For Love of Love 21: Apologies

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#21 of For Love of Love

He had just fucked Jes...several times. He couldn't be any happier, really...well, maybe if he turned out to be Jes' tamer and not Oliver or whatever his name was, but the chances of that happening were slim to none. He didn't know or care why she had done what she had, but he was now more attracted and in love with her than he ever had before. Maybe this was going to become a regular thing. It wasn't even the sex, really. He'd be happy just being able to cuddle up to her like this at night at the end of every day.

It was light out now...he hadn't slept at all. Feeling Jes' warm, fuzzy, naked body against his like this had completely ruined any chance for sleep that he might have had. Jes didn't move very much in her sleep, but he already knew that from all of the times that he had watched her sleep, drawing her or just silently taking in her beauty. He knew that it was only a matter of time until she finally woke up, but he wanted to put that off for as long as possible. Closing his eyes for a few moments, he explored up and down Jes' perfect furry body with his hands, feeling the strong muscles underneath her curved, sexy stomach then moved them down along her legs, which felt even stronger underneath his hands, but were just as sexy.

Grinning impishly, he felt down Jes' stomach again, going all the way down to her crotch and rubbing it. It felt so good, so ... female, with her perfect lips, her little clit, and her tight, enticing tunnel. He wanted to wake her up, get her up onto her hands and knees and fuck her brains out like they had the previous night, but he knew that she was probably going to leave his room the moment that she woke up. He was happy enough just cuddling up against her and trying to make the moment last as long as possible by doing whatever he could.

Still, he couldn't resist pressing his hand against her crotch and feeling the femaleness that he had yearned for the past few years but had never had even so much as the slightest chance to come anywhere near. Tom fell in love with the murring sound that she made in her sleep when he touched her there and she spread her legs a little, moaning out the name of her new tamer that she apparently slept with and fucked on a regular basis. Despite knowing that he could wake her up any minute, and more likely than not she was going to cause him some serious bodily harm when he did, he decided to push his luck a little further and slide a finger into Jes' pussy. The murring noises that she was making sharply went up in pitch. His luck ran out; Jes turned around and looked at Tom like she was the scariest thing that she had ever seen in her life.He had just fucked Jes...several times. He couldn't be any happier, really...well, maybe if he turned out to be Jes' tamer and not Oliver or whatever his name was, but the chances of that happening were slim to none. He didn't know or care why she had done what she had, but he was now more attracted and in love with her than he ever had before. Maybe this was going to become a regular thing. It wasn't even the sex, really. He'd be happy just being able to cuddle up to her like this at night at the end of every day.

"Tom? Tom! What the fuck ...?" She looked around the room in confusion like she didn't remember what she had done last night. "Why ... oh, god ... Tom, you didn't ... I did ... damnit, Tom!" her paw closed around his throat, much in the way that it had last night; only this time, it wasn't accompanied by orders to fuck her harder or faster like it did the previous night. "How could you let me do something like that!? Don't you realize that I'm in heat, you stupid fuck?!"

Tom gagged instead of responding; he couldn't say anything because of the tight hands around his neck that were almost keeping him from breathing, let alone saying anything coherent. He could feel the world starting to fade from the lack of oxygen, and he started squirming, trying to get away from Jes and her death grip. When it seemed like he was going to lose consciousness and finally succumb to Jes' death grip, she finally let go of him. That first breath was very painful to bring into his lungs, and he could feel some fluid, which he guessed was blood, creeping into them from somewhere else in his body.

"Damnit, Tom ... I ... damnit!" she slapped him hard across his face, and he could feel her dark, black claws cutting into his skin and drawing out the blood that was flowing underneath it. "Please...please tell me that I didn't do what i think I did last night ... please tell me it was some kind of nightmare and you just somehow carried me out of my room to finger me while I was asleep or something."

"I ... no, Jes, you came in here all by yourself," Tom admitted sheepishly. He didn't realize that she hadn't been in full control of herself or anything like that; even if he had, it probably wouldn't have really mattered at the time, but he would have felt really, really bad about it the morning afterwards.

* * * * *

Jes could feel tears start forming behind her eyes. Oliver was a good mate, but she didn't know how he was going to handle something like this. Did he know? Had he woken up at night and tried to cuddle up against her back "for warmth" like he usually did, and not found her there? He'd probably be angry; and even if he wasn't angry, she was going to feel guilty about doing this for the rest of her life. She looked down at her right paw, whose claws were streaked with blood from where she had scratched Tom's face, and was brought a memory of the previous night where she had gutted the perverted freak. She had never been in e heat like this before; she was an adult, of course, and she had more than a few over the years, but she had never done anything like she had that night.

