The bar chap2

Story by devons_Blades on SoFurry

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#2 of THE BAR

Chapter 2

I kicked open the front door of the house, Serpentess unconscious in my arms.

Wow she really tired herself out I thought as I used my foot to close the door behind me, walking into her bedroom, kicking the door again. I set her down in her bed, pulling the blankets up to her neck, her head lying peacefully to the side resting on the green, leaf shaped pillow. I bent over and kissed her forehead and walked out of her room, closing the door quietly behind me. I'm just THAT good. I thought, smiling as I walked into my own bed room, glancing at the clock beside my bed. Two forty five in the morning. No wonder I'm so drained. I had a long day. I went to the garden emporium thing, then went to see a movie, and onward to the park, stopping at a nearby fancy restaurant for dinner and then home. I let my eyes droop until they were fully closed, slowly drifting off to sleep.

I groaned loudly as I opened my eyes, the sound of dishes jingling downstairs. Unsure what was going on, I threw the blankets off of me, my legs swinging down onto the bedside.

Suddenly my bedroom doorknob began turning slowly. I turned from looking down at my feet to the door as my aid, Linoonea walked in.

"Oh, hey Linoonea, I didn't know you were here already" I said as I stood up, stretching.

"Li!" She replied. Ok I should probably explain that Linoonea isn't really my maid she's more or less a friend of Serpentess who watches me while Serpentess is away doing...whatever she does on Tuesday mornings and possibly afternoons. I don't know why I need to be watched, so don't ask. More than likely because I'd do something REALLY stupid if I wasn't under constant supervision. Back to the topic at hand, Linoonea is this wild Linoone who keeps an eye on me every Tuesday. We mainly just hang out and watch TV, or play some video game or something.

I flinched as Linoonea suddenly started rubbing her head against my arm, purring faintly. I blinked twice, before I placed my hand on her head, scratching behind her ears, her purring intensifying.

Well now, this is certainly different... I thought as I felt the urge to get shitfaced. I grabbed my cell phone, instantly dialing my friend Carl's number. I'm pretty sure that he's already up and he doesn't work in the mornings...

"Hey this is Carl who's this?" Carl's voice said over the phone.

"Dude, don't you have caller ID? Jeez man I never knew your phone was that gay." I said sarcastically.

"Man shut up! My phone is awesome and you know it." He said, eliciting a scoff from me.

"Whatever, but dude I feel like getting shit faced. You got anything for me?" I asked. Carl is like the guy I go too if I want stuff I'm not legally able to purchase, such as beer.

"I dunno man, today's Tuesday right?"

"Yeah today's Tuesday." I said

"Cool. Yeah I got some Vodka if you're interested." He said.

"Sweet. I'm unable to leave the house you know, today is Tuesday."

"Oh yeah right I'll be there in five." He said before hanging up.

About five minutes past and there was a knock at my front door.

I grabbed my wallet in case Carl was going to charge me this time, stuffing it in the ass pocket of my jeans as I opened my door.

"Yo. Someone order some Vodka?" He asked, raising the vodka in his hand as he walked in. I closed the door as I jumped onto my couch, a bottle of vodka flying into my hands. "First bottle ever right?"

"Yeah. I just wanna get wasted this morning bro. I dunno why I just do. You get me?" I said as I opened the bottle of vodka, Carl laughing as he opened his own bottle.

"Yeah I get you." He said as we downed our first bottles of vodka. "Wait

Dude, isn't Linoonea here? When you're shitfaced you tend to... well..."

"Dude shut up and enjoy the Vodka." I said, not wanting to discuss

"Dude, you're shitfaced. That's my cue to start heading home. You can have the rest of these, I got plenty at home. See you bro." Carl said as he started walking out the front door.

"Fool, Nile pee poo later bro." I said, my words slurring. I wanted to say 'Cool, I'll see you later bro' He simply laughed before closing the door and walking home. I opened my fifth bottle, downing it in seconds as Linoonea walked in, a strange sway in her hips.

Weird, what's up with that sway of hers? I thought. I shrugged it off and opened another bottle as she hopped onto the couch beside me.

"Hey Linoonea, whaths thup?" I said smiling.

"Li! Noon Linoone!" She replied, hopping onto my lap. I reached for the last bottle of Vodka when I suddenly felt something rubbing against my groin, a faint groan of pleasure exiting my mouth. I looked down at the Pokémon in my lap to see her grinding her hips against me, her front paws resting on my knees. I could feel myself growing hard as she looked at me, her expression full of lust, her hips still rubbing against me.

Wait a second...Isn't his like uh...I forgot. Whatever, I don't care this shit feels way to damn good. I thought.

Suddenly she stopped and ran off into my bed room. Curious, I walked after her, pressing the door open. My eyes went as wide as dinner plates when I saw her on my bed, her rear in the air.

"Noon!" She ordered, shaking her rear.

I set the bottle of Vodka down as I closed the door, instantly removing my jeans. I jumped off my bed, feeling very nauseous. I ran into the bathroom, vomit surfacing as I puked into the toilet.

The bar chap3

I woke up with a massive headache. _Hangover. Ugh._ I thought as I noticed I was in the bathroom, my face in the toilet. I looked over as the door opened, and Serpentess walked in. "Hey there you." I said weakly._Hangovers suck_ I told myself as I...


The bar

I awoke to the bright light of the morning spring sunshine, groaning as I turned in bed so the sun was hitting the back of my head. "SER!" A voice yelled, causing me to yelp and sit up in bed. "Ah, Darn it Serpentess. It's a Saturday, why'd ya wake...
