“Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…” Part 13

Story by Terian Whitepaw on SoFurry

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#13 of “Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…”

This chapter is dedicated to a BIG BLACK LYCAN that likes to talk about 'Sausage Gravy' .... and occasionally 'marks' his territory... SNICKER!

©® KAYCEE** Pseudonym 2012

This material may not be copied, sold or distributed without written consent of the author. All rights reserved.


It felt as if we'd sleep for a few hours. I was wrapped in Kyle's arms and snuggling in his warmth. Part of me didn't want to move but the other part of me that had to piss told a different story. I looked up at the clock and realized only about forty-five minutes had passed. Slowly I tried to extricate myself from him and head to the bathroom.

"Where do you think you're going?" he rumbled out, the vibrations moving from him into my body.

"I have to pee!" I said quickly while struggling to get up.

"Nuh-uh!" Kyle laughed and pulled me closer and tighter, "We're not leaving the bed."

"I have to piss, you twat!" laughing at his antics.

"NO!" he cried out, "I want you right here and never leaving my side."

I'd finally manage to prop up on my left elbow and look at him. "I'm not," reaching over with my right hand to stroke his scruffy face, "however, I have to piss and we both need a shower. It smells like sweat and cum throughout this room."

"I like it!" he smirked, reaching down and giving his now normal human cock a tug.

"The sheets need washing," I said moving around some more to get up, throwing my legs over the side.

"Um," Kyle said sitting up in the bed. I turned to look at him, "Yes?"

"Do we have too?" he asked.

"Have to what?" raising my eyebrow.

"Wash the sheets?" he asked softly. I inhaled deeply. The smell of Kyle, me, his wolf, my semi-wolf, cum and whatever else permeated the bedroom and the bedding. My cock suddenly throbbed from the scent.

I wasn't prepared for that but fucking hell did it turn me on. I shook my head, "No," taking another deep breath of him and us, "we can wait."

I felt movement on the bed as Kyle's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I could feel him staring down at my own, now human, and slightly aroused cock. "Someone likes it too," he chuckled.

"God help me," I sighed into the feelings that poured out of me, "but I fucking do."

He started to lick my ear and chew on it. It was taking all my willpower now, "Babe, we need to eat."

At my voicing that, his stomach growled heavily. "Heh," he chuckled, "Yeah food would be good. As much I would like to live on a diet of your cum, I'm quite sure that it's really not enough."

He leaned down and bit lightly on my shoulder, "I love you Jesse."

My heart caught in my throat. All these years I wanted to hear those words from him and now that they were said it took everything I could to keep from bawling like some newborn.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked to try and keep my emotions in check.

Kyle bit down harder on my shoulder. I could feel that his canines had slipped down in a slight shift. He broke the skin making me gasp as he then began licking where the drops of blood seeped out. I gasped louder at the feeling and desire to be taken again by him in any form he chose.

"Sausage and gravy," he said through his teeth and I could feel the chuckle in his chest.

Swinging my head around made him release my shoulder. I could already feel myself healing. His mark was already there and permanent so this wouldn't even be an issue. Facing him, I saw the smartass smirk on his face. He never saw the pillow coming.


The warmth of the shower felt nice as it rolled over my skin. A blast of cold air hit me as Kyle crawled in besides me. His arms surrounded me as we stood under the near hot water. "I could stand like this all day," I thought.

I felt him thrust against my lower back and ass. He was hard again and had his sheath, most of his cock poking out but I could still feel the beginnings of his knot just inside the skin. I could feel hair sprout all over him, tickling my back and ass, as he shifted to his antho form and watching his arms quickly cover in silver/black fur. Even though his fur was getting wet it still felt nice and, fortunately, only smelled faintly of wet dog. Suddenly, the water seemed a lot warmer flowing down my back and ass than down the front.

It took a moment to register. "KYLE!" I gasped realizing what he was doing.

The deep resonance and vibration of a chuck wrack through my body as his came from within him, "Just making sure everyone knows your mine babe." He began to thrust his pissing cock up and down my back and ass before it slipped down and hit my hole. The pressure of the flow breached within me.

"OH!" I gasped as my breath caught in my throat and shuddered from the, not unpleasant, warmth and feeling.

