Calm Waters

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DISCLAIMER: The Author does not approve of the contents or subject matter of this story!!

WARNING: This story contains the extreme mistreatment of pup, cub porn, molestation, scat, watersports, vomit, and mind-control. None of which is acceptable I society. If you do not wish to read about any of these subjects, please click the 'Back" button on your browser. Thank you.

Note from Neptune: This story contains both of my personal characters, Blue and Roxie. Writing this story was an exercise in clearing out my most darkest and most dirtiest thoughts about yiff.

There are several back-stories about Tuneious Wolfram (Blue) including: "Blue's Apartment 1", "Blue's Apartment 2", "Day Job, Night Night Life", and 3 never released stories.


Calm Waters

By Roxie Romanov (aka Neptune)



The Escobar Research Clinic had sent him a letter today. "Lets discuss your new salary, Mr. Wolfram." was all that was printed. It was signed "Seto Gates" at the bottom. It was typed with a standard Times New Roman font. Blue threw it away. His new career was in full bloom and quite frankly, he was a very much wanted wolf. In his best black slacks and crispiest white shirt with that funny white tie and well scented with expensive cologne, he bounded off to his car for his daily commute to work.

Today wasn't going to be like any other day. Mr. Wolfram bought a new car over the weekend; a Mercedes Benz. Yes, he still had his red Monte Carlo but it was kept at his brother's house since he only purchased one parking spot at his apartment building. "Can't wait to see the look on their faces." He mused to himself. 'They' were four of his closest friends; Dimitri, Wade, Lucian, and of course, Gabriel. Friends since high school, the five were thick as thieves. Expensive restaurants, VIPs at exclusive clubs, friends in high place, money to burn, plenty of free time, and sex lives any fur would die for; they had it all.

He parked in his reserved spot near the front of the office building in the most expensive waterfront commercial property in the city. This monument to the most famous new up-and-coming young architect out of some fancy school of Modern Architecture was the new headquarters of Diamond Pharmaceuticals, pioneers of groundbreaking medical technology. Mr. Wolfram is one of the key players in their private, overly funded, research.

This week, Mr. Wolfram decided to go natural. As a white wolf, he usually died his fur, but the natural white was also acceptable. Little did he know, today was going to change his life. He got out of his car and proceeded to the door.

* * *

With Today's paper folded back in his left paw and a cup of coffee in his right, Dr. Andre Holiday was having a normal morning. That is, until Roxie came bounding in. The hyper-active pup ran around the kitchen screaming a hollering as if something were after him! He jumped into his father's lap, causing him to spill his coffee onto his white shirt.

"Sit still, Boy!" Dr. Holiday barked as grabbed the boy by his waist and forced him to sit on his lap. "What's wrong?"

Roxie looked up at him with innocent bewildered eyes. ". . . nothing, daddy." he said with his sweet, baby-talk, then bounced up and crawl on the table, his full diaper crinkling. Andre grabbed the small pup by tail and pulled him off the table rather roughly once he knocked over a saucer that had his favorite coffee cake on it. Roxie landed on the floor, rump first, with an 'Umph' but he only got back up and ran around giggling, grabbing cups, pots, plates, anything he could get his tiny paws on, throwing them, excited by the loud noises they produced.

The older wolf grabbed Roxie by the scruff of his neck and carried him upstairs and roughly threw the cub into his crib. He hit the other side of the railing. "Sit Boy!" Roxie's room was cutely decorated with little clouds. The shutters to the windows were closed; it was pretty dark, even at this time of day. He closed the door behind him and locked it from the outside with a key; and that was it. He turned around but could hear Roxie whimper from his crib. He couldn't care less.

The wolf marched back down stairs with more of a chip on his shoulder than usual. Roxie was a paw-full to say the least. At only 13 months old, he was hyperactive. Mr. Holiday had adopted the cub only two months ago as 'something to do'. The pup would very soon serve a purpose.

