The Amulet

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#7 of One Shots

This story involves various sexual acts between a male human and an hermaphrodite anthropomorphic horse. Do not read if this subject offends you in anyway. All Characters are my creations and are copywrite to me (Ghosty/Ghostwolf)

Please enjoy reading and please leave comments if possible.

The Amulet

Home; normally a comforting place full of good memories and dreams was nothing more than a prison to Arthur. The sixteen year old boy with dark brown hair and eyes hated coming home; he spent most of his year at boarding school and when he was home he saw it as nothing more than forced labour over his holidays.

For Arthur it was a particularly difficult time in his life. He had been feeling urges in his body and experiencing deep feelings towards his friends, what had confused him was that it was for friends of both sexes. His head was a whirlwind of emotion, desire and conflict; which path was right? Would he upset anyone with the wrong choice? What was the right choice? These questions and more swam in his thoughts for months and now that he was cut off from his friends, the thoughts seemed louder and ever more pressing.

The only being close to a friend he had was a single horse in the stables that seemed to trust him called Sammy. His parents had insisted that over the holidays that he learn to ride and take on the care of the stable until they could hire on another care taker. He often poured his thoughts out to the horse but Sammy only ever seemed to give mute council; something Arthur wished he could change.

He sighed and rested his head against the grand room's massive window. "Something on your mind?" A rough weathered voice called out to him.

Turning from the window that looked out over the grounds of his expansive home Arthur saw his grandfather; an older and more worn out picture of his father with short white hair and brown eyes that seemed dull as if they had seen all of life that they had wanted to but still sparkled around his family. "Grandpa! When did you arrive?"

The old man laughed. "Not too long ago Arthur, but I'm not staying this time. I have a meeting to go to with your father, but I wanted to give you something before we left."

Arthur smiled. "What is it?"

The old man pulled a small gold and silver amulet from his pocket and handed it to his grandson. "It's a very special piece Arthur, and I know you'll find a use for it."

"How do you mean special?"

His grandfather gave a wistful smile. "It bonds you to an animal of your choice, and with that animal you will learn more about yourself and more about what you want in life."

Arthur gave his grandfather a sceptical glare. "Really? I think I'm a bit old for magic Grandpa."

With a wink the old man continued. "I remember being like you Arthur; I doubted it when an old woman gave it to me fifty years ago; but believe me, it works. You'll need it, especially at your age young man. I most certainly did."

Confusion crossed the boys face as he slipped the plain gold and silver surfaced amulet in his pocket. "Alright, I'll give it a try Grandpa."

The old man smiled and nodded. "Be sure you do Arthur. Just remember to hand it to someone else who needs it in the future." He said with a chuckle then left his grandson to his thoughts.

* * *

Mucking out the stables was Arthur's least favourite task of the day. He had never been properly shown how to do it and his less than muscular body didn't help in the process. At least he would have a chance to ride for a little while afterwards. Though he wasn't particularly good at it, he found it gave him time to clear his mind.

Starting at the bottom corner near Sammy's stall, Arthur began his task. It was only a few minutes before he broke his silence and addressed his horse. "Well Sammy, Back to cleaning again. Not exactly the work I want to do, but anything to get me out of the house right?" The horse huffed at his words. "I really wish I was back at the dorms in school. I'm sure I'd be having more fun there than here; I think I have some admirers there too." The horse nodded and huffed again as he came closer. "One of the girls, Jenny Bryce has a crush on me I think and I think James Thomas might have a thing for me too." Arthur stopped, shocked that he had let the words pass through his lips so carelessly. He trembled inside and dropped to his knees with a soft sobbing in his voice. "I wish I could know what it was like to be with a man or a woman, why does it have to be so complicated?"

There was a gentle metal clink from his pocket as he shifted on his knees. Reaching in, he pulled out the small silver and gold amulet his grandfather had given him earlier. "I wonder what you would tell or show me Sammy." He brushed his finger over the silver rim and over the flat gold facing and after a moment he noticed a dark pattern forming on the gold plate; almost as if it had been acid etched into the metal. An image of a horse appeared and Arthur stood then turned his gaze to the large chocolate brown horse before him. "What do you suppose this means?" He asked not expecting an answer; the horse just stared back mutely. Reaching up to gently pat Sammy's muzzle he was caught unaware by a flash of light as his fingers made contact with the animal.

He fell to his knees again and tried to clear his vision. There was noise of panicking horses all around him; as his vision returned he could only see in blurry forms at first, but enough to move through the stable. Carefully he moved around the wings of the building speaking softly to each of the horses in the stands to settle them. Eventually he found his vision clear and the stable was quiet once more except from a heavy rustling where he had been with Sammy. Unsure if the flash of light had startled the horse more than the others, Arthur returned to the animal who he considered his current best friend.

