~Between the Earth and Sky~: Hidden Chapter

Story by dragon_fantasy88 on SoFurry

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Title- Between the Earth and Sky: hidden chapter

Author- assassin_legato_dragon88

Summary- this is a sort of 'hidden chapter' that happened in a story I've been writing with a friend over the course of last school year. He and I have been working very hard on this, and right now, it is a little over a hundred pages long. I'll type it up and post it someday, but this is just a little scene that was skipped over for my friend's sake.

Disclaimer- None.

Author's Notes: none.

Bone Dragons roamed just outside. Their frames made disgusting rubbing noises at the joints when they moved. Some cracked with each movement, others would accidentally fall apart. From these piles of dead, they would rise once more and simply mend themselves. They would carry on as though nothing had ever happened. Some sang as they did in life, others fought amongst themselves without reason. All, however, had two things in common and two alone: their cold, bitter green eyes...and their mission.

Their mission: To do any and all that is demanded of them by The Dragon.

Angel watched these creatures from where he lay on the bed of straw. Silver and golden treasures, swords, and just about any type of precious material surrounded this simple nest. The lair itself towered over the land that surrounded; engraved into a mountain by its owners own two hands. The den looked out on the valley where mass legions of dracolich wandered.

Sighing softly, he rose into a sitting position. Angel stretched and paused to reach up with one hand to cover his mouth when yawning. He reached over the side of the straw bedding to find his cerulean boxers. The former Guardian pulled on his undergarment and then rose to his feet, grabbing his white trousers as he went. Angel threw his long blonde hair back behind him so that he could see. He sighed while slowly pulling his pants up over his underlying clothing. Angel just pulled on his simple tank top and was putting on his ruby finger gloves when a thought came to him.

Angel took a moment to glance at the nest behind him. Curled up under the heap of blankets and expensive fabrics was The Sin. Tangles of blankets rose and fell with her breathing. She stirred slowly and turned over when she sniffed something in the air. Once the brief moment of discomfort ended, she returned to her original position.

'Sage...' he whispered. He took a seat on the nest again. Angel reached over to move the blankets to find a curtain of hair...another layer over her still. He moved the chocolate strands to find the soft face of his dragoness. She slept soundly, making Angel smile.

When she was asleep, she did not look in pain, she did not have the desire to conquer all. She wasn't The Six Winged Shadow, The Sin, The Dragon, The Duce of Swords, The Darkness... she was none of those. She was just his Sage, fast asleep and dreaming...perhaps dreaming of him? Of better days?

Indeed he did love her, and somehow, he wished that she could just stay at peace forever...no more hell.... no more dying and no more being reborn, just sleep... These little thoughts ended when he came to the memories of the previous night.

~*****Several Hours Before ****~

How long ago was it? He did not resist capture at all. But then again, why would he have done so? Valiant and Angel never really did get along at all, but they never truly fought one another. Not then, not ever. Valiant brought Angel back from his thoughts when setting him down. The vampire growled and then shoved his rival Guardian up to the entrance to the lair. 'Lady Six Wings, I brought the Guardian!' He called into the darkness of the cave.

Angel twisted around to look upon Valiant. How that vampire had changed... Only twenty years ago that he was called Valiant by the other, was he still that blood drinker from before? He loved this little dragoness as much as Angel did, and remained loyal to her no matter what she did. Even if that meant the destruction of the world.

'Thank you, Helius.'

That voice...Angel knew it all too well....

Angel looked up; shock surged through his system when his gaze met hers. That very recognizable female leered down at the two men from her perch on a ledge. Silence remained strong until she barked, 'Helius, fetch my daughter...the time is nigh.'

'Yes, Milady.'

Without hesitation, the vampire rose to his feet and journeyed across the desert-like terrain where the bone dragons roamed. Angel was surprised that they did not attack Valiant as he passed. His questions were answered though when he looked from Valiant to her. Bone Dragons would remain passive, willing no harm on any unless told otherwise.

The Guardian shifted his brown-eyed gaze away from Val to his dragoness once more. For what seemed like ages both looked into one another's eyes. Angel's warm brown ones against her vicious cold ones. 'Angel...'


