk, that kind of thing." I could hear the grin in his voice "Like a female animal in heat. But I'm sure you won't have any problem with that part. Understood, Fox?" She didn't answer for a second, then she yipped. "Good girl, come here." I could hear her pad up to him and his hand ruffling her fur. "Nice. You behave like this until I use your other names, that is 'Kitten' and 'Vixie'. Walk around a bit, Fox." I heard her pad away. "Keep your tail up." Then "Nice." and "Come here." He ruffled her fur and scratched her ears. She whined in pleasure. After a bit he commanded "Back to your place, Vixie." "Yes, Master." I heard her say and she returned to where she had kneeled before. "Any questions?" There was one I had, not that I expected to get the answer I wanted. Well, the answer a part of me wanted, anyway. I touched my tongue to my master's cock, enjoying the taste. I left it there for a very generous five seconds. After a bit he asked "Yes, Kitten?" I let his manhood slip out of my mouth and lowered my head until my nose touched it. I enjoyed his scent for a moment then I asked my question "Will I be allowed to wear clothes?" I shivered a little, suddenly afraid I had gone too far and angered him. He did not answer for what seemed like a very long time. "If you want to, you can. Actually I have bought some clothes for you, so you have something to wear when we go to the city. Some establishments there have such an unreasonable policy about public nudity... But tell me, whyever would you want to wear them here, when you don't have to?" He paused for a second, I wasn't sure if it was a rhetorical question or if he had actually asked me. If it was the second, I wouldn't have a good answer anyway, at least none other than the obvious " Duh!" "I mean, you have such a beautiful body, Kitten. Are you ashamed of it? I'm sure you have noticed how much I enjoy watching it, why would you want to hide it away? Why would you want to make it difficult for me to touch you and enjoy the feeling of your skin and fur?" He fell silent again, this time clearly expecting an answer. He removed his hands from my head and suddenly I realized how good it had felt to have them there, to have my ears scratched by him. I realized that while he had given me permission to wear clothes, he had effectively made it impossible for me to do so. Without an explicit command, that is. I realized that I would feel bad if I did, because I would know that he did not like it and my conditioning made me want to do my uttermost to please him. Maybe he wouldn't punish me, but he would do something even worse: He would disapprove and he would ignore me, he would prefer the others and I would have to watch then as they had fun with him. "I'm sorry, Master. It was a stupid question. I... I love to feel your eyes and hands on my body. Please forgive me, Master." He was silent for a long while, I got more and more anxious "Yes, Kitten, it was a stupid question." "Master, if I have displeased you, then please punish me." "Hmmm, maybe..." I was very pleased to hear the grin in his voice "a little punishment is in order. Turn around." When I looked up, he twirled his finger and I obediently turned around so I presented my rump to him. I hissed in pain when he slapped my buttocks several times, painfully hard but not hard enough to really hurt me. When he commanded "Head." I turned around again and took him into my muzzle once more. He scratched my ears and everything was all right again, even the heat in my rump gave me more pleasure than pain. Our master talked a few more minutes on what he expected from us, what rules we had to obey. Then he said "I want to nap a bit. Make yourself comfortable." and tapped my nose, indicating that I should release him. Which I did, rather reluctantly "Thank you, Master." Puta handed out more drinks, then I found a spot for my towel and curled up, careful to arrange myself to show off my assets to my master. "Hmmm..." I wondered idly "does 'asset' have anything to do with '_ass'?" We lazed around for a while. It would have been perfectly pleasant if there hadn't been the occasional growls from my empty stomach. But after a while I drifted off to sleep anyway, exhausted by the events of the day. I jumped up in surprise when a loud noise woke me. I calmed down quickly once I realized that it was only our master. He clapped his hands once more and said "All right, Girls. Pack up, we're going back home." Imitating the others, I folded up my towel and handed it to Freckle, then I put my bottle into the basket. Master stood up and Barbie folded the chair. In little more than a minute everything was packed up and we lined up in front of him, waiting while he put his clothes back on. My stomach felt even emptier than before, but otherwise I felt good, the rest had restored my strength. "Cat, Fox, Sit!" It took me a moment to realize what he wanted, then I dropped to all four and crawled to the spot he had indicated. Vixie followed a heartbeat later. We both sat the way our namesake animals would have and looked up at our master. He grinned at us and said "I know you like each other, so I'll allow you to touch while you walk. Lead the way." He pointed in the direction of the house. I looked at Vixie who looked a lot less than pleased with this, she bared her teeth for a moment, making sure our master could not see that. Then she got up (on all four) and turned in the direction we were to walk. I got up as well and moved to stand next to her, our hips touching. We walked a few steps, then stopped when our master didn't follow. I started swaying my hips, trying to look enticing, Vixie followed suit, trying to outdo me. I'm sure we gave our master (and the other girls) quite something to look at. I looked up and wrapped my tail around Vixie's less flexible one. She growled at me but didn't try to extricate her tail from mine, not wanting to appear to be a spoilsport. Besides, as much as she disliked me, I was quite sure she actually did enjoy the touch of my skin almost as much as I enjoyed the touch of her fur. After a moment our master started walking and so did we, trying to outdo each other in seductiveness while being careful to stay a few steps ahead of him. The other girls stayed a few steps behind him. From the look on Barbie's face, she enjoyed our show almost as much as our master. All too soon we reached the house. We padded up the stairs and stopped in the middle of the entrance hall. "Ok, girls. Take a quick shower and start preparing dinner while I show off my humble abode. Kitten, Vixie, come with me." We all answered "Yes, Master." The house was big, but not huge. It had three floors, the top floor consisted only of the master bedroom, a big living room and a large veranda that went all the way around the house. On the seaward side it was big enough to hold a party for fifty people. I could see a few other islands off in the distance. We only spent a minute