After Work Showers

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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Nothing is better than a hot, steamy shower with your pal after a hard day of work!

Hey everyone,

here it is my long awaited return to writing after *gasp* almost three weeks! I'm so sorry guys! I know only one way to make ammend, offering you a new story, hope you will like it, and if you do, why don't you leave a comment, a vote or a fave to prove it? I want to thank you my love, avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou, as I always do, for being close to me always and for being such a perfect boyfriend.

EDIT: Sorry, somehow I copypasted it was, it wasn't my intention ^^'

"Fuck, I'm so tired!" Franck grunted, trying to ease the soreness in his muscles by massaging them with his big paws.

"Yeah, they are making us work like mules!" His friend and co-worker Buck agreed, already looking forward to relaxing in his home with a cold beer in his paw and a football game on TV.

"We wouldn't if only they'd replaced that fucking press with a new one!" The big bull complained while entering the humid warmth of the locker room.

"Fuck yeah, but you know how tight on money they are, they really think it's less expensive to repair the old machines than to buy new ones!" The other replied, his striped feline tail too tired to even make the basic lazy movements it was famous for.

"That doesn't make a fucking sense!" The bovine cursed, finally reaching is locker and beginning to take the necessary items for a shower out of them.

"Hear hear, the higher ups ain't sane men, I swear!" The tiger echoed, mimicking his brown-furred friend and grabbing his towel and his Shantomax Tiger Shampoo.

"It's not fair, they give us tons of work and not even so much than a raise, and we are always the last to go home!" The bull continued his tirade, while beginning to strip himself of his oily overalls, remaining with only his shirt and boxer to cover his muscles.

"I know, but don't worry, they pay us all the extra hours of work we do." The tiger consoled his bigger friend with his chest already bared, showing what a combination of hard work, practice in gym and natural disposition had gifted him.

"Yeah, but still, I fucking miss to shower with the others, it's fun, us two alone isn't the same Buck..." Franck kept brooding, finally deciding to get rid of his last pieces of cloth and throwing his dirty shirt in his locker, then bending a bit to do the same with his boxers, giving his tiger friend a good show of his ass.

"Uhm, yeah, I miss the jokes and the laughter too Franck, but it is fun to be us two alone!" The feline tried to cheer the other up, his sheath hardening a bit at the sight of those perfect, furry globes.

That snapped the bull out of his self-pitying, making him shed the last of his clothes and grab whatever he needed for his shower. "Fuck, you are right Buck. What are we waiting for? I can smell your stink from here!"

"Hey man, that's no fun! You know I don't stink, and you smell it because you are close!" The other defended himself, indignation on his muzzle with the fast flicking hears.

"Sure sure, the kitty says that, but we all know it isn't the truth!" The big bovine grinned, ushering his friend toward the showers.

"What the fuck, you don't have the sense of smell of a cat, what the fuck you know!" The other kept arguing, then added. "Believe me, if you had you could sniff the stench coming from your hairy ass!"

"That's a lie, I kept my ass clean and you know that." The bull calmly reacted to the jab, in a most bovine manner. They took place at their favorite showers, turning on the water and letting the water going, waiting for it to turn hot.

"Yeah man, I know that." Buck nodded, a small feline smile on his muzzle, his sheath showing a bit of pink. He walked back to hang is towel to the wall and then decided the water was just perfect, he dived in the stream and purred at the feeling of the liquid washing on him and taking away part of the sweat accumulated during the day of hard work.

The bull didn't say anything, preferring to put his white, big piece of cloth away and quickly doing what his friend had done, stepping in his shower and not wasting time on enjoying such a simple thing by grabbing his shampoo and squeezing a bit of it in one paw.

He began to smear the faintly perfumed concoction on his big body, taking particular care of his armpits and his crotch, caressing his fuzzy sheath and playing a bit with his balls, then turning around and giving the same treatment to his monumental buttocks, all the while being observed by the feline.

Buck was so intent on watching his soaping friend that he forgot to do the same, his eyes fixed on such a display and his pink tigerhood getting out of his hiding place, until it towered over his white balls under it in its all glory.

When the bull turned back, he found a very excited tiger staring at him, a predatory light in his eyes.

"What the fuck man, getting a boner from watching me?" Franck exclaimed, a bit shocked by that turn of events.