As he approached the stall he couldn't see Sammy and ran to see what had happened. Turning quickly to see if the horse still occupied its stand, Arthur stopped suddenly then found himself on the floor; his backside firmly planted on cold stone. Lounging back on a chair made of large bales of hay was a horse that more closely resembled a human in form, but still had most of its animal characteristics. At first glance Arthur could tell that the creature in front of him was female; the large almost globe like breasts made that clear. Her form was strong, just like the horse she had been; she had strong hands and toned muscles, hooves for feet and a thick black tail whipped out from behind her. From her sheer size Arthur guessed she must be at least nearly seven feet tall. Suddenly something caught the boy's eye, and at once he realised it was something definitely out of place. The female in front of him had a penis, and not a normal sized one either it was the equivalent of what the horse had, had before; or at least that was Arthur's guess from what glimpse he had caught in the past.

The creature slowly stood and walked towards the boy with a heavily exaggerated sway to its hips. Arthur wanted to panic and run but found himself frozen to the spot. The creature leaned down to see him and placed its hands on its knees. "Damn it boy are you goin' to say 'hi' or what?" The creature said with a deep American accent, which Arthur guessed was from the southern states.

"Uh... Hi..." He said apprehensively.

The creature smiled. "Good enough. Now stand up boy, you look like you've seen a ghost or sum'mit."

Arthur scrambled to his feet and as the creature stood as well he saw he was right about the creature's height. "Who... Who are you?"

"Who am I?" The creature said with some contempt. "Shit boy, don't you pay attention. "I'm Sammy, your horse."

Arthur looked shocked. "But Sammy's male."

"Didn't you evah look behind mah tail, shit-for-brains?" Sammy with a sigh. "That's why I'm called Sammy; your Ma n' Pa couldn't decide if I should be a boy called Samuel, or girl called Samantha, so they compromised."

"Then what are you?"

Sammy shook her head. "What do they teach ya in that over priced school they send ya to? I'm a hermaphrodite, fuck-nut! What did you're folks not tell ya?" Arthur shook his head. "Well that's not really surprizin'."

Arthur pressed himself back against one of the stalls supports to hold himself up. "Why are you like this now?"

Sammy rolled hir eyes. "Just as well that amulet your Gramps gave you works right. Okay, I'm here to help you figure out what cha' want in life and teach ya a bit about yourself."

"How did you..." Was all Arthur managed before Sammy cut him off.

"In your case Arty, you don't know which side of the sexual fence to jump to, and ah must say I'm perfectly equipped to show you the physical side of that."

Arthur's eyes went wide. "You're going to teach me about sex?"

Sammy grinned. "Oh yeah, lots of times and lots of ways; but I'm also going ta help ya figure out what ya want in your heart." Arthur nodded and a boyish grin crossed his face. "Don't gimme that look before you're ready son; now take that shit off so I can see what I'm dealin' with."

"My clothes?" The boy said as he clutched his shirt closely.

The horse-herm nodded. "All of it, right now."

With a tremble of fear and excitement Arthur did as he was told and in less than a minute stood naked in front of the horse-herm. "Sorry I'm a little skinny." He said with some embarrassment.

"Skinny! Shit, I'm going to have to work you in here to get more meat on you boy and we're going to have to do something about that." Sammy said pointing at Arthur's penis. He tried to cover himself but Sammy just laughed. "Don't worry son, when I'm done with ya today, you'll have a dick that'll make a donkey cry."

Arthur blushed and looked down to his feet. "Are you sure?"

"I'd better be; ya couldn't fuck me with that winkie right now. Now go grab your Dad's saddle bags." Doing as he was told Arthur grabbed his father's saddle bags and brought it to the commanding form of Sammy. "Alright sweet cheeks, open that up and gimme the baby oil."

A look of surprise crossed Arthurs face. "How did you know?"

Sammy laughed. "Your Dad likes ta rub baby oil on his hands after a day in the stables or after ridin', but it works out great for us that he does." Arthur looked confused but Sammy seemed to understand. "You don't think your ass can take me dry do you?"

"You're going to have anal sex with me?" He said unsure if he wanted it or not. Secretly he had always wondered what it would be like but was too afraid to ask or try himself.