She couldn't deal with this. If Oliver was up, he was going to be looking for her...if he had figured out how to use his Digivice at all by now, then he'd be able to find out exactly where she was. As soon as she realized that, she teleported away, disappearing from Tom's room and arriving in Oliver's room, forcing herself underneath Oliver's bed where he hopefully wouldn't find her and started crying. She didn't deserve Oliver, she didn't deserve someone who treated her the way that Oliver did... maybe all she deserved was the kind of male that she always seemed to end up fucking every time she ended up in heat. Hell, at least Tom spent the night with her afterwards; maybe Tom was the best that someone like her could do.

Oliver came back into the room after a little while and flung his Digivice at the wall, which bounced off and landed on the floor next to the bed only a few feet away from where her head was. He had obviously been trying to use it to find out where she was but couldn't figure out where the right menu was. Jes smiled a little...maybe with time, Lex, and Angie, he'd be able to figure out how to be a proper tamer and not just someone who lived with his Digimon. Jes tried to hold back another wave of tears, quivering from the sobs that were trying to come out of her.

"I guess he's known her longer than I have," she heard Oliver say to himself as he shifted around on the bed above. Jes started feeling even more guilty than she already was. She couldn't expect Oliver to understand what it was like for her when she was in heat...she couldn't help herself, she just wanted to have sex non-stop. Maybe she should have gone back to the Digital World and find another male like Ned who would at least understand what it means to be in heat...

She was about to teleport away to hunt for a way back to the Digital World when the bed above her started quivering. Curious to know what Oliver was doing, she started slowly sliding out from underneath the bed to see what he was doing. He was crying...what did that mean? Did he want her back? Did he not care that she had fucked Jamie's perverted brother into within an inch of her life?we

"Jes..." It sounded like he cared, like he wanted to be with her but couldn't. She couldn't stand not knowing any more; even if was only going to make her feel worse in the end, she wanted to hear it from him that their relationship was over and she was going to have to find something else to do with her life. She got out from underneath the bed and jumped onto Oliver, clinging to him desperately and hoping with all of her heart that she was still going to want him. "Jes!"

"I'm sorry, Oliver..." she sobbed, soaking his shirt with her tears. "I'm so sorry... please don't leave me, I love you..."

"No, Jes, no..." his hands found their way around her back and started rubbing near the base of her neck. If she wasn't so stressed out and worried about her future, she would have moaned and leaned on Oliver; as it was, all she could do was cry a little less. "It's okay...stop crying, I'm not going to leave you."

"It's not okay! Oliver, I ... I fucked Tom!" she sobbed loudly. "I hate the bastard, b-but I still d-did... you hate me for this, don't you...?" She got a desperate look on her face, burying it in Oliver's chest in the hopes that he still wanted to be with her. It seems like he did, but she didn't want to get her hopes up too much. She had lost a lot through her life thinking like that.

"No, Jes, I couldn't hate you for anything. I love you too much."

"You do ...? I mean, you aren't mad at all?"

"No..." he answered, stroking her head. "I'm a little...disturbed, but it's not your fault. You were in heat."

"N-not anymore..." she stammered. She didn't realize it now, but all of the urges and yearnings that were boiling in the back of her mind whenever she was still herself while in heat were gone.

* * * * * *

"...what does that mean?" Oliver blushed a little. He was kind of worried that she wasn't going to want anything to do with him now that she wasn't in heat anymore. He liked to think otherwise, but he didn't know enough about Jes or exactly what she was to be sure. He liked to think that they were still going to be in love, but even if he could only be Jes' tamer and nothing more, he could probably live with that, too.

"Nothing...just that I can't get pregna--" she stopped and blushed hard in the middle of her sentence. Oliver immediately blushed, completing the sentence in her mind. "I, uh, ... my feelings don't change for you just because I'm not in heat anymore. You don't really think I'm that shallow, do you?"


"N-no, of course not..." he blushed, hoping that Jes would take pity on him and let him get out of this intact. "I just ... I don't know how much the you in heat is different from the regular me, I--"

"It's okay, Oliver," she giggled as he he stammered on trying to explain why he said what he had said. "I understand what you're trying to say, and I don't blame you for not understanding what it's like when I'm in heat." She leaned on him and put her head on his shoulder, sighing a little and hugging him tightly.

"Just promise me one thing," Oliver said hopefully, rubbing Jes' back gently, happy that he wasn't going to have to give up the feeling of Jes' fur anytime in the near future.

"Anything, Oliver..."

"Just promise me that whenever this happens, you'll always come back to me."