'THAT IS NOT MY NAME!!!' She roared, but Angel stood his ground. He showed no fear anymore.... he had to be the only creature in the two Universes who would not show this girl fear. 'I am The Six Winged Shadow. Sage died...' she muttered softly. The last word--her own name--had been said as though it were something vile and disgusting that was ingested.

'Sage...' Angel repeated.

This time, however, she did not snap; but spread her wings. Six Wings leapt down from her perch above her lair and landed just before Angel. She was five inches shorter than he was, but rather tall for a woman. Her hair was just as long and the dark shade of auburn as it always had been. Angel smiled to himself when he saw the hair that always stuck up in the same places, and how it was always frizzy.

When she was only a few inches from him, Angel felt tears stinging in his eyes. It was as though her aura were full of a poison that would make him cry. 'Sage...I-I thought you were...'

'Sage is dead...but I am alive...' Six Wings muttered. A smile crossed her face. The rational, guiltless smile did not meet her frightening eyes. 'My how you've grown...you changed on me...' she reached up and caressed Angel's cheek with her gloved hand.

Angel shivered at his dragoness's touch. How strange, yet how welcomed it was to feel the blend of warmth and coolness from her touch. Warmth of love and life from her fingertips...and the chill of death from her claws. Six Wings watched the tears spilling down her former Guardian's face. She couldn't tell if they were out of joy or sorrow...

'Sage...Six Wings...' Angel took her into his arms. He did what no other ever was allowed to do since that fateful day twenty years ago. She was given an affectionate touch...

Angel sobbed softly while holding her. He held her tightly to his slender frame as though she might float away on those huge wings if he did not. The last thing Angel would ever want would be letting this creature slip through his fingers once more. 'D-don't leave me again...I missed you...it is hell without you.'

Six Wings' eyes widened when she heard those last words. It is hell without you. Something in her almost wanted to cry...she pushed it back and then regained control of her emotions. Six Wings remembered saying that to him long ago, back when she was Sage...

'Shhh...it's okay now. We are together, and when Helius brings me my daughter, we all shall be together again. The world shall be ours...' Six Wings cooned. Somehow, she sounded both soothing and mad at the same time. 'Come inside...when it gets dark around here, it becomes incredibly cold to those who aren't of scaly hides.'

The Six Winged Shadow took Angel's gloved hand, hers smaller than his. Angel gripped it tightly and gave a firm squeeze just to make sure that Six Wings would not drift away from him. She looked up from their hands and into his eyes. She smiled when giving Angel's fingers an assuring application of pressure. Turning to face strait again, Six Wings lead him into her lair.

Just beyond the curtain of vast darkness lay mountains of gold, silver, and many material possessions. The fortune she had in the first two hills had to be at least more than any man had seen in all his life. Who knew just how much the entire hoard was worth! Angel easily concluded that someone might end up spending a lifetime trying to figure it out. They stopped at last when they came to the very middle of the treasures. Set in the very middle of all of these riches rested a plain bed of straw.

Put together in a manner that only dragons could truly perform, the nest was adorned with many blankets. Silk and velvet were bunched up in places all around. Pillows of the same materials with dragon embroideries on them were everywhere on the bed as well.

A gasp at the ornate décor made Six Wings smile to herself. She knew he would be pleased and amazed with her when discovering this new home. For her family, all that truly mattered to her anymore at all in these Universes.

'Well go on, don't be afraid.' Six Wings said and gestured for Angel to take the lead. Six Wings stepped around some of the treasures after Angel, who held her hand like when he used to. He did this when they were crossing rocks in rivers, or any other place. She never needed it, but it made Angel happy...She couldn't help but smile when he did this. Angel turned around so that she was now standing next to the bed and his back was to the treasure.

'There you are.' He smiled.

Six Wings twitched her ears. She was up to her no good ways again. He knew!

'Sit down, please.' She insisted.

'But...' Angel took a seat upon her straw bed. It was actually comfortable despite its look. His attention became ensnared by her once more when Six Wings had bounced off somewhere into the lair. The Six Winged Shadow returned a moment later with a bottle of thick crimson fluid and two silver goblets.

'Dragon's Blood?' Angel asked.