Today would be Dr. Holiday's first day back to work in a long time. Diamond Pharmaceuticals was more than excited about his private research on a new kind of tranquilizer the company was producing. Mr. Holiday applied his advanced knowledge of nano-technology and biochemistry into his research.

With a broom in his paw, he cleaned up Roxie's mess quickly and changed into a new shirt. His BMW awaited him in his garage of his suburban, cookie-cutter house. He got in and was off to work and it took little time for him to get there. He liked to speed on the freeway accompanied by the sound of the finely tuned German vehicle as his only music.

He was already assigned a parking spot, right in the front. With pep in his step, the wolf went into the lobby where he was direct to a Mr. Tunieous Wolfram's office.

* * *

Blue smiled as Dr. Holiday shook his paw rather firmly; the large paw gloved in close-cropped gray and white fur dwarfed that of Mr. Wolfram. Dr. Holiday's mustache bristled as he smiled widely, eyes closed as if they've known each other for years, but at the same time a hint of overacted enthusiasm. His large frame, weighed down by solid, almost military muscle was quite intimidating. Despite the overbearing dark suit and wool overcoat he wore, the large wolf didn't appear to be dark. He seemed like a German military officer, but with a sense of humor. His bushy, un-wolfly black and white mustache and eyebrows behind thin silver glasses said it all.

"Oh, no, you can call me Blue, Dr. Holiday." Tunieous said, blushing a bit when the older wolf called him 'Sir'. Blue was a lot younger than his new research partner. Dr. Holiday, as he preferred to be called, was 25 years his senior. Dr. Holiday raised an eyebrow as he hesitated to say,

"Okay . . . Mr. Wolfram." He said sternly, dismissing Blue's invitation of informality. "Have you read my research? I found yours to be quite breakthrough. Invigorating. Breathtaking. It takes mine 3 steps forward. It's amazing what young men of science come up with now-a-days." Blue blushed even more under his fur, tinting it a barely noticeable light pink.

"Well, after studying your research for the past 5 years, I found several solutions to the problems that caused you to quit the project. For one, instead of the drug being administered via needle, it could translate into a sort of patch form."

"Fascinating, Mr. Wolfram! Simply astonishing that I never thought to do that! You know, with your fresh ideas and theories, and my solid knowledge of the field, this could be on the market as early as next year!"

Dr. Holiday was very enthusiastic about the revival of the project. The two walked to the laboratory on the fifth floor, room 505 which was where Blue, along with three interns, once conducted research. Before this project, Mr. Wolfram and his group of college interns worked on various small projects for Diamond Pharmaceuticals, but for this project, the interns were not allowed to view the information on this project. As far as they were concerned, 'Calm Waters', as it was referred to by the higher-ups, never existed.

The two talked about biotechnology, nano technology, the medical field, and several other technical topics as if they were old friends, colleagues, or even student and teacher. In only a few hours, they created a relationship very few could have fathomed; Dr. Holiday: the pioneer who made nano technology in the medical field an every-day reality, and Blue: the up-and-coming bio-chemical researcher who makes today's medical technology more user-friendly. Tuneious had spent the better part of the five years he spent in medical school researching Dr. Holiday's work. Andre Holiday, the author of 17 eclectically themed technical books on everything from nano-technology, bio-chemistry, and bio-technology, to subjects like narcotics research, human behavior, and child/adolescent psychology. He was both Nobel Peace Prize in Science recipient and a professor of psychology.

Tuneious, on the other paw, was not as esteemed as his new partner. He was no head of his field, no professor at a big state college, never written a book, was in the upper-middle of his class, and most certainly never nominated for any Nobel Prize. But what he did have a fresh perspective on problems. When his classmates looked to their internal medicine textbook for answers to a problem with a patient's nervous system, he did too, but he also looked to botany textbooks for information. When there was a problem with blood-flow, he looked at his global economy texts. A scoliosis issue would lead him to architecture books. Blue always had a different way of looking at things that gave him an edge against his other classmates.