"Of course..."

* * * * * *

Angie woke up feeling a little queasy, like she had been infected by a minor virus or something. Moaning a little from the unpleasant feeling that was rising up from her stomach to her throat, she drew her knees up against her chest to try and keep the feeling from getting any worse. Unfortunately for her, it didn't help. Actually, it managed to make her feel even worse. The feeling of nausea got worse and worse until she felt like she was about to throw up. Putting her hand over her mouth, she leaped out of bed and ran into the bathroom, spilling the contents of her stomach into the bowl of the toilet, then dry retching a few times before her body finally settled down and decided that it liked her again.

"Angie, are you okay?" She heard Lex's voice coming from behind her through the mild cursing that was escaping her mouth.

"Yeah... Ough, that wasn't very nice..."

"What was it?"

"I don't know, I just don't feel very well..." Angie let the seat and the toilet seat cover fall down, then put her head on top of it, not daring to move in case she started feeling bad again. "Maybe it's because I'm pregnant..." she shuddered at the thought of the queasiness getting any worse than that. She was already dizzy and throwing up, how much worse could it get? Maybe Sandie would know something about it ...

"Do you think we should ask Sandie about it? She's not a Digimon, but she still might be able to help."

"That's exactly what I was thinking," Angie giggled weakly. She wanted to turn around, open up Lex's robe and cuddle with him inside it, but she just didn't have the energy to do something like that. She didn't even have the energy to keep her eyes open, really.

"I'll go get her." Lex quickly disappeared to go look for Sandie. Angie managed to drag herself back to the bed, where she curled up into a small ball and thought about how lucky she was to have someone like Lex who cared for her as much as she did. There couldn't be that many men like that around. Thinking about Lex helped her not to think about how nauseated she was, so she kept doing that, playing the memory of when they met through her mind.

"Angie, how are you feeling?" By the time she heard Sandie's voice, she had almost fallen into a light sleep. "Lex told me that you woke up, ran into the bathroom and started throwing up."

"Yes," she answered. "I don't feel very good at all."

"That's normal when you're pregnant...having a child inside of your body takes a lot out of you. I didn't know Digimon got morning sickness... It shouldn't kill you or anything, though, you just won't feel one hundred percent until it's outside of you and your body can go back to normal. You'll probably get used to it before then, though."

"Mmm..." Angie nodded and looked at Lex with all the love that she could muster. She could live with feeling like this for a while if that was the price of being the mother of a child with Lex. "I guess I don't really have a choice anyway," she giggled as much as she could without causing her too much further nausea.

"Do you feel good enough to eat, Angie? Do you want me to make you anything special? When I was pregnant with Jamie and Tom, I had all kinds of weird appetites. I was eating Mexican with ice cream and fudge..."

"I don't know what any of those things are," Angie giggled, "But they sound good. I am hungry, though, so I'll take anything that you're making..."

"Alright, I'll go put on some bacon and sausages, then," Sandie said. "I'll leave you two alone." Sandie giggled a little at them; Angie got a little bit of an obstinate look at the implication that her and Lex were going to do anything inappropriate while she felt ill, then she realized that she probably wouldn't have that much against, then giggled back at Sandie. As soon as she left, Lex crawled back into bed with her and snuggled up against her back, getting in between her wings. Angie cooed happily; she always loved when Lex did things with her wings, and not just because they were sensitive, but because the whole idea of it was just so romantic.

"Mmm..." She wanted to keep moments like these going on forever. A few minutes later, the familiar smell of what Sandie usually made for breakfeast reached their room, and even though Angie felt a little sickened by the smell at first, she couldn't help but coo at the thought of eating.

"Angie, what do you think it'll be like?"

"Hmm?" Angie looked at Lex.

"Our child," he put his hand over her stomach and rubbed a little. She could feel the inside of her stomach press against the slowly growing egg that she was able to feel more and more now as time passed.w

"Oh ..." she giggled a little, realizing that it should have been obvious what he was talking about. "I don't know ... maybe it'll look like you, Lexie," she giggled and put her hand on top of his, imagining a small, cute (even cuter than Lex) version of her mate, maybe with wings. "There's really no way to tell..."

"Yes there is," Lex giggled a little. "I just want to be surprised when it comes." Angie cooed happily and looked into Lex's eyes. She could see them welling up with water like he was about to cry. A few seconds and the tears were going down his face. Angie took her finger and put it underneath one of Lex's eyes, stopping the tears and smiling at him. "I'm so happy, Angie ..."