'Yep, I've been saving it for a very long time. Actually, Valiant did. I am very happy with him...he shall be rewarded greatly when we are through. There are only just a few steps to go before we reclaim the entire Earth!' She popped the cork off the bottle of actual dragon's blood and spat it out. She poured the wine-like fluid into the two goblets and handed Angel one. She took a seat next to him on the nest, coiling her feathered tail about her as she always did. 'Angel...'

He looked over at her, his ponytail swinging over his shoulder. Both of his brown eyes were still a little pink from his tears, and his face still had the stains of water. Six Wings smiled once when looking at his eyes.

'Angel...I missed you,' her voice sounded soft. 'To you and the dragons!' She made a toast and then downed her wine.

Angel managed a smile and then sipped some of the fluid. It burned, but not like ordinary alcohol. It burned horribly, and at the same time tasted sweet. The Dragon's Blood warmed its path all the way down into his belly. He set the wine aside, just as Six Wings poured herself some more and downed it again.

'I missed you, too...' Angel replied, trying not to wince at the usual lack of manners.

The Six Winged Shadow looked over at him, something a little more than mischief blazed in her eyes. 'Angel...do you remember...'

'Remember what?'

'Do you remember when...oh it's silly.' She wasn't acting like that vicious Feminine Warlord anymore; she was acting like a young woman. Sage...

'What, tell me!' For a moment, Angel forgot everything. All that was horrible that had happened, all the lives that had been lost, the dragons, Tyreal and his brethren, Turquesa, and Helius... None of those mattered right then. For this moment, he was Angel again, that twenty-two year old boy who'd fallen from Heaven and guarded this creature.

'Do you remember when things looked so grim for us...back then...when the two Universes were against us? Do you remember...' She leaned against Angel, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

'Do you?' she caressed over his tear-stained cheek, down to his stubble-covered chin, up to his thin lips. They felt soft against her fingertips...not tainted by anyone else. When she pulled her hand away to fiddle with the chains around her neck, Angel licked his lips to moisten them. He was getting nervous.

'I-I do...' Angel stammered. Was it just him, or was it getting hot in there? The sun had gone down by now, and the temperature must have dropped a hefty some. Angel loosened the collar of his coat. He was really beginning to regret wearing all of those layers...

Six Wings turned Angel to face her. She looked him right in his eyes and smiled. Pulling herself to her knees, she took Angel's head into her clawed hands and then leaned down. He could feel her breath on his face; she was alive...

Another shock surged through his system when she pressed her lips to his. Angel's brown eyes widened with surprise, but eventually he closed them. He took her into his arms and let her kiss him long and hard on the lips.

Once they parted for air, Angel was allowed to look upon her. He only realized now just how poorly she had dressed again. She used to dress so that her figure could not even be seen, but now...She wore nothing more than a leather strap across the middle of her breasts, and the remains of a skirt barely hung onto her hips.

Six Wings seated herself on her Guardian's lap and began to unlace his coat. Once she had it undone, she pushed it open and savored the feeling of his body when she caressed over his chest. The celestial silk felt strange under her fingers after all this time...She brushed the coat off his broad shoulders. Angel eagerly shrugged out of it, but still had second thoughts about his...He had never been for sex before marriage, something that Six Wings had done so many times on their adventures.

However, there had been a time...a time when Angel and Sage were frowned down upon, and they were the only ones that could help eachother out of it. It eventually became something more...but it wasn't love...not the way that Angel had hoped.

Six Wings kissed him again, trying to pry him away from his thoughts. 'Angel...I missed you...' She ran her clawed hands over his wings, retracting her own massive appendages of flight into shadows and back into her flesh. Attention shifted again from wings to the Guardian before her.

Chilly claws caressed over Angel's clothed stomach and up his chest, and sweet thrums filled his ears. Despite Six Wings' efforts she came to no avail... still he had not reacted. At last, he caressed his fingers through her long hair and then cupped her pale face in his hands. He kissed her hotly, sucking harshly at her lips. How he had missed her.

'Sage...' he sighed against her lips.

Six Wings undid his ponytail and then shoved Angel down onto her bed of straw. She let one hand run up into his shirt to roam and explore his slender body. He wasn't as thin as he'd been at twenty-two, he had put on a few pounds. His stomach was actually bulging a little over his beltline, like he was full. Angel had gained a lot of muscle in his thighs and arms since she had last left him. He was still thin though.