outside, though, before we went back inside. The centerpiece of the bedroom was a huge bed, '_King size' simply didn't do it justice, 'Emperor size' was much more fitting. Three people could sleep in it without any risk of touching each other. It would easily hold ten people, provided they enjoyed each other's company. There were a few dressers and cupboards and a desk with a computer. "That is my private desk, Kitten. You don't touch it or the bookshelves next to it without express permission. Am I clear?" "Yes, Master." I bowed my head. His tone left no doubt that he was deadly serious about this point. The next thing that drew my attention was a large basket with the tag 'Vixie'. It was big enough for her to sleep in, as long as she curled up. With the big fluffy blanket it might not even be that uncomfortable. Our master looked at us and grinned, then he walked to the basket. He removed the tag and picked up the blanket, then he handed both to Vixie "Hold this." "Yes, Master." Her eyes filled with tears and her voice was heartbroken. She did her best not to show it, not to our master, at least, but when my eyes met hers, I could see the hurt and anger in them. Her hackles raised and a low growl escaped her when she bared her fangs. I shivered and looked away quickly. "Kitten, your things are there, bring them." "Yes, Master." I hurried to the indicated dresser and found a blanket with a tag that read 'Kitten' on top of it. Assuming that these were what my master wanted, I grabbed the two items and brought them to him. "Here, Master." "Thank you, Kitten." He took the tag and attached it to the basket, then he dropped the blanket into it as well. "Why don't you try the basket, Kitten?" "Yes, Master." I spread the blanket and curled up in the basket. It was the only way I could reasonably use it (the basket was neither big nor flat enough to lie stretched out) and it felt surprisingly comfortable. I did stretch, showing off my body. My master's grin told me that he liked the sight. Vixie didn't, her eyes were full of tears, she was trembling and visibly fighting to keep from crying out loud. I was torn between pity for her and glee that my place would be here, at my master's side. "Come here, Kitten." "Yes, Master." I got up and padded up to him. He grinned at me, then he turned to the vixen "Vixie?" "Yes..." *sob*"Master?" "From now on you will sleep downstairs with the other girls. Move your clothes there. I want the dresser empty and clean, so I can put Kitten's things there. You will find a mattress and a dresser in the storage room. Barbie will help you set them up. When you're done, shower and then help the others with dinner." "Yes, Master." She hung her head, shot me one last murder-filled glance and headed downstairs, her tail between her legs. * * *

Part 5 - Birthday * * * My master sat down on the bed and looked at me "Kitten." "Yes, Master?" He pointed at the carpet in front of where he sat. After a moment I got the idea and kneeled there. I assumed the position we had used earlier, my knees spread and my body presented to my master's view. I looked down at his feet and awaited his next command. "Look at me." I did. He looked rather pleased, he was smiling actually. For a minute we were both silent while he let his gaze roam over my body. I thrust my breasts out a little more, it actually felt good to know my body pleased him, I could clearly see it in his eyes. My tail swished happily behind my back. "All right, Kitten." My master said "This is where you sleep from now on. Either in your basket or in my bed." He grinned at me "I promised you I wouldn't force you to have sex with me, and I do keep my promises. I won't ever force you to sleep in my bed. But if you do..." He didn't say it, but the meaning was clear. "If you feel like a 'Cat', then sleep in the basket... There is one other thing you should know: I really hate sleeping in an empty bed..." "Yes, Master." What I thought was "Translation: 'If you don't want to sleep with me, you will have to watch (and listen) while I the brains out of one of the other girls.' And I would probably have to behave like an animal the next day as well." I didn't think I would get a lot of sleep if I refused to share his bed. I had the distinct feeling that he would be the type to make sure I regretted it. Given his preference for women who made a lot of noise when they came, I doubted that I would get a lot of sleep. "I understand, Master." "Good." He considered me for a moment before he went on "We will have a private dinner tonight to celebrate your birthday." "Birthday? But..." "Shush!" His command silenced me. "Kitten, I'll explain it tonight. Draw yourself a bath, wash your hair and groom your fur. I want you to be at your most beautiful tonight." Happiness filled me, suddenly I really looked forward to it. Even the empty feeling in my stomach ceased to hurt, it simply became part of the anticipation "Yes, Master." He stood up, held out his hand and helped me up. "Come with me." He led me downstairs to one of the guest rooms. He pointed at a wardrobe "Your clothes are in there. Put on everything you find in there." He grinned "But don't open it until you have finished grooming." I groaned, he had just set my curiosity afire. I really wanted to know what I would get to wear tonight. What I would have to wear. Given that he had told me only a short while ago that he preferred me naked... He looked at a clock "Dinner starts at seven. That should give you plenty of time to get ready. I'll pick you up when I'm ready, don't leave the room." "Yes, Master." After a moment I added "Thank you. I can hardly wait." "How is your foot?" "It's fine, Master." When he seemed not to want to believe me, I added "Really. It doesn't hurt at all." "Ok." He took my face and kissed me, poking his tongue into my mouth for a moment. Then he released me, said "See you." and left, closing the door. I stared at the closed door, willing him to come back. It had only been a short kiss, but I was already panting in pleasure. I stood in front of the wardrobe for a full minute, debating whether to abide by his command or cheat. I licked my lips, enjoying the lingering taste of my master's tongue. I sighed and stretched, then I entered the bathroom. When I saw the mirror, I froze. It was the first time I saw my new face. It looked a lot more like a cat's than a human face, but there was still a certain resemblance to my old face. Someone who had not known me very well would not recognize the new me, but he would be able to see that it was me if someone pointed it out. I don't know how long I stared at my reflection, but it must have been several minutes. Surprisingly I was much less horrified and much more curious about my looks, even... pleased. The face was strange, but I could not deny that it was attractive. The furry ears made me look cute, especially the black tipped one. When a noise from outside made them swivel in that