They talked over lunch and for the rest of the day and they got to know each other quite personally. By the end of the day, Mr. Holiday knew all about Blue's friends Gabriel, Lucian, Wade, and Dimitri; and Mr. Wolfram knew all about Andre's wild times in college. But Andre never once mentioned that he had an adopted son.

* * *

A year went on and the two spent a lot of time in the lab together. They had a product that needed to be tested now. "The Patch" as they called it, was a tranquilizer that administered a low dosage of nanid computers directly into the blood stream and into the nervous system. With a pass of a magnetic strip, like on a credit card, the nano bots could be programmed to do specific tasks. They had two near finished products; one had applications in fixing nerve problems, and another that had applications in adolescent psychological medicine. Blue had the nerve Master Program while Dr. Holiday decided to take the task of handling hyperactivity in cubs.

* * *

In the last day of research, the two wolves almost silently cleaned the lab, both of them as tired as if they had run ten miles. It had been an exhausting 3 years. They had been together nearly everyday, 7 days a week working 80 hour work weeks. In their rare times off, they spent together in coffee shops or bars discussing their work and personal lives, yet Dr. Holiday's adopted son was never mentioned once. The sun was setting on another night at Diamond Pharmaceuticals, but this was no ordinary night. The product was near complete. They even had a packaging and label for the new test drug.

In the lab they each held a metallic case holding the drug kit: a set of nanobot patches, a small scanner, three needles filled with a back-up tranquilizer, several programs such as "Sleep" and "Wake", and the Master Program Card. The two simply nodded. It was the end of the day, yet neither of them seemed excited. This was a project that could easily change the medical field, but due to the long hours and exceptionally hard work, the two were quite drained.

Mr. Wolfram got home and immediately called a few of his close coordinates at the State university hospital to set up appointments for the first rounds of actual testing. His voice was excited as he spoke with the chief of medicine about his new findings. The University had posted fliers advertising the paid research by Diamond Pharmaceuticals. They had gotten a better than expected number of volunteers.

Mr. Holiday wasted no time when he got home. He burst through the door with a sickly smile on his muzzle. After all these years, he was finally going to get what he wanted: his own personal yiff toy. Little did his research partner know, the older wolf added a few extra patch programs to his kit.

He walked into Roxie's small room and turned on the lights; in one paw he had his kit, in the other he had a voice recorder. The tiny wolf cub was still asleep when Mr. Holiday picked him up by the scruff of his neck and turned him over on his back.

"Wake up, Roxie. It's time for you to have a little fun with daddy." he said tickling the pup's warm tummy. Roxie yawned and blinked before shielding his eyes. It had been over two days since he had seen light. Dr. Holiday took down the bars of his crib and sat down, picking up the young wolf half-breed and cradling him in his burly arms. Andre was slightly upset that the pup wasn't as hyperactive or noisy as usual, but that was fixed when the big wolf picked him up by his neck and shook him violently with a sickly smile on his muzzle.

Roxie immediately started crying but the big wolf didn't stop for another few moments, inflicting more and more pain on the cub. When he was pleased with the results he got, Andre sat the pup down on the cold wooden floor. He walked to the doorway as the pup lay there crying.

"Calm Waters, Log: 001. Test Subject 001 responds to normal interaction with crying, lashing out, fighting back; typical violent behavior." Dr. Holiday said into the recorder. This was going to be a part of his personal notes and research.

"Get up." He commanded. The pup didn't respond, traumatized by the cruel treatment he just endured. "Get. Up. Come. Here!" he said again, much slower yet more intimidating, but still, the young pup didn't get up and walk to him.

"Subject 001 does not respond to simple orders such as 'Stand' or 'Sit'. I will now administer the drug labeled 'Calm Waters'."

This is when Dr. Holiday opened up his kit. He smiled, mustache bristled, as he reached a paw in and opened the first nano patch. It looked and worked like a normal nicotine patch. He walked over to Roxie and picked him up by the scruff of his neck, holding him with one of his large paws. He examined the close-cropped black fur on the cub's back, looking for the best place to place the patch. When he found a suitable spot he reached into his kit again and produced a razor.

