The Gym - Part 2 - Hit the showers

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Many people liked the first one and I finally got around to writing the second one. This one is almost double the length of the first, and I think it's much more yummy!

[The Gym (Part 1)](%5C) - If you haven't read this before I highly recommend starting with this one.

The car came to a rather abrupt stop in a parking space just out from of the gym. Jake hopped out of the car and rushed to keep up with his mother as she headed towards the doors. Once inside she quickly got her workout shoes on, then hurriedly put Jakes on him.

"Morning Joanne" the roo behind the desk said, looking over towards Jake's mother.

"Mike! I'm so sorry I'm late, Our alarm didn't go off this morning! Can I just bring Jake in with me?" she asked, they were late for her morning yoga class. By this time the wolf from Jake's last visit had walked out from a back room.

"Not a problem, from the looks of it they've just finished their warm-ups. I'm afraid he can't go in with you, but if you want, I could look after the little fella' while you're in class" he offered, unwrapping a power bar and taking a bite from it.

"Oh thank you!" she said, leaning down towards Jake now she told him "This is Drew, he's going to help you out while I'm in my class, okay?" Jake smiled brightly and nodded, then his mother quickly ran off to the classroom.

"You're such a lady's man Drew" the roo said with a wink.

"Oh it's not the lady I'm after" The wolf said with a toothy grin down at Jake. "Come on buddy, we'll go in the special big boy workout room in the back." The roo gave a chuckle as Jake walked around the desk to the wolf, who then picked him up and carried him through a doorway into a small room.

"This is a special part of the gym," the wolf said as he closed the door behind them, "No clothes allowed." He said with a smile as he opened a locker and pulled his tight shirt off over his head.

Jake giggled "I like this room!" He took the wolf's lead and started to pull his own shirt off, then his shoes and socks. The big wolf slid a thumb into each side of his own tight gym shorts, pulling them down, revealing his long sheath and large furry balls.

Drew stashed his clothes in the locker, then kneeled down and nuzzled the side of Jake's muzzle, then he unbuttoned the little wolf pup's pants, leaning over and grasping the zipper with his teeth, he slid the zipper down with a playful growl.

"Scary!" Jake said, his tail wagging furiously behind him. There he stood in his bright white underpants, the naked wolf before him with a grin, then the wolf stuck his nose in Jake's crotch and gave a big whiff of the pup's young scent.

Jake gave a giggle and leaned over, nibbling at one of Drew's ears, then Drew took hold of the sides of the boy's underpants and pulled them off, exposing a tiny pink puppy cock already nudging out of it's sheath.

"My, my, someone's excited! Ready to play little one?"

"Always ready!" Jake said, nuzzling close to Drew. Drew gave the pup a little hug then gathered the boy's clothes and stashed them neatly in the locker beside his own. He picked up young Jake again and walked through a second door, His ears perked up as he looked around the room to see no one else around, but a room filled with regular gym equipment.

"Are we really gonna work out today?" Jake questioned with a disappointed look on his face. Drew gave a sly smile.

"Oh we're definitely going to work you out!" He said, his paws patting the pup's crotch. Jake gave a giggle and wagged his tail behind him. Drew set him down on a mat that was laying in the corner, "But first we need to do our warm-ups." He smiled and playfully pushed the puppy on his back, nuzzling his nose into the boy's small puppy balls, He slid his tongue out and licked from the base of the boys fuzzy sack , to the top of his sheath where a little pink puppy cock stuck out.

Jake giggled and spread his legs in the air, "Mmmm" he mumbled, wiggling on the mat, reaching down and stroking the big wolf's head. Drew continued licking all over the boy's bits, slipping a finger up and playing with the tender opening of the boy's tight ass. Jake tried to slide his body more towards the wolf "Go in, Go in!" He pleaded.

"Not yet, this is only the warm-up. You're not ready for the workout yet." He said with a smirk, sliding his body up onto the pups, gently stroking the boys sides. Jake gave a shiver as the Wolf's muzzle came up to meet his own in a small kiss. He blushed and looked away coyly. He then gave his own little kiss to the side of Drew's muzzle. Drew smiled, and murred, stroking continuing to stroke the boy's side with one paw, the other creeping up to run through Jake's headfur. He closed his eyes and brought his muzzle to the pups again, continuing the kiss longer this time, and opening muzzle just a bit, slipping his tongue in between the boys lips.

Jake relaxed at the stroking, wiggling under Drew's warm furry body, His ears perked up as his lips were parsed by the tongue; this was another sensation he had never felt. He felt Drew's tongue wiggling around in his mouth and giggled a bit at the sensation, He started to play wrestle the tongue, closing his own eyes and wrapping his arms around the bigger wolf he pulled himself up closer, his legs extending around Drew's waist and clinging to him.

