Bunny Love Chapter 2

Story by Le Baron du Samedi on SoFurry

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#2 of Bunny Love

IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry! It took me almost a year to crank this out, mostly because I am a lazy, incompetent lout with bad foot odour, although that last bit may not apply to the situation. I apologize profusely. IMPORTANTER A.N.: There is a family orgy scene to look forward to in this bit. Oops, spoiler alert! Warning: I hate these warnings. They're useless. I can tell you that you shouldn't read this unless you are over 18 (21), but chances are, if you are here, you know that already, and if you are younger than that age, you will disregard this. I will, however, include it for ethics' sake, and honesty, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first thing Rick felt as he woke up was a weight on his chest. A warm furry weight. With breasts. Who still had his cock inside her. The previous night hit him like a thunderbolt. Oh Crap. What time is it? What DAY is it?? He looked over at the clock beside his sister's bed. Ten o'clock on a Sunday. Okay, he could deal with that. Except for Rich. Rich was a problem. Should I wake Erica up? Better that than the alternative. "Erica...ERICA! Dammit, WAKE UP!" Erica opened her eyes slowly. "Wha-? Shh. Trying to sleep." Rick sighed. This was going to be hard on her nerves. Well, It isn't like I have any other choice. "Erica? Rich." She woke up immediately. "Oh SHIT!" "I wouldn't worry about that," came a voice from the doorway. "Your brother is quite aware that he should not be bothering you two lovebirds this morning, as, may I add, were we." Rick cursed inwardly. Oh godsdammit! Was I stupid enough to leave the door open? Outwardly, he winced. "Hi, Mom!" Erica said without skipping a beat. "I'm guessing you heard us last night?" Their mother chuckled. "As a matter of fact, dear, I do believe that most of the street heard you two last night," she replied sarcastically, "and I might also add that we had trouble not joining in. You sounded like you were having quite the night." Mentally, Rick removed a point from the 'loss' column, and put it into the 'win' column. But he still had one more thing to sort out. "What about Rich?" "Oh, him." smiled their mother, "The puddle outside the door is his. Scratch that. More like a lake. Shall we relocate to the kitchen? The sight of you is turning me on more than I'd like." She turned to leave. "Oh, and by the way, careful not to slip!" As their mother left, bounding over something unseen Probably the so-called lake, thought Erica. However there was still the matter of- "Well, dear sister of mine, as much as I love being inside you, I think we may have to relocate." Well, that solves that. She raised an eyebrow. "Stop talking so smart. It makes my brain hurt this early in the morning. You are right, though." She got up, sighing momentarily at the feeling of emptiness left in the wake of Rick's length. Then she looked out the door. "Oh my gods. That is a lake." Rick, who had also gotten up by this point, whistled. "How can someone MAKE that much pre? Rich must have been watching for a while." Erica laughed. "It should be gross, but somehow it just turns me on." A time later, fully clothed and with a cup of coffee firmly in hand, she thought that things seemed a bit better. "So, Mom, how do we do this?" "Well," said Rick, "let's start with the obvious. Where's Dad?" Their mother's ears twitched. "Well, by the sound of it, he's just now coming into the kitchen after having finished his morning session with his hand WHICH HE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DO BECAUSE HE HAS ME, isn't that right, James?" she said, raising her voice just slightly. "Good morning, Maria. Good morning kids. For your information, dear, I had no choice because you were waiting to ambush the two lovebirds over there." Gods, why does that turn me on? "DAAAD," she chorused with Rick, "Do we NEED to hear any of this?" Their father quirked an eyebrow. "You can stop acting disgusted now. We know it just turns you on." Silence from the siblings. Then, "Touché." He smiled, and joined them at the table. "So anyway," continued Rick, "I kind of pity Rich." Erica frowned in bemusement. "Why is that?" Astonishment from the faces around the table. "Do you really not know, sis? Man, I thought you were a little out of it sometimes, but this is just ridiculous. You're completely oblivious!" He paused for a moment, and continued, "You know how he's been waking you up every day (excepting this one of course) for the past five or so years?" "Yeah. What of it?" Rick stared. "C'mon. He totally has the hots for you. I mean, he zooms into your room, bear hugs you awake-" "Yes, I know what he does!" interrupted Erica. "How do you get to that?" "Well for starters," said Rick, "Ever notice that his face is always carefully positioned right in your boobs? Also, did you ever notice the notable hardon afterwards? Just then, there was a small 'eep' from the hall, and a tufted tail could be seen disappearing around the corner. Erica reddened. "YOU LITTLE SNEAK! WHEN I CATCH YOU I SWEAR I WILL-" Instead of finishing the sentence, she gave chase, and a minute or so later brought a beet-red Rich into the kitchen. "Alright you little pervert. You are both the sneakiest and the hottest thing ever. " He turned, stunned, to look at her, and she immediately swept him up into a bear hug, carefully positioning his face right in between her ample breasts. "But, sis," gasped Rich when she finally released him "I thought-" The last part of his sentence was engulfed in a deep kiss from his sister, as well as the unmistakable scent of both male and female arousal. As the scent permeated the room, and as will inevitably happen with rabbits, there was a mutual movement from everyone, and much rubbing, licking, fondling, sucking, thrusting and squelching ensued. A couple of hours later, after the overturned furniture had been righted and the general stickiness taken care of, the discussion continued as if nothing had happened, with the parents on one side of the table, and the siblings on the other. Erica began. "So, based on that display, am I to assume that this entire situation is okay with you?" "What do you mean, OKAY?" said her mother, "we've been expecting this for years!" For years? Why is that a turn-on...although everything seems to be a turn on these days. "So, what if I get pregnant?" The atmosphere in the room changed palpably. "James, shall we tell them?" their mother asked, in the direction of her husband. "Well, dear, I don't see why not. This is a better time then any. Shall I?" He looked over at his wife, who nodded, and then, "Well, first of all, Erica, you're adopted."