direction, I giggled, it looked so unbelievably cute. There was something special about my looks, but it took me a minute to figure it out. "That's why I look so cute! My face looks much more like a kitten's than a cat's" I examined myself for a few more minutes before I could tear myself away from the mirror and turned my attention to the task at paw. The bathroom was well appointed, but my master had obviously planned everything to the last detail. There was exactly one of each type of conditioner and shampoo. He obviously expected me to use every one of them. I was pleased to find that they were a very expensive brand and smelled extremely pleasant. I drew myself a warm bath and luxuriated in it for a while, then I washed my hair. I spent more than an hour cleaning and beautifying my body. Interestingly enough, there was no perfume, lipstick or other makeup. Apparently my master wanted to see my body the way it was, washed and groomed to perfection but without artificial enhancements. That thought pleased me very much. I examined my nude body in the full-length mirror, trying to decide if there was anything I could do to improve my looks any further. Without a conscious thought my tail wrapped itself around my belly and the tip swished back and forth across my breasts. I was almost shocked to find that I liked the way I looked, that the sight of my own nude body turned me on. The sweet scent of my arousal began to mix with the delicate scents of the shampoos and conditioners. For a moment I wondered if I should clean myself, but then I figured that this might actually be the perfume my master wanted to smell on me. Feeling a little naughty, I picked up a brush and brushed my public hair, intensifying the scent considerably. I was not even surprised to find that I was purring. I dipped a finger into my slit and dabbed a little of my juices under my arms, between my breasts, on my neck and on a few more choice spots. I took a deep breath and left the bathroom. A look at the clock confirmed that I had a little more than half an hour left. "That should be enough time to get ready. I don't think it would be a good idea to be '_fashionably late', given my situation." A shiver of excitement ran through me, I took another deep breath and then I opened the wardrobe. There were only two things in it, a black dress and a tray with several pieces of jewelry. The dress was strapless and form-hugging and cut to make sure every eye would turn my way if I ever entered a ballroom wearing it. That is, I would have turned every eye even if it was made of regular black cloth. As it was, I would probably have launched more than a few eyes from their sockets. The '_dress' was made of an almost completely transparent material, so diaphanous as to be almost invisible. From more than a few meters away it would look more as if I were well tanned rather than wearing anything. A few weeks ago I would have fainted in shock at the mere suggestion of wearing something like that in public, or even in private for my boyfriend, but now I found myself eager to put it on, to show my body off to my master. What he wanted was clear "He wants it to look as if I was clothed without actually hiding anything." I held it against my body and liked the clingy feeling the material gave me. It was cut to end a hand span below my crotch and there was a slit in the back, obviously for my tail. There were two more cutouts for my nipples. Just the thought to put this dress on excited and aroused me. Very reluctantly I put it on the bed. I turned my attention to the tray and the jewels. There were quite a few and as I studied them, I realized that they were laid out in the positions they would end up on my body. To make extra sure I put everything in the right place, my master had even added a sheet of instructions. I studied the instructions for a moment, then I picked up the centerpiece, a stunning and quite complicate assembly. The top was made up of half a necklace that was designed to clip to my collar. It was silver and studded with diamonds. "Probably artificial ones. Still... even if they are artificial, it would still be quite expensive." I held it in front of my neck and studied it for a moment, then I clipped it to the collar. Three silver chains descended to a spot right above my breasts where they terminated in a short crossbar set with a big green stone. Two more chains snaked between my breasts and ended in another crossbar, this one much longer and slightly curved. The length of the chains was made so that the lower crossbar supported my breasts and lifted them slightly whenever I looked straight ahead or lifted them even more if I looked up. I simply had to try it and was very pleased by the effect. The next items were two diamond studded silver bracelets that fit my wrists perfectly. Next came clip-on ear rings and a cuff for my tail made in the same style as the bracelets. A tiny bell was attached to it and it jingled pleasantly as my tail swished back and forth in excitement and pleasure. I needed to consult the instructions to find out where the next two items were supposed to go. They were small disks about 5 centimeters [2 inches] in diameter with a small hole in the middle, done in a similar style as the other items. "They're supposed to go on my nipples?!? _" I could feel said parts of my anatomy harden in response to the thought. After a moment of examination I found that the small opening in the middle irised open when I twisted the disk. As the instructions recommended to get my nipples as hard as possible before putting on the disks, I started to massage my left breast. Soon my nipple was as hard as a piece of rubber. I squeezed my breast to make it stand out as much as possible and slipped the disk over it. I inhaled sharply when the hole contracted around my nipple. The fit became almost uncomfortably tight when the hole contracted, but the way the weight and tightness excited me more than made up for the inconvenience. I put the other disk on my right nipple. The last piece of jewelry turned out to be the most intimate one. It was a small disk (similar in style to the other items with a green stone in the center) in front of a Y-shaped clip and a small bell attached by a short chain. I couldn't help blushing when I realized where it was supposed to go. " **_In my sex!" For several long seconds I stood staring at the mirror, getting more and more turned on by the idea. My paws trembled a little as I spread my labia, squeezed the clip open and clipped the jewelry to my nether lips at the very top of my sex. The clips were tight, but not really uncomfortable. It excited me even more than the nipple clamps, even more so when I found out that the chain brushed over my sex with every movement. "If I have to dance with my master, I'll come right in the middle of the dance floor." I stood in front of the mirror for a minute or two, admiring my body. I felt incredibly