The Wolves In Me -Part 1-

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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#1 of The Wolves In Me

Hm, looking back, putting this in third person would have been so much better. There's just way too many details I had to leave out of part 1, but no regrets. I'll have to get to em in part 2

I sat back against the back of my cell in the farthest corner from the door I could find. It wouldn't help me, I knew it all too well, but there was nothing more I could do.

It had been roughly four weeks since my friends and I found ourselves ambushed by a pack of werewolves looking for food for their clan. Two of my friends were killed in a grisly massacre while my best friend, Evan, was kept alive at my side. For a moment everything was as fine as it could be, being a slave to a clan of werewolves until they decided that they weren't using us to our fullest potentials.

About a week after being taken, captivity took a turn for the worst, Evan felt the brunt of our torture. Being bigger and stronger than me, the werewolves openly beat him up, while keeping verbal tortures for me. Evan started to hate me for being smaller than him, but I did my best to assure him that no matter what, we were there together.

A few more days passed and Evan found himself scratched by a werewolf during a full moon during one of his hellish beatings, ultimately resulting in his transformation against his will that night. Later that week, Evan revealed that he had become part of the werewolves' clan and would find a way to free me. I was relieved; he didn't hate me after all.

As the days passed away so did the Evan I once knew. Along with his massive appearance change, his new overwhelming height, his gruff, deep voice, and pitch-black fur, his eyes had evolved into something I could no longer understand. His calm glances of genuine sincerity had become glares of something...more, something superior. If it hadn't become bad enough, Evan started to openly mock me with the others and he only ensured me that I wouldn't be escaping or transforming any time soon.

Ever since the old Evan had passed away with my hopes of escape, his life as a werewolf had only gotten better and mine had become worse. Eventually, it had become clear to me that if I didn't fight back, I'd never free myself. Even if I wasn't strong or tall or fast, anything was better than being a prisoner to a pack of malicious werewolves and my ex-friend, the most filthy and malicious of them all.

My mind snapped back to reality at the sight of a tall, dark-furred wolf staring down at me with a large chunk of bloody, raw meat in its claws.

"Beg." The male didn't show any expression as he lifted the steak in the air from the middle of the sizable room and shook it around, his glowing eyes peering deep into my soul from afar.

Food. I hadn't eaten since a full day ago. I was hungry and would eat just about anything, but I'd never beg, not to the creatures that killed my friends. I'd rather die, asshole.

The wolf shook the steak around, filling the air with the sickly sweet scent of a fresh kill. We both knew I was hungry, the twisting in my stomach and rumbling for food was impossible to ignore, at the same time, we both knew I'd never respond. The werewolves called it "pride," I called it "being a little scared and too stupid to know when to just give up."

"You've got spirit, human, but you're going to wish you had eaten this." The wolf spoke with some sincerity in his voice before raising up the slab of bloody meat only to devour it himself. "There are far worse meals to be eaten."

I was normally oblivious of bad events that would foreshadow themselves to me, but I suddenly had a bad feeling and to top it all off, I was still hungry...


It was late and my twisted up insides only ensured that I wouldn't be getting any sleep. The wolf's warning had me on edge and I didn't even know why, but I ignored the feeling as best as I could. There had to be something, anything, I could distract myself with until I'd fall back to sleep...but there was nothing. Without the wolves occupying the main room of the giant cavernous mountain, there were no voices or vivid, glowing eyes. There was only silence, pitch-blackness, and a slight temptation to run, held back only by fear and a knowing that deep down, I'd be caught before leaving the cave.

I couldn't manage to keep quiet any longer. "I'm going to die here."

"I'm not going to let you die, Eric." Evan's voice had become gruff, but I still knew it anywhere.

"Evan?" I rose up to my knees and looked around as though I could see despite the darkness. "Evan, is that you?"