I heard a deep growl come from Kyle, "So, you like this huh? I was hoping," he paused before thrusting his hard, piss flowing wolf cock up my ass. Fortunately, I was still able to take him given the little lube, residual cum and spit that remained within me. What flowed from him made the trip easier and soon he had me leaning forward with my hands on the shower wall taking him once again. Both of us were panting with desire. I could feel that his knot was out and soon to be breaching my hole. One last thrust and he was seated deep. He howled once again, but now filling me with his cum. He pulled me up and against him before falling back down into the tub floor with me seated firmly on his wolf cock.

Small laps of his wolfish tongue surrounded my face and ears. I opened my mouth to take him in as I could feel him continuing to release himself deep inside of me.

"You're a bastard," I laughed snuggling back into his fur.

"You loved it and you know it!" he chuffed in my ear.

I nodded, "Yeah, I really did."

I squeezed down with my ass on his knot making him gasp and spurt more within me. "That's for doing that to me," I smirked and squeezed down again.

"Then I'll have to do it again," he said as he began to shift back to human form and his cock slowly dripping the remains of his load within me.

I found myself not wanting him to shift and just staying that way forever.

It took us another twenty minutes to get ourselves together with shorts, t-shirts and socks on before traipsing into the kitchen. Kyle started the coffee while I started breakfast.

Somehow I had been conned into making what he wanted after 'zapping' the mixer and ingredients to make biscuits as well. I stood at the stove stirring the mixture while the biscuits were in the oven. I heard the other guys approach before they even got into the kitchen.

"What smells so good?" Blake rumbled behind us as he trod into the kitchen.

"Sausage gravy and biscuits," Kyle chirped.

"MMM... COFFEE!" Gordon's voice broke behind Blake. I turned to look at the medium dark skinned man. His facial features giving away his mixed African American heritage. Blake reached up and picked a piece of fuzz off Gordon's slim 'soul patch' and giving him a kiss.

If I had turned around I would have noticed Blake's eyes light up with glee at Kyle's breakfast response before he moved between Kyle's and my shoulders. "I thought you two would have had enough 'sausage and gravy' after last night's and this morning's performance," he chuckled taking a cup of coffee from Gordon.

My ears flushed deep red. "You heard us?" I coughed out. I was concerned, because of the spell I'd used on the room to silence every noise within might have failed, Gran could hear us.

Blake's smart assed countenance was parked between our shoulders. Kyle's face only told of a smirking pride. If his smile crept any further up the sides of his cheekbones he would have looked like the 'Joker' from 'Batman'.

Blake flared his nostrils and touched his nose, "No matter how much you wash a lycan can always smell cum, sweat and," laughing while backing away, "shame."

I whirled around after him getting ready to hit him with the wooden spoon in my hand when Gran hobbled into the kitchen, "Morning boys."

"You sit and behave!" Gordon pointed at the chair across from him at the table and then at Blake.

"Awww," he pouted, "You're no fun."

Gran sat down on the bench, raised her right hand up and the ottoman from the living room rolled into the kitchen where she propped her ankle, "Don't think I want to rest it on a chair this morning. It's better and just about healed but still little weak. The poultices and rest are working well."

"What are you cooking for breakfast Jesse?" Gran asked as she snapped her fingers and a coffee cup and coffee pot flew over to the table and started pouring her a cup.

"Sausa...mmmpph!" Blake's words stopped halfway through when Gordon grabbed one of the biscuits that Kyle had just set on the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

Gran raised an eyebrow, I turned red and faced the stove and Kyle coughed into his hand.

Blake finished chewing his biscuit and took a swig of his coffee while carefully watching what Gordon might further do to him.

A moment of silence was all I needed to get my head together. "Kyle," turning back to him, "would you get the larger cereal bowls out of the dishwasher for breakfast?"

"Sure," he replied but still had a grin on his face from our multiple actions upstairs and Gordon's way of handling Blake.

He reached for the handle but it wouldn't budge. "Hey," he grunted while pulling harder, "what gives?"

He flipped the latch back and forth again but it stayed firmly shut. "It won't open," he grunted pulling with more of his lycan strength.

I slammed the wooden spoon down on the counter and shut off the heat to breakfast then walked over to bang my hand against the door. The damn thing wouldn't budge.

"GRAN!" I groused loudly and looked at her. She shrugged her shoulders while reading the paper and drinking her coffee.