sexy, the constant teasing of the intimate jewelry excited me and made any question if I would want/ask/beg my master to have sex with me moot. I wondered how I would make it through dinner. I shook my hips and shivered and moaned in pleasure as the chain brushed over my dripping wet sex. I picked up the dress and put it on carefully, making sure the cloth did not snag on the jewelry adorning my body. I threaded my tail through the slot in the dress and arranged the holes so that my nipples and their adorning jewelry were centered in them. This drew the eye to them even more. I spent another few minutes admiring myself in the mirror. "If I don't impress my master like this, then I should probably just give up and kill myself or something." I couldn't remember ever having felt as sexy as I did then. I still had a quarter of an hour until the appointed time. I looked over the room, but there was not very much that interested me and I didn't want to turn on the TV without permission, not that I was particularly interested in watching anything. The soap operas I had enjoyed before suddenly seemed totally irrelevant and pointless. Hoping that my master would not see this as defying his orders against leaving the room, I opened the screen door and stepped out onto the small balcony. For several minutes I just stood there, enjoying the cool breeze and the warming rays of the sun. A few minutes before seven I went back inside and closed the door. I examined my body once more in the mirror, wondering if there was anything else I could do to improve my looks, but in the end I decided that I was as perfect as I was going to get. I tried to relax, but I couldn't bring myself to sit down, I paced back and forth, looking at the mirror at least a dozen times more. I had been expecting/dreading/longing for it, still I jumped at the knock on the door. I had to take several deep breaths before I could answer "Yes?" "Are you decent?" I almost laughed out loud at that. "Decent indeed. Well, as decent as I'm going to get." I answered "Yes. Please come in, Master." The door opened. We stared at one another. He was handsome, perfectly groomed and attired in a semi-formal evening wear. One look at his face was enough to see that he liked my attire. Or lack thereof. I twirled around once and asked "Do I meet your approval, Master?" "Yes." He closed the distance, took my paws and kissed them lightly "Kitten, you look wonderful tonight." "Thank you, Master." He leaned closer and sniffed me "You smell very... exciting." He grinned "What perfume did you use?" "Oh." I blushed and for a moment I didn't know what to answer. I giggled when I the idea struck me. I smiled up at my master and said "It's called 'Feline Passion', Master." "Feline Passion?" He grinned wider "I like that. Feel free to use it whenever you want." "Thank you, Master. I like it as well." We smiled at each other for a moment, then he extended his hand and asked "Shall we go, Kitten?" "Sure." I put my paw on his hand and we left the room together. He led me up the stairs and out on the veranda. The other four slaves were waiting there. They wore waitresses' uniforms, only ones made of a similar material as my dress. Vixie stepped forward and bowed low "Welcome to our humble abode, Madam and Sir. Let me show you your table." I could hardly suppress a giggle. There was only one table, of course. She led us there, all ten steps and held one of the chairs "Madam?" I cast a quick look at my master and sat down "Thank you." She held the chair for our master and he sat down as well. We sat opposite each other with the setting sun at my left. The table was a bit larger than I would have expected for only two people, but it was set only for the two of us. The silverware looked rather expensive. There were several candles, but I figured that they would be lit later. Hidden speakers played soft music. I would have thoroughly enjoyed sharing this setting with my boyfriend. I noticed that my master had an extra set of set of cutlery, actually, it looked as if my set missed the cutlery for the main course. I wondered if I would not get a main course or if I was supposed to eat it with my paws. I realized that my claws might come in handy if it turned out to be the second possibility. When my eyes met those of my master, a smile formed on my muzzle, a smile that was not at all forced. Whatever unpleasant things he had done to me, whatever I might have to do for him in the future, I could not help but feel that at least tonight would turn out to be very enjoyable. Vixie asked "Would you like an aperitif? Madam, Sir?" "Ummm..." I stared at her and at my master, unsure what I was allowed to have, not wanting to ask for something that he would disallow me "What do you recommend?" "We have a very nice and fresh fruit punch." "I'll have some of that, then." "I'd like that as well." "Thank you. I'll be back with your drinks and the menu in a minute." She bowed and left. "Kitten?" "Yes, Master?" "Do you think we will need all four girls as waiters?" "What does he want now?" I couldn't help but wonder "I guess not." "Then how about another... appetizer? We could have two of them give us 'Head'." He grinned "How does that sound to you?" " **Mew!" I shivered in anticipation at the idea of having one of them kneel in front of me with her lips pressed to my sex. The lusty purr in my voice was unmistakable "Very exciting, Master." "Good." He smiled at me, obviously pleased by my reaction "Pick them, then." "Ummm... whom do you want, Master?" "I'll leave it up to you, Kitten." I stared at him for a moment, then I looked at the three waiting girls. One look at their faces was enough to tell me that each one of them would be happy to do this duty, particularly for our master. After a few moments I decided whom I wanted and who would get the honor to serve our master. It wasn't a difficult decision. "Would you like Vixie, Master?" "Sure." In his eyes I could see that he was pleased by that choice. "Tell her when she has served our drinks. And pick one for yourself." I turned to the waiting girls "Puta?" I could see her eyes light up for a moment before she dropped down and crawled under the table. Now I understood why the table was so big. I spread my legs and shivered a moment later when I felt her hot breath on my sex. She pushed my dress up a bit, using only her nose and wiggled her face around until she settled into position. Her lips touched the bottom of my sex, spreading it a little. An electric shiver ran up my spine every time she exhaled into me. Within moments I was panting and purring. My tail swished in excitement and the tinkling of the little bell filled my ears. "Madam?" I jumped at the sudden reminder that I was not alone with Puta. It took me a moment to react to Vixie and accept the offered glass "Thank you." My voice was more a lusty growl than anything else. She gave the second glass to my master who accepted it graciously. He