"Cool off man, I haven't got laid in weeks, and you have such an ass!" The tiger leered, grabbing his tigerhood with one paw and jerking his cock leisurely.

"And that gives you the excuse to jerk off?" The brown bovine grunted, getting menacingly close to his friend.

"What are you going to do about that?" The other smirked, not stopping the up and down movement of his big paw stimulating his barbs.

"You know what I am going to do." The horned fur growled, raising his paws. The tiger wasn't fast enough to stop that, so he found himself pinned to the wall, two strong paws holding him from his shoulders and bovine lips pressing against his thin, feline ones.

He moaned, letting the grasp over his cock go and putting his paws on the sides of his friend, starting to groping whatever he could reach, while he let his lips open and accept the broad, long tongue of bovine fame enter his muzzle and engage his raspy one in a dance.

Taking that as a permission to do more, Franck leaned more on his smaller but buff co-worker, pressing his rapidly increasing erection against the one sported by the feline, rubbing them and eliciting a moan from both of them because of the excruciating feeling of hot meat moving against hot meat, throbbing and jerking, mating their furs with pre, showing what true men were. It was especially good for the bull, since cathood had the beneficial bonus of those barbs which added something more, akin to pain but bordering the pleasure, something that made the big bovine moo in the kiss.

Of course they appendices weren't idle, their tongues battling with each other, caressing the big and square teeth of the bull or the more sharp ones of the big cat, and their paws moving along their bodies, exploring, groping, holding and, in Buck's case, probing a bit the hairy crevice and its hidden treasure, with their moans being the background of their activity.

They soon stopped, Franck still leaning over and pinning the feline, both panting and grinning at each other.

"So, the usual procedure, eh?" The horned fur asked, punctuating his question with a movement of his hips.

"Yeah, the usual when bitches are coy. Wanna start from the oral part?"Buck asked back, feeling the need of release growing inside his balls.

"Why not man?" The other agreed, freeing his colleague from his hold and swiftly getting on his knees and hunching a bit since even with that he was too tall, being at the tiger's navel.

"Can I cum in your mouth?" Buck pleaded, knowing that he wouldn't get to request that while being skillfully sucked by the bull.

"Of course, I love a bit of kitty cream now and then." The bovine answered, licking his lips at the sight of the delicious cat cock and at the thought of savoring the tasty product of the lowhangers under it.

"So, what are you waiting for? Get your muzzle around my cock!" The feline commanded, just leaning there and waiting for the bull's next move. He didn't have to wait, since his friend lowered his head a bit more, without angling his cock, and took almost all of it in one motion, enveloping the cat prick with the warmth and wetness of his mouth. He purred at the feeling, bucking his hips a bit to get the rest of his cock in, making Franck gag a bit though the bull didn't complain. The brown-furred bovine remained still for a moment, getting accustomed to the sensation of the thick rod in his muzzle, with its barbs stinging his tongue and the tip of it nestled in the first tract of his throat.

"I love being balls deep in a muzzle, but that ain't enough for me to cum. Move your muzzle!" The tiger ordered, his paws resting on the bull's horns as if he was about to force him. Of course, that wasn't the case, as the obedient bovine just took the drift and started to withdrawn from his muzzlefull of manliness, slowly, his tongue trying to warp itself around that pole and getting some bruisers on it, nothing more than a scratch though. He almost let the juicy cock slip from its confinement, only the tip being in and cared by the ribbon of flesh enclosed y the muzzle, but he didn't, diving his head again to engulf the whole pole once again, making the recipient of such treatment moan for the feeling.

Franck kept doing this slow blowing just for half a minute, then he increased the pace when he heard the tiger over him trying for real to use his grab on the horns to fasten the rhythm of the sucking, something that was impossible since, even if the feline was built and strong, he was most surely the weakest compared to the fur occupied with his prick.

The bull moved his head fast, his wide tongue caressing and encircling the cock, massaging it from various angles, scrapping itself on those wonderful barbs, while one of his paws had reached the furry lowhangers of Buck and played with it. The tiger wouldn't have lasted for long in normal circumstances, and he did even less now that he had been excited to no end by the naked bull, so, with one hard balls-deep thrust he spent himself, shooting his semen in the hungry muzzle of the bull.

