The office life.

Story by ilovecheese1 on SoFurry

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The office life.

John, he was just so tired, sitting in his black swivel chair. The cacophony of the fifteenth floor accounting firm seemed to fade into the background as he stared at the ceiling and scratched his grey furred chin. He had worked at the firm for 6 years now, six years fresh from college and he always came to work on the fifteenth floor, for minor bookies and checkers. Suddenly the Furgison account popped up in his mind, a major project that he had been working on for the past 2 years. He had always been told to keep up with it and a promotion would follow. For two years of his life, and every day more files kept piling up. He took a deep breath as he tried to relax, his dress shirt buttoned up to the neck on his slim, fit body making him feel confined, trapped.

Why did I take this job? He thought despairingly, why am I wasting my time in this place... Images flashed before him: his graduation ceremony, with his black cap and gown set, surrounded by friends and family. His interview with the firm, when he nearly begged for the chair he still sat in. His love, Claira, with her beautiful golden Coyote fur covering her long curvy body as she lied next to him the morning after; he could almost see her in the blurry ceiling that his tears were making.

Unfortunately his teary moment was interrupted by his hard headed leo boss. His crimson mane framing his face above a white office shirt not unlike the one John was wearing. It was almost unbearably tight on his rippling muscular frame. John noticed him at the entrance of his cubicle, and couldn't help but think how much both of them didn't fit in here, they were misplaced in life, but forced to endure.

"Heiner!" he nearly shouted, calling to John by his last name, as he usually did when he was being a tightass. "How's the latest on the Furgison account coming? I'm going to need that for this afternoon's meeting."

John wiped the tear from his eye as he regained his composure. "uh...uhm-yeah, Mister Largo. Got the papers that were filed today checked against the books; just make sure you get Jenkin's stuff too." He stated as he ordered his computer to print the files. Across the hall Jenkins was listening and replied to the last comment with a curt "hey fuck you man."

"Rhineburg! Language!" Mr. Largo scowled. He picked up the papers from the printer and noticed John's face, the area near his eyes drenched in tears. "Hey kid, you okay?"

"Yeah, uh, I'm fine. Just been a little weird around here lately." He coughed, trying to restrain the depression in his voice.

Mr. Largo quickly flipped through the pages in his hands. "Well, looks like everything checks out here, why don't you take the rest of the day off, I know you've been putting in the extra hours around here lately. You could probably use a break." Mr. Largo rested his hand on John's shoulder, he wasn't a great people person, but he tried.

"Oh come on Large-O! I haven't had a day off in three months!" Jenkins called from the other cubicle across the way. "When the hell is it my turn!"

"You also haven't gotten your work in on time; and what the hell did you call me?!" Mr. Largo was seriously angry, and Jenkins was about to get his Tomcat ass chewed out by a real king of the cubicles.

John could barely hear them after he had shut his computer down though, as he quickly packed up his briefcase and made his way down the fifteen flights of stairs. He didn't want to take the elevator, he needed to stay in motion, less he get teary eyed again. He would be making it out just before the lunchtime rush, so he really did have the day off. But all he wanted to do now was to go home and see Claira.

* * *

He arrived home in the cultural suburb, with its stereotypical picket fences and perfectly green grass lawns. It was surprising he could remember his own house, they all looked so alike. His entry into the house was followed by a confused "Hello?" in a sweet, melodious voice he had grown to love. He walked past the living room with its dark hardwood floors and maroon walls into the kitchen, which had a homey, tan décor. It had been a few months since Claira had moved in with john, and she became increasingly comfortable around the house, shown by the fact she was doing dishes in her pink flowery bra and PJ bottoms. The light from the south window shone through the window and the steam from the dishes in the sink, making a multihued aura that surrounded Claira as he entered the kitchen. He smiled, but couldn't help but keep the downcast expression on his face.

"Aw, what's wrong babe?" she asked cutely, as she embraced him with a warm hug and a small peck of a kiss. Her hands were still wet from the dishes, but he didn't mind, she was so beautiful and kind, sweet, a million facets of the perfect woman, he would do anything for her. She was about chest height on John, and as she embraced him he returned the gesture, adding a deep kiss, his tongue skillfully and deftly finding and caressing hers. They remained this way for a brief moment that John wished would stretch into eternity, but she parted for air shortly after their start. Her smile was warm as she looked up into his eyes, but she could see his sadness, his uncertainty. "Are you ok? I wasn't expecting you home so soon, what's wrong?"