turned to me and said "Kitten." After a moment I realized what he wanted and I said "Vixie, give our Master 'Head'." Our eyes met for a moment and I could see that while she would have happily strangled me, she was happy about this. The play of emotions across her face was interesting if a little scary. Her eyes filled with love whenever she looked at our master and with a murderous jealousy when she looked at me. I wondered how I would be able to make her see that I was not the one to blame. She dropped on all four and crawled under the table. We sat in silence for a minute before my master lifted his glass to me and toasted "To a pleasant evening with a beautiful woman." "To a pleasant evening." I had to lean forward to touch glasses with him, then we both sipped our drink. The fruit punch was really good with just a tiny hint of rum. A moment later Freckle offered each of us a menu. When we had both accepted the menu (and I had thanked her), she lit the candles, then she stepped back to give us time to study it. Not that I needed a lot of time to decide what to take. There was only choice for each course and my master had even written down the answers as to how exactly I should order my meal. I took a few moments to memorize the courses that had been selected for me. They weren't exactly those I would have chosen if it had been up to me, but if the quality of the food came anywhere close to what the setting promised then I wouldn't mind a lot. "Especially considering what I had to eat in the morning." I didn't want to disappoint my master, it would not take more than a word from him and all I got would be kibble from a bowl on the floor, if that. He probably would not miss a beat and have one of the others take my place at the table and I'd have to watch them. I closed the menu and leaned back, waiting for my master to be ready as well. I meowed softly and wiggled my hips. I had grown used to Puta's breath and lips a bit, but I still found her ministrations to be very exciting and quite distracting. I inhaled sharply when her lips parted for a moment. My ears felt as if they were on fire when I realized that she was licking up my juices from the seat. My master put down the menu and asked "Did you find anything to your liking, Kitten?" I had to take a few deep breaths and even then my voice was more than a little ragged wheeze "Yes, Master." "I'm glad to hear that Kitten." He raised his hand and waved Freckle over. "Madam, Sir, are you ready to order?" "Yes." "Very good." She turned to me "Madam, would you like to start with a soup or an appetizer?" I had to take another deep breath before I was able to answer "I... I'd like the mussel chowder." "A very good choice. And you, Sir?" He pretended to think about it for a moment "I'll have the same." "Thank you, Sir." She turned back to me, grinning widely. She was obviously enjoying herself even if there was a tiny hint of jealousy in her eyes. I doubted that any of the girls would not have wanted to sit in my place. Or they might have preferred to be in Vixie's place. "Would you like a salad?" "Yes. I'd... I'd like the oyster salad." Somehow my eyes moved to Freckle's crotch and I had to giggle "I wouldn't mind that oyster salad either. Looks really juicy!" She was definitely aroused, I could smell it, even over the strong scent of my own desire. "Are you ok, Kitten?" "I'm fine, Master. I just had a funny thought." "I see." The way his eyes flickered to Freckle for a moment told me that he knew what I was thinking. Suddenly I couldn't help thinking that he had arranged this just to get this reaction from me. I had to giggle again when he ordered the same dish and when he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, I had to laugh out loud and before I could stop myself, I had asked "Maybe you'd like a... special oyster salad as dessert?" We all laughed at that, even Puta, who brought me to the brink of a climax with it. I groaned in frustration when she stopped before I could come. As I slowly came back from the brink, the realization that my master would not have been pleased if I had come without his permission slowly permeated my addled brain and I became glad that Puta had checked herself in time. Freckle got herself under control and asked "What would you like for the main course, Madam?" Her voice was still filled with mirth and lust. "I... I'd... I would like the steak and prawn combo... please." "Very good. How would you like the steak?" "Raw, please. Nice and bloody." Actually I did not. I would have preferred it medium, but the menu had indicated that I should order it this way and I did not dare to disobey. "Fine. And you, Sir?" "I'd like the combo as well. I'd like the steak medium well done." "Thank you. And what would you like to drink?" "A small glass of red wine, please and a glass of water." I couldn't help think that I would need quite a bit to make up for what Puta's ministrations were making me leak. Thinking about this, I didn't catch what my master ordered. Freckle bowed "Thank you, Sir and Madam. I'll be back in a minute with your drinks." She bowed once more and left. By the time Freckle and Barbie returned with our drinks, I had myself more or less under control. It was impossible to ignore Puta's lips and her hot breath, but at least I was able to think about something else as well. I remembered something he had told me earlier. "Master? Can I ask a question?" "Yes, Kitten? Of course." "What... what was that with my birthday? Today isn't my birthday. Unless I was drugged for several months." "Well, today is the 12th of August. And you were born today." "What?" I stared at him. "Yes, Kitten. Today is the first day of your life. Whatever you remember from before... that was somebody else, not you. Not you, not my kitten, not the cat girl of my dreams. Understood?" "Oh." I stared at him for at least a minute, trying to wrap my mind around it. Finally bowed my head and answered "Yes, Master." I understood what he was driving at, not completely, but in a certain way. He wanted me to let go of my past completely. I wondered if I could do that. When I thought back to my previous life, the memories were strangely 'fuzzy', indistinct and seemed somehow meaningless. I shivered at the realization that they had somehow messed with my memories. They had not taken them away, but they seemed different, almost as if it was only a story I was remembering, not my own life. I wondered if I would ever see my parents and friends again. "What will they think if they see me?" "Did they do that intentionally or was it just a side effect of all the other things they did to me?" I wondered if I could ask my master, but decided against it. In a way he was right, the memories had not direct meaning for me right now. I resolved to think about this more when I had the time, then I turned my attention back to the present. I realized that as a slave I lived only in the present, the future would