The holder of gruff voice that had called to me earlier made himself known with a pair of vivid red eyes that cut through the darkness with the intensity of a flashlight that made me raise an arm to shield my eyes. After a short while, Evan moved forward and shined the light from his eyes onto one of his hands, revealing a thick cut of steak much bigger than I was used to. The sight and smell made my mouth water, leaving me speechless.

"Don't act like you've never seen food before," Evan chuckled warmheartedly and took another step forward. The lights reflecting off of the shiny cave walls somewhat illuminated his massive figure.

"S-Sorry I'm...just kinda hungry." I was hungry, very hungry, but I was more excited to hear Evan talking to me like a friend again.

Evan laughed a hearty laugh before holding up the dripping, marbled steak. "Want it?"

My insides twisted up at the thought of Evan treating me like some sort of pet, but I'd endure. The Evan I knew hadn't forgotten me; nothing else mattered.

"I'd rather go home...but..." I looked up to Evan with the most hopeful eyes I could, "I guess I could be satisfied with some food and someone to talk to for now."

Evan smiled, "well the food's right here...all you have to do is beg for it. Come on, Eric, beg."

My insides twisted again and my heart shattered like fragile glass. He really had forgotten me. I didn't respond at all, hiding my sorrow behind a stubborn, hateful expression. I had never begged before and I wouldn't start, even if he was my old friend.

Evan's smile twisted into a frown and he clenched the meat tight in his claws, but I couldn't care any less. I didn't know him anymore and I didn't want to.

I turned away from Evan and started to settle back into my corner, but before I could even attempt, I felt something grab one of my arms and both of my legs simultaneously. Before I even knew what was happening I found myself pinned on my chest with overwhelming force.

Not even a moment later, my chamber had become infested with pairs of glowing red eyes. Each set of eyes enlightened the room until the only thing I could make out were the bulky bodies of grinning werewolves.

There's so many... I couldn't even make out the walls past the furry legs I was being forced to look at as the werewolves spoke above me with quiet, roaring laughter.

Suddenly, something warm dripped onto my face from above and pooled on my cheek until it rolled past my lips and into my mouth. Almost instinctively, I spit it out and coughed, a strong musky scent filled my nose, a tart, bitter taste settled on my tongue.

"Think he can take it?" A voice called above me as I was lifted to my knees only for my heart to stop at the sight of an army of werewolves standing in front of me, each wolf stroking his massive, pinkish member with a devilish grin, dripping their precum and filling the room with an unforgettable scent.

"Of course he can." Evan's answered before kneeling down in front of me to poke my neck with one of his claws. "He did say that he was hungry, didn't he?"

Evan used a single claw swipe to tear off my shirt, then he took hold of my pants, but I struggled hard against him, unable to free my arms from the two werewolves holding me up.

"N-no! Stop!" I cried out, but my words only made Evan grin as he gripped my pants tight and tore them off with my boxers. "I-I said stop! Don't!"

Only moments later, Evan took hold of one of my legs and started to lift my naked body into the air, but in a blur of speed and strength I kicked him in the muzzle with my free leg, knocking him down to the ground.

The entire chamber became quiet as Evan picked himself up from the ground bleeding from the side of his muzzle with a glare, bearing his teeth.

"Wretched human!" Evan snatched me from the only werewolves holding me and slammed my chest into a nearby wall, holding me up by the back of my neck high enough to keep my feet off of the ground.

N-No! I felt something warm and wet slick down my spine, sending nightmarish chills all throughout my body. As the other werewolves crowded around, I couldn't help but tighten up on the inside.

"P-please Evan, I-"

Mid-word I felt a shock all throughout my body. I started to scream out in pain, but a well-timed furry hand muffled my roar.

"I'm going to make you regret that..." Evan's whisper sent another chill through my body, then he pulled out of my body and rammed himself inside hard again, forcing tears to well up in the corner of my eyes, my entire body screaming out in pain.

I couldn't think straight, I couldn't hear anything but quiet cheers of the nearby werewolves and I couldn't feel anything except for pain. Evan, my best friend, was tearing apart my insides and laughing about it. Everything had become wrong and I couldn't stop any of it.