"Yep, now bend over that barrel and spread 'em. I've wanted ta plough that sweet ass for years." Arthur did as he was told once again and bit his lip in anticipation. He felt a cool wetness touch his back as Sammy dribbled the baby oil over his backside and smeared it in with hir powerful hands. A soft moan escaped the teenager as he felt strong fingers slide between his buttocks and over his anus; he quivered as he felt the cold oil run over his testicles and Sammy's moist finger press at his anus, softening him up. "Ready Arty?" Sammy said softly in his ear after several minutes of working him up; Arthur nodded.

Drawing a sharp gasp as Sammy's thick finger slowly pushed past his anal ring, Arthur nearly lost his senses in the experience. Sammy slowly worked hir finger in and out of the human, applying pressure to all the muscles; loosening him to eventually take hir massive cock. Twitching uncontrollably, Arthur found his hips bucking back against Sammy's fingers. "More please." He said with a whimper.

Sammy gave a soft laugh. "Oooo... He likes it; well who am I to deny ya." Another cool splash of oil hit Arthur's backside and he felt himself tense as Sammy brought a second finger to his anus. With a throaty murr Sammy leaned over and whispered into his ear. "You're going to fit perfectly when I'm done here." The words made the human squirm in pleasure; as the horse-herm eased hir second digit into Arthur's backside.

A moan of both pleasure and pain escaped Arthur as he felt his body being stretched to accommodate the intruders in his back passage. He could do little more than roll his hips, grunt and moan at what was happening. Arthur hadn't been sure in the beginning if anal sex would be his thing, but with Sammy's aid he had found a vice that he knew he would be seeking gain and again.

After a while Sammy pulled hir fingers from the human's now stretched rectum and grinned as she squirted more of the slick fluid directly inside him. "OH!" Arthur squeaked. "That was cold!"

"Not for long sport." Sammy said with chuckle as hir hand stroked up and down hir own massive cock; smearing baby oil all over its length. Leaning over him once more Sammy whispered softly. "I'm going ta go balls deep in ya and fill ya with my cum." It sounded like it should have been a threat but Arthur just propped himself up on his tiptoes and raised his hips in anticipation.

A heavy pressure built as Arthur felt Sammy's massive flared cock-head press at his already stretched anus. In spite of being well loosened up the fit was still tight to the point where it hurt. "Too much." He called out though Sammy paid him no mind as she gripped his shoulders and kept the pressure on. A moment later the remaining tension gave way as the human's flesh stretched and Sammy's enormous cock began slowly filling Arthur's back passage.

They both grunted heavily as they found their initial limit of depth, then sighed and relaxed for a moment. "It's only going ta get deeper and better from now Arty." The horse-herm murred passionately.

"Don't keep me waiting then." Arthur said with an impatient grin.

Moving hir hands to his hips; Sammy began a gentle thrusting that brought soft moans from both of their mouths. "Nice and tight." The horse-herm sighed to herself. As they moved Sammy occasionally drizzled more oil over the human's backside and hir own cock, and soon after Arthur sighed and moaned as the massive intruder forged deeper into his backside.

Reaching round Arthur, Sammy grasped his member in her hand and began slowly stroking him. "Not a bad length once you get going Arty; we'll make it better though." Sammy murred, quickening hir pace.

"I... I'm going to..." Arthur called out weakly.

Sammy continued to piston hirself in and out of the human and smiled as each thrust saw a little more of hir shaft disappear inside him. "Do it; cum for me, show me how much ya like this horse ride." Sammy grunted.

Without a word of warning Arthur felt himself being rolled on to his back as the horse-herm continued to plunder his depths. Again Sammy grabbed his cock and began pumping him swiftly as hir own shaft slid back and forth inside the human. "Oh... Oh my..." Was all Arthur managed as his whole body began to lurch and spasm at Sammy's ministrations.

"Yeah, that's it Squeeze my dick you little cock-tease." Sammy grunted; enjoying the sensation as much as the human in her grasp. A moment later Arthur shot several thick ropes of cum over his body and collapsed back against the barrel exhausted. "Oh no ya don't! You're not finishing without me fuck-nut!" Sammy growled and continued to pump hir cock in and out of the human's anus. Shortly after Arthur had cum, he felt his body twitching again when Sammy didn't relent hir sexual barrage on his ass. "There we are!" Sammy huffed as Arthur spasmed again, the motions finally bringing the horse-herm to fully climax. With a horse's neighing, Sammy flooded Arthur's inner walls and smiled to hirself as the thick fluid began flowing from his still twitching anus to the cold stone floor. "Didn't get as deep as I wanted boy, but you're a great fuck; by the end of summer you'll be taking all of me."

After a moment of enjoying hir climax Sammy pulled hir member slowly from Arthur, making him moan softly. "I hope you're not done little stud; it's your turn to fuck me now." Arthur turned his head and watched as Sammy returned to hir hay bale seat and spread hir legs wide. The horse-herm gently cupped hir balls and lifted them to reveal hir dark glistening pussy. "Come on Hun; the honey pot ain't gonna be hot and sticky forever."