Angel gasped when her bitter cold claws passed over one of his nipples. Six Wings looked up at him, seeing that he was starting to blush. She smiled lustfully at him. He would always go red by now. He whimpered when she parted lips with him again and started to kiss down his neck, down his clothed chest to his stomach. She pushed up his shirt to find his tight undershirt hugging his frame.

Six Wings snorted and then looked up at Angel. 'Still wearing these tight undershirts?' she teased him. Angel whined unhappily when she did this, but she paid no mind.

Six Wings pushed up his undershirt and then made him sit up so that she could pull the shirts off. She threw them somewhere behind her and then pinned Angel down. She started to kiss him, and felt him taking charge of their kiss. He ran his tongue along her lips, making her part them and then forced his way into her mouth. She tasted richly of blood, wine, and her lust.

'I love you Angel,' she muttered against his lips when they stopped to breathe. She kept kissing after a moment, never wanting to break their bond. She smiled in her head as she did. Indeed her words had surprised her Guardian...and did a little more than intended...In the act of love making with this dragon, there was no question about who the dominator and the submissive were. But then again, Angel never really did dominate, not in anything really...

Angel squirmed when he felt her huge tail's base grind over the swelling bulge in his pants. It made him feel a little vulnerable after all this time to have someone touching him. It made him feel wanted...but at the same time horrible. It went against everything that he was, and everything that he had been taught.

'Sage!' he gasped when he felt her biting his neck. He'd been so lost in the feeling of being loved that he'd forgotten that she was a vampire. 'Ah...stop! Don't!' Six Wings pulled away from his neck and looked into his eyes.

'Angel...I...' she kissed him on the lips. 'I'm sorry...' she skipped over his neck this time, thankfully her fangs had not penetrated his skin. She kissed his collarbone and then moved over to his right peck. She ran her rough tongue over his nipple and then bit it gently, making Angel writhe. He moaned happily and then yelped when she bit his nipple a little too hard.

Six Wings laughed darkly, and then moved over to his other nipple. Just when he would make a sound of pleasure, he would end up yelping when she caused him pain. The little mix was rather arousing though...just a little bit of pain to lace about the ecstasy between the Light and Darkness.

Angel squealed when she came to the spot that aroused him most of all. She kissed along the thin line of blonde hair that grew all the way down his belly to his navel. Six Wings kissed and sucked at it, making Angel scream. She looked up at him, seeing that his face was as crimson as the feathers on the end of her tail.

'S-Sage...' He panted. She licked over it again and kept nipping and sucking until she felt him squirming under her a little too much. 'Ah...ah...' he was struggling to breathe...

To many it would be a rather silly place to become aroused by, the middle of the stomach. But it worked out perfectly since Six Wings loved stomachs, Angel's most of all. He whimpered softly when she at last just planted a kiss on his bruised navel. 'Don't stop...' he begged.

Angel begging? Normally he would just sit there and take any type of abuse that was dealt to him, but to actually be begging for something? To actually say what he wanted...

'I'm afraid that if I do...it will end too soon and you'll have a bit of a mess in your pants to deal with.' Six Wings whispered.

Angel growled angrily. Such a tease she always was! He squeaked when he felt her long tail brush against the crotch of his pants. It was slow and teasing, sending a jolt of pleasure through him. Angel moaned again in slight displeasure, that last move had nearly thrown him over the edge.

Six Wings leaned back over him and smiled in a sinister way when she brushed her supple chest against his chin. Angel struggled, his little hips shifted underneath Six Wing's muscled thighs. He was getting nervous again...

Angel managed to catch the leather strap with his teeth when she was moving again. He held it firmly, and somehow she had been unaware of this. When she moved, the strap was dragged off her breasts to reveal a pair of pert, pink nipples. One had a gash right through the middle of it.

It was a deep black mar like the one on her hip...but somehow her chest remained attractive. Angel looked her pale chest over and then looked up at her face. She was smiling, and he was still blushing. He took the scarred nipple into his mouth and began to suck on it gently, running his tongue over it. Six Wings began to thrum loudly, a clear sign that she was happy. She coiled her long tail behind her and then wound it around Angel's right leg. She at last let his arms go, and the moment she did, Angel attacked her chest. Angel was still playing with the scarred peak, and began to play with the other.