He took a deep breath before he answered, his expanding chest pushing against hers, her fuzzy sweater mittens warm and firm. "Yeah, it's just been a tough day at work, so they let me come home early, but I'll probably be working late again tomorrow."

"Well, I don't get to see you this early anymore, so let's see if I can turn that frown upside down." She smirked as she broke away and walked down the hall to the bedroom. Although his mind and heart were racing, his hands and chest felt cold and empty without her next to them. It was because of the latter that he raced down the hall after her, catching her and jumping with her onto the bed. He could see and feel that she was in the mood, her nipples poking through her fur and bra. His member began poking at his pants as well. They laughed as they hit the mattress, and continued the deep kissing they had started in the kitchen. His hands slowly moving along her back, undoing her bra and revealing the luscious C cup breasts they contained. At the same time she undid his shirt, nimbly moving her hands from button to button. After his shirt was out of the way her hands quickly ran up and down his chest, causing John to growl deeply with pleasure. He broke away from their kiss and softly nipped at the fur of her neck, the golden curls and waves enticing him, intoxicating him. He continued to move lower until he was softly biting and licking at Claira's nipples while she giggled. The giggles softly stopped and suddenly became moans as she could feel John's fingers manipulating and caressing her opposite breast and nipple. Again he descended with his muzzle, the smell of her sex becoming stronger and even more compelling. He poked at her PJs with his tongue and as he expected she was already dripping wet. He slowly pulled down the cloth barrier to his love and began licking at her folds, grabbing her hips firmly and inserting his tongue, receiving an encouraging moan with every thrust and lap of his bulbous mouth muscle. She was beginning to approach her climax; her hips and legs entering wild spasms as her inner fire grew. Suddenly all of her muscles below the waist locked as a piercing moan perked John's ears and a rocking orgasm flowed into his mouth, and he eagerly collecting the spendings.

"Ooh, oh my god, its been a while since I've felt one of those." She panted, looking down at his wicked grin.

He chuckled. "Well, let me see if I can give you another then." And with that he undid his trousers and revealed his fully grown member, swollen from his oral adventure and ready to be used. After completely disrobing he positioned himself over her, and gently funneled his cock into her wet, dripping lower lips.

"Uhhhnnnng. Your so damn big! Nnng. Fuck your going to tear me in two!" Claira exclaimed as his full length slowly entered its warm, muscly summer home. He chuckled again as he slowly started to thrust into her, gradually increasing his pace. She moaned continuously, clinging her arms around his back above her, holding on for dear life. Her legs began to flail again as she approached climax, kicking him on the back and sides of his legs. They were a painful sign that he was on the right path, and he too was approaching his limit. As he kept thrusting the lower end of his member bulged into a knot of muscle, which he eagerly pushed into his love, connecting them further. Her legs locked behind him, she entered into another mind blowing orgasm, screaming in pleasure as her juices coated his member and gushed out of her sex, the pressure pushing past his enormous knot. Her moans were matched by a monstrous howl as he thrust as deep as he could, his seed exploding into her, coating the inside of her walls and splashing against her cervix before also being forced out onto the bedspread by the copious volume of the liquid.

He gently turned over and placed Claira on top of himself, and embraced her in a loving cuddle, kissing her furiously in between his gasps for air. She countered with a bear hug that caused them both to simply lay there, enjoying each others company, feeling each others heartbeat in joyous asymphony. They were beginning to doze in each others arms when John took a deep breath and said "I really don't deserve you, Claira." As he stroked the back of her head and neck.

"Yeah, but then again, who does?" she laughed, her chest heaves bouncing her off his abdomen. His member had recently retreated into his sheath, and she was slowly leaking the mixture of their relationship onto him and the bedspread when she spoke again. "Well, stay here for a minute and I'll make some lunch for us, kay?" she started to get up, but something compelled him to grab her arm.

"Hold on a sec, just lay here with me for a while, I don't get the afternoon off every day, and I want to spend it with the woman I love." He said caringly, as he looked into her emerald eyes. She relaxed, and gently layed down on him once again and closed her eyes.

Le Fin. (THE END)