Drew slide his paw from the side of the pup to his behind, sliding his finger along the crack of the boy's rump, tickling the top of the tight entrance, poking and prodding at it, causing the pup to moan in the middle of the kiss. The big wolf's sheath had started pulling back, his large reddish cock pushing, gently at first, into the boy's stomach. He sat up, the boy clinging to him still, and the kiss continuing. Breaking the kiss he smiled as he looked into the pup's eyes and set the pup down on his back and lay over top of the pup again, rubbing his nose gently into the puppy's sack.

Jake growled a bit and wiggled out from under the big brute of a wolf, standing and putting his paws on his hips, "No!"

Drew cocked his head, he sat up on the mat, looking curiously at the pup "No? But I thought you wanted to have fun?"

"I do! But it's my turn now!" Jake tackled Drew, the big wolf pretended to fall back.

"Oomph! You're such a strong puppy!" Drew said with a chuckle. Jake giggled and blushed again, sitting on top of Drew's stomach.

"Rawr!" He wiggled, sitting just in front of the large wolf sheath behind him, every wiggle he made caused Drew an immense surge of pleasure. The reddish wolf cock pushed its way out further, pressing against the pups' ass cheeks. Jake rocked back and forth, sliding his paws back and forth over Drew's chest.

Drew groaned and grasped at the sides of the mat as the tip of his penis rubbed against the furry rear end of the small wolf on top of him. Jake suddenly stopped and stood up, turning around on Drew's stomach and wrapped his muzzle around the enlarging wolf's cock. Drew brought a paw onto the pups' back, rubbing it gently as his cock was tended to. By now the wolf's long red cock was fully out of it's sheath, his legs spreading in joy as the sharp little puppy teeth glided ever so gently against his tip, his cock throbbing already as puppy tongue slurped all around his member.

He brought his paws up and grasped the pup's sides, pulling him away, licking the puppy's balls and sheath as they passed by his face, "Ungh.. Don't wanna spoil the fun now do you? There's still plenty to cum" he said, with a chuckle at his own pun. He set the boy down and gave a lick at one of the pup's small balls, gently sucking it into his muzzle and massaging it with his tongue, suckling gently. Jake moaned and started gently pumping his hips, reaching down he held his member in his paws squeezing at it and murring, his eyes closed and his ears pinned back in pleasure. He was quite enjoying this game of back and forth.

He tried to close his legs on Drew's muzzle to get him away so he could have his turn again, He wanted to win this game, but closing his legs only furthered his pleasure as it caused Drew's nose to rub against his cock, and his other ball to press up against the side of Drew's muzzle. He quickly opened his legs again and yelped out in pleasure.

Drew saw that the boy was getting close to orgasm and let go of his grip on the ball and rested his muzzle between the pup's legs, over top of his cock. He smiled across and slid his arms up, rubbing the boy's tummy. Jake panted and pressed his crotch up on the muzzle putting pressure on his bits.

The large wolf stood up and stepped over the pup, kneeling down so that he was straddling him, his erect cock protruding over the boy's face. Jake gave a grin and licked at it's underside, causing Drew to shiver with joy. Jake craned his neck, sliding the cock into his muzzle as much as he could, bringing his arms around Drew and grasping at his balls, massaging them with his paw pads. He murred, causing his muzzle to vibrate on the tender cock in his muzzle, Drew started to hump into his muzzle, his ears pinning back and his tail twitching between the pup's legs.

Drew leaned his head back as the muscles all throughout his body tightened and his cock started to throb wildly, his knot enlarging. The young pup released one of his balls and reaching up for the knot, grasping it and squeezing it firmly, massaging it with his digits. He suckled on the cock harder, opening his maw as cum started to burst out spraying into his muzzle and all over his face, dripping down onto his chest. Drew groaned as his body relaxed, is tail falling limp behind him, He rolled off to the side of the pup and nuzzled close to him.

"You win this time, but it's not over yet!" He smirked, licking at the pup's cummy cheek. "I think we should go get you cleaned up or your mother might get suspicious." He grunted as stood up, Jake gave a giggle and stood as well, licking at the wolf's now sensitive cock. Drew shivered and swatted the pup's nose playfully.

Jake reached up and grasped Drew's paw. Drew looked down at him with a smile and they started walking towards an opening on the side of the room labeled showers. Drew paused for a second "Wait here okay?" He let go of the pup's paw and walked over to the door they came in from, he knocked a few times and then went back and grasped Jake's paw, the pup looked up at him curiously.