Roxie squirmed in his adopted father's paw, afraid, confused, crying. Andre pined the cub to the mattress of the crib roughly as he suddenly started to shave the area on Roxie's back that he found suitable, nicking and cutting him with the razor as he squirmed, drawing blood. He quickly placed the patch on the now bald and slightly bloody part of Roxie's back. He reached into the kit and got out the scanner. A few numbers were typed then he scanned the patch as if the puppy was merchandise.

Almost immediately, there was a reaction. Dr. Holiday smiled wide as he stepped back from the crib.

"Subject 001 reacts as expected with the first administration of the drug 'Calm Waters'." He paused for a moment, watching the pup wither and cry in pain. "The Subject's body contorts as the nanides infuse into his bloodstream." He then turned off the recorder and asked the hurt pup, "How does it feel?" Roxie only cried and squirmed as the new sensation pulsed through his body. Dr. Holiday turned back to the recorder. "The Subjects feels a tingling sensation throughout his body along with minor discomfort." Roxie threw up all over the crib-bed before falling off the side with no bars, onto the floor.

"Get up." Andre commanded, and with much effort the young pup forced himself to stand, his stomach still churning, ready to puke again. A sickly smile came over the Doctor's muzzle as he walked closer to pet the toddler. "Good Boy." he turned to the recorder again. "Within less than five minute, Subject 001 is responsive to Calm Waters."

Dr. Holiday decided to test out how responsive the cub was by giving him a variety of small physical orders. "Bark. Be still. Fetch. Stand. Sit. Roll over. Play dead." The all worked, except for the last one.

"Despite obvious discomfort, Subject 001 responds to my simple request. According to the program, he should only respond to the voice who he heard initially. But that shall be tested at another time. Test Subject 001 responded with about an 80% accuracy. The command 'Play Dead' was not responded to. According to previous lab research, this is because Subject 001 either does not initially know how to play dead or still resists Calm Waters, which confirms that the Subject must be taught in order to respond." The older wolf turned to the young cub and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and took him downstairs to the living room. Roxie was unusually quiet.

"It appears that Subject 001 responds very well to Calm Waters. He behaves in a way a computer program would; I give him task, he executes them, and any task that does not specifically end, such as my command for him to 'Be Still', continues until terminated." They continued to the living room.

The brown suede couch in living room was usually off limits to the pup. As Roxie was brought to the couch, his calm demeanor broke suddenly and he began to fight to break free of his adopted father's grip. Andre let him go an observed the pups behavior. As soon as he let go of little Roxie, he ran away from the couch and stood still, staring blankly up at his new master, his pupils strangely large. Dr. Holiday looked at the sofa then back at the cub. He told Roxie a million times never to play near the couch and beat him severely when he did.

"You are now allowed to sit on the couch. Sit on the couch." The young pup did as he was told, struggling to climb up onto the couch. "Now for the fun stuff. I want you to nod your head for yes, shake your head for no. Do you understand!" His voice was forceful and stern. Roxie simply nodded. "Good. It's time for a bit of payback, pup. I want you to respond to the name 'Roxie', 'Pup', 'Puppy', '001', and 'Toy'. You are to refer to me as 'Dada', 'Daddy', 'Father', or 'Master'. Do you understand?" The young puppy nodded. "I want you to watch this. Observe, pup. Memorize what you are seeing." Dr. Holiday unzipped his slacks and pulled them down slightly so he could free his flaccid member.

He smiled a sickly smile as he looked down at the pup who stared attentively at the process, unblinkingly. The doctor could barely contain his excitement behind his cold smile and analyzing eyes that examined and memorized every strand of Roxie's tawny fur, every calm breath he took. It was finally going to happen after all these years! Just the thought of having the pup all to himself gave his manhood a boost, stiffening rather quickly as he began to paw slowly.