Franck remained still, not wanting to ruin the afterglow of his friend and simply savoring the salty cum in his mouth. He made sure not to gulp all of it before taking out that cock, still hard, and rising from the floor to kiss his friend, sharing a bit of what he had just received with the feline who eagerly answered to the ministration, saliva mixed with white seed being exchanged between them.

Buck felt the hard bullhood against his stomach and stopped the kiss. "Do you want a quick oral work before I fuck you?"

"I don't know, I'm not like you, if I blow myself that way I won't be ready for a while!" The bull protested, already leaning over for another kiss just to pass time before the feline was ready again.

"Oh, don't worry, I will stop way before that, and I need time to recover after all, it's not fair to only kiss during that!" The tiger renewed his proposal, pouting a bit like only felines could do and winning the bull over.

"Fine, a quick blowjob, just a couple of minutes, then you will fuck me, okay?" The bovine said, resigned, and freed his friend to lean over the cold wall between the two showers, the water still going on, and he stood there with his proud erection. The tiger didn't waste time and lowered himself, not getting to work immediately but just starting to jerk the cock in front of him.

"You know, for an heterosexual you like to be fucked too much, man." He mused, eliciting a grunt from the horned male which was only partially annoyed, the sight of such a strong and muscled tiger playing with his cock being more than enjoyable for him.

"Says the guy who begs for my cock to be driven hard in his small hole!" Franck protested.

"I lab myself as bisexual man, it isn't hypocritical for me." The tiger chuckled, and then he prevented any reply from his co-worked by taking the tip of the big cock he was jerking, not stopping his paw, just licking that first part of the sausage.

Buck purred, the sausage being as tasty as ever, but he couldn't give it the attention it deserved and just began to bob his head, careful to pass his raspy tongue on the long pole and to jerk what it couldn't fit in his short muzzle. He did that for what could amount as a minute, taking pleasure to hear the bull mooing and stopping just when he felt the cock throbbing in a familiar way. He let it slip, slapping his muzzle before resting high on him, and he stared at the bovine, a question in his eyes.

"Fuck, okay, I know you wanted to blow me for that!" Frank exclaimed and turned around, bending a bit so that his upper body could rest against the wall and showing off his ass of bovine proportion. The tiger chuckled from his position without averting his eyes from that rump.

"I know you can't resist a lick down there after one at your tool man." He grinned, one paw going to the tail to lift it and the other groping one ass-cheek.

"I don't see why you like putting your tongue down there." The muffled voice came from above.

"Oh, it's simply, I love to see you squirm, that's all." The tiger explained.

"That's an awful reason to-Mooooooo!" The bull mooed, the sudden feeling of a cold and wet thing pressing against his taint cutting him off. The tiger chuckled, the brown-furred man feeling it rippling through his body along with waves of pleasure that only increased once the feline started the rimming for real.

And he was skillful, licking the hole and chewing as much as possible, circling it and probing the hole a bit too, the raspy quality of the tongue adding something which the bull couldn't point out exactly but that made him moan even more, something that no other guy and the few chicks he experienced could imitate. It was only the prelude, of course, just to get the muscle relaxed and slick, just before ...

"Fuck!" The bull swore when a bit of tongue managed to get inside, and the feeling of the small and wet muscle in him was indescribable, but he wanted more than that and he signalized that by pushing his ass on the tiger's face, not trusting his voice.

The tiger mewled in protest for the sudden move but understood, taking out his muzzle to replace it with the paw which had been groping the monumental buttock, not wanting to free the one holding the tail high. He didn't play around with it, he perfectly knew that the bull could take everything and without any preparation, and just positioned one finger in the center of the winking hole and pushed it in, getting all of it with that single movement and causing a loud moan from his friend.

"You would be such a perfect slut Franck, how do you keep your hole so... prepared?" The tiger asked while beginning to thrust his digit in and out that ass, not forgetting to move it so to hit whatever was inside there.

"Lots of ... Singh.... Of exercise at .... Oh Fuck! The gym!" The fractured answer came despite the bull being so obviously taken by the pleasure.

"That doesn't explain it, you must have some toy you use..." The feline mused, extracting his finger so that he could add to it another furry one, shoving them unceremoniously back in.

"FUCK! You are... Nghh... Kidding me, no TOY!" The bull objected, thankful that his blushing was hidden, he would be pestered by his friend to no end if he knew of the pretty hefty toy he had hidden in one drawer.