They walked into the maroon tiled room, it had four large shower areas separated by waist high walls. They walked into one of the areas; each shower area had four showerheads, two on each of its high walls. Drew turned them all on and steamy warm water came pouring out immediately.

They bathed themselves in the warmth of water for a moment, Drew picked up Jake in his arms, holding him close to his body and kissing his cummy cheek. Jake gave a giggle and wrapped his arms around Drew's neck, nuzzling close to him.

The sound of the water hitting the tile on the floor overpowered the footsteps of the Kangaroo who had entered the back room outside the showers, himself naked, walking over to the showers. He leaned up against the wall at the entrance and smirked as he watched Drew and Jake making out in the shower. He walked through the room towards the showers they were at, his large feet hitting the water running across the floor towards the drain and causing little splashes as he walked by. Jake jumped a bit and broke the kiss, looking around and spotting the roo, his heart thumping quickly against Drew's chest.

"Hey there Michael." Drew said with a smile as he spotted the roo, He wrapped an arm around and pet the pup's back, "it's okay, he's a friend of mine." Jake whimpered and clung to Drew, burying his muzzle in the older Wolf's chest. Drew smiled to himself, rubbing the cub on his back. "He wants to play with us, don't you want another playmate?" He smiled and winked at the roo, kissing the cub's head between his ears.

Jake peeked out at the roo, his tail wagging, he smiled, picking his head back up and giggling "Okay! That sounds fun." Drew set Jake back on the floor, and Mike smiled, walking up to them, hi fur getting soaked as he entered the warm spray of the water from the showerheads. Jake ran over and clung to the roo's leg, standing on one of the large paws. Mike lifted up his large foot with a chuckle, picking up the pup and putting him down again.

Drew chuckled to himself as he saw Mike's cock, hanging down beneath his balls, began to slide out of its sheath. Jake himself noticed this too and reached his hand in between the roo's legs, rubbing at it, giggling and pretending it was an accident. He jumped off the roo's foot when he was in the air and splashed water up on to everyone's legs.

"Hey you!" Drew smiled, kneeling down in the water and rubbing his nose at Jake's balls. Jake's penis was already protruding from his sheath. He groaned, the roo kneeled down behind him and licked at his neck, pushing him forward and causing him to bend over onto the wolf. Jake groped at Drew's sides, his stomach on top of the Wolf's head as Drew slid the hardening cock into his muzzle. At the same time the roo slid his extended cock into the pup's tight ass, Jake yelped and wiggled, this new cock feeling completely different from the wolf's.

Drew grinned to himself as he saw roo rocking back and forth, his cock reaching past his own balls and slipping easily into and out of the pup's tight ass. The pup clung to the wolf's head, standing on his tiptoes, the wolf almost lifting him off the ground with his head. The roo's slender cock wiggled inside the wolf pup's ass, pressing up against his insides and causing him to groan loudly with pleasure, his cock throbbing as his tail stiffened up behind him, sticking out under the roo's arm.

Jake's ears pinned back and he closed his eyes tightly as Drew reached up and grabbed at the his knot, squeezing it harder, then lighter, then harder again. Jake grunted a final grunt as his whole body stiffened, his sweet puppy cum shooting out of his cock and coating the insides of Drew's mouth. As his body tightened so did his asshole, it gripped at the roo's cock as he sped up, groaning and grabbing at the pup's sides as his cock spewed cum inside the pup.

Moaning he sat back on the floor, the warm water splashing down on him, he pulled the panting pup into his lap and kissed it on the cheek, "You were.. right Drew.. he is.. a very good pup" he tried to catch his breath, nuzzling into the pup. Jake giggled as his knot subsided and his cock slowly slid back into his sheath, his balls resting against the floor. He smiled and slid forward onto his knees, rubbing his cheek against the roo's large feet paw pads. He held his ass up in the air, his tail wagging around in front of the roo's face. Mike smirked himself and licked at the pup's cum covered asshole.

Jake shivered and brought his tail down in between his legs, falling forward and clinging to the feet. Drew smirked and lay down on his stomach, rubbing the cum covered tip of his muzzle against the pup's cheek. "Roo feet are fun aren't they?" he grinned and reached over, ticking Mike's other foot. Mike promptly jerked his foot away and laughed.

"Drew you know my feet are ticklish!" He complained, looking down at the pup who was giving him a devilish grin and realizing his mistake. Jake clung to the Roo's foot and tickled at his paw pads. Drew had squirmed out of the way while Mike wiggled all over the place laughing. "Noo! Noo! Not my feet!" Jake giggled and stopped, licking at the paw pads. Mike shivered. "You playful little puppy you!"