always be unknowable, my master could change it at a whim, and the past would not be allowed to influence my actions all that much. "Kitten?" "I was just thinking, Master." "About what?" I gave him a smile "Nothing important, Master." He returned my smile "I see." He raised his glass "To you, Kitten." "Thank you, Master." We touched the glasses together. "Did you know that you are really beautiful, Kitten." "Oh." A wave of happiness washed over me at his praise, at the love and lust in his eyes as he took in my face and body. "Ohhh..." I moaned and almost dropped the glass when Puta poked her tongue into me, brushing the tip over my clit. I was disappointed and relieved when she stopped after one lick. "Do you like it when I look at you?" "Yes, Master." I put the glass down, careful not to spill any wine. I lowered my hands to my side and stretched, presenting my breasts to my master. My nipples felt as hard as rubber, the jewelry adorning them tugged at them whenever I moved in a most exciting way. The delight in my master's eyes as he watched me filled me with incredible happiness. I purred "I love it when you look at me like that." He grinned at me and laughed "Barely a day old, my kitten and already in heat." "Murr..." I licked my lips, then I picked up the glass of wine. I locked eyes with my master and sniffed the wine. I was delighted and surprised by the aroma, my new nose could pick out a hundred times more detail than I ever had before. Still not breaking eye contact, I brought the glass to my muzzle and began to lap up the wine. I felt delightfully wicked. A tiny voice in the back of my head screamed at me, chastising me for being such a whore, but the bigger part of me was simply so utterly pleased by every tiny sign that my master enjoyed the show I put on. Stopping or even doing anything less than the uttermost I could do to please him was simply out of question. When I tried to sip some of the water, I found that while I could drink normally, my new muzzle made it imperative that I be very careful. Even though the drops I spilled on my chest could not possibly have made it any more transparent than it already was, my master seemed to enjoy the sight very much. For a moment I tried to resist the impulse to wipe the water away, but then I gave in. I felt naughty as I wiped ineffectually at my breasts, massaging them more than anything. The lusty admiration in my master's eyes filled me with happiness. "Kitten?" "Yes, Master." "How do you enjoy your... vacation so far?" "I love it, Master." This answer was not far from truth, actually. Apart from some scary details (and the fact that I had been brainwashed), I loved every minute. "It's very... exciting." Puta chose that moment to give my clit a lick that sent what felt like a lightning bolt up my spine. He grinned "Yeah?" "Murr..." I gasped and panted. After a few moments I got myself under control. "It's such a nice place... and such a pleasant and intimate atmosphere." He smiled "I try my best to make sure you will never want to leave." "Thank you, Master." It was said so nicely, but there was also an implied threat. I did my best to ignore it. "The island is fantastic. How large is it?" "Almost a kilometer long and two hundred meters wide." "Wow!" "Well..." He gave me a wry grin "it's not much, but I like to call it home." "May I... may I call it home as well." "Of course." Barbie and Freckle returned then. Barbie carried a try with our soup and bread. Freckle served the food. "Bon appetite." The chowder was very good. As I licked the spoon lasciviously, I noted that it did look somewhat like cum. "And is that my Master's taste?!?" It was extremely faint, so faint that I could not be sure, but I could not shake the feeling that his taste of his cum was there. "Am I just so horny for him that I imagine things or did he really... add something to the chowder?" The enigmatic smile on his lips didn't really tell me much. I was pretty sure that he had an idea what I was thinking about. I shrugged my shoulders (as sexily as I could) and continued eating. I really would not mind if he had in fact added something, but I didn't dare ask. We chatted as we ate, that is mostly my master told me about his island. I got the impression that he was quite proud of it, I could not fault him, it really seemed like a nice place to spend the rest of my life. "Did I just think that?" The fact that the thought didn't alarm me alarmed me somewhat. When we were finished, Freckle cleared the table. We watched as the sun disappear while we waited. Once it was gone, it got dark pretty quickly. Soon the candles became the main source of illumination. I noticed quickly that my night vision was greatly improved. And I was very pleased to find that the soft candlelight made my fur shine angelically. "Your fur looks absolutely stunning, Kitten." "Thank you, Master." I purred in pleasure. The way the candlelight reflected off my jewelry was quite stunning. I loved the effect, especially when I shook my chest a bit. My master seemed to be quite pleased. Freckle and Barbie served the oyster salad. I couldn't stop thinking about the allusions and made quite a show out of eating it. Especially the one whole oyster, if I tried to eat one like that in a real restaurant, they'd have thrown me out. My master and the other girls seemed to enjoy watching me quite a bit. Whatever they had done to me had been terrifyingly effective, I enjoyed playing the total slut so much and played it so convincingly, my old me would probably have gotten a heart attack just by watching the show. My master told me a bit about what he did for a living, that he worked in the import/export business. I did not remember everything that he told me because at one point Puta began to demonstrate how much she enjoyed her 'oyster salad' and soon I found it more than a little difficult to concentrate on what my master told me and to keep from choking on my food. I did get the impression that he would not be happy at all if someone from the FBI looked into his business a little too closely. I finished my salad and was both relieved and disappointed when Puta stopped teasing my sex so deliciously. It left me more horny than ever. The tinkling of the bell had become my constant companion, a constant reminder how excited and aroused I was. A few minutes later Freckle served the main course. My doubts about eating practically rare meat disappeared with the first sniff. Either I had missed out on something or the slavers had also changed my appetites to fit my looks. "Come to think about it, they said that I would have much more of an appetite for meat than before." I was right about my master wanting me to eat the main course without cutlery, there was none and apart from the steak the food was arranged in bite-sized bits. There were several king prawns, potato wedges and a few veggie pieces. My master picked up his cutlery, gave me a smile and said "Dig