The door slammed down and the top drawer ran out so fast I thought it was going to come off the rollers. I reached in and grabbed five bowls quickly before the damn thing shut back up.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Blake gasped.

"The damn thing's charmed," I spat looking over towards Gran. "Gran's got most every appliance in this kitchen charmed to run its own and this bloody thing has developed its' own personality and attitude because it's been spelled so damn long! Plus the fact it's so old and outdated," I grumbled when suddenly the door flew open again and hit me in the back of the ass.

I whirled forward and fortunately Kyle caught me before I lost the dishes.

"It is sensitive to its' age," Grand chuckled looking up from her paper.

"Bloody damn machine!" handing Kyle the bowls and rubbing my ass.

I got breakfast off the stove and onto a trivet at the table. Kyle grabbed the juice when I realized there were no spoons. "Babe," I said turning towards him, "grab some spoons from the drawer."

Kyle walked over and looked in, "There aren't any."

I rolled my eyes and turned back towards the dishwasher, "Hey you!" I yelled at it. The damn thing shuddered and 'harrumphed' at me, "We need some spoons as well."

Kyle was walking towards the thing when the door flew open and five spoons flew out of the bottom of the basket and onto the table like little missiles. The dishwasher door then slammed shut and shuttered before spitting a wad of soapy water out on the floor reminding me of an old man spitting on the ground in disgust.

"Watch it or I will replace you," I groused. It shuddered once more in annoyance then became quiet.

I turned back to the table to see three faces staring at me with their mouths open.

"WHAT?" I grumbled, "I told you that..." I didn't finish when Gordon spoke up. "Babe?" he said with an evil smirk.

Blake was about to spill his guts all over the floor in laughter while Gran's right eyebrow was raised while appraising my own, now thoroughly, reddened face.

Kyle's arms surrounded my neck and leaned in, "Yes dear," he said more for my benefit than the others.

Blake raised his hand up and whisked it back and forth in a whip like motion making a sound of, "Whhhhiiiccc-cah!"

Kyle laughed and flipped him off, "Says the man who got a biscuit stuffed down his throat earlier."

Blake blushed and Gordon smiled broadly.

I grabbed a couple of biscuits and threw them into my bowl before reaching for the sausage gravy, "Let's eat," trying to change the subject but sufficed to make everyone else snicker in laughter.


Breakfast was over and we were sitting there relaxing when Gordon grabbed Blake and made him help clear the table.

"Jesse?" Gran asked looking around the room and into the living room.

"Hmm?" I replied while wiping my mouth on my napkin.

"I don't see your instruments and I haven't heard you practice the piano once since you've been here," giving me a look.

"They're upstairs in my room," I replied with a shrug, "It's not like we haven't had bigger issues to deal with Gran."

"That's true," she said taking a moment to stand up and stretch, "but the fact remains that it is what you went to school for along with the fact that I haven't heard you singing either."

"Wait?" Kyle sputtered, "You play another instrument besides the piano? I knew you played that from when we were kids but what else? And for that matter, what does Gran mean about singing?"

"You've never heard him sing?" Gran asked facing both of us.

I tried to melt into the chair.

"What other instruments do you play besides the piano?" Kyle asked with interest.

Gran spoke up before I could blow it all off, "He plays the clarinet and the sax although he prefers to play the clarinet more."

She moved towards the backdoor and grabbed a jacket.

Blake was leaning down between Kyle and me and picking up the dishes when he spoke in a low voice and directed at us, "I bet he plays a mean 'skin-flute' too!"

His grin was broken when the air went out of his lungs in a hurry, "Ooomph!" as I jammed my left elbow into his abdomen.

"You ok Blake?" Gran asked sweetly.

He only nodded at her while puffing his cheeks.

"That's good," she smiled putting on her jacket, "but that will teach you about being a smart ass around my Grandson now won't it."

"I might be old by several centuries but I'm not deaf," she smirked and stepped out the backdoor.

Blake's mouth dropped before trying to sit down where Gran had been sitting while Gordon stood there wide eyed along with Kyle.

"Just how old is your Gran?" Gordon asked.

"Um," I hesitated since it is not something that witches and warlocks spill the beans about. I guess Gran felt that she could trust them.

"How old?" Blake asked.

"She's over four hundred-fifty years," I said softly.

Blake whistled loudly while Gordon and Kyle sat at the tabled dumbfounded.