"I know, Lex," Angie giggled. He said it at least three or four times a day. Angie thought it was romantic; most of the guys that she had known weren't very open about their feelings, but Lex wasn't like that at all. if anything, he was too open about his feelings. It was one of the things that Angie loved so much about him. She smiled happily, wiping away all of Lex's tears until they stopped coming.

"Breakfeast is ready, you two lovebirds," Sandie called from somewhere at the end of the hall. Both of them jumped up, excited to have Sandie cooking for them, and quickly went downstairs to see if what she had made them was any different than what she made the last time she cooked for them. It was missing the 'pancakes', but it had something new that Sandie told them was 'cereal'. Lex pulled one of the pieces of sausage off her plate and put it into his mouth like he had the first time they ate in the Real World. Angie giggled.

"Hey, that's mine..." Angie said, trying to suppress a giggle. "And I'm carrying your child. You shouldn't take food from someone carrying your kids," Angie batted his head, giggling.

"Take it, then," Lex said with a naughty wundertone in his voice, holding the sausage in his mouth so the tip stuck out a little. Suppressing the urge to giggle, Angie went along with the game and leaned into Lex, kissing him and tugging the sausage out of his mouth, eventually getting it out and eating it herself.

"I'm never going to understand you two," Sandie said to her when she looked up at her with half of a sausage sticking out of her mouth.

* * * * * * *

Jamie had been awake for a while, but he hadn't moved because Jean was still sleeping with her arms, legs and tail completely wound around him, and he didn't want to wake her up or disturb her--she looked so happy when she was asleep like that, it had to be a crime to bother her. At some point, though, he was going to have to move; he was going to go and see if he could get his old job back at the spa, since it didn't look like he was going to be having any more adventures with Jes in the Digital World.

"Mmmm..." Jean shifted in her sleep, moving her head off of Jamie's chest and onto a pillow. Jamie smiled happily and touched her face; he loved the way that her scales felt. He loved everything about her. He wanted to give her the best life that he could possibly give her. Of course, to do that, he was going to have to have some money. Continuing to stroke her head, he told her that he had an interview to get his old job back at the spa. Jean cooed at the mention of the spa, asking if she could go along with him.

"Why not?" Jamie giggled and went into the kitchen with her to grab some food before they left. Lex and Angie were in there, eating a breakfast that was obviously made by Sandie, unless the two Digimon had just figured out how to cook food, which, considering how long it had taken Jes to figure out such things, that was unlikely.

"Hi, Jamie!" Lex, who was practically sitting on Angie's lap, said with a giggle. "What are you doing?"

"Uh, Jean and I were just getting some food before I go to an interview to get my job back at the spa."

"Spa?" Angie looked at him questioningly. He spent the next five minutes eating a bowl of cereal and doing his best to try and explain to the two what a spa was. Not surprising him at all, both of them seemed very interested in the concept of massage, and as soon as they had even the most basic of understanding of the topic, they immediately asked him to take them with him. More out of interest to see how the people that worked at his job would react more than anything else, he agreed to take them along and pay for their massages.

"Ooooo, thank you, Jamie!" Angie jumped up out of her chair and hugged him, clinging to him and kissing his cheek. Jamie immediately blushed and looked at Jean, who looked like she was having second thoughts about coming along.

Normally, Jamie took a shortcut and went through a small park near his mother's hotel, but he wanted to keep it a secret from Jean until after his interview so that they could spend the rest of the day with her. Instead, he was going to take her and the other Digimon that were going with them the slightly longer way going around the park.

"Do humans go to these 'spa' places regularly?" Lex asked him, hanging onto Angie's hand.

"Some do ... usually it's girls. It's not the kind of thing that most guys do."

"Why not?" Jamie grinned a little. Oliver was going to have a hard time teaching Lex the ways of the world and how guys and girls were different here in the Real World than what he was thinking.

"It's probably an image thing..." Jamie was happy that he wasn't going to be the guy giving Lex his first massage; he was almost sure that despite him explaining it to the contrary, that he was going to get completely the wrong idea and try to make out whoever was giving it to him or something. He didn't have a problem doing guys most of the time, but there was just something about Lex that made him get nervous at the thought of doing anything even remotely intimate with him. Lex insisted that they bring Oliver and Jes along, and since Jamie had a few extra minutes before he wanted to be at the spa for his interview.

Even after getting them, thankfully, he still had enough time that he wasn't going to have to take Jean through the park earlier than he wanted to, which made him happy; even just walking around in the city seemed to make her happy; Jamie had trouble keeping his eyes on where he was going as he kept them instead on Jean, watching her head move around and try to take in all oft the possible angles at once. She always looked so cute ...