in, Kitten." "Yes, Master." I expressed my claws, picked up one of the shrimps and peeled it out of its shell. The food was delicious, after a few bites I was purring in satisfaction. The claws made eating without utensils a lot easier, especially since I could pick up the hot food pieces without burning my fingers. I picked up the steak, leaned forward and bit into it. My new teeth turned out to be very sharp. Blood dripped down my fingers and chin. The taste of the nearly raw meat was heavenly, I had not thought that I would enjoy it, but it tasted better than anything else I had ever eaten. Almost everything. My master grinned at me "Well?" I purred "I love it. Thank you, Master." He gave me a big smile and turned to Freckle. She stood a few meters away, far enough to give us some privacy, but close enough to serve us whenever the need arose. "Please tell the chef that we are both very pleased with our dinner." She smiled and bowed "Yes, Master." She turned around and left. I relished the taste of the raw meat. Even the blood dripping down my muzzle was somehow more exhilarating than disgusting. I did my best to keep clean, but several drops found their way onto my chest. I pretended not to notice, I was sure my master had noticed it, but he did not comment on it. We talked lazily as we ate, that is, my master did most of the talking. Then I was finished and leaned back, well sated. I licked my lips and my fingers, making as much a show out of it as possible. My master seemed to find the flexibility of my tongue very interesting. My master went on talking for a bit, then he suddenly commented "Kitten, you have some blood on your chest." I pretended to be surprised, looked down and exclaimed "Oh." I put my paws on my breasts, pushed them together and began to lick off the drops of blood. My master definitely enjoyed watching that. Suddenly I wondered if he would make me cat-bathe in the future. When my chest was finally and undeniably clean (if a little wet), I leaned back once more and sighed contentedly. "Thank you, Master. That was really good." I closed my eyes and enjoyed the touch of Puta's lips and the hot breath she blew into my sex. It felt so good. I really wanted her to lick me to a climax. The only thing I wanted more was to feel my master's cock inside me. As good as the food was, if the choice had been mine, I would jump his bones right here. But I didn't dare to do so, of course, I didn't even dare to ask him to hurry along. I knew that he knew how I felt and that we would get to it when he felt like it and not a moment earlier. "Are you feeling up for dessert?" "Yes, Master." I didn't really want any dessert, but I knew I had to play along. He waved to Freckle and a moment later she handed us the menu. I could not suppress a giggle when I saw what I was supposed to 'choose'. It was so fitting and absurd at the same time, I barely managed not to laugh out loud. My master gave me a curious look, as if he didn't know what the matter was "You ok, Kitten?" "Ummm... Yes, Master, I'm fine. I just found something that I simply have to have..." I thought "And that's true in more ways than one." "Oh. Good." He smiled at me, I think he was delighted at how well I managed to play along. He returned his attention to the menu. After a moment he put it down. Freckle approached the table and asked "What would you like, Madam?" "I'd like a bowl of milk." "Warm or cold?" "Ummm..." There had not been any instructions on that. "Just a little warmed." "Thank you, Madam. And what would you like, Sir?" "I'll have the fruit pie and an espresso." "Very good, Sir." Freckle bowed and left. I gave my master a smile, then I looked up and commented "The stars are beautiful tonight." "What... Oh, sure." I giggled in delight when I realized how much I had distracted my master, raising my head so far had caused my jewelry to lift my breasts. It seemed my master had found that quite distracting. He looked up as well "Yes, Kitten. They are beautiful. But not anywhere as beautiful as you." A warm glow suffused my whole body at the praise and the sincere admiration in his eyes. I purred "Thank you, Master." A minute later Freckle returned. She put the bowl of milk in front of me, then she served my master. She bowed and stepped back. "Enjoy your milk, Cat." I barely caught the almost automatic "Thank you, Master." and meowed approvingly instead. I bent down and began to lap it up. My master seemed to find the sight amusing. It was somewhat humiliating to drink like this, but the pleasure I felt at my master's approval overwhelmed that. And I found that I really enjoyed the taste. Very soon I was purring. The intensity of my purring increased by several levels when Puta also began to lap up her 'milk'. Her tongue didn't enter me, but it turned me on very much. It was not intensive enough to bring me anywhere close to cumming, but it felt really good. My master sipped the coffee and are a piece of his pie. He grinned at me and commented "Hmmm... I love pie." I almost laughed at that, I had to stop lapping at the milk for a moment. If I had been allowed to speak, I would have offered him some of my 'pie'. I looked at him and licked my lips hungrily. As pleasant as Puta's ministrations were, they really made me feel empty inside. "Please, Master! I really need you." I was breathing heavily by the time I finished the bowl. When I leaned back, I was disappointed and relieved when Puta stopped lapping at my dripping sex. Her lips never left mine, however. Freckle cleared the table "Would you like anything else? Madam? Sir?" "No, thank you. We're good." "Thank you, Sir." She stepped back. My master turned to me and asked "Did you enjoy dinner, Kitten?" "Yes, Master. It was wonderful." "I'm glad to hear that." He considered me for a moment, then he reached under the table. I think I heard an unhappy snort from the table, Vixie had apparently enjoyed his taste as much as I had earlier that day. He stood up and closed his trousers. A shiver of excitement ran up and down my spine when I got a sneak peak at his hugely erect manhood. I wanted to feel it inside me so badly, I almost jumped his bones. Only the fear that I would not get him at all if I did so stopped me. He held out his hand "Would you like to dance, Kitten?" "Yes, Master." I took his hand and he helped me stand. I simply couldn't help adding "I hope you mean the horizontal variety?" He laughed as did the other slaves. I'm not sure, but I think Vixie did not laugh. "Not yet, Kitten. Not yet." Puta grinned up at me and licked her lips. Her face was flushed with heat and glistened with my juices. I blushed as well, somewhat embarrassed, but not really unpleasantly so. My master took both of my hands and looked down my body. I straightened to give him the best possible view, it felt so good to see the grin on his lips as he took in my practically nude body. He finally looked at my face. He released my left paw, gently took