As Arthur sat up and moved to get off the barrel he caught sight of his own cock and his eyes widened. He was already familiar with his body and how big his member was when erect; but now it seemed two or three inches bigger and at least an inch wider than he remembered. "My... My dick? How did you..."

Sammy winked back to Arthur and smiled. "I told ya I'd fix you one way or another. Now get over here and start with the fuckin'; ya can even suck me while your doin' it."

Sliding off the top of the barrel, Arthur strode towards the horse-herm on shaking legs. He grabbed his backside as heated soreness settled on him while more of Sammy's cum flooded out of his widened anus.

Resting his hands on Sammy's muscular thighs, Arthur lined his cock head up with the dripping wet pussy in front of him. "Don't keep me waitin'." Sammy murred. With no further encouragement needed, Arthur thrust into the horse-herm's depths, extracting a loud neighing from hir. "Go deep Arty, take as much of me as ya can!"

A few inexperienced thrusts slowly gathered into a heavy pounding that Arthur hadn't realized he was capable of. Showing hir appreciation, Sammy wrapped hir legs around the human's waist and locked him in place as he continued to hammer his newly fattened cock into the horse-herm's slick mound. "That's it Arty, fuck me raw!" Sammy called out lustfully.

Arthur found himself being pulled forward as Sammy grabbed his wrists and forced his hands onto hir large breasts. The hint was far from subtle; Arthur grasped the warm, soft mounds of flesh and kneaded them heavily. As if to distract him Sammy's still hard cock gently bounced off Arthur's chest, daring him to make use of it as well.

Recalling Sammy's words before he had entered hir; Arthur remembered Sammy's suggestion to suck hir while he was screwing hir. His curiosities were all being catered to today, what was one more indulgence he thought. Lifting a hand from Sammy's breast, he grasped hir still slick member and held it against his body, working his hand along its length as he did. Sammy grunted and moaned in approval then let out another loud neigh as Arthur began licking, sucking and nibbling on the head of hir cock. "You like this?" Arthur asked quietly.

"Fuck yeah! Less words, more action!" Sammy Grunted.

Arthur smiled and continued to work his mouth over the horse-herm's cock head. Moving himself to a near standing position, he continued deep but slower thrusts into Sammy as he held the massive shaft up against his chest and attempted to take the flared cock head into his mouth. Sammy smiled; the boy was certainly enthusiastic. Placing hir hand gently on the back of Arthur's head Sammy began bucking up towards his mouth. Arthur tried to object, but the constant pressure against his mouth turned his words to a dull mumble until after several minutes his jaw relaxed enough and the flared tip of Sammy's cock slid into his warm mouth. "Mmmm, ya got a sweet mouth too Arty; think ya can drink a load?"

With wide eyes Arthur tried to pull away knowing that some of Sammy's first load was still leaking from his back passage. The want to pull away was making him tremble and Sammy huffed in pleasure. "Take it out and shove it in mah ass!" Sammy demanded. Arthur was losing control of himself as he felt Sammy's cock reach the back of his throat and his own balls tighten. A familiar shudder made Sammy sit up with a grunt and grab Arthur's cock as he neared his climax. Stopping hir bobbing of the human's head only to ram his shaft into hir anus, then grasp his backside and pull him closer; Sammy began to buck harder once things were to hir liking once more. "Now empty those balls into me!"

Arthur couldn't think of words to describe how he was feeling; he wasn't sure if he ever would. He felt the pulsing squeeze of Sammy's anus around his member and a growing ease in his mouth at having the massive horse cock there. With one last lurch he felt his body give into its urges as more thick cum escaped his shaft, coating the inner walls of Sammy's warm, tight ass.

With a loud murr Sammy made one last thrust of hir own deep into Arthur's mouth. "My turn." A sudden flood of thick salty sweet cum rushed down Arthurs throat; after just a second it proved too much and he feared he might choke to death on the thick cum filling him up. Almost as if guessing his thoughts Sammy eased Arthur off hir cock as quickly as possible. A thick spray of the horse-herm's cum blew out of the humans mouth as two more splashes from the thick member hit his face and chest.

Releasing hir legs from around the teenager at last; Sammy allowed Arthur to fall to his knees once more, dragging his still throbbing cock out of the horse-herm's ass. Catching his breath, Arthur turned away from the horse-herm and coughed up some more of hir heavy cum. As he eased back to his normal breathing his mind felt sharper again and he looked back over his shoulder at Sammy.

