What Was I Thinking?

Story by Blindseer on SoFurry

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It's been a long time since I've written anything, but recently I had an urge too and this is something that I happened to write when the mood struck me. It's a lot different from everything else I've written, but I like it. Anyway, for those who are wondering, the Death's a Vixen series has been finished, and so has Breaking Barriers, but to be honest I'm not quite happy with how they've turned out, so I've been tweaking them and playing with some new ideas. Anyways, as always, enjoy and feel free to leave feedack.

What Was I Thinking?

As I stood in the doorway, my mouth hanging open, all that was going through my mind was, what was I thinking? Well that's actually the end of the story. It won't make much sense without the rest of it, so in the immortal storytelling style of Tarintino, we'll work our way from the back forwards.

I guess it really all started when my wife and I both had a business trip to take on the same weekend. It was really not all that uncommon for us to travel, but normally it could be arranged so that at least one of us was able to stay home and watch the house. However this weekend, both of our meetings were "extremely important".

We kissed as we both made our way out the door that Friday and headed down to our cars. She pulled out to the left, and I pulled out to the right. I looked down to check the level of gas, damn near empty. Oh well, it wasn't important anyway. I didn't have all that far to go, just a couple of miles into town to the local bar. Why would I lie to my wife just to go to the bar? You'll see.

As I stepped inside my eye took a second to adjust to the dim lighting. It was nearly packed full of young college kids on home for one break or another. It was definitely the type of place my wife and I frequented when we were younger. Those were good times. Now things in our relationship were growing stale. We went out every now and then, but it just wasn't the same as it was in the beginning. Don't get me wrong, I still loved her as much as I did when we were first married and she was just as beautiful a vixen as the day we said "I do" and gave our vows. Her hair was always silky smooth and her green eyes still sparkled with that mischievous twinkle that I had fallen in love with. I on the other hand, had not aged as well. The first signs of gray began to appear in my muzzle and while I was still "too thin for my own good" as most would say, most of the muscle I had amassed working out when I was younger was gone. I ran every day back then and worked out almost as much. Every now and then I'd feel the motivation to try to return to my former glory days, but it never took more than a week or two for me to lose interest. That too was no longer the same.

A young raccoon girl came up and threw her arms around me. She gave me a kiss and remarked that she was unsure if I was going to show up. I gave her another kiss and her tight bum a squeeze as I told her that I was sorry for being late. But let me back up even further to the day we met.

I had gone over to my best friend's apartment to throw back a couple of beers and watch the game, but Tom wasn't there and in his stead was his long time girlfriend Dana. The beautiful raccoon, whom I'd only met a handful of times before, told me he'd be home in a couple of hours, that he had been "held up after classes". He was working to becoming a doctor. See Tom was about ten years younger than me, probably twenty four or so, and his girlfriend was about two years younger than him. We'd met by chance at a bar and had gotten into a heated argument about who the better baseball team was. Even though we got off on the wrong foot, we became good friends despite how much younger he was. We'd golf and watch games together all the time. I often helped him study, as much of my course load back in the day was the same as his was now. My wife often joked that I spent more time out with him than I did with her. Well, I'm sure you know how behind every joke there's some truth.

Anyway, not really having anything else to do, I decided to sit around and wait for him to return. As I waited though, Dana and I got to talking. The entire time I couldn't help but notice how hot she was. She had long slender legs and a small toned mid-riff that she showed off with a shirt that cut off above it. Her striped tail was immaculately groomed and her short brown hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. She only had a small pair of breasts, but to me it suited her well. She would have looked odd with a large chest. From the moment we first started talking, we clicked. She offered me a scotch, which I accepted. As she bent over the small liquor cabinet that they kept in the corner, I eyed her ass the entire time. It was round and toned much like the rest of her, something I could see thanks to the short-skirt she wore. I nearly kicked myself for checking her out as much as I was. After she had made herself a drink, she returned to the room we were sitting in, she sat down next to me on the couch instead of the chair she had been sitting on previously. I caught a whiff of whatever perfume she was wearing and had to keep myself in check from not just mounting her right then and there.