"Okay, okay." Buck let the subject fall, focusing once more in tormenting the taint in front of him, scissoring his fingers and searching for the hidden pleasure button and smirking to himself every time a grunt marked the discovery. He was, of course, more than ready to have fun with that ass with another part of him, his tigerhood quite visibly erected, but he just loved to tease his friend too much plus, he already had his release, he didn't need to rush things.

And the fingering kept going, the bull feeling himself getting closer to the edge even while he was neglecting his cock. How much he wanted to cum, he knew he couldn't already, not without having sampled a barbed dick in his ass.

"I'm ready for ... For..." He tried to voice his desire.

"For what?" The tiger calmly asked, being so amused to see his bigger and badass friend reduced to a whimpering bitch.

"Fuck, just fuck me!" The bull shouted this time, lust taking over. His statement was welcomed by a chuckle and by the withdraw of the fingers, but he didn't care to turn his head to see his feline co-worker raise and then position himself behind his huge body, feeling his furred paws grabbing his sides while the barbed cock nestled between his cheeks as if they were its home.

The cheeky tiger couldn't help but tease the bovine once again, not pushing inside already but just rubbing his tigerhood in the crevice, increasing the craving that was building inside Franck with the offer of the thick and hot rod until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Are you going to spread your kitty spunk like that or inside my ass?" The bull angrily asked after trying to impale himself on that feline tool.

"I'm tempted to do it now." The muscled tiger hissed before stopping his teasing and then went straight for the kill, grabbing his barbed pole and aiming it at the center of the hairy target, the hole letting in the tip even with that little force for how relaxed it was. He didn't have qualms to go slow, both men were just too worked up to care, so the big cat begin to push until a good inch of his prick popped in, making both him and the wall-leaning bull moan.

From then on, the tiger only pushed, his barbs adding a scratching pleasure to the feeling of being stuffed by a big cock, which the bovine so utterly loved by the sounds he made. No one of them was comparable to the loud sigh he let when he felt the cat completely in him, something he could tell by his prostate being hit and by their balls touching, marking their utter intimacy.

They remained still for a few seconds, both enjoying the situation for different reasons, the tiger for the joy of penetrating something alive and strong, the bull for having a thick tool embed in him and spreading him open in all the good places and ways. But this pause was short lived, since the pleasures they were savoring were only the beginning, and soon Buck moved his hips to retreat his cock from the hot confines, while Franck just braced himself for what was about to be unleashed on him, resting his horned head on one of his arms.

And the rutting finally started, with deep, long thrusts that rattled the bovine from his very core and made him moan and moo, pleasure that never really receded for the beginning of this sex session just growing thanks to the battering of his prostate and the very idea of being taken by the smaller yet strong male. The fact that Buck didn't wait him to adjust nor was going gently only added to the whole affair, making it even hotter for the bull.

While the bovine was taken in his own world, the tiger was enjoying himself, the fact that at each movement of his hips his cock was massaged by the tight insides of his friend from the tip to the very base, the hot and moist hair of the showers kissing his length every time it got almost all the way out of that hole to be replaced by another type of warmth, while his balls just kept smacking against the big, brown-furred ones belonging to the huge male he was currently taking.

It wasn't a wonder that they found themselves so near the edge before long, but it came as a surprise that it wasn't the feline to meet the messy end of the fucking first, but the bull. Without even touching himself, with a continuous series of loud moans Franck reached the point of no return and climaxed, his long cock shooting rope after rope of wasted bull's milk on the tiled wall.

The aftereffects, the clenching and the noises of the cumming of the bovine, were just what the cat needed and , without stopping his thrusting, he came too, his seed pouring in the ass of his friend and even sipping out a bit, certainly because of the continued bucking of the hips. Buck didn't bite down his friend's neck, a thing fit for the bed, not the showers of a factory, he only pulled out his shrinking erection and slapped the recently used ass.

"Thank you for the ride, Franck!" He grinned, padding toward his forgotten shower to soap himself again.

"Y-You're welcome Buck."" The other answered, shakingly straightening and going to have his shower again. "Now you own me an ass-favor man!"

"Do you want me to return it tonight at my place?" The tiger winked, with his ears flicking for the expectation.

"You betcha! Hope you have good beers!" The bull declared excitedly.

"Oh yeah, I bet my ass on that!"