With a wink and a softer tone than he had heard hir use so far Sammy spoke. "Ya keep pointin' that ass at me like that and I might just fill it up again." Arthur smiled and stood up on shaking legs; he turned and stepped up on the hay bale chair, then straddled Sammy and lowered himself back onto hir still erect member. "I think I know what you like." Sammy murred.

Giving a wicked smile Arthur leaned into the horse-herm and whispered. "I liked all of it; giving, taking, having control and then losing it. It was wonderful."

Sammy smiled. "Well then you've got it easy and hard at the same time. Ya see, you can love and fuck anyone ya want little stud, but not everyone's up for that. Ya gotta be careful and not sleep around too much with people. Bad shit happens when that kinda wild child hits town."

"I think I understand. It's risky but I can get what I want from who I love."

Sammy nodded. "You got it Sugar; but we've got all summer to talk about details and show you shit that the ladies and the boys like. Right now your ass is on my meat, and I feel like working you out before you clean up."

A lusty glance passed between the teenager and the horse-herm. "Let's see if you can get all that dick in me this time." Arthur said with a playful grin.

"Gonna be a long afternoon Sugar." Sammy whispered.

* * *

Arthur sat on his garden porch as his grandchildren and their friends played together while their families mingled and chatted. His eyes fell on one of the older girls; a friend of his grand children, who he guessed was sixteen or seventeen. The black haired and dark eyed girl kept to herself and seemed uncertain about herself and the world around her.

A smile crossed his face as Arthur remembered many years of learning the deep and subtle pleasures of the body and of the heart. He owed it to his own grandfather who had long since passed away; but he also owed it to his horse, Sammy, now also long gone but still fondly remembered. He missed the sassy hermaphrodite and her fast talking wit; he knew he could have bonded with another animal at any time, but Sammy had been more to him than just another sexual partner. Sammy had been his friend.

Thanks to Sammy's many lessons and their shared experience, Arthur had seen the world in a new light and experienced love, both physical and emotional with several partners until he reached his mid-thirties. He decided to settle with a woman who he loved dearly and raised a family of his own. They had both shared a similar interest in their sexual activities and for a time continued to jump the fence with a single family whom they had a long standing friendship. That had ended in their fifties and Arthur settled finally into a life he enjoyed with no secrets to hide, save one.

Standing slowly and easing his old joints back to life, Arthur took a slow walk to the quiet young lady. "Good afternoon Miss." He said cheerfully as he approached her.

The girl gave him a quick smile then looked away shyly.

"What seems to be wrong dear? You've not been speaking to the others for some time." He said softly.

The girl looked up and sighed. "They make fun of me."

"Why would they make fun of a pretty thing like you?" Arthur said sympathetically.

The girl shook her head. "Because I said I believed in magic."

Arthur chuckled. "You're not the only one." He gave her wink that piqued her curiosity.

"How and why do you believe?" She said quietly.

Pulling the small silver and gold amulet his grandfather had given him as a boy from his pocket; he brushed his finger over the surface to see that it had long reverted to its plain state and smiled. "Because of this; it was a gift from my grandfather to me and it helped me figure out who I was and what I wanted in life."

She looked at the amulet carefully for a moment. "What does it do?"

"It bonds you to an animal of your choice, and with that animal near you, it'll teach you things about yourself you never even knew."

"Even a mouse?" She said softly.

Arthur gave a slow nod. "Even a mouse. Just watch out for the light when you touch the mouse when holding it; my grandfather never warned me about that."

"When holding it?" The girl asked with a hint of confusion in her voice.

Taking her hand and placing the amulet inside, closing her fingers around it, he gave her a nod. "It's yours now; just remember to keep it a secret and pass it on to someone who needs it when the time is right."

The girl gasped in shock, then smiled. "Thank you! But I've nothing to give you in return."

Arthur chuckled. "I'm an old man now I don't need anything else; but let's say you tell me your name and we call it even at that."

The girl nodded and grinned. "It's Sammy; short for Samantha."

Arthur smiled. "Of course. So what's the name of your mouse?"

"How did you know I had a mouse?"

"You wouldn't have asked if you didn't have one Sammy." Arthur said with the grin of a wise man.

"He's called Jack, he's a dormouse that I rescued and cared for ever since." Sammy said softly.

"Well you and Jack will have lots of fun talking and figuring out life. I just hope you get as fun a mouse as I did with my horse." He said grinning happily as he turned and walked away. "Take care of him Sammy."

Sammy smiled back and hid the amulet in her pocket. Her parents were out of town for the rest of the weekend; she'd see if the amulet worked then and what Jack might teach her.

The End?..