Suddenly he grabbed Roxie's paw and guided it to wrap around the shaft of his cock. The young pup's paw could barely wrap around it tightly. Andre was thrilled to see the pup give no resistance at all. He guided the the small paw up and down his cock at a slow, measured pace.

"I want you to do this whenever I instruct you to 'Play'. Okay?" Roxie nodded and continued to paw his adopted father after he let go. The pup stared almost mindlessly as he stroked the wide, 8 inches of canine cock from knot to tip. Dr. Holiday was enjoying it, to say the least, but it looked like the pup wasn't. The large wolf leaned back on the couch in a more comfortable position, putting his paws behind his head and murring lightly. Before long, even at the slow, measured pace, his cock dripped pre-cum which added lubrication and a lewd slowing sound as the pup pawed him. Dr. Holiday moaned out in pleasure and rubbed a paw through the pup's headfur.

It was then that he noticed a change in Roxie's behavior; he was smiling and his tail started wagging! He was consciously enjoying it. What a breakthrough, he though. He noted that the more he showed arousal, the more the pup liked it.

"You like it, don't you 001?" Roxie nodded and decided to reposition himself on the floor between his legs, keeping his one paw wrapped around his daddy's warm, slick cock.

"Good boy! You're learning!" Dr. Holiday panted as the 3-year-old puppy increased his grip around his wolf meat and sped up his strokes. Roxie's smile widened and became more puppyish. Without instruction, the young pup began to fondle his father's dangling balls. This actually made Andre blush under his fur. He hadn't taken a shower in about 4 days and his balls were sweaty, sticky, and funky. But that didn't stop the pup from cupping them, fondling them, caressing them with his paw.

Before long, Dr. Holiday realized the puppy was learning, systematically changing the original slow and measured pawing technique, gaging his reaction to the pleasure. First the pup stroked harder; gripping his cock hard as he quickly slide down, but loosened his grip and went slow, sliding up. The he did hard and fast going up and down, slamming his fist onto his sensitive knot. The he tried lightly stroking the massive red rod of slimy wolfcock using only the tips of his fingers. This caused Andre to whimper and squrim under the torture. Roxie actually giggled, even under the tranquilizers effect.

The pup smiled a genuine toothy smile as he began tugging on his dada's heavy scrotum and pawing using the hard and fast method. Dr. Holiday ran his paws through Roxie's headfur as he thought of his next move.

"Now, I want you to lick dada's cock like your favorite ice cream. I want you to clean dada's cock and balls, okay?"

Almost immediately, the pup began licking the meat that was only about a centimeter away from his muzzle using long licks from the base of his cock, under his knot, to the very tip to collect any spray of the rather thick pre cum his father gave to him. He cringed slightly but then Andre moaned and panted as he held back his orgasm. Roxie's tongue was everywhere! The puppy's rough tongue wasn't shy about anything. He licked the warm, red cock until he was satisfied with how clean it was, then worked his way down to the knot, and down dower to his scrotum despite the taste of dried rancid cum/urine/sweaty taste. The puppy's cold nose tickled as he went deeper and rougher with his licking,enjoying himself as his he wagged his tail.

Roxie used his nose to follow the scent of the older wolf's arousal. It eventually lead the pup to his father's pink, winking tailhole. Dr. Holiday smiled as he realized his lower intestines had a rather urgent pressure from the chili he had eaten earlier. His next command would push Roxie's submissiveness to the ultimate test.

"Now that I'm all clean, Pup, I want you to help your Dada clean out his insides too." Roxie looked up, not yet knowing the command. His eyes were slowly fading back to the blank stare and he went back to the slow paced pawing, yet kept a much firmer grip around the slick wolfcock. Andre took little time wording his command since the pup knew of the terms. "I want you to lick and sucks Dada's tailhole and eat all of his potty until I'm all clean, okay?" Andre edged himself to the edge of the seat so the pup could get better access to his task.