He leaned forward and tickled at the pup's sides, Jake squirmed and giggled, Drew was sitting under a warm stream of water smiling to himself as he watched the two play. Jake shimmied out of the kangaroo's reach and tackled him, hugging him tightly, and standing up, sticking his muzzle into Mike's ear and whispering "I think it's his turn!" he pulled away and grinned, looking over at Drew. Mike smirked as well "I'll hold him down." He chuckled and they both started walking towards Drew.

Drew's ears perked and his eyes widened as he saw his two friends coming at him with devilish looks on their faces. He cocked his head as they got closer. Jake walked over to his legs and stood over him, paws on his hips. Mike approached from the side and kneeled down, kissed his friend's cheek, putting on hand on his paw, holding it against the floor, leaning over the wolf and pinning his other paw too. He moved on top of the wolf and straddled him, the pup snuck up and nibbled at the tip of the wolf's sheath.

Drew yelped out of surprise, he had forgotten the pup was behind his big-footed friend. Jake nuzzled his nose into the big wolf's sack, just like had been done to him. He giggled as the large cock began to poke out of its sheath. He slid his mouth over the tip, his tongue playing with it in his mouth just as Drew's tongue had done to him during their kiss. He murred as the cock began to fill his mouth. The roo shifted so that his feet were holding down the wolf's paws, he reached back and slid his paw past Jake's head and massaged the fuzzy wolf balls.

Drew groaned and wiggled underneath the large roo. Jake sucked intently on the big wolf's cock, precum leaking out into the waiting puppy muzzle. Mike looked down at Drew and smirked, reaching down further, past the wolf's furry balls and prodded at his asshole, squeezing a finger in. Drew tightened up and started to hump forwards a bit as Jake brought his paws up and massaged at the wolf's balls and sheath. He moaned as he pushed the cock more and more into his muzzle, his digits kneading at the wolf's balls and his growing knot. Drew grunted loudly, cum spurting out of his muzzle and into the eager puppy mouth, Jake swallowed it all up eagerly, licking at the sensitive head and causing Drew to shiver.

Mike smirked and got off the panting wolf. He sat down next to him and nuzzled into his side, Jake shifted around and did the same to Drew's other side. The three of them nuzzled under the warm relaxing water. After several minutes Drew shifted and got up, shaking off. "We better get you dried off before you're mother's class is over with." He smirked, and turned off the showers one by one. Mike got up and pulled the pup up onto his paws, water dripping from them all.

Drew walked out of the room first, opening a small closet and pulling out two towels as the others came up next to him. He handed one to Mike and then started to dry off himself with the other.

"Hey, what about me?" Jake pouted, his tail wagging behind him.

"Oh you want to dry off too?" Drew said with a chuckle. He smiled and looked over at Mike with a wink. They both stopped drying themselves and knelt down, attacking the little pup with tickles through their towels. Jake fell to the ground and started wiggling and giggling as his fur dried off.

When the two stopped he panted, quickly getting to his feet and shaking his fur and fluffing it all out. The others smirked at him and finished drying themselves off as he tried to get his fur to stay down.

Mike finished off first and started to walk off towards the door they all came in. "I'll head out now and see what's going on." He said with a wink.

"Alright, see you out there Mike." Drew said, nuzzling the pup and helping his sort his fur out. He then picked him up in his arms and gave him a big nuzzle, and started off towards the changing room. He got his clothes on and then pulled the pups out from his locker. He handed the pup his pants and shirt and smiled as the pup put his shirt on. Then looked in his pants and cocked his head.

"Where are my undies?" He cocked his head.

"Oh you mean these?" Drew chuckled and pulled the small white underwear out from his locked, giving them a quick sniff and then lowering his paw down to the cub. As the cub went to grab them, he pulled them away and chuckled as Jake jumped up to grab them. "I don't get a souvenir?" he grinned.

"But I needs them!" Jake whined, Drew smiled and licked his chops as he watched the half-naked puppy jump up and down and then gave them back to him. Jake pulled them onto his legs and then his pants. Drew kneeled down and kissed the puppy's cheek.

"Let's get you back to your mom. And remember, this is our secret!" He said, holding the pups hand and opening the door. Jake walked out and smiled as he saw his mom just walking out of the classroom. He giggled and ran up to her, wrapping his arms around her legs.

"That was so much fun! Drew let me play with the medicine ball, and he helped me lift weights! Look!" He flexed his muscles and his mother felt his arm.

"Ohh! You are getting strong!" she told him with a laugh "Let's get home so we can have lunch! How about grilled cheese today?"

"Okay!" He said, then he ran up and gave Drew a hug, then went back to his mother's side.

"Keep it up and you're going to be stronger than me soon pup!" Drew said with a smile. Jake held his mother's hand and they walked out to the car and drove home.