"She looks pretty damn good for four hundred-fifty," Blake remarked rubbing his chin. "Most witches and warlocks I know start to show some age about three hundred. Is she using a charm to adjust her age?"

I shook my head, "Nope, that's all her. She's always been active and eaten right."

Gordon and Kyle's mouths still hadn't closed. "You two OK?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," Kyle said, "Just how old are you Jesse?" he gulped.

I sat upright indignantly, "I'm only 19!"

"But-t-t-t-t..."Kyle stammered, "Gran?"

"It only kicks in once they reach around their late 30's, then witches and warlocks slowdown in the aging process," Blake remarked while grabbing his glass and then taking a drink. "Lycans are the same way," eyeballing Kyle.

"You mean I'll get that old?" he asked.

Blake shrugged, "No one knows really how old a witch or warlock will get. They never tell and a lot of the times they mask their true age with spells since once they reach a certain age they move from where they live and change identities. It was easier centuries ago before modernization, internet and legal requirements."

"As for you or I, well," Blake paused, "Since you were bit as opposed to being naturally born like I was it's hard to say how old you'll get but I'm betting you'll be around a long time. You and Jesse will age about the same rate for a long time."

Kyle relaxed a bit and I could see in my mind why. It would look waaaaay beyond a May/December romance if we both aged differently.

"What about you?" Gordon asked staring at his partner, "And for that matter, what about me?"

Blake's face changed. I could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Blake?" Gordon said looking at him, "How old are you really?"

"A hundred fifty-five," he mumbled looking down at the floor.

"Damn," Gordon laughed, "You look good for a senior citizen."

Blake looked up hurriedly at his partner's face, "You're ok?"

Gordon moved over and sat down beside him, "Why not? I've been around this kind of stuff for a while so it's not like I can be shocked by all the intricacies of the supernatural."

Blake let out an audible sigh, "But you are mortal and will age normally."

"I've been thinking about that," Gordon mused.

Blake perked up. "Let's talk about it more at home later on, OK?" Gordon said leaning in to kiss him. Blake smiled and nodded.

I sat at the table relieved that things were settling out with all of this but especially with the fact that they were all forgetting about my playing other instruments and especially singing. That thought didn't last long when Kyle turned back towards me.

"Now," he said staring me down, "What's this about singing?"

"Shit!" I thought.

"Oh wow! Maybe Gran's right and I should go practice the piano," getting out of my chair as fast as I could and ran to the living room to start playing.

"The conversation isn't over Jesse!" Kyle yelled from the kitchen as I tried to drown out the comment and thoughts by slamming down on the keys.


Kyle, Gordon and Blake were sitting at the table talking about how things were now progressing with his and Jesse's relationship and their first night together.

"I'm taking it you wore him out?" Blake asked laughing.

"Hell no!" Kyle laughed along with the fellow lycan, "He's insatiable." Gordon chuckled as well.

"But what was really wild was his eyes turned the deep blue and had a bluish glow while he's in the middle of orgasm," Kyle remarked while pondering it.

"His eyes did what?" Althea asked rematerializing in the kitchen.

"I didn't hear the door," Blake remarked.

"Didn't bother walking back, tired," she said turning back to Kyle. "Kyle, again, please, so I know what I thought you said was what I heard? Did you say Jesse's eyes turned and glowed blue?"

Kyle nodded.

Althea's hand touched her forehead after gasping.

"Gran?" Kyle got up from the table and went to her, "Are you alright?"

She nodded then stood up firmly. She raised her right hand and her silver tipped staff flew from somewhere in the house to her hand.

"JESSE!" she yelled over his piano playing. Her grandson sensing the tone of her voice rushed into the kitchen.

"I hate doing this because I believe in trying to be as normal as possible but time is not something we can afford," raising her hand across the two men and the two 'boys'. Suddenly they were fully clothed and each in a pair of heavy silver tipped boots.

"Gran?" Jesse asked quickly and worried, "What's wrong?"

"No time to explain," she said, "Gordon, I hate to drag you along but we might need extra muscle even if you are human." He gave her a nod.

"You need me to go warm up the truck?" Kyle asked.

"No time and where we're going a truck won't work," then stood in front of them with her arms stretched, "this might make you queasy for a second Gordon."

She dropped her arms with a quick incantation and the lights flickered throughout the house before the five of them disappeared from the kitchen.