Roxie nodded and slowly began licking the small pink tailhole. The large wolf murred immediately to encourage the puppy to do more. Roxie licked and cleaned the outside of his father's tailhole before shyly sucking at the tailhole. Andre felt himself relax and let out a long wet sounding fart directly into Roxie's muzzle. He winced and swallowed, but kept on sucking and licking, closing his eyes.

Before long, the large wolf "Uurrff"ed and released, not a single solid lump of scat but, a thick and slimy torrent of warm diarrhea directly into the pup's muzzle. Roxie moved his muzzle back but the thick squirts of liquid scat poured onto his face engulfing him immediately in the horrid mess.

"Eat it all, like a good Pup!" Dr. Holiday commanded. Roxie choked down the wet load that was already in his muzzle. It went down like a mouth full of warm thick chili. Just as chunky and warm, and a bit less viscus. Roxie quickly opened his muzzle and moved in closer to lock to his muzzle onto the diarrhea spewing tailhole and quickly took two good gulps before moving away. A bit more of the warm horrible pudding splattered onto the top of the puppy's head. Andre moaned and gripped the sofa cushions in pure bliss. This had been one of his most secret dreams come true.

Roxie let go of his father's fat cock to get a paw full of the scat from his eyes. He cleaned his paw without thinking about it, cringing less and less with each lick. By the time his paw was clean, Roxie was wagging his tail again and began cleaning his master's, now brown, tailhole. Some of the slimy, wet scat dripped from the tip of his nose to the floor, making a wet "plop" sound. Suddenly Andre let out another wet fart, this time it was accompanied by a gooey stream of brown sticky water from the depths of his intestines. Roxie drank as much as he could and the refuse from his muzzle was splashed onto his chestfur, dripping quickly down to the puppy's inch-and-a-half of hard cock.

The larger wolf panted. His anus was completely drained but his bladder ached to be emptied, but he waited for the dirty puppy to finish cleaning his tailhole. Roxie licked and lapped at his master making sure he got at least 2 inches into the messy tailhole and scrotum, cleaning it good and making sure the scat on his muzzle didn't transfer back onto his Dada's crotchfur. When he felt it was clean enough, the pup went back to pawing his master in fast, hard strokes. Roxie leaned in, his scat-covered muzzle only about an inch from the throbbing wolfcock in his paws.

"Now it's time to clean YOU off!" and without warning, Andre let out a hot stream of urine directly onto the pup's face, soaking him instantly in the wet and musky filth. The stream splashed everywhere, but Roxie didn't move a muscle. He simple continued to stroke his father's cock, wagging his tail. "Drink it all!" the big wolf commanded. Roxie wasted no time to wrap his lips around the urine spewing cock, gulping and stroking the cock. Andre had spent a lot of time learning to paw himself and pee at the same time. Took months to get it right and now it was finally paying off. The big wolf put his paws on the back of the pup's small head and forced him down onto his cock, causing the pup to choke and squirm and cough, sending the hot liquid through his nose.

Andre muzzle fucked the cute, dirty pup while peeing directly down his throat. The flow never seemed to end but after about 30 seconds it stopped, but the muzzle fucking didn't. Without letting the young wolf gasp for air, he cummed directly into his mouth.

"That's a good boy! You like Dada's cum and piss. Drink it up like a Good Puppy!" he mewed. After about three or four rough thrusts, he simply held Roxie's head head so that his nose was flush with his knot, pouring his seed directly into the puppy's stomach. But Roxie couldn't breathe. He panted, but only filled his lungs with urine and his adopted father's thick seed. He learned to go limp and not breath while the seed was filling his small stomach. Dr. Holiday only howled and panted and he came harder than he had ever cum in his entire life! At least two full cups of thick, sticky, extremely potent wolf cum was force-fed to the cute puppy between his legs.