Evan dropped down to his knees and forced me down to my hands, giving me enough time for a quick yelp before another werewolf intercepted me with his throbbing cock, forcing it deep into my throat with a loud sigh.

"Unnh! Fuck yeah...!" The second werewolf growled as he grabbed my hair in one hand and my chin in the other, brutally taking my mouth by force.

It was salty and smelled bad. I wanted nothing more than to push him off, but Evan's firm fucking kept me well-behaved and in place against my will. Tears started to stream down my cheeks as the nearby werewolves fell to their knees and started to stroke their sweaty cocks in my face.

"Ergh! Ah!" Evan called as he came inside me, filling me up like some sort of balloon, sighing over me and patting one of my hips as his knot settled inside me. "You're my bitch now, got that?"

Just as Evan finished up, so did the werewolf in my mouth and a few of the wolves around me, cumming into my throat and painting my body like a cheap canvas. I thought it would have been over, but the moment the werewolves left my side, more came to take their place, viciously raping my throat and squirting their seed onto my body with demonic grins.

Evan viciously ripped himself out of my ass with a content sigh and gave it a rough slap before standing up and walking away. Without being held down, I shook my head and pulled away from the vicious wolf taking my throat, quickly cowering to the floor, but it didn't stop them in the slightest.

"Look at him!" One of the werewolves cackled as he spattered with my face in a hot load before snatching one of my arms away from me.

"Jeez, Evv" Another werewolf took a spot behind me and snatched up my body from the wolf in front of me. He laid down on his back and slammed me onto his cock mercilessly. I cried out in pain and regret before the werewolves all stood up around me to compensate for my new positioned. "It almost seems like he thought you were really going to feed him."

I was being fucked so hard I couldn't even tell if I was struggling anymore. I closed my eyes tight as the werewolf under me used Evan's seed as his own lube for my sore pucker. It hurt; I just wanted everything to be over, but I-

"Don't fall asleep yet, human." I slowly opened my eyes to find a couple throbbing cocks staring me down. "We're only just getting started..."

Suddenly, the werewolf in my mouth pumped his bittersweet seed down into my throat, pulling out just in time for me to spew it onto the ground under me. Only moments later the werewolf under me finished with a ferocious growl. He sighed before tossing my limp body off of him and into the stick, white-covered floor. Two more werewolves hosed me down with their seed and fist-bumped each other before they were replaced and my tired head was lifted from the sticky floor to another fleshy member.

Hours ago I wanted to go home, suddenly, I just wanted the night to be over...


The sun had risen, but all I could see was white. The walls, the floor, my body, everything was covered in sticky whi-

"Unngh!" I had almost forgotten that Evan was still fucking me. Even after all the other werewolves had left, he remained behind fucking me for the third time, forsaking his sleep to "teach me a lesson."

Evan groaned obnoxiously as he knotted up in my rear, the pain of being fucked by almost every male in the clan coursed through my veins. He panted hard above my head as he pressed his fur against my cum-caked back.

I wanted to tell him to get off, I wanted to kick him in his damned muzzle...but I was too weak to talk, move, or even scowl. All I could do was hope with every fiber of my throbbing being that he knew I hated him.

"You'd better get used to this," Evan whispered. "You're going to be getting a lot of visitors starting now...I'd hate to make my friend think he's alone."

Evan smirked, but I quickly wiped his face away with a forced glare. Suddenly, Evan popped his knot from my dripping hole, twisting my glare into a whimpering, pained expression. Afterward, he stood up and made his way toward the middle of my chamber to kneel down.

"Here." Evan rose up to his feet holding a dirt covered chunk of marbled raw meat. "Eat up, and you don't even have to beg for it."

Evan tossed the piece of meat into the ocean of semen in front of me and splashed it into my face. Afterwards, he smirked left me to bathe in the spunk of a clan's many males.

"Sweet dreams."