As we sipped our drinks we told each other about our jobs. She was a hairdresser at some trendy new place in the mall, and I was a pharmacist down at the Red Raven Hospital. But things began to take on a more intimate tone as we described how we had each met our respective mates. We began to talk about what we liked in them and what we didn't. How things were growing stale in both our relationships and what happened next, well I blame myself just as much as I do her. She got up and sat down in my lap, and kissed me. My libido running strong, I kissed her back, and it didn't take too long before we were both naked and kissing each other hungrily. The entire time however, even though it was only in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but ask myself what I was thinking. To be perfectly honest, I nearly stopped myself from going any further, I nearly listened to the voices that generally tell us when we're doing something wrong, but when she wrapped her lips around my cock all thoughts of that nature disappeared and I became wrapped up in the moment so to speak.

I marveled at the way she managed to take me all the way into her muzzle, enough to make my cock touch the back of her throat. She bobbed her head up and down in perfect rhythm, never missing any of the most sensitive areas of it. I grabbed the back of her head and moved it to the pace she had set, and when I was about ready to explode I pulled out of her mouth and pulled her up till we were sitting face to face. We began kissing again and when she stopped suddenly I became worried. It was only for maybe a couple of seconds, but it was long enough for the voice in the back of my head to start screaming full force and telling me to stop what I was doing. I was married for God's sake, and not only that, but she had to be at least twelve years younger than me! As she stood up and began to walk away the screaming in the back of my head only intensified. What was she doing? What did it matter what she was doing, I had to stop now! Was she having the same thoughts? What was going through her mind? What the fuck was she doing to me!? She walked out of the room and returned with a small bottle of KY. You're a big boy, she had said and winked at me.

Once again, all thoughts I was having were dismissed. I placed a small amount of lube on her already wet mound and a small amount on myself. She bent herself over on the couch and I took my place behind her. Lining myself up with her, I managed to work the tip of my cock into her tight slit. She moaned and I continued to work myself into her slowly, giving her some time to adjust as I slipped deeper into the warmth of her tunnel. When my hips finally met her ass, I gave her a playful slap on the rear and lifted her tail out of the way as I began a slow pace. When she began to loosen up I increased my cadence, and it didn't take long for my knot to form. This caused a thousand more questions to run through my mind. Should I knot her? It was generally accepted that while people would have more than one sexual partner in life, the act of knotting was something that only a married couple would do with one another. Until now, I had honored that precedent. Am I really willing to do what one was only supposed to do with their mate that they were going to have for the rest of their life? Was it worth it? God, what I was thinking?

She flipped herself over and wrapped her legs around my back. That answered my question for me. I slammed myself into her at a frantic pace as I worked my knot into her tight passage. She began to meet my thrusts, tightening her legs around me as we both worked madly to get my knot all the way inside of her. When it finally slipped in, I gave a few more short thrusts and came inside her. She climaxed as well, and a silence fell over us as we enjoyed the afterglow of our misdeed. Dana smiled up at me once the feelings had passed and told me that she loved me. I told her then that I loved her too. And the scary part was I think I meant it. We showered and continued talking as if nothing had happened, but she gave me her cell phone number and told me to give her a call some time.

When Tom came home, there was a short but awkward moment as I tried desperately not to think about what I had just done. But as I began to lie and say how I had just gotten there, having gotten off work late myself, I found it increasingly easier to ignore the voices in the back of my head. The one that was now screaming "What were you thinking, how could you do that?".

Well time went on and I began to visit Dana quite often, Tom never being any the wiser. I don't think my wife had any suspicions either. We even had pet names for one another. She called me "her wolfy" and she was my "baby girl".

And that brings us back to the bar, where I had just met up with Dana again. I grabbed her by the hand and took her out to my car and drove home. I opened the front door, surprised to find it unlocked, and flipped on the lights. As we made our way to the bedroom, I heard a series of grunts and moans. It was pretty obvious what must have been going on, and when I opened the door to the room I was greeted by the sight of Tom making love to my wife. And at that exact moment, everyone froze. It was as if time had frozen. Tom was the first to make any movement, as he looked from me to his girlfriend and then back down to my wife with a look of shock and guilt but also anger on his face. And after that time froze again. A million thoughts raced through my mind again.

And this brings us to the end of the story. My mouth dropped and all I could think of was, what was I thinking? The screaming in the back of my head that I had learned to ignore for so long returned full force. What had I done, and more importantly what could I have done from letting things get this bad and turning out like this? And that was when the most important question of all came to the forefront of all the million other questions zooming around in my mind, what were they all thinking?