Six Wings thrummed more loudly, the noise became a soft growl. She reluctantly pulled away from his touch after a moment. Six Wings made him lay where the many pillows were, kissing his lips once. She started to kiss down his chest and then his stomach. The dragon took Angel's hands into hers and then dragged her claws sweetly along his arms, down over his chest to where she was kissing on his belly.

Angel whimpered softly when he felt her undoing the two thick belts around his slender hips. She undid the button on his pants with a soft click, and then undid the zipper with her sharp teeth. Six Wings looked Angel over; from his reddened face down to his bruised navel to...He blushed worse than ever when Six Wings' eyes came down to his bulging crotch. All that covered him now was the thin layer of turquoise fabric...

Six Wings tossed his boots, socks, and pants aside. She straddled him again and started to kiss him hard on the lips. Their tongues met somewhere in the middle, and their bodies intertwined. Six Wings bit his ear gently and then kissed his cheek. He felt a shiver run down his spine when she licked his cheek...as any dragon would do to express affection. The last of his clothing had at last been cast aside, and Angel found himself completely exposed to his dragon. She had cast her skirt away, allowing Angel to view her body as she did his.

Unlike his, Six Wings body carried scars and brandings, the wing cuts on her back, the tattoo, the scar on her hip...the one on her right cheek, the one on her breast...After all those years, Angel's body never scarred...and hers did.

Angel dragged his fingers over the six vast, deep gashes in her back that would show when her wings were not present. Six Wings hissed softly into his ear when he did this, and snarled when he touched her tattoo. 'Sage...'

'Angel...' Six Wings eased him into her body, muttering around her purrs, 'Love me.'

She pinned him down and started to kiss him hungrily, growling in delight when she felt him thrusting his hips against her though he was pinned down. 'Harder!' she ordered.

Angel groaned and did what was demanded of him. He moaned when he felt her bite his neck again. She licked along his jugular vein...the pulse that raced through his neck, that sweet innocence that still ran through him.

'Angel...my sweet, sweet Guardian...' she thrummed. She ran her clawed hand through is golden-yellow locks and then closed her eyes; tears filled their corners and then spilled down her cheeks.

It ended all too soon for Angel, the third act of sex in his entire life, and again it ended much too fast for him. Originally, it was too warm in the lair, and now it was far too cold. His sweat and lack of energy made it even worse. Six Wings wasn't even aware of Angel's pants and the fact that he was shivering because she was excessively lost inside herself. She held him tightly and whispered things in her language.

'S-sage..." Angel stammered. "I-I'm...I'm cold...' he said shyly. Around the fact that his teeth were chattering and his nakedness really did make him wish that he had scales.

Six Wings pulled herself away from him and grabbed the silk and velvet blankets, the precious fabrics...All of it. With the utmost love and care, she built another sort of nest around them. She pulled Angel close, and was still in tears.

'Angel...' she cuddled him tightly. One of her arms was over his shoulder, her other clawed hand was caressing gently over the bruise on his belly.

He took her into his arms and held her tight. It seemed that it was her turn to cry, and his to make things well. 'Shh...Sage...'

'I will do it...for you...for Turquesa...I will destroy that damned Tyreal and save this planet. I will do it for you and Turquesa, for Helius...and for...' before she could say the last word, Six Wings had fallen asleep in Angel's arms.

'For Goth.' Angel whispered. He kissed her forehead twice and then wiped her tears away.


Angel closed his eyes and turned away from her. No matter what, no matter who it is, or what reasons you have...He's going to stop you. He's going to reclaim this place and Turquesa. But no matter what, I will always love you.

He turned back, smiling once. Hot tears spilled down his face again, when this is all over...you can see Goth again...You will be free...

'No more suffering...' Angel sighed softly and then kissed her on the lips once. Six Wings stirred slowly, anther innocent smile crossed her face and then she rolled over. Pulling the blankets over her head. She slept on.

Angel rose slowly, and then went to the entrance of the cave. Not far off he could see Helius, and in his arms was the fate of the planet and Heaven...