Rainy Weekend - Friday

Story by TonyTen on SoFurry

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Here is the first chapter, again short sorry about that, I am still practicing. Next chapter will be up whenever I get to it.

Aaron was sitting in the bed of his room, watching television. His room was messy, things were disorganized and littered across the carpeted floor of his room. The walls were painted a dark blue with drawings of stars and planets and galaxies and shooting stars that when the lights turned off would glow in the dark, they would glow in the correct colors not the neon green you would suspect. The floor was littered with his shoes, socks, books and other stuff. His bed was against the wall facing the door. The sheets were pushed up against the wall, he was sitting on the edge of the bed watching a documentary about the creation of the universe. He found space and everything in it very interesting, especially the whole "Everything started from nothing" concept.

He sighed when the commercials started "I better take a shower...." he got off the bed and planted his feet on the floor, he sat there for a minute looking at the floor, his eyes were motionless. He was having another "Blank Stare" he gets those for no reason whatsoever he just states blankly at something for a few seconds or a minute. He kept looking at the floor for a few seconds and then blinked, he shook his head "Damn it..another blank stare, those are starting to get annoying." He said to himself as he stood up and stretched, he picked out his pajamas from the the cabinet dressed and walked outside of his room. The rain had picked up a bit as the drops hitting the windows were much louder than before. "Looks like I will be home alone with a storm for the weekend...*sigh* f*cking wonderful." He walked to his bathroom, pajamas in hand. He often cursed when no one was around. His mom caught him cursing once and she did NOT like it one bit, neither did his father when she told him, and so he got grounded for two weeks, no TV, no games. Luckily they didn't take away his books so he spent those two weeks without TV or games, reading.

He got to the bathroom and closed the door, took off all of his clothes and dropped the pajamas on the floor, he opened the medicine cabinet and took out a box of band aids, he removed the contents of the box till he took out what he wanted from the bottom, hidden under the bandages and cotton swabs, a small retractable black safety knife. He held it in his hand for a moment, looking at it. Over the past few months Aaron had started cutting himself on his arms and thighs. He chose a safety knife since the cuts would be thin and superficial and would heal quickly. The main reason he started cutting himself was to at first try and get his families attention, he sometimes would drop hints but they never got them as time went on he developed it into a stress reliever, then a way to punish himself and finally he did whenever he wanted to feel anything at all, some days he felt his body was numb, as if he were nothing but a big weight on his family. Another big reason was the constant teasing and rejection at school, people have marked him as s social reject and so he has taken the role of such, he gave them what they marked them as, someone who would never ever fit in with the normal fittings of society.

He gripped the knife harder in his hand and then went to the bathtub, turned on the hot water and sat in the tub, knees up to his chest, the hot water falling down on him, he blankly looked at the water going down the drain, he thought of how easy things can get go down a hole, water for one fell in with no problem at all. "I wonder...will I ever fall to the bottom of this hole I call my life? Or have I already fallen in so deep I can't even realize it..." he took the knife and slid the metal edge out, he then with still hands, cut himself on his right arm. Once, twice, thrice and so on until the little blood that dripped out covered his arm in small streams that made droplets of red fall into the running water clearing away and going down the drain, his own blood no more important than water goes down the same place, down the drain.

After being in the shower for twenty four minutes or so, he counted the cuts he did. "Thirty seven.." he cleaned his cut up arm, wincing from the stinging of the soap. He put away the knife in the band aid box, dried himself up and got dressed into his pajamas, he walked out of the steamy bathroom and down the hall, the thin cuts starting to redden, he looked at them and lightly touched them. "I guess...I am in the drain..going down and down...just like my blood and the water." he smiled dryly and walked to his room, he sat on his bed and shivered from the sudden rush of cold air, he gathered up his sheets and covered up and sat against the wall, watching TV until he got tired and fell asleep.