But then he was finished. Andre thrust his cock one more time, splattering the last drops of cum deep into his puppy's stomach. He slid his thick cock out of Roxie's abused and very dirty muzzle. He immediately coughed up most of the thick cum that accumulated in his small lungs. Roxie coughed and coughed until he could breath again, spitting up about a cup of the opaque yellow cum/urine mixture onto his adopted father's stumach. Andre petted the pups headfur full heartedly.

"You did a very good job 001. You didn't even-" and before he could finish, Roxie vomited his meal of the wet scat, urine, and cum mixture directly onto Andre's lap, covering his cock and balls in the slimy, wet, brown mixture. It was all the pup had to eat in the last 2 days. Andre petted the back of Roxie's head lightly as he threw-up again, evacuating the contents of his cute tummy. The large wolf sighed as if he were bored.

"Now now, Roxie. You have to clean this up too, you know. I met it when I told you to clean me." Roxie looked up at his father without a hint of despair as he tried and failed to hold back another lurch of his stomach, sending more vomit onto his master. This time it was a bit thicker, mostly the thicker portion of the muddy scat. But that didn't stop the puppy from licking at the mess, cleaning his father without hesitation and even wagging his tail. Andre sighed.

Dr. Holiday reached for the recorder one again.

"Calm Waters seems to work a bit too well, at least for my purposes. He doesn't show any signs whatsoever of disobeying my orders. Calm Waters' programming needs to be re-calibrated before the next session."

Roxie began to murr softly and wag his tail as he licked at the mess he made on his Dada's stomach.

* * *

The next morning, Roxie woke up in his crib wearing nothing but his fur since he was not allowed to wear clothes or even a diaper. Dr. Holiday had installed a roof made of wooden bars a few months before since the puppy was getting too big for the crib. It was more of a cage than a crib now. Roxie wailed and screamed and kicked and hollered as he did every morning. "Calm Waters" had worn off.

"Dada! Dada!?!?" the pup screamed at the top of his lungs. "I nu feel good, Dada . . ." he said in a much quieter tone. But he knew full well it was of no use. Dr. Holiday had left to the laboratory only a few minutes before. He left a bottle of water in Roxie's cage, laced with 6 tablets of sleeping pills. Roxie found the bottle and drank the entire thing as he always did. He lay down for a moment, holding his tummy and feeling it bubble and churn. But suddenly, he got up and squatted in a random spot next to his pillow. With little effort, he spilled a larger and wetter than usual pile of scat right next to an older pile from a few days before. He laid down again holding his tummy, crying as he sucked his thumb. His nose only about 2 inches from the pile of fresh scat.

* * *

Dr. Holiday arrived at Diamond Pharmaceuticals at 10:00am with a fresh cup of black coffee in his paws and the usual stoic look on his face. He met with Mr. Wolfram in his corner office on the eighth floor.

The two talked about the project. The hard part was over and they both found a common ground; the programming needed to be calibrated. In both patch formulas, the effect was too strong.

"I attempted to try the Calm Waters' nerve restructuring program on my first subject this morning. He suffered from a form of paralysis of the leg. When I administered the drug, it worked perfectly and it only took about 30 minutes! He could walk again! . . . But after a while, he went into cardiac arrest. He's in the ER now." Mr Tuneious Wolfram sighed and slouched in his chair. "I believe that the program has to be redone from the roots up. There's a bug somewhere in those 300,000 lines of code."

Dr. Holiday took off his hat and coat and sat on at a small desk with a computer on it. It was his part of the office. He booted it up and took out his Flash drive.

"I conducted a small, informal test on myself last night." Andre lied, "I installed the 'Sleep' program and used the patch. Best night sleep I got in years." He said with a smile. "And so you know, this," He held up his cup of coffee, "is my fourth cup today. The Sleep program works a bit too well."

"Well, lets hope it doesn't effect your debugging skills!" Tuneious said with a playful smile.

"Well. As long as we're working, Diamond Pharmaceuticals are paying. Lets get to work. I look forward to another 3 years together on this project, Mr. Wolfram." He held up his cup as if to toast their partnership.