my chin and forced me to look him in the eyes. "You are very beautiful, Kitten." A wave of warming pleasure washed over me. "But your clothes are a little messed up." Before I could do anything about that, he turned his face away for a moment and said "Freckle, could you help us with that?" "Of course, Master." "Raise your arms, Kitten." I did. I could not see what Freckle was doing, I had to look at my master (not that I minded). She stood behind me and put her hands on my chest. She began to smooth down the dress, not that I think it really needed smoothing down. Her gentle touch felt pleasant, I couldn't help purring as her hands slowly moved down my body. I hissed in surprise and my eyes bulged. Freckle pulled the chain that Puta's nose had pushed into me out of my sex. The touch of her fingers, the scraping of the chain and the way it tugged at my hypersensitive labia sent electric shivers through me. My master giggled, he obviously enjoyed the look on my face. Freckle stepped back and said "All done, Master." "Thank you, Freckle. Barbie, put on the music." "Yes, Master." A few moments later a new song came up. My master took my paws and led me to the center of the veranda. We began to dance, the song was not particularly fast, but it wasn't a slow dance either. After a few moments my body began to move almost perfectly in a dance I had never danced before. I realized quickly that it was probably one the slavers had taught my while I was changed into the new me. Very soon I was panting, not from exertion, but because the jewelry tugged at my sensitive parts in very exciting ways, the chain brushed over my lips with every move and the feel of my master's body touching mine felt so incredibly good. When my master decided that we had danced enough three songs later, I was hardly conscious of my surroundings, the constant teasing had taken me so far from the real world, I felt as if I was walking on clouds. "Kitten." I stared at him, he had to repeat my name twice until I got myself under control enough to answer him. "Kitten." "Yes, Master." "Are you ok?" "Yes, Master. I feel great." "Good. Go to my bedroom, get rid of all the jewelry and clothes. You'll find the key in your dresser. Take care of your needs, then wait for me." "Yes, Master." "Go, Cat." He slapped my buttocks playfully. I stared at him for a moment, then I dropped on all four. I walked off, swaying my hips as sexily as I could. I looked back at him when I entered the house and licked my lips suggestively. He laughed and waved me off. I opened the dresser and found a tray for the jewelry and the magnetic key that would unlock it. I looked at the full-length mirror for at least a minute, admiring my body. It felt so weirdly foreign and completely natural at the same time. Whatever, I felt incredibly sexy. I took off the dress, careful not to have it snag on one of the jewels. Then I reluctantly began to remove the jewelry, it looked so incredibly good, I didn't want to take it off. It made me feel so good, the constant pressure around my nipples, the way the chain brushed over my lower lips... I took off the bracelets first, then the cuff on my tail and the ear rings. The complicated piece that had adorned my neck and supported my breasts so delightfully followed. I decided to leave the disks that adorned my nipples and my sex as long as I could, I simply loved the way they excited me. I went to the bathroom to clean up a little and to brush my fur and hair. Since my master had not actually said anything about cleaning up, I decided not to wipe my juices off my thighs and from my sex. I knew my master liked the taste and smell and I hoped that he would approve. I had to take off the piece that adorned my sex before I used the toilet. I hissed in pain when I did, it had cut off the circulation a bit and it felt as if pins and needles were poked into my most sensitive skin. I was more than a little reluctant to remove the nipple clamps, but my master's commands had be clear on that point. I hissed and whimpered in pain when I removed the left one. I stood in front of the mirror for at least a minute until the pain subsided and I could bring myself to remove the other one as well. If anything, that one hurt even more. Now that I was nude I started thinking about how to best welcome my master. There was no question that I would be waiting on his bed and not in my basket. Once I considered that I was playing 'animal', the choices narrowed considerably. I lay down at the edge of the bed, my rump level with the edge and my sex and tailhole presented for my master's pleasure. My tail waved above me, the tip swishing and curling in excitement. My master took his time, but I did not find the wait boring. I thought back to the first time my master had taken me. The memories excited me and I remembered the occasion so fondly, that I simply could not think of it as rape. "Did I really enjoy it that much?" My paws kept busy, keeping my body ready for my master's pleasure. I wanted to bring myself off, but I did not really consider it. I was purring and my whole body tingled with excitement when my master finally entered the room. Our eyes met and I licked my lips in anticipation. He whistled, clearly pleased by my welcome. He walked to me and fondled my rump and sex for a moment. I moaned as a wave of blissful pleasure washed over me. He chuckled and went to the bathroom. I moaned in disappointment. I sniffed the air and noticed that he had drunken strong alcohol of some kind. The smell was very faint, I thought (and hoped) that he had only drank a little Cognac or something and not really gotten drunk. I listened to the sounds he made in the bathroom. I was too excited to get bored, every time I remembered the way his fingers had felt on my butt and my sex, a shiver ran through me. My head snapped up when I heard the door opening. He was nude and his manhood was almost fully erect. I don't know if he had helped things along or if thinking about me was enough to excite him that much. I meowed pleadingly. My eyes followed the bobbing member as he walked past the bed to stand behind me. Our eyes met, then he put his hand on my hips. The bed was just the right height, lying on it, my cunt was exactly level with his penis. He grinned at me and touched the tip to my waiting sex. I shivered in anticipation and moaned when the heat in my belly suddenly increased tenfold. He just stood like that. "Please!" I meowed pleadingly and pushed back against my master's member. Apparently that was the signal he had been waiting for, an undeniable admission that I wanted him to fuck my brains out. He pushed into me slowly. I meowed in pleasure, I was so excited, already so close to release, I came as soon as his cock was all the way in me. My body shook and I roared out my pleasure. My last thought before my brain shut down temporarily from sensory overload was "They must have heard that on the mainland." The End.